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Chasing the Kona dream and a Mai Tai cocktail



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Firstly, very well done JB. Not many do a HIM as there 2nd tri! No problem for you though considering the amount of training you've put in.

    You had alot of obstacles thrown in as well for good measure. I'ld say sub 5hr would be on for you had the back been better, the weather cooler and if you left the young fellow with his ma, and went for a sprint finish :).

    Nice one, fair play man.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,054 ✭✭✭theboyblunder

    great stuff jackyback! A strong performance in its own right but with that buildup its pretty impressive. Dont know how you lads do it......

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    I can't wait to cycle on smooth continental road surfaces! Again, you will be fresher and bursting with energy after a good taper for IMUK and I've no doubt a special day is in store for you.
    The smooth roads make a huge difference as you really feel like you are rolling along without much effort. Given how your bike is going you will have a super fast bike split around Roth, i am sure of it.
    I have learned lots from this race which i will bring with me to IMUK. Taper and the 48/72 hours building up to the race are so crucial in fact i consider them to be the most important part of my training in the next few weeks.
    Well done JB, you did well in less than ideal circumstances. You had a lot to deal with in the preceding 36 hours. Fair play to the better half, I tell you one thing without their support, especially when sh!t goes wrong, well things would be a lot more difficult.
    Don't worry about the swim. It will come good, you just need more experience, we've all been through it believe me. I only got the sighting right after a dozen or so races! Like I said before great bike split dude. The run must have been very very tough in the heat and with a sore back.
    Hope you don't come down with anything too bad and the baby is feeling better. Take the few days, maybe even a week, I find it does the world of good ;)
    Cheers ElD, yeah the build up was far from ideal and i was stressed before i even stepped into the water. The OH played a blinder but i have learned race weekends and family holidays need to be done seperately as it is too much to try and fit it in especially with 4 young kids. With regards to the swim it is what it is and i cannot see myself knocking too much time off between now and IMUK so i just need to try become as efficient as possible. The run was just uncomfortable as every stride i was taking was just sending a driving pain into the back and the heat did not help. Sure i more or less ran at recovery pace/hr.
    I have only done one OW swim session since the race as i came down with a cold so only starting to come around. It is a recovery week so just a few sessions for the rest of the week to take it easy starting with an easy run tonight to see if the back pain is cleared.
    catweazle wrote: »
    What was the swell like for the swim? I didn't like the sea swims at all last year, found it dificult to get a rhythm. Super bike time, did you think it had an effect on the run after, getting the bike wrong killed my run last year
    It was choppy enough for the first 200 mtrs or so but not as bad as the night before were it was really bad. I actually prefer the sea swims to lake for some reason. Nah the poor run split was down to general discomfort with the back, heat and difficulty breathing with my sinuses. I actually played it safe on the bike split given how i was feeling, on a normal day feeling 100% i would be taking a good 10/15 minutes off that time.
    kennyb3 wrote: »
    Fair play for battling JB and a time not to be sniffed at. Got to agree with CW. I think its pretty clear you over cooked the bike and paid on the run - definitely something to watch out hugely for in the IM.
    As per the above i played it safe enough on the bike, split is here so you can see steady enough effort/hr.
    ronanmac wrote: »
    I'm not in a position to give any advice but I know I'd be annoyed at adding 100 metres to an already long swim due to mis-sighting!It's all experience for the big day. That could be the perfect day!
    Yeah bad enough having to swim but adding on the extra distance especially for a slow swimmer like me is not good. Just need to practice sighting more in my weekly OW swims.
    Macanri wrote: »
    Firstly, very well done JB. Not many do a HIM as there 2nd tri! No problem for you though considering the amount of training you've put in.
    You had alot of obstacles thrown in as well for good measure. I'ld say sub 5hr would be on for you had the back been better, the weather cooler and if you left the young fellow with his ma, and went for a sprint finish :).
    Nice one, fair play man.
    Yeah i should not loose sight of the fact it's only my second ever tri so it's all experience for the big day. The young lad was loving the cheers on the run in:)
    great stuff jackyback! A strong performance in its own right but with that buildup its pretty impressive. Dont know how you lads do it......
    We like the pain, the term "pain is temporary, pride is forever" is very apt at times.

