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What is going on in Wexford! COUNCIL WAKE UP!

  • 07-09-2010 2:54pm
    Registered Users Posts: 293 ✭✭


    born and raised a wexford town man and dam proud of it... been living outside of wexford for 8 or 9 years but have since moved back. delighted with the changes initially and love wexford as a whole but a few things starting to really frustrate me...

    1. previous to letters to the people newspapers about litter i was actually in the process of writing one to them myself until i seen one already published. I was dismayed at the state of the main street after 6 o clock in the evening each day and when everybody had cleared off after the shops have been closed. Litter strewn along the man street, empty pringles bottles, paper bags and all sorts.. of course its a small section ... most of the main street is kept littler free and its a shock when you come to a part where there is empty coke cans and all sorts in different sections.... this needs to be sorted asap...

    i was absolutely embarrassed to walk down the street one night with my girlfriend when i met a visiting tourist walking along the main street with luggage and he simply had to dodge the litter. CCTV camera's, a street sweep after 6 once all business has closed, MUCH MORE BINS and more wardens or fine for offending litter bugs needed badly. Along with this of course vigilant community action needed.

    before you say it.. ihave often been walking the town and seen litter thrown all over the place and have picked it up and disposed of it at the nearest bin... although it does take a bit of a walk to get to one! COUNCIL SORT IT OUT !!!!

    2. wexford badly needs a shopping centre... i find myself travelling to waterford, kilkenny and dublin alot for shopping, clothes, groceries,technology. i know wexford can provide these as well but an indoor covered area is needed. look at last sunday? bucketing down with rain at a level that you just could not justify trudging form one end of the town to the other for shopping. a proper Mall / shopping centre is needed badly... it will keep money in the town and also if done right attract more people to the town... it makes sence. this is in no way an attack on small business and i llove the small shops in wexford and the town in general... but we need to move forward and QUICKLY.

    3. WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH DUNNES STORES AND ITS REDEVELOPMENT? i know they were refused for two storey building with car park because of the auburn terrace situation and the boutique hotel of a prominent local businessman but what are the future plans for dunnes ?

    4. We need a bigger Bus/ Train station or at least a separate bus station whic actually has room to house the number of buses which frequent the station and its customers need PROPER FACILITIES !

    5. the old wexford electronics plot near maudlintown?? whats happening? derry mcphillips had secured the area for his trinity warf idea until everthing went belly there any more plans for somthing else ?

    6. The amount of shops closing in the town has been distressing but then again im very optimistic about how fast it seems new shops are taking their place and taking over certain premises on the main street and trying somthing new in them... well done to all involved.

    7. whats happening with the old dunnes stores site on the main street.. a complete eyesore as is the old lowneys mall area, old tesco site and south main street in general.... are they going to revamp that end of the town soon like the south side... and cobble it ... i know there was problems with the old woolshop area and foundation difficulties etc... but somthing must be done soon..the street with its broken up tarmac and patched areas looks an utter disgrace. i did hear roumers of M&S moving into the old dunnes store on the main street?

    8. are they going to cobble the monck street area and leave it closed off for bars etc... its fantastic in the summer and the winter for those brave enough... it would be a very welcomed addition...

    9. why dont they have cafe bars open on the quayfront... beautiful area showing off the beautiful wexford bay area but nothing done... this is standard fare in most cities and europe and makes total sence... i know there was concerns for peopole not using coffee shops etc up town but even if they opened after 6 in the evening and even IF ONLY for summer time it would be much welcomed.... i heard someone already approached the council about this and they got refused for above reasons.... taking business away from the centre... its ridiculous... even if the shops only served tea coffee's and cakes etc.. or even a wine licence im sure people would flock to these areas in their droves.... i live on wexford quayfront and it would be sensational. the bars along thew quayside could have their own stalls and serve food or beverage from accross the roadside... not ideal i hear you all say becuase of busy road and the going back and forth but its done throughout the rest of europe so why not !!

    10. What are the council doing to promote new business in wexford.. yet again i hear of a shopping village to be located in waterford creating over 200 new jobs and yet more retialing outlets and no doubt migration of money from the wexford economy! COME ON !!!!

    the sum up :

    i think certain business people in wexford have a stranglehold and are all protecting their patch, this needs to stop. the county council need to get some vision and move forward. nobody wants to see the town ruined with offensive blocks of buildings and the historic quarter of the town needs to still shine but we need to make advances to keep our brilliant town alive....


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 135 ✭✭furerer

    I second that wexfordwarrior. I've been ranting of late about the filth around the countryside, dog mess, and general lack of upkeep overall. The Wexford councillors along with the Enniscorthy councillors seem to do nothing but put out displays of flowers.........nothing wrong with the flowers........but there are more pressing issues.

  • Registered Users Posts: 431 ✭✭David900

    A lot of the points you have outlined are more to do with the current economic conditions than the work of the councilors. My personal opinion on your second point is that Wexford absolutely does not need a shopping centre. I spend a lot of time outside of Wexford but do all my shopping when I'm down here as the choice of things like clothes for the most part is different than the stuff I could pick up in a identical shopping centre be it Dublin, Cork etc. I think planners are right on this point - that a shopping centre would detract from the Main Street.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,327 ✭✭✭Nasty_Girl

    They could erect some kind of canopy over the main street!

