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After 1 year of dieting I am now doing Stronglifts 5X5



  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 20kg, 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg 1X3
    Squats 100kg 1X2
    Squats 120kg 1X1
    Squats 140kg 4X4X3
    Squats 120kg 2X5

    OH Press 20kg 1X5
    OH Press 40kg 1X1
    OH Preess 47.5kg 5X5

    Deadlift 60kg 1X5
    Deadlift 100kg 1X1
    Deadlift 140kg 1X3 - 3rd fail, 10% deload

    Chin ups 10kg 3X5
    One legged Prone Bridges 3X30 seconds

    Cardio session 475 calories

    I was out drinking last night so today was always going to be tough. Nearly didnt go through with it but glad I did in the end. Legs were very tired and the form in Squats on 140kg was terrible so I dropped back to 120kg for the last 2 sets. Will go for 140kg again on Monday.

    Felt stronger doing the press so hopefully I will make a good stab at 50kg on Wednesday. My grip is letting me down in the deadlift, need to work on strengthening my fingers or something! Will deload and try again.

    Chin ups were tough so going to stay on 10kg until I'm comfortable with them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 20kg, 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg 1X3
    Squats 100kg 1X2
    Squats 120kg 1X1
    Squats 140kg 5X5 PB

    Bench 20kg 1X5
    Bench 40kg 1X5
    Bench 50kg 1X3
    Bench 62.5kg 1X1

    So during squats I kept on getting that pain in my left arm, thought it was just a flexibility issue but I couldnt do the bench properly and I just had to leave the gym. My physio mate said it looks like I need to widen my grip on the squat as I am putting too much strain on my bicep. Will have to try it out again on Wednesday with a wider grip, disapointing I couldnt finish the set but sure at least I got the 5X5 on the 140!

  • Registered Users Posts: 890 ✭✭✭dartstothesea

    Probably tendinitis like what I was getting. And yeah I could barely bench after aggravating it by squatting.

    What helped me was the following.
    Taking a day or two off squatting. Adding some bicep curls. Trying a slightly higher bar position when squatting so my elbows etc aren't so... squished. Also started getting in the fish oils and some glucosamine but I haven't a clue if they really made the difference.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Probably tendinitis like what I was getting. And yeah I could barely bench after aggravating it by squatting.

    What helped me was the following.
    Taking a day or two off squatting. Adding some bicep curls. Trying a slightly higher bar position when squatting so my elbows etc aren't so... squished. Also started getting in the fish oils and some glucosamine but I haven't a clue if they really made the difference.

    Yeah did a bit of reading and heard it may be tendonitis. I'm going to chance squatting again on Wednesday, just with a different bar position. If its the same I'll give it a break for a few days and mix it up a bit.

    Take fish oils religiously but I'll look in to Glucosamine just in case, have seen that mentioned on quite a few logs,



  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 20kg, 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg, 100kg 1X3
    Squats 120kg 1X1
    Squats 140kg 5X5

    Bench Press 20kg 1X5
    Bench Press 40kg 1X3
    Bench Press 50kg 1X2
    Bench Press 62.5kg 5X5

    Barbell Rows 65kg 5X5
    Tricep Dips 10, 6, 5
    Reverse Crunches 3X12

    The auld tendonitis was only a slight annoyance, widened the grip on my squat which felt weird as my back didnt seem as tense and the weight felt heavier as a result! Still got through it.

    Bench was grand so hopefulyl I can start making some gains on that, have always been useless at Bench Pressing.

    Barbell rows were grand as well and felt stronger doing the tricep dips.

    Going to do cardio sessions on my off days now as just feeling wrecked getting up that early in the mornings and losing motivation as a result. The extra half hour in bed makes the difference.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Cardio session on the Cross Trainer tonight

    5 minutes warm up followed by 20 minutes of intervals, 1 minute flat out, 2 minute recovery.

