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Chasing the Kona dream and a Mai Tai cocktail



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    Flight cancelled, what a sh1t start to the day. On standby for a later flight.

    Can you confirm if Tunney's 'extra baggage' is responsible for this delay ?

    Nothing worse, you'd have thought that flight was full of loons off towards Roth ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Flight cancelled, what a sh1t start to the day. On standby for a later flight.

    Well, it can't be because of the sunshine I brought!!!!

    Best of luck once again!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    They just got word you guys are coming

    see attachment

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Airports are great craic, think I might start doing intervals down in T1 :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 251 ✭✭handangeo

    Hey JB, best wishes for Roth, just go and nail it. :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,088 ✭✭✭LaHaine

    Hi JB,

    Big fan of the log. Some man for the training. Just wanted to say best of luck!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Well we eventually arrived here, best to say the travel over will probably be a better read than the race itself with 23hrs traveling and a catalogue of issues. Very much the trip felt ruined yesterday in the group but today is a new day however and it's time to get my game face on for tomorrow and start enjoying this mo fo trip.

  • Registered Users Posts: 509 ✭✭✭numorouno

    Long time readerfirst time poster! Very best of luck

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Challenge Roth – Germany, Race Report

    The bad ones are always tough to put down on paper particularly this one as it was my A race for the year.

    Training had gone well with my season kicking off Back in Oct 2011 with this being my first season coached. IM specific work commenced after the completion of the Barcelona marathon back in March.
    All the numbers were looking good with a 50watt improvement on the bike and my easy run pace on my long runs reduced by about 40secs per km.
    Training could have been perfect but unfortunately a piriformis injury had hampered my final preparations in the peak phase. The goal was very much sub 10 all the way and I was prepared to throw the kitchen sink at it.

    I was travelling over with my coach Dave and a friend Darren (aka Mr Tango). The trip got off to a terrible start with a cancelled flight with us eventually heading out some 12 hours later with the second flight delayed to add insult to injury.
    To add further complication when we eventually arrived over to Frankfurt Airport we found out that the car rental company had given our van away even though we advised them of the delay and the fact it was pre paid. Their comeback was “tough luck” this would be a reoccurring theme as the Germans we encountered through the trip lacked basic manners and came across rude. I might add I know one German girl who is the exact opposite so don’t want to tar them all with the same brush. After much discussion and us not budging we finally got on the road nearly an hour and a half later. We were all pretty wrecked at this stage and what should be a 2hr drive became a 3.5hr drive as we had to take a detour due to road works on the Autobhan. We went cross country and I was nearly falling asleep behind the wheel, not fun and not the preparation you want 24hrs out from your race. We eventually arrived to the hotel at 3am on Saturday morning essentially a day late with no sleep and wrecked from the bad luck we endured on our travels over.

    Pre Race
    Saturday morning was spent unpacking the bike and building it up. I felt things a bit rushed as we needed to get our bike and run gear ready for when we registered, we were chasing our tails all day.
    We arrived down in Roth and got registered straight away and done a short 20min stint on the bike to make sure everything was in working order and also help opening the legs out a little as I felt very stiff from the long day previously. Pace was decent enough at around 38kmph but I did notice the wind was picking up.
    Once we got sorted and dropped the bags and bike off it was back to the hotel for a quick freshen up and out to get some food before hitting the bed wrecked at 10am.

    Race morning
    Woke up around 3:30am after an interrupted sleep thanks to some drunken Germans. Tried to get a decent amount of brekkie in and managed about 700kcals. We headed down to race venue and got the bike and nutrition sorted. Started to feel a bit queasy but put it down to race nerves.
    They had some music blaring, the nerves and emotions were starting to rise, this is it 10 months of dedicated training leading up to this. Dave was off at 6.40am, I was off at 7am and Darren at 7.05am. We said our good lucks and off we went.

