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Kingp35's Horror Viewing Log



  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    An American Werewolf In London (1981)

    This film needs little introduction. It's the story of two American backpackers who encounter a werewolf on the yorkshire moors, one of which is killed while the other undergoes certain changes. It has a great mix of horror and comedy with a light tone throughout but still manages to mix in some great moments of horror. The special effects from Rick Baker are legendary and still hold up today. If you're looking for a fun horror film that this one fits the bill nicely.


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    The Thing (2011)

    I really didn't know what expect when going in to see this prequel to John Carpenters classic horror film. It turns that it pretty much plays out as an inferior rehash of the original. Honestly there is nothing new to be found here at all bar some nice creature effects and a reasonably well done story tie in to the original. Unfortunately it's lacking the tension and horror moments that John Carpenters film had and instead relies mostly on jump scares to try and scare the audience. Luckily though it does manage to entertain and could have been much worse. It's not near the standard of the original but it's a still a pretty well done prequel.


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    Fright Night (2011)

    I was never a huge fan of the original film despite the praise that's heaped on it by many so I was able to judge this remake on it's own merits and not compare it to the original so much. I was pleasantly surprised at how good it is. Vampire films have gotten a bad reputation because of the Twilight series and although there isn't buckets of gore or many scares in this reboot is at least more of adults vampire film that provides just enough of both. The performance of Colin Farrell is decent enough and the story moves along at a good pace with some decent special effects and a nice climax. Many lovers of the original will hate it but as remakes go it's one of the better ones and it certainly managed to entertain me.


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    A Lonely Place To Die (2011)

    Despite reading many good reviews from various horror websites and wanting to go see it, I somehow managed to miss A Lonely Place To Die when it was in the cinema. It turns out that was a blessing in disguise because I have to admit that I mostly disappointed with the film. For starters the plot is completely unoriginal, a bunch of people head out into the wilderness only to end up being hunted down by a group of men with guns. There are one or two plot twists but it's mostly by the book and lacking in suspense. The acting is also terrible from most of the cast and for a supposed horror film it's not evenly remotely frightening or gorey and has little tension. It does have excellent cinematography though and moves a long at nice pace never allowing boredom to set in. It's just so formulaic though that it never stood a chance at being anything more than average.


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2011)

    A remake of a 1973 TV movie, this Guillermo Del Toro produced horror film plays out very much like a dark childrens fairly tale, albeit splattered with a nice amount of blood. I have heard quite a few bad reviews of this film but I must admit that I quite enjoyed it for what it is, a dark gothic fairy tale about small creatures living the walls of an old house that have a penchant for eating childrens teeth and bones. I have never seen the original TV film but this remake has a suitably eerie setting, a tense atmosphere throughout and some good camera work. It has one huge fault though, the creatures are revealed far too early and feature on screen way too much and thus they lose almost all of their menace. If they had been kept in dark for longer this could have been an excellent dark childrens story but in the end it loses most of it's ability to frighten and is thus relegated to the slightly above average pile. It's definitely worth a watch though.


    Final Destination 5 (2011)

    You get exactly what you expect when watching this fifth installment of the franchise. It is almost a carbon copy of the first 4 films complete with the huge opening disaster scene and then the survivors being killed off in elaborate ways. Your enjoyment of this installment will depend entirely on how you viewed the others. The opening sequence set on a bridge is excellent with mostly great effects work. The death sequences are also entertaining but again there is little in the way of storytelling meaning it does get a little repetitive after a while. Still it's another solid entry into the series and does the exact same job that all of the others did and is also an improvement on the previous entry.


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  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    11-11-11 (2011)

    Darren Lynn Bousmanns latest effort has been almost universally panned by everyone who has seen it but having just seen it myself I son't think it's quite as bad as it's made out to be and I can at least see what he was trying to do. Based around the numbers phenomenon where you continuously see a number throughout your life, in this case 11-11, but with a tacked on religious and supernatutal plt to boot. yes the story is quite poor and the twist ending is just silly but Bousmann whould be commended for trying to make an eerie and creepy film full of horror visuals. Does he succeed? No, but there are some nice visual work with some creepy moments but there are also plenty of moments where the costumes look incredibly cheap the visuals poor. Bousmann ha stried to make an old school horror film full of creepy visuals and atmosphere and on that he must be commended but unfortunately he failed to achieve what he set out to do.


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    Frankenfish (2004)

    The plot of Frankenfish is typical of the myriad of B-Movies of the same type; a genetically engineered fish escapes it's creators and wreaks havoc munching it's way through various characters. In this case the fish is loose in the Bayou and is attacking a group of people stuck on three houseboats. What elevates Frankenfish above the others is the superior acting and effects, they are well above normal for this type of B-Movie, even one made in 2004. There isn't much gore but what there is is done well and the fish itself looks well and is suitably menacing. It's in no way frightening but manages to be entertaining throughout but bear in made it's much better viewing after a beer or two!


