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Chasing the Kona dream and a Mai Tai cocktail



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    AM Swim Session
    My AM session became a lunchtime session as i was bloody wrecked when the alarm went off so listened to my body and slept on. It actually worked out well as i ended up in a lane of fishes with one of the lads from work. It was bloody hard work in a group of about 5 and whilst i was getting lapped a few times i was working harder than i normally do so perhaps a weekly group swim could be beneficial. The problem with this would be another evening taken up which would be pushing things as i like to get my swims in early.
    Some good pointers from the experienced lads, I keep opening my fingers as i go into the pull phase so not getting the full benefit from the pull and my kick is terrible with the legs flying about the place and wide (like a lady of the night in Leeson Street:)) as one of the lads joked, so something to work on.
    Distance: 2200mtrs
    Time: 50 mins

    Midweek Hilly Brick Session - 90min bike/45 min run
    The evening got away from me again and it was starting to spit down with rain so i opted for the turbo again and watched some more of the Giro. I took a section of the San Remo course which had two climbs in it and a total of 480 mtrs climbing.
    Cannot remember the exact stats but something like,
    Distance: 48km
    Time: 1:30
    Avg speed: 31km
    Power/Cadence: 190/97

    I kept this run slower than i usually do running at 5.20km pace which is slightly slower than IM planned pace. Around the 6km mark i came down off a curb awkwardly and felt a sharp pain up my right leg and in particular my right knee. I ran for another km or so but decided to walk the rest of the way home just to be safe. Hard to describe the pain it was like a sharp jolt to the knee every time my foot landed and the muscles from the knee below felt weak:confused:. Gave it some RICE when i got home and it appears to be okay this morning but will pull the easy lunchtime bike and club run session tonight if i feel any pain at all as its not worth the risk.
    Distance: 7.22km
    Time: 38:29
    Pace: 5:19km
    Another two benchmarks hit in the SBR, a gold on the bike and another green for the run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Well done on the 2 SBR targets JB. You are reeling me in slowly. Your avg weekly hrs are higher than mine and your avg weekly bike kms are higher too, this is looking morelike a sub10 log everyday :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Fecking green whites and gold being logged in the SBR by this lad. Fair play JB.

    Yea the group swims are great for making you work that little bit harder. But as you say its nice to get the swim done in the AM, freeing time up for other training or family duties in the evening. Luckily my group swim is in the AM.

    Wise decision re the knee pain - it will probably clear up in a day or two. Not worth risking it at this stage.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Well done on the 2 SBR targets JB. You are reeling me in slowly. Your avg weekly hrs are higher than mine and your avg weekly bike kms are higher too, this is looking morelike a sub10 log everyday :D

    I reckon you need to take a month off dude and give me a chance to properly catch up:D. The increased work on the bike is down to the fact i believe this a make or break area for posting an overall good IM time.
    I have to say the SBR challenge is a good motivator and credit to you for setting it up and updating it.
    I would love to think someday i had a sub 10 hour in me but i am a long way off that. At least you have natural talent and previous tri experience to call on which makes the task a lot more beatable for you. If i ever had any ideas of sub 10 hour IM i would need to get the bike split down to close on 5 hours and still be able to run a 3.30 off the bike. I think course selection would be critical and i would need to look at a fairly fast bike section on an IM course.
    Macanri wrote: »
    Fecking green whites and gold being logged in the SBR by this lad. Fair play JB.

    Yea the group swims are great for making you work that little bit harder. But as you say its nice to get the swim done in the AM, freeing time up for other training or family duties in the evening. Luckily my group swim is in the AM.

    Wise decision re the knee pain - it will probably clear up in a day or two. Not worth risking it at this stage.

    I just meed a white to complete the Irish flag:)

    Yeah the swims in the morning suit my schedule/commitments although i know i am missing out on the group swimming which would bring me on. I am heading down to the club session tonight as i need to bring Junior down so going to do a warm up and if the knee is troubling me i will just sit on the sidelines as it aint worth the risk. Any mad thoughts for an IM next year yet?:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Plan: Lunchtime Bike
    Actual: Lunchtime gym
    Switched this about as the rain started to come down heavy and did not fancy going out on the bike. Once again concentrated on upper body and spent a good 30 mins on core and left the legs alone to keep them fresh. The abs got a good going over and i was aching afterwards. All the weights i was able to lift prior to IM training is long longer a gym bunny:)
    Time: 55 mins

