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Pull up, pull down, stand tall



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Thursday 13/1/11

    IP warm up x 2

    Speed Deadlifts
    90kg 8x3

    Single leg squat
    10kg 4x8

    Hanging leg raise
    3x15, really 2x15 plus 1x10 plus 5 knee raises.

    Single Arm press
    15kg 5x10, really 3x10 plus 2x10 push press.

    Horrible Shoulder Stabilisation unavoidable exercise with feet in rings.
    5x60s on /off

    Unsupported Db Row
    25kg 5x10

    Plate shifting
    4x5kg 3x60s on/off

    Rolling Tricep extensions
    12.5kg 3x8

    Wrist rolling
    17.5kg 3 up down each direction

    2.5kg 3x5/5

    Everything relatively ok until the stabilisation stuff.

    Deadlifts will go to 100 next week. Squat, I dunno maybe try 20kg for less reps.

    Leg raises leg raise, improving though. Press was better, got 2 sets last week and dropped to 12.5 so happy there. Stabilisation thing was better, nearly at 3 full minutes of sweating, core trembling, mental exhaustion fun.

    Plate shifting probably should be trying to do it faster but surviving it fine.

    Supersetted rolling extensions with wrist rolls trying to improve my wrist pain. Triceps are weak too.

    Upper body strength really needs work and then it needs to maintained, can only be good thing really

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Friday 14/1/11

    IP warm up x3


    Sprint block
    10 in 10 mins

    10kg Reverse lunge x5 e/s
    Pushups off handles x10
    Grey band pull ups x10
    9 rounds in 10 mins

    Sprint block
    10 in 10 mins

    40kg Power clean and push press x3
    5kg Push up and row x10
    Sit ups x10
    7 maybe in 10 mins

    Ha. Again first conditioning block was hardest. Sprint up jog backwards in 3 lanes and back so 6 total. Second was too bad actually.

    Push ups and pull ups took it out me big style in the first block and the second everything except the clean and press was hard.

    Rest was again way over the 5 mins and number of rounds may not too accurate. We'll see next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Monday 17/1/11


    Foam Rolling thoracic spine
    IP warm up x2

    Oly Squat
    40kg 1x5
    60kg 1x3
    90kg 1x3
    105kg 5x5

    Sinlgle leg deadlift
    24kg 3x8
    superset with
    Kb Twist
    24kg 3x10 e/s

    Chin up
    Red band 2x8
    10kg 4x5, 1x3

    Shoulder Stabilisation on rings
    5x60s on/off really 2x60s, 40s, 30s, 25s

    45 Back Extension
    Blue band 3x15

    Db Clean with fat gripz
    10kg 3x10

    2.5kg 3x5/5 open/closed
    superset with
    Hammer curls
    12.5kg 3x10

    Getting harder today, squats and chin ups were slow and hard, a bit surprised I got that many reps especially on the chin ups, was expecting 3x3 ish.

    I'm away in two weeks so if study and exams goes well and I train next week I might try for 110kg 5x5 which would be a PR by one rep.

    Everything else wasn't too bad. I won't superset the DL with the twists again though, slightly harder today.

    The stabilisation stuff was tough obviously but maybe a bit better. I'll try to get 3 full minutes next time and just go for whatever I can for the remainder like today, it's the best way to measure it I think.

    The last sets of YTW's were a bit harder but they're improving. I did a bit of foam rolling before them to loosen up things which may have helped a bit, tried them last week and I got one good set. The upper back seems to be going the right way which is good.

    Even the curls are coming along, must be the squats :pac:

    Weight recently is around 73kg.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Tuesday 18/1/11


    IP warm up x3

    Prowler push
    80kg 12 in 9.52mins

    33" box jump x5 (plyo box on platform)
    12.5kg floor press x10
    17.5kg row x10
    10 in 14.50mins

    Prowler push
    80kg 12 in 9.35mins

    36Kg Kb sack squat x10
    35kg swiss bar bench x10
    Green band pull up x10
    8 in 14.23mins

    Not too bad, improvements everywhere. Again the second block was easier, worked in with someone for the first 5/6 of the first block, definitely harder when someone else is doing it with ya.

