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After 1 year of dieting I am now doing Stronglifts 5X5



  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    I can't believe Robbie missed a penalty.

    Kettlebells tonight, hurt my left ass cheek falling awkwardly. Hopefully it doesnt hinder squats tomorrow morning.

    front lunge press was difficult, shoulders are useless but managed to pull off a few good ones. Still cant do the one where you lie fully down and fling yourself back up to a standing position with the bell in both hands. my gut gets in the way!

    Either way burned 774 calories so did something right!

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Workout 17

    Squat 20kg 2X5
    Squat 40kg 1X3
    Squat 60kg(set) 5X5

    Bench 20kg 2X5
    Bench 35kg 1X3
    Bench 50kg 1X3
    Bench 65kg(set) 5X5X5X5X4(fail) dammit!

    Inverted row 3X5 - 15kg on my back
    Push Up 3X5 - 16.25kg on my back
    Reverse Crunch - 3X12 - 5 kilo weight

    First off 2lbs lost this week so down to 14 stone 9lbs. :)

    Squats were good, will be a while before I striggle on them so happy with the way things are going for now.
    Bench - well I knew it was going to happen, the form on my last set was useless I felt so even if I pushed out 5X5 I would have put it down as a failure. I'll try 65kg again next time around. Still 65 is the most I have ever benched so I have to take the positives out of that.

    Inverted rows, tough as usual but got through them, one more workout with the 15 kilo then I'll start to increase the weight by 1.25kg.
    Push ups were good, increased from last time so I'll still be able to increase every workout for a bit yet.
    Reverse crunches were much better as well then last time, I do a lot of Ab work in kettlebells so there must be something behind all that meat.

    Also did a HIIT session - 493 calories burnt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Kettlebells tonight. A lot of leg work which was good because I think my legs are fairly strong. Was able to move up to the 20kg for them which wasnt as challenging as I thought on the swings and snatches so I might just move up to them for a while.

    Burnt 818 calories during the workout.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Workout 18

    Squats 20kg 2X5
    Squats 40kg 1X4
    Squats 62.5kg(set) 5X5

    Overhead Press 20kg 2X5
    Overhead Press 40kg(set) 5X5

    Deadlift 60kg 1X5
    Deadlift 80kg(set) 5X5

    Pull ups 7, 6, 5
    Prone Bridges 3X30secs (10 kilo weight on lower back)

    HIIT session 508 calories burned

    Good workout today, feeling much better on the squats. Delighted with the 40 kilos on the overhead press as well, thought I would have failed a while back but still ging strong. Deadlifts were fine as well. Pull ups were so-so, still trying to get the shoulders stronger, it was an improvement on last time around so as long as I am improving I'm ok with them, I'm not in a rush or anything! Prone bridges are still tough with the 10 kilo so not sure when I can move up on that.

    Just realised I am 6 weeks in to it so thought I would do a run down on how I've done so far.

    I have dropped about 3.5% body fat, only using a tape measure as my calipers are useless so not sure how accurate that is. Clothes are fitting much better though and definitely notice some more muscle definition and less fat around the stomach! I'm about about 22% body fat now, ideally I'd like to get below 15% and see how I look then.

    Progress wise:

    Squats 20kg -> 62.5kg
    Overhead press 20kg -> 40kg
    Deadlift 40kg -> 80kg
    Bench 45kg -> 62.5kg
    Pull ups 0 -> 7
    Chin ups 7 -> 11

    I've also increased quite a bit of weight on inverted rows and push ups so so far I'm happy with my progress. Also brought reverse crunches weight from 20kg to 5kg

    Looking at the spreadsheet, after another 6 weeks I should be able to Squat 107.5kg, Bench 87.5, Deadlift 125kg, Overhead Press 62.5kg - hmm we'll see about that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Workout 19

    Squat 20 2X5
    Squat 40 1X3
    Squat 65(set) 5X5

    Bench 20 2X5
    Bench 35 1X5
    Bench 50 1X3
    Bench 65(set) 5X5X5X5X2 :(

    Inverted Row 3X5 (16.25 on my back)
    Push Ups 3X5 (17.5 on my back)
    Reverse Crunch 3X12 - No weights behind me :)

    Squats were fine, getting a bit tough but be a while hopefully before I struggle too much on that. Bench again was tough, I thought I was doing better from the first few sets then the last time but just hte last one I couldnt handle it. One more try on Friday at 65kg, if I can't do it I'll drop down to 57.5 and start again.
    Inverted rows and push ups were tough but was able to increase the weight in both of them. Did the reverse crunches without a weight behind me so I was happy with that. Maybe the last 2/3 ont he final set looked a bit odd as I was wrecked. Funny I thought when I was walking to the shower I saw some abs trying to escape out of my flab :P

