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Pull up, pull down, stand tall



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,234 ✭✭✭Edwardius

    Scuba Ste wrote: »

    45 x1
    bodyweight press! nice!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Monday 4/11/13

    Power snatch
    70 2x1

    Power CJ
    70 5x1

    Bench and curls
    x pump

    Stopped at 70 on the jerks to try not be crap. I'll put a program together this week. I can only doss about for so long.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Edwardius wrote: »
    bodyweight press! nice!

    Not quite but it should be by the time I'm 53kg.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Wednesday 6/11/13

    up to 70 x2
    75 x1

    Paused back squat
    100 x3

    Pull ups

    1 arm press
    15 2x8

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Monday 11/11/13

    61 5x3

    Snatch pull
    92 4x4

    Front squat
    95 4x3

    New 4 week program. Snatches were easy the rest not.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Tuesday 15/1/13

    Power snatch
    40 3x3

    Db bench
    25 5x10
    Inverted row
    10 5x8

    20 3x30s

    Face pulls
    15 3x10

    Had knee problems for the past two months. Got to the point where it was uncomfortable walking at times. Running to catch the bus was especially fun. Seen a physio recently, it's slightly better but no chance I can squat yet. Lots of rolling, stretching, glute strengthening to be done.

    All while Jon North was in Dublin, Klokov is coming to Ireland and Norik Vardanian is coming too. AND DCU got an Eleiko competition set. I feel like Smokey Robinson.

    Time to get swole in the cold.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Thursday 17/1/14

    Single leg box squats

    Snatch high pull+muscle snatch
    30 2x2+2
    35 2x2+2

    Pull up
    17.5 3x3
    BW 1x10/1x5

    Single arm press
    17.5 3x10

    Back ext
    15 3x15

    Skull crusher
    +25 3x12

    4 3x8

    Ran for the bus on the way home and my knee didn't hurt. That's a PR.

    Hadn't done the single leg squats in a while because my knee was inflamed all the time but today was fine. I'll continue doing them. The eccentric is done very slowly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Sunday 19/1/14


    43 3x5

    Single leg box squats

    One arm row
    27.5 3x15

    Side bends
    25 3x12

    That took longer that it looks. Knee is not worse. Did some cleans with the bar which didn't hurt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Tuesday 21/1/14

    Power clean and push press
    up to 60 x3

    Single leg box squat

    Db bench
    27.5 5x8

    Inverted row
    10 5x10


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Thursday 23/1/14

    Hang high pull+muscle snatch
    50 2x2+2

    Hang power snatch+snatch
    60x2+1 didn't stand up from the snatches

    Pull up
    20 3x3
    BW 1x12

    One arm press
    17.5 4x10

    Tried deadlifting. It wasn't pleasant.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Monday 27/1/14

    120 2x5

    Db bench
    27.5 5x10

    Inverted row
    15 5x8

    20 3x30s

    something crap

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Tuesday 28/1/14

    Snatch high pull+muscle snatch from atk
    55 x2+2

    Single leg deadlift

    Pull up
    20 3x3
    BW 2x10

    One arm press
    20 3x8

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Thursday 30/1/14

    Single leg glute things

    Single leg eccentric things

    45 3x5

    One arm row
    30 3x10

    Tri pushdown

    Rear flys

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Monday 4/2/14

    A hape of glute and single leg eccentric shtuff.

    Snatch high pull+muscle snatch atk
    45 3x2+2
    50 x2+1
    55 x2+1

    Db Bench
    30 4x8

    Db curls
    15 3x10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Saturday 8/2/14

    65 x2x1 no pain

    Power clean and push press
    80 x1+1

    Front squat
    65 3x2

    Pull up
    22.5 x3

    48 3x3

    I be snatching again. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Monday 10/2/14

    Hang snatch pull+muscle snatch atk
    50 3x2+2
    55 x2+1
    58 x2+1

    Db bench
    30 x2x10, 1x7

    Inverted row
    15 3x10

    x some

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Thursday 13/12/14

    Power snatch+snatch
    up to 60

    Power clean+power jerk
    70 2x2

    In DCU, did a bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Sunday 16/2/14

    Vardanian seminar in ECB

    Snatched up to 70

    Power cleaned and split jerked 80 a few times before my hangover kicked in.

