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Chasing the Kona dream and a Mai Tai cocktail



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,553 ✭✭✭bryangiggsy

    Lunchtime Run
    Not sure what is going on with the running but you will not find me complaining. Easy run pace now edging into 4:2x must be difficult to read for Peanut Man & Mr Tango for Roth considering their easy pace is probably 20/30 secs slower:)
    I would have expected a bit of a drop off on running since dropping volume from the marathon but its clear the early season marathon focus is paying off in the legs as i just feel as strong as an Ox. So much so i may target London Marathon next year as my next sub 3 attempt #2:rolleyes:
    Time:39:05, Dist:8.85km, Pace:4.25km, TSS:79

    the run file originally posted cannot be verified or authenicated since u didnt wear a hr monitor......u could have been in the 160's for all we know....why did u delete the file ? ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    Wow, some serious hours being put in...

    I just checked my TP log out of curiosity...

    Since I started Prep in Sept/Oct,

    20 hours in 1 week was hit a grand total of......

    Wait for it...

    NIL times...! :o

    EPIC! :D

    Fair play to you JB...

    I will say one thing though.... You seem to absolutely love your Band & Buoy...?
    Are these coach prescribed swim with toy sets or just you working on what you think is best?
    Personally, I don't use them often at all. And I'm happy to say my swim has improved but then I had quite a below average level to start with.

    I'm not well up on swim knowledge but Band & buoy obviously elevate your legs, and prevent your kicking (unless you cheat and do a fly motion).
    So designed to get you used to a good reduced drag position, and somewhat reduced kicking so more of a focus on the arms/catch motion.

    Can too much swim toy sets potentially hinder one's progress as they almost become the norm/reliant on them?

    Maybe it's just me but it seems every other swim is B&B :D

    If coach prescribed then obviously tailored to your requirements so discard the above! :)
    Hell knows we all respond differently/need different sets and swimming is such an individual thing to tailor to improve I reckon anyway. I know I've found it hard.

    Either way, keep up the solid work, looks like real progress and coming at a nice time in your training.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    I have found wireless from one of my neighbours:) quick update on how the training is going.

    Saturday #1 Turkey
    65min easy bike
    Over wrote this file with Sundays ride. From memory the stats are below. Kept it easy out towards Malahide & Portmarnock from the parents house. Focussed on keeping a high cadence before heading off for Turkey.
    Time: 65mins, Dist:32.2kms, Power:AP192

    30min easy run
    A late run after arriving over to Turkey. The main aim was to try and loosen the legs out from the flight as they felt a bit achey and crampy…. mission accomplished. Out for a late dinner and off to bed for an early start on Sunday.
    Time:29.10, Dist:6.09kms, Pace:4.47km

    Sunday #2 Turkey
    5hr bike with 4x30min @ IM effort
    Up and out just after 6.30am. It took me a while to wake up as I was tired from the previous days traveling but I soon got into my groove. The original plan was 1hr easy and 5x30min with 15mins easy but I cut this back to 4 as I was getting tired towards the end of the ride and the temperatures were rising to about 29 degrees. Not to mention over 1500mtrs of climbing with rolling hills and some very steep bits zapped the legs. But boy what a ride along the coast and the scenery was immense.
    It was a positive ride but not so happy with the drop off in power towards the end. My stamina on the long bike is just not there yet. Overall I was satisfied with the IM efforts and I reckon I will be leaning more to 220w than 210w on the day once I sort the stamina issue out. There is about 30mins/14k missing from the file as I forgot to restart after a water stop at the end. I took on 2.5litres of water with nuun tabs, 3 gels, 2 nutrigrain, 2 rice krispie bars all ably assisted by the Father who drove along to keep me company and acting as a support car:)
    The IM efforts came out at,
    Time|Dist|Cadence|Avg Power|Max power|Avg speed

    Time:4:42:28 (5:15) ,Dist:131.1kms (145.1kms), Power:AP207/NP212, Cad:76, TSS: 333, KJ:3395