    Also did a HIIT session - 467 calories burnt. The calroes are dropping in the HIIT session even though I am pushing myself harder. Average over 95 on the flat out stage and then over 75 on the recovery, before I could only manage 90 ish and 65. Might increase the level to see if that makes a difference.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Kettlebells tonight - very tough, probably the toughest I have done yet. All exercises were shoulders and to make it worse they were all with not 1 but 2 bells! Did as much as I could but I'll admit I had to take a break more then once. Memorable ones were the lunge and press and the Turkish get up. Killer.

    Still 750 calories burnt. Weigh day tomorrow, hopefully the few pints on Saturday wont come back to haunt me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Workout 21

    Squats 20kg 2X5
    Squats 40kg 1X5
    Squats 67.5kg(set) 5X5

    Overhead Press 20kg 2X5
    Overhead Press 42.5kg(set) 5X5

    Deadlift 60kg 1X5
    Deadlift 85kg(set) 1X5

    Chin-up 12X8X6
    Prone Bridges 3X30secs (10kg on lower back)

    1.5lbs lost this week so down to 14 stone 7.5lbs, only a stone to go until my BMI says I'm not overweight! Although I don't believe in BMI, body fat instead, want to reduce that, spare tyre around the stomach still.

    Anyways Squats were fine, felt them on the legs alright but no issues with it, still only taking 30 seconds rest in between. Overhead press was tough! Nearly failed on the last 2 sets but pushed it through. Next time around could be tough. Deadlifts, felt the weight after the warm up, moving up to BW on that soon. Minor improvement on the chin ups, will be moving on to using weights on that soon enough hopefully. In Stronglifts they say that once you can do 15 with good technique move on to 3X5 and add 1.25 at a time, is 3X5 at 1.25 not a bit light for chin ups, should I start heavier?
    Prone bridges were easier this time around so I'm either going to do one legged prone bridges, heavier weights prone bridges or hold them for longer then 30 seconds. Anyone have any ideas which is best?

    Also increased by one on HIIT up to level 11. Burned 494 calories.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Decided to put up a few progress pics so I can see my own difference for down the road. These were taken after week 6, not bad, still a lot of flab there to get rid of. Will take more photos after another 6 weeks to see the difference.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,049 ✭✭✭discus

    Nicely done Mr Pink, it'll be interesting to see pics come December! Do ya think ya look much different since ya started?

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    discus wrote: »
    Nicely done Mr Pink, it'll be interesting to see pics come December! Do ya think ya look much different since ya started?

    Yeah I definitely notice a difference in the 6 weeks alright. I should have taken photos before to see it but sure it will be interesting now to see after another 6 weeks.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Kettlebells tonight, 45 minute class but was tough enough. I think I can move up to 20kg though as the swings felt easy. Used the heavier bag as well for some snatches which was tough but got through it. Ab work never good!

    690 calories burnt today which is less then normal but it was only 45 minutes so I dont mind.

    Took a sample of that creapump from myprotein as well, not sure if I felt a difference but I will try it tomorrow at 6.30am for the gym, last chance saloon at 65kg on the bench.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Workout 21

    Squats 20kg 2X5
    Squats 40kg 1X3
    Squats 60kg 1X3
    Squats 70kg(set) 5X5

    Bench 20kg 2X5
    Bench 35kg 1X3
    Bench 50kg 1X2
    Bench 65kg(set) 5X5X5X4X1 Fail!

    Inverted Rows 17.5kg 3X5
    Push Ups 18.25kg 3X5

    Reverse Crunches 3X12 No weight behind me

    Not even Creapump could help me get through the bench set! :P

    Squats were alright, heavy enough but got through them. Still taking 30 seconds break in between but I'd say another week of it then I'll have to take at least a minute. Disapointed with the Bench, considering I got progressively worse as the workouts went on. I'll drop the weight by 10-ish percent to 57.5kg and continue from there.
    Inverted rows were tough so not sure if I will be able to increase the weight for much longer on them, same with the push ups, nearly failed on the last set but got through it. Reverse crunches were easier then last time.

    Also did a HIIT session and burned 498 calories, I think the creapump helped me more doing the cardio then it did the weights.

  • Registered Users Posts: 890 ✭✭✭dartstothesea

    I'd advise against dropping the bench weight. I've been doing stronglifts aswell and anytime I've gotten as far as that in my work set I always nailed it the next time instead. If you must, I'd say take only one step back to 62.5.
    I think the official instruction from the program is to drop back after failing it on 2 workouts in a row.