    Distance covered 4.2 kilometers, calories burnt 412.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 20kg, 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg, 100kg 1X3
    Squats 120kg 1X1
    Squats 140kg 5X5

    OH Press 20kg, 40kg 1X5
    OH Press 50kg 5X5X4X4X3 Fail

    Deadlift 60kg, 100kg 1X3
    Deadlift 125kg 1X5

    Pull Ups 7, 5, 4
    1 legged prone bridges 3X30 seconds

    Tired today on account of having a few pints last night, me left knee was acting up on the deadlift which was a bit odd. Squats were alright but bloody heavy as usual, arm seems to be sound now. I hate that bloody press, think I will manage 5X5 next time around though. Deadlift was grand after dropping the weight back but can still feel my grip being useless so have to sort that out. No difference in pull ups from last time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    mrpink6789 wrote: »

    Squats 20kg, 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg, 100kg 1X3
    Squats 120kg 1X1
    Squats 140kg 5X5

    OH Press 20kg, 40kg 1X5
    OH Press 50kg 5X5X4X4X3 Fail

    Deadlift 60kg, 100kg 1X3
    Deadlift 125kg 1X5

    Pull Ups 7, 5, 4
    1 legged prone bridges 3X30 seconds

    Tired today on account of having a few pints last night, me left knee was acting up on the deadlift which was a bit odd. Squats were alright but bloody heavy as usual, arm seems to be sound now. I hate that bloody press, think I will manage 5X5 next time around though. Deadlift was grand after dropping the weight back but can still feel my grip being useless so have to sort that out. No difference in pull ups from last time.
    Do you use chalk and mixed grip on deadlift? Makes a big difference.

    Have you videoed your squat? Seems a lot stronger than your deadlift? Might not be quite making depth on squats. Great progress regardless though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Yeah I got a trainer to look at my depth and he said it was fine so I have no worries there.

    I was going to read up on changing the grip for the deadlifts so I'll see if that makes a difference.

    I know its weird that my squat is more then my deadlift but I've always had strong legs and the only issue I have with the deadlift has been grip.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Fair enough. Id really recommend you videoing it anyway. You'll learn a lot from it.

    Using a mixed grip will make a big difference immediately.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Cardio session on the Cross Trainer this morning

    5 minutes warm up followed by 20 minutes of intervals, 1 minute flat out, 2 minute recovery.

    Distance covered 4.15 kilometers, calories burnt 468.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 20kg, 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg 1X3
    Squats 100kg, 120kg 1X1
    Squats 140kg 5X5

    Bench Press 20g 1X5
    Bench Press 40kg 1X3
    Bench Press 50kg 1X1
    Bench Press 65kg 5X5

    Barbell Row 67.5kg 5X5
    Tricep Dips 11, 7, 5
    Reverse Crunch 3X12

    Squats are killing me but getting through them, last set probably could have been a bit better depth wise though. Bench was tough enough, hopefully I can at least reach 70kg 5X5 in that for now. Barbell rows were good and also felt stronger doing the tricep dips.

    Legs are sore now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Cardio session on the Cross Trainer this evening

    5 minutes warm up followed by 20 minutes of intervals, 1 minute flat out, 2 minute recovery.

    Distance covered 4.2 kilometers, calories burnt 388.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 20kg, 40kg, 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg 1X3
    Squats 100kg, 120kg, 1X1
    Squats 140kg 5X5

    OH Press 20kg, 40kg 1X5
    OH Press 50kg 5, 4, 4, 4, 3 - Second Fail

    Deadlift 60, 100kg 1X5
    Deadlift 130kg 1X5

    Chin ups 10kg 3X5
    1 legged prone bridges 3X30 seconds

    Bit of a cold today so wasnt feeling 100%. Squats were alright, not bothered moving the weight up as I am bo**oxed after 5 sets. Maybe in a few weeks but for now them on their own are a good workout.

    Annoyed about the press, one more try on the 50kg before I drop to 3X5 so hopefully I'll be able to do it on Monday. Deadlift was grand, inverted my grip so it was no problem, probably never needed to drop the weight at all, just invert my grip.

    Chin ups were tough after the Press and Deadlifts, since I am going to the gym in the evenings for cardio I might switch chin ups to those days as I reckon I could be doing much better then struggling on 10 kg.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Cardio session on the Cross Trainer this evening

    5 minutes warm up followed by 20 minutes of intervals, 1 minute flat out, 2 minute recovery.

    Distance covered 4.33 kilometers, calories burnt 391.

    Then I went to the folks and had a cup of tea and a large kit kat! useless.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 20kg, 40kg, 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg 1X3
    Squats 100kg, 120kg 1X1
    Squats 140kg 4X5X5X5X5 - Quite funny really!

    Bench 20kg, 40kg 1X5
    Bench 50kg 1X3
    Bench 60kg 1X1
    Bench 67.5kg 5X5X5X4X3 - Fail

    Barbell Row 70kg 5X5
    Tricep Dips 11, 8, 4
    Reverse Crunch 3X12

    Quite funny doing the squats, think I got a bit cocky, last rep of the first set I pretty much let the weight just fall on me and by the time I realised what I was doing it was too late and had to let the weight drop as my knees would have blown out. Was just odd but the rest of the squats were fine.

