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Pull up, pull down, stand tall

  • 20-08-2010 1:02pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭

    I said Oh Oh.
    How I wish.

    I'm gonna use this log to log my rehab and then hopefully my actual workouts.
    I've been having the same shoulder problems for the best part of a year now that I aint been too successful with.

    Here's the plan atm.

    Press ups x 3 sets (sometimes on ball)
    Inverted rows x3 sets (sometimes on rings)

    Prone Y's
    Sometimes YTWL
    Some external rotation work

    For about a month I did scap pushups and scap pullups/pulldowns and some YTWL's.

    The goal with the press ups is that I can barely do 20ish without feeling like getting sick so I should be able for more. With teh rows, my rowing strength is crap so If I can get 3x20 or so I figure I'm heading in the right direction and they should help with shoulder stability. I also do a set or 2 of scap pushups every other day.

    Next week I'll start some light incline pressing (about 5/7kg) for 10-12 reps. Starting at one set and adding sets and weight as I progress. I'll start scap pulldowns again and maybe light full pulldowns. After I get somewhere with the inclines and if I'm not getting any pain, I'll move onto overhead presses again with really light weight and add as I go.

    Today 20/8/10

    Press ups


    Prone Y
    2.5kg 4x10

    That's where I'm at atm.

    I'm also doing some squatting and cleans and stuff.

    Last week

    Worked up to 70 kg cleans for 3x1
    50kg 3x3

    Back Squat
    110kg 3x3

    65kg 3x8

    Short term goal is to get healthy shoulders again and get into the weightlifting proper.
    All going well end of year I'd like snatch 60-70kg, c&j 85-90kg and bench 100kg we'll see, atm I'd take snatching 20kg.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Monday 23/8/10

    Incline Db press
    7kg 3x10


    Press ups
    2x20, 1x15

    Inverted row (on bar)

    exciting stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Thursday 26/8/10

    Incline Db Press
    7kg 3x10

    Scap pullups (on rings with feet elevated)

    Back Squat
    100 1x5

    50kg 1x6

    50kg 2x3

    Working hard and late this week. Just about time to workout.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Saturday 28/8/10

    Row (on rings)

    Press up

    Rows were ok. Press ups had me gassed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Monday 30/8/10

    2.5kg 3 reps

    Scap pullups (on rings feet elevated)
    1x17, 2x15

    Incline press
    9kg 3x12

    Scap pushups

    Pullups fatigued quick enough, meant to do 3x17 though. oops.

    Strict on the incline. Retracted scapula through most of it and protraction at the top. I do the same for press ups, might be why they're so hard. Uncomfortable to do on the bench though. I think i did 9kg last week too, mixed up my db weights. Grand though. 11.5 next.

    Haven't done scap pushups in while, 30 was ok.

    Felt a bit of pain during the week, hopefully it's nothing. Shoulder injuries are great for paranoia.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Tuesday 31/8/10

    Snatch bar work- OH squat, drops, balance, jumps

    Hang Snatch
    worked up to 50kg for 3 singles I think, missed one.

    Hang Clean
    worked up to 90kg for a single then 80kg for double.

    Trained out in East Coast Barbell, savage place, great atmosphere.

    90kg Clean was rough, all over the place. Nice PR though. Snatch PR too.

    Shoulders grand today too which is always nice.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Monday 6/9/10

    Prone Y

    2kg 2x8

    Incline Bench
    9kg 3x12

    Scap Pull ups
    3x15 (feet elevated)

    Been sick all week, just picking up where I left off last week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Wednesday 8/9/10

    Band Pull Aparts
    1 set of 10 horizontal and vertical

    Inverted Rows

    Scap Pushups

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Thursday 9/9/10

    Glute and Shoulder Activation
    Some Hip Mobility work

    Some Bar Work
    60kg 2x3
    70kg 2x3

    60kg 1x5
    80kg 1x3
    90kg 1x2
    100kg 1x3

    Such a drop off in strength.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Friday 10/9/10

    Scap Pullup
    2x20, 1x15

    Incline Press + Protraction
    11.5kg 3x12

    Still a bit sick and feeling tired. Only meant to do 3x8 on the incline, ah well. Its too uncomfortable trying to keep tight and the protract and re tighten so I just did 12 reps tight and then on the last rep I push the shoulders through and did 12 more reps. Good idea, bad idea, I don't know.