    I best update my weekly numbers and catch up on some of the logs on here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Week 28 Summary
    23rd May - 29th May|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Conditioning|1|00:60|Strengthening Work/Core - Gym

    Totals so far[/cU]
    15th Nov- 29th May|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Conditioning|20|18:15|Strengthening Work - Gym
    Other|6|4:00|Stretching & Swim Coaching

    Week included HIM race, only 58 days to race day:eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Evening Club Run
    I think the novelty of running is wearing off on JB Junior so ended up running up and back to the track. I initially planned to do a few laps but got in with a group who were doing 5X1k interval sets at steady 10k pace for them which was around 4.10/15km with 90sec recovery jog in between.
    They felt fine apart from the breathing/sinuses and we hit them in 4:13,12,10,02 and i finished with a 3:54.
    The back pain from last weekend is drifting down into my arse:eek: and i felt it when i got home so maybe i need to go for an MOT.
    Longer and more intense than i originally planned for my first real session this week but a nice evening for it.
    Distance: 17km
    Time: 1:24:50
    Pace: 4:59km
    HR: 155/180

    AM Swim
    Stayed in bed and talked myself out of the session. Annoyed with myself for missing it and i will try get some OW swimming in this evening.

    Lunchtime Easy Run

    Just an easy run in the sun and nothing to taxing. The pollen must be high today as i am in bits.
    Distance: 5.48km
    Time: 30:10
    Pace: 5:30km
    HR: 148/174

    Came across these lovely pics of last weeks race:)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    30 min OW Swim
    Headed down to Clogherhead in the afternoon and done a quick 30 minute session, did not feel great during and after it and felt is if i had no energy.

    Easy Evening spin
    Just an easy session with a mate who is doing the W200, he is going to suffer next week having done just one 100km spin:eek:. I threw in 5km at race pace just to pick the average pace up a little. Nice evening but felt flat enough on the bike.
    Distance: 47.27km
    Time: 1:44:52
    Avg speed: 27kmph
    HR: 131

    25km LSR
    This was a horrible run in fact it was the worst run since i started my IM training. You often here of people suffering with the usual training/mind games pain in a session or the dreaded actual pain when your body is giving you signals something is up. Well i think i was suffering from the later all the way during this run as i felt like collapsing and was dizzy when i got home. There is something up with me as i should be full of beans coming off the back of a very easy recovery week. It is also noticeable that the HR was up 10bpm from a near identical session a few months back so another sure sign something is up.
    Distance: 25km
    Time: 2:09:14
    Pace: 5:10km
    HR: 155/177

    Plan - Tour of Louth 100km
    Actual - Nothing as not feeling good.

    I bloody hate not being able to train properly but i know its the right call to call off sessions when i am feeling like crap. It is now a week since i first started feeling **** so doc time i think. Pretty crap timing as i am due to head into another batch of peak training tomorrow.

    Ok enough moaning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Hey dude I hope you are feeling a little better. You are right to get it sorted now, you don't want to waste time now only to find you have to go to the doc next week, best get it done now just in case. It could just be a simple case of being a little run down from the stress of the race in Spain and and the stress of traveling and everything that went with it. It can sometimes take a couple of weeks to recover.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    I would think you still have Barcelona in the legs - and you have put in a good weeks training on top of that.