    I love shopping in Wexford and I live in Dublin, but that's just me.

    I do agree with the train/bus station stuff.

    There's nothing worse than getting off a 3 hour bus journey and the train station is locked so there's no where to go to the toilet - apart from a friendly local business who've helped me out a few times.
    It's not really a matter for the council though is it? Surely that one is up to Irish rail and Bus Eireann to provide it?

    As for litter, well as a former litter picker of Wexford County Council I would be devestated to think of Wexford being littered :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 6 aranhill

    I am new to posting here all i wanted to say is i have been out of work for near 3 years i have done some courses and that to keep myself busy.My point here is now some jobs are coming to Wexford like the new call Centre and there will be more jobs i hope comeing to wexford and i was lucky enough to get a job i live outside Wexford more the Harbour side i get the bus in to try get to work since downturn in work i dont have a car as maybe lots don't but i think from that point there should be Bus Eireain bus stops out side the farmers kitchen and around that area so people can get to work in that area we have Mc Donalds the insurance offices there and some factory's there there should be some kind oif stops around so all from around wexford can get to work ok i know they cant put stops all over the place but what bus Eireain stops we do have they seem in the wrong spots or maybe a private bus service that could charge fares and at end of day its cheaper on bus then driving so i feel it would be used if there was stops in places that was of use well we could cycle rest of way to work also cutting down on fumes and helping the planet so be less cars on road anyway only an idea help get Wexford back working when the jobs do come in we are in the dark ages no company's will come here if there no way around to getting work we need better transport for the local people no one wants be on the dole.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,859 ✭✭✭bmaxi

    aranhill wrote: »
    I am new to posting here all i wanted to say is i have been out of work for near 3 years i have done some courses and that to keep myself busy.My point here is now some jobs are coming to Wexford like the new call Centre and there will be more jobs i hope comeing to wexford and i was lucky enough to get a job i live outside Wexford more the Harbour side i get the bus in to try get to work since downturn in work i dont have a car as maybe lots don't but i think from that point there should be Bus Eireain bus stops out side the farmers kitchen and around that area so people can get to work in that area we have Mc Donalds the insurance offices there and some factory's there there should be some kind oif stops around so all from around wexford can get to work ok i know they cant put stops all over the place but what bus Eireain stops we do have they seem in the wrong spots or maybe a private bus service that could charge fares and at end of day its cheaper on bus then driving so i feel it would be used if there was stops in places that was of use well we could cycle rest of way to work also cutting down on fumes and helping the planet so be less cars on road anyway only an idea help get Wexford back working when the jobs do come in we are in the dark ages no company's will come here if there no way around to getting work we need better transport for the local people no one wants be on the dole.

    Welcome to Boards. No offence but you really need to work on your punctuation, your post is virtually impossible to read.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 28,403 ✭✭✭✭vicwatson

    OP - while I agree with the vast majority of your points, it's fair to point out that it's 2013 and not 2004.

    No mun no fun, and that means that while the Councils funding is also down, there is just not the people out there spending their cash on coffees and cakes - especially not in the evening times.

    One thing of note though, there is not a pub in town that serves pub food up till 9 o'clock in at least the summer months, need food, go to whites, riverbank, talbot or a restaurant. Pity that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,246 ✭✭✭Poochie05

    I agree with a lot of your points OP but just one thing - I think you are being a bit unfair giving out about the council not dealing with litter, it's the people who throw litter you should be giving out about.
    It's our money they have to use to clean up after the few who think it is OK to just drop their rubbish on the street. Now admittedly a few more stiff fines might deter people but I suspect even if there was a bin every 50 metres I would imagine these people would still throw it. The amount of people I see just dropping something without even looking for a bin is shocking. When I see this I usually pick it up and run after them saying 'Excuse me, you've dropped something' in my most polite and friendly manner and they usually say thanks and take it from me, unsure of what to do :D
    What's wrong with putting it in your pocket until you find a bin or get home?

    And don't get me started on dog sh*te, you can't walk down the street from Tesco to the Main Street without having to dodge the stuff! :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,403 ✭✭✭✭vicwatson

    Poochie05 wrote: »
    I agree with a lot of your points OP but just one thing - I think you are being a bit unfair giving out about the council not dealing with litter, it's the people who throw litter you should be giving out about.
    It's our money they have to use to clean up after the few who think it is OK to just drop their rubbish on the street. Now admittedly a few more stiff fines might deter people but I suspect even if there was a bin every 50 metres I would imagine these people would still throw it. The amount of people I see just dropping something without even looking for a bin is shocking. When I see this I usually pick it up and run after them saying 'Excuse me, you've dropped something' in my most polite and friendly manner and they usually say thanks and take it from me, unsure of what to do :D
    What's wrong with putting it in your pocket until you find a bin or get home?

