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Monster in the making :)

  • 03-09-2010 7:20pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭

    Age: 24

    Weight: 73kg

    Height: 5 ft 9

    Started 'The Starting Strength Practical Programming Novice Program' today and thought id start a log and stop all the lurking. Although ive done some weights before im definitely not in anyway advanced and thought that a well-structured and well-tested workout routine would be a great way of getting stronger and faster. Im mainly keeping the log in order to stay focused and motivated and also to avail of any advice from all you guys. I recognize that my lifts have started out quite light but im committed to increasing these as much as possible. For anyone who isnt familiar with it this is the program:

    Workout A
    3x5 Squat
    3x5 Bench press / Press (Alternating)
    Chin-ups: 3 sets to failure or add weight if completing more than 15 reps

    Workout B
    3x5 Squat
    3x5 Press / Bench Press (Alternating)
    1x5 Deadlift

    Workout C
    3x5 Squat
    3x5 Bench Press / Press (Alternating)
    Pull-ups: 3 sets to failure or add weight if completing more than 15 reps

    Im hoping that committing to the 3 sessions a week with proper rest days will afford me the best chance of reaching my goals.

    Squat: 100kg
    Deadlift: No idea as i havent done it before :confused:
    Chins: 3 sets of 15
    Pullups: 3 sets of 15

    I look forward to your ongoing criticism and advice... hopefully anyway.... time to get my strength on :) eek:eek:



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Work out A

    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x5
    50kg - 3x5

    Bench press
    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x5
    45kg - 3x5


    Im resisting the urge to get greedy with my start off weights and instead the plan is to continually and consistently increase the kgs.

    Squat felt fine, just like a good stretch really. Focused on technique and stayed at this weight as the bar slowed a little bit.

    Bench was the same. Found it quite easy. (im sure this will change in a week or so) :pac:

    Chins - think i busted it on the first set and probably should have taken more rest between the second and last.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Workout B

    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x5
    50kg - 1x2
    55kg - 3x5

    20kg - 2x5
    30kg - 1x5
    35kg - 3x5

    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x5

    Squats were grand, i made sure i got good and deep :)

    Press was fine but had a slight bit of shoulder pain due to a previous footballing injury.

    I didnt want to rush the deadlift without proper technique so im gonna study a few more vids and try and nail it. But the 40kg felt really light...probably cause it is :o

    I cant wait to get those numbers up now :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Workout C

    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x3
    50kg - 1x2
    60kg - 3x5

    Bench Press
    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x3
    50kg - 3x5


    Felt kinda horrible after a lock-in down the boozer on sunday...:( But carried on and pushed it out anywho.

    Squats are finally feeling like im gettin a bit of resistance but still grand just takes a little push to get back up :)

    Bench press again felt fine.

    Pull ups was frustrating as i was so close to 11 and 9 in the first two sets but good to at least add 1 onto my chin up numbers :)

    Just after a savage fry-up :) gooooooood times :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Workout A

    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x3
    55kg - 1x2
    65kg - 3x5

    20kg - 2x5
    30kg - 1x3
    40kg - 3x5


    Squat felt like a controlled challenge. Good form throughout although quite slow on the last rep. I know ill be fine for 70kg on sunday but should i perhaps do 67.5kg to keep my technique solid? hmmm

    Same story with the press....

    1st set of chins felt real easy and couldn't believe i did so many *proud* :D
    2nd and 3rd were also relatively big improvements.

    Overall happy with the lifts and the technique but abit concerned about sacrificing one for the other. Previous PR's possibly adding to this....

  • Registered Users Posts: 75 ✭✭JimmyR

    yeah I think your making too big of jumps mate.

    If you feel the lifts are getting tough already then you want to lower the increase.