    Dont underestimate a 1/2 Ironman, it will take a lot out of you

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Week 29 Summary
    30th May - 06th June|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Conditioning|0|00:00|Strengthening Work/Core - Gym

    Totals so far[/cU]
    15th Nov- 29th May|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Conditioning|20|18:15|Strengthening Work - Gym
    Other|6|4:00|Stretching & Swim Coaching

    Pretty crap week even if it was only a recovery week.
    Hey dude I hope you are feeling a little better. You are right to get it sorted now, you don't want to waste time now only to find you have to go to the doc next week, best get it done now just in case. It could just be a simple case of being a little run down from the stress of the race in Spain and and the stress of traveling and everything that went with it. It can sometimes take a couple of weeks to recover.
    catweazle wrote: »
    I would think you still have Barcelona in the legs - and you have put in a good weeks training on top of that.

    Dont underestimate a 1/2 Ironman, it will take a lot out of you

    Thanks lads i was at the docs this morning and it's a sinus infection which would explain why i was feeling ****, hr up and breathing problems.
    I will play this week by ear and only do sessions if i am feeling good. On a positive note i do feel a lot better today and felt a bit stupid going to the Docs tbh.
    CW you are probably right as well it was a tough block of 3 weeks training including a HIM at the back end of it. I think i covered about +50 hours in those 3 weeks with some big and intense sessions and the race itself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Just catching up with the log now JB. Nice result in Barca given the build up (and the fact that it was only your 2nd ever Tri).
    another crap swim then even though I thought I was going decent enough and felt comfortable

    The main thing is that you felt comfortable. Don't stress the swim thing, I tortured myself with swim times and my swim progress last year (just look at last years log) but on the day went better than I had hoped. Either way its only going to be a few minutes for you and any swim gain could be wiped out by one puncture on the bike. Lake swims are easier anyway;) If you can get into the lake for a swim on the Friday or Saturday of race week, you'll swim much better when you know what the lake looks and tastes like:).
    Came across these lovely pics of last weeks racesmile.gif

    Nice, but do that at an IM race and you'll be DQ'd AFAIK.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    I had originally planned to do an OW swim down along the Bull Wall but decided against it as it was very windy and the water was choppy.

    Cycle - 2 loops of Howth Hill (Sutton side)

    I brought the bike with me so headed off in Howth direction. Took it easy going up the hill as there was a decent headwind to make the climb that little bit tougher. I hit the hill in about 11:30 for the first one and 10:46 for the second one going at a slightly quicker pace. On a nice calm day and giving it hell for leather i could probably muster an 8:xx.
    Distance: 33.25km
    Time: 1:13:55
    Avg speed: 27kmph
    no HRM

    AM Turbo
    An hour of easy spinning before work as i was up early. Just maintained a high cadence.
    Distance: 31.6km
    Cadence: 104

    Club Interval Session
    I was going to play this one by ear dependant on how i was feeling during the session. I did not arrive down until late in the session and the plan was 6x1km @ 10k pace with 90 sec recovery in between. After the warm up (3 laps 2.1km) i completed the first one with the group (their last) and was on my own for the last 5.
    The rain started to piss down on the 2nd one and i started to enjoy myself.
    Hit the intervals in 4:05 (more like 3:56 as late hitting the lap button), 3:56, 3:59, 3:57, 3:52 and 3:56 followed by a 1.8km warm down. Overall the average pace for the intervals was 3:57km and i was happy with how i felt after the session.
    Distance: 10km
    Time: 34:17 + 10 minutes of missed warm up on garmin
    Avg pace: 3:57km on intervals and 4:14km overall
    HR: 166/178

    Wednesday AM
    IM Distance Swim : 3.8km
    I have only done two of these so far, one back in March in 1:19:25 and second one in April in 1:22:31 which seems a long time ago. Given swim volume has dropped off since then i was not expecting to hit similiar times. Felt ok up to the 2.5km mark and started to tire. I took a quick stop around the 3.2km mark and finally pushed on for the last 600 having to revert to breathing every 2nd stroke. I am sure it looked ugly towards the end.
    Overall a time of 1:28 which is not suprising but i would take that time right now if it was offered to me on race day. Happy enough to get the session in and need to do one of these in OW very soon and build the swim endurance back up. Not stressing any more on my swimming as there is no point.
    Distance: 3.8km
    Time: 1:28

    Starting to get back to feeling my usual self again, about bloody time!! Looking forward to the W200 on Sunday although i may reconsider going out on the TT rig as it could be an ugly day if the weather forecast is right.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    griffin100 wrote: »
    you'll swim much better when you know what the lake looks and tastes like:).

