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Chasing the Kona dream and a Mai Tai cocktail



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Ok I think its time to come clean. I mentioned previously that IM Frankfurt was canceled and off the agenda for this year race wise, well I was not completely honest. Firstly I am a tight ba@st@rd and the thoughts of waving goodbye to €1k with entries/flights/accom etc and a good day out meant I could not bring myself to cancel. The plan was to go under the radar and do a sneaky fast one. Obviously you tell a few and it gets out and it spreads so lesson learnt, its hard to keep things under the radar!! It's no biggie that its out any way as any ideas I had of a sneaky fast one went out the window when I dislocated the shoulder a few weeks back.
    It might be said that I can still get in great shape in 8 weeks and I hope that to be true to some extent. I am being a realist though (probably for the first time if I am being honest) and I know what shape I am in right now and it's not a great shape unless "round" can be classed as a great shape. The other thing I should note is that I am nowhere near the focussed and determined person I was on previous IM attempts and that "fire in the belly" is not right there at the moment. For whatever reason I don't know nor do I care to stress over it.
    For me Frankfurt will be used to try a few things out and hopefully identify what the hell is going on with me on the bike as I believe there is a possibility the issue could be related to the swim. Obviously it would be nice to test a few things out but that has been delayed with the shoulder recovery. I don't normally do swim/bike bricks in training so the first time an issue would show up is on race day. I am hoping it could be something very simple such as motion/sea sickness but I just don't know. One thing is for sure it makes no sense that I can ride 4 or 5hrs easy around 200-220w and yet struggle to hold 160-170w on race day feeling like utter crap with empty legs. What is the common factor? I swim beforehand.

    Any way I digress, its out there now. There is a few areas I need to clean up, mainly diet and weight as both are going in the wrong direction. I have really let things slide a little in that regard and I am ashamed to say I have developed a "pouch". It's actually a little depressing when your parents say it to you along with "its great to see you looking healthy again".
    Whilst I am getting the training done and enjoying the majority of it I find it is hard getting out the door. I am hopeful motivation levels start to rise as the date grows closer. I think what will help is trying to get out with others on long bikes etc, you guys know who you are so I will be hopeful of some company for the next several weeks. Normally in the past I had no issues getting out for a 5hr solo ride but just not back there yet, at least heading out with others if you say 7am on the road, that's it you're committed to it. I have signed up for the Tri Limits HIM on the 1st June so at least that will give some short term focus for the next 2 weeks.
    So lets see what the next few weeks hold. I need to get some swim form/fitness back and really try get my running feeling good again as i have not felt good in a long time. The bike will continue as it is.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Just a very easy recovery week to let the legs recover. Not much done volume wise or intensity and it was all easy. 8hrs in total, 3km swim/109kms bike/39.5kms running. I managed two swims back in the pool so happy with that. I was out for 2.5hrs for a spin on the Saturday and near got thrown off the bike with the winds and hailstones, it was miserable out there. I was due to run for 1hr easy on the Sunday but a few lads from the run club were out for an easy 10mile trot so i joined in with them for the company. Legs feeling fresh again so lets see how this week pans out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    What??!! Sneaky IM Frankfurt??!! :eek: JB, how can we ever trust you again?? ;) Nah....good for you. Just go and enjoy it. I'd say let me know if you want to challenge me to a crap-no-nutritional-value food abstinence bet to help you lose weight, but shotgun has only gained weight on his bet with me. :rolleyes:

    And, your endless pool post on my log...a friend of mine has one and he LOVES it. I'm not sure it's for me, but then again I have never given it a chance.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Got a bit of a scare when i noticed there is only 52 days left to IMFF:eek:

    Swim - 1600 set, main being 8x100s all coming in around mid to late 1:40s. Shoulder holding up ok. Felt a little dizzy/off after the swim, paying closer attention to this as its cause for concern. 1.50 moving pace.
    Run - Just a 45min easy trot with some 30sec strides thrown in. Feels like i am learning to run again:(. 4.43 p/km pace

    Bike - An hour out on the road with some 5min mod hard efforts. Hard to keep the efforts controlled (power wise) with wind and profile but it was certainly mod hard effort throughout each one. Efforts all in around 260w ap avg although rising over 300w in some sections within those efforts, uphill/headwind etc.

