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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,070 ✭✭✭Placebo

    Rets fightin Rove
    Posted by JumpMan33 on August 22, 2010 at 4:11 p.m. #26

    Europe putting America on blast. O_O
    Posted by Marn on August 22, 2010 at 4:40 p.m. #33

    @JumpMan33 I hope youre joking. I'm sure at the beginning of July right before EVO, me and Justin beat the same people that were 1st and 2nd. Please think about what you say before you say it. Thanks.
    Posted by Marn on August 23, 2010 at 12:12 a.m. #84

    For those of you who are saying Europe > * ... I'm not going to lie, Europe did a very smart thing. Japan coming? RUN SINGLE ELIM. Not that it matters, but because Ryan Hart has been the Daigo killer (since he did it at Stunfest 2010 too? No? It was one of those tournaments he beat Daigo also), does not mean that Europe is even on par with Japan... or even the U.S... Europe has a lot of great players, Luffy, Starnab, Evans, Ryan Hart, Zak Bennett, etc.
    But really... If you put those 5 together, are they going to beat the U.S? No, most likely not. Theory fighting of course but Justin and I went to Europe in '09 for StunFest and won like almost everything there. Then again at ESWC, where we beat basically everyone in the tournament that even mattered. Would they beat Japan? Not a chance in hell. So single elimination, and making sure the other semi-American (PR Balrog) had to play against Japan and NOT Europe first round, it turned out to be some secret illuminati things that went on. It's all politics, we see how it is.

    For those who bring up EVO2k10... Sure, I didn't make top 32. Justin didn't make top 8. But where was your European hero Ryan Hart? Lost to Perfect Sin, one of the greatest Dhalsims to ever hit Americcan soil. He also didn't make top 32. So why bring up EVO? Isn't this all about Europe v US v Japan? Europeans have never on a SF tournament in the US and probably will never win one. We've gone over there and won a lot of European tournaments. Japan has gone over there and won (not this time unfortunately). Europeans don't travel and when they do they get bopped.

    Sorry please face the facts and stop thinking that Europe is anything > any country. If anything Ryan Hart > Daigo. When I say Europe sucks, they do. Ryan Hart? He's the Prodigal Son/Daigo Killer, what can I say. He did it at EVO2k9 in mm, he did it at another European tournament, and he did it now. Did anyone else beat Daigo? No. Evans did in team tournament, but Daigo was teamed up with a girl. Daigo carried the team. [farz comment: I was there and for the match daigos team lost, daigo came on at 4th and lost straight away, Evans OCV'd the team, so fat boy saying he carried the team? fat boy wasnt there. What happened in money matches? Got scraped.

    Europe can > Antarctica. I'll give them that. Congrats.

    I would like to congratulate Ryan Hart on the GODLIKE mindfack of playing Sim in casuals before blind picking Daigo in tournament. That is a true moment of brain process.

    Posted by RyanHart on August 23, 2010 at 7:23 a.m. #109

    Sup Marn, How you doing? I just wanted to say that me losing at EVO doesnt mean USA are better than Europe. I was the only top player from Europe but there are many, not just me, Zak and Luffy. I felt that you winning against us in ESWC was partially because you have a better scene and were more ready for the event, especially Justin.

    In any case nobody in the US can beat Alioune, just ask Sanford Kelly, he'll tell you. Alioune is the best in Europe so unless he is beaten Europe can stand tall. Same can be said for Justin too I guess as he won in Europe.

    The only reason wins EVO's is because people are too afraid of him in tournaments. Whenever I see matches on the big stage, people flop in important moments. Just look at Daigo vs Lamerboi for a perfect example. I see that every evo when Daigo is playing.

    Daigo never wins in Europe without taking a tourney loss or two so USA who DO have the bigger and better scene should be creaming him. Daigo is amazing but you guys in the USA raise him up too high when youre actually up against him. Dont do that, just play your regular game and you will stand a better chance. Trust me, it works!

    Also, just because I can beat Daigo that does not mean I think I am better, I think Daigo is better than me at ssf4. Im not even the best in Europe anyway but Im working on that :)

    Also I can tell you, I went to EVO and more than half the players were not even top players, just good and thats it. EU players would smash them, I alone was able to handle all but just a small handful. So I think the difference isnt that far even if US are a better for now. Then again like I said I really dont see what any of them could do against Alioune really. Just play this guy if you think Im joking. He is Jap level for sure!