    Fair play on the pics and progress anyway. I'm a little further along the 5X5 road and not coming from a very big weight loss but I'd say bodytype wise we're in not dissimilar boats, you and I.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Cheers man, that was actually the 3rd workout where I failed hence why I was going to drop. I'll see how I feel about it next time I am doing it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 890 ✭✭✭dartstothesea

    Ah, okay, didn't realise it wasn't the first time failing that. Yeah you'd probably be right to drop a little, so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Workout 22

    Squats 20kg 2X5
    Squats 40kg 1X5
    Squats 60kg 1X3
    Squats 72.5kg(set) 5X5

    Overhead Press 20kg 2X5
    Overhead Press 45kg(set) 5X5X5X4X4 Fail!

    Deadlift 60kg 1X5
    Deadlift 90kg(set) 1X5

    Pull Up 6X5X4
    Prone Bridges 3X30 seconds - 15 kilo on my lower back

    Couple of pints had over the bank holiday which I'm not too happy about, really got to start cutting down. Have a black tie thing this weekend so once I get that out of the way I'm going to curb the pints for a few weeks.

    Squats were fine today, felt it on the legs but they feel strong so all good there. Overhead press was disapointing, my second set of 5 I think my back was too arched. If I had taken a longer rest I think I could have pushed out the 5X5, I'll try it next time and see how I go.

    Deadlift was fine, did feel heavy though! Overhead press was similar to last one, once I get the shoulders stronger I think them and the overhead press will be easier.

    Prone bridges were fine with the 15 kilo on my lower back.

    Also did a HIIT session, burnt 464 calories even though I thought I pushed myself more so then usual.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Workout 23

    Couldn't make Kettlebells last night, wasnt great at all in work yesterday and came home at lunch time, was exhausted and went straight to bed for6 hours. Got up and had a quick steak and went back to bed and slept until 6am this morning. Feel much better for it now, not sure what he story was, didnt even go out much over the bank holiday!

    Ah well the good thing is I lost 3lbs this week bringing me to 14 stone 4.5 lbs, nearly at the 7 stone loss mark. Will buy myself something nice once I hit the 100lbs loss mark, hopefully only another couple of weeks. It must be that Hydroxycut stuff working wonders on me! Couple of measurements as well, don't have a decent calipers so tape will have to do. Neck 15 inches, height 73 inches, Gut 37 inches bringing body fat to roughly 21.71%.


    Squats 20kg 2X5
    Squats 40kg 1X5
    Squats 60kg 1X3
    Squats 75kg(set) 5X5

    Bench 20kg 2X5
    Bench 35kg 1X3
    Bench 50kg 1X3
    Bench 57.5kg 5X5

    Inverted rows 3X5 (18.75kg)
    Push Ups 3X5 (20kg)
    Reverse Crunches 3X12 (no weight behind me)

    Even though I wasnt great last night today wasn't too bad, cardio was tougher then usual. Got a new True Whey protein powder, chocolate mint, seemed to sit on my stomach during cardio.

    Squats were good, took a minute between sets, did feel them, hopefully I don't stall before I get to 1XBW which shouldnt be too far away. Even though I dropped the bench I thought they were tough enough, made sure the bar tapped my chest when I came back down as I dont think I was doing full presses last time. Took a minute between sets on that one.

    Inverted rows and push ups were tough enough but got through them and reverse crunches were alright.

    Only did a 25 minute session instead of a 30 minute HIIT session as had an early moring meeting this morning, HIIT felt tough for some reason, maybe because I wasn't 100% yesterday. Burnt 434 calories.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Kettlebells was very tough tonight, very cardio focussed which I like but still beats the bo**ox out of me! :)

    We had a deck of cards and each suit was a different exercise, spades was squat jumps, hearts were push ups, diamonds were snatches and clubs were v-ups. So as soon as a suit came out we had to do the number of reps for whatever the number of the card was, plus any royals or aces equalled 15. And if that wasnt tough enough there were 2 jokers in the pack which meant 50 bootstraps.

    I was destoyed, 45 minute class, that was probably only 20-25 minutes and burnt 657 calories.

    Snook a few pick n mix tonight down in the folks which were awesome but will pay for them!

