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Chasing the Kona dream and a Mai Tai cocktail



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    I know how you feel!! I would need a week to recover though to race, I'm knackered! Was it one of hose brown compass jellyfish I posted a link to in my log that got you?! :eek: I saw them clear as day in the Kilkee Bay during the week, freaked me out they did.

    Fair play on the 5hr turbo man, that aint easy

    No one of the other guys i was out with who also got stung said it looked like a Lions Mane jellyfish which would not be common around the Irish coast, either way it itched like crazy for a few hours after. Yeah when your swimming towards a few of them you start to freak and panic a bit....well i did like a big wuss:rolleyes:
    On the 5hr turbo it is the last one as i would rather ditch the long bike session than have to go through that torture again.:)

    So envious that you are in taper mode already dude.:o

    Recovery Day
    I actually fell asleep at 8pm as i put the kids to bed, a nice 11 hour sleep:eek: which i must have needed badly. Body feels tight all over so looking forward to a sports massage on Thursday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    :eek: I'd probably freak more at the sight of that than a shark!

    Ok maybe not, but unnerving nonetheless...

    I think I need one of those sleeps

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Lunchtime Spin
    Usual jaunt around the local work route 23km. I had left the garmin at home but this was done at a nice easy pace apart from the last 5 minutes when it started to piss down so i put the hammer down.
    Distance: 23km
    Time: 50mins roughly

    Club Session - 6x1km intervals with 80 sec recovery

    This turned into a horrid session as the wind and rain picked up 5 minutes into the session. Everyone seemed to struggle in the group with the weather conditions but we all managed to get each other through the 6 intervals in 3:49, 3:49, 3:52, 3:53, 3:56, 3:51 followed with a 2 lap warm down and stretch.
    I did not do a full proper warm up, need to cop the hell on as i am asking for trouble going into this faster stuff without a proper warm up and stretch. The marathon plan they are following has 6 miles GA for tonight, 7 miles & 5 @ tempo pace tomorrow night and 9 miles GA on Friday night. I think i will play it by ear given it is a recovery week and i do not want to be overdoing it on the running in case i risk injury.
    Distance: 7.36km
    Time: 30:30
    Pace: 4.08km/3.15km
    HR: 166/178

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Hey JB. That sounded like a horrid run session. 80 sec is next to nothing for a recovery for 1km's, well done.

    Those long turbo's that you and mcos do do not appeal to me one single bit-going to be a long time before I attempt what you are attempting - respect :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Hey JB. That sounded like a horrid run session. 80 sec is next to nothing for a recovery for 1km's, well done.

    Those long turbo's that you and mcos do do not appeal to me one single bit-going to be a long time before I attempt what you are attempting - respect :)

    We drop them down to 70sec recovery from next week:) They are a tough session but i do find my easy pace easier (if that makes sense).

    Trust me those long turbos do not appeal to me either and probably the same with MCOS but sometimes it is the only option available to get the session in.

    Are we putting you off the longer stuff yet:) I would much rather be faster (like you) than be able to go longer!! I reckon the focus next year will be HIM's and shorter. I would love to think that i could work towards a sub 4.40/5 HIM time but i would need some major improvements to knock about 10 minutes off the swim time and get the run time down to 1:30/5

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Lunchtime Swim
    I had planned to do a 2500mtr set in the pool at lunchtime. Done 1100mtrs and ended up in the jacuzzi:rolleyes: I did not want to be in the pool today for some reason.
    Distance: 1100mtrs
    Time: 25mins

    Evening Easy Run
    A really easy run at recovery pace, finding it really hard to reign these runs back in pace wise but i know it is important to do so. I had two seagulls keeping me company for the last 2km home. They were swooping down dangerously close and i was waiting on them to fire a few sh1tty bullets:)
    Nice run even though the left hammer is a bit tight.
    Distance: 9.7km
    Time: 53:13
    Pace: 5:29km
    HR: 141

    Lunchtime Gym - Core work
    Just worked on core with plenty of stretches and left the weights alone. Looking forward to a good sports massage tonight and hopefully he can open the hip flexors and loosen the hammers a will be painful but i like that sort of pain.
    I hope to get out for a cycle this evening before the physio session. I am going to skip the club tempo session tonight and maybe do it tomorrow.

