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Chasing the Kona dream and a Mai Tai cocktail



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Recovery Run
    Just a recovery effort run after bike test the night previous. Legs felt grand but kept the pace & effort slooooow.

    An easy 2100 swim set, 3x200p easy coming in 3:44,6,6 and 3x100sw easy 1:49,52,51.

    45 min S&C
    Another sweatfest in the gym, not appealing at all anymore but we will stick with it over Winter. Core is tight this morning!!

    Club session - 10x400s & coached session of 6x600s
    Ran down as a wu to our brand new run track in the Lourdes Stadium which is a fantastic facility. My own session with the A group called for 10x400 hitting 80secs with 60sec recoveries and then i had a follow up coaching session with one of the slower groups doing 6x600s off 3mins which turned out to be an easy extended warm down pace for me.
    I was unsure how i would cope with the 10x400s as i have done no speed work for a good while. The first 2 sucked big time (speedwork is really a different animal) but then i got into a groove and settled into them. Efforts all ranging from 3.05 to 3.19km pace on the 400s
    Reps were, 77,79,79,77,77,80,78,80,77,80
    If i could get another two weeks of speedwork into the legs and i thought i was in decent shape i may look at the 5k Jingle Bells and see if i can take a chunk off my pb from last year. I would love a sub 18min but the race might be too soon, i will speak to coach first as it may not work.
    1:18 (1:10moving),16.37kms,4.47m/km,ahr154/mhr186

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Club session - 10x400s & coached session of 6x600s

    At first i took this as a swim session :P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Bambaata wrote: »
    At first i took this as a swim session :P

    Don't be giving him ideas!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    A set consisting of 2.6k with some front balance drills and main set consisting of 3x300sw steady and 5x100p mod effort. Times on these 5.52,50,51, very consistent but a little on the slow side. 100s 1.45,44,48,53,54 not happy with the drift on the last two as i switched off a little.

    Recovery Run
    Kept this at recovery pace on the dreadmill, legs felt good after speedwork the night previous.
    32mins,6.22kms,5.09m/km pace

    4.5hr Long Bike
    Up and out early at 6am. I cycled out to Naul to meet The Jolly Green Giant and McChunky. I forgot how fcking hilly it is out to Naul and the fact i had a sh1t light on the front (not going to be stingy and buy a decent one this morning), it was dark and misty i near came a cropper on one of the descents.
    We had 2x45min segments of work which for me came out at 86% and 78% of FTP 231w/216w. McChunky tore off on the first one with the bit between his teeth and myself and the Jolly Green Giant went off in pursuit. I have a lot of work to do, whilst its all well and good being able to ride a good FTP test for 20mins i need to work on and get used to holding efforts of 85% to 95% for longer periods. The 2nd one i actually felt stronger and had fun slagging McChunky as i passed him on a few of the rollers, my dwarfism comes in handy when the road points upwards:).
    Overall it was a good ride and the company made the session fly in. It helps training with others of similar ability and given Naul is halfway between each we hope to get a good bit of cycling in over Winter as its a good route on mainly quite roads with no traffic lights or stopping etc.
    I was surprised to see a total of 1400mtr of elevation gain for the ride, although the route is rolling and i climb over Snowtown from both sides.
    Stats below

    1.5hr Long Run
    This was broken down into 19:30 run, 30sec walk chunks. Pissing rain and cold i headed out with 3 layers, hat & gloves on. Very enjoyable run i have to say and it felt easy even on some of the small rollers.
    Stats below

    Weekly RU
    12th Nov - 18th Nov|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    Overall not a bad week. Good solid bike test on Tuesday, bit of speedwork on the Thursday and a solid long bike and run at the weekend. More of the same this week i reckon. Not happy with diet at the weekend, i had both lads birthday parties on the Saturday and ended up eating cr@p which ran into Sunday. Need to get a handle on this pronto which is not easy considering between now and Xmas i have something on every weekend!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Recovery Bike
    Kept this very easy even though wind was a killer. Legs feeling very tight and sluggish but better after it.

