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Chasing the Kona dream and a Mai Tai cocktail



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Forgot to mention in my earlier post that Athlone is likely off.

    @KB - I done the intervals last night as i thought all was ok but soon realised it was not.

    This may become a 5 week taper:)

    The vast majority of your work is done now - take it easy and you'll be ready to rip it in Bolton.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,724 ✭✭✭kennyb3

    Forgot to mention in my earlier post that Athlone is likely off.

    @KB - I done the intervals last night as i thought all was ok but soon realised it was not.

    This may become a 5 week taper:)

    Intervals 2 days after a DNF? Need i say more!! not exactly feeling you way back into is it? Although in fairness thankfully you binned it.

    Anyway i know you like the club runs and feel intervals help running slow easier but i really dont see the point of these 5 weeks out from an ironman but thats just me. Why not a tempo? or other?
    That is all well and good but if i did that i certainly would be out of shape very quickly as i will not know for at least another two weeks.

    You ve been training since november (at least) all you need to do is keep ticking over. Yeah you might lose that few % top end stuff but its an IM your doing not a sprint - its an endurance race endurance you ve built over 9 months and more - it doesnt disappear in 2-3weeks.

    I know its frustrating but you need to take a step back look at the big picture and stop worrying about 5-10 mins. Plough on and you could be sick for months.

    Anyway just my €0.02.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Thats what i was sort of planning just enough to tick over and maintain fitness whilst binning sessions if needed whilst i wait on the results back.
    I would have seen Athlone as a session and not a race but i don't think the body would be up to it at the moment even at a low intensity.

    On the intervals thing we discussed this in the sub 10 thread. You would be doing an interval & tempo session in a normal marathon plan so a marathon in an IM should be seen as no different apart from the recovery i have been told by a good few more knowledgable than me anyway.

    Cheers KB i like the directness and honesty.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    JB I'm 2 weeks ahead of you here. We have both put in a similar volume of work. We have both DNF'ed at a non important long road race. Although KB3 may be candid I tend to agree here. Intervals was a bad idea 2 days later and its a good job you canned it. I took 2 full rest day after the Limerick DNF and then did an easy training day (light swim, light run) and set a PB at the Joey Hannon 4 days later (I had no watch or clock on the bike or run at Joey, did it entirely on feel).

    So the intervals and intensity is not a great idea as much as rest is a good one.

    Next up is the stage you are at. The last BIG mini block of volume before the taper. You feel like you must squeeze every ounce out of it, get the last big brick and push the boat out on swims and runs. You feel twice as guilty about missing session the closer your goal is Its one thing to belt into a 20 hour week after a recovery week but another to do it after a week of resting. Its too big a jump to full on volume again.

    You have already set this wheel spinning back in November. You have kept it spinning nicely with benchmark sessions, pb races and general consistency. You have hardly missed a beat. You could dip into el Director's log as that lad flirts with illness but listens to his body and saves everything for the race that matters. He was thrown down with chesty stuff for weeks before his A goal last year, rested up, did a few sessions to reawaken the body and despite only feeling 90%, smashed his A goal to bits. He was one happy man at the finish.

    Once the wheel is spinning, its just takes little tips to sustain it, if it has slowed down gradually bigger tips will get it back up to speed quickly. One big hit will only shake it, stress the spoke you hit and if you don't get your hand out of the way it could get stuck thus stopping it dead (and hurting your fingers!). Too much too soon is just too risky :cool:

    4kg weight loss in a short space of time is not a good sign either dude.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Once the wheel is spinning, its just takes little tips to sustain it, if it has slowed down gradually bigger tips will get it back up to speed quickly. One big hit will only shake it, stress the spoke you hit and if you don't get your hand out of the way it could get stuck thus stopping it dead (and hurting your fingers!). Too much too soon is just too risky :cool:

    Thats a nice analogy there Mike sums it up pretty well, thanks. I am going to cancel my brick plans tonight for an evening at the cinema with Mrs JB as my head is ready to explode with thoughts of IM/health issues/training or lack of it:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    (I was sure I had posted this yesterday but I don't see it...anyway)

    Sorry to hear about about your DNF (the right call) and even more sorry to hear about how you are feeling in general. As MCOS ( memory like an elephant!) eluded to above, I had may troubles last year. When reviewing my year I had to list injury and illness both as limiters. So I started this thread-you may be interested -

    So for your situation right now, I must ask what would I do?

    I would take 3 days at least completely off training and all things tri-including your log. A great idea to head to cinema tonight.

