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After 1 year of dieting I am now doing Stronglifts 5X5



  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats BW, 20kg, 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg 1X3
    Squats 110kg, 120kg, 130kg 1X1
    Squats 140kg 5X5

    Bench Press 20kg 1X5
    Bench Bress 40kg 1X3
    Bench Press 50kg, 60kg 1X1
    Bench Press 72.5kg 5X5X5X3X3 third fail

    Barbell Row 70kg 5X5
    Tricep Dips - 8, 5, 4

    15 minute cross trainer interval training

    Wasnt looking forward to today, had a wedding over the weekend so the legs were a bit sore from the dancing :P Squats were good though, was very tired from lack of sleep last night so Bench suffered a bit. Small improvement on last week so not going to deload just yet, will see how Friday goes! Barbell row felt a bit awkward on the lower back, may need a belt or do something to straighten that, not lifting it off the ground anymore so maybe Im putting too much pressure on the lower back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    4 mile walk. Thank God for the weather.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats BW, 20kg 1X5
    Squats 70kg, 80kg 1X3
    Squats 110kg, 120kg, 130kg 1X1
    Squats 140kg 5X5

    OH Press 20kg 1X5
    OH Press 30kg 1X3
    OH Press 40kg, 45kg, 50kg 1X1
    OH Press 55kg 3X5 - PB

    Deadlift 60kg, 100kg, 1X1
    Deadlift 150kg 1X5

    Cross trainer - 15 minutes

    Squats were tough today, not sure why but there you go. Delighted with everything else, didnt think i'd make 55 on the Press, deadlift was tough but think I can add a bit more to that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats BW, 20kg, 60kg 1X5
    Squats 80kg 1X3
    Squats 110kg, 120kg, 130kg 1X1
    Squats 140kg 5X5

    Bench Press 20kg 1X5
    Bench Bress 40kg 1X3
    Bench Press 50kg, 60kg 1X1
    Bench Press 72.5kg 5X5X5X5X3 fail

    Barbell Row 72.5kg 1X5
    Barbell Row 70kg 1X5
    Barbell Row 60kg 3X5

    Squats were tough, didnt get a whole lot of sleep the nigth before and the legs are starting to feel the effects of squatting heavy 3 times a week. Prob could have got the last 5 on the bench but the gym was empty so no spotters around. Ugh the barbell row, did it in front of a mirror for a change and my form was shocking. Thinking of changing the program anyways so going to look at dumbell rows for a while.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Right so I have 4 weeks technically off from work so going to do a new routine as the new place I will be moving to won't have a squat rack so just trying new different things out until I decide what to do.

    Going to do this for the next 4 weeks.

    Deadlift 80kg 2X10
    Chin ups 10, 6
    One arm dumbell rows 15kg 2X12
    Dumbell Shrugs 20kg 2X12
    Dumbell Curls 14kg 2X10
    Hammer curls 12kg 2X10
    Wrist Curls 8kg 2X12
    Preacher Curls 15kg 2X10
    Reverse Preacher Curls 10kg 2X12

    Hmm so nothing like a new routine to make you think if you actually built strength using your old one!
    Deadlifts were tough just because of the amount of reps but going to stick to that weight for them. Aiming for 2X10 for chin ups so will just keep at it. One arm dumbell rows were alright, will aim for 17.5kg the next time, Same with shrugs, could probably increase that by 2.5kg. Arms were sore at this stage so dumbless curls and hammer curls were tough! Got through them though so will stick to that weight next time around. Preacher curls were tough but again could manage. Could probably add another 2.5kg to the reverse preacher curls.

    All in all my arms were in bits afterwards so I'm happy with the workout. I thought I would have been stronger having done 5X5 for the last year but sure I suppose this is more isolation work!

    Did 20 minutes on the cross trainer as well. Started off for 3 minutes on resistance 1 then increased the resistence by 2 every minute for 7 minutes, then decreased it by 2 every minute for the next 7 minutes, then cooled down for 3 minutes.