    And don't get me started on dog sh*te, you can't walk down the street from Tesco to the Main Street without having to dodge the stuff! :mad:

    Here here.

    You're right you won't get people to change, those that weren't brought up being told it's wrong to drop litter will never change, fact.

    BUT, the council are forever whinging they have no money, so tackle the likes of the paper droppers and the cigarette butt droppers and the owners of dogs that let them sh1te all over the town, let the traffic wardens also double as community wardens that can issue fines for illegal littering aswell as illegal parking, and THEN, let the council pursue these people to the hilt until they get their money.

    PS - if the traffic wardens stopped wandering around the PEDESTRIANISED main street while illegal parking goes on everywhere around town that would be a start in collecting more revenue for the council.

    Look at Anne St, that was a disaster zone for illegal parking on the footpath, instead of posting a traffic warden there for a week or two every single day and issue tickets to clear the problem, they went and a put bollards up and in effect pushed the problem elsewhere around the town, they didn't fix the problem just moved it elsewhere. If these guys did their job properly they could make a fortune for the council in illegal parking fines.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,246 ✭✭✭Poochie05

    Good points, especially about Anne Street.
    I suspect like the people who drop litter and justify it saying there aren't enough bins, those who park illegally think it is the council's fault for not providing enough parking :rolleyes:
    So as you say, the only way to deal with these people is a concerted effort of issuing fines (and collecting them). They should start viewing these wardens as a source of revenue instead of a draw on resources. A few well placed wardens in some of the hot spots and they'd be paying for themselves in no time...
    Problem is people expect laws to be enforced but complain when they are being enforced on them, always some who think they deserve special dispensation ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,186 ✭✭✭Niles


    1. previous to letters to the people newspapers about litter i was actually in the process of writing one to them myself until i seen one already published. I was dismayed at the state of the main street after 6 o clock in the evening each day and when everybody had cleared off after the shops have been closed. Litter strewn along the man street, empty pringles bottles, paper bags and all sorts.. of course its a small section ... most of the main street is kept littler free and its a shock when you come to a part where there is empty coke cans and all sorts in different sections.... this needs to be sorted asap...

    Even if there is a lack of bins this doesn't necessarily justify people littering. I've often walked through areas devoid of bins and have simply carried by coke bottle, chip bag, crisp packet or whatever until I find one. There's simply no excuse for people throwing their litter around.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,859 ✭✭✭bmaxi

    Poochie05 wrote: »
    Good points, especially about Anne Street.
    I suspect like the people who drop litter and justify it saying there aren't enough bins, those who park illegally think it is the council's fault for not providing enough parking :rolleyes:
    So as you say, the only way to deal with these people is a concerted effort of issuing fines (and collecting them). They should start viewing these wardens as a source of revenue instead of a draw on resources. A few well placed wardens in some of the hot spots and they'd be paying for themselves in no time...
    Problem is people expect laws to be enforced but complain when they are being enforced on them, always some who think they deserve special dispensation ;)

    Another problem is, people see law enforcement as selective. Take a walk around by the Garda station and count the illegally parked cars, both official and private or the mess that is routinely left after Council roadworks. It's hard for people to take law enforcement seriously when public officials are seen to get away with it, particularly those charged with it's upkeep. It pisses me off too, to listen to the likes of Mick Walsh preaching to us all about road safety and good driving practices when this is happening in his own backyard and nobody lifts their hand, either to stop it or even question why it is happening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭McLoughlin

    Niles wrote: »
    Even if there is a lack of bins this doesn't necessarily justify people littering. I've often walked through areas devoid of bins and have simply carried by coke bottle, chip bag, crisp packet or whatever until I find one. There's simply no excuse for people throwing their litter around.

    They way i look at it I have one bin in my house out in the back porch do I throw rubbish on the floor in my living room because there is no bin there no I don't I bring the rubish to the bin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 293 ✭✭WexfordWarrior

    If you notice this post was originally put together about 3 years ago now!! since then the council have indeed put alot more bins on the main street and fair play to them, the place has been kept very well overall but still some problems from litterbugs.

    Fettits Lane will be transformed soon and cleaned up which is a problem area, so thats good news.

    South end of the town now looks great thats its finished off.

    Also it was nice to see a lovely christmas tree in redmond square this year with a nice star on top :) looked great, so congrats to the council and moreso mccauleys who sponsored it! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 534 ✭✭✭movingsucks

    The dog crap situation is an absolute disgrace.
    The other day I witnessed a woman drag her defacating dog along the path by the lead. I said it was disgusting and she just ignored me. The poor animal. And of course her and her friend never picked it up either.
    The boardwalk is disgusting also despite like what 3 or 4 designated dog poop bins and 5 or 6 regular litter bins?
    Are people just as ignorant as the dog waste they leave behind?

    And as for traffic... Ah just park where you want-stick on your hazards its grand, Drive your bus on the path while honking at pedestrians, sail through pedestrian crossings without a thought and run red lights at the bridge because you feel like it, seriously a few good CCTV cameras at some hot spots and the government would be raking it in in fines!
    Maybe I need to be quicker with me own camera and become a fink ;)