    Good day. Good craic too. Went to the Irish Juniors and Youths yesterday too. Good lifting from some young lifters. Bodes well for the future.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Monday 24/2/14

    Back squat
    up to 70x5

    Hang snatch high pull+power snatch
    50 x3x2+2

    70 3x2+1 didn't do last jerk

    Db bench
    30 3x5

    That nearly killed me. Good to train again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Tuesday 25/2/14

    One leg stuff
    x few

    Hang snatch high pull+muscle snatch
    53 3x2+2 one fail somewhere
    55 x2+x
    55 muscle from floor

    Only went up to give out to people.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Thursday 27/2/14

    60 3x2

    Power clean and power jerk/split jerk
    70 3x2+2

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Tuesday 1/4/14

    Db bench press
    20 x5
    25 x5
    30 x5
    32.5 x5
    35 x5
    NG chin up
    5 x5
    10 x5
    15 x5
    17.5 x5
    20 x5

    Db incline press
    15 x8
    20 x8
    20 x8
    DB row
    17.5 x8
    22.5 x8
    27.5 x8

    Leg press
    130 4x12

    I was fairly gassed after this. Was done nice and quick though. Stopping WLing for a while. Gonna do a mate's programme for the next month or so. Might do a PL comp if I can squat at some point. Need to sort a physio appointment this week too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Thursday 3/4/14

    90 x5
    100 x5
    110 x5
    115 x5
    120 x5

    Seated db press
    15 x10
    17.5 x10
    20 x8
    20 x10
    FFE split squat
    Bw x10
    10 x3x10

    Hanging sit ups
    X10/ x8/ x6
    Lateral raises
    2.5 x12
    5 x2x12

    In and out. No drama. Not sure I like some of the exercises. Physio booked for Monday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Saturday 5/4/14

    (A1) Overhead press
    30 x5
    35 x5
    40 x5
    45 x5
    48 x5

    (A2) Db row with pronated grip
    25 x5
    27.5 x5
    30 x5
    32.5 x5
    35 x5

    (B) Good morning
    50 3x10

    (C1) CG 1 1/4 bench press
    40 2x7
    50 x7
    50 x6

    (C2) Inverted row 1 1/4 supinated grip
    2x7 low box
    2x7 high box

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Sunday 6/4/14

    (A) Snatch grip RDL
    50 x5
    60 x2x5

    (B1) GHR
    Bw x4x7

    (B2) Incline seated hammer curls
    10 x7
    15 x7
    17.5 x2x7

    (C1) Side bends
    15 x10
    20 x10
    25 x10

    (C2) Ez bar narrow grip curls
    35 x10
    40 x2x10

    I'm hoping my hams don't explode before physio tomorrow. Hope my arms do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Thursday 10/4/14

    (A1)CG Bench
    50 x5
    55 x5
    60 x5
    65 x5
    70 x5

    (A2) Db row
    20 x5
    25 x5
    30 x5
    35 x5
    40 x5

    (B1) Seated Db shoulder press
    15 x10
    17.5 x10
    20 x10
    22.5 x8

    (B2) NG Chin
    10 x5
    15 x5
    20 x5
    25 x3

    Need to start writing this down again. Above is mostly right but I can't remember. I've an MRI Tuesday to see if I've cartilage damage to my left knee.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Monday 15/4/14

    Rehab x loads

    (A1) Cg bench
    55 x5
    60 x5
    65 x5
    70 x5
    75 x5

    (A2) Chin ups
    10 x5
    15 x5
    20 x5
    25 x5
    25 x3

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Saturday 19/4/14


    (A1) Seated Db press
    12.5 x10
    17.5 x10
    20 x10
    22.5 x5

    (A2) Db row
    25 x10
    30 x10
    32.5 x12
    32.5 x20

    (B1) Seated incline hammer curls
    12.5 3x8

    (B2) Narrow hands push ups
    1 x15
    10 1x15
    10 1x10

    Done in a weightlifting club. Sound job. Physio Tuesday for the MRI results.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Tuesday 22/4/14

    Endless rehab

    (A) Deadlift
    100 x5

    (B1) CG Bench
    60 x5
    65 x5
    70 x5
    75 x5
    80 x3 PR

    (B2) NG Chins
    10 x5
    17.5 x5
    25 x5
    30 x4
    30 x3

    MRI came back all clear. Greeeat. I'm back to the physio next week. In the meantime I'll keep rehabbing. 80 x2 is my previous best bench with a wider grip. Happy days.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Thursday 24/4/14


    (A1) Seated Db press
    15 x10
    20 x10
    22.5 x10
    22.5 x10

    (A2) Db row
    30 x10
    35 x10
    40 x10
    40 x8

    (B1) Incline hammer curls
    10 x8
    12.5 x8
    15 x8

    (B2) Pressdown

    Getting my pump on yo. I'm so huge right now.