    Things will work out dude - believe. Getting to the start line is what it is all about now, if you have to miss these two big weeks then so be it. It will count towards your taper and you could always but some intensity back into the training 2/3 weeks out just to give you some confidence.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Rest day

    Steady Run - 10k
    I had planned another rest day but tbh i felt great all day with no sign of the stomach problems i have been suffering with the last while. I decided to head down to the club and just do a few handy laps whilst they done their tempo work. I felt great, no rumbling, full of energy, picking up the pace as i went along and i could have kept going but steady steps and all that.
    Nice evening as well and it gave me plenty of time to reflect on the positives of my training to date.
    Distance: 9.95km
    Time: 51:21
    Pace: 5:09km
    HR: 153

    It was nice to take the 24 hours out, reflect on the advice given on here and just to forget about all things tri related even for a small bit. The missus came up with her own gem last night on the way back from the cinema. You're training is like a cake, you have it baked at this stage and you just need to put the icing on it:).
    I am not going to chase big volume/hours at this stage and i am settling with the work i have put down to date. I will do a few tune up/key sessions over the next while to keep me ticking over and if i do not feel 100% replace sessions with R&R.

    @ElD - Thanks for that link, going to grab a cuppa and have a read of it.

    Thanks Chaps for the solid advice.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    AM Swim
    I was wide awake early this morning and although i had not planned anything i was feeling good so grabbed my gear and went for a paddle. Just done a 200mtr wu 1500mtr straight in 33:21 and a 200 wd. Technique was a bit rusty from lack of swims in the last while but other than that it was a good session.
    Distance: 1.9km
    Time: 50 mins

    Lunchtime Bike
    Whilst i had the garmin on i paid no attention to time or average pace and cycled at an easy pace with a decent cadence. It feels like an age since i was out on the tt rig. I have gone from feeling like **** to having bundles of energy in the last two days so i have this feeling to look forward to on IM race day.
    Distance: 25:24km
    Time: 49mins
    Pace: 30.9kmph

    Relaxing tonight and looking forward to the TDF coverage starting over the weekend. Still undecided on TriAthlone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Relaxing tonight and looking forward to the TDF coverage starting over the weekend. Still undecided on TriAthlone.

    It's great that you're feeling fresher and better. However, I'd err on the side of caution and give Athlone a miss. Is it really worth risking it 4 weeks out from IMUK?

    Although you feel good after a couple of easy sessions, that may not be the case in after teh bike or run in Athlone. Even if you intend on going easy there, it's very easy for the adrenilan to kick in and you're suddenly going harder than planned.

    My 2c.

    Looking forward to the TdF coverage also. My wife will go nuts when she hears King Kelly on Eurosport! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Ah i probably will give it a miss, if i was going to go down i would have done just the swim/bike brick as a training session for more crowded OW swim and transition practice.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    A compromise: go down with your wetsuit but no bike, register, get the t-shirt, do the swim starting at the front of the pack for the experience of a crowded swim start, go home and watch the TdF.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    TriAthlone - Olympic Distance Training Session
    I had decided on Friday night to give this a miss then woke up on Saturday and decided to go down and do this as an easy training session apart from the swim which i was going to push myself on.
    I met up with Macanri & Abhainn before the race and both of them looked focussed on a fast race whilst i was relaxed and looking forward to just getting around at a steady effort.
    SWIM - 32:57
    Headed down to the swim start with Mac who was in the same wave and off we shot. I got into a good stroke early on and although i was getting a few kicks and thumps i was actually enjoying the swim. I had a quick look about after 200/300 mtrs and i noticed i was up near the front (very unlike me) i knew i could not hold that pace for the 1500mtr so i dropped the pace and let people pass me by. I had to take 1 or 2 detours from the shortest swim line as the water levels were low enough and i was encountering weeds which i was getting caught on and was slightly off putting. We hit the turnaround point at 1200 and had a swim back up for 300 so I started to increase my stroke rate and took a few people before we made our way up the ramp. A quick glance at the stopwatch had me under 31 minutes which i was happy with. Official swim time was 32:57 as there was a long run back into transition.
    T1 - 2:20
    Slow enough, my wetsuit really is difficult to get off quickly and this caused most of the delay.
    BIKE - 1:04:21
    I took this handy and let the faster chaps pass me by. This is a real fast course and the road quality was pretty good so i would have loved to hammer it. Whilst i had the garmin on i was only looking at distance covered and not paying attention to pace/avg speed. The site has me down as an average of 37kmph which i was nowhere near as i think the course measured up 3km short or something like that.
    T2 - 1:55
    This was slow as i had no plans on running and was standing in transition saying i feel very fresh and a quick glance at the stopwatch told me an easy 48 min 10k jog would have me in under 2:30 so off i went.
    Run: 49:09
    Off i ploded and i have to say it was one of the most enjoyable runs i have had this year. A bunch of people were overtaking me but i stuck to the plan of running easy without exerting too much energy. I finished the run in 49:09 and missed the 2:30 as the course was 600mtrs long. I think this is the first race i crossed the line without the hands on the side and coughing up a lung.
    OVERALL TIME - 2:30:40