    My wave was off at 7am and we got called in shortly before for a warm up. There was a 5min wait and the emotions were at fever pitch ready for the big day ahead.
    Boom the cannon goes off! I had started off to the right along the bank. Straight into some strong swimming for the first 200mtrs until a bit of space opened up. I did not manage to get on feet much so just done my own thing. Hit the first 1500mtrs turnaround point and I felt I was swimming well and keeping my stroke long and strong.
    As we turned back some of the uber swimmers from the later waves came flying by me. It was probably around the 2.5k mark that I started to feel a little off with a headache and what felt like dizziness. I knew I had started to slow and as we turned the 3.5k buoy I ended up having to swim over to the bank to get my head together as I was feeling ropey as hell and very dizzy. I reckon I lost about 2 to 3 minutes here whilst sorting my head out. With about 200mtrs to go I just swam easy to get it done. I came out of the water in 1:22 for the 3.8km swim. Not great but 10mins quicker than UKIM last year.

    I stumbled up the steps and walked through transition or should I say staggered my way through. I was starting to ask myself what is going on. As a volunteer was helping me off with my wetsuit I got sick all over it and her. In fairness the volunteer was fine about it and had later cleaned it and returned it to my bag. T1 was a very slow affair close on 6 minutes.

    I gingerly got on my bike, 20mins in and I got sick again. Power was down around 30% and I just felt so weak on the bike. Took on some hydration and tried a gel but nothing would stick as I ended up getting sick another several times throughout the bike. I found it very tough on the bike as it’s normally me doing the overtaking as its one of my strongest disciplines so I could not comprehend what was happening to me as large groups overtook me.
    I went through a whole range of emotions, why now, why on race day. At around 70k before the Solarberg climb I actually thought I am going to struggle to finish this. I broke down on the bike and emotions hit me hard. As we went up the Solarberg the crowds were 10 deep either side, I should have been enjoying this moment instead of looking blankly ahead. That’s the annoying thing the Solarverg climb is the most famous climb in triathlon and here I was not enjoying the experience.
    After the first loop at 90km I was ready to call it a day as I felt lousy and my power was now down around 40% and 70-80 watts off. I also knew dehydration was becoming an issue as I could not hold anything down. My stubbornness and willingness to suffer kicked in and I kept going. The thought of letting my family, friends, coach and most importantly myself down would not let me stop.
    The 2nd loop was carnage, I actually remember very little of the last 40k apart from me veering all over the road and I actually came off the bike having run off road at slow speeds. I also remember coming to a sharp descent at high speed with hay bales and the back wheel locking up and me near coming off. I knew this was getting dangerous as I trundled along I had to hold my head steady as I was feeling so dizzy and sick.
    My throat was raw at this stage from puking and I was just willing the kms away. Thoughts started to drift to the run and how will I manage it. I had decided I would just go out and see what happens. The later stages were all about surviving and I essentially had to freewheel on any sort of downhill as I had no energy to turn the pedals.
    As I rolled into T2 I stopped my watch at 5:58 and got ready to dismount off the bike. I don't remember much but I must have collapsed over another competitor at the dismount line.
    Bike file - about 80watts off

    I must have sparked out for a while as when I came around I was lying on a stretcher with two IV's and 4 bags of fluids in me with German doctors frantically rushing around me hooking me up to an ECG and taking blood pressure. I was trying to hold my head still as everything was whooshing around and I was having difficulty catching my breathe. I will be honest I was terrified and did not know what was happening, there was talk of rushing me to hospital. As the 4 bags emptied I started to come around a bit about an hour or so later (not sure). They transferred me down by ambulance to the main medical tent beside the finish area where they stuck on another two bags of fluids.
    Eventually I came around enough for them to start giving out sh1t to me for not filling in contact details on the back of my race number, they had a point but with Michelle away on holiday what use could she have been apart from worrying her. I made out from the medical sheet that my hr was in the 180s which above threshold when the medical team got hold of me.
    I finally was released after I told them I did not want to go to hospital. I grabbed a bottle of water, found somewhere quite and wept like a fvking baby. It has to be one of the lowest points I have experienced thus far. After a while I made my way to the finish area to see the guys cross the finish line which they did in style with Dave in 10.42 and Darren in a shade over 11 hours. I was trying to hide my disappointment so as not to take the shine off there fine performances.
    We eventually got back to collect the bikes, fortunately mine was there as I was unsure what had happened to it. It took us an age to find the van and I just wanted to get out of Roth at that stage. We went out for something to eat later and got sick again so called it a night.
    When I got back to the hotel I just crashed out I was physically, emotionally and mentally drained from the day’s events.
    Flew home the next day, near collapsed in the airport again and flight was delayed so all in all a terrible weekend from start to finish apart from the company on the trip.