    Swim - 2k set, mix of fist work, some fast 50s and some 100s. Just an ok session, 1.53 moving pace.
    Run - 45mins of easy running. Don't mean to go on but i am really running like **** right now. Felt clumsy and could not get it going at all, just need to be patient as its easier to regain lost run fitness than attaining it for the first time. 4.46 p/km pace.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    90min long run - Struggled all the way through this to hold 4.56km pace, dreadful run with no decent run form, more on this below.
    Swim - 2k set with 10x100 main set alt pt with pb. Avg moving pace for the session 1.51, decent enough session.

    3.5hr bike - I pulled forward Saturdays bike as i knew i had a busy day, that and the fact it was fantastic weather out there. I had some work, 4x20 around IM intensity, efforts came in 221w,215w,221w,217w. HR drifted a little on the last one but all more or less at IM hr levels i would expect. Home after 103k and straight onto the treadmill for 20min steady, 4.28km pace. A little bunched after this and legs not great on the run.

    Glad i got the bike done as i was busy all day, rest day.

    Nearly did not get this done, 3hr turbo planned but managed 2.5hrs late last night with 40mins tempo around 240w whilst watching the Giro coverage.

    Weekly update
    No sessions missed but not a week i would be overly happy with in particular the running. My run pace is about 20-25secs slower than my old easy run pace. This is partly down to me being about 3kg overweight, running with lead in my shoes right now. Goes back to what i said earlier about being less focussed and driven than previous IM's as normally i would have my race weight dialled in before the few big weeks leading up to my IM:rolleyes:. It's not something you can force, either your head is 100% in it or not. On a positive note there were some "moments" during the week, more of them this week would be nice. 12.5hrs clocked, 5.6k swim/224k bike/43k run.
    This week i shall be learning how to do a swim and cycle properly after it, the logistics in setting up this session alone would be a major achievement for the week:)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Swim - 2.2k set with an avg moving pace of 1.53
    Run - confined to the treadmill for this one as work was nuts and i was tight on time with the kids etc. 50mins/10.7kms/4.41km pace/AHR 145

    Bike - 75min turbo. A good session and session hit handy enough. Main set of 5x7min BG work, 5% slope and in the 53/13 pushing a moderate effort with a cadence of around 55. Target power 240w, hitting 244,245,246,247,252. Hr all around mid 150s which was good on these. Enjoyed this.

    Swim - 2.5k set with an avg moving pace of 1.51
    Club 10mile TT
    Not ideally what i should be really focussing on a few weeks out from an IM but i think there is not a lot thats ideal about this IM campaign to date:) Headed up for sign on, met Liam and picked up a new Rudy Project wingspan lid. Fits like a dream and above all looks the part.
    I was 2nd off which was not ideal as i had no bunnies to chase. Started off hard with what was a strong enough crosswind. I had not got the disc cover back on as ran out of time, probably just as well. Continued pushing as hard as i could and the hr was up around threshold even if power was about 5% off. As i turned at the 8k mark the crosswind turned into a slight cross/headwind and i seen my pace reduce down from the 44kmph avg at the turn.
    Legs were really starting to feel last nights BG session with about 3k to go and the bike started to weave a bit as the wind was catching me a bit as i started mashing the pedals a bit. Really lifted it with about 500mtrs to go and crossed the line covered in snot and dribble:o. Really enjoyed this and should be able to go a good bit quicker next week if i can, especially if i have a few to chase.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    1:40 Long Run
    For the first time in a long time i felt a bit of run form come back. First hour was easy and the last 40 mins moving into steady effort, it was only on the 40 steady i felt like my form came together. 22.1kms/4.37km pace