    Run off bike
    A short run off the bike. I think my legs were only coming around when I came to the end of it but I was happy enough how it went considering how I was feeling as soon as I got off the bike!!
    Time:14.11, Dist:3.06kms, Pace:4:36km

    Swim – 45min OW fartlek swim and practising sighting
    Hard to do sets in the ocean :) so I roughly worked on a 2min easy, 1min moderate effort. All this whilst practising sighting every 6 to 7 strokes. It was a joy to be swimming in the ocean and I was pleased with how the swim went. I covered two loops and a bit which I know is 1k along the coast, so probably around 2.3km of swimming.
    Time:46:43, Dist:2.3km

    Core/Stretch Session – 45mins
    This was split 50/50 between both after the swim, I was even practising a few yoga moves not that I had a clue of what I was doing. The legs and body know they have been worked but I plan on doing a good bit of maintanence work over here to keep things in tip top shape.

    Recovery Run – 25mins
    This was not planned but I felt only right heading out with the Father for his run after following me about all day. It was real easy stuff and the legs felt even better coming back than they did going out....result
    Time:35.20, Dist:6.32kms, Pace: 5:35km

    Monday #3 Turkey
    2hr Long Run
    I was due to do a 2hr bike early morning but thought it best to leave that until later this afternoon as this was the key session for the day and I needed to nail it. I headed out just before lunchtime and it was 24 degrees on the when leaving the Villa. The plan was to run an out and back along the coast with the first hour easy effort, 45mins @ intended IM pace which I reckon will be around 4:35 to 4:40km pace and then 15mins to finish off at 4:15km pace.
    I was about 8km in and realised I made a schoolboy error and forgot water money. I stupidly decided to run on even though I was already parched and knowing full well it was getting warmer as the run progressed. As the hour passed I was into the steady effort and feeling light headed. I had to take a few walk breaks in the shade to get the body temp and hr down. At 18km I was in bits and finally stopped in a shop and pleaded with a Turkish shop owner that I badly needed water. I got going again after polishing most of the bottle off and keeping some of it for the 8km home. I felt much better straight away and although I did not quite hit the 4:15km pace at the end I gave it a good go with a 4:19, 4:24, 4:21 and 4:11 for change.
    A really tough session not helped by the dehydration issues, when I got back to the villa the temp was showing 30 degrees and it felt it. Amazing how a bit of sun can make you a good 20secs per km slower for the same effort. I do think this session will stand to me in Roth and highlight the importance of keeping hydrated throughout the race.
    Time:2:03:42, Dist:26.18kms, Pace: 4:43km, TSS:217

    30min core/stretch
    I made sure I got a good stretch in after the run. I also got the compression gear straight on, electolytes and water, recovery and protein shakes into me. With such a busy schedule I need to focus on recovery.

    Just a 2hr easy spin later and a 30min sea swim. Bloody well enjoying this…I have to sort out a few things and get some painting done though….grrrrrrr.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Monday #3 Turkey cont....
    Easy Bike
    Just spun out the legs out towards National Milli Park which was closed:( So headed back towards Davutlar and into Kusdasi where i experienced my first near miss, they really are nuts over here. I was overtaking a tractor and a truck at about 60kmph and a motorbike pulled out right in front of me. I would say i was inches to touching his wheel but just got on the brakes in time:eek: I see the Tour of Turkey is passing through so going to try catch one of the stages as it finishes and departs from Kusadasi on two of the stages.
    Time:1:47:13, Dist:51.35kms, Power:AP197/NP202, Cad:80, TSS:113, KJ:1254

    30min OW Swim
    Down to a different beach just down the road and in just as the sun was setting...fantastic. Swim went well i was picking points in the distance and continually working on my sighting.
    Time: 36:25, Dist:1800mtrs

    3hrs of training tomorrow, almost feels like a day off:) Key session for the day is an IM OW distance swim where i hope to set a decent benchmark and see if all this work on my swimming is paying off.

    @BennyMul - I find the B+B is great for working on strength.

