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Chasing the Kona dream and a Mai Tai cocktail



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Notwitch wrote: »
    Where exactly is this lake you're swimming in? I'm looking for some lake time close to north county Dublin.
    It is called Rose Hall. Small lake with a loop arouind it about 230/240mtrs, clear eanough and no weeds to get tangled up in etc. Lovely little spot. You will see on the map it is the Northside of Drogheda along the old North road (bottom of Tullyesker hill).
    A few meet up there on a Tuesday evening at 7.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Swim = hurtbox
    It's not often i put swimming and hurtbox in the same sentence but for todays session it is apt. There were 4 other workhorses in the lane and then the blue rinses in the other!! No option but to jump in with the workhorses. Done most of my set the best i could but ended up altering the set to fit in with the others.
    All 4 are faster than me so i was chasing feet and getting some great drafting practice in with keeping the gap tight. No real idea what drafting would do over 100mtrs but i would guess its probably worth 5-6secs:confused:
    Some 300s came in at 5.06/21/19 which were all fast for me. A. 500 came in at 8.29 with a draft assisted 400mtrs (19sec pb) of 6:48 in that 500. Some 100s followed and these were pure hurt, 1.41/45 (solo) chasing feet 1:35/35/38/38/38. Really tough session and it made me realise how easy i take it in the pool when not being pushed. I slumped at the edge of the pool for a few minutes after, wrecked:rolleyes:
    3.5k,1:18, avg moving pace 1:44/swolf 76

    1.5hr bike with IM intervals
    Pissing rain out and headed to my local tt road. Just a few intervals which felt fine. Turned my knee awkwardly clipping out but it seems ok now.

    2hr run with 20 steady at the back end.
    Thursday was a nightmare. I had planned to be up and out running at 5.30am which did not happen due to a late call to attend an early meeting in Dublin. Not a chance i was going out running at 4.00am, i have to draw the line somewhere!!
    Michelle has been a saint the last few weeks trying to fit her training around mine and she had Thursday evening booked for her group session and coffee after it. This meant one of two things, drop the session or a 2hr jaunt on the treadmill:eek:
    I got the two youngest girls off to bed and stuck on a few good men (love this film & scene I have to say the 2hrs flew by, apart from the 20steady at the end as i was finding it tough holding 4.12km pace for that. I had the slope set at 2 for most of it but alternated pace/slope to 3,4,5 to replicate some hills. Good session but lost a lot of fluids (2kg), rehydrating since!!
    2hrs,26.2kms,4.34km pace, 150ahr/steady160ahr

    35min core & stretch after, a bit half arsed really as i was tired.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Swim = hurtbox
    It's not often i put swimming and hurtbox in the same sentence but for todays session it is apt. There were 4 other workhorses in the lane and then the blue rinses in the other!! No option but to jump in with the workhorses. Done most of my set the best i could but ended up altering the set to fit in with the others.
    All 4 are faster than me so i was chasing feet and getting some great drafting practice in with keeping the gap tight. No real idea what drafting would do over 100mtrs but i would guess its probably worth 5-6secs.

    This is a really great video on drafting. A good tri swimmer gets to draft Tim Don - makes a huge difference to speed.

    I got the two youngest girls off to bed and stuck on a few good men (love this film & scene I have to say the 2hrs flew by,

    I have lost all respect I ever had for you ya big girls blouse....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    griffin100 wrote: »
    I have lost all respect I ever had for you ya big girls blouse....

    Ah come on Jack Nicholson alone in that is worth the watch leaving aside the TC/DM nonsense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Given your love of men in naval uniforms you should try this one on the turbo....

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Swim - 4k set
    I could not find garmin (kids playing hide & seek with my stuff)so times estimated from pool clock.
    Main set was,
    400s - 7:38/31
    300s -5:32/27
    200s - 3:36/34
    100s all around 1:46/8

    30 easy run with 5x30sec builds
    At some distance & pace, felt good.