    Pullups were toughish, when i can get 3x20 I'll start doing full scap pullups at lower reps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Sunday 12/9/10

    50kg 1x5
    70kg 1x3
    90kg 1x2
    110kg 1x1
    120kg 1x3
    100kg 1x8

    30kg 2x8
    50kg 2x8

    Face Pull
    P2 2x12
    P3 2x8

    Just to see where my deadlift was. Every rep at 120 was different. Its been a while. Easy enough though.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Monday 13/9/10

    Inverted row on rings

    2x20, 1x15

    Scap Pushups


    Keep doing the scap pushups for a while, feet up next time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Tuesday 14/9/10

    Prehab warm up, glute and shoulder activation.

    Box jumps
    two boxes and two 25's (about 30")

    Snatch bar work x lots

    Hang snatch
    Few sets at 40 kg
    up to 45kg for a few misses

    40kg 1x2
    50kg 1x2
    60kg 1x2
    70kg 4x2

    20kg 1x5
    60kg 1x4
    80kg 1x2
    90kg 1x1
    100kg 3x5

    Flexibility work.

    In ECB again good session, not too heavy. Laid off the snatches cos my shoulder still aint right, missed one behind, not nice. Did a box jump again at the end with 2 20's added on, fun.

    I'll start light pressing today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Wednesday 15/9/10

    Shoulder activation
    some Y's and scap pushups

    Scap Pullup feet elevated

    OH Press
    7kg 3x10

    Pullups were hard but I just wanted to get them done, Ill move onto full scap pullups and then normal pullups at some stage.

    Next time I'm in the gym I want to do some sets of Y's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Friday 17/9/10

    Glute activation warm up

    P Cleans
    40kg 1x3
    50kg 1x3
    60kg 1x3
    70kg 1x1
    75kg 1x1 (might have been 2)

    61kg 1x5
    80kg 1x3
    100kg 1x2
    110kg 1x1
    125kg 2x3

    Later that evening...

    4kg 4x5

    Forgot about scap push ups and rows, I was getting ready to go to Tipp.

    P cleans were easy enough, PR was 70kg, 75 wasn't pretty but easy enough.

    Deads were ok, knees aren't feeling great though, I'll drop back this week and work back up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Monday 20/9/10

    Shoulder activation
    Band pull aparts

    OH Db Press
    9kg 3x8

    Scap Pullups 3x8

    This stuff is starting to do my head if I'm honest. Ill keep it going till I can press 20kg dumbells.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Wednesday 22/9/10

    Shoulder warm up
    Band pull aparts

    Scap Pushups (feet Elevated)

    Inverted row on rings

    Pushups were easy, rows were tough enough on the last few reps. I'm rowing from a lower position now, I'm about parallel at the top, feet on the bench.

    Thursday 23/9/10

    Shoulder warm up

    Prone Y
    4kg 2x8, 1x5

    Standing Ext Rotations
    4kg 3x15

    Side Lying Lat raises
    2.5 kg 3x12

    Some reverse flys to finish.

    Y's were tough, too tough, should be going for quality not quantity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Monday 27/9/10

    Glute activation and mobility warm up

    40kg 1x3
    50kg 1x3
    60kg 1x3
    70kg 3x3

    Front Squat
    50kg 1x5
    65kg 1x3
    80kg 3x3

    Wednesday 29/9/10

    20kg 2x8
    40kg 1x5
    60kg 1x3
    80kg 1x2
    90kg 1x1
    100kg 3x5

    Good Morning
    20kg 1x8
    30kg 1x5
    40kg 1x5
    50kg 3x5

    Shoulder warm up
    Band Pull aparts.
    YTWL 2.5kg 1x5

    Scap pushups Feet on bench

    Inverted row on rings feet on bench


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Friday 1/10/10

    Glute Warm up

    Power Clean

    40kg 1x3
    50kg 1x3
    60kg 1x3
    70kg 3x1
    Full Clean 70kg 2x2

    60kg 1x5
    90kg 1x3
    110kg 1x2
    125kg 2x1
    135kg 1x1
    140kg 1x1 PR 2XBW
    110kg 1x5

    Face Pulls
    Plate 1 1x15
    P2 2x12

    Shoulder warm up
    band pull aparts
    horizonatal and vertical 1x15 each

    Db OH press
    11kg 3x5

    Scap pull ups

    Happy with the deads, it was easy enough too. Hook grip, which never felt like failing, on to 170 now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Wednesday 13/10/10

    Hang Snatch
    20kg 3x2
    30kg 2x1

    40kg 2x1
    50kg 2x1
    60kg 1x1
    70kg 2x1
    80kg 1x1
    90kg 2x0
    70kg 1x2

    Havent done much in the last week in terms of rehab or actual training. Last night was the first night that DCU Weightlifting club got started for the year, we have nice set up and it was great to do some actual lifting.