    Work block 1 wasn't too bad, I woulda gone heavier but the 15's were in use. Work block 2 was hard, pull ups again. Probably drop back to grey band. I got about 5 rounds fairly continuos but the last 2/3 the pull ups were about 5-3-2 in reps. I'll go with a heavier Kb next time. That's the easy part.

    Rest periods were good too, all about 5-7 mins.

    Will was saying the aim for the prowler should be about 15 pushes with body weight so I'm gonna aim for 15 with 80, also might give the 30 pushes with 40kg a shot.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Thursday 20/1/11


    IP Warm up x2

    Speed DL
    50kg 1x5
    70kg 1x3
    90kg 1x2
    100kg 8x3

    Split squat
    16kg 4x8

    Hanging leg raises

    One arm press
    10kg 2x8
    15kg 5x10 last set push press

    Shoulder stabilisation, feet on rings
    2x60s, 3x30s

    One arm row
    30kg 4x10

    Plate shifting
    4x5kg 3x60s on/off

    Rolling tri extensions
    12.5kg 4x10

    2.5kg 3x5/5

    Wrist rolling
    17.5 x4 e/d

    Shoulder stabilisation times are down on Monday's but it is what it is. It's hard to keep it up. Hopefully Monday will be better, 3 full minutes maybe.

    Everything else is up, so happy days. The plate shifting is about 3 full shifts over and back.

    Deadlifting was hard but not that hard, dunno about the speed of them, not slow anyway.

    Press is coming on a set at a time, left side definitely weaker. The rows too are coming on, even my triceps are getting stronger.

    All in all, training's going well.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Tuesday 25/1/11

    Shoulder circuit 3x10
    Scap puhsups
    Scap Pullups
    Scap Inverted rows
    11kg Overhead shrug

    Inverted row on rings with feet on bench
    superset with
    Single arm press
    11kg 3x12 e/s

    Just ticking over while the exams were on.

    Friday 28/1/11

    Ip Warm up x2

    20kg 1x8
    40kg 1x5
    60kg 1x3
    80kg 1x2
    95kg 1x1
    110kg 5x5 PR

    Single leg deadlift
    24kg 4x8

    KB Twist
    16kg 1x15, 2x20

    Chin ups
    Red Band 2x8
    +10kg 2x6, 2x5,1x6

    One Arm Press
    10kg 1x8
    15kg 5x10

    Shoulder Stabilisation
    1x45s, 2x30s

    Seated Db Clean with fat gripz
    10kg 3x12

    2.5kg 3x5/5

    Hammer Curls
    12.5kg 3x10

    Exams finished yesterday so no more 4 hours sleep and fcuk all food.

    Squat PR happy days, been about 6 moths since I got close to that.

    Slightly disappointed with the chin ups and surprised to get 5 sets in the press, slight bit of push/hips involved.

    About this stage I got really hungry and realised I'd be walking home so stabilisation stuff was not enticing, not too pushed.

    Off to Austria tomorrow. Hopefully a consistent few months training then and some more PR's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Going to resurrect this log to keep me accountable and track progress over the summer and onwards.

    I'll log this week first and then put down some goals and where I am at the minute.

    Thursday 7/7/11

    Warm up
    Some hip stuff followed by some shoulder stuff

    Bar work (OH Squat/Drops/Hangs/First pull)
    30kg x2 from the knee
    40kg x2 full snatch
    45kg x2
    50kg x1
    53kg x1
    56kg x1
    59kg x1
    62kg x1
    64kg x1/1/0/1/1/0/0/1/1/1/1

    Bar work (Jerk Dips+Front squat/Jerk catches+Hang Clean/Split jerk)
    30kg x2 clean pulls+2 jerks
    40kg x2 clean pulls+2 jerks
    50kg x2 full C&J
    55kg x1
    60kg x0/1
    65kg x1
    70kg x1
    75kg x1/1/1/1/1/1

    Front Squat
    60kg x5
    70kg x5
    80kg x5
    90kg x5

    +10kg x30s
    +15kg x30s
    +20kg x30s
    +25kg x30s about 1 minute between sets

    NG Pull ups

    Mixed session. Snatches were hit and miss and cleans felt all over the place, not heavy but poor technique wise like trying to focus on too many things and getting none right. Jerks were all solid.