    778 calories burnt for the workout.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Side lateral raises 6k 2X12
    Frotn dumbell raises 6kg 2X12
    Military Press 35kg 2X10
    Standing calf raises 60kg 2X12
    Seated Calf Raises 25kg 2X12
    Ab Crunch Machine 2X12
    Crunches 2X20

    20 minute interval training

    Lateral raises were fine, will increase that by a few kg the next time, same with dumbell raises, will increase that by at least 4kg the next time. Press was difficult, started at 40kg but better to drop down to 35kg which was still tough. Leg exercises were all grand, probably from doing squats the whole time! Liking the routine still but think I'd need to increase the legs a good bit as they are fairly strong. Body is still aching today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 60kg 6X12
    Leg Extensions 50kh 2X12
    Lying leg curls 54.5kg 2X12

    20 minute cross trainer.

    Not many leg machines up there so just did a good few squats, they were easy so prob going to add 5-10kg next time around. Legs were sorte today! Didnt really feel like a workout though, maybe cause my legs are fairly strong already but sure!

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Lying Dumbell curls 16kg 2X12
    Incline dumbell curls 14kg 2X12
    Butterflies 68kg 2X12
    Seated Barbell row 30kg 12, 6
    Seated tricep press 14kg 2X12
    Dips 6, 5
    Lying tricep press 12.5kg 2X12
    Standing tricep press 27kg 2X12

    15 minute cross trainer (was knackered today!)

    Good workout on the arms today, will feel that tomorrow. Can prob go up another weight on the lying dumbell curls, incline ones were tough enough though. Seated barbell row was very tough! Will drop that to 25kg next time around. Can prob go up a couple of kilos on the seated tricep press as well. Arms were in bits by the time the dips came around! Lying tricep press was alright, will prob move up to 15 on that and the standing one was tough!

    All in all I like a lot of elements of the new routine so will stick with it for the next few weeks at least.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Deadlift 80kg 2X10
    Chin ups 10, 6
    One arm dumbell rows 18kg 2X12
    Dumbell Shrugs 25kg 2X12
    Dumbell Curls 14kg 2X10
    Hammer curls 12kg 2X10
    Wrist Curls 10kg 2X12
    Preacher Curls 17.5kg 2X10
    Reverse Preacher Curls 12.5kg 2X12

    20 minutes on the cross trainer.

    Felt better doing this workout today, was able to increase the weights in a lot of the exercises. Will prob only increase the weight in the one arm dumbell curls next time around.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Side lateral raises 10kg 2X12
    Frotn dumbell raises 10kg 2X12
    Military Press 35kg 2X10
    Standing calf raises 80kg 2X12
    Seated Calf Raises 30kg 2X12
    Ab Crunch Machine 2X12
    Crunches 2X20

    20 minute interval training

    Increased a lot of the weights today, shoulders were in bits afterwards so the calf raises with the squat bar felt heavy on my back! everything else was sound though, will prob stick to those weights for a bit.

    had a game of pitch and putt today, dont think that counts as a training log :P

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  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 70kg 6X12
    Leg Extensions 54.5kg 2X12
    Lying leg curls 54.5kg 2X12
    Cable Machine Back Row 50kg 2X12

    20 minute cross trainer.

    Nice easy legs workout today, might chance another 5kg on the squats next time around. Will increase the leg curls as well. Added in the Back row machine just to add something to it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Lying Dumbell curls 20kg 2X12
    Incline dumbell curls 15kg 2X12
    Butterflies 68kg 2X12
    Seated Barbell row 25kg 12, 27.5kg 10
    Seated tricep press 16kg 12, 18kg 10
    Dips 7, 4
    Lying tricep press 15kg 12, 17.5kg 9
    Standing tricep press 27kg 2X12

    20 minute cross trainer

    could increase a lot today but some i should have stayed at the same weight! happy with the workout today, the arms were sore afterwards so looking forward to a rest now for the bank holiday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Deadlift 80kg 2X10
    Chin ups 7, 6
    One arm dumbell rows 20kg 2X12
    Dumbell Shrugs 25kg 2X12
    Dumbell Curls 14kg 2X10
    Hammer curls 12kg 2X10
    Wrist Curls 10kg 2X12
    Preacher Curls 17.5kg 2X10
    Reverse Preacher Curls 12.5kg 1X12, 15kg 1X12

    20 minutes on the cross trainer.

