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Women's Health Issues: LadyGardening for Dummies



  • Registered Users Posts: 43 Sashmo


    I can't say anymore at this stage than to " try not to worry" .... easier said than done I know! But it is important.

    My first visit to the Colposcopy Clinic was July this year. Next visit Sept, no improvement scheduled in for the next procedure which is lletz. I was to get the results of that 3 weeks later, it's now over 4 weeks and I'm sticking with " No news is good news ".

    Glands I honestly don't know about but the staff should be able to put your mind at ease. How easy do you think it would be for you to go back to the clinic and have a chat with one of the nurses. They are an unreal bunch of people. Give it a shot what have you got to lose?

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I've been on the pill since early this year. I'm on it for medical reasons, not contraceptive purposes. I was on Dianette initially but came off it because it made my skin terrible, and because I was feeling incredibly down. I'm now on Yasminelle, which completely cleared up my skin. I'm due a GP visit to renew my prescription after my next pack. However, I've noticed lately that my moods have been terrible again. I'm not sure though if this is situational or because of the pill, because when certain issues went away when I was on Dianette, I was fine, but now they're back again and I'm feeling like I was. With the Dianette, I only noticed the drop in my moods after a few packs, and this is also the first time I've noticed it with Yasminelle, which makes me think that it is more situational. I do think the pill is having some part in it, but I'm not sure how much. I'm not asking for medical advice, but I would like to ask for opinions - should I continue on with another prescription of Yaminelle, or mention it to my GP and switch pills? I'm reluctant to do either, because I'm in 6th year and if the Yasminelle is interfering with my moods, I could do without that - but I could also do without the uncertainty of a new pill, which could possibly make things even worse. Coming off the pill is not an option either, because of the medical aspect.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,404 ✭✭✭✭Pembily

    Talk to your Dr but I would recommend the nuvaring, I'm also on it for medical reasons and I find that is the only one that has agreed with me over the years... A Dr said to me that if the newer pills make you moody try an older, talk to your Dr about an older one and I hope they can help!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,424 ✭✭✭Storminateacup

    Almost finished 1st pack of microlite. Had no spotting but cramped the entire month, every day. I feel irrational, and teary. Does this settle down?

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    To cut a long story short, I came off the pill due to illness in July.... i had a period straight away as it was the end of the pack. The next period was 40 days later and then the next was 44 days later. Today is day 47 and still no sign of my period! I'm having a discomfort but still no sign of my period! i had sex (protected) with my bf about 4 days after my last period... The condom slipped slightly down the penis but never came off... I'm too afraid to do a test and me worrying about it is probably delaying it further!! Any advice from girlies on how long it'll take to get my cycle to get back to normal and any other general advice would be greatly appreciated... Sadly i'm a worry wart ;)

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  • Posts: 3,505 [Deleted User]

    I came off the pill due to illness in July...

    I'm too afraid to do a test and me worrying about it is probably delaying it further!!

    Well when I'm not on the pill there's just no such thing as "normal". Periods just aren't regular for everybody, and as far as I know, sometimes what's "normal" for you can change after being on the pill for a long time. So you might have been very regular before but just aren't now. Why are you afraid to do a test? I'd say your best bet is to go for it for the sake of putting your mind at rest.

    Ultimately, if you're not comfortable that your period is how it should be, talk to your doctor. I know it doesn't sound helpful, but if you're a worrier you probably wont get any rest until you just sit down with a professional and hear the words "it's all ok".

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 Sashmo

    Hey Guys,

    Quick one for you. I had a smear recently having not gone for one for about 7 years (my own fault I know, I made appointments and just forgot or was not about for work reasons etc.) and it came back abnormal, which I was told is quite common.
    From G

    To G
    I should also have mentioned to you that the reason why you were advised not to travel. When you are with the Colposcopy Clinic they don't sign you off until you've had two clear smear results. This is excellent that the whole procedure is followed through to the positive result. So your plans may mean this gets neglected. They just want to see it through.

    I phoned for my results and thankfully I was informed they came back showing nothing! Couldn't ask for better than that. So I'm going back again in 6 months then in another 6 months. So all going well I'll be signed off then.

    I wish you all the best.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I'm due to have an IUD fitted next month and I'm really freaking out! I don't deal well with pain, I have my dental work done under sedation and end up yelling my head off when having canulas inserted. I had to go under general anaesthetic for a needle biopsy of a node in my neck! I'm starting to wonder if the insertion process will be too much for me and I might be better off giving it a miss, but it does seem to be the only viable long term contraception option for me.

