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"The Origin of Specious Nonsense"



  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    gbee wrote: »
    Eye, ders no Atheists in dem foxholes, no sirrreeeeee.
    ... if you say so!!!
    ... and quite a number of them on this thread, seem to be self-professed Luciferians / Satanists.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    Malty_T wrote: »
    That's a bigger leap of faith than Abraham took.
    Atheists are people of very great faith indeed!!!:)
    I certainly don't have enough faith to be an Atheist.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,388 ✭✭✭gbee

    J C wrote: »
    ... if you say so!!!
    ... and quite a number of them on this thread, seem to be self-professed Luciferians / Satanists.

    Oh now, I'm gonna have to look up what a Luciferians / Satanists is. But later, the Japan earthquake and tSunami is occupying my time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,038 ✭✭✭sponsoredwalk

    J C wrote: »
    ... OK ... so you admit that the large 'gaps' in the fossil record exist ... and you then try to 'square the circle' by claiming that "the fossil record is not needed for the theory of evolution to stand" ... so I guess all those Evolutionist paleontologists are out of a job, if you are correct!!!!

    :confused: I've never denied there are gaps in the fossil record. As I quoted
    Dawkins saying, "We are lucky to have any fossils at all", which means
    every extra bit of evidence in favour of the theory is welcomed & is
    just further validation of the theory which stands without this evidence.
    J C wrote: »
    ... and I didn't deceitfully quote "a paragraph of his that makes it appear as if he is admitting there is some problem with evolution
    because of the fossil record" ... there is a problem with the fossil record ... FACT ... there are great big 'holes' in it ... and this is admitted by Prof Dawkins. Whether you try to explain the gaps away by special pleading, as Prof Dawkins has done or you say that the fossil record isn't needed for Evolution to stand, like you have done ... the gaps persist ... and my quote is valid and not misleading in any respect!!!

    Yes there is a problem with the fossil record - it's incomplete, please tell
    us who has denied that. In fact quote this person, please...

    I am calling you a charlatan because you are claiming that the imperfect
    fossil record presents some problem to the theory of evolution & the
    way you've quoted Dawkins makes it appear as if he is conceding that
    the imperfect fossil record presents difficulties "(from an Evolutionist
    point of view)

    Furthermore I call you a charlatan for taking Dawkins words from a
    conversation on punctualists/gradualists out of context to claim that
    Dawkins was talking "about the difficulties of the fossil record
    (from an Evolutionist point of view)
    " when a) he was talking about
    the agreement between punctualists/gradualists that the fossil record
    is incomplete (how that is him conceding there are difficulties (from an Evolutionist
    point of view)
    is anyone's guess) & b) we have Dawkin's own words stating that
    "We don't need fossils". There are no difficulties (from an Evolutionist
    point of view)
    there are difficulties from a historical point of view in that
    a lot of organisms did not fossilize, that does not somehow invalidate the
    theory unless you've been miseducated into believing this by religi-shysters.

    So I ask you why you would even bother speaking about this topic?
    The fact that you focus on this trivial issue illustrates miseducation
    which is most likely because of the propaganda you've been swallowing.
    I guess you have nothing left to bang on about though, every avenue of
    attack on your part has been beaten back. We know you're waiting for
    the dust to properly settle (i.e. hope everyone forgets the last time)
    before you return for the third/fourth time with your "proof".

    I'm not interested in your understanding of the fossil record I'm interested
    in why you'd misconstrue someones words to make it appear as if they
    are saying something they are not. I repeat the quote "We don't need

    It's quite simple, Dawkins discusses how punctualists & gradualists both
    agree that there are gaps in the fossil record, JC takes quote speaking
    about gaps in the fossil record to claim Dawkins is that "the
    difficulties of the fossil record (from an Evolutionist point of view)
    presents any difficulties to the theory of evolution, is told that this is
    misrepresenting Dawkins views, responds talking about gaps in the fossil
    record, is told this is irrelevant to him misrepresenting Dawkins words,
    responds talking about gaps in the fossil record, is told this is irrelevant to
    him misrepresenting Dawkins words, responds talking about gaps in the
    fossil record, is told this is irrelevant to him misrepresenting Dawkins words.
    This thread has been on repeat ever since the first time your "proof" was
    invalidated & this conversation is the latest incarnation of this recursive
    J C wrote: »
    ... does plain english not mean anything to you ... as you squirm and turn and twist ... and lie about honest people like myself by accusing me of lying ... when all I am doing is posting un-bridged, fully referenced quotes from other Evolutionists?

