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After 1 year of dieting I am now doing Stronglifts 5X5



  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 20kg 2X5
    Squats 40kg 1X5
    Squats 60kg 1X3
    Squats 80kg 1X3
    Squats 90kg 1X2
    Squats 105kg 5X5

    OH Press 20kg 1X5
    OH Press 30kg 1X3
    OH Press 45kg 5X5 PB :)

    Deadlift 60kg 1X3
    Deadlift 80kg 1X2
    Deadlift 100kg 1X1
    Deadlift 120kg 1X5

    Pull Ups 6, 5, 4
    One legged Prone Bridges 3X30 seconds

    Cardio session 440 calories

    Veyr happy with the squats, definitely stronger in the legs, if only I could incorporate that to the upper body but sure! Finally got 5X5 on the Press although the last 2 sets were very tough, took a longer break in between. Twinged something in my upper back as well on the 4th set so hopefully nothing too bad. My form on the deadlift was shocking, I had some lad beside me who I thought was going to fall back on to me while he was doing some cling and presses so it put me off. Still weak on the pull ups but Ill keep doing them and the one legged prone bridges were not as tough as usual.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    mrpink6789 wrote: »
    Pull Ups 6, 5, 4

    Still weak on the pull ups but Ill keep doing them

    Still better than me though ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 20kg 2X5
    Squats 40kg 1X5
    Squats 60kg 1X3
    Squats 80kg 1X2
    Squats 90kg 1X1
    Squats 107.5kg 5X5 PB :)

    Bench Press 20kg 2X5
    Bench Press 40kg 1X5
    Bench Press 50kg 1X3
    Bench Press 60kg 5X5

    Barbell Row 47.5kg 5X5
    Push ups 20kg 3X5
    Reverse Crunches 3X12

    Cardio session 464 calories

    Good session today, glad with the squats as I failed before xmas on that weight, bench wasnt as bad either and good technique on the barbell rows. Push ups were a bit awkward on the account I forgot my bag so had to balance the weight nearly on my back but got through them!

    Feeling stronger these days on account of increasing food and protein intake, although I will admit I think I have eaten a lot of crap in the last 4-5 weeks so hopefully I am not putting on a lot of fat at the same time!

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 20kg 1X5
    Squats 40kg 1X5
    Squats 60kg 1X3
    Squats 80kg 1X3
    Squats 90kg 1X2
    Squats 110kg 5X5 PB

    OH Press 20kg 1X5
    OH Press 30kg 1X3
    OH Press 40kg 1X1
    OH Press 47.5kg 5X5X5X5X2 Dammit!

    Deadlift 60kg 1X3
    Deadlift 80kg 1X2
    Deadlift 90kg 1X2
    Deadlift 100kg 1X1
    Deadlift 125kg 1X5

    Chin ups 10kg 5X4X3 fail!
    One legged prone bridges 3X30secs

    Cardio 467 calories

    Felt good again doing the squats, not long though before it gets real tough but yeah so far so good. Damn that OH Press, thought I would have pushed through it, I think I will though so I'm not too worried. Deadlift felt weird, going to get someone to look at my form because I just felt my back was rolling at some point but locked out well. Chin ups were hard, prone bridges were easier then usual, might try one arm raised next time although that just looks horrendous!

    Another weekend where I will probably do damage to all my hard work done during the week!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,661 ✭✭✭mickman

    pink - how do you do chin ups with 10 kg? how do you attach the weight?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    mickman wrote: »
    pink - how do you do chin ups with 10 kg? how do you attach the weight?

    I just use a back pack for now and put a few plates in it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 890 ✭✭✭dartstothesea

    mrpink6789 wrote: »
    Squats 110kg 5X5 PB

    Felt good again doing the squats, not long though before it gets real tough
    Hah, I remember thinkng the same, really. You'll be well able for it for a while yet, just keep eating right and sleeping enough. 160 now feels only about as hard as 110 used to. Keep ploughing ahead man.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 20kg 1X5
    Squats 40kg 1X5
    Squast 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg 1X3
    Squats 90kg 1X2
    Squats 112.5kg 5X5

    Bench Press 20kg 1X10
    Bench Press 40kg 1X5
    Bench Press 50kg 1X3
    Bench Press 62.5kg 5X5

    Barbell Row 50kg 5X5

    Push Ups 21.25kg 3X5
    Reverse Crunches 3X12

    Cardio session 458 calories

    Tough today! Off the creatine this week as did it for 5 weeks in a row, maybe thats why everything was harder or maybe it was the few jagermesiters I had on Saturday night....