    Any advice would be really appreciated. What I've read online hasn't filled me with confidence, from "The worst pain I've ever experienced" to "Passed out right after".

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,423 ✭✭✭Morag

    I'm due to have one taken out and a new one fitted, on my prescription as well as the ius device there is ponstan and a muscle re laxer. I take the relaxer 4 hours beforhand and the postan an hour.

    As for getting it implanted, the past two previous times it was like a really mean sore pinch in my womb, like something your brother or sister woudl have done out of spite as a kid on your arm, but it's weird cos it's deep with in you rather then on an external part of the body.

    I will be resting up for the rest of the day when I get home and taking the ponstan to help with the cramps and then that should be it for the next 5 years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 402 ✭✭Jelly2

    Sharrow wrote: »
    I'm due to have one taken out and a new one fitted, on my prescription as well as the ius device there is ponstan and a muscle re laxer. I take the relaxer 4 hours beforhand and the postan an hour.

    As for getting it implanted, the past two previous times it was like a really mean sore pinch in my womb, like something your brother or sister woudl have done out of spite as a kid on your arm, but it's weird cos it's deep with in you rather then on an external part of the body.

    I will be resting up for the rest of the day when I get home and taking the ponstan to help with the cramps and then that should be it for the next 5 years.

    This seems like a really accurate description of the experience, especially the pinch comparison. Generally, I find that it all goes fine, but you have to try to relax as much as possible while the doctor is working on you. If you can, it is all over in a few seconds. I find that I am usually a bit bloated for a few days afterwards, and a little tender around the stomach (not the genitals), but nothing that would stop me from leading a normal life (no sex for a few days though).
    On the plus side, I find the Mirena absolutely brilliant, and well worth it.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,208 ✭✭✭coco_lola

    Hey ladies, not looking for medical advice just people's experience just to settle my nerves! I'm on Yasminelle and just took my last pill in the pack on Monday. However this month I have been a bit irregular in terms of taking it (id often miss a day and have to take it the next day). I was supposed to take the last pill Sunday but took it Monday instead.

    This happened me a few months back and instead of the usual getting my period 2 days later I got it 3 days later. However it is now Thursday and there is no sign of my period, though I do feel completely bloated and am eating rings around myself :D

    Just wondering is this normal or should I be concerned? Also I should still start the pill again on Sunday as I would have if I got my period normally?

    I understand my GP is best for medical advice but just any help would be appreciated :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,599 ✭✭✭✭The Princess Bride

    msthe80s wrote: »

    October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.

    Please please take the time to know your breasts and if in doubt-check it out!!!! Not all lumps are malignant. 1800 200 700 National Cancer Helpline

    You know girls,I posted this in October and I've had a change of thought.

    Every month should be breast cancer awareness month.
    We spend so much time making ourselves more beautiful every day/night before we go out,but do we remember to spend a few minutes each month checking our bodies?

    Do you even know how?

    A young friend has just become one of the 20% of women under 50 (she's 39) who get breast cancer - so for your sake and your friends and families,get to know your body.

    (Apologies if this comes across as an angry rant,but someone's gotta do something about this fúcking disease)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,073 ✭✭✭sam34

    msthe80s wrote: »
    A young friend has just become one of the 20% of women under 50 (she's 39) who get breast cancer

    I know exactly what you meant when you posted that but it reads a little misleadingly (unintentionally) and may freak people out....

    so, 20% of women under 50 don't get breast cancer.

    however, of women who do get breast cancer, 20% of them are under 50.

    hope your friend gets on ok.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    During the past 6 months or so my periods went from on average a 26/27 day cycle to a 23/24 day cycle. So I had a period on the 1st of Nov which lasted 4 to 5 days and had another period by the 24th.

    So as you can see I was due a period by the 19th/20th of this month and I am now five days late.

    Its been 4 months since I last had sex so I am not pregnant. I am not on the pill or any birth control. I have been under some stress alright during the past couple of months and the past month has been difficult so that may play a part. I'm 29

    Does anybody elses periods go all haywire?

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    During the past 6 months or so my periods went from on average a 26/27 day cycle to a 23/24 day cycle. So I had a period on the 1st of Nov which lasted 4 to 5 days and had another period by the 24th.

    So as you can see I was due a period by the 19th/20th of this month and I am now five days late.

    Its been 4 months since I last had sex so I am not pregnant. I am not on the pill or any birth control. I have been under some stress alright during the past couple of months and the past month has been difficult so that may play a part. I'm 29

    Does anybody elses periods go all haywire?