    "when all I am doing is posting un-bridged"... Erm... You posted an abridged
    quote, that's why we're still talking about this - because you posted only
    a partial quote that made it appear as if Dawkins is admitting something
    bad about evolutionary theory. When I read your quote I knew there was
    dishonesty afoot so I went and researched the quote & found you had,
    in fact, taken the quote out of context. When we put the quote back in
    context we can clearly see he is not talking "about the difficulties of
    the fossil record (from an Evolutionist point of view)
    " he is talking
    about the agreement between punctualists and gradualists that the
    fossil record is incomplete. Notice the important words here, "difficulties"
    & "(from an Evolutionist point of view)", you told us Dawkins was
    admitting that there are "difficulties" "(from an Evolutionist point of
    " about the fossil record, there aren't. There are difficulties from a
    historical point of view - this does not somehow make the theory suspect
    unlessyou have been trained to think that this is so.


    Ugh, it's getting tiring having to repeat my whole point in every
    sentence/paragraph in case you pick one sentence that doesn't do
    that & focus on it ignoring the rest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    Yes there is a problem with the fossil record - it's incomplete, please tell
    us who has denied that. In fact quote this person, please...
    The fossil record isn't just 'incomplete' from an Evolutionist perspective ... it doesn't show any gradual evolution at all.

    This problem was referred to by Darwin thus:-
    He who rejects this view of the imperfection of the geological record, will rightly reject the whole theory. For he may ask in vain where are the numberless transitional links which must formerly have connected the closely allied or representative species found in the successive stages of the same great formation?” The Origin of Species (1859) p.342

    Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely-graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against the theory. The Origin of Species

    ... so how did Darwin overcome this “obvious and serious objection”? ... He did the same as Prof dawkins ... and claimed that the gaps were due to “the extreme imperfection of the geological record” – i.e. the fossil record does not in fact give a very good record of the past.
    One reason proposed for this at the time, was the still very limited knowledge of the global fossil record and Darwin expected that as research continued that intermediate forms would be found.

    However, 140 years later, when Prof. Steve Jones of University College London published an updated version of Darwin’s Origin of Species in 1999, the fossil record still posed the same problem.

    The fossil record - in defiance of Darwin's whole idea of gradual change - often makes great leaps from one form to the next. Far from the display of intermediates to be expected from slow advance through natural selection many species appear without warning, persist in fixed form and disappear, leaving no descendants. Geology assuredly does not reveal any finely graduated organic chain, and this is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against the theory of evolution.”
    (Almost Like a Whale, p. 252)

    ... and this problem has also been confirmed by punctuationist Prof Niles Eldredge, Chief Curator at The American Museum Of Natural History
    Darwin's prediction of rampant, albeit gradual, change affecting all lineages through time is refuted. The record is there, and the record speaks for tremendous anatomical conservatism. Change in the manner Darwin expected is just not found in the fossil record. The Myths of Human Evolution (1982) p.45-46

    No wonder paleontologists shied away from evolution for so long. It seems never to happen. Assiduous collecting of cliff faces yields zigzags, minor oscillations, and the very occasional slight accumulation of change -- over millions of years, at a rate too slow to really account for all the prodigious change that has occurred in evolutionary history. When we do see the introduction of evolutionary novelty, it usually shows up with a bang and often with no firm evidence that the organisms did not evolve elsewhere! Evolution cannot forever be going on someplace else. Yet that's how the fossil record has struck many a forlorn paleontologist looking to learn something about evolution. Reinventing Darwin (1995) p.95

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,038 ✭✭✭sponsoredwalk

    Note that the quote of mine you responded to asked you to quote the
    people that have denied that the fossil record is incomplete, but sure
    what does the content of my writing matter when you can just interpret
    it in whatever way you think will aid you in an argument that nobody is
    actually having with you
    and respond accordingly...