    Evening Club Session - WU, 8x200s, WD
    Took it easy on the warm up and felt no pain in the right knee so decided to do one of the intervals and see how it went, first one no problem so done the full session.
    Ran them handy tonight and ran the last one slightly faster. Not sure what the knee problem was last night but will continue to monitor it closely and cancel sessions if i need to as it's all about hitting the start line fresh and injury free.
    Intervals in 33,32,35,31,31,31,32, 28 (last one was an extra few mtrs:rolleyes:)
    Distance: 4.62km
    Time: 21:15
    Pace: 4:35km/7:24mile
    HR: 149/178

    Busy weekend coming up with the eldest making his communion so i may need to get the Long Bike in tomorrow evening straight after work and the Father is up on Saturday evening so may do 8 miles with him at his half marathon pace for the Wexford Half sub 2 attempt and then tack on another 8/9 faster miles for this weeks LSR.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Having received a yes back from my successful application to the better half i have just ordered myself a new set of wheels:). Fulcrum Racing 3 clinchers on the way for the Betty Crockett TT bike, sweeeeeeeet.

    I will be able to go 0.652kpmh faster now:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    I will be able to go 0.652kpmh faster nowrolleyes.gif

    ........but you'll look like a real triathlete when doing it:)

    Have you started shaving your arms for that extra 0.00000001kph on the bike yet?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    griffin100 wrote: »
    ........but you'll look like a real triathlete when doing it:)

    Have you started shaving your arms for that extra 0.00000001kph on the bike yet?

    No waiting closer to the race:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Lunchtime Swim
    Got my hands on Interested swim sets and put them to use today. Completed session 9 of the short sessions as i was stuck for time.
    WU of 200, main set of 2x400 in on 8:25/8:11, 6x75 drills (25 breathing every 3,5,7 strokes) I could not manage the 7s so replaced with 5s, i think Interested is trying to simulate drowning with these:) Finished off with a 200 CD.
    Really enjoyable session and i feel my technique coming back, took things nice and slow and kept things smooth.
    Catch and pull improving and can really feel the water being pushed behind me on each stroke. I know i get no forward movement from my kick as it's cack so dreaded kick drills required in future sessions.
    Distance: 1650mtrs

    Windy Evening Spin
    Lot's of ass clowns out tonight in their cars as i had 3 near misses, 2 with the same driver funnily enough:mad: Not one of my better sessions as i did not push myself at all so this will be chalked down as a junk session. Looks like i will not fit a long bike at the weekend as there is so much on in the JB Manor in the next two days. Communions are like organising weddings, Mrs gone OTT on the planning side of things:rolleyes:
    Distance: 66.14km
    Time: 2:18:29
    Avg speed: 28.7kpmh
    HR: 134/150

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Any mad thoughts for an IM next year yet?:)

    Glad to hear the knee was a bit of a phantom pain. Happy days.

    I have no mad thoughts for an IM any year yet!!!:p

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Saturday & Sunday
    All i managed this weekend was a short 45 minute bike, will stick up garmin stats later but it was somewhere around 29kpmh avg and 23.5kms covered in the wind and pissing rain.
    However I did manage to get the HR into Z5 on Sunday morning trying to get everyone ready for communion mass:rolleyes: just about made it:)

    Week 26 Summary
    09th May - 15th May|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Conditioning|1|00:55|Strengthening Work/Core - Gym

    Totals so far[/cU]
    15th Nov- 15th May|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Conditioning|18|16:15|Strengthening Work - Gym
    Other|6|3:30|Swim coaching

    Not a great week volume wise and miffed i could not fit a long bike and LSR in but i was busy with the eldest lads communion at the weekend and the house was packed for the majority of it. Time to get the head down and stop slacking, this was due to be Wk 1 of Peak but you could more or less call it a recovery week with the lack of volume in there.
    I am due to be doing an extended big gear turbo session (similiar to last weeks) for this evening but the energy levels are low at the moment and not feeling the love for it right now with all the running around i done at the weekend.
    Received some gear from CRC and of course they are out of stock of the two things i really needed for Barca HIM:mad:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Macanri wrote: »
    Glad to hear the knee was a bit of a phantom pain. Happy days.

