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After 1 year of dieting I am now doing Stronglifts 5X5



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,382 ✭✭✭lastlaugh

    mrpink6789 wrote: »

    Squat 92.5kg(set) 5X5 BW :)

    Good on ye!

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Workout 31

    Squat 20kg 1X5
    Squat 40kg 1X5
    Squat 60kg 1X5
    Squat 80kg 1X3
    Squat 95kg(set) 5X5

    Bench 20kg 1X5
    Bench 40kg 1X5
    Bench 50kg 1X3
    Bench 62.5kg(set) 5X5

    Inverted rows 15kg 3X5
    Push ups 21.25kg 3X5
    Reverse Crunches 3X12

    Cardio session - 30 minutes - 492 calories

    every bloody Monday morning I come on this thing moaning about drinking all weekend. Plus its getting in to silly season now so there is no end in sight looking at my calendar.

    Happy with the session today though. especially the bench press.

    Squats are going to get very tough soon enough, I'm conscious about the bar position in case I fail. Might start taking longer rests in between, at a minute so far. Still a bit to go though before I do fail I think. Happy with how the bench went, form was much better then last time I did 62.5kg. Last set was very tough though and might have messed up on the last rep or two. Not sure how the 65 will go but sure I'll find out Friday! Took up to 2 minutes rest in between sets on the last 2.

    I felt my form was dipping on the inverted rows so I pulled back the weight to sort it out, was grand at the 15's so I'll just in crease as normal. Increased the push ups as well and they were alright. Reverse crunches were fine as well, have to do the dragon flys now, put it off for too long.

    Felt the cardio session was easy, will increase the level next time around.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Kettlebells tonight was excellent, burnt 860 calories. Did 100 squats at the end though so my legs feel like rubber, hopefully they'll be alright by the morning!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 722 ✭✭✭Rycn

    Great log, keep up the good work :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Workout 32

    Squats 20kg 1X5
    Squats 40kg 1X5
    Squats 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg 1X3
    Squats 97.5kg(set) 5X5

    Overhead Press 20kg 2X5
    Overhead Press 42.5kg(set) 5X5 :)

    Deadlift 60kg 1X5
    Deadlift 80kg 1X5
    Deadlift 90kg 1X3
    Deadlift 115kg(set) 1X5

    Chin ups 3X5 - 7.5kg on my back
    Prone Bridges 2X30 seconds (1 leg) , 1X30seconds (2 legs)

    HIIT session - 523 calories

    Good one today. Squats were tough on the last 2 sets, felt I might not have gotten as low on the second last one or two though. Looking forward to having 2 blue on each side on Friday :)

    Delighted with the OH press - felt much stronger, last 2 sets were tough but just took a longer break in between. Hopefully now I'll get passed the 45 next time around, really want to do well on them.

    Deadlift was bloody tough! feels very heavy but got through it, thought my heels were going to go through the floor at one point! :P

    Chin ups were alright, I felt the extra weight though. Prone bridges are very tough on one leg so I had to move to two legs for the last set.

    Cardio session was good as always.

    Down to 14 stone even now so still losing a few pounds even though I'm not calories counting anymore. Not sure the body fat but judging by a tape test its around 20%. Still have a gut but might take the plunge and ask a personal trainer to measure me.

    Game of squash tonight now, it's all go.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Game of squash tonight, won 3-0, 580 calories burnt, officially knackered!

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Kettlebells tonight was tough, I hate the windmill and turkish get up, this time with 2 bells. I never felt so weak in my life, couldnt even do them with 12 kilos properly. Plus i hurt my hip and I'm attempting 100kg tomorrow on the squat.

    Ugh. Still 710 calories burned but I'm starting to not care about cardio these days and aim for strength gains! Maybe I'm just tired, one more week next week then that's 12 weeks done and I'll take a break.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Workout 33

    Squat 20kg 1X5
    Squat 40kg 1X5
    Squat 60kg 1X5
    Squat 80kg 1X3
    Squat 100kg (set) 5X5

    Bench 20kg 1X5
    Bench 40kg 1X5
    Bench 50kg 1X3
    Bench 65kg(set) 5X3X2X1X0 Bo**ox!

    Inverted Rows 16.25kg 3X5
    Push Ups 21.25kg 3X5
    Reverse Crunches 3X12

    Cardio session - 513 calories

    Right so I'm giving up Kettlebells! Monday session on bench was fine, bit tough but nothing I couldnt handle so it doesnt make sense that todays was so useless. Obviously I'm not giving my body enough time to recover. I have 5/6 sessions left so after that I'll just stick with Stronglifts 5X5.