    Saturday 9/7/11

    Warm up
    Glute Bridge
    Forward Lunge
    Side Lunge
    Bird Dogs
    Wall Sweeps
    Scap Pushups
    Face Pulls

    Bar work
    30kg 2x3 form the knee
    40kg 2x3 snatch pulls to hip
    40kg x2 full snatch
    45kg x1
    50kg x1
    55kg x1
    58kg x1
    61kg x1
    64kg x1/0/1/0/1

    Inverted row
    1x8 feet on floor
    5x10 feet on step

    1 arm press
    12.5kg x8
    15kg 4x8

    Shoulder Circuit
    Scap pushups
    Scap Pull ups
    Scap Inverted rows
    30kg OH Shrugs

    Poor session. Snatches were crap and I was pushed for time so tried to squeeze everything else in. Every snatch was forward except the last one. Took the first for a walk onto the next platform while straddling a loaded bar that was left there.

    Have to plan training better. I have a basic idea of what I want to get done but nothing specific apart from snatch, c&j and squat which I left out today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Had a look at the first post and goals I had then were 60-70/85 which should be surpassed at the competition in Edenderry in a few weeks.

    Have 80/100 in my head for a while and I reckon they're realistic. I've cleaned 100 already.

    Competition bests are 62/65 at the Uni's in DCU in march. Training bests are 64/78 for multiple singles and they're likely to improve for a while.

    2011 Goals
    Snatch: 80kg
    C&J: 100kg
    Back Squat: 150kg
    Front Squat: 130kg

    Current lifts
    Snatch: 64kg
    Clean: 100kg
    Jerk: 78kg
    Back Squat: 130kg
    Front Squat: 120kg

    Outside the above I just want to keep my shoulders together which is going well at the moment so I'm happy enough with how things are going. Hopefully keep the consistency going and see fairly good progress over the next few months.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Tuesday 12/7/11

    Warm up
    Glute Bridge
    Forward Lunge
    Side Lunge
    Bird Dog
    Scap Pushups
    Wall Sweeps

    Bar work
    30kg x2 hang from knee
    40kg x2 full
    45kg x2
    50kg x1
    54kg x1
    58kg x1
    61kg x1
    64kg x1/0/1/1/1/1/1/1/0/0/0

    Bar Work
    30kg pull to hip+hang form knee+jerk
    40kg pull to hip+hang form knee+jerk
    50kg x2
    60kg x1
    66kg x1
    72kg x1
    75kg x1
    78kg x1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1

    Back Squat
    60kg x5
    80kg x5
    90kg x5
    100kg x5
    110kg x5
    110kg x5


    +15kg 2x45s

    Finished work at 5.45 got to the gym at 6.10 and started snatching at 6.30, felt knackered. Snatches were going well till I missed the last three, just tired by then and concentration was lacking. Crap anyway.

    C&J was solid, felt great during them, third was pressed out but the rest felt great.

    Was short on time then so tried to squeeze the rest in, probably had another set in each.

    The plan for Tuesdays and Thursdays form now is to

    and find more time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Thursday 14/7/11

    Warm up
    Same as before with some foam rolling too

    Bar Work
    30kg x2 from the knee
    30kg x2 pull to hip
    40kg x2 full
    45kg x2
    50kg x1
    54kg x1
    57kg x1
    60kg x1
    62kg x1
    64kg x11/12x1

    Bar work
    30kg x3 pull+jerk
    40kg x2 pull+hang+jerk
    50kg x2 full
    60kg x1
    66kg x1
    72kg x1
    75kg x1
    79kg x6x1

    Front Squat
    40kg x5
    60kg x3
    80kg x3
    90kg x3
    100kg x3

    Ab Rollouts

    Inverted Row
    5x10 feet on bench

    Good seesion. Missed the third snatch but 11 out of 12 is good progress, Harry reckons they look better too. Jerk continues to improve so happy days.

    I'll test inverted rows on Saturday and maybe pull ups and pushups too.

    Cathal Byrd trained with us tonight. Snatched 105 for a few and Squat 210, non too shabby. I'll have to give that a go sometime.