    Club Swim
    Some 10x25 kick and drill work to start off and into 200s & 100s, left the garmin at home but Tango suggested times of 3.39,??, 1.43, 1.46. They felt slower as the legs and my usual weak a$$ and sacrum were very tight.
    50mins, 1600mtrs

    Easy Short Run
    Out at lunchtime, half of this into a bloody gale. A crappy run and once again the legs felt a little dead and creaky.
    28mins,5.7kms,4.51m/km pace

    Rolling & Maintenance
    Long overdue, given the feeling the last two days i gave the legs a good rolling and they felt a 100 times better after it. Also done some exercises and stretches as shown by MWT to loosen out the tightness around sacrum and piriformas, like brand new this morning so need to keep these up.

    1hr turbo with work
    So 14hrs later than planned (not hitting these early sessions see below). Glad i had rolled the legs out earlier as i needed them for this as i had 40mins at 90% of threshold. Into wu and the builds rising from 200w up to 500w. The 40mins was tough but manageable. I can certainly feel myself working harder holding these longer stints at or close to threshold.
    It should certainly help my cycling long term...... or kill me:)
    251w held for the 40mins, building back up nicely on the bike.

    I am enjoying training right now but its a juggle as kids are acting up at nightime and i am not getting proper sleeps in which means sacrificing early morning sessions for now and rescheduling later in the day. It should pass over soon enough, it fvking better or i am moving into the shed!!
    Lauren has now a second dose of chicken pox (thought you could only get it once:confused:) and well the other kids are just playing musical beds for the craic. Need to start focusing on wearing my compression gear and looking after the legs a bit more so as not to impact on sessions.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Can you send me FTP test routine again, have deleted all my pms so lost it. Feeling under pressure knowing Sean has done one. ;)

    In English this time though please. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    45min fartlek run
    This was a decent run and i was moving well with decent form.
    45min,10.13kms,4.28m/km pace

    Nearly a missed session but had to trim off the last bit of it (600mtrs) due to the pool closing and me mixing up my times. Usual wu, some 50 fists and main set of 7x200s, i managed 6 before i ran out of time. Times on these 3:49,54,50,54,56(forgot to press stop) and 47 for the last one.
    43:24,2000mtrs,Moving pace 1:58,swof41

    50min S&C
    Focussed on upper body & core, left leg work out with turbo planned for later. Cannot believe i used to be a gym bunny.

    70min turbo with work
    ABORT ABORT ABORT. Session called for 2x20 at 95% FTP - 264w. Long story short, struggled a bit through first one but hit the 264w and had to abort 5mins into 2nd one as i was toast.
    I hate bailing on a session but just did not have it in me tonight. Putting it down to tiredness and inability to suffer well. Forget and move on, its done.

    Can you send me FTP test routine again, have deleted all my pms so lost it. Feeling under pressure knowing Sean has done one. ;)

    In English this time though please. :)

    I will pm you shortly RQ.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Bailing on turbo sessions is against my grain too but if I feel the body aint up to it and attempts would be just junk, then binning can be wise..

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    Can you send me FTP test routine again, have deleted all my pms so lost it. Feeling under pressure knowing Sean has done one. ;)

    In English this time though please. :)

    I've a feeling I'm about to be chicked on an FTP !

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    I've a feeling I'm about to be chicked on an FTP !

    Why do you think I'm doing it? ;)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Bailing on turbo sessions is against my grain too but if I feel the body aint up to it and attempts would be just junk, then binning can be wise..

    Yeah there was no point flogging a dead horse at that stage. It's only one session, just learning to let things go when they don't go to plan (something i may not have done in the past)
    I've a feeling I'm about to be chicked on an FTP !