    I look forward to tasting the duck cr@p:o

    Nice, but do that at an IM race and you'll be DQ'd AFAIK.
    Are you sure as i am sure i have seen it happen a few times before. Better not to chance it just in case.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Just catching up on this now JB. Well done in Barcelona. Impressive going after such a chaotic lead up. How are you feeling now?

    Would you mind shooting me a PM with logistical info, etc and recommendations for Barcelona? Cheers.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Well done on Barcelona. That mental strength will stick to you.

    Out of interest, what sort of cycling training plan were you following for the half ironman?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Just catching up on this now JB. Well done in Barcelona. Impressive going after such a chaotic lead up. How are you feeling now?

    Would you mind shooting me a PM with logistical info, etc and recommendations for Barcelona? Cheers.

    Feeling better than i was last week!! I sent you a pm with all the relevant details for the race, hope it helps.
    nerraw1111 wrote: »
    Well done on Barcelona. That mental strength will stick to you.
    Out of interest, what sort of cycling training plan were you following for the half ironman?

    I was not following a specific half IM training more so training towards the full IM distance with the HIM only used as training/race tune up. I am using (very loosely at this stage) the Don Fink competitive plan. I am doing more hours on the bike than required by the plan as it was one of my limiters at the start. I think it is one of the key legs in a race to get right in terms of the possible time savings and feeling fresh getting off the bike after 180km for the run.
    I would say 4-5 hours cycling a week would be more than sufficient for a HIM. Probably consisting of 4 sessions a week. One easy/recovery, hill repeats, interval session and a long one would suffice.
    Do you have a HIM planned for later in the year?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    PM - 28KM LSR
    I made sure to take plenty of fluids and food on board during the day to make sure i was well stocked up for the run that night. Headed out after i got the kids to bed and ran about 9km and met up with another two lads from the club who i knew were out for a 14k run. Found a nice new route on country roads and finished off the last 5km on my own.
    This felt so much better compared to last weekends LSR and even though the last km was slow (up a steep hill home) i felt as if i could have knocked out another few kms. Legs were stiff afterwards mind you so gave them a good rolling and stretch. Happy with this one, it really is tough getting these sessions completed midweek but happy out:)
    Distance: 28km
    Time: 2:23:17
    Pace: 5:07km
    HR: 154/184 (hr acting up at the start, still higher than i would like tbh it felt much easier than a mid z2 effort)

    AM - Turbo
    Planned session was 90 mins with 5x5 mins intervals thrown in.
    I was a big sleepy head on the turbo for 5:45am as i knew i needed to be finished by 7:15 before the morning madness started in the house. Legs were fairly tight and i was really unsure about this session with the LSR the night previous however i ended up doing 3 of the 5 intervals and kept it at a decent click for the rest.
    Felt happy heading to work knowing i had a decent session in early and the legs felt much better afterwards. I really do find that the cycling sorts the tired running legs out.
    Distance: 52.9km
    Time: 90 minutes
    Avg speed: 35.2kmph

    PM - Messed up Recovery Run
    Headed down to the club with JB Junior and the plan was 10 laps (about 7k) recovery. Hit the garmin and headed off with a small group who were doing an easy few laps. I only looked down after 4k to see we were hitting about 4:50km average pace so let them go and reverted to a more sensible recovery pace. Got to take these slow runs slow!!!
    Distance: 6.88km
    Time: 35:49
    Pace: 5:12km
    HR: 150/171

    A lot of club members heading down to the Bohermeen 5k on Saturday so going to head down and treat the race like a tempo session i done two weeks ago, 2km wu 5k and 2km wd.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    TriAthlone 02nd July - OLY distance, good idea or leave alone. I am picking up a tonne of experience on the two tris so far but perhaps another would do no harm. It falls on my 2nd last weekend of the peak phase before i start to taper.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    TriAthlone 02nd July - OLY distance, good idea or leave alone. I am picking up a tonne of experience on the two tris so far but perhaps another would do no harm. It falls on my 2nd last weekend of the peak phase before i start to taper.