    What now?
    I am waiting on a cancellation today to see a Doctor as I am still not feeling right. I think my whole body has been compromised from Sunday and what happened. If it was a mechanical or a crash or could just about with live with it but it’s the not knowing what caused this is annoying me.
    I love long distance tri but this is the huge downside when something like this happens all that preparation can down the drain if something is not right on race day. I want to do something to try salvage something from the season but what that something is too soon to tell as I need to recover first.
    I always said I love to push myself to the limits, to the edge. Well having experienced what I did on Sunday I am just hoping it will not prevent that fighting spirit I know I have in future races. I have holidays to go on this weekend and catch up with Michelle and the kids who are already over there, I really miss them particularly so this week. This week has been a tough one to deal with but I need to remember it’s a race and there will be others.

    I want to say a huge thank you to my coach Dave Tunney who is more than just a coach and someone I consider a very good friend despite all the piss taking that goes on between us. Darren (Mr Tango) for helping out with the swimming and after the weekend someone who I also consider a friend. Michelle and the kids who as always give me the support to undertake such a big training load and time commitment. Thanks to all my family and friends for the messages of support. Thanks to my running club DDAC who truly are an amazing bunch of people, I will not forget the card and support shown by you for a long time.

    I will be back. You cannot keep a good man down!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Scary stuff Fran. I hope you get to the bottom of it and get your health sorted. A very honest and emotional read. I can't even begin to think what it would be like to wake up to that scenario with the IVs, etc. I have no doubt you'll bounce back and get that sub 10. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Enjoy the hols with the family

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  • Registered Users Posts: 251 ✭✭handangeo

    What a man, your still alive to fight another day.

    Keep it going JB!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Jaysus that's rough.

    Plenty of time to 'salvage' the season. You'll just be delaying your race day performance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    very scary stuff, I would not worry about the rest of the season until you are 100%, but as said before cant keep a good man down

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    You describe above the nightmare we all dread. I already knew the ending as I read it, and as it was hard to even read, it must have been hell to live through, and to try and keep going when your body was shot. It says plenty about your determination that you had to fall down before quitting. I know there are teeshirts that say Death Before DNF, but man, they dont mean it literally.

    I admire you for being able to write about it here, too. That alone is a hard thing, to put your disappointment on (virtual) paper. I'm pretty much in awe here. If anyone deserves a break on their next race, its you. I really, really hope you get it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 428 ✭✭big mce

    Hard luck JB. Take some time out and relax. Sometimes sh@t happens, You had fantastic training done, but it just didn't happen on the day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Jaysus JB, heart-stopping stuff....

    Have you a theory as to the problem?

    I see tunney was referencing some dodgy prawns, or do you have another view?

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    You've a knack for the emotional race reports. Gutted for you Fran, knew something had to be seriously wrong for you to disappear from the tracker.

    Hope you get it all sorted. Your training, passion and determination deserve more.

    Enjoy the holiday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Hard luck man,

    Long time follower and absolutely gutted for you after all the hard work you put in all year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Hopefully its nothing serious and wont keep you out for long, anything even small wrong with you on the day will make it hard to finish such a long race -I would take a nice long break as you are three years hard at it at this stage but knowing you shotgun and Abhainn may well have another partner in Challenge Barcelona ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Izoard wrote: »
    Jaysus JB, heart-stopping stuff....

    Have you a theory as to the problem?

    I see tunney was referencing some dodgy prawns, or do you have another view?

    I originally thought food poisining but I am not sure now, my GP has just sent me to casualty as they are unhappy with symptons and ecg so I should get some answers soon enough as seen straight away up here. Waiting on bloods now and to see a Doc. I knew my stubbornness would land me in trouble some day.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 19,514 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Appalling end to a tough campaign, but I have little doubt it'll become the inspiration and motivation for better results than you could have hoped for this time around. Keep the chin up. When everything clicks, you'll be unstoppable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Jesus Fran your description had me in shock. That was some ordeal you went through. You even completed the bike when you should have been in care.

    I know you will be back. Hope everything turns out well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Just got off the plane and this report is the first thing I looked for. I knew it would be emotional, and you did not disappoint. It's very tough to read when a fellow athlete who is one of the hardest working and emotionally vested you know doesn't have the race they deserve, but your day will come. Serious props to you on your effort, vulnerability and honesty - true makings of a champion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    Nasty stuff JB sorry to read that.