    ASlways tough hitting the gym after a bank holiday but glad I went. Increased the weight on a couple of things since last time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Side lateral raises 10kg 2X12
    Frotn dumbell raises 10kg 2X12
    Military Press 35kg 12, 8
    Standing calf raises 80kg 2X12
    Seated Calf Raises 30kg 2X12
    Ab Crunch Machine 2X12
    Crunches 2X20

    20 minute interval training

    Man the shoulders were sore after the first 3 exercises!

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 70kg 6X12
    Leg Extensions 54.5kg 12, 59kg 12
    Lying leg curls 54.5kg 12, 59kg 12
    Cable Machine Back Row 50kg 12, 54.5kg 12
    Bench Press 55kg 8 , 45kg 12

    20 minute cross trainer.

    Was sick last week so missed a couple of days. Added the bench to the legs workout just because I miss doing it! Will prob settle at 50kg 2X12 for that one. Glad I could increase a lot of the other weights as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Lying Dumbell curls 20kg 2X12
    Incline dumbell curls 15kg 2X12
    Butterflies 68kg 12, 73kg 12
    Seated Dumbell row 12kg 12, 10
    Seated tricep press 18kg 12, 10
    Dips 4, 3
    Lying tricep press 17.5kg 12, 10
    Standing tricep press 27kg 2X12

    20 minute cross trainer

    Happy with everything except the dips, did them last and was shattered by the time they came around!

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Deadlift 80kg 2X10
    Chin ups 8, 6
    One arm dumbell rows 20kg 12, 22.5kg 12
    Dumbell Shrugs 25kg 12, 30kg 12
    Dumbell Curls 14kg 2X12
    Hammer curls 12kg 2X10
    Wrist Curls 12kg 2X12
    Preacher Curls 17.5kg 12, 10
    Reverse Preacher Curls 15kg 2X10

    20 minute cross trainer

    Arms were sore after today, increased some weights but kept a lot the same.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Side lateral raises 10kg 2X12
    Frotn dumbell raises 10kg 2X12
    Military Press 32.5kg 12, 12
    Standing calf raises 80kg 2X12
    Seated Calf Raises 30kg 12, 32.5kg 12
    Ab Crunch Machine 2X12
    Crunches 2X20

    20 minute interval training

    Decreased the military press so I could get 2X12. Shoulders were sore after all that. Leg exercises are grand, could prob increase a lot but the squat bar feels heavy after all the shoulder exercises

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 70kg 6X12
    Leg Extensions 59kg 12, 63.5kg 12
    Lying leg curls 59kg 2X12
    Cable Machine Back Row 54.5kg 2X12
    Bench Press 50kg 12 , 7

    20 minute cross trainer.

    Squats were fine but was tired at the end. Cable rows were fine. Bench was tough on the second set so will prob go for 47.5kg for now. Leg extensions were fine. Lying leg curls were tough so wont increase them!

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Lying Dumbell curls 20kg 2X12
    Incline dumbell curls 15kg 2X12
    Butterflies 73kg 12, 78.5kg 12
    Seated Dumbell row 12kg 2X12
    Standing Dumbell Tricep Press 8k 2X12
    Dips 8, 3
    Lying tricep press 20kg 8, 8
    Standing tricep press 27kg 12, 32kg 12

    20 minute cross trainer

    Diet hasnt been great, well its been great for losing weight as I have been eating f-all but Im feeling it in the gym because Im back to eating at breakfast lunch and dinner instead of smaller meals every few hours. Started a new job so didnt want to crack open the cans of tuna on the first week! :P

    Either way some improvements which I am happy with. Im feeling more toned anyways although still have to drop a bit of weight in my own mind.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Deadlift 80kg 2X10
    Chin ups 4, 3
    One arm dumbell rows 22.5kg 12, 25kg 12
    Dumbell Shrugs 30kg 2X12
    Dumbell Curls 14kg 12, 10
    Hammer curls 12kg 12, 10
    Wrist Curls 12kg 2X12
    Preacher Curls 17.5kg 12, 20kg 12
    Reverse Preacher Curls 15kg 2X10