    Shoulder's been feeling a little funky the last two days but I put it down to work and hopefully the heavier stuff is done with.

    Bed now.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    40kg x2
    45kg x2
    50kg x1
    54kg x1
    58kg x1
    60kg x1
    62 x2/5

    1 Leg Split Squat
    12.5kg x8
    20kg x8
    27.5kg x8

    1 Leg RDL
    15kg x8
    20kg x8
    25 x8

    Inverted Row
    30 in 1 min

    1 Arm Press
    12.5kg x8
    15kg x8
    17.5 x8

    Hammer Curls
    15kg 3x8

    Rolling Db Ext
    12.5kg 3x10

    Snatches were crap. Missed the first two, first forward then behind and the others were fairly bad two. Was out the night before so that's that. Puts opening with 64/65 a little in doubt though.

    The rest was fairly standard. 30 rows is decent enough base, went 10,8,6,3,3.

    Tuesday better be better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Tuesday 19/7/11

    Warm up

    Bar Work
    30 x2x3 from knee
    35 x2x3 from knee
    40 x2x3 pull to hip
    40 x3x2 full
    45 x2
    49 x2
    53 x1
    57 x1
    59 x1
    61 x1
    63 x1
    65 x1
    67 x1
    69 x1
    70 x0
    70 x1 PR

    Bar work
    30 x3 hang from knee + jerk
    40 x2x3 pull+hang+jerk
    50 x1
    60 x1
    66 x1
    72 x1
    75 x0
    75 x1
    80 x1
    82 x1
    84 x1 PR

    Front Squat
    30 x5
    50 x3
    70 x3
    80 x3
    80 x3
    80 x3

    PR's all over the place.

    First 70 was a lot in front, just didn't extend enough, second was fine. 70 is the aim for Saturday.

    75 miss was a brain fart. Forgot how to jerk and did a weird split power press. 84 was fine.

    Light training on Thursday and then get ready for Saturday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Thursday 21/7/11

    Forgot my logbook but basically worked up to 52/60 for 3 singles. Missed one of my snatches so was feeling super confident about Saturday.

    Saturday 23/7/11 Edenderry Open

    Weighed in at 72.8kg in a bedroom above a pub at about 11. Waited around all day as I wasn't lifting til 5ish.

    Started warming up at about 4 and proceeded to **** it up by missing 45 behind. I thought I had less time than I did so rushed things a bit, at least I forgot about missing 52 on Thursday. Snatches felt rubbish at this stage. Slowed down a bit and the rest went up fine and got 64/67/70 on the platform.

    Again rushed the c&j a bit but got to 75 alright and got 78/83/85 on the platform. 155 total and 200 sinclair.

    6 out of 6 and technically 6 comp PR's, can't complain about that.

    Loaded for the last group and had the perfect view of the floor getting smashed to pieces and moving the platform back into the warm up area, won't be back there again I think. Interesting day.

    Got a lift home from Tommy Hayden, 1960 Olympian, which was interesting for a number of reasons including getting lost, ending up in Naas and getting to town at 10 pm. Got home about 11, wrecked.

    A few months now til Cork, looking forward to training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,234 ✭✭✭Edwardius

    Good lifting dude. I'm sure ya heard plenty of "So I said to Taranenko..." style banter on the way back :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Tuesday 26/7/11

    Warm up
    Hips and shoulders

    Snatch Bar work
    Hang Power Snatch
    40 x2
    45 x2
    50 x1
    53 x2x1
    56 x2x1
    58 x1
    60 x4x1
    Full Snatch from floor
    63 x4x1

    1 leg split squat
    15 x8
    25 x8
    30 x8
    super w/
    1 leg RDL
    15 x8
    22.5 x8
    30 x8

    Shoulder Circuit 3x15
    Scap pushup/Scap pull up/ Scap Inverted row/30kg OH Shrug

    NG Pull up
    BW 1x5
    +5kg 4x5

    +20kg x60s, 45s

    Not much point in any of that. Snatches felt off, swingy and slow. I just wanted to do something and some shoulder shtuff.

