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Chasing the Kona dream and a Mai Tai cocktail



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Just noticed i passed the 2000km run mark for the year in the closing stages of DCM

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Rest Day

    1500mtrs swim session
    10x50 with 25fist/25swim. 5x100s steady in 1:55 to 2:01 and 4X50 fast on 48 to 52.
    Felt like a slob in the pool after 3 days of booze and bad food choices, i have avoided stepping on the scales:o. Need to cop the hell on, no point in getting the training right and to be so stupid on the nutrition side of things.

    Interesting to see that my TSB has doubled with the running of the marathon on Monday. Can see now from a selfish perspective it does not fit in anywhere in my training programme and i have essentially lost a week of quality work because of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Some accurate pacing there, jackyback! Well done on the stroll :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    ronanmac wrote: »
    Some accurate pacing there, jackyback! Well done on the stroll :D

    Cheers, you must have been flying about the place as I think I passed you 2 or 3 times :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Nice pacing job JB - good to put a face to the name - you're even skinnier in real life:)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Izoard wrote: »
    Nice pacing job JB - good to put a face to the name - you're even skinnier in real life:)

    Lol and that is me 4kg over race weight. Good to meet you and put a face to the name. You are a typical IM nutter, run a marathon and then cycle off home in the pissing rain for the craic.....hardcore :)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Izoard wrote: »
    Nice pacing job JB - good to put a face to the name - you're even skinnier in real life:)

    Dunno about that, my hand almost got lost in the stomach blubber. I feared I'd never get my hand back. :eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    AM - 1hr recovery spin on the turbo
    Just an easy hour to spin out the legs from Monday. Kept it within recovery power and hr zones which was difficult having to keep the reigns on. Legs feel like they are 100% again.
    Time: 60mins
    Distance: 27.83km
    Power: 125/197
    Cadence: 94/112
    HR: 131avg

    PM - 35min core session
    As it says on the tin working the core.

    I jumped on the scales this morning to see i have put a kg back on and i am up to 69.9, a good few kg off race weight. Need to start focussing on my food intake again and even though i am partial to a nice beer or glass of wine i am knocking both on the head until Xmas as i want to be down around 67kg. Its only 7 weeks until then so i need to get the head down and charge on.
    Dunno about that, my hand almost got lost in the stomach blubber. I feared I'd never get my hand back. :eek:

    This could be easily taken out of context by those following the log:) If i had known you were going to punch me in my gut after a feed of pints i could have tightened up my 6 pack.....of cans that is:p

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    If only it would be believable that I wouln't punch someone in the stomach I'd defend my good name.... :rolleyes:

    Any movement on Barca? Flights with aerlingus Fri/Sat > Mon for €104 today.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    If only it would be believable that I wouln't punch someone in the stomach I'd defend my good name.... :rolleyes:

    Any movement on Barca? Flights with aerlingus Fri/Sat > Mon for €104 today.

    I will be booking it this weekend as there seems to be a few from the club going over now as well.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭Oisin11178

    I will be booking it this weekend as there seems to be a few from the club going over now as well.
    Heres the profile for blackpool. That elevation looks decieving. The whole scale is only 20 metres on the vertical.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Lunchtime Swim - 2000mtrs set
    WU of 300sw, 200p and 100k with 4x50 fscull, mscull, rscull. The 4x50 descending came and went in 56,52,52,50. Need to work that little bit harder on keeping my legs up

    Evening Run
    Finally got out of work and headed out. Felt really light on my feet, paid no attention to the garmin and ran by feel. Cadence was a good 90 and the legs felt good, certainly no feeling of DCM in them.
    Time: 32:31
    Distance: 6.91km
    Pace: 4:42km/7:34mile
    HR: 155

