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FIFA 11 Q&A - Robbed in the final much?

  • 26-08-2010 7:53pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,345 ✭✭✭

    Greetings my friends, some of you know me as the FIFA Messiah others know me as some arse that likes to talk a big game and deliver on it. So I went over to London to play the new FIFA 11. First off, I'd like to thank Dav for getting such a great prize. I'd like to thank Axxy and Moose for organising the competition.

    So FIFA 11, where do I even start? Do I tell you how I reached the final with Juventus and lost 2-1 to Chelsea? It was on ps3 so it was hard to get used to the controls. I took the lead after 7 minutes then he scored 2 Stevie Gerrard type goals with Drogba. The 2nd coming in the 88th minute. I felt the pressure because most of the people watching expected me to win. I mean, who wouldn't?!

    I won't be going into huge detail about the gameplay of FIFA 11. Rutter even told us the features that werent mentioned yet! Top bloke that Rutter is. The game seems a lot more fluent, the pace of the game is a little slower and sprinting doesn't seem to matter too much. It feels like you have more control of your players when on the ball. Getting perfect passing requires a bit of a technique. So yeah, ask as many questions as you like. I should have the answers for 98% of them. I'd type more but I need a quick nap.

    Lots of love,

    p.s Storybud is screwed for fifa 11!
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