    Thought I would have got the bench, was just tired I guess, think I'll get it next time, maybe take a longer break, its an improvement on the last time I benched 67.5 anyways.

    Barbell row was grand but taking a bit longer then 30 seconds in between sets on the last 2-3.

    Tricep dips felt good as well. Really dont know why I do reverse crunches since I will never be able to see my Ab's but sure!

    Off to Galway now for the weekend, only bit of protein I'll probably get is whatever chicken wraps they have in Supermacs on Eyre's Square :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    mrpink6789 wrote: »
    Off to Galway now for the weekend, only bit of protein I'll probably get is whatever chicken wraps they have in Supermacs on Eyre's Square :P

    Great work mrpink!! Enjoy your weekend! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 20kg, 40kg, 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg 1X3
    Squats 100kg, 120kg 1X1
    Squats 140kg 5X5

    OH Press 20kg, 40kg 1X5
    OH Press 50kg 5X5X5X4X3 - Last fail, deload by 10% and switch to 3X5

    Deadlift 60, 100kg 1X3
    Deadlift 135kg 1X5

    Pull ups 6, 5, 4

    Hectic weekend so probably wasnt in the best of form this morning. All good though bar the OH Press but sure I never really thought I would make any more decent gains there. Looks like I have to switch to 3X5 now so I'll see how that goes. Maybe give me a chance to take longer rests in between sets. Deadlift was fine, no issues there. Was tired doing the pull ups though. Didnt have time for the prone bridges so I'll do them tomorrow after cardio.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Cardio session on the Cross Trainer this evening

    5 minutes warm up followed by 20 minutes of intervals, 1 minute flat out, 2 minute recovery.

    Distance covered 4.2 kilometers

    One legged Prone bridges 3X30 seconds

    397 calories burnt but then I had loads of pancakes and peanut butter :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 20, 40, 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80, 100kg 1X2
    Squats 120kg 1X1
    Squats 140kg 5X5

    Bench Press 20, 40kg 1X5
    Bench Press 60kg 1X1
    Bench Press 67.5kg 5X5 PB

    Barbell Row 72.5kg 5X5
    Tricep Dips 12, 7, 4

    Good session this morning, got a huge amoutn of sleep last night so it paid off. Squats were good although I think I went a bit low at one stage as my knee felt weird. Took a longer break (3 mins) between sets for the Bench Press so thats why I was able to get 5X5 I think, will do that from now on, hopefully I can increase my bench a good bit.

    Barbell row was good, tough enough as well so took a minute break in between sets. Not long now on Tricep dips before I can start adding weights, saw a guy last night with 40kg hanging down doing dips, didnt look "strong" by looking at him so fair play to him. Didnt have time to do reverse crunches so I'll do them tomorrow after cardio.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Cardio session on the Cross Trainer this evening

    5 minutes warm up followed by 20 minutes of intervals, 1 minute flat out, 2 minute recovery.

    Distance covered 4.1 kilometers

    Reverse Crunches 3X12

    Calories burned 451.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Didnt get time to update this yesterday!

    Squats 20kg, 40kg, 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg, 100kg 1X3
    Squats 120kg 1X1
    Squats 140kg 5X5

    OH Press 20kg 1X5
    OH Press 40kg 1X3
    OH Press 45kg 3X5

    Deadlift 60, 100kg 1X3
    Deadlift 140kg 1X3, 1X1, 1X1 - grip!

    Chin ups with 10 kg 3X5
    One legged prone bridges 3X30 seconds

    Squats were grand, might start increasing the weight on them again. Heading on holidays in 2 weeks though so might just wait until I am back. OH Press was grand, 3 sets makes a differeence so hopefully I can make good gains in that. My deadlift grip is shocking, thought I had it sussed, its my overhand grip on my "weaker" arm that gives way, will just jeep lifting 140 to see if the grip gets better, otherwise ill grab straps.

    Chin ups were tough enough as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 20kg, 40kg, 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg, 100kg, 1X2
    Squats 120kg 1X1
    Squats 140kg 5X5

    Bench Press 20, 40kg 1X5
    Bench Press 50kg 1X3
    Bench Press 60kg 1X1
    Bench Press 70kg 5X5X5X3X2 - 1st Fail

    Barbell Row 75kg 5X5
    Tricep Dips 13, 6, 5
    Reverse Crunches 3X12

    Leg was a bit sore today so my first set of Squats were not great, other 4 were good though so I must not have warmed up enough. Bench was tough but think I should get 5X5 soon, feeling better after taking a longer break.

    barbell row can sometimes feel awkward, maybe its because of my height and im conscious of not using my hips too much. Making sure my back is not rounded anyways which is the main thing. My grip is going to cause problems on this like it has on the deadlift soon enough.