    So in other words you concede that you took him out of context, I make
    that claim because you haven't been able to defend your previous claims
    that you hadn't taken him out of context at all - whatsoever... Alright,
    good. We know (& you know) where you stand now :cool: We'll just put
    claims like "when all I am doing is posting un-bridged" into that lie bucket
    along with the other stuff.

    If you want to talk about the fossil record go right ahead, you've already
    misrepresented it's importance & I don't see any reason why you wouldn't
    misrepresent it's contents so it's a good way for you to waste months of
    our time trying to get you to acknowledge your own errors. Some of those
    latest quotes look familiar btw :rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,872 ✭✭✭strobe

    J C wrote: »
    The fossil record isn't just 'incomplete' from an Evolutionist perspective ... it doesn't show any gradual evolution at all.

    This problem was referred to by Darwin thus:-
    He who rejects this view of the imperfection of the geological record, will rightly reject the whole theory. For he may ask in vain where are the numberless transitional links which must formerly have connected the closely allied or representative species found in the successive stages of the same great formation?” The Origin of Species (1859) p.342

    Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely-graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against the theory. The Origin of Species

    ... so how did Darwin overcome this “obvious and serious objection”? ... He did the same as Prof dawkins ... and claimed that the gaps were due to “the extreme imperfection of the geological record” – i.e. the fossil record does not in fact give a very good record of the past.
    One reason proposed for this at the time, was the still very limited knowledge of the global fossil record and Darwin expected that as research continued that intermediate forms would be found.

    However, 140 years later, when Prof. Steve Jones of University College London published an updated version of Darwin’s Origin of Species in 1999, the fossil record still posed the same problem.

    The fossil record - in defiance of Darwin's whole idea of gradual change - often makes great leaps from one form to the next. Far from the display of intermediates to be expected from slow advance through natural selection many species appear without warning, persist in fixed form and disappear, leaving no descendants. Geology assuredly does not reveal any finely graduated organic chain, and this is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against the theory of evolution.”
    (Almost Like a Whale, p. 252)

    ... and this problem has also been confirmed by punctuationist Prof Niles Eldredge, Chief Curator at The American Museum Of Natural History
    Darwin's prediction of rampant, albeit gradual, change affecting all lineages through time is refuted. The record is there, and the record speaks for tremendous anatomical conservatism. Change in the manner Darwin expected is just not found in the fossil record. The Myths of Human Evolution (1982) p.45-46

    No wonder paleontologists shied away from evolution for so long. It seems never to happen. Assiduous collecting of cliff faces yields zigzags, minor oscillations, and the very occasional slight accumulation of change -- over millions of years, at a rate too slow to really account for all the prodigious change that has occurred in evolutionary history. When we do see the introduction of evolutionary novelty, it usually shows up with a bang and often with no firm evidence that the organisms did not evolve elsewhere! Evolution cannot forever be going on someplace else. Yet that's how the fossil record has struck many a forlorn paleontologist looking to learn something about evolution. Reinventing Darwin (1995) p.95

    Think about it man.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    strobe wrote: »
    Think about it man.
    I have thought about it ... that is why I have studied the writings of these eminent Evolutionists ... and I would suggest that you should also study the quotes and think about them, if you have not already done so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    Note that the quote of mine you responded to asked you to quote the
    people that have denied that the fossil record is incomplete, but sure
    what does the content of my writing matter when you can just interpret
    it in whatever way you think will aid you in an argument that nobody is
    actually having with you
    and respond accordingly...
    I never claimed that Evolutionists denied that the fossil record is incomplete ... my point is precisely the reverse ... that all leading Evolutionists accept that the fossil record is incomplete ... incomplete to the point of being effectvely useless as evidence for Evolution!!!

    The fact that Evolutionists claim that there may be reasons for the gaps is a completely separate issue ... and the reasons proffered are problems in themselves, as it also turns out.
    The explanation that the gaps are due to intermediate soft-bodied creatures not being fossilised is special pleading of the highest degree, given the fact that soft-bodied creatures, like jellyfish, are preserved as fossils in copious quantities ... and it also ignores the issue, if evolution is true, that there had to be many shelled and bony intemediate creatures between unicells and the 'advanced' creatures that 'exploded' onto the scene in the Cambrian layers ... and the soft-bodied argument itself therefore doesn't have any validity in relation the these supposed creatures.