    Sounds like a bug/sickness of some sort going in to the race, and you pushed on regardless hence the collapse and shut down on bike it seems!

    Lousy timing but what can you do.
    Get sorted with doc's, look at nutrition/health and review if needed and move on to next goal.
    Maybe add some fun races in next couple months to get the enjoyment back in and help get over it.
    Horrible to have a main A focus go so bad but hopefully that's it now and you can move on to better things.

    Defo enjoy a few days away/with mrs and take a step back.
    Look at overall picture, you'll have plenty more racing to go right and once diagnosis is nailed then you can move on and address anything required.

    Good luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Yeah as Fazz said sounds like a bug. It would explain dizziness on swim, puking and dehydration. Of course you and your drive and ambition pushed on. I hope the tests results either show something fixable or a clean bill of health. Take a break lad. You need it after that experience. Health is #1

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Ok just waiting on echo back and stress test did not show up anything apart from being really fit. Met with consultant and they reckon food poisoning is a strong possibility and I have strained a muscle in my chest. In short I really fooked myself up as the body was put under strain/stress when I should have been hugging a toilet bowl.
    This whole week has been terrifying at times, Doctors orders to rest up. Really looking forward to a 2.5week holiday. When I come back it will all be about fun and racing when I am ready, I have made lots of training deposits in the bank this year and want to make a few race withdrawals:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    Ok just waiting on echo back and stress test did not show up anything apart from being really fit. Met with consultant and they reckon food poisoning is a strong possibility and I have strained a muscle in my chest. In short I really fooked myself up as the body was put under strain/stress when I should have been hugging a toilet bowl.
    This whole week has been terrifying at times, Doctors orders to rest up. Really looking forward to a 2.5week holiday. When I come back it will all be about fun and racing when I am ready, I have made lots of training deposits in the bank this year and want to make a few race withdrawals:)

    I was absolutely gutted for you. I know exactly how much hard work you have put in. You never complained or questioned. You just suffered when you were meant to suffer and never complained, b1tched out or made excuses. You got the job done.

    For all the banter and abuse I knew you were going to crush me. I also knew the banter drove you on so I continued it despite knowing that you'd have put 30 minutes into me before we got off the bike and I was expecting from 170km on to be passed by you.

    I wanted you to beat me, hell I wanted Darren to beat me, ye both did the work and ye both deserved a result.

    I have no doubt that you will capitalise on the gains you have made and you will get the result you deserve next year in Frankfurt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Gutted for you reading that report JB after all the work you put in and the big build up to the race, but you'll come back stronger after getting fixed up and taking a rest. Make sure you work on the insults for Tunney next year, you're going to love FF, its brilliant. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    Ok just waiting on echo back and stress test did not show up anything apart from being really fit. Met with consultant and they reckon food poisoning is a strong possibility and I have strained a muscle in my chest. In short I really fooked myself up as the body was put under strain/stress when I should have been hugging a toilet bowl.
    This whole week has been terrifying at times, Doctors orders to rest up. Really looking forward to a 2.5week holiday. When I come back it will all be about fun and racing when I am ready, I have made lots of training deposits in the bank this year and want to make a few race withdrawals:)

    Hey Fran, as many above have said already, gutted for you and respect for such an honest account of the day you had. Between cancelled flights and closed roads, none of you guys on that trip had it easy and for you, and where you ended up, it was like the perfect storm. From what I've heard you pretty much had to battle through one on the bike that day in Germany!

    With the all clear (hopefully) from the docs and a good holiday with the missus and kids hopefully you'll get back to yourself. Taking 10 mins off your swim time despite being so ill highlights what might of been and certainly the breakthrough just around the corner that you thoroughly deserved.

    Also, the sooner you and Tunney move past this man-love thing on here and get back to how things were, the better ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    interested wrote: »

    With the all clear (hopefully) from the docs and a good holiday with the missus and kids hopefully you'll get back to yourself. Taking 10 mins off your swim time despite being so ill highlights what might of been and certainly the breakthrough just around the corner that you thoroughly deserved.

    I've seen all his numbers (swim, bike and run) all through the year. I know the gains made and I know the performance he has to give, I don't think he nor anyone else realises what is in the tank to give.

    On the swim time - Roth swim was slightly long so even more impressive!