    This was a good training session in a race setting and i have got more confidence on the OW swim which was the focus for me today. To put it into context i swam just over 15 minutes per 750mtr back to back compared to the 20 minutes i swam the 750mtrs in my first tri in Muckno.
    Some will probably say it was a huge risk and stupid doing this but after the race i felt fine and stuck to the plan of treating it as a training session and not getting caught up in the race.

    LSR : 25.6km
    I would have been hitting a 34km this week but i decided beforehand to play it safe and do much shorter and leave the 34km to the following weekend. Kept the pace bang on IM pace @ 5.20km pace and it felt nice and comfortable. Nice warm day for it!!
    Distance: 25.6km
    Time: 2:16:10
    Pace: 5:19km

    OW Swim
    Done 1 loop (1.2km) in Clogherhead. It was a lovely evening for it and i encountered no jellyfish this time. Water is warming up nicely!!.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Good to see you're feeling better. Is it only 4 weeks now?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Week 33 Summary
    27th June - 03rd July|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Conditioning|0|00:00|Strengthening Work/Core - Gym

    Totals so far[/cU]
    15th Nov- 03rd July|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Conditioning|22|20:15|Strengthening Work - Gym
    Other|6|4:00|Stretching & Swim Coaching

    This week was all about getting better and fingers crossed thats the last of my problems until after IMUK. Just this week to go and then its taper time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    TriAthlone - Olympic Distance Training Session
    I had decided on Friday night to give this a miss then woke up on Saturday and decided to go down and do this as an easy training session apart from the swim which i was going to push myself on.
    I met up with Macanri & Abhainn before the race and both of them looked focussed on a fast race whilst i was relaxed and looking forward to just getting around at a steady effort.
    SWIM - 32:57
    Headed down to the swim start with Mac who was in the same wave and off we shot. I got into a good stroke early on and although i was getting a few kicks and thumps i was actually enjoying the swim. I had a quick look about after 200/300 mtrs and i noticed i was up near the front (very unlike me) i knew i could not hold that pace for the 1500mtr so i dropped the pace and let people pass me by. I had to take 1 or 2 detours from the shortest swim line as the water levels were low enough and i was encountering weeds which i was getting caught on and was slightly off putting. We hit the turnaround point at 1200 and had a swim back up for 300 so I started to increase my stroke rate and took a few people before we made our way up the ramp. A quick glance at the stopwatch had me under 31 minutes which i was happy with. Official swim time was 32:57 as there was a long run back into transition.
    T1 - 2:20
    Slow enough, my wetsuit really is difficult to get off quickly and this caused most of the delay.
    BIKE - 1:04:21
    I took this handy and let the faster chaps pass me by. This is a real fast course and the road quality was pretty good so i would have loved to hammer it. Whilst i had the garmin on i was only looking at distance covered and not paying attention to pace/avg speed. The site has me down as an average of 37kmph which i was nowhere near as i think the course measured up 3km short or something like that.
    T2 - 1:55
    This was slow as i had no plans on running and was standing in transition saying i feel very fresh and a quick glance at the stopwatch told me an easy 48 min 10k jog would have me in under 2:30 so off i went.
    Run: 49:09
    Off i ploded and i have to say it was one of the most enjoyable runs i have had this year. A bunch of people were overtaking me but i stuck to the plan of running easy without exerting too much energy. I finished the run in 49:09 and missed the 2:30 as the course was 600mtrs long. I think this is the first race i crossed the line without the hands on the side and coughing up a lung.
    OVERALL TIME - 2:30:40

    This was a good training session in a race setting and i have got more confidence on the OW swim which was the focus for me today. To put it into context i swam just over 15 minutes per 750mtr back to back compared to the 20 minutes i swam the 750mtrs in my first tri in Muckno.
    Some will probably say it was a huge risk and stupid doing this but after the race i felt fine and stuck to the plan of treating it as a training session and not getting caught up in the race.