    @Fazz - I hear you on the reliance of swim toys especially with triathletes. I am not sure if you have done B+B work before but it actually slows you down/hampers you not like most swim toys which help you go faster. I find the B+B work great for working on strength but generally it should be kept to one session a week as you are putting additonal stress on the upper body in particular the shoulders i find as you are working that much harder. I know one or two on here who also do B+B work so interested to hear their thoughts on it. I know when i started off doing B+B work i dreaded it as i kept sinking and just found it tough, the fact that i am moving much better should be a sign that i am becoming a better swimmer....race times will dictate that:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,124 ✭✭✭El Director

    Hi JB, enjoying reading these updates from sunny Turkey, sure if I can't do it I'm just glad someone I know can.

    On the B&B, I find it a good drill for strength and for making me aware of body position. It's funny I love when I see them on the menu, in general I like strength work because I can just get struck in. Once I was at rep 9 of 10 of B&B when I realised I had forgot the buoy! 9x 50 band only! :o

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Im so flipping jealous reading this... 4:35-4:40 for IM marathon pace... I better get my skates on if you hold that!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    but isn't Band AND Buoy a slight contradiction?

    Today I did 400m Band only, and found it good for using strength, trying to keep legs up, trying to ensure catch as effective as possible etc.
    If I had Buoy as well then legs would've been up no prob/better at least and just a case of a bit of strength work with no kicking?

    so Band and buoy is basically swim with upper body only, but with legs being artificially buoyed.

    I guess it is good alright, keeps the focus on arms/catch. And hey all these drills are beneficial that's for sure.
    Nice to mix things up as well so don't mind me.

    Pretty jealous of some warm weather training you got going on this week JB!
    It's raining on and off with sunny outbreaks here at the moment... And 10 degree's outside... (shorts for running obviously...). :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    So IM distance sea swim done in wetsuit, guesses on time for someone that needs flotation devices:) Closest wins a prize

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    So IM distance sea swim done in wetsuit, guesses on time for someone that needs flotation devices:) Closest wins a prize

    Assuming it was an accurate distance, I'm guessing 1:18

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    So IM distance sea swim done in wetsuit, guesses on time for someone that needs flotation devices:) Closest wins a prize


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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    Fazz wrote: »
    but isn't Band AND Buoy a slight contradiction?

    Today I did 400m Band only, and found it good for using strength, trying to keep legs up, trying to ensure catch as effective as possible etc.
    If I had Buoy as well then legs would've been up no prob/better at least and just a case of a bit of strength work with no kicking?

    so Band and buoy is basically swim with upper body only, but with legs being artificially buoyed.

    I guess it is good alright, keeps the focus on arms/catch. And hey all these drills are beneficial that's for sure.
    Nice to mix things up as well so don't mind me.

    Pretty jealous of some warm weather training you got going on this week JB!
    It's raining on and off with sunny outbreaks here at the moment... And 10 degree's outside... (shorts for running obviously...). :D

    Most people do a little kick while pulling, sub concious.

    In my mind B+B would be for people whose body position doesn't allow them to do band only and not struggle overly. Band only for a weak swimmer would not be an accurate reflection of normal swimming and those the work is really stroke specific.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    So IM distance sea swim done in wetsuit, guesses on time for someone that needs flotation devices:) Closest wins a prize

    How much did you walk?


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    So IM distance sea swim done in wetsuit, guesses on time for someone that needs flotation devices:) Closest wins a prize

    1 hr 4 mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    1 hr 4 mins

    Oh god I just simultaneously wet myself and spattered coffee on my monitor..........

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,124 ✭✭✭El Director

    tunney wrote: »
    Oh god I just simultaneously wet myself and spattered coffee on my monitor..........



  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    65 minutes

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    tunney wrote: »
    Oh god I just simultaneously wet myself and spattered coffee on my monitor..........
    Its official: tunney is so hard he p!sses coffee.

    Having no idea what your swim times are 1.09.47 :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    1:04 ;) (will he do it again:D)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    tunney wrote: »
    Oh god I just simultaneously wet myself and spattered coffee on my monitor..........

    A multi-tasker!!