    Posted by RyanHart on August 24, 2010 at 8:45 a.m. #137

    Firstly, I did NOT play a first to five with Daigo. It was a casual first to 2 wins matchup. We only played two matches and he won 2-0 Ryu vs Ryu. We were supposed to play a first to 5 money match but Daigo left immediately after losing in the tournament so it never happened. So those two matches you see on youtube (me using the blue Ryu) are the only matches we played Ryu vs Ryu. Please amend this, thanks.

    Regarding EVO 2010: People keep asking so I will just tell everyone. The reason I didn't make top 8 is because I lost to a Juri player.

    I make no excuses, I lost fair and square but it is also a fact that I had never played against Juri before and had no idea what was going on in the matchup. loool

    Losing that totally shook my focus and it all went downhill from there.

    There were many good players at EVO that would have given me trouble so Im not saying I would have won EVO if I beat the Juri. No definitely not saying that, but I would have had a chance against anyone and I mean anyone. Especially in a first to 2 situation.

    (Same thing happened the year before when I lost to Arturo, I had never played a good Sim before, and anyway that is no easy match for Sagat so I might have lost even if I did know it)

    So people need to just relax talking about me not making top 8, its only the smallest of things that decided stuff like that and no big margins. I'm not even the best in Europe yet I beat nearly everyone in America that I played (including Daigo) last year at EVO 2009 in money matches (winning way over 90% of them) and this year I did extremely well in money matches and in the Salty Suite tournament too taking 4th place behind only the very best of players.

    If more Europeans came it might be harder for the US to claim all the top spots behind Daigo.

    I am not the best in Europe, I am not the best in the US or anywhere, except UK for now. But I play, enjoy the game, enjoy the challenge and that's it. There are so many cool players in the scene too and it's nice to meet them all. I am always very welcomed by the US players, they are so friendly and cool and strong at SF.

    I may be the best person to comment on this being the most travelled player worldwide that's in the scene and if you ask me USA are better than Europe overall. I don't know if anyone can beat Alioune in the US but overall there are more strong players in the US than in Europe.

    Japan is of course above EU, US and Korea on SF but they are still forces to be reckoned with.

    But on another note: Is it just me or was anyone else shocked that Daigo won EVO again? The guy is amazing don't get me wrong but I mean Daigo picked Ryu and did EXACTLY the same tactics that he won with a year ago. He didn't do a single new thing. You mean in a whole year no one even bothered to work out his game??? Why did any of the serious players even bother going to EVO if they weren't prepared for if they face Daigo?
    Posted by RyanHart on August 24, 2010 at 2:17 p.m. #146

    Yes it's true Luffy did well but I'm still salty about the loss in the finals. I don't know anything about that matchup as the vid shows and losing like that hurts because you didn't lose because you were outplayed or your mind was read. It's a lack of knowledge of the character and that only. Luffy refused to play me before and after the tournament which I didn't like. He said "It's normal to hide your tactics before the tournament". I've been gaming for 20 years and I've never needed to do that so whatever to that crap. I've never seen Daigo or Justin Wong doing that either.
    osted by RyanHart on August 25, 2010 at 9:34 a.m. #156

    The Guinness World record that Daigo got is about to be given to me. Just so you know, it's being processed as we speak.

    Also, it's not connected but I answer a few questions here in my blog.

    Topics covered:

    Me vs Daigo
    USA vs Europe
    My personal performance at SVB 2010 (Most of you don't need to care about this one I imagine ;))

    Posted by loasdblopp on August 25, 2010 at 9:49 a.m. #157

    "Me Me Me Me Me Me"

    Posted by RyanHart on August 25, 2010 at 9:54 a.m. #158

    Well I have already stated I'm not the best anywhere, but I have put a lot into games. What is wrong with me claiming something if I've earned it? Some people man...
    Posted by Joppula on August 25, 2010 at 10:28 a.m. #161

    Btw, if Luffy "hiding" his skills from you is so deranged, why are you calling for Blind Picks? You all know and dissect Daigo's playstyle, of course he's going to drop matches from time to time, he's human.

    If my money was on the line, I'm betting on the Beast. If you don't like what I had to say feel free to punish me on PSN, Joppula
    Posted by RyanHart on August 25, 2010 at 11:32 a.m. #163


    I can see you haven't read anything in the link I posted. I didn't post it just for fun, it's so people can read it. Daigo blind picked me, but it's ok. It's a tournament, there is nothing wrong with blind picking me. I also don't get your point, I played Daigo in casuals before the tournament with both Ryu and Sim so I wasn't hiding anything like Luffy.