    I reckon she has a target well and truly marked on your back, she was asking me how to beat AKW as i really want to show him up as a big girl*

    *that part may not be true but let's start some smack talk between the two of you

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    Poor CW. He reckons I've a target on his back.

    How's he gonna feel when both RQ and me go past him? (She still behind me, of course)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    2.9km of work and the main set even pacing 100s off 2:10 aiming for 1:50 to 1:55. Glad to say all 20 came in 1:49 to 1:54 apart from two when i hit the tail end of traffic. No drop off in pace towards the end and it felt like IM type effort hitting the times.
    1:03,2.9kms,1:53m/100 moving time,24spl,78swolf

    Easy Run
    Just 45mins easy, bloody cold out. Decent run
    47mins,10.4kms,4:34m/km pace

    Switched around the long bike today as road conditions poor with ice early this morning.
    1.5hr LER
    A few layers on heading out and headed down to the run track for some of the run. Very good run, took me 5k to get into it and felt stronger with pace coming down as the run went on. Kept it easy, 4.30km pace exc the 4x30sec walk breaks.
    1:34,20.5kms,4:35m/km pace

    1hr S&C/Gym & short recovery swim
    A bit of time presented itself this evening so i hit the gym for an hour focussed a lot of tonights session on a bit of cross training, core and some specific strength exercises on my glutes. Finished off with something completely different, 5x2mins on the punch bag, it's been a long time since i laced up the gloves but i really enjoyed it.
    Short 1k recovery swim after with pull buoy with 1.59 moving pace, followed by a stint in the jacuzzi.

    Looking forward to watching the Hatton comeback tonight, a cheeky bottle of red opened waiting to be drunk. Hopefully the kids stay asleep:)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Jingle bells, you doing?

    There will be choc biscuit cake. I promise.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Long Bike - 3.5hr Turbo
    The morning got away from me so it was to be 3.5hrs of turbo fun:o. One thing i notice about long turbos is how slow time moves, really that 3.5hrs felt more like 24hrs!!
    Session was a good one numbers wise and really had me working the 2x45min sections at sweet spot 88% of FTP (245w). I really suffered towards the end of the second one and my legs started to cramp a little. Felt slightly bonkish towards the end of the ride and it probably took me about an hr after getting off to start feeling normal again.
    Stats below

    Weekly RU
    19th Nov - 25th Nov|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    Another decent week put down and i am very surprised i did not miss a session with how sleep has been the last week with the kids playing the roles of midnight zombies and musical beds.
    Some good turbo work on the Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday even if things did unravel a bit on the Thursday session. Swim was decent enough and happy with the 20x100s on Fridays session. Run also ok with the long run going very well. Legs and body a little tired this morning but at least this week is a recovery week. Main aim is allow the body recover and be ready for the next block of training. Happy with how things are progressing right now and hopefully i will get back into the swing of hitting early morning sessions, sleep and kids permitting:rolleyes:
    Jingle bells, you doing?
    There will be choc biscuit cake. I promise.

    I was going to have a go but it would mean dropping a long bike instead. TBH probably would not bother running it as i want my next 5k to be a sub 18min attempt and the run legs are not there yet. However i may cycle down to the park to watch and get some cake as i am hitting the town later that night.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    The morning got away from me so it was to be 3.5hrs of turbo fun:o. One thing i notice about long turbos is how slow time moves, really that 3.5hrs felt more like 24hrs!!

    I did 2:15 on the turbo yesterday. The exact same as the length of Black Hawk Down. The only way I could get through it, so I don't know how you managed another hour!

    Jingle bells, you doing?

    There will be choc biscuit cake. I promise.

    Cake? I'm there. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    I was due to do a club swim but i was late out of work, Xmas rush has started already. Took a recovery day instead.