    Squats got tough on the last set, not sure if i Went as low as I could have. Bench was a nightmare, took 2 minutes of rest between the 4 and 5th set. Will be tough next time around. barbell row was fine, still sound on that. Push ups were tough but got through them!

    Going to weight myself at the end of the week, havent done it in about 2 months, should be interesting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 20kg 1X5
    Squats 40kg 1X5
    Squats 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg 1X3
    Squats 90kg 1X2
    Squats 115kg 5X5 PB

    OH Press 20kg 1X5
    OH Press 40kg 1X3
    OH Press 47.5kg 5X5 PB :)

    Deadlift 60kg 1X3
    Deadlift 100kg 1X1
    Deadlift 130kg 1X5 PB

    Pull ups 4, 3, 3, - seriously I'm useless at these!
    One legged prone bridges 3X30secs

    Cardio session 455 calories

    I miss the Creatine, everything seems so much harder without it!

    Happy with today though, Squats were tough but good form on them. Not entriely sure on my form for the last set of OH press, felt my back bend a bit but think I was alright. Deadlifts were awesome, felt really strong doing them

    But then the pull ups came and I was as always useless at them!

    Hoping to get past 65kg Bench on Friday now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,661 ✭✭✭mickman


    i find it very hard to understand that you can squat 115kg and not do at least 10 pull ups

    squats are meant to strengthen the whole body

    would you not consider changing programmes at this stage as lets face it, ur top at squats but the pull ups aint working ????

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  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    I still have a bit of a belly mickman so until I fail too many times on Squats I'll stick with it!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,661 ✭✭✭mickman

    fair enough - just wondering

  • Registered Users Posts: 890 ✭✭✭dartstothesea

    Being able to do loads of pull ups would be great I'm sure but it's not like you're not already training pullups...

    You seem to be flying through the progression now with the bulking diet. Stoked for you.

    Did I read you saying you don't even take 2 mins rest between sets? Fair play, that seems like a really strict rest period to me. Guess it might get longer down the line of course.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Yeah generally 1 minute between sets although I took 2 minutes rest between the last 2 sets on the OH Press and Bench so Im sure that will be the norm soon enough.

    Just a bit weird though my pull ups are all over the place, a few weeks ago I used to be able to do at least 8. Weighing myself on friday so we'll see what its like then, although if anything I have shrunk on the stomach department and increased around the shoulder arms department! well only a little!

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 20kg 1X5
    Squats 40kg 1X5
    Squast 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg 1X3
    Squats 90kg 1X2
    Squats 117.5kg 5X5 PB

    Bench 20kg 2X5
    Bench 40kg 1X5
    Bench 50kg 1X3
    Bench 65kg 5X5 PB :)

    Barbell Rows 52.5kg 5X5
    Push Ups 23.75kg 3X5
    Reverse Crunches 3X12

    Slept it in so no cardio today!

    Well mixed feelings this morning. Weighed myself and have put on 12 lbs since December 1st. However Body Fat percentage haws only increased by just over 1% so I'm wondering if its mainly muscle, most of it feels like muscle, stomach doesnt feel bigger and I am lifting more. I have been eating a lot of crap though these days, far too much. Sure Ill keep on going with what I am doing except I'm going to keep it at least 85-90% clean. No more late night takeaways!

    Squats were not as bad as Wednesday, went below parallel on a couple which I really felt on my knees so dont want to be doing that again! Delighted with the bench as I have never lifted that heavy before, going to be very tough moving up though! Barbell rows were grand. Push ups very tough and reverse crunches were sound.