    Secondly, I'm sorry if it seemed like I only responded to certain people's comments. I'm not gonna reply every single thing someone says here and only certain things are relevant.

    Of course Daigo won it twice in a row, Daigo is sick at Street Fighter, a proper beast. People only say he's a beast cos he wins but they know nothing. It's not winning that makes him a beast, it's just him. Even the times he didn't win on 3s, he was still sick!

    Next thing is you'd need to be more specific about me not fairing well, I was definitely up there to win the tourney in EVO 2009.

    Daigo lost twice in money matches, once to me and once to Arturo showing that he wasn't invincible and in a first to two situation he would have had trouble had he come up against us and other players in tournament.

    Sometimes it's all about who you come up against in tourney.

    there is lots more, but it gets repetitive and i dont like reading
    just search for Posted by Marn or Ryan Hart but i've covered most of it.
    cake eating fat boy did not return with a comeback

    also ryans blog
    Yes, this is true. That is surprising, but I have seen him miss it in other matches too. He doesn't hit it 100%. I've seen him miss it in a pressure situation of a tournament as well. The next thing is there was no reason for Daigo to use crouching fierce punch, simply solar plexus, shoryu, fadc, ultra and the round was his. This is simply bad analysis on his part.
    I recall, daigo not having ultra at this point, he only had 3 stocks of ex
    7. Why did you pick Dhalsim against Daigo in casuals

    I main Ryu on SSF4 and I have to admit, that I have trouble with Dhalsim. So as Daigo is more experienced on the game than me, I wanted to test my Dhalsim on him to see how would deal with Dhalsim's game. But then I actually won with Dhalsim and Daigo gave Ryu up and picked Cammy to beat my Dhalsim :( I was most disappointed inside and I felt "So even Daigo has to pick a different character".

  • Registered Users Posts: 551 ✭✭✭Monkeyto

    That was a very interesting read. Nice to see Ryan give a really level headed response. I'd imagine there are many US players whose approach is "flame on!" In the hope of a reaction. And well, they while they did get one from Ryan, it was a respectable and concise one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 955 ✭✭✭GorySnake

    I dont know how running single elimination would automatically kill a Japanese player

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,985 ✭✭✭animaX

    GorySnake wrote: »
    I dont know how running single elimination would automatically kill a Japanese player

    I guess he thinks they're better at learning and adjusting on the fly. Maybe playing in arcades improves that part of your game. But even still daigo wasn't on great form all weekend, he was playing way to many casuals during the day

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,005 ✭✭✭✭chopperbyrne

    Most Japanese tournaments are single elimination and character locked anyway, so it really wouldn't phase them at all.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,070 ✭✭✭Placebo

    for the 3s folk, aka ramza and maybe ciaran

  • Registered Users Posts: 955 ✭✭✭GorySnake

    Placebo wrote: »
    I recall, daigo not having ultra at this point, he only had 3 stocks of ex

    I was curious to see so I looked up the video, you're right he didnt have ultra at that point, also he would have had to land the cr.hp anyway to add more damage to win the round, dp itself wouldnt have done enough (although would have been favourable over getting dp'd himself)
    Most Japanese tournaments are single elimination and character locked anyway, so it really wouldn't phase them at all.

    I thought that myself.

    Placebo wrote: »
    for the 3s folk, aka ramza and maybe ciaran

    LOL at first reply.

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭Ken B

    animaX wrote: »
    I But even still daigo wasn't on great form all weekend, he was playing way to many casuals during the day
    He's practically the SF goodwill ambassador at this stage, this is his fate, I'm afraid...

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,707 ✭✭✭✭K.O.Kiki

    Placebo wrote: »
    for the 3s folk, aka ramza and maybe ciaran
    Which Ciaran?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,070 ✭✭✭Placebo

    lol all the other players pop up too

    including a very gay pink stick, youre so gay ciaran

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,707 ✭✭✭✭K.O.Kiki

    Farz, you're a failure of a troll.

    FYI this stick has a pink balltop now.

    Manly men play pink.

    Ciaran aka Kiki

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,070 ✭✭✭Placebo

    ask a stupid question
    get a stupid answer

    you go by as Kiki.
    also that stick is terrible, no offence, carry handle and mic jack are great but the body is slanted and hands rest oddly.
    and the cover art is just wrong.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,206 ✭✭✭unky chop chop

    Jesus Farz,

    Your stick is gonna have a lot to live up to when your finished art work.