    LSR : 25.6km
    I would have been hitting a 34km this week but i decided beforehand to play it safe and do much shorter and leave the 34km to the following weekend. Kept the pace bang on IM pace @ 5.20km pace and it felt nice and comfortable. Nice warm day for it!!
    Distance: 25.6km
    Time: 2:16:10
    Pace: 5:19km

    OW Swim
    Done 1 loop (1.2km) in Clogherhead. It was a lovely evening for it and i encountered no jellyfish this time. Water is warming up nicely!!.

    Good stuff chief - getting as many competitive / busy swims in as possible will only help you imho. They're next to impossible to accurately simulate. Having the discipline to just knock around for the rest of it is something that may also come in handy earlier in the day on the big day itself.

    Now that its July, Id a non-suit swim saturday - very refreshing and thankfully, due to all the rain and low temps in June - still no stingers on the southside to be seen.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Good to see you're feeling better. Is it only 4 weeks now?

    Yeah not long to go now, itching to race especially after watching the updates at IM Austria the weekend.
    interested wrote: »
    Good stuff chief - getting as many competitive / busy swims in as possible will only help you imho. They're next to impossible to accurately simulate. Having the discipline to just knock around for the rest of it is something that may also come in handy earlier in the day on the big day itself.

    Now that its July, Id a non-suit swim saturday - very refreshing and thankfully, due to all the rain and low temps in June - still no stingers on the southside to be seen.

    Cheers dude, picking up a little experience in each of the OW swims i have done so far which i am sure will all help on the big day. Yeah i had to stay disciplined for the rest of it without getting caught up in the race atmosphere and just sticking to an easy pace.
    Even though its July i will pass on the non westuit swims thankyou very much:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Great to see you back on it...not long to go now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Fair play holding back JB, especially on a fast bike course. Good experience gained at a carefully weighted cost. It will stand to lift the spirits no doubt :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Sounds like you're well and truly back on the horse. Well done for holding back after the swim.

    Nice bike too even if it was 3k short considering you were going easy! :cool:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Izoard wrote: »
    Great to see you back on it...not long to go now!

    Yeah back fighting fit thank god. Not long to go for you either:)
    Fair play holding back JB, especially on a fast bike course. Good experience gained at a carefully weighted cost. It will stand to lift the spirits no doubt :)

    That course is super fast i would like to think i could take 10-15 minutes off the time if i was racing it. It worked out as a nice confidence booster after the last few days of problems
    pgibbo wrote: »
    Sounds like you're well and truly back on the horse. Well done for holding back after the swim.
    Nice bike too even if it was 3k short considering you were going easy! :cool:

    I would have really liked to hammer that bike course as it would be ideal for a 40km tt effort in under 60 minutes. The eventual winner Brian McCrystal is an absolute savage on the bike and he clocked 50:15:eek:

    AM Swim
    Seems like an age since i was up early and in the pool. I had no real plan before i went so i decided to do 10X400s off 9 minutes and i was coming in on 8:20 to 8:40 towards the end as i started to tire. I have noticed my stroke getting very sloppy towards the end of these long sessions so i need to be mindful of it on race day.
    Distance: 4kms
    Time: 1:35

    Evening Spin - 67.63km
    Headed out through Bettystown, Julianstwon, Balbriggan, Naul and back home. I had a headwind all the way out which resulted in an avg pace of 27.8kmph and what should have been a tailwind on the way back was more like a cross wind...typical. I came home in 32.3kmph and i threw in 20 minutes of decent work towards the end to get some intensity into the ride.
    Pleasant enough cycle.
    Distance: 67.63km
    Time: 2:16:43
    Avg speed: 29.7kmph
    HR: 141

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    TriAthlone - Olympic Distance Training Session
    T2 - 1:55
    This was slow as i had no plans on running and was standing in transition saying i feel very fresh and a quick glance at the stopwatch told me an easy 48 min 10k jog would have me in under 2:30 so off i went.

    Good to meet you again on Saturday. You went well. Great to get more race environment swims in before IMUK. A strong bike from you considering you were taking it handyish, and you were wise to hold back on the run.

    BTW, that T2 ain't that slow ;). :p I reckon you were standing around for 30 secs or so deliberating whether to go out on the run.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Macanri wrote: »
    I reckon you were standing around for 30 secs or so deliberating whether to go out on the run.

    I would say thats all it was maybe a few secs longer:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Ah how nice it is to see that things seem to have turned around in the Team JB Camp! Delighted for you man. A brave decision in the end dude, as they say 'fortune favours the brave...'

