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Chasing the Kona dream and a Mai Tai cocktail



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Perhaps being over critical on myself but i hate giving up/binning sessions but just did not have it tonight.

    Me too JB, I hate bailing on a session more than missing one completely but usually bailing on one is a rarity and happens for a reason. You got to remember that you are a working man with 4 kids first. You are putting in some quality work this year and your swimming, biking and running are all at a higher level than you were 6 months ago.

    Hopeyou dove into that cake, happy birthday man. So you 35-39 next year then?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Happy birthday JB! Have plenty of that cake! You deserve it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    Yes eat that cake, eat LOTS of cake. #roth

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Me too JB, I hate bailing on a session more than missing one completely but usually bailing on one is a rarity and happens for a reason. You got to remember that you are a working man with 4 kids first. You are putting in some quality work this year and your swimming, biking and running are all at a higher level than you were 6 months ago.

    Hope you dove into that cake, happy birthday man. So you 35-39 next year then?
    Yeah agree with you on the bailing on a session rather than missing it. I did dive into the cake, 2 pieces of it last night and the last slice tonight with a cup of tea:) Yeah racing in 35-39 next year so will be checking to see what those AG times in the qualifying races are for next year.
    Bambaata wrote: »
    Happy birthday JB! Have plenty of that cake! You deserve it.
    Cheers Ed as above there was plenty of cake, those slices were big portions to.
    tunney wrote: »
    Yes eat that cake, eat LOTS of cake. #roth
    Anything to try slow me down eh;), next you will be putting rocks in my running shoes and adjusting my brake blocks to make me work that little bit harder/slow me down in Roth:)

    7x1.5km intervals 45min easy run
    Work was manic today and i continue with dealing with an unpleasant situation which seems to be going on forever. I often wonder what it would be like to have a normal less stressful job at times:o. I did not get out for the intervals session at lunchtime today and was working my nuts off until just after 8. I contemplated doing the interval session after 9 but decided on an easy run instead as i am off work tomorrow and i have a 5/6hr hilly bike ride down to Wicklow early in the morning as me and Mrs JB are away for a long weekend with no kids:) Its been a good while since thats happened!!
    Any way run was good and the pace was sharp enough but still within my easy zone and it felt comfortable.
    Time:45:04, Distance:9.87kms, Pace: 4.33km/7.19mile, HR:152, TSS:84

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Fantastic weekend away with the missus and it was good to unwind and chillax. Plenty of the black stuff and great food. Tulfaris Hotel is a lovely spot and only wished we had stayed there a 2nd night instead of booking into Arklow Bay Hotel for the Saturday night as its a smelly kip!!

    Long Ride - Drogheda to Wicklow
    Headed down ahead of the missus who was following me down in the car. A lot of stop starting taking work calls and a puncture after the gap although i really enjoyed being out there. Wicklow is just a joy to be cycling around. I originally had mapped out a route which on ride with gps showed 2000mtrs of climbing so was surpised to see the stats just over 1000mtrs on the garmin:confused:, missed turn somewhere by the looks of it.
    Numbers slightly lower than i expected and bike endurance will need to be worked on after the marathon as i was tiring towards the end. The climbing was tough enough as i recently changed from a compact to a 53/39 so the 39/25 had me out of the saddle a few times on the steep parts. 20 watts to find for Roth off a lower effort!! 3135KJ of work put in on this one.
    Time:4:54, Distance:135.91kms, Power:AP187watts, Cad:78, HR:148, TSS:264

    Long Run - Very very very hilly run
    I did not have my 305 with me as i forgot to pack it but i planned on heading across to Laragh and the missus was going to leave an hour after me in the car and pick me up somewhere around Laragh or whenever she overtook me. I planned out a route the evening prior which was hilly (well can hardly be avoided in Wicklow) Decided against trying any 4.30 or 4.15 efforts with the hilly route not that i would have a clue with no watch.
    I felt sluggish on the uphills and it seemed like it was constant drags/climbing for over an hour. Those are real hills compared to the bumps i run back home and i can see how so many strong runners/cyclists come out of Wicklow. The climb up around sevenchurches had me begging for the missus to hurry up and pick me up. Picked up the speed on the downhill sections but made sure to hold back a bit to avoid any quad or knee issues. Missus finally caught me at Glendalough and i was happy to get in the car after that toughy!!
    Time: Roughly 2.15, Distance: 27.7kms, Pace was somewhere around 4.50/5min km, Climbing: 415mtrs:eek:

    3km swim set
    Session was originally planned for Friday morning but my pool was closed due to murky waters:eek:. Done in the Arklow Bay hotel which i think is a 20mtr pool whilst the missus was hammering the threadmill out of it in the gym.
    Even with the long ride and long run in the legs this went very well. Set was a WU of 200sw,200p,100k with main set of 100sw,200p,300sw,400p and 400sw,300p,200sw,100p. 4x50 fast on 55 had to play around with these being 60mtrs and warm down of 100k,100p,100sw
    Stayed strong throughout the set and kept decent form.
    Time: 1:10, Distance: 3000mtrs

    Recovery swim - straight 1.9km swim with pull buoy
    Up and early even with a bellyfull of the black stuff the night previous. Missus was back into the gym so as per last week i used this swim as a recovery session. There was 3 slow breast strokers in the swim lane but they soon moved out of the way and i had the lane to myself. 1.9km in a lazy 35minutes (from pool clock).
    Time: 35mins, Distance: 1.9km

    1hr easy spin
    Did not fancy an hour on the turbo so had a one hour window whilst the kids were snoozing. Legs felt good after this.
    Time:1:03, Distance:29.98kms, Power:AP192watts, Cad:82, HR:140, TSS:59

    Weekly numbers
    06th Feb - 12th Feb|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    Big enough week but work wise it was just okay. I did not hit two of the quality sessions with the midweek turbo bailed mid way and i did not get the interval session in. At least i got through the long ride in one piece albeit with one puncture:) Good weekend had and i over indulged so no more booze between now and Barca Mara.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    2200mtr swim set
    Sluggish enough session, just one of those sessions i muddled my way through and just felt slow in the water as the times show. Set was WU 200sw,200p,100k, 6x50 fist and main set was 12x100 as (100sw easy, 100p steady, 100sw mod hard) times were poor on these, 100sw easy all coming in around 2mins, 100p steady coming in around 1:50 and 100sw mod hard only coming in around 1:48. Warm down was 200 back crawl.
    A session to forget as my technique was all over the shop.
    Time: 50mins, Distance: 2200mtrs

    30min easy run
    Just a short easy run, running form was good, pace was good and legs were good.
    Time:30:20, Distance:6.64km, Pace:4.34km/7.21mile, HR:154,TSS:56

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Tempo Run - 60mins just below PMP
    Another tempo installment this time working my way up to 60mins. Another solid run and the tempo effort came in at 60mins, 4.11km pace, 14.34kms and AHR of 161 and nicely controlled so all stats looking good. 33% of marathon @ desired pace now just to worry about the other 67%:)
    I would be lying at this stage if i did not say i am getting a little fed up with the marathon training although not long to go now with only 40 days left to Barca:) The one big positive to come out of all this marathon focussed training, result aside, is that i am running at a quicker pace to last year and it will set myself up nicely when i get into IM specific work and hopefully a good run split in Roth provided the bike work gets done.
    Time:1:17:30, Distance:18kms, Pace: 4.18km & tempo 4.11km, HR: 159, TSS: 171

    Just an hour easy outdoors or on the turbo tonight.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    I was due to do an hour easy on the turbo on Tuesday night but fell asleep in the 2yr olds bed whilst reading her a bedtime story and getting her asleep. I woke up groggy around 9.30 so decided to skip it, well it was Valentines night!!