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    Paranormal Activity 3 (2011)

    Almost a carbon copy of the original two films, needless to say if you enjoyed the first two then you will also enjoy this one. It's a prequel to the first two which allows for the filmmakers to add in the only feature that distinguishes it from the other entries, a pretty bland and unoriginal backstory. If loud noises and doors opening and closing are your thing then this is for you. As for me, I found it passable.


    Shark Night (2011)

    Basically a syfy original shark feature with a bigger budget, this shark film brings nothing new to the genre but still manages to be vaguely entertaining. A group of college students head off to a lake and get munched on by a load of hungry sharks. A lack of gore lets this one down, it's PG-13 and really suffers because of it. Never the less, there are some fun scenes and if you enjoy idiotic shark films then you will like this too. Everyone else will hate it!

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    Chillerama (2011)

    Chillerama is an anthology film consisting of four different sections directed by four different directors and done in the style of old gross out drive in films. Unfortunately though it's very much a mixed bag. The first film called Wadzilla is easily the best as it's funny and expertly shot. The next two are just poor as they are way too silly and very rarely funny. The second film is also a musical and is painful to watch at the times. The wraparound story is quite good though, especially the last five minutes and provides some good viewing. If you're gonna give this a try then you're better off skipping the middle two films and just watch the rest!


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    The Grey (2012)

    Ok so technically it's not a horror film but Joe Carnahan's excellent film has plenty of horror elements to warrant a review here. To put it simply, it's an excellent watch from start to finish chock full of action, excitement, suspense and brilliant sound and effects. The story follows a group men involved in a plane crash in Alaska who are stalked by a pack of wolves. Shot on location in freezing conditions, The Grey has stunning cinematography and you can really imagine the torture the characters are going through. An excellent script, fitting and ending and plenty of jump out of your seat moments make for great viewing.


    The Woman In Black (2012)

    I having been meaning to watch the original TV movie for a long time now but somehow I ended up watching this remake first and I am very annoyed that I did! I really don't understand the positive reviews the film is getting as bar the excellent sets and costumes there is nothing much else to recommend here for horror fans. There is very little suspense or creepy atmosphere and the vast majority of the scares rely on predictable loud noises, not once did I jump out of my seat. The story is interesting enough and I can't fault the acting but for a straight up horror film it simply isn't scary. Even my girlfriend who usually jumps out of her seat at anything remotely scary didn't flicnh once. Hugely disappointing.


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  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    Beneath The Darkness (2011)

    I'll cut straight to the point, nothing that any character does in Beneath The Darkness makes a shred of sense. The local police force are one of the most idiotic in film history, characters continually make nonsensical choices and deductions and all of this drags down what could have been a semi interesting story about a killer mortician. There is the occasional good scene and the acting is ok bar an over the top Denis Quaid but the terrible script drags it way film way down. Avoid.


    2 Headed Shark Attack

    I'll be one of the first to admit that I have enjoyed the asylums recently water themed over the top films due to how ridiculous they are, Mega Shark Vs Giant Octopus is a classic. I was hoping their latest effort, 2 headed Shark Attack, could provide as much silly fun but unfortunately it's just a plain awful film. Carmen Electra and another multitude of bikini clad girls are the only entertainment to be found here unless you enjoy terrible CGI, awful attack scenes and scenes that are so terrible you can't even laugh at them. A sinking island and ridiculous earthquake scenes being the stand out. The Asylum has missed the mark with this one.


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    Inkubus (2011)

    Inkubus is a very low budget direct to dvd film starring Robert Englund that is poorly shot, has terrible sound, offers very little new yet somehow managed to keep me interested despite it's many flaws. The story is simple, a serial killer who also happens to be a demon walks into a police station and starts a series of mind games before starting to pick off the various cops. It's a simple story and the only reason it's any way watchable is because of Robert Englund who manages to make the demon character interesting. It's not frightening in the least bur does have some ok practical effects work but also some terrible CGI. I certainly can't recommend it but it did manage to provide me with some light entertainment.


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    Flatliners (1990)

    Flatliners is a 1990 thriller/horror with an all star cast and an interesting plot line. A group of medical students become fascinated and addicted to "killing themselves" for minutes and bringing themselves back to life. However their experiments have unforeseen consequences leading the waking nightmares of sins they committed in the past. Unfortunately the film isn't half as interesting as it sounds, it takes far too long to get into the main horror elements and when it does it's far too fleeting. The ending leaves a lot to be desired too but luckily the interesting story and some creepy scenes manage to make it watchable. A better script though and this could have been great.