    Looking forward to the workout tomorrow, want to make sure I dont fail on the overhead press again, will take a longer break to make sure. Have a blacktie night tomorrow night as well, looking well in a tux these days if I say so myself ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Workout 24

    Squat 20kg 2X5
    Squat 40kg 1X5
    Squat 60kg 1X3
    Squat 77.5kg(set) 5X5

    Overhead Press 20kg 2X5
    Overhead Press 45kg(set) 5X5X4X4X4 Fail!

    Deadlift 60kg 1X5
    Deadlift 95kg(set) 1X5 (Body weight :) )

    Chin ups - 15X9X8
    Prone Bridges - 3X30 seconds (15 kilo on my back)

    HIIT session - 521 calories

    Shoulders were sore today on account of Kettlebells last night, maybe thats why I failed the overhead press - not too far off 5X5 though so I'll try it one more time and see how I go. I took 2 minutes rest between sets so dont think there is any need to take a longer rest but I'll see.

    Squats were good, can feel it on my legs but still going strong. Deadlift was tough enough, lifted just over the BW today which I'm happy with, makes me realise how heavy I am now and how heavy I must have been a year ago!

    Glad with the improvement with the chin ups, will switch to 3X5 now adding weight each workout in a backpack.

    Prone bridges were harder then usual but got through them. Cardio felt very tough as well today, not sure why, think I'm not eating enough in the morning pre-workout, I have a measure of creapump and a measure of true whey, might add some berries or a banana to that.

    Looking forward to relaxing for the weekend now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Workout 25

    Squats 20kg 1X5
    Squats 60kg 1X3
    Squats 80kg(set) 5X5

    Bench Press 20kg 1X5
    Bench Press 40kg 1X5
    Bench Press 50kg 1X3
    Bench Press 65kg 5X5

    Inverted Row 20kg 3X5
    Push Up 20kg 3X5

    Reverse Crunches 3X12

    HIIT session - 490 calories

    Felt strong today on the squats and bench, especially the bench. Heineken must be great workout fule because I loaded up on far too much of it over the weekend....

    Not long to go for BW on Squats, another 4-5 sessions and should be there. Bench felt good as well, good technique on it. I think though I will stick at 20kg on the push ups and inverted rows for a while, anymore weight and I think technique will suffer, plus any more weight and my back pack will probably rip on me!

    Reverse crunches were fine so I'll probably move on to dragonfly's now.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Kettlebells tonight, really feeling my fitness levels peak at the moment, 600 repetitions tonight, pushed myself but didnt really struggle, well i was bo**oxed obviously but didnt feel like puking like i used to! 475 calories burnt tonight.

    Not looking forward to weighing myself tomorrow after the massive weekend but still feeling fit and strong so I'll concentrate on the positives for now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Workout 26

    Squat 20kg 2X5
    Squat 60kg 1X5
    Squat 82.5kg(set) 5X5

    Overhead Press 20kg 1X5
    Overhead Press 40kg 1X3
    Overhead Press 45kg(set) 5X4X2X2X0 Epic Fail!

    Deadlift 60kg 1X5
    Deadlift 100kg(set) 1X5

    Pull Ups - 8X6X6

    Prone Bridges 2X30 seconds - one leg raised.

    First off it hasn't sank in yet but I lose 3.5lbs this week bringing my total up to 100lbs now in 14 months. Current weight is 14 stone 1lbs. Cant believe I would ever get this far.

    Squats were fine, nearly at body weight there. Set up the bar in case of failure from now on so I can just squat lower to drop it!

    Ah the overhead press, I knew fromt he first set I wouldnt do it. Going to drop back more then 10% considering the epic failure, will drop back to 37.5kg and start again.

    Deadlift was tough but should be sound for a while more!

    Pull ups were a small improvement on last time. I decided to change the prone bridges to one leg and they were very tough! Only managed two with each leg, will work on that.

    Also did a HIIT session 512 calories burnt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Kettlebells - more endurance work tonight, ab exercises were tough. Still having big problems ont he windmill wit the 16 kg, left arm wasnt as bad but right arm was useless. turkish get up was stronger but still had issues!

    rest of it was fine, fitness levels are good.

    calories burned 747

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Workout 27

    Squats 20kg 1X5
    Squats 60kg 1X5
    Squats 85kg(set) 5X5

    Bench Press 20kg 1X5
    Bench Press 40kg 1X5
    Bench Press 50kg 1X3
    Bench Press 62.5kg 5X5X2X2X0 Fail!

    Inverted Row 20kg 3X5
    Push Up 20kg 3X5

    Reverse Crunches 3X12

    There was a typo in my previous workout for Bench, should be 60kg instead of 65kg.