    Some busy times coming up for me over the next six months or so workwise. Given the priorities are Family, Work and Training in that order the workload may start to impact on my training. We shall wait and see what happens but i may need to revise the goals if i start to miss key sessions.
    Looking forward to an early morning spin and then there is the small matter of painting two rooms, moving a few bedrooms around now the little one is moving out of ours and organising the two lads birthdays next week:) all fun and games.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    2hr easy spin
    Enjoyment taken from the ride a little due to frozen toes:o. I need to find my toe covers or purchase a new pair. Power readings were erractic/low for about 20 minutes in the middle of the ride due to gears slipping, i think this is down to my chain/cassette as they are badly worn with several thousand kms on them, need to change out both later today.
    Nice fresh morning for it brrrrrrrrrrr.
    Time: 1:55:50
    Distance: 54.44kms
    Power: 161/norm 170
    Cadence: 88rpm
    Elevation: 273mtrs

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    45min run
    This was looking like my first missed session of the season as the day went on but finally got out after a busy day of DIY with my 2yr old girl acting as apprentice:). Plenty of brownie points earned with Mrs JB after the savage work i put in. Does 3 hours of trapsing around Ikea count as cross training:confused:
    Easy enough effort and again a nice cadence of 88. One thing i have noticed from earlier in the year is my easy pace is around 20-25secs per km quicker for the same effort/hr, a good sign and landing more mid foot than heel strike and better form.
    Time: 46:09
    Distance: 9.45kms
    Pace: actual 4:52km/7:51mile - norm4:44km/7:37mile
    HR: 154

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Weekly Round Up
    31st Oct-06th Nov|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    Funny i can call this a recovery week with a marathon thrown in but thats exatly the way it turned out. At least (from PMC below) i have recovered my TSB level back to what it was prior to the marathon on Monday.
    Next weeks training looks good with some quality sessions thrown in. I have the 30min run test i failed to complete last time out so hopefully that goes well. Looking forward to a bike session on Wednesday which has work close to and over above my current FTP so will enjoy that.
    Back tracking my DQS from Wednesday, have hit 18,15,11,16,14. Good diet the weekend and no beer or wine results in me back down to 69kg:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    2200mtr swim set
    Todays set was the usual wu of sw,p and k with the main set being 10x100 alternating between sw and pt paddle work.
    Arms felt heavy and overall not feeling it as much today in the pool. I found the pt paddle work tough on the arms but find them helpful in trying to use the forearm more for forward propulsion.
    The alternating pt and swim was coming in at 2.25 to 2.30 with pt and 2.00 to 2.05 swim. 2min for 100s steady effort seems to be standard for me now which is a good improvement from 4 weeks ago.
    The 50s fast came in at 51,51,50,52.
    Time: 60mins
    Distance: 2200mtrs

    PM Run - 30min with 6x20secs fast
    Finally got out for a late run tonight after a busy day. Legs felt very sluggish for the first 10 minutes or so but soon after the 20sec fast bursts my cadence increased from 86 to 90 and i picked up the pace for a finish. I misread the fast 20secs in the plan as builds so went from 4:03 pace down to 3:03 pace.
    Glad i got out in the end!!
    Time: 33:42
    Distance: 6.9kms
    Pace: 4:53km/7:52mile
    HR: 153

    LTHR Run test
    After the failed attempt at completing this test on the 28th i knew this had to get done tonight to set a benchmark.
    Found this a real struggle and just felt a little empty and low on energy after 12 hours in the office and without dinner as i did not fancy bouncing around with a bellyfull of food. Just took a dose of HTFU and headed down to the club to get it done.
    Started off on the grass track for the 10 minute warm up and then 5 minute with builds but after 5 minutes or so into the TT effort i moved out onto the road as i had no traction on the water logged grass.
    Some slight drags out on the road and i had to dig in the last 5 minutes, as MCOS would say i tied a knot in it and held on for dear life. If i am being honest slightly dissapointed with the numbers as i expected somewhere close to 3:55 pace but its a starting point and perhaps i need to work on leg strength. I would like to say it was enjoyable but far from it :)
    Warm down of 2 laps of track (1.4km) forgot to restart watch.
    Stats from the session
    Time: 45mins
    Distance: 10:34km/1.4km cool down
    Pace: 4:21km/7:00mile & norm 4:11km/6:45mile
    HR: 168/178

    30min tt effort: 4:04km pace/174hr avg/max 178
    first 10mins: 4:03km pace/175hr avg
    second 20mins: 4:05 pace/174hr avg