    Delighted eith Squats though, nice to get 2 blues on each side. Last 2 reps were a bit wpbbly though but was fairly tired at that stage. Less said about Bench the better.

    Inverted rows were good. Push ups, I forgot to add in another 1.25kg in my bag but that was tough enough, probably the same reason as the bench!

    Reverse crunches were sound as well. Cardio session was always a killer but well worth it.

    Looking forward now to relaxing for the weekend. 1 more week and then it's a weel deserved break.

  • Registered Users Posts: 890 ✭✭✭dartstothesea

    Nice work getting the 100kg Squats.

    Are you still on a calore defect or on a surplus?
    It must be ridiculously difficult to keep increasing your lifts if you're not trying to get bigger. I mean fair play getting stronger if you're on a defecit!

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Nice work getting the 100kg Squats.

    Are you still on a calore defect or on a surplus?
    It must be ridiculously difficult to keep increasing your lifts if you're not trying to get bigger. I mean fair play getting stronger if you're on a defecit!

    Cheers man,

    I think I'm still on a calorie deficit, I don't count calories anymore but diet usually includes....

    Pre workout - Protein + Creapump, Hydroxycut, Fish Oil tablet, Multivitamins
    Post workout - Protein
    Breakfast - Porridge + Honey, coffee
    Mid morning - Hazlenuts
    Lunch - Ham Salad Wrap, homemade salad, fruit yoghurt
    Mid afternoon - Hazlenuts + can of tuna
    Dinner - usually 2 chicken breasts or a filet steak with some veggies, fruit yoghurt

    Yeah diet hasnt changed much since i was on a calorie deficit, think my brain has been programmed so much for low fat food that it's hard to change it. Weekends now I may go overboard on the pints but food on the weekend is generally similar to that.

    what would you recommend changing? current stats are 6 foot 1, 14 stone. Body fat - hmm 20 ish % from tape measure, its really only around the stomach.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 890 ✭✭✭dartstothesea

    Well I dunno if I'd know what to recommend changing but it'd personally (and this is just me) just frustrate me greatly to put in all that time lifting without maximising strength & muscle gains by eating surplus calories and surplus protein (I say this as in the middle of a cut and calorie defecit myself). It depends what your goal is at this stage though, you may still want to just drop more and more fat, in which case you're right to keep going with a defecit and keep lifting I guess.

    You could also try to bulk up with surpluses for a while and then use the extra muscle to help you cut more fat. In the meantime the extra eating'd see your lifts go up and up and up.
    I don't think you would put on that much fat in the process with a decent diet and training >3 times a week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Workout 34

    Squats 20kg 1X5
    Squats 40kg 1X5
    Squats 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg 1X3
    Squats 102.5kg(set) 5X5

    Overhead Press 20kg 2X5
    Overhead Press 45kg(set) 5X5X3X2X0 Useless!

    Deadlift 60kg 1X5
    Deadlift 80kg 1X5
    Deadlift 120kg(set) 1X5

    Pull ups 7X5X5
    Prone Bridges 3X30seconds, 1 leg in air.

    Cardio 483 calories

    Everything but the deadlifts were a killer today, only got a few hours sleep so I'm going to blame that, even cardio was tough. It probably didnt help the fact I drank my weight in pints on Saturday night.

    Squats were tough, last couple were a bit dodgy. The press is just killing me. I was confident after 42.5 but I was just useless today. Have to change my diet to start eating more to try and bulk. Deadlifts were actually alright, felt strong doing them.

    Not as good as pull ups as last time around, I'm going to use the excuse of me being knackered for this workout though. Happy to do 3 sets of the prone bridges on one leg this time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Kettlebells tonight, tough workout as usual, lot of clings, presses, snatches and squats. 802 calories burned.

    ugh, Bench press tomorrow!

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Workout 35

    Squats 20kg 1X5
    Squats 40kg 1X5
    Squats 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg 1X3
    Squats 105kg(set) 5X5 - bloody tough!

    Bench 20kg 1X5
    Bench 40kg 1X5
    Bench 50kg 1X3
    Bench 65kg(set) 5X4X3X2X1

    Inverted Rows 17.25kg 3X5
    Push ups 22.5kg 3X5
    Reverse crunch 3X12

    Cardio session - 512 calories

    No change in weight this week but I dont mind that since I am not calorie counting anymore, plus its silly season and there is too much going on over the weekends to be worrying about it. Once I stay in and around 89kg I'm happy. Although the gym scales said I'm more 87kilos, one at home must be over compensating :P

    Squats were very tough, last 2 reps I didn't get parallel on. Took a bit of a longer break in between sets as well. Bench was useless as usual, I know I need to eat more so I will address that in the next couple of weeks. Most likely a new year thing as I have a 2 week break coming up. Inverted rows were ok but more weight will be tough, push ups were pretty much all to fail, wouldn't have been able to push out 6 on the last reps! Reverse crunches were fine.