    Felt tired all day, working on a roof in this heat didn't help. Red bull, a whey and oat shake and a banana barely did the job. Back to proper training Thursday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Dead Ed wrote: »
    Good lifting dude. I'm sure ya heard plenty of "So I said to Taranenko..." style banter on the way back :D

    Cheers man. He's a gas man alright, lots of stories about lots of people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Thursday 28/7/11

    Warm up

    bar work
    30 x2x3 pull to hip
    40 x2x3 pull to hip
    40 x2 full snatch
    45 x2
    50 x2
    55 x1
    60 x1
    64 x0
    65 x6/7

    bar work
    30 x2 pull+hang+jerk
    40 x2 pull+hang+jerk
    50 x2 full clean+jerk
    60 x1 power clean+clean+jerk
    65 x1
    70 x4x1

    Back squat
    40 x5
    60 x5
    80 x5
    90 x5
    100 x5
    105 x5

    Ext rotations
    5 x2x10

    New program from today. Interesting doing the power cleans followed by cleans. My extension is awful on cleans so that's the reasoning. Actually forgot to power clean a couple and ended catching about parallelish. Handy enough but it's technique that's important. I have to keep my knees out at the bottom and catch the bounce.

    Snatches were alright, took a while to get into the swing of things. Missed 64 behind but Harry said go to 65. Missed the second behind too, the rest got better as the sets went on. I need to move my feet out more consistently, when I extend fully, feet go out and the rep is good. When I don't I tend to keep my feet too close and it's harder to stabilise at the bottom.

    Squats were ok, a bit heavier than the should be. Did ext rotations in between sets and my right shoulder was screaming at the bottom internally rotated part, not good. Shoulder's a bit funky the last few days. Hadn't taken any fish oils since Saturday so I'll see if they make any difference. Bringing voltarol and neurofen+ everywhere.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Saturday 30/7/11

    Warm up

    bar work
    30 x3 hang
    30 x3 pull
    40 x1 1 rep = 1 power+1 full snatch
    45 x1
    50 x1
    53 x1+0 (talking for about 10 mins)
    50 x1+0
    50 x1
    53 x1
    58 x1
    60 x4x1

    Front Squat
    40 x5
    60 x3
    80 x3
    90 x4x3
    w/ Ext Rot
    5 x4x5

    BW x8
    5 x3x8
    w/ Side Bends
    20 x3x10

    1 Arm Press
    12.5 x8
    15 x8
    17.5 x8
    17.5 x8 push press

    Pendlay Row
    30 x5
    40 x5
    50 x5
    60 x5
    70 x5

    Hammer Curls
    12.5 x8
    15 x8
    17.5 x5
    w/ Db Ext
    12.5 x3x8
    w/ Face pulls
    23 x3x10

    So I'm a body builder that snatches today. Snatches were ok, was talking to a lad for about 10 mins in the middle and just lost momentum and concentration with them. Improved after a few misses. Don't know what my power snatches are like, tried to catch 'em high.

    External rotations still hurt a bit. Rows may or may not exactly be pendlays especially the 70 set, not too bad though, I'm pretty sure I've never rowed more than 70 strict or otherwise. Other stuff was what it was.

    Going to start videoing so I can I see what I'm doing

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Tuesday 2/8/11

    Warm up

    bar work
    30 x3 hang
    30 x3 pull
    40 x2 full
    45 x2
    50 x0+1
    50 x2
    55 x1
    60 x1
    63 x1
    65 x5/9

    bar work
    40 x3 pull+hang+jerk
    50 x1 power clean & jerk+C&J
    60 x1
    65 x3x1

    40 x5
    60 x5
    70 x5
    80 x3

    Pull ups
    BW x5 rings
    BW x5 NG
    +5kg x5x6

    Crap session. Taking it easy for the rest of the week, I might not even do the lifts on Thursday. Snatches were crap, missed all but one behind. Don't see the point in a light week, doing easy squats was boring so not into that.

    Tried amuscle up on the rings and nearly knackered my shoulder.