    Think I am not taking enough rest between kettlebell class and 5X5, was bo**oxed this morning, could be just the end of the week though as well but felt much stronger doing 60kilos on the bench on Monday and today was just destroyed. I may take a break from kettlebells for 1 week and see how I progress in 5X5.

    Squats were tough, very close to BW now. Yeah less said about bench the better, was in bits!

    Inverted rows and push ups were tough as well but got through them. Reverse crunches were fine so definitely moving on to dragon fly's now.

    Also did a HIIT 526 calorie session

    Man i'm wrecked, looking forward to a break for a few days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Workout 28

    Squat 20kg 2X5
    Squat 40kg 1X5
    Squat 60kg 1X5
    Squat 80kg 1X3
    Squat 87.5kg(set) 5X5

    Overhead Press 20kg 2X5
    Overhead Press 40kg(set) 5X5

    Deadlift 60kg 1X5
    Deadlift 80kg 1X5
    Deadlift 105kg(set) 1X5

    Chin Ups 3X5 - 5kg in a backpack
    Prone Bridges 3X30 seconds

    HIIT session 513 calories.

    The fear was firmly on me last night so I got a good 2 hours sleep I'd say! Have to start staying in at the weekends, been saying that for a good 3 months now! :P

    Squats were good, no issues with them. Overhead press was tough towards the end. Not sure how I'm going to gain a lot on that, might have to start tweaking the diet and stay away from calorie deficits and eat more. The gains are stalling quite a bit now on the OH press and the bench.

    Deadlift was bloody heavy! It was alright though.

    Surprisingly the chin ups felt weird with the backpack on. Maybe my arms were just tired from the OH press and the Deadlift, not sure, got through them handy enough but just felt weird! Could not do 1 legged prone bridges today so just stuck with normal ones.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Kettlebells was tough as usual, cut the hands off myself doing snatches! was great cardio as usual, burned 803 calories which is a lot in a long time. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Workout 29

    Squats 20kg 1X5
    Squats 40kg 1X5
    Squats 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg 1X3
    Squats 90kg(set) 5X5

    Bench 20kg 1X5
    Bench 40kg 1X5
    Bench 50kg 1X3
    Bench 62.5kg(set) 5X5X5X4X2 Fail again! Bloody hell.

    Inverted rows 20kg 3X5
    Push Ups 20kg 3X5

    Reverse Crunch 3X12

    HIIT session - well turns out its more Long Intensity Interval Training - 530 calories.

    Well stayed the same weight this week but dont mind that considering I lost quite a bit the week before. Fairly happy with my weight at the moment so just want to get the body fat decreased.

    Squats were tough on the first set but grand after that. One more and I'll be at BW.

    Bench, damn that bench, got bad callus' from Kettlbells last night so going to invest in some gloves! Not sure what to do with this Bench lark, cannot get passed 60kg. Might have to change the diet up.

    Inverted rows were tough only because of the Callus'. Push ups were grand so I'll throw a bit more weight on that. Was running late so just did the Reverse Crunches instead of starting the dragon flies.

    Cardio was good as well today. Game of squash now tonight, I'll be wrecked!

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Game of squash tonight, burned 580 calories in 40 minutes, didnt think I would do that but it was a killer!

    Cant move off the couch now and this Manchester Derby is rubbish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Stupid storm - blew some tiles off buildings on harcourt so the Luas would only go as far as Beechwood, didnt make Kettlebells so just went up to TF instead and jumped on the cross trainer for 30 minutes. 503 calories burned.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Workout 30

    Squat 20kg 2X5
    Squat 40kg 1X5
    Squat 60kg 1X5
    Squat 80kg 1X3
    Squat 92.5kg(set) 5X5 BW :)

    Overhead Press 20kg 2X5
    Overhead Press 42.4kg(set) 5X5X5X4X3 Fail!

    Deadlift 60kg 1X5
    Deadlift 90kg 1X5
    Deadlift 110kg (set) 1X5

    Pull ups - 9X7X5

    Prone Bridges - 2X30 seconds (1 leg raised) , 1X30 seconds (normal)

    Cardio session - 519 calories

    Tired this morning, had 3 pints last night and felt them. Glad I only had 3 though!

    Squats werent as tough as I thought, Probably because I didnt do any kettlebells last night. Glad to get to just over BW. Overhead press as usual were hard, I dont know what I'm going to do there, just cant see myself progressing.

    Deadlifts were bloody tough but got through them.

    Pull ups were a minor improvement so hopefully getting better at them will help me with the overhead press. Prone bridges are tough with the one leg so got 2 done on that and just went for the norm on the last one.

    Looking forward now to relaxing for the weekend.