    90kg was disappointing but I hadn't eaten much all day. First time trying to max in ages.

    Ill do some rehab today aswell.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Haven't logged in a while, training is only starting to get decent now anyway. Logging this week so I remember where I am.

    Monday 1/11/10

    Mobility warm up

    Bar work
    OH squat, Drops, Hang snatc, first pull.

    30kg 2x2
    35kg 1x2
    40kg 1x2
    45kg 1x2
    50kg 1x2
    55kg 4x2 PR missed last rep.

    50kg 1x8
    70kg 1x3
    90kg 1x2
    110kg 3x3

    Noice snatch PR, only got 50kg x1 last week.


    Mobility warm up and glute activation

    Bar work
    OH squat, Drops, Hangs, First pull.

    30kg 2x2
    35kg 2x2
    40kg 5x2

    40kg 1x3
    50kg 1x2
    60kg 1x2
    70kg 5x2,1x1

    70kg 1x5
    90kg 1x3
    110kg 1x2
    130kg 1x1
    145kg 1x1 PR
    160kg 1x1 PR

    Last night was good, snatches were all easy and solid as they should be.

    Cleans were mostly power cleans but solid enough if hard at times, last rep was actually the easiest when I tried to get under it faster.

    Deadlifts stole the show, it's nice to get a 20kg PR after about a month of no DLing. Might have to find the 170 thread soon enough. All the DLs done with a clean hook grip.

    Shoulders been feeling ok recently, still doing lots of rows and scap work. Dare I jerk soon. Also hoping to go to Jordanstown next Sat if this week goes ok. Might just go to snatch if I can't jerk.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Monday 8/11/10

    Mobility warm up

    Ankle mobilisation
    Ankle circles
    Leg swings
    Leg sweeps
    Arm swings
    Elbow circles
    Wrist circles
    Wrist flexion

    Snatch work
    OH squats, drops, hangs, first pull 2-3x3

    30kg 1x2
    35kg 2x2
    40kg 1x2
    45kg 1x2
    50kg 4x2

    Jerk work
    Dips, catches, split jerk

    2 Front squats + 1 Jerk
    40kg 1x1
    45kg 1x1
    50kg 2x1

    Front Squat
    50kg 1x3
    60kg 1x3
    70kg 1x3
    80kg 4x3

    Nice session, snatches were mostly solid.

    Didn't do too much on the jerks, I'm a long way from solid on them though, shoulders still not 100% and fronts were decently heavy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Wednesday 10/11/10

    Mobility warm up

    Snatch work

    30kg 1x2
    35kg 1x2
    40kg 1x2
    45kg 2x2
    50kg 4x2

    Clean work
    Front squats, hangs, first pull

    40kg 1x2
    50kg 1x5
    55kg 1x2
    60kg 4x2

    Front Squat

    40kg 1x3
    50kg 1x3
    70kg 1x3
    90kg 1x3
    100kg 1x3

    Missed a few snatches at 50 but they got better as the sets went on, I'm gonna take it slower on the first pull.

    Cleans were fairly easy tbh but I keep cutting cutting short my hip extension so worked on that.

    Was short on time trying to get home to watch the derby so went for a top triple, 100 is a nice number to finish on for a triple. I took part in a demo earlier for the college sports expo which along with college work and stuff has a little drained. Some kip and decent food tomorrow should have me a bit fresher.

    Some more snatches tomorrow and then Jordanstown on Saturday. Can't wait.

    Also want to start doing some glute and shoulder activation more often.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Saturday 13/11/10

    NI Open Jordanstown

    59kg miss


    Fairly happy with how I did, 56/58 are technically PR's, great experience and hopefully first of many. Missed the 59 in front again, probably not extending fully. Have to get my shoulder sorted though soon. The set up is great up there, really is an example of what every high performance gym should have. 7 platforms with bars and plates for each one.