    After a nightmare night of no sleep and dealing with sh1t, my plans of a big 200k early morning cycle went out the window. I was like a zombie all day but I eventually got out later in the evening to try get a long one in but my head & my heart said enough after a 100k. Jumped on the treddie for a slow and laboured 30mins straight after, not great at all.
    Bike: 3:08,101.5kms,32.3kmph,207w Run: 30,6.4kms,4.41km pace

    Short/easy OW swim
    Met up with Bambatta for a short/easy swim in the lake. Temps was lovely and i done 5 loops/about 1.1k whilst Ed done 7. Enjoyable enough although felt tired in the water.

    Bike/Run brick
    I left this until later in the evening with it being fathers day. After 15mins i jumped off the turbo and binned it, a combination of tiredness and i have a boil/slight infection in a "tender area" which is making cycling a little awkward and painful right now. I watched a dvd instead:o

    Weekly RU
    A dissapointing end to what was meant to be my biggest week, not a total disaster with 16hrs of training and in fairness the last 3 week block of training has seen some big fitness gains. All had been going well in the week up until Friday night and that has just left me shattered all weekend.
    Whilst 20hrs of training does not seem like a massive amount you start to add in 50/60hr work week, 4 kids and you can soon find yourself stretched for time. It does not help then when you add in 10hrs interupted sleep over Fri/Sat/Sun night. No wonder i look like a cast member of dawn of the dead this morning.
    I think i am a little run down but with an easy day yesterday and a total rest day today hopefully i will be back feeling myself tomorrow.

    Less than 3 weeks to Frankfurt now and i am really looking forward to the experience of racing over there, but first i need some proper zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    16hrs is not to be sniffed at! I think i have logged maybe 1 or 2 of them ever in my whole "career" in triathlon!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Rest day

    30 easy run
    My hayfever suffering has reached new levels making running difficult. Legs feel good but breathing not so much. I could not keep hr down even though going easy, i am still tired and an elevated hr (both resting & whilst exercising) is confirming this.
    6.54kms,4.45km pace,155 (struggled to even keep it at that)

    OW swim
    7 loops and i took the wetsuit off towards the end and it was not too bad, i think the lake is at 15 right now. Breathing was a bit difficult.

    3.5k set and sort of muddled my way through this again struggling with breathing. Main set was 300s and some 100s.

    Non stop today with work and bike session near got binned as a result. Out for an hr with 3x8mins at IM intensity. Once again legs felt zippy but my breathing and tiredness is unreal. HR a full 10beats above and i am starting to think my usual taper illness has hit me already even though i dont feel sick, just dreadfully tired, i am having to have a power nap at midday ffs!!
    Intervals came in at 222w/38.5kmph, 218w/33.6kmph, 221w/33.6kmph.

    Really would like this tired feeling and hayfever to lift. It's putting me in bad form, and nobody likes a moany hobbit.
    I am at the stage of training where i just want the training to end and race day to come along and get done. t minus 17 days.

    I have decided i am going to IM Frankfurt next year, handy to get to and cheaper than most when you factor in expenses. I will leave doing a US race to the following year as likely hitting Disneyland next year with the clan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    Fran, you are experienced enough now to know you are not going to gain any real fitness in The next 2-3 weeks.
    all the work is done.

    Now is the key time to bank the fitness, recover well, stay healthy and then sharpen up closer to race.

    In my opinion you are either overlooking this, ignoring your body or just pushing yourself too much.

    It sounds as if you are fatigued.
    don't underestimate work and life stresses on the body as well as training stress.
    - your HR is up
    - you need afternoon naps
    - hayfever acting up
    - you feel wrecked

    If I were you, id drop some volume and intensity to recover now. Listen to the body.
    then pick it up slightly as you close in and sharpen for race.

    Nothing to be gained from more intensity or high volume at this stage only risk further fatigue/illness.
    you didn't even allow recovery after your HIM a couple weeks back.
    Sounds like your body is shouting at you.

    im still learning what my best taper approach is, but I do listen to my body and try to ensure adequate recovery when fatigued.