    It actually that bravery that has so far defined you as a triathlete, tackling your weight issue and winning as you have and then signing up to one of the toughest IM courses in the world....not to mention the balls it took to stick t the OW swimming. It's that bravery and indeed determination that will see you through on July 31st :)

    I didn't know your race number on Sat as it was a last minute decision of mine to watch the race and as we haven't met yet I didn't recognise you on the course but you seemed to have enjoyed the race - and IMO thats what is important.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Lunchtime Core Session - 45 mins
    Really worked it hard in the gym as they had some techno music **** pumping out which had me working at a good click. Gym was warm today as the AC was off so worked up an excellent sweat.

    Evening Club Session
    This was the last set of 6x1km the group were doing before they move onto 5x1 miles with a longer recovery. This is probably the last speed session i will do before IM as i do not want to risk injury but I will get back into some intervals and tempo work for my Autumn Marathon PB attempt.
    The garmin died towards the end of the session but the splits were 3:54, 3:52, 3:59, 3:56 and from the other guys running with me the last two were 3:52 and we hammered out a 3:38 for the last one.
    I done a 2 lap warm down and back to the car and the bloody central locking would not work so i ended up having to jog down to the house and back for the spare key which added another 8k on which i could have done without!!
    Distance: 17.6km or therabouts
    Time: 85 mins?

    Turbo - Leg Loosener 30 mins
    The legs were heavy and achy after the run so i rolled and stretched them. I decided to jump on the turbo and spin them out at an easy pace as I find this is really helpful for recovery and it worked a treat as the legs are ok this morning.
    Distance: 16.2kms
    Time: 30mins
    Cadence: 103
    Power: 151

    Wednesday AM
    Interested Swim Set 1
    I was tired getting up this morning but told myself there is only a few more of these early midweek rises so GTFO and get up.
    Only 2 others in the pool this morning so i had a lane to myself. The plan was a 400wu and 4 sets of 5x100 off 2.10, 2.20, 2.30, 2.40 with 60 secs rest between each set. Then 6x50 active recovery doing b/c. My b/c is terrible, just as well i had the lane to myself as i was zig zagging about the place. Finished off with 4x100 focussing on good stroke and then an easy 400 wd which half was done doing b/s.
    Knackered at the end of it but really happy with the session, It really sets you up for the day!!
    Distance: 3.5kms
    Time: 1:40
    and then signing up to one of the toughest IM courses in the world....
    Bravery or Stupidity? Cheers man i was trying to forget how tough the course is :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Bravery or Stupidity? )

    Well there is a thin line I guess ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Fran in the end Sat was a good decision and a good confidence booster. Good meeting you and if I could I would be supporting you up Sheep Lane in a few weeks x 3 times
    Almost there man.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Jeez you don't post for a few days and you find yourself on page 4:rolleyes:

    Wednesday PM
    A very late Brick Session
    This turned into a late one due to life stuff.
    90 mins Turbo
    I worked hard for the 90 minutes taking in 3 big climbs on San Remo totaling 525mtrs of climbing. This was a good bit over IM intensity and whilst the hr suggests not the legs were certainly working hard.
    Distance: 51.22km
    Time: 90 mins
    Avg speed: 34.1kmph
    Cadence: 98/130
    Power: 221/475
    4750kj/3.24 watt/kg rel power
    HR: 136/154

    By the the time i got off the bike it was after 11 and i was tired after a long day so cut the plan from 16k back to 11k. It was a quick change into dry clothes which soon got wet again with the nice cooling rain. This felt more of a struggle for the pace than usual but i will put this down to tiredness and the hard 90 minutes on the bike.
    Distance: 11.15kms
    Time: 56:34
    Pace: 5:04km

    Total: 62.27km/2:26:34

    Lunchtime Easy Spin
    Just used this as a recovery spin.
    Distance: 23.4km+7km commute
    Time: 48:02
    Avg speed: 29.2kmph
    HR: 137/148

    Evening Club Run
    The club were doing some sort of 12x400 VO2max session:confused: No thanks!! I stuck to doing laps and throwing slightly faster ones (under 4:30km) in every 2nd km just to keep some run sharpness so i suppose it was like a fartlek type run.
    This felt good apart from a stitch in the last 2kms.
    Distance: 12kms
    Time: 56:50
    Pace: 4:44km
    No HRM