    Monday 15/11/10

    Mobility warm up

    Snatch work

    30kg 2x2
    35kg 2x2
    40kg 1x2
    45kg 1x2
    50kg 4x2

    Jerk work

    2 Cleans + 1 Jerk
    40kg 1x2
    45kg 4x2

    20kg 1x5
    40kg 1x3
    50kg 1x3
    65kg 1x3
    80kg 1x3
    90kg 1x3
    100kg 2x5

    Fairly shattered. Everything was hard, I won't be training again until Thursday so I should be grand by then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Trained all last week but didn't log as I've just been too busy.

    Highlights :rolleyes:

    52kg 4x2 snatch still
    85kg 4x2 Clean, not bad
    85kg 4x3 Front Squat
    50kg 5x2 C&J

    Also joined Informed Performance to hopefully fix my shoulder, going well so far.

    Monday 29/11/10


    IP Mobility Warm Up x3

    Band work - Red Band x3
    10 Horizontal Pull aparts, 5 open, 5 closed
    10 Vertical Pull aparts
    10 Dislocates

    Shoulder circuit x4
    10 Scap Pushups
    10 Scap Pullups
    10 Scap Rows
    10 Inverted Shrugs

    YTW x3
    2.5kg x3 open, 3 closed
    Green Band shoulder flexion thing

    Then some conditioning, yay.

    Prowler push in 10'
    +70kg x15ish pushes up and back

    15' block
    10 Prisoner Squats
    10 Pushups
    10 Green Band Pullups
    6 rounds

    then after a long break another prowler block
    12 pushes

    The prowler is a bollox, but I reckon I could do with some decent conditioning, I think >10 rounds is ok. Not so happy with bodyweight block but I've done fcuk all upper body stuff in ages, the push ups were hard but he pullups were impossible.

    That evening
    Mobility work

    Snatch Work
    30kg 1x2
    35kg 1x2
    40kg 1x2
    43kg 1x2
    47kg 1x2
    50kg 1x2
    53kg 4x2 1 miss

    Jerk Work
    2 Front Squat + 1 Jerk
    30kg 1x2
    35kg 1x2
    40kg 1x2
    45kg 1x2
    50kg 1x2
    55kg 4x2

    Front Squat
    50kg 1x3
    60kg 1x3
    75kg 1x3
    82kg 1x1
    90kg 3x3

    Trying twice in a day to prove I'm a badass :cool:

    I was a little tired tbh. Still, happy to get 7/8 snatches. I'd love to snatch 60 in Hercs in a couple of weeks.

    I was a little faster off the floor, Harry said I was too slow and speed things up a little and he reckoned it improved my extension so good there and they felt a little better. I'd been going slow to make sure I was in a good position but it seems to be ok now. Have to stop stamping too, don't know where it came from but I make a lot of noise with my feet.

    Shoulders a little off now but way better than it has been and after way more work than it's been used to. I can finally jerk more than I snatch.

    No training tonight cos the snow closed down the college. It looks nice from inside but it's really useless unless it's in the Alps and you've got ski's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Monday 6/11/10 DCUWC

    Snatch Work

    30kg 1x2
    35kg 1x2
    40kg 1x2
    45kg 1x2
    48kg 1x2
    51kg 1x2
    53kg 4x2 1 miss

    Clean Work

    40kg 1x2
    50kg 1x2
    60kg 1x2
    67kg 1x2
    75kg 1x2
    80kg 1x1
    85kg 4x2 1 miss

    In and out fairly quick and happy enough.

    Haven't trained since Monday due to the weather. A week off makes all the difference, the cleans were handy enough, missed the last one mostly due to lack of concentration.

    It's snowing again now though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Tuesday 7/11/10 IP

    Mobility warm up

    One leg prowler push 70kg + 60 sec plank x5

    Box Squat
    20kg 2x8
    40kg 1x5
    60kg 1x5
    70kg 1x3
    75kg 1x3
    80kg 1x3
    85kg 1x3
    90kg 1x3
    95kg 1x3
    100kg 1x3
    105kg 1x3


    KB Russian Twist
    16kg 3x10 each side

    BW 2x8
    5kg 4x5, 1x4

    Shoulder Rehab
    Green band thing 5x10
    YTW's 2,5kg 3 open, 3 closed x10

    All good. Squats were handy enough, haven't done box squats before. Haven't done chins in an age, more upper body work is welcome.