    Missed the cardio session which was a bit annoying but all the weights took at least an hour to do. Started taking 2 minutes break between squats and bench press.

    Hmm still annoyed about that 12lbs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 20kg 1X5
    Squats 40kg 1X5
    Squast 60kg 1X3
    Squats 80kg 1X3
    Squats 90kg 1X2
    Squats 100kg 1X1
    Squats 120kg 5X5 PB

    OH Press 20kg 1X5
    OH Press 30kg 1X3
    OH Press 40kg 1X1
    OH Press 50kg 3X4X3X3X2 - Dont ask!

    Deadlift 60kg 1X3
    Deadlift 100kg 1X1
    Deadlift 135kg 1X4 Grip!

    Chin Ups 10kg 5X5X4
    One legged Prone Bridges 3X30 seconds

    Cardio session 464 calories

    Feck all sleep last night so it wasnt good for the session today. Squats were good, bar the last set, I probably didnt get as low as I could. OH press wasnt too difficult, I just wasnt bothered for some reason! Will be in better form for Friday to do it. My grip just let me down on the deadlift so I'm not too worried about that. Felt stronger doing the chin ups so should get 3X5 next time around.

    Diet wise I had 3,100 calories today with 320g of protein. On my off days im planning on having 2,500, will see how I go!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,661 ✭✭✭mickman

    pink - a quick question for you. im plouging ahead now as well and up to 40kg with the squats. deadlifts going ok as well except the last time i did them , i got terrible stiffness in my lower back after them. I lift the weights and feel fine but then when im putting it back down i get the back pain so obviously im putting it back down incorrectly

    i curl my toes like stronglifts sugges when lifting it to force my heels to go through the ground rather than pulling the weights up. am i supposed to curl toes when putting the bar back down again??? i start to lower the weight and only bend my knees once the bar has passed my knees, is this correct??

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 20kg 1X5
    Squats 40kg 1X5
    Squats 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg 1X3
    Squats 90kg 1X2
    Squats 100kg 1X1
    Squats 122.5kg 5X5 PB

    Bench 20kg 1X5
    Bench 40kg 1X3
    Bench 50kg 1X2
    Bench 60kg 1X1
    Bench 67.5kg 4X4X3X3X2 Fail!

    Barbell Row 55kg 5X5
    Push Up 25kg 4X4X3 Fail
    Reverse Crunch 3X12

    Cardio session 472 calories

    Happy with Squats, very very tough though. Last rep on the last set I thought I twinged something in my back, make bench press a bit awkward which I failed ridiculously on. Ah I'll keep on going, workouts are always tough so I must be doing something right :P

    Barbell rows were fine but was knackered from the bench and squat so push ups were tough. Even inverted rows and cardio session were a nightmare.

    Still as long as I keep on making good progress on the squats to get up to at least 1.5 BW i'm happy. Changed my diet as well to cut a bit so that may have an effect.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squat 20kg 1X5
    Squat 50kg 1X5
    Squat 60kg 1X5
    Squat 90kg 1X3
    Squat 100kg 1X2
    Squat 125kg 5X5 PB - very tough!

    OH Press 20kg 1X5
    OH Press 40kg 1X2
    OH Press 50kg 4X4X2X2X1 - second fail

    Deadlift 60kg 1X3
    Deadlift 100kg 1X1
    Deadlift 135kg 1X5 PB

    Pull Ups 6, 5, 4
    One Legged Prone Bridges 3X30 seconds

    Cardio session 468 calories

    Squats were tough today, had to really push myself through them. I got fcuk all sleep last night and had a few glasses of wine so maybe thats it. But at least I got through them, I'm worried I am not getting parallel though. The safety bar is awkward, feel like if I fail i'll do some real damage to myself as I will squat far too low and my knees will give way.

    Press was tough as always, its more the triceps then the shoulders im weak in I think. My shoulders and back have felt very strong the last few weeks. Will see how I go next time around and decrease by 10/20% if needs be.

    Happy with the deadlift as I failed it the last time. Not sure now if I should still be going up by 5kg each time but i'll look in to it.

