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Chasing the Kona dream and a Mai Tai cocktail



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Big targets but nothing that's beyond you me thinks. As a committed IM plodder all I can say is good luck and dont worry about the swim it'll come - if someone like me can get close to your target swim time then you certainly can. You need to start to enjoy the swimming, relax and everything else will follow (oh and make sure you work on your stroke mechanics / get some decent swim critique). Looking forward to reading all about your iminent pain :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Fantastic stuff Jackyback. I am really looking forward to following this log for 2012. You are never going to get there without ambition and desire, and you have plenty of that. Couple it with your training commitment and you have a real shot at it. Best of luck, and I hope that op is healing nicely :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Best of luck JB, big targets for sure. A sub 3 and sub 10 - now that would be some season! You are a dedicated athlete and I know no stone will be left unturned and your attitude combined with your coaches' knowledge will give you every opportunity to succeed. It may be a big challenge but you only get one shot at life and who knows - one shot at a sub 3 and sub 10, so just go for it and give it your best and remember:

    "Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” - Muhammad Ali.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,724 ✭✭✭kennyb3

    Best of luck JB, 1.27 - 1.28 for the half could easily set you up for a sub 3 with the amount of time you ll have after. I would say 1.25 if they were closer together.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,054 ✭✭✭theboyblunder

    +1 - good luck with the goals! Will follow with interest

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Hey JB best of luck with this and hope you nail those 2 targets. Big leap from this year alright but with your progression, a coach and your attitude you have every chance. I've got this one book marked

    El Director I think we will have to call you the Reverent El D :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    griffin100 wrote: »
    dont worry about the swim it'll come - if someone like me can get close to your target swim time then you certainly can. You need to start to enjoy the swimming, relax and everything else will follow (oh and make sure you work on your stroke mechanics / get some decent swim critique). Looking forward to reading all about your iminent pain :)

    I aim to "love" the swimming this year and really work on the technical side of it instead of focussing all on volume.
    ronanmac wrote: »
    Best of luck, and I hope that op is healing nicely :eek:

    Cheers Ro and thankfully no longer walking like John Wayne;)
    Best of luck JB, big targets for sure. A sub 3 and sub 10 - now that would be some season! You are a dedicated athlete and I know no stone will be left unturned and your attitude combined with your coaches' knowledge will give you every opportunity to succeed. It may be a big challenge but you only get one shot at life and who knows - one shot at a sub 3 and sub 10, so just go for it and give it your best and remember:

    "Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” - Muhammad Ali.

    Inspiring as ever ElD (or Rev ElD as Mcos suggests:)) I might print off that Ali quote and have it close to hand for when i am doing a difficult turbo set :)
    kennyb3 wrote: »
    Best of luck JB, 1.27 - 1.28 for the half could easily set you up for a sub 3 with the amount of time you ll have after. I would say 1.25 if they were closer together.

    yeah i know i need to do a sub 1:25 as an indicator that a sub 3 is on but i know fact 8 weeks will not get me there. As you suggest though somewhere around a 1:27/8 would show nice progression towards that goal.
    +1 - good luck with the goals! Will follow with interest

    Cheers TBB
    Hey JB best of luck with this and hope you nail those 2 targets. Big leap from this year alright but with your progression, a coach and your attitude you have every chance. I've got this one book marked

    El Director I think we will have to call you the Reverent El D :D

    I would say a huge leap:o The sub 3 terrifies me right now, the idea of running 42kms as comfortable at 4:14km pace does not compute right now. Hopefully as the training progresses i will fear it less. Then i can start worrying about the sub 10:rolleyes:

    Garmin HRM v Polar t31 coded
    I went out for a 6.3km "blow the cobwebs off" run last night and brought out the wifes cheapy polar watch and polar coded hrm along with the garmin. Interesting enough after 30 minutes of moderate running the garmin showed an avg of 170 (withouth the usual spikes) and the polar 160, hmmm certainly effort wise it felt closer to 160. If only garmin could provide accurate hrm readings....grrrrrrrr

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Welcome back bud. We're in for some good winter reading then:D

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Reread that there this morning and couldn't help but laugh at your op. :D

    Big goals Fran, sub 3 is very realistic for you IMO. Would love to join you in Barca if you're going - I have to get out and show that course what I can actually do! Shame it's two weeks later next year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭Oisin11178

    Whats the situation with your heartrate after the im fran. Mine is still higher than it should be. Getting bolloxed at paces i shouldnt be tbh.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Reread that there this morning and couldn't help but laugh at your op. :D

    Big goals Fran, sub 3 is very realistic for you IMO. Would love to join you in Barca if you're going - I have to get out and show that course what I can actually do! Shame it's two weeks later next year.