    Kill List (2011)

    Kill List seems like an ordinary story about two hit men hired to kill three people on a "KIll List". In reality though it's anything but ordinary, in fact it's an extremely complex film with a subtle horror storyline that may take two viewings to fully understand. Even viewed as a straight laced story it's very entertaining as the two hit men are two regular guys who just happen to kill people for a living. It's extremely gruesome at times with excellent practical effects but it's the complex story masquerading as a simple story that both makes and breaks this film as it may be a little too clever for it's own good. Definitely worth a watch as it provides good entertainment and a good brain workout.


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    The Sleeper (2012)

    A quick look at rating of The Sleeper on its IMDB page and you can be forgiven for thinking that it's a terrible film but I honestly can't understand why it has such a low score. It's filmed as a throwback to the slasher films of the 80's and as a homage it works quite well. Yes it has some terrible acting and a very low budget (only $30,000) but so did a lot of the slasher films from years gone by. Perhaps it a little slow moving at times but it honestly works quite well as a simple slasher film about a group of fraternity girls being stalked by a mad man. It isn't frightening but does have some nice gore scenes and does what it set out to do pretty well. If you're a fan of 80's slashers then check it out, you might enjoy it.


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    Undocumented (2011)

    Undocumented is a film that sounded like it has an interesting premise in that a documentary crew accompany a group of illegal Mexicans crossing the border into America and run afoul of a across a gang of anti-immigrant radicals but unfortunately it's not quite as interesting as it sounds and a film that could have been intelligent ends up being a run of the mill captive horror film. This isn't to say that Undocumented is a bad film because it's not; it's well acted, has some nice gore and plenty of tension it's just that it's a little predictable and you can't help but feel that you have seen it all before. If a little more time was put into making the script more intelligent it could have been better. As it stand it's simply an entertaining hour and a half and is still worth a look.


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    The Dead (2010)

    Zombie films are without doubt the most repetitive sub-genre of film today with the vast majority of them being clones of previous films. The Dead is no different when it comes to it's plot but it does differ in it's setting which is admittedly the only reason I chose to watch it. It's set in the African desert where a zombie outbreak has occurred. An American engineer and a local soldier team to try and cross the desert and get a safe military base. The setting actually works quite well and the vast majority is set during daytime which again is unique to a zombie film, of course this means there almost no scares to be found here so if you're looking for something frightening then this isn't it. It moves along at a decent pace, the effects are well done and the acting is decent but it suffers from the overdone plot with the bleak desert setting rescuing it from mediocrity. It's worth a watch but not much else.


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    The Awakening (2011)

    The Awakening has been getting some great reviews from the various horror websites so perhaps I put it on with my expectations too high but I has hugely disappointed and a little bewildered as to how it's getting such good reviews. It's based in an English boarding school just after WWI that is supposedly haunted by a ghost of a young boy. A Female hoax exposer is hired to prove that nothing sinister is taking place. What starts out as straight forward ghost story turns very silly in the final act with the big reveal something I just couldn't buy. There are some creepy moments and the setting is excellent but overall it's not very frightening, even the jump scares are very obvious. If you can buy the final act then you will enjoy it but otherwise you will be left disappointed.


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    Evidence (2011)

    It's seems as if anybody with a camera is making a found footage film these days with Evidence being the latest attempt. What we get is the very definition of a film of two halves.The first half is spends the majority of its time setting up the characters and then quietly slips into creepy horror mode as our group of four campers are stalked by a mysterious creature. It's not particularly scary but is quite effective none the less. Then the second half happen and all hell breaks lose. The second half is literally like watching someone play a first person shooter computer game. Strange creatures jump in front of the camera, army guys appear from nowhere, the camera shakes all over the place while plenty of gore is splashed around. This may sound like fun but it isn't, it's a mess. clearly the filmmakers were far too ambitious for their own good. It's worth a watch but it gets far too messy in the latter half.


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    The Devil's Rock (2011)

    Set in the Channel Islands on the Eve of D-Day, this low budget horror from New Zealand horror film follows two soldiers who are sent to destroy a German bunker but uncover a plot to use occult methods to unleash a demonic force to help the Nazis win the war. It's very well shot and well acted for the most part although the special effects for the main demon are a little cheap. It's quite slow moving at times and quite predictable too but there is enough story here and a few interesting plot points to keep most people entertained.