    Okay...if Krusty can run a mile in just under 5 minutes, and JB can swim 100 meters in around a minute (wall start - and rounding), then the difference in the two lads is 4 minutes. Multiply that 4 minutes by 2.4 (IM miles) and we get a factor of 9.6. Divide the 2.4 (IM miles again) by the number of meters there are in a mile (1609) and we get 670.42....then divide this 670.42 by the 9.6 factor and the final result is 69.84 minutes....or.....1:09:50. ;);) That's my answer and I'm sticking to it!

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  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    A multi-tasker!!

    Okay...if Krusty can run a mile in just under 5 minutes, and JB can swim 100 meters in around a minute (wall start - and rounding), then the difference in the two lads is 4 minutes. Multiply that 4 minutes by 2.4 (IM miles) and we get a factor of 9.6. Divide the 2.4 (IM miles again) by the number of meters there are in a mile (1609) and we get 670.42....then divide this 670.42 by the 9.6 factor and the final result is 69.84 minutes....or.....1:09:50. ;);) That's my answer and I'm sticking to it!
    Dorylogic. You cant beat it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    A tricky one - Jackys OW times were very poor compared to his pool swims last year. However the 1800m in 36 minutes yesterday suggested he has that sorted this year. I would reckon he went balls out on this so perhaps around 1.14

  • Registered Users Posts: 157 ✭✭Notwitch

    tunney wrote: »
    Oh god I just simultaneously wet myself and spattered coffee on my monitor..........

    I'm with 1:04 too. Wetsuit, 6 months of band & buoy, salt water and drafting off his old man on the jetski. No problem.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Tuesday #4 Turkey
    30min Recovery Run
    Just a short recovery run to loosen out the legs. Ran along the coast to work out where i would do my IM swim.
    Time:33.56, Dist:6.23kms, Pace:5.27km

    IM OW Swim
    Time to see who was closest!!:)
    With the lovely warm Aegean sea on my doorstep it was always my intention to try and set an IM swim benchmark whilst over here training. I stuck on the wetsuit and handed the garmin 500 to my Father and got him to walk alongside the coast as i was swimming keeping pace with me. My intention was to keep an eye on the stopwatch and turn back on myself around 40 mins as i knew worst case scenario i would do the swim in 1:20. By turning back it would even out any current or wind, not that there was as the sea was very calm almost like a lake!!
    I was going well (or so i thought as its always hard to tell) but i did start to tire and suffer a little in the last 15mins so had to dig in and the form was getting sloppy. My calfs also started to cramp which was strange.
    Any way the important news is i swam 4.27km in 1:21:10 which is assuming i swam a straight line:rolleyes: Looking at the garmin player i went through 1.9km around 35:58 and came back through in 1:12:54.....bloody delighted with that. Before i would of happily taken a 1:16. Thats around 18mins off my UKIM swim time from last year. It just makes all that swim work feel worthwhile, i still hate swimming but today i am happy out!!
    Looks like i should see Tunney leaving T1 in Roth....with a target on his back:) Looks like Tunney was the closest so he wins the prize of a hamper full of cake. Some of you were really ambitous with your estimates....and Dory those calculations are making my head spin:)
    Pic below is me eagerly getting out to get the time before fistpumping the air:pac:
    Time:1:21:10, Dist:4.27kms

    45min Easy Bike
    Just an easy spin out after the swim.
    Time:40:57, Dist:18.23kms, Power:AP180/NP191, Cad:63:confused:, TSS:38, KJ:428

    I have got down to business whilst over here and completely geared towards the training. Tonight i am allowing myself a few beers and a rack of lamb in my favourite place to eat.....well it is the Fathers birthday and i have been busy training!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    You did a very tidy job taking up the legs and arms of that wetsuit. Top work.

    Nice swim too!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Well crap! I didn't allow for 3 minutes of facial stubble drag in my calculations!!

    Nice job! :)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    You've got one dedicated old man. Mine would tell me where to stick my idea if I asked him to do that. :D

    Sounds like you're really taking advantage of this week. Great going JB.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    In that pic you look like youre saying

    "whaddyamean you forgot to press START???"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    You did a very tidy job taking up the legs and arms of that wetsuit. Top work.