    Following the link in the London marathon thread it looks as if it will be Barca as I did not seem to get a slot. Will let you know when I am booking......boards road trip :)
    Oisin11178 wrote: »
    Whats the situation with your heartrate after the im fran. Mine is still higher than it should be. Getting bolloxed at paces i shouldnt be tbh.

    Yeah hr off but the simple fact is garmin are **** when it comes to hrm's. Not surprised you are bollixed, how many marathons have you ran this year? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    El Director I think we will have to call you the Reverent El D :D

    I have a few more of those to call on when the going gets tough ;)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Following the link in the London marathon thread it looks as if it will be Barca as I did not seem to get a slot. Will let you know when I am booking......boards road trip :)

    At the moment Conn Ultra is the goal and this is one week before Conn so my Barca return might have to wait another year. Will have to decide pretty soon though. :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Great stuff Fran, looking forward to keeping tabs on you again this year. I've been thinking about the world of power, might be joining you with a power2max setup sometime soon... maybe if I have something reliable to base my efforts off and stick to the training plan I'll knock my bike split to where I need it too :) I just need to convince myself to part with the cash now :( Has your toy arrived yet?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    kingQuez wrote: »
    Great stuff Fran, looking forward to keeping tabs on you again this year. I've been thinking about the world of power, might be joining you with a power2max setup sometime soon... maybe if I have something reliable to base my efforts off and stick to the training plan I'll knock my bike split to where I need it too :) I just need to convince myself to part with the cash now :( Has your toy arrived yet?

    I think the P2M option looks good with solid reviews. It was due this week but they only shipped on Friday so i hope to have it early next week.

    8.85km hilly run
    I had not planned on doing anything today but received bad news that a good poker friend of mine who i travelled a lot with to Vegas and Europe etc passed away this morning after losing his battle with cancer so needed to get out for a run for some head space. Hilly run and focussed on running form and life in general:o
    At least the run helped to clear the head a little.
    Distance: 8.85km
    Time: 44.29
    Pace: 5:01km
    HR: 163
    Elevation: 163mtr

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    So it all starts again, just the one session for today and dare i say its nice to be up early and have it done before most get out of their beds.

    I had the alarm set for 6am not that i needed it as the baby had me up just after 5am, poor soul is starting to get her teeth up.
    Hit the pool just after 6:30. I have not been in the pool for 6 weeks or so and you could tell. Main set was on 4x50 descending off 75, in on 69,67,65,60 and 10x50p with 15fist/35sw. Glad to be back at it
    Distance: 1400mtrs
    Time: 35mins

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi


    6.30am Turbo - Easy 45 mins
    Up bright eyed and bushy tailed and onto the turbo for 45 mins of easy spinning with a high cadence. I had to force myself to keep it in the active recovery zone when really i wanted to hammer it. Another nice early morning session
    Time: 45 mins
    Distance: 24.07kms
    Power: 165 - 63% of threshold
    Cadence: 101
    HR:128 - 70%

    Lunchtime 30 minute easy run
    Out for a ramble around work. Kept some focus on my breathing whilst i was out which kept me pre occupied with lunch. Even with a hearty brekkie and a piece of fruit around 11 i was bloody starving.
    Time: 33:42
    Distance: 6.51km
    Pace: 5.10km
    HR: 159

    Really enjoying that bit of structure that training provides you with, i missed that feel good feeling over the last few weeks.
    Nice to have these double day sessions done early to leave the evenings free to play with the kids. I will be focussing more on hitting early sessions every day from now on compared to training last year, 6 early sessions a week:confused: who knows:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Fair play JB, I haven't managed one morning yet :o Had a similar plan to you today but alas I'll have to create a brick this evening. Can't wait to get this house sorted it taken up my mornings, lunchbreaks, evening and weekends :rolleyes: The only solution is to HTFU and get out of bed first thing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi


    AM Swim
    A good session which had me thinking as i swam in particular the focus on technique sets. I did tire towards the end so cannot wait for swim fitness to fully return.
    I worked 3x100 focussing on "Pushing the buoy" and same again focussing on "lifting the hips" followed by combining the two for 2x100. Then 4x50 straight after in 59, 61, 57 and 60. Right now without anyone looking at my stroke i know i have issues with the following. Dropping the hips, dragging my legs, kicking from the knee instead of from the hip, not flexing the ankles enough, generally poor kick, elbow not high enough on entry for the catch and pull phase, lifting head too high for breathing which in turn is causing a snaking effect and need to streamline more. If When i iron out these issues i will no doubt become a quicker more effecient swimmer.
    Distance: 1800mtrs
    Time: 40 mins