    1hr easy bike
    Not sure if you can call a 1hr easy bike a "breakthrough" session but this did feel like one as it felt like it used to. Whilst i kept the effort easy i found holding 200-220w with relative ease and legs just felt strong. I suppose thats what happens when you spend a good chunk of last weeks cycling around 88 to 95% of threshold, easy does feel easy:)

    2100mtrs of work with some balance drills thrown in and 5x200 alternating. Unsure on times all around 3.4ish, need to upload garmin file later.

    I was due to get out and run this evening but as soon as i got home Hannah attached herself to me for the night, running a high temp and generally feeling sorry for herself.

    Its a recovery week so not going to beat myself over missing a swim and a short easy run. 75min turbo scheduled later this evening which i am strangely looking forward to:confused:

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    I was going to have a go but it would mean dropping a long bike instead. TBH probably would not bother running it as i want my next 5k to be a sub 18min attempt and the run legs are not there yet. However i may cycle down to the park to watch and get some cake as i am hitting the town later that night.

    It would be an awful shame if you didn't turn up. I've just cooked up a huge batch today.
    BTH wrote: »
    Cake? I'm there. :)

    Not sure I should be providing cake to people who aren't supporting my club financially. :)

    You missed it at Athy though, so if any slices fall on the ground I might brush them off for you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    So remainder of the recovery week went well...very very easy. Missed 1 or 2 sessions and had planned a 2.5hr long bike on Friday evening on the turbo, an hour in and i jumped off to watch the toy show with the kids instead:rolleyes:.
    Out on Saturday night with the Phoenix tri gang, i am still hungover today but managed to get one of my two runs in before work this morning and got out for a 10k run late last night. Paulaner is an evil drink:(

    This week is a decent enough week with a good bit of running. Looking forward to it as i feel well rested and ready for the next block of training. Another Fri/Sat nights out this weekend, really cannot wait for all these silly season parties to be over.

    To give myself a good shot for Abu Dhabi and FF i am going off beer/wine for 6 months in January. I like to unwind from time to time with beer & wine so it should be a fun couple of months!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    Congrats Fran!!!! Must have been weird.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    ^^^Not sure what the Mitt Romney or McAfee article has to do with me:rolleyes:

    Some training
    Pre work morning run
    Out nice and early for a nice 45min easy aerobic run. Kept things nice and handy.
    46mins,9.7kms,4.45m/km pace

    Short Easy Run
    A double run day, this one shorter and again kept it even easier than the morning run.
    29mins,5.9kms,4.54m/km pace

    Club Swim
    Down to Dublin for a coached session with Tango. A mix of drills, some kicking and some 25s/50s/75s/100s. I noticed some improvement on the drills specifically the side balance drills which i struggled with in the past. Tango also mentioned an improvement in kicking. 100s were all low 1.40s not sure of other times as i did not bother hitting lap on the 910 with all the drill work mixed in. Massive cramp in the ball of my foot as i pushed off the wall had me poolside like christy brown in my left foot:)

    Easy Run
    Due to be a 45min run but went 10mins over due to a miscalculation. Nice run and hilly/windy enough out, bloody freezing but not too bad when i got into it. A couple of kms unknowingly drifted into 4:2s but still felt easy at that.
    55mins,11.86kms,4.38m/km pace

    In bad form jumping on the turbo which can be a recipe for disaster, a mixture of some misbehaving kids and a broken samsung tablet as a result of those little ones misbehaving.:(
    This stung a little, not that it was a huge amount of time spent in hurtsville but it had me living in lactic city. A decent wu, into some builds from 200w upwards. I had 5mins at threshold moving straight into work above threshold for 10mins and straight into lifting that effort by 10w per minute after the 10.
    I was already hovering at 293w after the 10min and hr was not far off my max, the legs had also filled with lactic at that stage. Managed to up it for another 4mins (last one died last 15secs) and hit a new MHR by 2 bpm. As i said it stung a little but i enjoyed it to lift the bad mood. If i get doing it again at least i have a target to beat, lifting it 10 times would be pretty good i reckon.
    Stats below

    Spent 20mins doing some stretches and rolling after to keep the legs in tip top form for the rest of the week.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    I had some easy, steady and mod hard running in this one. 15mins steady running was at 4.13km pace followed straight into 5mins @ 3.52km pace. Felt good to be doing some quicker running and felt i was moving decent enough.