    A long old set of 3.7km would certainly test the shoulder. Main set had 20x100s and they all hovered between 1:47/56. The last few started to creep out as the shoulder tired and form started to suffer. I actually miscounted and ended up doing 21:rolleyes:,83mins/3.7kms

    Long Bike & Run
    I was on the road for 6am as i had a very busy day lined up. The plan called for 4x30 at IM effort but it ended up being first hr at IM pace and the last hr. I had Liam for company for the middle 2.5hrs of the spin as we headed up around Newry and back down through Carlingford keeping it easy and chatting away. Enjoyable spin and i felt good in that last hour of IM effort as i left Liam. Felt good heading out onto the run (for a change).
    I was due to to do 15 steady and 15 easy but i had over run the bike by 45mins so had to cut it to 10 steady and 10 easy. A little shocked to see the steady pace hovering around low 4min km pace by the end of it. Good overall session and little glimmers of form returning.
    Bike:4.43/141.25kms/29.9kmph/AP197/NP205, Run:4.18km/pace (4.04km/pace steady)

    Due for some OW swim/bike testing but had to reschedule until this evening. Trotted out for a garminless 10k last night after the kids went to bed to at least get some training out of the day. Got caught in the pissing rain and mini gale force winds for good measure.

    Weekly RU
    Overall a better week, 14.5hrs in total, 8.4k swim/233.4k bike/47k run. HIM in Dungannon coming up this weekend and i really have no idea how i will get on but i will have fun finding out!! Weight still a concern and the lack of urgency to address it on my behalf a bigger concern. It should help with buoyancy in the swim:rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Bike/OW Swim/Bike/Puncture/OW Swim/Run kinda brick session
    So off down to Clogherhead beach for the first Irish Sea OW swim of the year and some testing to get down to the bottom of my post swim issues on the bike. Set up the turbo and put on the wetsuit much to the amusement of those passing by. The family kept themselves occupied building sandcastles and wondering when did "Daddy lose his marbles".
    10mins wu on the turbo and around a 200/300mtr run into the sea. Rather than do the slowly dip your toe in and out i went for the David Hasselhof run and dive...straight into a wave:o. It was not too bad. Into swimming and i was getting thrown about a lot. 400 done and back out running back up the coast line and back on the turbo.
    Back on and aiming to push 250w, something not right started off 250/260w and power started to drop off and legs started spinning out, yes a puncture, my second of the week on the turbo (turbo tyre needs replaced). Ah well back into the sea and it was getting even rougher. I had a mild panic attack half way through the 2nd 400 as i was getting hammered out of it and not being able to catch a breath. Probably not a good idea doing this on my own. Without the bike for the 2nd rep i just ran for about 10mins after and felt fine. Results inconclusive, i would need to test again.

    45 Easy Run - Just trotted around at lunch time keeping it easy. Feeling a little better about the running although still well off where i would like to be right now. 48.50/10.4kms/4.41kmpace

    Attempt No 2 at Swim/Bike test session
    Motion sickness tablets, check, Ear plugs, check, Neoprene hat for extra protection, check. Down to a little lake we found literally a 5min drive from the house at the bottom of Tullyesker hill. Lovely temps around 13 in the lake and it was nice to be in. It is a small lake and over & back equates to about 140mtrs. Done a few lengths practising sighting and throwing in a few fast strokes at race pace, these hurt the shoulder a bit so stopped them fairly quick!! 1.3k done in 27mins and straight out of the water, changed and out onto the bike.
    The garmin died about half way into the 20min ride but i was honking along between 250-300w. No dizziness, no dead leg feeling and its only at that point how **** i felt in each one of my races so far, varying degrees obviously. I was flying it, could it be i have solved my problems? Has this been the issue all along? I certainly hope so as i know i am not as useless as my previous races suggest as they have no correaltion to my training. This weekends race will confirm if in fact the motion sickness tablets, ear plugs, neoprene hat have made a radical change.
    Bike: AP256w/NP266w/36.8kmph

    Swim - I purposely cut this session short as i had been onto coach about my shoulder feeling a little niggly & weak. In fairness 3 days on the trot when i am only building it back up will do that. I reckon the shoulder is still probably only at 60% and i am genuinely concerned how the swim will go the weekend. I digress, session total was cut short to 2050mtrs with an avg moving pace of 1.53, i was not swimming well.