    I was diagnosed last november with a high prolatcin count. Its a hormone that can be checked via a simple blood test. If levels are high, it can shorten cycles, or stop them altogether. Other symptoms include sore boobs or in more seriousl cases, milk leaking the odd time. Stress is a big contributer. Its very simply controlled by a little tablet daily.

    It may not be that, but worthwhile going to the GP to get it checked out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,490 ✭✭✭amtc

    I got measured in M and S as a 38a. no way am I. Just a girl with a measuring tape and even I could see gaps at the back. rolls in the front and under the arms. but no she was insistent I was a 38a (I am 8 stone, 5 foot 6 and take a size 6/8 dress)

    Politely excused myself and headed to arnotts.

    Here was much better. 32dd. dead comfortable and clothes feel so much better. The woman (and it was kind of nice cause she was the same age as my mother so didn't feel uncomfortable). Bought a few and she mentions how M&S just give normal assistants a tape measure and send them off.

    On the cervical smear- I got that letter - no issue. The dentist is worse. I have a strong family history so a great relief. My nana is in hospital at the moment with cancer so I just wish it had been around in her day.

    On cystitis. I used to get it all the time. eventually I became immune to Ipral, all the medication evnetually ending up with broad spectrum stuff like augmentin. Had an ultrasound nothing and was put on a low dose antibiotic which worked for a while but then I got thrush! A routine STI test showed I had too much acid and the doctor (rather than prescribing antibiotics) told me to buy stuff called Balance Activ off the web. It's a small gel that you put in around the time of your period or after sex. That was two years ago. Not a problem since.

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 16,186 ✭✭✭✭Maple

    Nonsickle, you have already been advised to contact your GP to discuss your medical concerns.

    Further posting of such a nature will result in a ban.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,485 ✭✭✭✭Ickle Magoo

    Posts deleted - any issue with moderator action should be dealt with via PM, as per site rules. Failure to do so may result in infractions/bans.

    Please take the time to read the forum rules in the charter before posting in tLL again.

    Many thanks

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 16,186 ✭✭✭✭Maple

    Nonsickle, your post has yet again been deleted and yet another PM sent.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,016 ✭✭✭lilmissprincess

    Have any ladies on Cerazette had any mild bad effects? I'm not quite bleeding daily but there is dark discharge in small amounts and feeling nauseous with certain things... sorry for tmi. Just wondering am I alone here...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,325 ✭✭✭Eviledna

    How long you on it lilmiss? It would be advisable to go to the doctor for any unusual discharge or nausea.

    But yes in my first year on it I would have had those symptoms, irregular bleeding and unusual too. Nausea and headaches at times, and even still 3 years on I get a phantom period, some cramping and pmt, but then it never shows.

    Over time the studies show it tends towards no periods for most. But go to the doc just in case ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,016 ✭✭✭lilmissprincess

    I'm only on it two weeks so I know theres probably just an adjustment period, but wanted to check it wasnt wholly abnormal...

  • Registered Users Posts: 124 ✭✭bleuhh

    Hi all,

    I've decided I want to go on the pill and I'm wondering if it has to be your own GP who prescribes it, or can it be any doctor. The reason I ask is that I am in college and not home all the time.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,423 ✭✭✭Morag

    Ideally given that there are other medications which clash with the oral contraceptive pill,
    it's best that you try have one dr or at least be sure that both drs are aware that you are taking it.

    So if you get it prescribed by the college dr, let the dr at home know.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,016 ✭✭✭lilmissprincess

    It can be any doctor; I've never gone to my home GP about anything like that - the college one is well used to it!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,485 ✭✭✭✭Ickle Magoo

    Hey bleuhh,

    Moved your query to the relevant thread here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 124 ✭✭bleuhh

    Thanks everyone.

    And also, are there many questions asked? Or is it just "Hi, I want to discuss going on the pill please :D" and they ask about any medical conditions. Hate the awkward conversations with the doctor.

    Yes I know it's childish!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,423 ✭✭✭Morag

    You'll be asked why you want to go on it, about what your current cycle, if you smoke and you will be asked to answer medical histroy questions both your own and any issues with your Mother/sisters/aunt like blood pressure issues.

    You should have your own list of questions, about which pill and side effects and how exactly it works and what to expect.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,185 ✭✭✭Snoopy1

    This is probably a stupid question but when going for a smear test do you leave the nuvaring in?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,404 ✭✭✭✭Pembily

    Snoopy1 wrote: »
    This is probably a stupid question but when going for a smear test do you leave the nuvaring in?
    You need to take it out. Just don't leave it out longer than 4 hours.