    It was long session and I'm tired enough now. It's always nice to come home after a long training session to find youv'e been fcuked by the government for the foreseeable future. Happy days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Wednesday 8/12/10

    Mobility Warm up

    Snatch Work

    30kg 1x2
    40kg 1x2
    44kg 1x2
    47kg 2x2 miss 2

    Power Snatch
    40kg 1x2
    43kg 1x2
    46kg 4x2

    Front Squat
    20kg 1x8
    40kg 1x3
    60kg 1x3
    75kg 1x3
    80kg 1x1
    90kg 4x3

    2kg 3 open 3 closed

    OH Press
    5kg DB 2x8
    20kg 1x5
    25kg 1x5
    30kg 3x5

    Don't know what happened with the snatches 47kg is light. Lost the second rep of each set first behind, then forward. Just didn't feel good. Harry reckoned it's my hip extension. Did some power snatches to work on that, they easy enough if a little unfamiliar.

    The rest was fairly standard, hopefully I'll be able to progress with the press now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Thursday 9/12/10 Informed Performance

    IP warm up x3
    X band Walks x10
    Scap push ups x10
    hurdle over unders x10
    band face pulls x10
    hurdle step overs x10
    scap inverted rows x10
    quad/hamstring walks x10

    Red Band circuit x1
    Shoulder circuit x2

    Snatch work
    30kg 1x2 Hang
    35kg 1x2 Hang
    40kg 1x2
    45kg 1x2
    48kg 1x2
    50kg 1x2
    53kg 1x2
    55kg 1x2
    57kg 1x2 PR
    59kg 1x2 PR
    61kg 1x2 PR

    Jerk Work
    Clean Work
    40kg 1x2
    45kg 1x2
    50kg 1x2
    55kg 1x2
    60kg 4x2

    2.5kg 5x3 open, 3 closed

    Back Squat
    20kg 1x5
    40kg 1x3
    60kg 1x3
    80kg 1x3
    100kg 1x3
    110kg 3x3

    Yeah. Happy with the snatches, was only going to go fro 55 4x2, but because of last night I just felt like going for something. 61 was fine, I feel like I could have gone higher but I'll hopefully have more on Saturday in the Hercules Club Champs.

    Jerks weren't so hot. They all went up easy enough but they all felt sloppy, no pressouts or anything so I'll take them.PR of sorts, the most I've jerked is 58 at the NI Open I haven't been able to do much Jerk work so hopefully with time and more rehab I'll get a decent jerk.

    Have some mad upper back DOMS now though, anything without my arms by my side is ouch city. Those romboids and lower traps must be finally doing some work. Rest now til Saturday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Monday 10/1/11

    IP warm up x3
    Thoracic foam rolling

    Oly Squat
    105kg 5x3

    Single Leg Deadlift
    20kg 1x8
    24kg 2x8

    Db Twist
    20kg 1x10, 2x12

    Chin ups
    +5kg 5x5

    Shoulder Stabilisation with feet on rings
    5x60s on/off

    45 back extension
    red band 3x15

    Db clean with fat gripz
    7.5kg 5x10

    Some foam rolling

    I think this was only the third or fourth session I've done since the one above. Shoulder sh1tness, snow and chest infections all playing their part. And no snatches or C&J for the moment.

    Surprised to get all the chin ups, was expecting 3 sets max so happy days.

    The shoulder stabilisation thing is a pure b@stard to do. I thought the prowler was bad but I hate this more now. 2 mins were good and it just deteriorates from there, taking each minute as 20s on, 20s off, 20 on again if that.

    Everything else was ok. Db cleans were nice, felt more like deceleration than I'd done them before with lots of nice shoulder cracking to accompany it.

    Nice to be back training though.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Tuesday 11/1/11

    IP Warm Up x 2


    Prowler push
    70kg 12 in 10mins

    30'' box jumps x5
    10kg Floor press x10
    15kg Unsupported row x10
    10 rounds in 10 mins

    Prowler push
    70kh 10 in 10 mins

    36kg Potato sack squat x10
    35kg Swiss bar bench x10
    Grey Band Pull ups x10
    9/10 rounds in 10 mins

    First prowler block destroyed me,tried going every 45s or so, second was ok, I went every min and had 15-20 secs rest in between pushes. I think I could have gone for 12 and not been as wrecked as the first one.

    First work block wasn't bad, I probably could have pushed it a bit, weights were light, still a bit wary of the shoulders.

    Second one was tougher, pull ups are toughest me but I'll go to the green band next week.

    Rest was way more than 5 mins for everything except the last one. Something to work towards.

    Form weightlifting to conditioning. Yes.