    I am taking it far too easy on these recovery weeks and getting very lazy!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,049 ✭✭✭Brianderunner

    Any plans on running Dunshaughlin and making it 3-0 vs Meno? Or are you cycling the length of Ireland in the driving rain again :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    Any plans on running Dunshaughlin and making it 3-0 vs Meno? Or are you cycling the length of Ireland in the driving rain again :p

    It's 3-2 actually to me actually. I am counting the Waterford half this year, and last year's DCM and Enniscorthy half :pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Any plans on running Dunshaughlin and making it 3-0 vs Meno? Or are you cycling the length of Ireland in the driving rain again :p

    No plans Brian i will look to target a 10k after the IM and i do not want to dent Menos confidence any further after what must have been a tough blow to take at the Bohermeen 5k.
    Sure it was only a bit of fun for me to act as a distraction to IM training yet i passed him with such ease as he looked like Bambi heading into the last 1.5km:)
    menoscemo wrote: »
    It's 3-2 actually to me actually. I am counting the Waterford half this year, and last year's DCM and Enniscorthy half :pac:

    You are actually taking score of two races i did not even know you in ah comon now:) The official and correct score would be 2-1 to me taking the Waterford Half, Barca and Bohermeen into account although Barca would be unfair given you ran an ultra the week before:p It will be interesting to see how both our fast marathon attempts go later in the year as we are both aiming for similiar times.
    Any half marathon plans around late August? as i want to target a 5-6 minute pb somewhere around 1:28/1:29 and it would be good to run a time with in numbers and all that jazz. BTW what is the target for the 10k this weekend?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    Any half marathon plans around late August? as i want to target a 5-6 minute pb somewhere around 1:28/1:29 and it would be good to run a time with in numbers and all that jazz. BTW what is the target for the 10k this weekend?

    Not really targetting a half at the moment, probably will just wait for the waterford HM again in December. I may get a chance to race the Midlands half on 1 Aug, but if so will just use it as a PMP run (and thus avoid the dreaded 18 w/12pmp P&D training run.)

    A few weeks ago i would have said sub 40 in DunShaughlin, but after Bohermeen, I'll be happy with a nice solid PB (currrently 42.07).

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Physio session was painful as expected. Some minor muscle fibre issues in the lower adductor on the left leg but nothing to worry about and he got them all flowing in the right direction again.
    Taking it easy today and tomorrow.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Friday & Saturday
    Nothing done and i came down with yet another gastric/stomach virus type bug on the Saturday which left me bed bound for most of the day.

    Enniscorthy Strawberry Half Marathon - 1:45 pacing
    Still not feeling great i set out early this morning as i was due to pace the 1:45 group. Met up with all the other pacers had a quick toilet stop to ahem "empty the system" and went for a small warm up. I knew after a 1.5k warm up that i would struggle as the stomach was in bits, felt weak due to inability to eat much in the last 24 hours and my HR was way off the charts. If i was racing this i would have stayed at home but as i was down as pacing i did not want to let anyone down.
    Anyway lined up with Slogger Jogger (other 1:45 pacer) and Donothoponpop who set off with us. As each km clicked by i felt gradually worse and a quick check at my HR suggested i was 20/25bpm higher than normal and at a hr i would expect in a 5k race (170+). I got to around the 6.5km ripped the balloon off and luckily Donothoponpop was able to take over the pacing duties along with Slogger Jogger. I turned and took the walk of shame back to the start line dry heaving all the way:o and feeling pretty miserable with my first DNF. I know it was right to stop when i did but it does not make it feel any better. Many thanks to DNHOP for taking over and apologies to Slogger Jogger for not getting the full pacing duties in with him.

    Need to get to the root cause of the problem with these bugs as its starting to drive me fcking crazy and its about the 4th one i have had this year with them progressively getting worse.

    In summary feeling sick, grumpy, miserable, irritable and pissed off:mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,418 ✭✭✭Aimman

    Hard luck in the tummy bug. Hope you get to the root of it. I think you were right to stop when you did, otherwise it might have gotten worse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Ah Sh!t man. Sorry to hear that. You defo made the right decision, especially so close to the A Goal - (or should I say your body made it for you). Hope you get back to normal soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,441 ✭✭✭Slogger Jogger

    Hope you are starting to feel better. Nice to meet up today. You were pacing well despite your (ahem) difficulties through 5k. Unfortunate, but ultimately sensible decision to drop out and thats the benefit in having 2 pacers, 'cos this happens. Next time you'll be plain sailing to the end.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,608 ✭✭✭donothoponpop

    Yeah, the right call for sure to drop out. Sometimes we feel more obligation to run for the "team" rather than the "self". Hope you're feeling better soon, nice to meet you today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,054 ✭✭✭theboyblunder

    sorry to hear that. hope it clears up soon

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Smart call on bailing. Hope you get to the root of the issue and feel better soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Make sure you rest properly and look after your body, its a bit close to the big day to be taking any risks on recover.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Cheers folks feeling more human like today. Not sure what to do as i should be hitting the last two weeks of IM training very hard but i think this week will need to be an ease myself back into it and see what the body tells me after each session.
    Having done feck all last week i hope i have not lost too much in terms of fitness/sharpness.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Week 32 Summary
    20th June - 26th June|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Conditioning|1|00:60|Strengthening Work/Core - Gym