    2400mtr swim set
    WU of 2x100sw, 2x100p and 4x50kick, i had some drills then as front and mid sculling shortly followed by fist work. Main set was 4x200 alt between sw/p done as sw easy and p steady. Times on these were sw in 3:44 & 3:48 whilst p steady was 3:35 & 3:33. Wrapped up the session with 4x50fast on 75 coming in 45,46,45,43 which was good and a warm down of 4x50easy.
    Overall a good session and felt much better than the off day i had on Monday.
    Time:55mins, Distance:2.4kms

    Lunchtime 60min spin
    I decided to get the hour i missed in last night at lunchtime and kept it easy. Very blustery out there but weather was mild enough.
    Time:1:00, Distance:29.19kms, Speed:29.2kmph, Power:AP183, Cad:87, HR:140

    Evening 45min spin home
    Great to see a good stretch in the evenings and this allowed me cycle home "the long way around" but had to head back to work as i left a file there which needs work on tonight. Kept this even easier than the spin at lunchtime all the time keeping it in the small ring.
    Time:45:18, Distance:19.63kms, Speed:26kmph, Power:AP166, Cad:82, HR:137

    30min stretch & roll
    Just working the legs with the roller not that i really needed it but better to be safe than sorry.

    So i am starting to track what i am eating on Training Peaks as i have not utilised that part of the software at all. I will not be listing exactly what i am eating for each meal in here but an overall daily summary of calories consumed, breakdown of food intake between carbs, fat, fibre, protein etc and how that stacks up to calories burned for the day to see what deficit if any i am running. Its a pain to update at the moment but at least each food entry is saved as favourites in TP so at least after 2 or 3 weeks of entries it should be just a matter of drag and drop the same meals and it will auto calculate everything else.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Wednesday food intake
    Calories consumed: 2447cals, split as carbs 51%, protein 29%, fat 14% and fibre 6%
    Calories burned: 1742cals
    Calories burned vs consumed: 705cals

    Not sure what to make from this but it does seem like i should have taken on more cals today given what i burnt off:confused:
    After spotting BTH's photo on the main forum thats what a lean triathlete should look like:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Nice work chief - Hoping to some k's in over the weekend now that it is warmer over here again. Keep up the good work!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    After spotting BTH's photo on the main forum thats what a lean triathlete should look like:)

    Can you try convincing my mother/my oh's mother. All I hear is "You're far too thin". To be fair, my thin-ness is more to do with genetics than diet or exercise.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Nice work in Wicklow. That'll be a great boost come race day. Fair play to the OH!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,120 ✭✭✭GoHardOrGoHome

    So i am starting to track what i am eating on Training Peaks...

    Not quite as sophisticated as yourself but I'm tracking what I'm eating using a spreadsheet in Googledocs. Can update it on my phone or at my desk. I find that just the act of having to record it means I'm less likely to chomp my way through swathes of chocolate and cake. I'm no angel (last weekend was Eddie Rockets, followed by beer and pizza) but I've definitely improved.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    snack_ie wrote: »
    Nice work chief - Hoping to some k's in over the weekend now that it is warmer over here again. Keep up the good work!

    You have not been having a good time weather wise alright, hopefully it clears up so you can get out the weekend and get some work in.
    Can you try convincing my mother/my oh's mother. All I hear is "You're far too thin". To be fair, my thin-ness is more to do with genetics than diet or exercise.

    When the Mother & MIL comment on "You're far too thin" then you know you are near race weight:) Fvking genetics jammy git, i am not blessed with such and have to work hard to get down to race weight.
    nerraw1111 wrote: »
    Nice work in Wicklow. That'll be a great boost come race day. Fair play to the OH!

    Mrs JB is planning on doing a 5k/10k and possibly a HM later in the year so fair play is right. It will be a massive juggling session co ordinating training around the kids and each other but so far so good:)
    Not quite as sophisticated as yourself but I'm tracking what I'm eating using a spreadsheet in Googledocs. Can update it on my phone or at my desk. I find that just the act of having to record it means I'm less likely to chomp my way through swathes of chocolate and cake. I'm no angel (last weekend was Eddie Rockets, followed by beer and pizza) but I've definitely improved.