    Go to 2.5kg increase for squat and find something that weighs around 1kg and tape it to the bar or something for upper body lifts. You want to continue the linear progression for as long as possible.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Workout B

    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x3
    60kg - 1x2
    67.5kg - 3x5

    Bench Press
    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x3
    50kg - 1x2
    55kg - 3x5

    20kg - 1x5
    40kg - 1x5
    50kg - 1x5

    Moderately glad i didnt jump up another 5kg as i found the squats quite hard and struggled to keep them as good form as they've been. With the last rep or two i found the shoulders moving a little slower up than the hips. My 3x5 PR has been 82.5 but i honestly think my technique must have been balls with little to no depth previously :( got my brother to video me on set 2 and they look good to me but i should get something up for a critique shortly.

    Some shoulder pain again with the bench but apart from that it was grand.

    I was happy enough with the deads - still quite light for me :)

    cheers for the advice Jimmy R! :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Workout C

    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x3
    60kg - 1x2
    70kg - 3x5

    20kg - 2x5
    30kg - 1x3
    40kg - 1x2
    42.5kg - 3x5


    Squats - very pleased with these :)
    Press - went grand but may struggle with 45kg. Have no idea how i would go about adding 1kg to the bar :o
    Pull-ups - arms were drained for the second set.. i dont know what happened here but i suppose i added 1 on to the total from my last workout C :pac:

    On a side i need to replace my myprotein impact whey as its running low and was considering some creatine from there too.... any opinions?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,930 ✭✭✭duckysauce


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Workout A

    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x3
    72.5kg - 3x5

    Bench Press
    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x3
    50kg - 1x2
    57.5kg - 3x5


    Apart from the squats feeling heavy everything went fine :) Ordered my impact whey chocmint but decided against the creatine after digging up a few threads on the subject.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Workout B

    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x5
    52.5kg - 1x3
    70kg - 1x2
    75kg - 3x5 BW

    20kg - 2x5
    30kg - 1x3
    40kg - 1x2
    45kg - 3x5

    20kg - 1x5
    40kg - 2x5
    60kg - 3x5

    BW squat = :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Workout C

    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x3
    70kg - 1x2
    77.5kg - 3x5

    Bench Press
    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x5
    50kg - 1x3
    60kg - 3x5


    Squats felt very heavy tonight but got 'em pushed out anyway.

    Bench felt grand feel like ive loads left here...:cool:

    After the first set of pullups i felt emptied but added a few from the last session. Hoping for a few PB's over the next week or two in all lifts :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Workout A

    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x3
    70kg - 1x2
    80kg - 3x5

    20kg - 2x5
    30kg - 1x3
    40kg - 1x2
    47.5kg - 2x5 1x4 Fail :(


    Damn you arthurs day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

    Very bad and hungover session today... forced myself into the gym.
    Squats werent the best reps but got them all banged out. Chins felt horrible nothin in the tank.

    Very disappointed with the press. Failed the last rep. It didnt feel as heavy as i just felt drained. Dont think ill reset due to the tiredness and hangover i was suffering.


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,025 ✭✭✭d'Oracle

    Very disappointed with the press. Failed the last rep. It didnt feel as heavy as i just felt drained. Dont think ill reset due to the tiredness and hangover i was suffering.

    It happens.
    As you get tired you can loose your form and not realise.
    Bar only has to move a little bit forward to kill your rep at the end of a set.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Cheers d'Oracle. Re-read the starting strength wiki and i realised ive got 3 strikes before a reset. Im fairly confident I can make the reps on tuesday. Onwards and upwards.:cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Workout B

    20kg - 2x5
    50kg - 1x5
    65kg - 1x3
    75kg - 1x2
    82.5kg - 3x5

    Bench Press
    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x5
    50kg - 1x3
    60kg - 1x2
    65kg - 3x5 PB

    50kg - 2x5
    60kg - 1x3
    70kg - 3x5

    Personal best on the bench :) I couldn't remember if i did 60 or 62.5 last tuesday so i bumped it up anyway and found it totally fine. Really pleased with this... hopefully loads more in the tank :)

    Squats - 1st and 3rd set felt grand. Stumbled on the 2nd set and found the 4th and 5th rep quite hard.

    Deadlift - really think i need to look at my form here as i have a bit of pain in my lower back. /runs off to youtube.