    As a reference, im trying a new approach to Kilkee. Had a drop week last week and needed it. Bit of a hard week this week but my rhr is at its lowest and it feels like form is approaching.
    Next week will mix recovery with sharpness I expect then ahead of race day.
    Feels better to me than trying to recover as well as sharpen in the week leading up to a race.
    Better to recover first, then sharpen it feels for me anyway.

    I would prefer approach a race knowing im fresh and recovered as opposed to risking it in last week or two to recover and sharpen and get fresh especially when you sound so fatigued now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Fazz wrote: »
    In my opinion you are either overlooking this, ignoring your body or just pushing yourself too much.

    Probably did not make it clear but the big weeks are done & dusted. This week is a big drop in volume. The tiredness i am experiencing is from the last few big weeks and other stuff outside of training itself. Natural enough to feel tired at this stage, if i was feeling fresh and full of beans right now i would be more concerned. I expect back end of next week i will start to come good and race week i should feel like i will be ready to take on the world.

    Next 2.5 weeks is all about keeping things fine tuned and being fully rested & ready for FF. Rather be undercooked than overcooked going in.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    Glad to hear that so.

    recovery week makes sense now for you it seems so good timing.

    Hope it gives you your best foot forward for ff.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    80min easy run
    Flashes of good running in this and was floating along easy. HR still off with RPE so just ignored it.
    17kms,4.41km pace,156ahr

    Missed swim slot in pool due to working down in Dublin in the afternoon. I had planned to try get it done over the weekend but time was limited.

    30 easy run
    Ended up at 35mins, bog standard easy run, left the hrm off.
    7.4kms,4.48km pace

    3hr bike with 2x40 IM pace & 20 steady run off
    Out with a mate who is also doing Frankfurt. I have not been out with him since last year, either i have progressed or he has gone backwards as he could not hold my wheel during the 40 efforts. Wind and rain was brutal and i punctured half way through the 2nd effort. Got back on and finished it off but needed to warm up quickly.
    Feet cold and put on a new top as i was soaked. Rain had stopped and straight into my local 20min loop at a steady clip. Got the old goosebumps at times visualising running across the finish line chute in FF in 2 weeks. This was a good run with the pace coming in at 4.09km average.
    Bike: efforts 222w/34kmph/161ahr, 208w/31kmph/156ahr, hr still a little high on these.
    Run: 4.9kms,4.09km pace.

    90min easy spin
    Brought out the noah for this as it was dry out. For the 2nd day about 20mins into the spin and the heavens opened, another drenching. Took some enjoyment out of the spin but loved how the noah rides and handles, lovely bike. Nice to see hr coming back down to normal levels.

    Weekly RU
    This week was all about absorbing the previous big weeks and recover a bit. To some extent it has as the tiredness is starting to lift after some longer sleeps than normal and HR is starting to settle a bit. This hayfever however is doing my nut in right now:). 10.5hrs for the week with one missed swim. This week will have about 12hrs with 1 or 2 sessions in there to act as sharpeners. Overall feeling ok but i will likely start to feel good towards the end of this week. All thoughts focussing on FF now in 13 days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,080 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    You have a Noah - which one - <well jel>

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    BeepBeep67 wrote: »
    You have a Noah - which one - <well jel>

    Hey Dom, its the noah rs1304 with campag. She is a sweet ride.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    40min easy run
    Good to see my easy pace creeping back down to low 4:30s and my heart rate starting to behave itself. Lovely run.
    8.9km/4.34km pace/ahr150

    2.5k set with the main being 5x200s mod hard. These came in on 3.31/29/31/30/34 so very consistent all around 1.45 pace. Some fast 50s all around 45-47secs.
    Moving pace 1:46, swolf78, 2.5k.

    70min spin with some sprints
    Out on the noah, fricking love this bike. Hr nice and low and 200w feeling mighty easy. Threw in some sprints at 550w/650w. Overall really enjoyable spin.

    Lake swim
    Short and sweet, just the 5 loops in/out. Got plenty of good drafting practice and it showed as this was my fastest pace ow swim since hitting the lake and i was not pushing the pace either.
    1150mtrs,moving pace 1.53 p/100.