    IMO, 4 weeks out from your IM and in your peak phase why not? Especially as you are still learning. The only reason I could see not to do it is if it means missing some key training session. Look I'm always quick to say race and I've never done a IM but anyway my 2cent for what it's worth :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    IMO, 4 weeks out from your IM and in your peak phase why not? Especially as you are still learning. The only reason I could see not to do it is if it means missing some key training session. Look I'm always quick to say race and I've never done a IM but anyway my 2cent for what it's worth :)

    Looking at the schedule for the week the long run would be midweek and the long bike on Sunday 3rd. If i would be doing anything that day it would likely be an OW swim and/or brick so it could work out well. Essentially a training session within a race environment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    Looking at the schedule for the week the long run would be midweek and the long bike on Sunday 3rd. If i would be doing anything that day it would likely be an OW swim and/or brick so it could work out well. Essentially a training session within a race environment.

    Id be of the opposite view of El D. typically - in dont race too often - but this would fit in nicely for you. Never raced in Athlone but if you'd have planned an OW swim that day anyhow ... then use the race to hammer the swim, focus on clean and quick transitions and the run. Since you'll have done a long bike the day before cruise though that section.

    Just my 2c.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    JB athlone OD 4 weeks out? I'd say not a bother really. Its a fairly handy course with a downhill swim :) The run is grand too. No harm in getting the race in at that point and having a good result to boost your confidence ahead of the taper. I dropped a HIM 5 weeks out as it was too much of an ordeal to travel and then recovery cost affecting my 2 peak weeks. I wold have loved to do the HOTW this year but its just 2 weeks out and one of the toughest OD races on the circuit so it was a no brainer. I did the course myself last weekend just to get a feel for it and it justified my call even more. I'm sill envious of anyone doing it as its a fantastic race. Going deep on an OD race can cost quite a lot of energy but with IM fitness and an 'easy' course I think you will bounce back in time to be fresh for the big show :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    +1 to the general go and do it view. I would also say go and get the experience of the OW swim again, and the other experiences (ie transitions etc). Maybe don't go all out for the rest to aid recovery.

    I hope to do this one too. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Went ahead and registered also doing the OLY Dublin City Triathlon at the end of August.

    @ Interested - My thoughts exactly on the swim, i am going to hammer the swim and go handy enough around the bike & run. The key for the day as you say is swim/transition practice as i am happy were i am at on the bike and run.

    @MCOS - You were dead right dropping those races prior to your IM as they are too tough and you are off on your IM travels 3 weeks before me.

    @Mac - Might see you on race day then:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Thanks for the text earlier JB. Just got registered a short while ago. Sweet.
    So see you on the day. I'll drop you a text around then.
    I assume there are no waves this year, as I was not asked for an estimated swim time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    decided to join ye bucks in Athlone. Just entered meself

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    AM Pyramid Swim Session
    I hit the snooze button a few times this morning which resulted in Mrs JB telling me to get out the fecking door and go swimming:rolleyes: I was slightly late getting to the pool and just made up a pyramid set of 100,200,300,400,500,500,400,300,200,100.
    There was moments were i felt everything starting to click with the technique although I have been told that the bottom half of my body snakes at times which causes a lot of drag. Need to do some drills to try sort this.
    Not for the first time i came out of the shower in the birthday suit before remembering its a unisex area, the poor look on that womans face this morning she got some fright:eek:
    Distance: 3km
    Time: 1:30