    Nazis at the Center of the Earth (2012)

    The Asylum strikes again with yet another ridiculous concept that you just have to watch to see what they come up with. Surprisingly the first hour of the film is played relatively straight despite the implausibility of it all and features a couple of harrowing scenes but the final half hour is where the true Asylum silliness is let loose and we are given a stream of truly ridiculous scenes that you will have to see to believe including a truly unique take on Adolf Hitler. It's poorly acted, contains Jake Busey and has terrible effects but you just have to admire how utterly ridiculous it all is. Terrible film but enjoyable all the same.


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    The Cabin In The Woods (2012)

    Originality is something that's sorely lacking in the horror genre these days so it's great when a truly unique film comes along and Cabin in the Woods is certainly that. It starts out as a normal slasher film, full of cliched characters etc but also some mysterious goings on within a laboratory complex. As the film progresses it gets more and more strange but also more and more entertaining eventually leading up to a downright crazy final half hour full of everything you could possibly want from a horror film. It's an excellent parody of the slasher genre but also manages to be completely original in itself. There is plenty of humour, some nice effects and plenty of excellent writing that makes this by far the horror film of the year so far. Excellent.


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  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    The Innkeepers (2011)

    The latest effort from Ti West is again a film that will undoubtedly divide many people as to whether they enjoyed it or not. Just like his previous effort "House of the Devil", this is very much a character driven and slow moving horror film that aims to build up the tension slowly and thus gradually create a creepy atmosphere. Set in a hotel that is in it's final weekend of business, The Innkeepers succeeds to a point but I think the setting lets it down as it struggles to really create the creepy moments. It's well acted by the three main characters and there are some creepy moments it just fails to live up the brilliant House of the Devil. That being said it's still well worth a look and is bound the creep out some people and drive others to boredom.


    Seven Below (2012)

    Seems as though I couldn't sit through the entire film this is more of a warning than a review. The copy of the film I watched has terrible sound mixing, the background noises almost entirely drown out the dialogue making it almost impossible to hear what's going on. I struggled through 40 minutes before I gave. The actual plot was downright boring as well so maybe it was a blessing in disguise. Val Kilmer, Ving Rhames and Luke Goss were all in this film, times have really changed for those three!

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    The Divide (2011)

    The Divide is Xavier Gens first English language horror film effort that has all of the right ingredients to be great but doesn't quite get there. The story is simple, a nuclear bomb goes off stranding a number of people in a makeshift bomb shelter in an apartment basement. The plot follow the various conflicts and the ultimate madness that descends upon the survivors. For the first hour it's a relatively normal and character driven horror with a sense of mystery as to what's happening outside. The second half of the film takes a totally different direction and completely disregards the mystery and instead focuses on the ever increasing madness of the two characters coupled with lots of gore, sex and strange scenes. It works to a point but the first half is much more effective and you can't help feel that Gens added in the craziness purely to try and live up to his reputation following Frontiers. The practical effects are very well done and it's mostly well acted but at over 2 hours long it's just too long for this type of film and the final hour will leave many people scratching their head. It's still a solid effort though and worth a look


    Playback (2012)

    This is your typical straight to DVD horror film in that it has a recycled plot that copies off various films, rubbish teen actors, one name actor in a small role (Christian Slater) and a lack of serious frights or gore but somehow Playback still manages to be mildly entertaining. the plot focuses on a mysterious film that somehow possesses a teenage boy turns him into a killer. Unfortunately for us though most of his kills are incredibly tame and offer little in the way of atmosphere or creepiness. It's evident from the start that there will be some big twist reveal and when it comes it's a little disappointing but does manage to fit into the story well. To put it simply, Playback is an inoffensive horror film that offers nothing new or particularly good but manages to do just enough to vaguely entertain.


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    Intruders (2011)

    This film seems have been pretty much universally panned but I must admit that I enjoyed it, especially when viewed as a dark fairy tale. The plot is told through two different children, one in Spain and one in England, both of which are stalked by a faceless creature that intends to steal the childs face for its own. It's well shot and although full of cliches it is still quite creepy at times and manages to create an ominous atmosphere. Unfortunately the ending is bit of a let down as it throws in the obligatory twist but otherwise it's a solid dark fairy tale that has been unfairly criticised.


    The Fields (2011)

    The Fields is a horror film that has an unusual trait, almost nothing happens for the entire film. Supposedly starring Tara Reid (She is in it for all of 5 minutes) the plot is set around a small boy staying at his grandparents corn field. The by is told to stay out of the fields but of course he wanders in anyway and encounters some strange things. Cut through endless amount of boring filler and we get to end where the house is besieged for about 5 minutes by an unseen presence and then it ends. Honestly I have no idea how any script writer could think that this would make for an interesting and scary film. It is so boring from start to finish. Just avoid this one.