    3rd swim in 3 days and things started to click in the pool. Its only after 3 or 4 weeks of big volume (for me) and consistent swimming i can now push things a bit more with the shoulder. Some 400s,200s,100s. Hitting all the 100s under 1:40 pace at the end which was pleasing. A good swim.
    2.8k, avg moving pace 1:47, swolf 76.

    40min run with steady & mod efforts
    The easy warm up felt a bit off but as soon as i hit the steady and mod efforts i was burning rubber and my form improved. Fast cadence of 92 and 94 in the mod hard had me moving quickly (for me).
    Steady - 4.13 pace/160ahr
    Mod - 3.50 pace/172ahr
    8.7km,4.29km pace

    Finally hayfever starting to lift, hopefully it rains for the rest of the week:p

  • Registered Users Posts: 157 ✭✭delboyfagan


    I am heading over myself on Friday with 2 guys who have done it before. Both trying to go sub 10 (1 already has last year and is going for Kona this time). The guy going for Kona will be doing germany for the sixth time so if u want to meet up at any stage and pick his brain let us know.

    Out Friday and back Monday

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi


    I am heading over myself on Friday with 2 guys who have done it before. Both trying to go sub 10 (1 already has last year and is going for Kona this time). The guy going for Kona will be doing germany for the sixth time so if u want to meet up at any stage and pick his brain let us know.

    Out Friday and back Monday

    Well are we all set? That guy must like FF if doing it for the 6th time:). I must pm you my mobile, i arrive over on Thursday night and back Monday night.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    I have to say feeling wonderful today, hayfever is lifting and i have had two decent sessions today which lifted the mood and confidence.

    40min turbo with 20 @ 95% threshold
    I have not done any work around threshold and it showed a bit last night, that and i was under fueled heading into the session did not help. In hindisght i should have left the session until later & after dinner but i wanted to keep the evening free to chill out with kids.
    In the end managed 93% on the 20min threshold

    30 easy run
    Rolled out of bed and onto the revolving belt of the treadmill. Normally i run poorly early morning but this felt very good indeed.
    7km/4.29km pace,31mins

    A "what the hell" was that Swim
    It is wildy known i dislike swimming, i endure it rather than enjoy it. Well after todays session i am delighted with myself for the following reasons a)no issue whatsoever with the shoulder b)it now feels i have regained full strength in the right shoulder c)i swam fast (for me) and d)i think my swimming is as good as it had been going into A/Dhabi which i did not think i would say several weeks back.
    It goes to show hard work and consistency in the pool are paying off from the last 4 or 5 weeks. I have done 4/5 swims a week and 10k+ in those weeks and i am starting to finally see the benefits.
    A 3.6k set with the main being 20x100s off 2.10 mixing pull & swim. Times for these were,
    Pull Swim
    01:39.7 01:44.5
    01:36.9 01:46.9
    01:36.0 01:46.1
    01:36.1 01:43.4
    01:38.1 01:47.2
    01:37.0 01:44.0
    01:37.6 01:41.0
    01:32.2 01:44.6
    01:35.1 01:44.0
    01:39.9 01:44.6
    I had some fast 50s after which came in :43.9,:39.4,:43.5,:43.9, a sub 40 in there which i have not done in a while. Above may not seem fast but to me its a marked improvement and one which i am delighted with.
    1:17,3.6k, moving time/pace 58:24/1.43per 100,swolf 76

    Now if i can nail my last key session tomorrow of a 3.5hr bike/run brick i will be a very happy hobbit!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Excellent result Fran. Nice to see the times getting back to where they were. :cool:

    Hope tomorrow goes well.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    3hr bike & 20min run, last key session
    So the last key session of this IM training cycle and i wanted to ensure i nailed it. Down to #Tunneysbikerepairshop for a chain change and a pre race tune up to the bike before heading out. I had the full tt setup on including tt lid. I do this for two reasons, firstly to test my race equipment to ensure there are no issues and secondly the extra 1/2kmph you get with full race setup is always a timely boost before race day.
    Done the "tt loop" of Swords/Ballyboughal/Naul/Garritstown which i have done a good few times at this stage. Felt fantastic on the bike and the 2x45 @ IM effort had some good numbers. First rolled by in a comfortable 221ap/223np and the second 216ap/220np, both evenly paced and both offering up speeds of 35 & 35.5kmph which would be good for a fast bike split if held over 5hrs.
    Quick transition onto run and it was to be done steady. I was floating along not paying any attention to pace. I knew i was running well and confirmed it after the run with it being 4.08km pace. I will not be holding anywhere near that on Sunday but it was good to be running that well off the bike for a change.
    Bike:3hrs/99.6kms/33kmph/200ap/210np, Run:20min/4.9kms/4.08km pace

    Short OW swim and 1hr easy bike
    Just a quick wash off the pier, just as well as the water was freezing!! Nice easy 1hr bike with a mate who is also heading over to do Frankfurt.

    Weekly RU/IM training cycle RU
    So my last proper week and it came to 12hrs total. The week has been a good one and i am feeling in top form as the taper works its magic. Saturdays session was a good one and very happy with how that went, in particular the run. The run pace off the bike on Saturday was no fluke as i had the same today on a shorter brick and it felt like pre Roth running. I have said a number of times how i have felt my running was poor but it feels like it has clicked in the last week, probably helped that weight is now down to 66.7kg and i feel light on my feet.
    Whilst this IM training cycle has been far from ideal i do notice it feels massively different to the 4 other long distance tris i have done in the past. It feels different in a good way. Whilst i still think i am about a block shy of being in really good shape its the first time in a long time that i am happy with where my S/B/R is at all at the same time. What does this all mean? Well i have no clue what time i will do in FF this week but do believe there could be a good result there for the taking, i feel so chilled out heading into it and i cannot wait to experience what FF has to offer.

    This week is all about quality sleeps, good food and staying hydrated. Roll on FF, i am ready for you:) 6 days to Xmas!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Good luck at the weekend,
    Nice to see you with "love" for it again, seemed to be missing from the last few outings, also nice numbers indeed,

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Great stuff Fran. Sounds like it's all coming together nicely. Great to hear. Your tone isn't as intense as normal before a race showing you're relaxed and going to enjoy the race! :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    And the little girl in the back pew screams at the top of her lungs one very enthusiastic whoop whoop..for you, jb...from me. Best to you....and enjoy! Can't wait to read your report that will no doubt be littered with all sorts of hilarity and near-death experiences. ;):):D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Best of luck Fran. As usual I will be tracking and rooting for you. I have visions of a very relaxed build up leading to a very good time :)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Just in case I forget later in the week. Best of luck at the weekend. Hope it all goes to plan for you.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx


    Can I join the cheer leading squad? :) I have my pompoms here all ready and I been practising the splits.

    Roll on the weekend. Have a perfect, smokin race.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    aye, best of luck jb, look forward to the post race report

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Thanks folks,

    Little brick sharpener
    Just a short bike/run brick. 35mins on the bike with 10 steady in the middle, held 245w on the steady and felt good. 19.4kms/33.4kmph/ap201w/np214w
    Offloaded the bike into work and straight out on foot for straighforward 25min run as 15steady 10easy. Wonderful run and felt i was running really well, the steady rolled by handily at 4.08km pace. 23mins/5.44kms/4.15km pace

    2.5k swim
    Again just another session to tick over. This had a main set of 5x200s, once again some of the times on these had me scratching my head, not complaining though.
    Times came in 3:14,18,18,19,23 all 1:37/41 pace. Some fast 50s followed all low 40s. Really good session and i had a great feel for the water, 1.41 avg moving pace for the session was also good along with swolf score, i think my lowest yet in a session.
    2500mtrs,60mins,avg move pace:1:41 p/100,swolf74

    Rest day - important session;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Good luck this weekend JB!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Good luck in Frankfurt