    Technique session with a lot of drills focussing on sculling, kicking and balance. I had 4x200s for a finish all around 3:50. I enjoyed this swim and had some eye candy in the lane to keep me occupied:)

    Easy Run
    Out at lunchtime for 45mins easy, more miles in the legs. Wind a killer and i had to push into steady on some small inclines into the wind as i felt i was running on the spot.
    45mins,9.5kms,4.44m/km pace

    Tempo Bike
    Stupid turbo software not working again. I messed around for an hour trying to get it fixed as i had a specific BG set to do but no joy. Quick text to coach and ended up out on the road rather pissed off at 9.30pm instead. Rode 45min tempo at 243w and the rest easy. Frustrations were lifted when i finished the ride. I felt strong tonight on the bike but the rain and gusty winds was a pisser.
    Stats below

    With a work gig and on the beer all day i had to get two sessions done early.
    2800mtrs of work with a mix of 100s and 200s. 100s all coming in low 1:40 and 200s ranging from 3:42 to 3:50. Decent session and i noticed my swolf came down to 39 as i was trying out a slightly longer glide.

    45min fartlek run
    Not long between both sessions which was not ideal, banana and a shake before heading off. Decent run and form felt good, cadence check all 90s and 92s. I do like fartlek runs, feels like you are running for fun.
    47mins,10.62kms,4.26m/km pace

    3hr long bike
    Long bike with 4x20 at tempo effort. Legs tired heading out due to being on my feet all day Friday smoozing & boozing although i took it handy with this in mind. I did tire towards the end of the last 20 which became a 13min, a mix of power flagging, legs dragging and i had a 3km downhill which would have killed the numbers:o should have grown a pair imo.
    Tempo efforts felt good to start off with at 235w/240w/236w and last one tailed off at 228w. Still a good bit to go but happy with how bike is progressing right now.
    Stats below

    So off for another party night out with the run club. I will be glad of staying in on weekends for a while after Xmas :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Thankfully no hangover from Saturday nights Xmas party but again i took it handy enough so as not to impact on sessions.

    Unplanned, had the kids at the pool and jumped in for 1k easy after splashing about and generally acting the eejit:)
    19:31,1000mtrs, 1.57p/km pace

    Long Run
    I will mark this down as my best run in terms of feel since pre Roth training. Felt so easy right the way through although i did have 20mins steady towards the end into a headwind which had me working a bit harder. A really enjoyable run.
    1:40,22km,4.33m/km pace (4.28m/km exc walk breaks)

    Late easy turbo
    I wanted to get the turbo sorted and working again, when i did i had an urge to jump on for a half hour easy spinning out the legs after the long run earlier. Ended up at an hour whilst watching the X Factor fairness i was only keeping Michelle company watching it:rolleyes:. Legs felt very good after it, like the legs had a massage after the long run.

    Weekly RU
    03rd Dec - 09th Dec|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    My best weeks training since i started back after Barcelona. Really happy with how my running went for the week especially the long run as week on week i can feel improvements. It was a large jump in run volume from previous weeks but the body coped well with it. Bike continues to see improvements and despite the last 20min effort on the long bike and the turbo malfunction on Thursday it was a good week for it. I hope to be back at my Roth wattage the next time i test which means finding 20w on my t20.
    Swimming continues to be 1 step forward and 2 steps back (in my mind any way). Just need to keep at it, another 400tt coming up in a week so i will see where i am at.
    Working on my race schedule later on so will stick up a list of races once i do a quick run through with coach.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    30min easy run
    Garminless for this one. Stuck on 3 layers for this as it was baltic out. Good run with about 7.5km covered in 34mins at around 4.3x pace.