    Can't wait til tuesday when if all goes to plan ill be recording PB's on the squat and press too.:cool:

    Also big thanks to Kim Wilde for providing the background moosic to my bench PB :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Workout C

    20kg - 2x5
    50kg - 1x5
    65kg - 1x3
    77.5kg - 1x2
    85kg - 3x5 PB

    20kg - 2x5
    30kg - 1x5
    42.5kg - 1x3
    47.5kg - 3x5 PB


    Had to push training forward a day due to my Rover 25 acting the candyman.

    Although 2PBs = :D

    Squats felt real heavy and technique was probably shaky for the last rep or two of each set but i pushed them out so go me :)

    Overhead press felt grand - must have been fridays hangover...

    Pull ups *gah* seem to have stalled a bit. I might try and do a few sets at home outside of the program to remedy this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Workout A

    20kg - 2x5
    50kg - 1x5
    65kg - 1x3
    80kg - 1x2
    87.5kg - 3x5 PB

    Bench Press
    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x5
    52.5kg - 1x3
    62.5kg - 1x2
    67.5kg - 3x5 PB


    Squats felt realllllllllllly heavy so there was increased rest time and shaky reps but i got there and its another welcome PB :)

    Bench press felt relatively easy the last session but these were challenging. Very happy with it though :)

    Chins were solid. May not have been moving that much due to the fact im now 12stone or 76kg :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    No gym in a week due to moving into a new house, university, hangovers and other poor excuses.

    Workout B

    20kg - 2x5
    50kg - 1x5
    65kg - 1x3
    77.5kg - 1x2
    85kg - 3x5

    20kg - 2x5
    30kg - 1x5
    40kg - 1x3
    45kg - 1x2
    50kg - 3x5 PB

    50kg - 2x5
    60kg - 1x3
    70kg - 1x2
    80kg - 1x5 PB

    Felt i would have struggled big time with the squats so knocked them back a session.

    PB's in the press and deadlift were nice and felt grand.

    No more missed sessions - mr. consistency from now on :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Workout C

    20kg - 2x5
    50kg - 1x5
    67.5kg - 1x3
    80kg - 1x2
    87.5kg - 3x5

    Bench Press
    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x5
    55kg - 1x3
    65kg - 1x2
    70kg - 3x5 PB


    Squats were fine although for some reason rep 5 was hairy in each set but i knew id get it up.

    Bench felt heavy but happy i busted em out :)

    Pull ups were piss poor... really gonna have to start my offdays with 3 sets to failure...

    BW bench not too far away :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Workout A

    20kg - 2x5
    60kg - 1x5
    70kg - 1x3
    80kg - 1x2
    90kg - 3x5 PB

    20kg - 2x5
    30kg - 1x5
    40kg - 1x3
    50kg - 1x2
    52.5kg - 1x5 1x4 1x2 Fail


    **** session.....squats were ****ing killer the last 2 reps in each set both being all over the place and probably high. In two mind whether to stick with this weight on friday?

    Press - i have no idea how 50 was comfortable and 52.5 totally crushed me.... the week off mustnt have helped.... gutted.

    Chins - absolutely ragin with myself at this stage and also wrecked. Was on a tight schedule to get to class so rushing everything defo didnt help.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Workout B

    Yesterday's workout

    20kg - 2x5
    50kg - 1x5
    70kg - 1x3
    82.5kg - 1x2
    90kg - 3x5

    Bench Press
    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x5
    50kg - 1x3
    65kg - 1x2
    72.5kg - 3x5 PB

    60kg - 2x5
    70kg - 1x3
    80kg - 1x2
    90kg - 1x5 PB

    Squat still felt heavy and sets 1 and 2 were almost more brute force and ignorance but when i relaxed and focused on hip drive the last set felt better. Going to stick with this weight for one more session hopefully.

    Bench press was the hardest yet - i was moving my body under the bar to get it up as i had no spotter. Ill take the PB tho.

    Deadlift - this is getting heavy....