    Nice swim too!!

    It's not cut at all if anything it needs cut at the ankles as its hard to get off. I am upgrading soon any way.
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Well crap! I didn't allow for 3 minutes of facial stubble drag in my calculations!!

    Nice job! :)
    I forgot my razor :) probably worth 2secs per 100.
    You've got one dedicated old man. Mine would tell me where to stick my idea if I asked him to do that. :D

    Sounds like you're really taking advantage of this week. Great going JB.

    I am helping him out as well, he is doing double run days :) he is doing another marathon. Not to mention I am paying for his week....the least he can do is work for it.
    Oryx wrote: »
    In that pic you look like youre saying

    "whaddyamean you forgot to press START???"

    Funnily enough I was fearing that, I told him several times what to do!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Wednesday #5 Turkey
    4hr Long Bike
    This was cut way short, 35mins in and i ended up on my arse. No traffic involved and it was my own fault as i switched off for a second. I went too far over onto the hard shoulder, hit loose gravel and came off. Ripped my a$$, hurt my hip, bounced my head off the ground (still have headache) but thankfully wearing helmet. I look like a bruised patchwork quilt with all the tan lines and bruising and have scabs in tender places. I got back on but i was very sore and needed to tend to the cuts on my a$$ so that was that. Rescheduled it for Friday.

    Short easy swim
    Down the sea without the wetsuit and hoping the salt water would help. I could hardly swim as my elbow/shoulder was sore from the fall.
    Time:22:09, Dist:1100mtrs

    This was more stretching and rolling out than core work as the body was tender. I was so stiff and fearing another day essentially lost. Did not sleep well either Wednesday night with severe headache, Father thought i was being a pu$$y:)

    Thursday #6 Turkey
    1hr 20min run with 50min @ IM pace
    I was concerned about this as my hip was sore. Not to worry after 10mins it loosened out. I had 20mins easy and then into 50mins of IM work....this time i had water. Splits for the 50mins of IM work came in around 4:35km avg pace and felt good and controlled considering it was darn warm.
    Time:1:21:13, Dist:17.22kms, Pace:4.43km, TSS:144

    2hr Easy Bike
    I headed out towards Soke as i had planned on covering some of the stage 6 of the Tour of Turkey which i was going to do as another long bike on Friday. This verged into steady on the climbs as it was a bitch of a hill with 270mtrs of climbing and 6.5km on the first climb. I had another on the way back with 10k of climbing over 200mtrs. Flat roads please!!
    Time:2:20, Dist:63.83kms, Power:AP201/NP210, Cad:77, TSS:161, KJ:1658, Climb:776mtrs

    OW Swim
    Down to the beach before the sun set. In the wetsuit, still felt a bit sore but better than Wednesdays swim. I threw in a couple of sprint efforts.
    Time:47:20, Dist:2300mtrs

    Friday #7 Turkey
    Early 1hr swim
    Down to the beach early before the long bike. Plan was to throw in some fast 5x20 strokes but keeping it mainly steady. Swam as well as i did on Tuesdays time trial.
    Time:1:05, Dist:3000mtrs

    4hr Long Bike with IM efforts
    Cannot take much from the power stats today as my power meter was dropping out for some reason. I am hoping it just the batteries going and not the bang it took on Wednesday. I was due to do about 2.5hrs of IM effort so just went by feel. This was the first day the legs did not play ball and the quads in particular felt very tired and sore. It was also the hottest day with it hitting 35 degrees.
    I had gas craic heading back towards home as the Peleton where about an hour behind me from the Tour of Turkey. A lot of people out including race officials confusing me with the leader of the stage, i was getting clapped and everything....hilarous stuff:)
    Time:3:56:08, Dist:108.19kms, Power:felt around 190w

    Run off bike
    Just a short one off the bike as i wanted to get back to see the finish of the stage. I will be honest i felt terrible getting off the bike but somehow i was moving well straight away near hitting standalone marathon pace. Result!!
    Time:10:21, Dist:2.37km, Pace:4:22km