    Found a pair of wrist wraps though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Tuesday 9/8/11

    Warm up
    Glute bridge
    Side lunges
    Bird dogs
    Scap pullups
    Wall sweeps

    30 x2x3 hang
    30 x3 pull
    40 x2 full
    45 x2
    50 x2
    59 x10x1

    30 x3 hang+jerk
    40 x3 pull+hang+jerk
    50 x2
    60 x2
    70 x1
    75 x5x1

    Back Squat
    40 x5
    60 x5
    80 x5
    90 x5
    100 x5

    15kg x60s/45s/45s

    All fairly light so getting all reps is not a surprise. First time back in a week, would have liked to go heavier but sure.

    Squats need some work. Aiming to do 5x5's over the next few weeks and see how it goes. 5x5's after snatches and c&j's won't be fun.

    Thursday 11/8/11

    warm up
    Glute bridge
    Side lunges
    Bird dogs
    Scap pullups
    Wall sweeps

    Hang power Snatch
    30 x3
    40 x2
    45 x2
    50 x1
    55 x3x1
    58 x3x1

    Hang power clean
    bar x5
    40 x3
    50 x3
    60 x2
    65 x2
    70 x1
    75 x1
    80 x1
    85 x1
    80 x3x1

    Back Squat
    50 x5
    70 x5
    90 x5
    100 x5
    110 x5

    This is the stupid stuff I do when Harry's not around. Was tempted to go for 90 hang power clean and and then copped on a bit. 85 was handy enough. Extension is poor though.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Cheers for changing the title man.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Saturday 13/8/11

    Warm up
    lots of glute stuff that didn't work for me and some shoulder and core activation

    bar work
    40 x2x2
    45 x2
    50 x2
    55 x2
    60 x1
    64 x1
    67 x1
    71 x1 PR
    73 x1 PR
    75 x0
    75 x1 PR

    bar work
    50 x2x2
    60 x2
    70 x2
    80 x1
    83 x1
    85 x1
    88 x1 PR
    90 x1 PR
    92 x1 PR

    Out in East Coast Barbell for a squad session. Good atmosphere with everyone pushing themselves. Fairly happy with my lifting, 12kg PR and more to come. Only the one miss which is good enough. Missed the 75 behind but I didn't really catch it at all, swung it too much.

    Think my glutes don't fire properly so going to continue with the activation stuff and see if makes a difference.

    Airplane holds for 20s
    Airplane taps x20
    1 leg RDL's x20
    Repeat other leg, then...
    Clams x70 fast
    Clam holds x50-70s
    Straight leg raises x70
    Repeat other side.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,806 ✭✭✭token

    Wow 12kg, well done I didn't realise you PR'd by that much.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Tuesday 16/8/11

    Warm up
    Airplane holds+taps+RDL
    Clam circuit
    Scap Pushups
    Wall Sweeps

    30 x3 hang
    40 x1 power+ 1 full
    45 x1+1
    50 x1+1
    55 x1+1
    60 x1+1

    30 x3 hang+jerk
    40 x1 power+jerk + 1 full+jerk
    50 x1+1
    60 x1+1
    65 x1+1
    70 x1+1

    NG Pull ups
    BW x5
    +5kg 4x7
    w/ 1 Arm press
    12.5 x8
    15 x8
    17.5 x8
    17.5 x8

    +15kg 60s/60s/30s

    Hammer Curls
    15 x8
    17.5 x3
    12.5 xfew
    w/ Cable Pressdown
    4 x10

    Nice and light. Similar on Thursday before I head to Sligo for the weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Thursday 18/8/11

    Warm up
    Airplane holds+taps+RDL
    Clam circuit
    Scap Pushups
    Wall Sweeps

    20 2x3 OH squat
    30 x3 hang
    40 x1power+1full
    45 x1+1
    50 x1+1
    55 x1+1
    60 x1+1
    60 x1+1

    Back Squat
    40 x5
    60 x5
    80 x2
    95 x3
    105 x3
    115 x3

    Hand Walks feet on box
    60s, 60s, 30s

    Shoulder Circuit
    Scap push up/pull up/inv row/30kg OH shrug

    BB Row
    40 x5
    50 x5
    60 x5
    70 x5
    70 x5

    Alt Inc Press
    17.5 x8
    20 x8
    20 x8

    Hammer CUrls
    15 x8
    15 x8
    15 x6

    Grand. Sligo 'til Sunday. Hiked up Knocknarea, went swimming at Rosses Point and fed donkeys. Elbow was sore most of the weekend though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Tuesday 23/8/11