    I feel my newb gains are running out....:pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Workout C

    20kg - 2x5
    50kg - 1x5
    70kg - 1x3
    82.5kg - 1x2
    90kg - 2x5 1x4 Fail

    20kg - 2x5
    30kg - 1x5
    40kg - 1x3
    45kg - 1x2
    52.5kg - 2x5 1x4 Fail



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Workout A


    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x5
    70kg - 1x3
    80kg - 1x2
    90kg - 3x5

    Bench Press
    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x3
    70kg - 1x2
    75kg - 2x5 1x4 Fail


    My squat technique was alot better but after 3 sessions of this weight it still feels heavy. Im gonna try and hit 92.5 next session and if im destined to fail i probably should get it over with so i can reset. I focused on sitting down into the squat and driving my ass out of it a la rippletoe.

    Bench was a challenge but i probably could have got the last rep but i was too scared to go for it with no spotter.

    On a side note my workout took me 1hr30min approx (about 40 min for squat 30min for bench and 20min for chins) - is this too long? i really felt i needed the recovery...:pac:

    Finding it harder to stay positive when the progress has seemingly stalled :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Workout B

    20kg - 2x5
    50kg - 1x5
    65kg - 1x3
    82.5kg - 1x2
    92.5kg - 1x5 1x3 1x1 Fail

    20kg - 2x5
    30kg - 1x5
    40kg - 1x3
    45kg - 1x2
    52.5kg - 2x5 1x4 Fail - Reset

    60kg - 2x5
    70kg - 1x3
    90kg - 1x2
    100kg - 1x5 PB

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    100kg - 1x5 PB

    Nice one:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Thanks G86, i suppose every cloud has a silver lining :)

    Also great work on the DL yourself!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Workout C


    20kg - 2x5
    50kg - 1x5
    65kg - 1x3
    82.5kg - 1x2
    92.5kg - 2x3 1x1 Fail

    Bench Press
    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x5
    50kg - 1x3
    65kg - 1x2
    75kg - 1x5 1x4 1x3 Fail


    A combination of trying to improve my form and heavy weight is making me suck. Im going to reset my squat and work back up with uber technique from wednesday :(

    Disappointing bench press also - only failed in the last set the last time i was benching :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Workout A


    20kg - 2x5
    45kg - 1x5
    65kg - 1x3
    75kg - 1x2
    82.5kg - 3x5

    20kg - 2x5
    30kg - 1x5
    40kg - 1x3
    47.5kg - 2x5 1x4 Fail



    Squats were hard but i kept good form throughout and focused on keeping my back straight and pushing up with hip drive. I know longer feel like im doing whatever i can to get the weight up - ill try my best with good form *i think* and if i fail... i fail.

    I think i screwed myself on the press by taking very little recovery - although im not sweating it ill get them the next time.

    After watching the rippletoe vid on fixing the hip drive in the squat ive put it into practice. Im definately feeling it more on my hammys but my lower back was in bits even through the warmup... is this normal? It was a dull doms-like pain which subsided after the workout.:confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    Lower back pain on the warm ups doesnt sound too good, maybe upload a video so people can see your form? I get a minor dull like pain about 7-8 hours afterwards for an hourish but definitely not during or straight after.

    Like you I didn't take enough recovery at 45k on the press so I paid for it by failing on my last set, should get it next time.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Workout B

    Fridays Session

    20kg - 2x5
    45kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x3
    75kg - 1x2
    85kg - 3x5

    Bench Press
    20kg - 2x5
    40kg - 1x5
    55kg - 1x3
    65kg - 1x2
    75kg - 1x5 1x4 1x5 Fail Reset

    60kg - 2x5
    80kg - 1x3
    100kg - 1x2
    110kg - 1x4 1x1 Fail

    @mrpink: thanks man i have a few vids on my phone but cant figure out how to get them on the computer yet - must look into it. Friday's session wasnt painful at all though so hopefully thats the end of it.

    Squats were grand - nice deep and controlled :)

    Almost got murdered under the bench for the 2nd set as i didnt have a spotter :( Wont be doing that again :(

    Would have had the deadlift but my grip slipped. Might be time to invest in some chalk...