    Leave Kiki's Peedo-Tastic Stick alone.
    If he's into scantly clad under twelve year old women then so be it

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,707 ✭✭✭✭K.O.Kiki

    I do love me some 2D lolis :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,206 ✭✭✭unky chop chop


  • Registered Users Posts: 551 ✭✭✭Monkeyto

    This thread is now relevent to my interests.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,006 ✭✭✭Ramza

    sage goes in all fields

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Those were some pretty fair and even replies to interweb flaming.

    I believe I like this Ryan Hart chap.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭Owwmykneecap

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,070 ✭✭✭Placebo

    How fair is this? do people agree, that one could learn the others tactics in casuals and inherit a slight disadvantage ?
    Louffy - FT10 £50 - Admitted he was afraid of me and refused to play me both before and after the tournament for fear I would learn his tactics

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭bush

    Placebo wrote: »
    How fair is this? do people agree, that one could learn the others tactics in casuals and inherit a slight disadvantage ?

    Its pretty chumpsih

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭Ken B

    Placebo wrote: »
    How fair is this? do people agree, that one could learn the others tactics in casuals and inherit a slight disadvantage ?
    What a tosspot.

    Ryu is the most powerful character in the game and he's complaining about Rose. Luffy should've given him a written dossier on his tactics and then proceeded to bend over.

    Perhaps he could've let R. Hart have a shot at his missus, who also appears to have been in attendance....

    As a low-tier player, I know how important it is to maintain an air of mystery with your playstyle..

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,070 ✭✭✭Placebo

    my sentiments exactly, further more Ryan agrees to losing because Rose was an alien character to him, as he had no practice against her. Picking up a few tactics in casuals would not have helped him, specially if you watch the finals, he did quite bad

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭bush

    I was saying its pretty chumpish by Luffy. I suppose at the same time its kinda chumpish to moan about being beat a char you dont know.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    If I was tourney-level with a fairly unknown character, I would absolutely turn down money matches versus the best players so I don't give away my game in a £10 money match (win or lose) and then go on to lose the prize pot. If they want to figure out my game plan, let them do it on the fly during a high pressure final, as opposed to beforehand in a relaxing casual.

    If I read stuff about Cannes correctly, after Louffy knocked Daigo out, Daigo went and practiced against his friend playing Rose and read all of Roses frame data. Once he did that, he was able to take Louffy apart.

    So I can understand how Louffy in particular would be afraid of giving his game away outside the important matches.

  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭Ian McTetly

    I feel as if the game is much more enjoyable when everyone knows the matchup well, then it comes down to the mental game - but realistically Ryan could just watch Luffy's match vids, read frame data and go into training mode against Rose. Not knowing a matchup might be the reason that you lost but it is noone's fault but your own so it doesn't really fly imo, especially at the highest levels.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭bush

    It just shows a lack of confidence in his own ability to me. He is basically putting his hands up and saying I only won cos no one knows my character. He wouldnt even play him after the finals. Come on, grow a set of balls.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    I dunno, If you lack confidence in your own ability and still win it seems like valid strategy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 955 ✭✭✭GorySnake

    You cant say anything about Ryan blaming his loss on the fact he didnt know the character when Luffy basically admitted he won because no one knew his character.

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  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    Bush80 wrote: »
    It just shows a lack of confidence in his own ability to me. He is basically putting his hands up and saying I only won cos no one knows my character. He wouldnt even play him after the finals. Come on, grow a set of balls.

    I guess it comes down to what you want from the game.

    Like back in the day when there were no Guiles I was clearly winning many tournament fights because people just didn't know how to handle him (loads of people trying to counter ultra a slow sonic boom and jumping nice and easy for air throws).

    Now I do think if I was scabbier with Guile and didn't play him in casuals it probably would have been good for me but it definitely would have been detrimental for the scene as there was simply no one else playing him. People asked me all the time for practice and I had no problem.

    So I guess there's a trade there between personal goals and goals for the scene. I guess Louffy wanted to beat Ryan at all costs and wouldn't do anything to jeopardise it.

    Not how I'd go about it but what does a scrubby guy know. :D

    I hear it alot about Wong, people dislike him because he doesn't play casual in his scene anymore, and they feel not having him around as such a good intelligent player is a big detriment to their scene.

    (Not comparing me to Wong though :D )