    You're flogging a dead horse on this one ... indeed you are flogging a very counter-productive horse ... from an Evolutionist perspective ... but please feel free to continue!!!:D

    My advice to you is to simply withdraw your unfounded allegation of quote manipulation and get on with trying to scientifically justify your unfounded belief in Evolution, if you can.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,780 ✭✭✭liamw

    J C wrote: »
    My deleted comments merely compared the vast damage that this one earthquake/tsunami episode did, with the damage that a series of millions of catastrophic worldwide tectonic events (with the collapse of the entire land surface and the bursting forth of the underground waters that formed todays oceans) that resulted in Noah's Flood, would have caused.

    So basically you're admitting that 'Noah's Flood' could have been just a flood caused at the time through natural disaster and tectonic events, without the requirement for a magic man in the sky to dictate it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    liamw wrote: »
    So basically you're admitting that 'Noah's Flood' could have been just a flood caused at the time through natural disaster and tectonic events, without the requirement for <insulting reference to God> to dictate it.
    Scientifically speaking, the Flood was a natural disaster ... on an epic scale.
    It's attribution to God comes from His Word in the Bible ... which is indeed a matter of faith.

    The most important point, from a scientific point of view however, is that the flood processes described in the Genesis account do indeed have the potential to wipe out all life on the planet ... and to produce the fossiliferous sedimentary rocks that we see throughout the World ...
    ... and Geology (and the scale and type of destruction caused by tsunami-earthquakes currently) fully supports the catastrophic hypothesis.

    ... and therefore gradualism is just as scientifically invalid in Geology as it is in (Evolutionist) Biology!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    gbee wrote: »
    Oh now, I'm gonna have to look up what a Luciferians / Satanists is. But later, the Japan earthquake and tSunami is occupying my time.
    You could just ask Strobe what a Luciferian is ... and any mention of the Japanese earthquake is, for some reason, not allowed on this thread !!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,038 ✭✭✭sponsoredwalk

    J C wrote: »
    I never claimed that Evolutionists denied that the fossil record is incomplete ... my point is precisely the reverse ... that all leading Evolutionists accept that the fossil record is incomplete ...

    This has nothing to do with the fact you quoted Dawkins with the claim
    that the fossil record presents difficulties for the theory of evolution.
    This also ignores the fact that I quoted Dawkins saying that "we don't
    need fossils" yet you continue to mention fossils for some reason.
    J C wrote: »
    My advice to you is to simply withdraw your unfounded allegation of quote manipulation and get on with trying to scientifically justify your unfounded belief in Evolution, if you can.

    I stand by my charge that you are a charlatan
    A charlatan (also called swindler or mountebank) is a person practicing
    quackery or some similar confidence trick in order to obtain money, fame
    or other advantages via some form of pretense or deception.
    You tried to swindle us into thinking Dawkins was conceding that the
    fossil record presents difficulties "from an evolutionist point of view".

    I further the claim of swindling by reminding you that you constantly
    tried to deceive us with your "proof" until it was put back in your face
    with scientific facts.

    I continue the claim by using your own words against you:

    "get on with trying to scientifically justify your unfounded belief in Evolution, if you can"

    This statement is pure deceit, I have given you a huge amount of material
    on evolution - none of which you have been able to respond to - yet
    you try to deceive the casual reader into thinking I have unfounded beliefs.
    This is pure hucksterism, a mind game of devious proportions & just plain
    characteristic of you at this stage.
    J C wrote: »
    and any mention of the Japanese earthquake is, for some reason, not allowed on this thread !!!

    I'd think it pretty poor taste for the mods to delete your post on the
    Japanese earthquake, especially since you said something like "keep them
    in our prayers", but I am reminded that you were trying to use what
    happened in Japan to argue that Noah's flood isn't so crazy so maybe
    they have a point. When hucksters try to use current world events to
    further their religious propaganda it tends to remind us how fcuking
    horrible & heartless you loonballs can be...