    Pull ups were an improvement, minor but an improvement! Prone bridges were tough, nowhere near ready for one arm raised also.

    Think I sweated about 2 Tribeca chicken wings out of me doing the cardio session!

    Just did the maths there and what I deadlifted was my original weight back in September 09 before I got my act together! Nice. Hopefully I can squat that as well!

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    There's nothing quite like squatting 127 kilos whilst listening to Avril not know how that got on the ipod!

    Squat 20kg 1X5
    Squat 40kg 1X5
    Squat 60kg 1X5
    Squat 80kg 1X3
    Squat 90kg 1X2
    Squat 100kg 1X1
    Squat 127.5kg 5X5 PB

    Bench 20kg 1X10
    Bench 40kg 1X5
    Bench 50kg 1X2
    Bench 60kg 1X1
    Bench 67.5kg 5X5X5X4X2 - Second fail but improvement!

    Barbell Row 57.5kg 5X5
    Push Ups 25kg 5X5X3 Second fail
    Reverse crunches 3X12

    Cardio session 446 calories

    Couldnt make it yesterday on account of getting feck all sleep Sunday night so decided to do Tues/Thurs and Sat this week.

    Squats are very tough, going to be difficult to get 5X5 in the next few weeks. Bench wasnt as tough but I was just knackered after 3 sets so the last 2 werent great. Still an improvement on the last time so hopefully Saturday i'll get passed it.
    Barbell row was fine. Getting a bit bored of the push ups, its more awkwardness with the bag of weights so I might switch to some dips to mix it up, will do a bit of reading on it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Just a quick diet update. Look to have lost 3lbs which brings me to 205lbs currently. Also over 1 inch lost on the gut so body fat is down 1% ish to 20.8%. See if we can get it sub 20 in 2 weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squat 20kg, 40kg, 60kg 1X5
    Squat 80kg 1X3
    Squat 100kg 1X2
    Squat 120kg 1X2
    Squat 130kg 5X5 PB

    OH Press 20kg 1X5
    OH Press 40kg 1X3
    OH Press 50kg 5X5X3X3X1 - 3rd fail, deload 10%

    Deadlift 60kg 1X3
    Deadlift 100kg 1X2
    Deadlift 140kg 1X2, 1X1 - dont know what happened here!

    Chin ups 10kg 5X4X4
    One legged Prone bridges 3X30 seconds

    Cardio session 431 calories

    Happy with the squats as I am still making gains in them, nice to see 2 blues and a yellow on each side! OH Press were better then last time but 3rd fail, number of reps increased so will deload by 10% and go with 45kg next time around. Do not know what happened with the deadlift, just wasnt feeling it and my legs were sore from the squats so will just try it next time around.

    My arms are always sore from the OH Press and Deadlift so its probably why its making chin ups so tough, I'll still stick to the 10kg until I can easily get 3X5 out. Prone bridges and cardio were tough as my legs were well beat!

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Couldnt update the thread yesterday.

    Squat 20kg, 40kg, 60kg 1X5
    Squat 80kg 1X3
    Squat 90kg 1X2
    Squat 100kg 1X1
    Squat 120kg 1X1
    Squat 132.5kg 5X5 PB

    Bench Press 70kg 4X4X3X3X2 3rd fail, 10% deload
    Barbell row 60kg 5X5
    Tricep dips 7, 6, 4
    Reverse Crunch 3X12

    Cardio session 396 calories

    Squats were very tough today, have a feeling another 1 or 2 session I might fail. Last set Im not coming down fully I dont think because im scared of failing!

    I couldnt find any small weights so just did 70kg on the bench, tough going and probably would have failed on 67.5 but I made improvements so going to only deload by 10% to 60kg next time around.

    Barbell rows were fine, not as dizzy as I sometimes can be. Changed to tricep dips as I was getting bored of push ups so will work on them, felt good doing them. Reverse crunces and cardio session weren tbad but felt like i didnt push myself on the cardio much.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squat 20kg, 40kg, 60kg 1X5
    Squat 80kg 1X3
    Squat 100kg 1X1
    Squat 120kg 1X1
    Squat 135kg 5X5 PB

    OH Press 20kg 1X5
    OH Press 40kg 1X3
    OH Press 45kg 5X5

    Deadlift 140kg 1X2, 1X1 - second fail, its the grip!