    Game of squash now tonight. One more session and then that will be 12 weeks done, I'll take a break then from it. Plan is to next week use up the rest of my kettlebells class, have a few games of squash then the following week take 1 week off with no exercise whatsoever, thats going to feel weird!

    I'll start back on the 13th then with a new game plan and diet, really want to progress to at least 1.5BW in Squat and increase the bench and OH press.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Game of Squash, 656 calories burned, knackered!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    What do you think of the squash? I'd imagine it's tough. How long a session is it that burned the 656 calories?

    I've been thinking of taking it up at work once a week (currently running 30 minutes on treadmill at 10.8kph and varying inclines). I'm not sure if I'd be fit enough yet but ya have to start somewhere.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Squash is great, it's kind of a form of HIIT. I'd play for about 40 minutes and would run like mental around the court! Try it out, I've been playing for nearly a year now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 890 ✭✭✭dartstothesea

    You've probably answered this before (sorry) but just curious, what are you using to tell the calories you burned?

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    You've probably answered this before (sorry) but just curious, what are you using to tell the calories you burned?

    Hey the Polar FT7. Good bit of kit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Great Kettlebells class tonight. Did a circuit with sit ups + medicine ball, body weight exercises, clean and press/snatches - got the heart rate nice and pumping.

    Then did some team press ups which were funny, tough as well though.

    Lastly did a circuit of snatches from 14kg up to 24kg - normally use the 16kg so was delighted i was able to do snatches with the 20kg and 24 kg. Shoulders will feel that tomorrow and I have the shoulder press and all to do! Great! :P

    723 calories burnt.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Workout 36

    Squats 20kg 1X5
    Squats 40kg 1X5
    Squats 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg 1X3
    Squats 107.5kg(set) 5X5X5X4X0 (Chickened out like a pu**y!)

    Overhead Press 20kg 1X5
    Overhead Press 45kg(set) 3X3XFail miserably

    Deadlift 60kg 1X5
    Deadlift 80kg 1X5
    Deadlift 100kg 1X5
    Deadlift 125(set) 1X5 Boom!

    Chin ups 3X5 - 8.75kg
    Prone Bridges 3X30 seconds (2 legs)

    Woke up this morning and felt like I had 20 pints last night, funny considering I wasnt even out and it was an early night. Flu going around in work so it must be that!

    I could have done the squats, I just chickened out. Was scared of failing even though I knew the safety bars would catch it. I read a good article about adding 20 kilos on your max weight and taking it out of the bar, stand there for 10 seconds then put it back, then just take your max weight and fail - that should get you over the fear. I was whacked today as well from kettlebells last night so I just chickened out I suppose.

    ugh overhead press, the 24 kilo snatches destoryed my shoulders last night so literally couldnt do anything.

    Happy with the deadlift though, thought I was going to lose the grip at one point but managed to push through.

    Chin ups were good as well. Groin is at me because of the squats so I stuck with 2 legged prone bridges.

    Cardio session 492 calories burned as well.

    So thats 12 weeks of stronglifts done. Doing the program I have gone from 14 stone 10lbs to about 13 stone 11lbs so I'm happy with that, considering what I lost was more then likley fat and I have bulked up a little bit ;)

    Successful lifts:

    Squats 105kg
    Overhead Press 42.5kg
    Deadlift 125kg
    Bench 62.5kg

    Pull ups from 1 on the first to 9 on the first
    Chin ups from 7 on the first up to 3X5 with 8.75kg
    Prone Bridges - I managed to work up to 1 legged prone bridges
    Inverted rows - 17.5kg
    Push ups - 22.5kg
    Reverse Crunches with no weight behind me.

    Disapointed with the Bench and OH press because I failed on them so much. However my diet was useless to gain strength so thats the next thing now. Plan is to use up the Kettlebell classes next week with a few games of squash. Take the following week off everything to rest the body and then get back in to it with a brand new diet of eating what I see :P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 722 ✭✭✭Rycn

    Well done man :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Kettlebells tonight

    Very tough workout. 6 rounds of 6 exercises(6 repetitions each).