    Totals so far[/cU]
    15th Nov- 26th June|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Conditioning|22|20:15|Strengthening Work - Gym
    Other|6|4:00|Stretching & Swim Coaching

    Not much to be said about this week, my lowest training volume since i started but my highest volume in sleeping:o.
    Only 33 days to race day i just to need to trust in the work i have done and try get another decent 2 week block of training in before taper time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,724 ✭✭✭kennyb3

    Cheers folks feeling more human like today. Not sure what to do as i should be hitting the last two weeks of IM training very hard but i think this week will need to be an ease myself back into it and see what the body tells me after each session.
    Having done feck all last week i hope i have not lost too much in terms of fitness/sharpness.
    You ll lose next to nothing. You ve done any number of long rides, long runs and swims. flogging a dead horse would be way worse. Get right, feel you way into it and then up the intensity at the weekend/early next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Agree with KB3 JB. Good call with the DNF, it strikes a blow to the pride, I would know :rolleyes:, but you have bigger fish to fry.

    BEWARE how deep you go on that 2 week block. Outside of your key sessions where most of your IM intesity will sit, go eeeeasy. You want to finish that block tired but not broken. Given how low your immune system clearly is too do as much as you can on RPE rather than hr and power.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Evening Turbo - Super Easy 60 mins
    More of a feeler session to see how i was. Just selected a flat route on the turbo and spun the legs out at a decent cadence and low wattage.
    Nice to finally put some work down as i think i was going a bit mad:)

    Cheers KB3/MCOS for the solid advice as I probably would have tried to hit two weeks of 30/35 hours, flog myself and be dead at the end of it:rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    My training log is starting to sound like a whiny Agony Aunt column so aplogies in advance:o

    Club Session - 6x1km w70sec recovery
    Completed a 2km warm up & good stretch and started off the intervals. First one was tough in 3:52 and second one was hell in 3:59 with people who i am normally run faster than passing me out.
    I ended up binning the session as it was too intense, nothing there and the stomach still acting up. This sucks!!

    AM Swim session - Binned as feeling **** and could not get a lunchtime one in.

    Going to try and do an easy brick session this evening at a low intensity but will stay close to the house in case i need to bin it.

    This really is soooooo frustrating, I can feel the sharpness slipping away and i am now dangerously below race weight at 64kg which is far too light which in turn is making me feel weak. I need to get this back up to 66/67.

    Full bloods and samples sent off, the Doc (hot mama btw:rolleyes:) was noticeably worried/puzzled and she is referring me to a specialist. Hopefully i will know what the hell is going with me once and for all in the next two weeks.

    If i am feeling like this in 4 weeks....well let's not go there just yet:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    At least there was one plus in the way of the hot mama! :D

    It might be worth thinking about binning Athlone this weekend. If you struggled last night an OLY might be a step too far. There's always next year for Athlone. Eye on the end goal and all that.

    Hopefully the bloods will answer your questions and then you can get sorted before IMUK!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    +1 forget about Athlone. I might have said to you or someone else going long that Athlone is an easy enough course that won't take too much out of you but in your current condition JB I'd drop it like a hot stone. I'd also drop more sessions too. A couple of days off won't hurt but might mend. You have 4 weeks or so left and you will be doing 1 or 2 more big weeks so the key sessions in those weeks matter more than Athlone. Just look at the massive work you have put into this so far, its not the time to be risk averse dude. I took 4 full days off last week to let a back strain mend, felt like muck during them but after a couple of days of training I'm back on the horse.

    Rest. Eat. Sleep.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,724 ✭✭✭kennyb3

    +3 on athlone. You could have anything wrong with you and until you find out id be doing absolutely diddly squat.

    Little point in doing a brick tonight - you need to get over this i might lose something fitness wise mentality and get into the if i dont get myself right or the i might f'uck up my body if i continue mentality.

    Its like an injury you can run for months at 80% with niggles or you can bite the bullet rest up for a bit and get right.

    Its obvious something is wrong.

    Intervals were a stupid idea (no offence) anyway.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Forgot to mention in my earlier post that Athlone is likely off.

    @KB - I done the intervals last night as i thought all was ok but soon realised it was not.

    This may become a 5 week taper:)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    kennyb3 wrote: »
    +3 on athlone. [BYou could have anything wrong with you and until you find out id be doing absolutely diddly squat.

    That is all well and good but if i did that i certainly would be out of shape very quickly as i will not know for at least another two weeks.