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Just to add the thoughts of running a marathon at 4:15km pace is less than appealing right now:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Just to add the thoughts of running a marathon at 4:15km pace is less than appealing right now:rolleyes:

    The good news is you have plenty of time to get there. I'm sure the remnants of the marathon would still have been in your legs for the LTHR test. Although you didn't race it, the distance takes its toll.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    1900mtr swim set
    After the tough LTHR test the night before and a long day in the office i had a lie in and done this at lunchtime:)
    I felt better in the pool today compared to Mondays session. There was about 500mtrs of sculling and 250mtrs of r'n'r which was much better compared to the first time i tried it. Skipped the 200 warm down as i was tight for time.
    Time: 45mins
    Distance: 1700mtrs

    1hr easy turbo session
    An easy session keeping it under 160watts. I had to stop after half an hour as my saddle came loose as the threads have gone completely on the seat tube clamp. Need to get this changed out for tomorrows session.
    Easy effort up until then.
    Time: 30:03
    Distance: 14.19kms
    Power: 151
    Cadence: 92
    HR: 137

    EDIT: DQS scores - Mon:+12 Tue:+10 Wed:+13
    pgibbo wrote: »
    The good news is you have plenty of time to get there. I'm sure the remnants of the marathon would still have been in your legs for the LTHR test. Although you didn't race it, the distance takes its toll.

    Yeah fair point probably slowed me down a little alright, at least it is something to improve on when i test again in a few weeks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    40min core session
    Nipped out of work for a quick session down in the gym, focussing on tightening up the tummy.

    45 min toughy turbo
    Between the jigs and reels of it i did not get on the bike until 10pm literally finding it difficult to keep all the plates spinning at the moment. I was looking forward to this session all week as it had a small bit of suffering in it which i like:)
    Session was a 10 minute warm up then some high cadence work for a few minutes then some builds building from 200 to 300watts. The main set was 10x 1:30 holding +230 watts and 30secs holding +310watts. I managed to hit the +230watts 8 sets out of the 10 but soon into the work i was feeling ****, dizzy and legs borked contemplated stepping off but managed to do the best i could but only hit 3 of the 10 sets of the +310watts. I was well and truly wasted after this and the legs are borked.
    Time: 45mins
    Power: avg 178 / normalized 198
    Cad: 85
    HR: 153/177
    Just got to keep on trucking on and hopefully things will settle a little in work....doubt it though. Hopefully the legs will come back a little for the planned 5am 3hr spin on Saturday morning which i am looking forward to, plenty of time to think about things and clear the head.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Now that sounds like 1 PIG of a session! :D What was your rest between intervals? I'm assuming very short based on it being a 45 minute session.

    5am start for 3 hours on the turbo I assume. Kudos!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Now that sounds like 1 PIG of a session! :D What was your rest between intervals? I'm assuming very short based on it being a 45 minute session.

    5am start for 3 hours on the turbo I assume. Kudos!

    The builds were 30sec on and then 30sec recovery however the meat of the work was the 1:30 at +230watts and :30 at +310watts, I had no rest so essentially 20 minutes of hard effort. Great session and one i hope to nail next time around on fresher legs.

    No turbo!! I am cycling up the North as we are bringing the kids up to W5 in Belfast for their birthdays so the missus is giving me a head start on the bike, the things we do to get a session in:rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    AM - 2100mtr swim set
    After last nights tough turbo and lack of sleep i was expecting a poor swim session early in the pool this morning and it was the exact opposite. Felt great in the water in particular really concentrated on form in the 3x100s and 6x50s felt myself gliding along the water with ease. 6x50 descending came in at 1-3 - 56,55,55 and 4-6 51,47,49. Finished with 10 minutes of r'n'r (not the drill) in the jaccuzi before work :)
    Time: 55mins
    Distance: 2100

    Lunchtime 45 min easy run
    With my newly adjusted hr zones from the recent LTHR test the plan was to keep this within the easy zone which for me is capped at 154bpm. Horrible windy & rainy conditions out there. Legs felt a little banjaxed at the start and just took it easy. Avg hr 150 so well within the easy range.
    Time: 44:48
    Distance: 8.91kms
    Pace: 5:01km/8:05mile norm pace 4:57km/7:58mile
    HR: 150