    A fvk up of an evening - I was due to do the Leinster 10mile TT champs tonight but our little one was having none of it throwing tantrums like you would not believe:o She finally tired herself out but far too late for me to get up to the start on time. Text coach and two options were do a local route with similar tt effort or an FTP test. I was feeling frisky so opted for the test, wish i went with the first option:o. Long story short after two failed warm ups and a half interupted 5min effort i gave up, the tacx software just dont like me or my laptop. Its a pity as i was feeling good starting off at 350-360w and was still a few beats off my MHR with about 1.5mins to go. Who knows what i would have posted but i reckon breaking the magic 300w FTP was there for the taking.

    Rest day planned today. Need to get my gear organised as heading up the North tomorrow. I will throw in some core/stretching later.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    Long story short after two failed warm ups and a half interupted 5min effort i gave up, the tacx software just dont like me or my laptop. Its a pity as i was feeling good starting off at 350-360w and was still a few beats off my MHR with about 1.5mins to go. Who knows what i would have posted but i reckon breaking the magic 300w FTP was there for the taking.

    Rest day planned today. Need to get my gear organised as heading up the North tomorrow. I will throw in some core/stretching later.

    Given the hassle you are having with software, could it be the laptop?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    tunney wrote: »
    Given the hassle you are having with software, could it be the laptop?

    It could well be as a)latop is old and b)software can be demanding on systems.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    It could well be as a)latop is old and b)software can be demanding on systems.

    Less likely the laptop, more likely the OS.. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    mloc123 wrote: »
    Less likely the laptop, more likely the OS.. :)

    Less likely the OS and more likely the malware from porn sites

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    tunney wrote: »
    Less likely the OS and more likely the malware from porn sites
    Yes most likely.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Thinking out loud - careful fluffly & rambling post.

    So my log title "Chasing the Kona dream and a Mai Tai cocktail" is a funny one. Funny in the sense that when i sat down and looked at Kona i seen it as a realistic 5 year plan, this is year 3.
    Sometimes you get carried away and become a bit too optimistic with your goals and targets and can tend to lose the enjoyment factor. Whilst to an outsider looking in some might say the last while has been **** i have now come to realise that everything that has happened is probably the best thing that could have happened to me from a learning experience. I was getting fairly cocky, talking a big game, losing the run of myself, heaping loads of pressure on myself and a nightmare to coach. Kona will happen but it may not be in 5 years i first set out. I am a better athlete coming out of it all, well not physically (if you have seen some recent FB photos you will understand):)

    I find this very apt to my post above.
    High on top of a mountain there stood an old bull and a young bull.
    Both of them were leering at the young heifers down in the valley quite a distance away.
    The young bull was snorting, huffing and puffing, pacing back and forth, etc.
    Finally, after a while, the young bull said...
    "Say, why don't we run down this mountain and have our way with one of them?"
    The old bull pondered for a moment, smiled, leaned over, and calmly said...
    "Why don't we walk down the mountain and have our way with all of them!"

    The latter sounds way more fun:)

    -End fluffy rambly post-

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    I'm off to facebook...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    I decided to enter this only a while back when I knew the shoulder was in good enough shape and had recovered from a dislocation a number of weeks back. I wanted to try a few things during the race with the main priority testing the theory of motion sickness affecting my bike performances post swim, something which has hindered me in previous races.
    Left the house early at 6am on Saturday morning as I was up nice and early to register and rack up the bike. The weather had changed slightly from sunny skies to rain and the wind picking up a bit. I had all clothing options covered apart from toe covers which I forgot!!