    AM Interval Set (Big gear work) - 60 mins turbo
    A similar session to what i have done in previous weeks. I was going to head out on the road for this but a combination of playing catch up on TDF coverage and i find its easier to track your interval work on the turbo.
    My legs were on fire at the end and i was chewing the bars as i was chugging the biggest gear i had on the interval sections.
    Session done on flat no gradient.
    Distance: 41.1km
    Time: 60 mins
    Avg speed: 41.02kmph
    Cadence: 93
    Power: 269/501:)
    3849kj/3.95 watt kg/rel power

    Evening Swim
    Missed my lunchtime swim session so into the crowded mosh pit that is evening swims. I done a heap load of work with a pull buoy to help save the legs for the long bike tomorrow. Called the session early as i had a pain in my ass dodging crawlers in the fast lane!!
    Distance: 2400mtrs
    Time: 55 mins

    3 key sessions planned for this weekend, 180km IM paced bike, 3.8km OW IM paced swim and a 32km IM paced run. This has turned into the week i would have hoped for my last peak week before taper:)

    In other news got my bloods back today and all clear. Whilst this is obviously good news its also bad as i am still none the wiser with what is causing these stomach problems. Another wait now to see a would not want to be on your death bed!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Good luck with the heavy w/end - glad to hear you've nothing too sinister...!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    180km IM Intensity Bike with a short run off
    I was going to head out at 6am but i knew i needed an extra few hours in bed so rolled over and eventually hit the road at 9.30am. I decided i would head southbound down to Malahide/Portmarnock/Howth direction and stop off at the parents for refills etc. I done 3 loops of Howth Hill, 2 from the church side and once up past the graveyard. I would not let myself drop into the granny ring and i stayed seated for all 3 climbs and kept it out of the red. It is pretty steep as you turn at McGuirks up until after the church but after that it flattens out. There was loads out on their bikes and i was passing a good few in both directions.
    No major incidents apart from small cramping in the right calf around 160km but it soon cleared. Nutrition was bang on but i was probably off by about 1ltr/1.5ltr in fluids as i only pissed twice on the ride. This should not be an issue on race day with the aid stations.
    I just done 2km run off the bike as i want to save the legs for the big LSR in the morning however i was pleased to be getting into my rhythm straight off the bike and felt like i could run the marathon distance as you should do!! The shorter stride and faster run cadence seems to work for me as it wakes the legs up quicker. First km in 5:10 and second one in 4:22:)
    I think this is my best IM distance ride in the training programme and i felt great after it. If you compare this to another IM benchmark spin back at the end of March, for the same effort, similiar conditions and route. I was 10 minutes quicker, an extra 150mtrs of climbing done today and that cycle in March included 75km of group cycling with Swords CC which would have been easy on the legs whilst this was a solo effort all the way. This leads me to believe that "I AM READY"
    Distance: 180kms
    Time: 5:55:10
    Avg speed: 30.4kmph/56.9kmph
    Climbing: 884mtrs
    HR: 144/218 (spiked at the start, real max was in Howth hill @ 159)

    As i type this there is only 21 days and 6 hours to go and two more key sessions, bring it on!!
    Off to see Kung Fu Panda with the kids now:p

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    31.56km IM paced LSR
    I ran the first 8kms on my own and joined in with the group for the remainder who were out doing 15 miles. This was a comfortable run with a nice low hr on a nice balmy morning. Tested the legs in the last few kms with some faster paced work as it always feels good to finish a session like this strong.
    Only downside to the run is that my runners i had planned to use for IM need to be retired as it felt like there is very little cushioning left in the forefoot area towards the end of the run.
    Distance: 31.56km
    Time: 2:43:08
    Pace: 5:10km
    HR: 147/175

    IM paced OW Swim - Clogherhead

    The original plan was to head down straight after the run but needed to get home to sort a few things so left it until this evening. Whilst i have done a few IM distance swims in the pool this was my first OW one. I will be honest i was dying a death for the last 20 minutes but i managed to get through it.
    Getting out the stopwatch showed 1:28 and i am not sure on the distance but it was at least 3.7km looking at this route i took.
    Distance: 3.7km at least
    Time: 1:28

    Easy spin
    Not quite a quick ride off the back of the swim but took it handy. Spent the whole ride visualizing race day in my head:rolleyes:.
    My last session before taper!!
    Distance: 33.51km
    Time: 1:11:33
    Avg speed: 28.1kmph
    HR: 125/142

    Watching TDF coverage from today's stage and all i can is WTF was that TV car thinking off. Nasty crash from earlier as well with a few ending up in a ditch.