    Club Swim
    It was just myself down from the club so got a good one to one session in with Tango. He was in the water and was able to have a good look at what was happening under water. The positives, overall there is very little wrong with my stroke although the pull phase does shorten when i get tired and its something i need to be mindful of to ensure i finish out the back end of it. The negatives, i am not relaxing in the water enough (very apparent on the side balance drills) and my head position along with body position (biggest problem) is poor which is leading to me working harder and fatiguing earlier.
    Still a lot to work on but i found the session very helpful indeed. Oh and that lad can!!

    Run with a crash/bang/wallop
    Out at lunchtime and i got caught out on the ice early enough into the run. Landed heavily on my back and head which left me a bit winded and dizzy. Continued running but i was hating every minute of it as my confidence was shot anytime i was passing ice. Finished the run short of planned time. Back a bit stiff after but other than that lucky escape. I need to get my home setup sorted with treadmill pronto.
    34:24,7.05kms,4.53m/km pace

    Turbo fun - No 1
    1st meaty turbo session of the week. Normal warm up/builds and into 20mins at threshold, 10mins at 105% and 5mins at 110%, all with 5mins easy in between. I found the threshold ok, the 10min at 105% i found tough and had to dig in a little. The 5min was short enough not to have me concerned and i pushed it on for a finish. 280w, 293w, 310w held on each.
    This turned out to equal my peak 60 min power (normalized), considering there is 25mins of easy in between the set this can only be a good sign that things are improving. A strong session and unlike last year i am not allowing myself get carried away, there is plenty more hard work to be done to be in the bike condition i want to be (need to be) next season.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Run with a crash/bang/wallop
    Out at lunchtime and i got caught out on the ice early enough into the run. Landed heavily on my back and head which left me a bit winded and dizzy. Continued running but i was hating every minute of it as my confidence was shot anytime i was passing ice. Finished the run short of planned time. Back a bit stiff after but other than that lucky escape. I need to get my home setup sorted with treadmill pronto.
    34:24,7.05kms,4.53m/km pace

    Nasty, that must have been some shock. How is your head now? I find my treadmill invalueable over the winter months, much safer.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Solobally8 wrote: »
    Nasty, that must have been some shock. How is your head now? I find my treadmill invalueable over the winter months, much safer.

    Grand, funnily enough ran on a treadmill yesterday and hope to have my own one sorted within the next week.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Treadmill run with efforts
    After my spill on Tuesday and what looked like patchy ice in places i played it safe especially considering i had pacier elements to this run with 15mins steady and 10mins mod hard thrown in.
    Ran various computations in my head and they worked out fairly close to match effort. Warm up was done between 12 & 12.5kmph and into steady done at 14.5kmph on treadmill - 4.08km pace with mod done at 15.5km on treadmill - 3.52km pace. I like the idea of incorporating more treadmill running into my training, almost as beneficial on specific sessions like the turbo is for cycling.
    Overall 50mins,11.45kms,4.22min per/km

    Some front balance drills, took Tango's advice and tried to relax on this and into some fist work. Main set was 8x100 steady on 2.20 these were hit between 1:44 & 1:51 and alt 8x50s fast/easy all coming in 47/48secs. 400 kicking built into session as well, need to get that kick and body position sorted.

    50mins gym
    Left the legs alone with a turbo planned for later and worked upper body along with core. Felt very flat in the gym, going through the motions to some extent.