    I had a post it note on the alarm clock to make sure i got up to get the swim session done early so as not to push the run out until the evening. I promised the kids a no work/no training night for Dad....we shall feast on popcorn, pizza (not much for me:rolleyes:), jellies and watch some dvds:)
    I hope the weather is favourible in the morning for the long spin!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi


    3hr Long Bike
    This turned out to be a very enyoyable and therapeutic early spin shortly after 5am :) Very nice to be done and dusted early whilst everyone is still asleep and cycling in the dark is great craic also managed to get up the North 10 mins before Mrs JB:)
    This is the best i have felt on the long bike since i started back training and old signs of where i left off last season. A nice little confidence booster and felt very positive after it.
    Time: 3:15:21
    Distance: 96.86kms
    Avg speed: 29.8kmph
    Power: 179 AP/186 NP
    Cadence: 86
    HR: 143

    BTW on an unrelated training note, for those with young kiddies get yourself up to W5 in Belfast as its a great way to spend a day, very enjoyable.

    Below is a graph of my 6 long bikes since i started back, it tracks my normalized power relative to AHR. An upward trend is a sign of improvements.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Great to get in a nice positive spin, fair play on getting it done. What lights do you use?

    +1 on W5, brought some TY's there on a trip to Belfast last year.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Great to get in a nice positive spin, fair play on getting it done. What lights do you use?

    +1 on W5, brought some TY's there on a trip to Belfast last year.

    Two bog standard cheapo lights from Halfords:o They do a job but holding off spending any more money as saving for the next purchase....a bike upgrade. The Felt did not last long:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    The Felt did not last long:D

    I knew it - when I saw that bike i said the way that lad drops money that wont last long. Anything in mind for the upgrade?

    Mad to get one myself but I have been well warned at this stage by Mrs c.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    1hr 30mins Long Run
    Super run felt very strong throughout and kept a fresh cadence of 88-90 whilst keeping it in the easy zone. Enjoyable effort and much faster than my long runs from earlier in the year, at a guess a good 20seconds per km faster for the same hr/effort.
    Not sure what is with teenagers these days!! running down from the house and 4 young teens spread across the path with no intention of moving as i headed for them, i knew what they were at. Options were jump onto the road or run through them....i went with the later option, squared the shoulders and took two of them clean out of it:) (fair shoulder ref) that will teach them, or not:D.
    Time: 1:36:36
    Distance: 20kms
    Pace: 04:49km/7:46mile and norm 04:41km/7:32mile
    HR: 153
    catweazle wrote: »
    I knew it - when I saw that bike i said the way that lad drops money that wont last long. Anything in mind for the upgrade?

    Mad to get one myself but I have been well warned at this stage by Mrs c.
    I have my eye on a second hand P2 with zipps but i am not in a position to buy until January so it depends if it is still for sale. Failing that i will buy a new P2 or hopefully may stretch to a P3 depending on funds. Hopefully i will get a buyer for the felt quick enough.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Weekly Round Up
    07th Nov-13th Nov|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    Overall a good week only negative was not quite hitting the numbers in the tough turbo although i had back to back good sessions with the long bike and long riun at the weekend. I can feel things slowly starting to click for me. Work has continued to be busy, i think i punched in 58hours last week so it has been a struggle at times getting things done but the training i find is helping to offload and do a brain dump:)
    On the weight front things are also looking up, i seem to be averaging around +15 on the DQS and the result on the weigh in this morning was a positive one at 68.7kgs.
    Below are some charts (i do like a good chart) PMC is showing a nice steady rise for the week on CTL and TSB is still where i would like it to be. The run charts are similar to what EL Director charts, progress on the aerobic system. The first chart shows a steady increase of speed relative to hr which is good and the second one which is a closer guide is normalized pace relative to hr, a downward trend shows a quicker km pace relative to hr. Overall things are moving in the right direction :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    :eek: This log has gone from a training diary to a full on leaving cert project on multi sport training science. I wonder how Mr Director would grade it :D

    Good job so far JB, things going well on the training front and a new steed on the radar. I'm jealous on both counts!