    I have no mad thoughts for an IM any year yet!!!:p

    The phantom knee pain is gone and replaced with what feels like shin splint like pain down the same leg so i certainly tweaked something last week. Have not ran since Thursday so will see what it is like on my next run.
    You should get your speak in early with the OH just in case you change your mind on doing an IM;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    JB, what 2 things are you looking for for the HIM?. If I have them I can lend them to you - provided it's not two legs your after :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Macanri wrote: »
    JB, what 2 things are you looking for for the HIM?. If I have them I can lend them to you - provided it's not two legs your after :)

    Ah I had ordered a tri bottle kit, they sent the bottle but out of stock of the bracket. The other thing was a stem/tube pouch for my gels, I can pick up one of these handy enough. Cheers for the offer, if they cannot guarantee delivery I will cancel the remainder of the order and get it somewhere else. 2 legs would come in handy for spares:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Well Jb, just done catching up on your log. Good to see you are still going strong and keeping healthy and un-injured.

    I watched London marathon and one thing was in my mind - 'thank god I'm not doing this-it looks awful hot!' You now have a solid base of running already so just be careful of big running miles-provides the most danger as regards injury.

    Well done on your first tri and BELIEVE me and everybody else here when we say - it will get better. Anyway it was only the swim that was down a bit, sure and the only reason for that is your inexperience in OW swimming. Fair play to you on getting in the water in that lake and coming back the next day too! Takes balls I know. Also now there are a few of us around over the summer and you will be able to get plenty of practice in.

    Well done and keep it up, looking forward to shouting you on in Bolton :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Nothing done yesterday, just knackered tired. I had a solid 10 hour sleep last night and badly needed it!!
    Feeling fresh today so the plan will be an easy cycle at lunchtime to ease myself back in, skipping the club running session for an OW swim at Clogherhead at 7pm as there is a group that meet up there and then a run after to test out the legs.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Tuesday Lunchtime
    Lunchtime Bike
    I decided to work a bit harder rather than the easy spin i suggested earlier. Kept this all in the big gear including into the headwind and any small drags i encountered. I felt guilty for missing my session last night so really worked it in parts and happy to be back at it with a decent effort/pace overall.
    Whilst the wind is a pain it does give you a good workout!!
    Distance: 24.94km & 7km commute
    Time: 43:54
    Avg speed: 34.1kmph/75.2kmph:confused:
    Avg HR: 152/161 - 79% of max

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Tuesday PM
    OW Swim - DroghedaTriClub
    There was about 10 of us at the Clogherhead Slipway (beside the pier). It took a while to get everyone in the water, i just dived instead of faffing about by dipping my toes in. Sea was not as choppy as i expected and the water temp was okay after a few minutes into it. I set off slowly and worked myself into it. We had a headwind and a slight current on the way out so i knew i would be fast on the way back. I kept the stroke nice and long and i felt more comfortable breathing to one side every two strokes rather than bi lateral breathing on every 3. I was also lifting the head every 3/4 breaths to sight to make sure i was going straight. Practiced a bit of drafting off one of the lads from behind and to the side to get some practice in.
    Happy with the session and a nice spot to swim around in. The guys said the loop has been measured at 1200mtrs so if thats correct chuffed with the time of 22.35 on the stopwatch as that has me at 1:53/100 which is a bit more like it. Much prefer the sea swimming and the aim will be to get an OW IM distance swim in during the peak phase.
    Distance: 1300mtrs
    Time: 22:35

    Evening Run - 7.9km
    Got out for quick and faster paced run than normal as it was getting dark. Great evening with a slight drizzle coming down, Oldbridge is such a nice place to run around on nights like this. Enjoyed this one and no more niggles to report from the right leg....result.
    Distance: 7.9km
    Time: 36:24
    Pace: 4:36km/7:24mile
    HR: 162/174

    Solid day put down, more of the same for the rest of the week.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    As the title suggests i am really loving the training at the moment i reckon those few rest days over the weekend is exactly what i needed to re-motivate myself.

    AM Swim Session - Interested Swim Set No 1 (Long Sets)
    Up and early for another one of Interested swim sets.
    400 wu, 4x(5x100s) with 60 sec rest in between each set of 500s, 6x50 bc, 4x100 and 400 swim down.
    I felt grand on the on the first 4 sets of 5x100's but did tire towards the end of the session which is to be expected with the OW swim the night before. Left the watch at home but will start timing these again to see what time i am coming in on as i feel the swim mojo is coming back.
    Distance: 3500 mtrs
    Time: 1:35