    I think by tracking it makes you feel more aware alright. The key thing i need to use it for is timing of meals and ensuring i am taking enough fuel in on really heavy days to ensure i nail the sessions. Looking back over the last few weeks i seem to be burning on average 1500cals a day so need to factor that into my daily intake.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi


    Lunchtime Interval Session, 7x1.5km below 4.15km pace
    Interval|Time|Pace km|Pace mile|AHR|

    Decent session although splits above are all over the place due to strong winds out today. One minute i was running into a headwind next tailwind and one stage i was unsure. Had to walk a bit after the 4th interval to stretch out a stitch i had but finished the last 3 intervals strongly. Calf muscles a little tender after the run today but thankfully i have my compressport calf guards in with me. They are expensive enough but i rate them highly and great for recovery.
    Time:1:19:43, Distance:17.57kms, Pace:4.32km, HR:158, TSS:158

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,608 ✭✭✭donothoponpop

    Thats some great work in Wicklow at the weekend. We're spoiled to bits those that live in the county, it really is a great place for biking and running. Some decent mountain glacial lakes too, if you fancy a swim to wash off the muck!

    I've never swam in the Arklow Bay pool, it looks plush from the pictures. There's a 25m municipal pool right next door that usually has a couple of free lanes; none of yer fancy Arklow Bay heated towels or jacuzzis though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Thursday PM
    Small bit of core but focussed more on rolling the legs. Calf muscles felt very knotty so really rolled the crap out of them, felt much better for it.
    Time: 45mins

    3200mtr swim set
    WU consisted of 300sw,200p,200k and then into 4x50 desc coming in on 55,54,51 & 47. Main set was tough with 1000mtrs of B+B work which had my arms hanging towards the end. 400sw & 4x100B+B, 300sw & 3x100B+B, 200sw & 2x100B+B and 100sw & 100B+B. Fast 50s in on 47,47,46,48 and 200 back crawl as warm down.
    Bloddy starving and thirsty as hell after this one.
    Time: 1:15, Distance: 3200mtrs

    Lunchtime Easy/Recovery Spin
    Commuted into work so had decided to go out for an easy spin at lunchtime. Kept it borderline recovery/easy power zones just to help the legs along after yesterdays intervals.
    Time:52:36, Distance:24.09kms, Power:172, Cad:85, HR:130, Avg speed:27.5kmph, TSS:32

    Thursday food intake
    Calories consumed: 2517cals, split as carbs 64%, protein 21%, fat 10% and fibre 5%
    Calories burned: 1295cals, Calories burned vs consumed: 1222cals

    Friday food intake
    Calories consumed: 2505cals, split as carbs 68%, protein 15%, fat 10% and fibre 7%
    Calories burned: 1223cals, Calories burned vs consumed: 1282cals

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    Calories burned: 1223cals

    Was this just the swim and bike?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    3hr Long Bike
    After setting up everything on the turbo on Friday night and up a 6am the bloody thing would not work. Turns out the Turbo CPU head unit is now broken as the USB lead that connects the pins have moved and one fell out:mad: So after losing over 2 hours trying to fix it just headed out on the road fuming.
    The planned session was 45mins easy, 2x40mins @ IM intensity & 10min easy with 20mins @ HIM intensity and easy home.
    The IM efforts perceived effort felt like HIM efforts and the HIM felt like OLY efforts in the legs but will keep working it until it feels easier. If i was to ride Roth right now i could probably hold 210watts but would be in no condition to do anything off the bike let alone run a marathon.
    Glutes and hammers very tight towards the end but at least i hit the numbers, i actually got into a good groove and dialled in on the 20mins HIM at the end. Ride was done on empty bar 750ml bottle of water, after the 3hr work was done i stopped at a shop in Duleek and had a mars bar, brunch and a can of coke before finishing off the 6km home. Windy as hell out there, the road from Dunshaughlin to Trim is a very good surface and will do that route again.
    IM efforts: AP 213/AHR 149 & AP 211/AHR 152
    HIM effort: AP 226/AHR 155

    Time:3:15:11, Dist:95.83kms, Avg speed:29.5kmph, Power:AP 202/NP 205, Cad:76rpm, AHR:147, TSS:210