    In for two laps covering 1.9km. I got off to a good start for the first 200mtrs or so and was getting some form of draft. The field split apart about half way through the first lap and I found myself swimming alone for most of the swim. Whilst the buoys were small and hard to sight off I was swimming a slow but pretty straight line from buoy to buoy. On the 2nd lap the rain started to come down and a small bit of chop in the lake but nothing too bad. It was probably around 1.3k into the swim my shoulder was at me, not painful as such but a dull ache and weak feeling in it. I had no pull strength with my right arm and I knew the swim would be slow before I even got in the water. Stopped the garmin at 39:52 coming out of the water for a 2.02 per 100 paced swim for 1.96k. Some positives on what was a slow swim was that I sighted well and did not feel any dizziness during or coming out of the swim thanks to ear plugs and motion sickness tablets. Negatives on swim was the obvious shoulder concerns especially with a 3.8k IM swim coming up in a few weeks and the lack of swim fitness.

    A very slow transition fumbling with cold hands and getting extra layers on as it was raining. Needs more practice as I probably lost 2mins or so in there, 5:20.

    Fumbled jumping on the bike and one of my shoes came off the pedal, not a great start and probably lost 30secs at the mount line. Well this would be the real test to see if my swim/bike issues would be confirmed and resolved. Straight away i got into a good rhythm and down onto the bars. Started to pick off those ahead and was putting out good power. All was going well on the bike for the first 1hr to 1.5hr and I was still making inroads into the rest of the field. The course was testing enough although more down to the wind and poor surfaces in places. The last hour or so I felt power drop off by about 15-20w. Probably a combination of my current lack of fitness & sharpness but I also noticed (after the race) I somehow had failed to take 1 of 3 of my gels so was probably 50g of CHO short for what I needed.
    As we turned for the out & back part to Aughnacloy I was able to count those ahead coming back in, I was sitting in 20th spot coming back into transition. The main positive to take from it was that I felt no ill effect from the swim and the numbers on the bike were circa 40watts higher than ever before post swim. I was feeling slightly tired towards the end of it and I have a good idea why so will sort that next time around. One or two further tweaks to make but I think I am on the right road to getting things sorted. I think I was only passed by 1 on the bike. 2hrs 44mins/90km/32.9kmph

    Better than T1 but could still be a little sharper, feet were frozen with no toe covers. 2:39

    4 loops around what I found to be a very tough run course. I really struggled getting into my running for the first 6k or so as I had no feeling in my feet. There was some moments when I was running well and others were I was not concentrating and my run form went to pot. There was 2 or 3 stingers of hills on each loop and I found myself walking up 1 or 2 of them towards the top of them. We got all sorts of weather on the run, sun, rain and even hailstones. It turned out to be a slow half and looking back at my race data my hr was mid easy. A sign of two things, firstly I did not push or suffer as well as I could have and secondly I think my run form suffered and I switched off at times. The run itself felt a bit like IM type effort (and at IM hr levels) rather than what was required for HIM effort. I still managed to pass a good few and pick up a few places to finish 16th overall. 1:42/21kms/4.52km pace.

    Poor swim as expected. Biked well first 1.5hr but let it slide in the last hour. Poor enough run and should have been able to push harder. I did have some fun out there and I enjoyed being able to race a triathlon again. With 5 weeks to IM Frankfurt this has given me the kick up the arse to at least try post a reasonable time over there and get into some sort of shape…other than round!! I noticed I came first in the ladies event, they had me listed as a female, well I do have the legs to carry it off :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Recovery ride
    Got my a$$ chewed by coach on this and rightfully so. Sunday was meant to be all about recovery after the race. I had planned to do Tour Of Louth as i expected it to be a nice easy leisurely spin. It turned out anything but that, any plans i had of doing the 105k quickly vanished as i was chasing wheels and closing gaps. This was more like a full on race at the front rather than leisurely. Rolled across the notional finish line first over the 40k course:) in 64 minutes. Legs trashed after it especially with the HIM the day previous. At least i had the sense to not keep going for the 105k course.