    3.5 hour midweek brick
    Bike Summary
    The aim for this midweek brick was to keep a nice high cadence on the bike and get my longest brick run in and all close to IM effort/pace. I simply loved being out tonight on the bike, mostly a crosswind all the way but a nice evening. I maintained a nice cadence keeping it mostly in the small ring, really should get a cadence sensor sorted but by feel i would estimate easily in the 100-105 range. Just took on 500ml 2 for 1 energy drink which i will be using in my IM fueling plans.
    Distance: 73km
    Time: 2:25:18
    Avg speed: 30.2kmph
    HR: 142/160 (74% max)

    Run Summary
    I was about 5 minutes in transition and just had a quick energy bar as i was feeling peckish. Took a gel with me as as well but did not need it. Kept the pace around the 5 min km mark (which would have you off a 3:30 marathon) and it felt relatively easy to maintain, in fact kept reigning it back in a bit.
    Distance: 13km
    Time: 1:04:55
    Pace: 4:59km
    HR: 155/163 (80% of max)

    A pleasing session, 3.5 hours and a total of 86kms covered.

    Thursday AM
    In the gym for 7am and a 60 minute session. I spent half of the session doing core exercises, benched a bit, rowed 3000mtrs and spent the rest of the session doing some stretching.
    Time: 60mins

    Recovery cycle planned for lunchtime and club running session tonight.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Just came across this UKIM blog on Tri Talk really does highlight the fact you will be found out at the distance if you have not fully prepared and trained for it.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Lunchtime Spin
    Took the same spin on Tuesday but took this much easier as the legs were tight after the midweek brick.
    Distance: 25km & 7km commute
    Time: 47:10
    Avg speed: 31.8kmph
    Avg HR: 142

    Evening Club Session
    This was due to be a planned interval session but there was not many in the faster group so we ended up doing some easy laps with some tempo work in the middle. A lap comes in at 700mtrs so we threw in 3 hard and some easy with the hard being done around 4-4.15km pace. Holding the 4-4.15km felt pretty handy tbh were i would have struggled to hold anywhere near that pace in the past.
    Distance: 8.93kms
    Time: 43:13
    Pace: 4.50km
    HR: 159/177

    Slight change of plan as i was late to the pool so done a recovery run before work and switched the swim to lunchtime.

    Recovery Run

    Took it very very handy this felt like snails pace but stuck with it and kept it at recovery pace.
    Distance: 7km
    Time: 40:11
    Pace: 5:44km
    HR: 139/152

    Lunchtime Long Swim
    It feels like it has been an age since i done a long swim. Ideally should have got to the pool early and done 80-90 mins this morning but had to make do with around 60 mins (extended lunch:pac:). I managed to get in 110 lengths of the pool. I did tire towards the end but not so suprising given the busy weeks training, my kick was non existant towards the end but happier with my stroke.
    Distance: 2750mtrs

    Really big weekend planned, not a fan of the Don Fink long bike and long run back to back but hey thats whats coming my way. I am cycling down to Wexford tomorrow and meeting the clan down there (Missus is giving me a 3 hour headstart). This is going to be a tough old day on the bike, its about 198kms and as if thats not hard enough i will have a headwind about 35/40kmph into my face all the way down:eek: Fck it looking forward to my longest bike to date.

    Wexford pacing duties on the Sunday so plan to do about 3km before and 2km after to bring my LSR up to 26km. Pacing 2 hours so it will be handy but more importantly should have a good 2.5 hours on my feet.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    A very Long Bike
    It was a bloody tough day on the saddle but at least the IM bike section will seem like a doddle compared to this. As expected it was a headwind of about 40-45kmph all the way down which slowed me down considerably (not sure what this would equate to in avg speed terms).
    When i got to Bray the wind really picked up along the N11 and then the rain came down for about 3 hours. I got one puncture coming up to Jack Whites pub and my hands were numb changing the tube.
    I ended up on the Motorway a few times as the N11/M11 switches a few times along the way but eventually had to get off into Inch/Gorey and along the R741 thankfully the weather cleared up a small bit towards the end of the spin. The battery went dead on the garmin after 5.5 hours but i ended up rolling into the hotel over 8 hours out on the road and met up with the family who thought i got lost or worse!!
    Really mentally tough to be faced with a headwind all the way down and keep yourself motivated but happy i stuck with it as it will stand to me on race day. I reckon the total kms covered is more like 210kms with the slight detours around Bray/Inch/Gorey and the total climbing around 1400mtrs or so
    Distance: about 210kms
    Time: about 8hrs
    Avg speed: about 26kpmh
    HR: 139/158

    No run off the bike, any wonder!!