    Tricep dips were good, will invest in a belt soon for them. Reverse crunches were surprisingly tough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Cardio session on the Cross Trainer this evening

    5 minutes warm up followed by 20 minutes of intervals, 1 minute flat out, 2 minute recovery.

    Distance covered 4.12 kilometers

    Calories burned 412.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 20kg, 40kg, 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg, 100kg, 1X2
    Squats 120kg 1X1
    Squats 140kg 5X5

    OH Press 20kg 1X5
    OH Press 30kg 1X3
    OH Press 40kg 1X1
    OH Press 47.5kg 3X5

    Deadlift 60kg, 100kg 1X3
    Deadlift 140kg 1X5 PB :)

    Pull ups 7, 6, 5
    One legged Prone Bridges 3X30 seconds

    Squats didnt feel good, very tired this morning. Legs are in bits these days as well, think my body is telling me to take a break. Will probably do 3 more sessions then I'm on holidays for 12 days so will be a good break.

    OH Press were good, 3 makes a difference and took a good rest in between. SO i found out what my issue with my deadlift was, it was the gloves I had! tried it today with no gloves and were fine, wasnt losing grip at all. My get callosis though so will have to watch that.

    Meh pull ups are always useless, nothing new there! Nice few days off now for Paddys.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Hmm like a lot of people on Total Fitness Sandyford has ruined my training!

    I have looked at Energie and WW and just doing bits and pieces rather then any full on training, think this is due to the fact that both places were mad busy in the evening!

    BHAF just said they will be open at 6am so I will test those lads out before I make a decision, altough looks like it only has 1 squat rack.

    Heading on holidays for 11 days on Friday, luckily the cruise ship has a gym so I'll be able to do something!

    The log should be back to normal mid April hopefully!


  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Man I feel out of shape, havent done a tap for the last 3 weeks due to gym closure and holidays! Back to it now.

    Started the couch to 5k program today just because the weather is so nice.

    Week 1, Day 1

    5 minute warm up then 60 seconds jogging followed by 90 seconds walking for 20 minutes, 5 minutes cool down.

    Felt grand doing this, fitter then I thought, last time I did it I was near 18 stone all fat, say Im about 15.5 stone now after the holidays but with a bit of muscle :P

    Anyways got lost on Marlay Park so ended up staying out for a good 1 hour 10 minutes in total.

    857 calories burnt which was good!

    Heading to Body Health and Fitness tomorrow to get back in to 5X5, hopefully the gym is not too packed as its handy and cheap so would like to join.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 20kg, 40kg, 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg 1X5
    Squats 100 1X1
    Squats 112.5kg 5X5 - so weak!

    Bench Press 15, 35kg 1X5
    Bench Press 50kg 1X3
    Bench Press 57.5kg 5X5

    Barbell Row 60kg 5X5
    Reverse Crunches 3X12

    First time back after 3 weeks and I felt terrible week. New gym as well so just didnt feel comfortable! Form wasnt great in Squats or Barbell row I felt, trainer corrected my barbell row as well. Going to put it down to new surroundings and not having done anything for 3 weeks.

    Couldnt to tricep dips because the bars were far too wobbly, thought the thing would collapse at one stage.

    Good to be back in to it though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Couch to 5k again

    Week 1, Day 2

    5 minute warm up then 60 seconds jogging followed by 90 seconds walking for 20 minutes, 5 minutes cool down.

    Legs were in bits today but got through it, squats tomorrow will be tough!

    840 calories burnt which was good!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 500 ✭✭✭Bruce7

    mrpink6789 wrote: »

    Couch to 5k again

    Week 1, Day 2

    5 minute warm up then 60 seconds jogging followed by 90 seconds walking for 20 minutes, 5 minutes cool down.

    Legs were in bits today but got through it, squats tomorrow will be tough!

    840 calories burnt which was good!


    How did you come up with that number? It seems like a lot of calories for a 12 minute walk and 8 minute jog. Don't mean to be negative or discouraging or anything, but you might want to check the method you are using if you are using these numbers as a basis for your diet.

    Good luck with the program in any case!