    30 min run with 5x30sec picks up
    I missed the opportunity to get out at lunch due to a meeting which over ran so i dipped out of work just after 5 to get the run done before i headed for home. I felt i had more of a spring in my step and enjoyed the small bit of intensity in the 5 pick ups, pace for these were 4.08, 4.01, 3.52, 3.41 and 3.11km. I reckon next time i will start at 3:50 and work it down to 3:00km pace.
    Distance: 6.18km
    Time: 30:58
    Pace: 5:00km pace (5:14km wu and 5:04 wd)
    HR: 164

    I have started to track my DQS scoring since yesterday as i want to shift these extra few kg as i need to feel lighter on my feet. DQS score for yesterday was a +12 and today was a +14 considering +29 is the max not so bad. As long as i continue to train and eat the right type of foods then the additional weight should shift easily enough.
    Note to self do not let myself go so much next year after Roth!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi


    6.30AM - 45 min turbo session
    Needed to get this done early as off to a funeral today for most of the day. This was probably the tastiest session for the week and the one i was looking forward to the most.
    Easy warm up for 10 minutes then into 4x1 min >105 cadence then 4x30 sec builds which i kicked off from 220 up to 280 watts followed by some 5x2 BG work holding a cadence of around 50-55 and up a decent slope and then 5x10sec sprints where i was hitting around 620 watts.
    All told there was about 17 minutes of good intense work in the session and the legs felt it towards the end. I spent a good 10 minutes stretching and had breakfeast with the kids before heading to work.
    Not sure about the avg wattage readings even though i calibrated. I would have expected to see an average over 200, technology eh:confused:
    Distance: 23.72km
    Time:45 min
    Power: 170/max 621
    Cadence: 83
    HR: 143/max 174

    I will probably do 30 minutes of core work this evening, the missus does it to some crappy dvd so i may as well join in instead of sitting there laughing at her when she is in pain:o

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director


    6.30AM - 45 min turbo session
    Needed to get this done early as off to a funeral today for most of the day. This was probably the tastiest session for the week and the one i was looking forward to the most.
    Easy warm up for 10 minutes then into 4x1 min >105 cadence then 4x30 sec builds which i kicked off from 220 up to 280 watts followed by some 5x2 BG work holding a cadence of around 50-55 and up a decent slope and then 5x10sec sprints where i was hitting around 620 watts.
    All told there was about 17 minutes of good intense work in the session and the legs felt it towards the end. I spent a good 10 minutes stretching and had breakfeast with the kids before heading to work.
    Not sure about the avg wattage readings even though i calibrated. I would have expected to see an average over 200, technology eh:confused:
    Distance: 23.72km
    Time:45 min
    Power: 170/max 621
    Cadence: 83
    HR: 143/max 174

    I will probably do 30 minutes of core work this evening, the missus does it to some crappy dvd so i may as well join in instead of sitting there laughing at her when she is in pain:o

    Wow that is a tasty session to kick your day off! Are you enjoying the early mornings in general? I love them!

    Re the swimming, I had all those issues at some stage. To improve the kicking only one thing for it-more of it, I also kicking it strengthened my hip flexors too (one of the swim coaches loves to get us kicking!) Also try pointing your toes like a ballerina when kicking!

    When I did my swim analysis earlier this year I was given a great tip (Eanna McGrath) to keep the legs and hips up. Basically your head should be in a neutral position-even when breathing. This means not holding your head to far back or your chin too near your chest. A rule of thumb would be - there should be no 'creases' in your neck. To get a high elbow I found one arm drills great for this with a pull.

    I still have to work on all of the above but this year there was great improvements. I hope the above makes some sense :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    PM - Core Work 40 mins
    After a long day i done a quick 40 minute core session with the missus. Plenty of crunches, planks, hip lifts, medicine ball, heel touches and bridged leg lifts. The tummy felt like it went into shock after it. I felt last year the one session of a core a week really helped my running so may keep aside 30/40 mins a week to work on it.