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    Madison County (2011)

    Madison County is a low budget slasher film that seems to have been doing quite well on the festival circuit, having seen it myself I am finding it hard to understand why. The plot follows 5 college students who travel to Madison County to interview an author about his book on a serial killer from the town, someone the townsfolk insists doesn't exist. Of course he does exist and decides to try and kill our 5 students while wearing a pig head mask. The first 50 minutes is almost entirely filler scenes, not particularly boring or interesting. Once the actual killing gets going it's hugely disappointing. All of the action takes place on daytime which takes away almost all of the tension and fails to create any kind of a horror atmosphere. The kills are very tame for a slasher and the killer himself is not up to much. There are a couple of "twists" but they are not enough to save the film. It's not terrible but it's not good either, it's just forgettable.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 177 ✭✭JohnDee

    Thanks Kingp35 for posting such a collection of weird and wonderful horror films....even the poor ones. Plenty of horror for thought.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    The Last Winter (2006)

    Shot for only $50k, you would never know it as this environmental horror film boasts a strong cast including Ron Perlman and looks great from start to finish. Set in the Alaskan wilderness in a remote oil drilling station, it follows an oil crew that become isolated and stalked by an unseen malevolent presence that drives some of them insane and others to desperate measures. Many people dislike this film because they seem to think it rams the issue of climate change too far down your throat but I think it's simply used as backdrop t tell a story. It doesn't move along at a fast pace but it doesn't need to as it's more of a character study that works very well. The plight of the workers is built up gradually right up until an ending that you will either love or hate. This is a solid horror film that's well worth a look.


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    Absentia (2011)

    Absentia is another extremely low budget horror film costing a mere $70k to make. It's been getting mostly good reviews on the festival circuit and I mostly agree that it's an interesting film. The plot follows two sisters, one of which lost her husband 7 years previous when he simply disappeared and is in the process of declaring him dead in absentia. It turns out he is one of many to simply vanish A series of strange occurrences begin to happen though leading the younger sister to suspect that a tunnel outside the house may be linked to the disappearances. It's quite slow moving but the plot is interesting and unique enough to hold your attention throughout. It has some nice creepy moments that rely on visuals rather than sound which all make absentia well worth a look.


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    Outpost: Black Sun (2012)

    The original Outpost was an enjoyable UK horror film that had plenty of atmosphere as well as some nice action. It's no surprise that this sequel was made but what is a surprise is the fact that they have changed formula that made the first film a success, substituting essentially a ghost story for a straight up zombie film. As it stands, this is sequel isn't a bad effort but it is much more action orientated, offers little in the way of scares or atmosphere, has some very questionable plot twists and overall offers nothing new. Zombie films are as about as formulaic as you can get and Black Sun is no different except in its initial approach. Probably worth a watch but don't expect anything special.


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,269 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kingp35

    {URL=]The Devil Inside (2012)[/URL]

    The Devil Inside starts off as a somewhat promising and unique take on the whole possession sub-genre, it's a cinema verite film that follows a documentary crew who are making a film about exorcists with the main subject being the mother of the star of the film. The opening 45 minutes or so are quite interesting and well made but unfortunately from this point on it goes swiftly downhill. If you're looking for scares then this definitely isn't for you as the film-makers opt to try for realism rather than cheap scares but it's the sheer predictability and of the final half hour that really let it down. It also descends into parody at times which really breaks you out of the realistic setting. The huge criticism being heaped on The Devil Inside is probably a little too harsh but I can't help but feel that the potential for a good film has been lost here.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,227 ✭✭✭Sam Mac

    Kingp35 wrote: »
    See No Evil

    Considering that See No Evil is produced by the WWE, stars one of its wrestlers and directed by a music video director, it’s fair to say that I didn’t exactly have high hopes when putting this on. It turns out that I was right; it’s a fairly poor and derivative slasher film but does provide a few moments of entertainment, both intentionally and unintentionally. The plot is typical slasher fair, a group of teenage delinquents are sent to clean up a run down hotel which just happens to be home to a killer with a fascination with eyes

    The director is incredibly annoying and uses far too much MTV style directing with blurry shots, quick edits, extreme zooming, loud rock music and extreme shaky cam. The gore is rather tame with most of it happening off screen bar couple of scenes and the kills are nothing new. Kane is surprisingly the best thing about the film as he is suitably menacing while throwing people around the place, it helps that he has no dialogue though!

    It's an ok film with plenty of unintentional laughs. Acting and directing are both terrible but slasher fans will find some light entertainment here.


    I thought this film was quite good :P - might pick it up on Blu if I find it cheap