    Turbo fun - No 2
    This did not look so tough on paper considering what i have being doing recently but it hurt a good bit. Warm up, some HC work and builds before the main set of 5x2mins BG work @ FTP & 2mins easy followed by 5x15sec all out sprints.
    Lashed the turbo into a 3% gradient and into the 53/11. The BG efforts came out at 281w/59rpm,280w/62rpm,280w/62rpm,279w/58rpm,280w/59rpm. Followed straight after 15sec sprint avgs came out at 576w,516w,509w,519w,547w. Max power was 652w, amazing how pros can hit +1300w...a bit to go so :)
    It feels like i have start of a sore throat coming on so that probably explains why i felt this session so tough as i was literally dizzy felt like puking after the sprints:rolleyes:

    Looks like i may have my full pain cave setup sorted for the new year, going with a 2nd pm on a fixed setup on the turbo, much cheaper option than a wattbike and more practical for what i need.:cool:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Throat still a little sore and a little under the weather but got the session done. 10x50 fist all coming in under 60, 300 mod all around 5:35/40, 100p mod 1:44,42, fast 50s all mid to high 40s.

    40min fartlek run
    Kept the fartlek pieces around steady especially with this being a late run and long bike the next day. Apart from coughing up chunks (sorry for the descriptive:o) this felt good especially during the fartlek pieces.
    41:11,9.04kms,4.33m/km pace

    A good hit out today
    Turbo fun - No 3 - 3hr long bike with work
    Feeling a little better this morning and mentally i was up for this. Ended up on the turbo, i missed my early morning wake up at 4.30am and Michelle had booked to go out at 8am for her long run so made do with the turbo. Stuck on some mtv and the tunes kept me occupied for the 3hrs. Session called for 45min easy, 2x40 around sweet spot (245w) and finishing off with 20 at 85% (235w). Found the work tough but knuckled down and got on with it. I ended up hitting my peak power for the 3hrs which is a good sign. Some cramping coming on towards the end of the spin, i done this on empty like most of my 3hr rides the last while (well apart from hydration)
    Stats below
    20min run off the bike
    Dry top, shorts and i was out the door within 3 or 4 minutes. 5 mins easy and 15mins steady. I was a bit on bambi legs starting off but got into my stride after the 5mins easy starting to hit sub 4.10s on the steady effort. My legs funnily enough felt sore, same sort of dead/sore feeling i had coming off the bike in Barca, something to keep an eye on.
    20min,4.69kms,4.16km pace

    Need to work the legs out tonight with the roller. I am hoping to hit the 5k race in Santry tomorrow so hopefully the legs come around a little as they know they have worked today and this week. Hopefully a pb beckons if i do decide to run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Fair play for doing 3 hours on the turbo Fran. What's the story with the drops in cadence on link?

    Did you do the 5k yesterday?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    I was due to head down to do the 5k race in Santry and was looking forward to it. Ryan however got real sick during Saturday night and we ended up at the doctor on call on Sunday morning. Needless to say i would have been some **** if i had left to go off racing especially as he is my shadow!! There will be other 5ks.

    90min Long Run
    I had resigned myself to doing nothing all day but we got a call to go down for dinner in the sisters, sure how could you refuse. Michelle suggested i run down and meet them there. I had my runners on before she finished the sentence as i was tired/drained and i thought the run would in some way help rejuvenate the body:)
    20k run down. At around 11k in Michelle passes me in the Venga Bus and said "those clouds look threatening, do you want to jump in" me "no i should avoid them by the time i get there". Literally 2 minutes after the heavens opened, feck this, "ok Michelle will turn around and collect me", 5mins passed, "ok where is she", 10mins passed "i guess she is not collecting me".
    Trundled on in squelchy shoes & gear, i now have numerous chaffing marks, at least the dinner was worth it.
    1:31:36,20.12kms,4.33m/km pace

    45min recovery turbo
    Kids all in bed so jumped on for a 45min recovery spin on the turbo watching bbcspoty. Kept it very handy.

    Weekly RU
    14.5hrs of training, all sessions hit, all numbers hit, enjoyed it but i am a little tired (not from training either) and could do with a 20hr sleep through:o. I think the 3 turbos were quality work. If i look back to the same week last year the comparison is noticeable in terms of tougher work this time around.
    I have a 400tt in the pool tonight, being honest i am dreading it...just want to crawl up and sleep so not expecting great things in the pool!!