    Short Swim
    Straight down to the Leisure Centre in the Hotel with the family. Done about 5x100mtrs in a half arsed attempt to do some swim work:rolleyes:. Spent the rest of the time in the Jacuzzi soothing sore legs and watching the kids splash about and reflecting on the long bike.

    2 hour pacing Wexford Half Marathon
    A windy day out but an enjoyable and a very easy paced run. Got a good few over the line in our group with some emotional blackmail used towards the end to get a few more across the line. Unfortuneatly i could not get the Father under the 2 hour mark having faltered at the 19km mark but at nearly 60 years of age a 2:02:xx half aint so bad and 17 minutes of his half time in Larne. Chinguetti was the other pacer and we had some good banter along the way, nice of him to loose his balloon at the 1km marker:pac:
    Nice to see organisers make the change to kms and to have them accurately located through the course.
    Distance: 21.15km
    Time: 1:59:12

    I hope to get out for an hour later or on the turbo to finish off this weeks training, it has been a tough week but coming out of it much stronger both mentally and physically.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    That will be the making of your Ironman attempt, I was wondering if you would go ahead with it when I saw the weather in the West that morning, it mustn't have come till the afternoon for you, but 8 hours in the saddle :eek: - well done!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    catweazle wrote: »
    That will be the making of your Ironman attempt, I was wondering if you would go ahead with it when I saw the weather in the West that morning, it mustn't have come till the afternoon for you, but 8 hours in the saddle :eek: - well done!

    Yeah it aint nice when you look at and see an arrow pointing in the wrong direction with those sort of wind speeds not to mention the rain. I nearly did not go ahead with it but alas my stubborness kicked in and off i went:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,551 ✭✭✭chinguetti

    Nice to meet you today Jacky and twas good fun doing the pacing with you. I enjoyed the pacing and the blackmail seemed to have worked.

    You're Dad nearly 60. Heck, thats a great time and tell him i said so. Also i never would have thought he was that age, he looked in far better nick than alot of the runners we were with.

    Good luck with the training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Pity I didn't see your Wexford bike earlier. I could have tagged along with you from the N11 near Wicklow town, blast. :mad:
    I was up running on Djouce mt on Sat morning, bloody wind was mad , almost as bad this morning going north on the N11 on the bike
    Frigging hate wind on the bike

    Great stuff F

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    chinguetti wrote: »
    Nice to meet you today Jacky and twas good fun doing the pacing with you. I enjoyed the pacing and the blackmail seemed to have worked.

    You're Dad nearly 60. Heck, thats a great time and tell him i said so. Also i never would have thought he was that age, he looked in far better nick than alot of the runners we were with.

    Good luck with the training.

    Yeah i enjoyed it myself a good day out. Yeah he is closing in on 60 and only got back into running this year. He used to be in the Army and has a sub 36 min 10k time many moons ago. He was chuffed with his time but the last few hills and wind done him in.
    Abhainn wrote: »
    Pity I didn't see your Wexford bike earlier. I could have tagged along with you from the N11 near Wicklow town, blast. :mad:
    I was up running on Djouce mt on Sat morning, bloody wind was mad , almost as bad this morning going north on the N11 on the bike
    Frigging hate wind on the bike

    Great stuff F

    Heh J, I was really hopeful of picking up with someone along the N11 as you normally see plenty along there. At least i could have shared the work on the front but not to be as i seemed to be the only gob****e out in it:) There must have been some fun cycle early on Saturday morning along the Strand road/East Wall road as i seen two lads on a tandem dressed as Batman & Robin (either that or else my eyes were deceiving me).
    Agree with you on the wind it has been a real killer for the last while.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Week 27 Summary
    16th May - 22nd May|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Conditioning|1|00:60|Strengthening Work/Core - Gym

    Totals so far[/cU]
    15th Nov- 22nd May|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Conditioning|19|17:15|Strengthening Work - Gym
    Other|6|4:00|Stretching & Swim Coaching

    Super week and my biggest yet with plenty of good sessions put down with the OW swim, midweek brick and the long bike being the stand out sessions. Only 68 days to race day and 7 weeks training left before i taper. It's starting to feel very real:eek: Looking forward to the HIM at the weekend and a few relaxing days away with the family.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    That's some week you put in JB. Savage going.

    Best of luck in the HIM. Enjoy the down time too! :cool:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Savage week JB! 8 hrs in the saddle :o 23 hrs in total, you are really puttingt in the hours. Can we take it that this will be the longest bike ride you will do?