    Pull ups 7X5X4
    One legged Prone Bridges 3X30 seconds

    Cardio session 392 calories

    For some reason the Squats were not as tough today, must have been the rest over the weekend. Im sort of happy the weight I am squatting, I was thinking of just trying ot make it up to 140kg and sticking ast that for a while, try and concentrate on improving my other lifts, will think about that for the next few days! Wednesday should be 1.5BW which is good to get to.

    The Press was fine, last set was a bit tougher but its good to see an improvement considering I failed loads on 45kg before, I must be doing something right!

    Having a very tough time with the deadlift, feels like the grip is lettign me down but just feels heavy. Will try one more time and deload by 10/20% just to take another bash at it.

    Better at the pull ups this time around, slightly anyways. Prone bridges were tough though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squat 20kg, 40kg, 60kg 1X5
    Squat 80kg 1X3
    Squat 100kg 1X1
    Squat 120kg 1X1
    Squat 137.5kg 5X5 PB + 1.5BW

    Bench 20kg 1X5
    Bench 40kg 1X3
    Bench 50kg 1X2
    Bench 60kg 5X5

    Barbell Rows 62.5kg 5X5
    Tricep Dips 9, 6, 5
    Reverse Crunches 3X12

    Cardio session 402 calories

    Good session today. 2 milestones hit on Squats. 132.5kg is 1.5BW and it is also what I weighed back in September 2009 before I got my a** in gear so delighted to hit that mark.

    Bench was alright as well since dropping the weight, hopefully get a good run at it. My left forearm is hurting a bit after the squat, almost like a muscle spasm for a while so was worried about the bench, think it is just a flexibility issue.

    Barbell row was fine, back feel strong so can keep on plugging away with that.

    Also did better int he tricep dips then last time around.

    Might increase the level on the cardio as I seem to be dropping in calories burned so must be getting fitter!

  • Registered Users Posts: 890 ✭✭✭dartstothesea

    Taking 10kg off after failing mid-way in your bench sets seems a bit extreme. Would you not do fine on just 5kg or 7.5kg less? You wouldn't be slowing your progress any more than you need to then.

    Fair play, you seem to be still tearing through the squat progression. I'm actually not much above a 1.5BW for 5x5 myself, still.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,661 ✭✭✭mickman

    Taking 10kg off after failing mid-way in your bench sets seems a bit extreme. Would you not do fine on just 5kg or 7.5kg less? You wouldn't be slowing your progress any more than you need to then.

    Fair play, you seem to be still tearing through the squat progression. I'm actually not much above a 1.5BW for 5x5 myself, still.

    squatting at 1.5 your BW is nearly as high as you can go without being a pro i would say????

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Taking 10kg off after failing mid-way in your bench sets seems a bit extreme. Would you not do fine on just 5kg or 7.5kg less? You wouldn't be slowing your progress any more than you need to then.

    Fair play, you seem to be still tearing through the squat progression. I'm actually not much above a 1.5BW for 5x5 myself, still.

    my max bench was actually 67.5, last friday i just couldnt find any small plates so i just moved up to 70kg. technically i probably would have failed at 67.5kg so dropping it by 10% would be just over 60kg but just decided to go to 60kg. I suck at bench! I often see people who are very good at benching but useless at squats so I must be the opposite!

    Im thinking of just staying at 140kg on the squat all going well on friday and concentrating on improving my other lifts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    mickman wrote: »
    squatting at 1.5 your BW is nearly as high as you can go without being a pro i would say????

    nah id say thats far from a pro's standard, I see logs of people squatting 2 - 3X BW. 1.5 is just anohter milestone I suppose!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Body fat seems to be 19.98% judging on todays test. Don't trust the tape measurement much so going to have to get some decent calipers to try it out for real.