    3km with buoy - so called active recovery swim
    I got some bad news when i got back to the house after the long bike so just headed to the pool whilst the 2 lads splashed about. My usual 1.9km recovery with buoy turned into 3km with buoy, whilst done easy and i felt fresh after its far too long to count as recovery even though it felt easy. Back to 30min recovery swims next week. I just kept going up and down the pool thinking how **** things can be at times. Only i had to get out of the pool i would still be swimming.
    Time: 57:06, Distance: 3k straight, Pace: 1:54 per 100

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    mloc123 wrote: »
    Was this just the swim and bike?

    Yeah spurted out from Training Peaks and not Garmin, based on all my stats and weight etc it calculated the swim as 750cals and bike as 473cals burnt.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Hope all ok JB. Hey You have the sub3 in the crosshairs at the moment. Forget about Roth until its done. My 2c

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    mloc123 wrote: »
    Was this just the swim and bike?

    Yeah spurted out from Training Peaks and not Garmin, based on all my stats and weight etc it calculated the swim as 750cals and bike as 473cals burnt.

    Interesting, I always low ball swim calories.
    I don't trust garmin calories either, paranoid :D

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    mloc123 wrote: »
    Interesting, I always low ball swim calories.
    I don't trust garmin calories either, paranoid :D

    When I wear my HRM on a run garmin usually gives me about 60 - 70 calories per mile. That's crap. I can eat more when I don't use my HRM as I burn 100 or so calories per mile then. :pac:

    Hope everythings alright JB.

    I'd agree with MCOS there, would it not be time to start making Barca the priority now and just maintaining the bike work?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    hope all is good sir.

    The good thing is Roth is not now, you have loads of time and talent to get that sorted once you get the sub3 out of your hair.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    May as well update the log now as unlikely to be on for the rest of the week. Motivation and mood through the floor. Little 5mth old nephew in for a heart op tomorrow which has completly thrown and shook the family so just as well its a recovery week as my head would not be in it.

    Long Run
    The plan was to do 3 loops but i binned this after 8km or so as head, heart and body not in it. Went home instead and drank a bottle of red with the missus. Would have been pure junk miles any way.
    Time:40:08, Distance:8.11km, Pace:4.57km, HR:140

    Saturday food intake
    Calories consumed: 3431cals, split as carbs 56%, protein 29%, fat 11% and fibre 4%
    Calories burned: 2654cals, Calories burned vs consumed: 777cals

    Sunday food intake
    Calories consumed: 3186cals, split as carbs 45%, protein 26%, fat 25% and fibre 4%
    Calories burned: 594cals, Calories burned vs consumed: 2592cals

    Weekly food intake (since i started measuring - 5 days)
    Calories consumed: 14087cals, split as carbs 57%, protein 24%, fat 13.5% and fibre 5.5%
    Calories burned: 7508cals, Calories burned vs consumed: 6579cals/1315cals daily average and base cals per day would be 1880cals so a 2821cal defecit for the week.

    Need to watch the weekend food intake!! Tracking this is certainly making me more aware.

    Weekly numbers
    13th Feb - 19th Feb|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    Another block of work complete in the last 3 week cycle with 48.5hrs done, 576kms of cycling, 204kms of running and 32.9kms of swimming. Glad its a recovery week this week as there is a lot going on and the batteries need recharged for one last push prior to Barca.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    "Little 5mth old nephew in for a heart op tomorrow"

    Nothing like real world context from time to time. Hope the wee man makes a full recovery.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Having a young lad myself I can imagine what they are going through, hope the op is a success

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thinking of you and your family, jb. The miracles cardiologists can work are amazing....blows the mind, think positively that all will be well. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Hope the op goes well for the little lad. Puts my own woes into context seeing stuff like this.

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  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    I presume the surgery is done, and I hope it went well and the wee man is coming out of the worst of it. Its hard to see someone so small and precious having something seriously wrong with them, and all you can do is let the professionals deal with it. I wish you all well.