    Evening Spin
    Just a steady IM paced spin this evening. It ended up pouring down in the last 15 minutes of the spin and i ended up coming off the bike with the bike slipping from under me on a manhole cover. These things always happen in front of loads of cars/people, no damage done thankfully apart from my ego:rolleyes:
    Distance: 44:49km
    Time: 1:33:35
    Avg speed: 28.5kmph
    HR: 141/156

    @Mac/Abhainn, i will see you boyos down in Athlone so. It must be a mass swim start so you can both lead me out:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,418 ✭✭✭Aimman

    Only catching up on all the logs now, well done in Barcelona. Did they ever find that guy that disappeared after you kicked him for grabbing your ankle? :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Aimman wrote: »
    Only catching up on all the logs now, well done in Barcelona. Did they ever find that guy that disappeared after you kicked him for grabbing your ankle? :D

    Ha Ha he is probably still lying somewhere at the bottom of the Med. I have a new rule for OW swims.....kill or be killed:) When is Portumna on?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,418 ✭✭✭Aimman

    When is Portumna on?
    Next Saturday at 6am. This time next week, I'll probably be getting out of bed to have breakfast. :eek:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    OW Swim - Sighting practice
    I headed down to Clogherhead early on my own, not ideal i know but i will miss the group session tomorrow with the W200.
    I done the normal loop which was 1200/1300mtr and then a few laps close to shore around the buoys practicing my sighting. Very happy with the session, i had the stopwatch on me and i spent 60 minutes in the water. Not sure of overall distance but at a guess about 2.5km.
    Distance: 2.5km
    Time: 60 mins
    5k Bohermeen Race
    We had around 30 down from the club for this race. I knew it would be likely a pb and had a 19:xx in mind especially with a heavy weeks training in the legs. Bumped into Meno before the start and we done a warm up of about 1.5km before the race and headed up. I started to get cold waiting around due to a late start and when the gun finally went off i found the usual ****e of having to run through aul wans and parents had some of their kids up the front, like wtf do they want them to get trampled on:mad:. I lost about 10/15 seconds at the start having to weave in/out and near went over on my ankle having to go up on a grass verge.
    Meno flew past me around the 800mtr mark and i just let him go keeping him in my sights but more importantly keeping a steady pace. I passed a few of my fellow club mates just before the 1st km marker in 3:50, not bad considering the start.
    The 2nd and 3rd km clicked by in 3:46 and 3:51....thats it keep the pace nice and even. I continued to pass out a good few who set out early at this stage. Whilst the legs were feeling fine the breathing with my sinuses had me wheezing like an old man in a lap dance club:eek: I spotted Meno coming back to me in the 4th km and i passed him around the 3.5km mark. He told me after the race that he shouted "you bastard" as i passed:) tbh i was that focussed on my race i did not even here him or else i would have returned with equal banter!!
    4th km hit hit in 3:54km and with about 400 mtrs to go i seen one club mate about 100mtrs ahead and i tried to close him down but he pipped me by 5 secs on the line.
    5km hit in 3:52 for an overall finish time of 19:14 for a well paced and executed 5k race. Met the sister before the race who i did not know was even racing. Good banter after the race with all the club mates and i think i was 2nd or 3rd home.
    Done a quick warm down of 1k after the race and then had a bbq burger:D
    When IM is done and dusted i would like to think there is a minute that could be shaved off this time with some speed work focus and on fresh legs. Finally happy with a race even if its only a 5k:)
    Distance: 5k & 2.5km wu/wd
    Time: 19:14
    Pace: 3:51km/6:12mile
    HR: 177/181

    Just went out for a quick 8km cycle when i got home as i stripped the bike down last night, lubbed and cleaned it and just wanted to make sure everything was in order for tomorrow. It actually acted as i nice little recovery as well.
    Tomorrow is going to be a nightmare but at least i have done an 8 hour spin in 40/50km winds in the pissing rain recently so well prepared for the pain:o