    Weekly RU
    11hrs for the week. Mojo has certainly returned along with some focus. I have 5 weeks, really 3 with taper to get something going for Frankfurt. Big step up in hours this week but i am looking forward to getting the head down and getting it done. 7.7k swim/179k bike/33.6k run for the week.

    3.5hr brick
    3hr ride with a 30 easy run off it. I was a little concerned heading out how the legs would feel but it was not so bad. I had 3x30 at IM power/effort thrown in. Lovely day out for it. Run was a very slow and laboured affair after it. Race still in the legs a little but good to have 3.5hrs put down.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    You are practically oozing positivity and good sessions there. Fair feckin play.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Well done on Saturday jb. Glad to hear u didnt suffer after the swim.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Bike - BG session
    With the good weather outside i opted for doing the BG work up Tullyesker hill x 3. Not quite the planned 10mins but 8mins to the top for each one and all in the 53/11 slowly keeping power steady between 230-250w.
    Reps went 248w/48cad, 250w/47cad and 251w/49cad. Nice session.

    OW Lake swim
    This will be a weekly gig up until FF. Water is warming up nicely, so much so i might consider non wetsuit in a week or two to get some practice in...just in case. A loop around is 200mtrs so done 13 taking about 30sec rest in between. Got a good bit of drafting practice in which was good. Forgot the ear plugs and i noticed the difference getting out. 2.6k/2.03 moving pace.

    I was due to do a 2.5k set but tight for time and dropped out the fast 50s. Mians et was 5x200 mod hard, some of these were draft assisted and i was working hard to hold feet, times 3.31/41/28/38/31. Shoulder was letting itself known on the last two. 2.3k/1.50 avg moving pace

    30 easy run
    Just kept it nice and easy

    2hr Long Run
    Up and out running at 5.30am this morning. Took me about 20min to wake up and get into my running. It was warm but lovely out. Died a death in the last few kms and struggled a bit with it all. I remember a time a 25k was routine for me, not so much now. I would literally struggle to get around a standalone marathon let alone an IM one. Worse than i expected so need to re adjust expectations downwards.....again. 25k/4.52 bloody slow/149ahr

    At least the weight is dropping off, 1.5kg in the last 1.5 weeks. At 69kg right now and would be happy to lose another 2kg but. I cannot start messing with calorie intake or running a calorie defecit so late on as i need to be fueling properly with 2 heavy weeks lined up or else sessions will start to suffer. Just keep diet clean, sacrifice beer/wine and pizza on "pizza night" for a few weeks until after FF.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    You were entered in the ladies division JB?? Well, I suppose that's one way to get yourself into Kona. ;)

    Congrats on finding the fun and enjoyment again in a tri race. Carry that feeling over to Frankfurt and you can't lose. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    A big old swim, 4.2k set in total. Used the buoy for most of the session as the legs were still a little tender from the long run on Thursday. Glad i got this under my belt without too much grief with the shoulder. Main set was 5x400s which all came in and around 7:20/30. Surprised with the moving pace/time for the set as i went through 4k in 73mins. 4.2k/1.51 moving pace.

    35min of stretch & core weak. My core is so weak right now, think jelly babies!!

    5hr bike/30 easy run off
    Hooked up with Liam for this. Pace was hard from the off and i found after the first hour that power was closer to my HIM pace rather than IM and figured i would struggle later on. I had 4x40 @ IM pace to do so sat back about 10-12mtrs from Liams wheel and used him as a carrot on the stick. That worked fine except my 20min recoveries were not really recoveries:rolleyes:
    Let Liam truck on around 3.5hrs into the ride as i was startinmg to suffer a little. Felt better about 45mins later after getting a gel and some food into me and finished feeling ok. Straight out and into a 30 easy run with heavy legs before heading off to pick out a new road bike:)
    Bike:163.1k in 4:55/33.1kmph avg/212w, Run:31mins/6.41km/4.51km pace

    OW Swim
    In for a short and quick dip before doing a bike and run, lake heating up nicely. About 850mtrs done

    1.5hr easy bike & 30 run with some steady
    Took it nice and handy on the bike, really lovely out. Quick transition onto run and i split the 30mins up as 2k steady, 2k easy, 2k steady and easy home. Steady coming in on 4.14km pace and it felt strong with good form.