    Warm up
    Airplane holds+taps+RDL
    Clam circuit
    Wall Sweeps

    20 x2x3 hang
    40 x3hang
    50 x2
    50 x1power+1full
    60 x1+1
    65 x1+1
    70 x1+1
    73 x4x1+1

    Back Squat
    20 x5
    50 x5
    70 x5
    90 x2
    100 x2
    105 x4x5

    Shoulder Circuit
    Scap push up/pull up/inv row/30kg OH shrug

    Had to run then so left it at that. Elbow's still a bit funky but I'll snatch and C&J on Thursday. 3 weeks to the Leinsters and this is my training, gonna be good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Thursday 25/8/11

    Warm up
    Clam circuit
    1 leg hip thrusts
    RDL circuit
    Scap pushups
    Wall sweep
    Scap pullup
    Lots of light curls

    30 x3hang
    40 x3 full
    45 x2
    50 x2
    54 x1
    57 x1
    60 x8x1

    40 x3pull+hang+jerk
    50 x2 full
    60 x1
    67 x1
    72 x1
    77 x1
    81 x5x1

    Front Squat
    20 x5
    40 x5
    60 x3
    80 x3
    90 x3x3

    BB Row
    40 x5
    50 x5
    60 x5
    70 x3x5

    Elbow was sore at the start so kept it fairly light. It didn't get any worse and this morning it's feeling better.

    Might go for 5x3 on the front squats from now on. Rows are getting better, they're "pendlay" style, fairly strict, not much torso movement and fast.

    Strength work today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Friday 26/8/11

    Warm up
    Clams circuit
    1 leg hip thrust

    Shoulder Circuit
    Scap-pushup/pullup/inv row/30kh OH shrug
    1x10, 2x15

    Bulgarian squat
    15 x8
    20 x8
    27.5 x8

    1 leg RDL
    12.5 x8
    17.5 x8
    22.5 x8

    15kg x60s, 30s w/ 2 mins rest

    1 Arm press
    12.5 x8
    15 x3x10

    Db Curls
    7.5 x12
    7.5 x12
    12.5 x8

    Face pulls
    23 x10
    30 x3x10

    Felt brutal. Did brutal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste


    Warm up
    Clam circuit
    1 leg hip thrusts
    RDL circuit
    Scap pushups
    Wall sweep

    20 x3 hang
    30 x3 hang
    40 x3 full
    45 x2
    50 x2
    54 x1
    57 x1
    60 x1
    62 x5/7x1

    Front squat + jerk (2+1=1 rep)
    bar work
    30 x2
    40 x2
    50 x1
    60 x1
    67 x1
    72 x1
    77 x1
    80 x5/6x1

    Missed the last jerk. The few before it were rough enough. Missed one snatch behind and one in front. Elbow's feeling a bit better or at least not any worse.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,603 ✭✭✭Scuba Ste

    Tuesday 30/8/11

    1 leg hip thrust
    Push up plus
    Wall sweeps
    Quadruped t-spine rotations

    Hang Power Snatch
    Bar work
    20 x3x3
    30 x3
    40 x3
    45 x2
    48 x2
    51 x1
    54 x1
    50 x5x2

    bar work
    30 x2
    40 x2
    50 x2
    60 x2
    67 x1
    77 x2x1
    80 x1
    81 x6x1

    Back Squat
    32 x5
    50 x5
    70 x5
    90 x3
    100 x2
    110 x3
    120 x3

    Don't like hp snatches, they just don't feel right, really slow and awkward. Thought the 54 felt was awful so dropped back to 50 and recorded the last set, they looked fine actually.

    C&J was grand, pressed out one of the 81's but the rest were decent. Messed up warm ups a bit put 77 on the bar instead of 72 so did twice.

    Ran out of time on the squats. Wanted to do 105 5x5 but realised I couldn't so just went up to 120 which was slow but not too hard, I'll get 5x5 in at some point this week. All squats were done in about 10 mins.