    Swings, squat press, burpees, snatches, v ups and something else, my head is fried! also moved up to the 20 kilo weight.

    then did 150 ab crunches followed by 30 snatches on each arm. bloody snatches on the 20 were tough!

    656 calories burnt, felt like i burnt more.

    then sandyford was so fcuked i had to walk home so thats a nice 40 minute walk in the snow added on.

    im destroyed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Does a walk to work this morning count as a fitness log?

    Took me 45 minutes and my feet are numb.

    On the plus side I'm down to 195lbs with 18% body fat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Just did some cardio tonight, felt pretty guilty after the weekend, eating more definitely, not all good though!

    HIIT session - 440 calories. Will try and do 1 more HIIt session this week along with the Kettlebells on Tuesday/Thursday, back in to 5X5 then next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Kettlebells tonight.

    2 different workouts, stayed on the 20 kilos which I'm delighted about.

    First workout was Swings, Clean & Press and Squats - Start off with 1 of each and work up to 10.

    Second workout was more intense, snatches plus body weight exerices of push ups, burpees, jogging on the spot, few others that I cant think of! idea was start at 10 and work down to 1.

    Followed by about 60 ab exercises with the bells.

    Tough workout but feel good after, 777 calories.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 20kg 2X5
    Squats 40kg 1X5
    Squats 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg 1X3
    Squats 87.5kg (set)5X5

    Bench 20kg 1X5
    Bench 40kg 1X5
    Bench 52.5kg(set) 5X5

    Inverted Rows 15kg 3X5
    Push Ups 15kg 3X5
    Reverse Crunches 3X12

    Cardio session - 505 calories

    Wow today was tough, 2 weeks break of boozing non stop is never good to maintain any sort of fitness. Decided to to a hard deload on all exercises getting back in to it. Squats were very tough and my legs are in bits now. Bench wasnt as bad and inverted rows and push ups were grand, felt great to get back in to it but did not enjoy those squats! Reverse crunches were also tougher then usual, probably because I am full of beer for the last 2 weeks!

    Cardio was tough but thats purely because I was full of water, must have drank near 1.5 litres before I hopped on the cross trainer.

    Diet has changed for the better hopefully, I am trying to eat maintenance levels these days. Up to 2 helpings of porridge now, a lot more ham / turkey in the sandwhich at lunch and another protein shake, more nuts as snacks and got got the ingredients to make Transforms Paleo bars (€16 for coconut oil by the way in H&B - robbed!). Generally eating near maintenance anyways so we'll see how it goes, if I feel I am stalling early again I'll just eat more!

    Started taking creatine as well, tastes horrible but I'll try it out for a month to see if I notice a difference. Also dropping kettlebells to let the muscles recover for 5X5, will throw in a game of squash or something as added cardio.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 722 ✭✭✭Rycn

    Sorry to butt in!

    I don't know if you have had creatine monohydrate before but its tasteless and has far more research done on it than any other form of creatine. I seen in the supplements thread that you got creatine ethyl ester, i've gotten that before myself and it's rotten! I'd say you'd find the mono easier to take if you try it :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Rycn wrote: »
    Sorry to butt in!

    I don't know if you have had creatine monohydrate before but its tasteless and has far more research done on it than any other form of creatine. I seen in the supplements thread that you got creatine ethyl ester, i've gotten that before myself and it's rotten! I'd say you'd find the mono easier to take if you try it :)

    Cheers man, yeah I got monohydrate as well as I got a good deal on it. The ethyl ester is rotten alright but Im going to give it a month and then decide, I mixed it with lidls finest OJ today and it wasnt as bad! :P

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  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 20kg 1X5
    Squats 40kg 1X5
    Squats 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg 1X3
    Squats 90kg(set) 5X5

    Overhead Press 20kg 1X5
    Overhead Press 35kg(set) 5X5

    Deadlift 60kg 1X5
    Deadlift 80kg 1X5
    Deadlift 100kg(set) 1X5

    Pull ups 8X5X4
    Prone bridges 3X30 seconds

    Ugh my legs are in terrible order the past few days, can hardly walk so todays workout wasnt fun! Pulled a muscle somewhere so not sure if I should keep going for a while, will see how I feel on Sunday.

    Squats were tough as well as deadlift on account of the leg. OH press was fairly easy, hopefully im able to keep going with it and get above 45kg, eating loads so we'll see! Pull ups were tough but presumed i would be useless at them after not doing them for so long. Prone bridges were grand, only did normals instead of 1 leg as was worried my legs would be too sore.

    Also did a cardio session for 30 minutes, 514 calories.