    Weekly RU
    So just shy of 20hrs for the week. A really solid week, one of my best yet. I have noticed some fitness gains from the week and hopefully more for the remaining two weeks of this block before taper. I do feel i will be about 1 block of work (3 weeks) shy from from being in great shape and 2 blocks from perfect shape but we are where we are due to a late start into things and my head been up my a$$:). At least my head has been in the game and really enjoyed training this week, attitude is in a good place.
    Totals for the week were, swim 10k, bike 329k, run 52k with two sessions of core included, as i said a decent week. Main aim for this week is more of the same, increase long run and feel better/stronger at the end of it.

    27 days and counting:eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    In the pool for 6.30am for a session with Tango who was up my way. Naturally enough he is late for everything and only arrived as i was warming down:rolleyes: Mostly a drill focussed session, 2k in total with 700mtrs done as drills.

    Easy Run
    Kept this really easy, nice and warm out. 9kms/4.45km pace

    Had a bizzare accident in the house on Monday night and took a heavy fall. Ripped open my elbow again which still had soft scar tissue from my crash about 2 months ago. Really thought (and Michelle) that the shoulder had popped out again as i lay there in agony. Need to wrap myself in cotton wool and bubble wrap:o

    45min Easy/Steady/Mod/Easy run
    I had planned to hit the road at lunchtime but it started to rain heavy. A quick change of plan had me motoring home and onto the treadmill. In fairness i find the treadmill ideal for these sessions. You just lock in pace/hr and you are able control the session and stress the body appropriately during the steady/mod sections. Really good session. felt good but tough running at 170+ hr and i was feeling the burn. I had to mop down the pain cave after i was finished!!
    15 easy - 140ahr
    15 steady - 161ahr holding 4.12 pace
    10 mod - 172ahr holding 3.49 pace
    5 warm down - 153ahr
    45min/10.45kms/4.18km pace/slope 2

    3.3km OW Lake Swim
    In for another dip, i cannot remember ever being this consistent with OW swims leading up to an IM:confused: Rain started to fall down as i jumped in with afew others. Just a straight swim at IM intensity. I have to say i got lost in my own thoughts for 69mins of swimming as it all felt nice and relaxed as i peeked everytime coming up for a breath and watching the rain dance on the lake. 15 laps @ 220mtrs in 69mins for a 2.05 avg pace swim. Feeling the shoulder towards the end though but it should be good for an IM swim.
    I don't think i can expect much more than a 1:20 in FF which is about right given swim fitness and time lost in pool with the shoulder.

    Chunky hobbit watch
    I have dropped another 1kg, thats 2.5kg in the last 3 weeks. Down to 68kg now and i don't think its a coincidince that my running feels a little better for it. I float when i run at about 66/67kg. Amazing when you clean the diet up and scrap beer/wine for a few weeks!!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    shiny new bike and not a mention of a cycle anywhere...that's focused training for you

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    mossym wrote: »
    shiny new bike and not a mention of a cycle anywhere...that's focused training for you

    lol...or a picture

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    pgibbo wrote: »
    lol...or a picture


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    mossym wrote: »
    shiny new bike and not a mention of a cycle anywhere...that's focused training for you
    pgibbo wrote: »
    lol...or a picture

    How could i forget that. My lovely new Ridely Noah RS with campag. Rides like a dream.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    tunney wrote: »

    It's a size smaller Dave.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    That ridley is so pretty. Want!

    I wish you many miles of fun on her.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 157 ✭✭Notwitch

    Hey JB,

    Glad to see things are moving back on track for Germany.

    Where exactly is this lake you're swimming in? I'm looking for some lake time close to north county Dublin.

    Best of luck with the next few weeks.