    20 minute cross trainer

    few weight sincreased this time around again. Left the chin ups till last so they werent great but the rest were so think i will do that from now on, when i did the chin ups first i was knackered for the rest because i'm clearly a fat ba**ard :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Side lateral raises 10kg 2X12
    Frotn dumbell raises 10kg 12, 12kg 12
    Military Press 32.5kg 2X12
    Standing calf raises 82.5kg 2X12
    Seated Calf Raises 32.5kg 2X12
    Ab Crunch Machine 2X12

    20 minute interval training

    felt good doing todays workout. increased the front dumbell raises the second time around but wont be able to increase the side lateral raises yet. press was tough but got through it. leg exercises were grand. didnt have time to do crunches today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 72.5kg 6X12
    Leg Extensions 63.5kg 2X12
    Lying leg curls 59kg 2X12
    Cable Machine Back Row 59kg 2X12
    Bench Press 47.5kg 12 , 12

    20 minute cross trainer.

    Increased a couple of the leg exercises again, wrecked after the squats, decreased the bench, last 2 reps of the second set I had to take a couple of seconds break in between but glad I got through it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Lying Dumbell curls 20kg 2X12
    Incline dumbell curls 15kg 2X12
    Butterflies 78.5kg 2X12
    Seated Dumbell row 12kg 2X12
    Standing Dumbell Tricep Press 8k 2X12
    Dips 4, 4
    Lying tricep press 17.5kg 2X12
    Standing tricep press 32kg 12X2

    20 minute cross trainer

    Happy with today, left the dips till last so i wasnt wrecked for everything else. Feeling stronger as time goes by, not eating half as much as I used to so defo have to sort out the diet so I'm not running on empty when I go to the gym.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Deadlift 80kg 2X10
    Chin ups 5, 4
    One arm dumbell rows 25kg 2X12
    Dumbell Shrugs 30kg 2X12
    Dumbell Curls 14kg 12, 10
    Hammer curls 14kg 2X12
    Wrist Curls 14kg 2X12
    Preacher Curls 20kg 2X12
    Reverse Preacher Curls 15kg 2X12

    20 minute cross trainer

    Increased a few of the weights which I was happy with. Looking forward now to a bit of a rest for a few days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Side lateral raises 10kg 2X12
    Frotn dumbell raises 12kg 2X12
    Military Press 32.5kg 2X12
    Standing calf raises 82.5kg 2X12
    Seated Calf Raises 32.5kg 2X12
    Ab Crunch Machine 2X12

    20 minute interval training

    All grand today, happy with everything, can prob increase the leg exercises as well next time around.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Squats 72.5kg 6X12
    Leg Extensions 63.5kg 12, 68kg 12
    Lying leg curls 63.5kg 2X12
    Cable Machine Back Row 59kg 12, 63.5 12
    Bench Press 47.5kg 2X12

    20 minute cross trainer.

    Good workout today, bench was easier as well so hopefully start to make progress in that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Lying Dumbell curls 20kg 2X12
    Incline dumbell curls 15kg 2X12
    Butterflies 78.5kg 12, 82kg 12
    Seated Dumbell row 12kg 2X12
    Standing Dumbell Tricep Press 8k 2X12 - will try 10kg next week
    Dips 4, 3
    Lying tricep press 17.5kg 2X12
    Standing tricep press 32kg 2X12

    20 minute cross trainer

    another good day, feeling stronger in a lot of the exercises

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Deadlift 80kg 2X12
    Chin ups 5, 4
    One arm dumbell rows 25kg 2X12
    Dumbell Shrugs 30kg 2X12
    Dumbell Curls 14kg 2X12
    Hammer curls 14kg 2X12
    Wrist Curls 14kg 2X12
    Preacher Curls 20kg 12, 22.5kg 12
    Reverse Preacher Curls 17.5kg 2X12

    20 minute cross trainer

    Increased a lot today so in good form. Arms were in bits afterwards though!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789


    Side lateral raises 10kg 2X12
    Frotn dumbell raises 12kg 2X12
    Military Press 35kg 2X10
    Standing calf raises 85kg 2X12
    Seated Calf Raises 32.5kg 2X12
    Ab Crunch Machine 2X12
    Crunches 2X20

    20 minute interval training

    Increased a couple of things so happy with that, defo feeling bigger on the shoulders.