    AM - 1800mtr swim set
    I was up before the alarm went off at 6am....a good sign and was really looking forward to this session:eek: how times have changed. The main set was 4x50dec, these came in on 63, 60, 61 and 55 (really pushed the last one). I then focussed on 4x50 each of mixed swim and front, mid and rear sculling. This gave me a great feel for the water and i certainly noticed it in the 4x50s after with 25hard and 25easy.
    I noticed last year i did not bring the same level of intensity to the swim as i do to the bike and run, well thats changing no more adding on a couple of minutes here or there, adjusting the goggles or shooting the breeze like i done last year....the same intensity is required if i want to start thinking about comfortably holding 1:50 per 100 for a 3.8km swim.
    Distance: 1800mtrs
    Time: 45 mins

    Just a 45 minute easy run planned at lunchtime today followed by a 2.5 hr cycle tomorrow just to get time back in the saddle and a 1 hour run on Sunday will wrap up what has been a good first week back for me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Wow that is a tasty session to kick your day off! Are you enjoying the early mornings in general? I love them!

    Re the swimming, I had all those issues at some stage. To improve the kicking only one thing for it-more of it, I also kicking it strengthened my hip flexors too (one of the swim coaches loves to get us kicking!) Also try pointing your toes like a ballerina when kicking!

    When I did my swim analysis earlier this year I was given a great tip (Eanna McGrath) to keep the legs and hips up. Basically your head should be in a neutral position-even when breathing. This means not holding your head to far back or your chin too near your chest. A rule of thumb would be - there should be no 'creases' in your neck. To get a high elbow I found one arm drills great for this with a pull.

    I still have to work on all of the above but this year there was great improvements. I hope the above makes some sense :)

    Lol Chief you had me thinking of not creasing the neck in my swim set this morning:), it makes sense as the body should be like an arrow going through the water.
    Re early mornings i am starting to love them again and i will keep 5 to 6 mornings a week free for early morning sessions. Interesting enough the missus mentioned last night that she hardly noticed i have been back in training. Although this week will come in around 9 hours its a sure sign that the early morning sessions are balancing everything nicely as long as i keep getting decent quality sleeps in which can be difficult with 4 kids:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    ... Interesting enough the missus mentioned last night that she hardly noticed i have been back in training.

    Nice one! Good start indeed. On the DQS. I had it taped to my desk at work for a while last year. I used it for about 2 weeks to get me into the swing of decent habits, then binned it. I love my food too much :) It did make me think about my meat choices and grain choices though which has still stuck with me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Pardon my ignorance, lads, but what's DQS?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    You would not think its a €1,200 piece of kit.

    Rmac - DQS is the Diet Quality Score. Some info here with the table to calculate.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Was just about to ask if you'd got it yet.

    Just on time to play with it all weekend!

    Edit: Never read racing weight in that much detail to see that DQS thing, not sure I'd put full fat dairy a minus myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Was just about to ask if you'd got it yet.

    Just on time to play with it all weekend!

    Edit: Never read racing weight in that much detail to see that DQS thing, not sure I'd put full fat dairy a minus myself.

    Anything other than full fat milk is a disgrace. Watered down sh1te

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    As the LBS would not install the power meter i took it upon myself to carry out the work. Whilst it probably took me 10 times as long as a normal functioning human to get it installed its done and as yer man from Star Trek would say "we need more power captain".
    At least i will have my new toy for the 2.5 hour ride planned tomorrow after we win the rugger, Come on Ireland!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Friday Lunchtime Run - 45 min
    I ran without looking at pace and straight away found myself bouncing along at a decent 88-90 cadence. A very good run and i was surprised by the pace as it felt over 5km pace.
    Time: 44:34
    Distance: 9.59km
    Pace: 4:38km
    No hrm

    Saturday 2.5hr easy cycle
    I met up with ElD and Bambatta down near the Airport for an easy 2.5 hour ride through Naul, Balbriggan, Skerries, Lusk and back in. My first ride with power and it did not help that i left my cycle shoes at home so ended up out with the runners which is not kind on the calves.
    Plenty of chatting the first hour (good company does that:)) and then we picked it up a little but still at an easy pace. Power Meters is like having a coach on the handle bars, being able to see instantly what sort of wattage you are putting out on the road is fantastic but dangerous if you do not keep your eye on the road:o
    So much ride data to pour over in WKO+ and it really does tell you the full picture of the ride, there is no hiding place.
    Time: 2:24
    Distance: 63.1kms
    Avg speed: 26.3kmph
    Avg power: 139/494 (garmin 500 displayed 155 but had it set at non zero avg):mad:
    Norm power: 168
    Cadence: 86
    HR: 141