    So here is another charge of charlatanism, it wasn't "any mention of the
    Japanese earthquake" it was specific mention of it with reference to
    Noah's flood in such a manner as to try to argue that there is any
    validity to the idea that dinosaurs & humans happily got on a big boat
    leaving gluttons and sodomizers to drown in their own gluttonous ***...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,042 ✭✭✭himnextdoor

    J C wrote: »
    The fossil record isn't just 'incomplete' from an Evolutionist perspective ... it doesn't show any gradual evolution at all.

    This problem was referred to by Darwin thus:-
    He who rejects this view of the imperfection of the geological record, will rightly reject the whole theory. For he may ask in vain where are the numberless transitional links which must formerly have connected the closely allied or representative species found in the successive stages of the same great formation?” The Origin of Species (1859) p.342

    Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely-graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against the theory. The Origin of Species

    ... so how did Darwin overcome this “obvious and serious objection”? ...

    I think that Darwin was simply recognising that the incomplete fossil record was the means through which the theory would be attacked. But he also recognised, as should everyone, that the fossils that have been found and studied represent such a tiny sample that no meaningful statistical data can be extrapolated from them.

    What he is saying is that the fossil record does not contradict the theory but its incompleteness will be the primary source of ammunition employed by its detractors.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,570 ✭✭✭RandomName2

    c_man wrote: »

    Conor Lenihan is going be at the launch of this garbage? Really?

    Well he believed that American banks were responsible (and apparently pretty much solely responsible) for the Irish recession. :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 966 ✭✭✭GO_Bear

    J C wrote: »
    that all leading Evolutionists accept that the fossil record is incomplete ... incomplete to the point of being effectvely useless as evidence for Evolution!!!


    Look at the first two results Fossil record blah blah

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    GO_Bear wrote: »

    Look at the first two results Fossil record blah blah

    ... I feel your pain, Robert!!!:eek:

    ... please have a look again here at these words of Evolutionist wisdom:-

    J C wrote: »
    The fossil record isn't just 'incomplete' from an Evolutionist perspective ... it doesn't show any gradual evolution at all.

    This problem was referred to by Darwin thus:-
    He who rejects this view of the imperfection of the geological record, will rightly reject the whole theory. For he may ask in vain where are the numberless transitional links which must formerly have connected the closely allied or representative species found in the successive stages of the same great formation?” The Origin of Species (1859) p.342

    Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely-graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against the theory. The Origin of Species

    ... so how did Darwin overcome this “obvious and serious objection”? ... He did the same as Prof dawkins ... and claimed that the gaps were due to “the extreme imperfection of the geological record” – i.e. the fossil record does not in fact give a very good record of the past.
    One reason proposed for this at the time, was the still very limited knowledge of the global fossil record and Darwin expected that as research continued that intermediate forms would be found.

    However, 140 years later, when Prof. Steve Jones of University College London published an updated version of Darwin’s Origin of Species in 1999, the fossil record still posed the same problem.

    The fossil record - in defiance of Darwin's whole idea of gradual change - often makes great leaps from one form to the next. Far from the display of intermediates to be expected from slow advance through natural selection many species appear without warning, persist in fixed form and disappear, leaving no descendants. Geology assuredly does not reveal any finely graduated organic chain, and this is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against the theory of evolution.”
    (Almost Like a Whale, p. 252)

    ... and this problem has also been confirmed by punctuationist Prof Niles Eldredge, Chief Curator at The American Museum Of Natural History
    Darwin's prediction of rampant, albeit gradual, change affecting all lineages through time is refuted. The record is there, and the record speaks for tremendous anatomical conservatism. Change in the manner Darwin expected is just not found in the fossil record. The Myths of Human Evolution (1982) p.45-46

    No wonder paleontologists shied away from evolution for so long. It seems never to happen. Assiduous collecting of cliff faces yields zigzags, minor oscillations, and the very occasional slight accumulation of change -- over millions of years, at a rate too slow to really account for all the prodigious change that has occurred in evolutionary history. When we do see the introduction of evolutionary novelty, it usually shows up with a bang and often with no firm evidence that the organisms did not evolve elsewhere! Evolution cannot forever be going on someplace else. Yet that's how the fossil record has struck many a forlorn paleontologist looking to learn something about evolution. Reinventing Darwin (1995) p.95

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    Prof Richard Dawkins, readily admitted in a 2004 PBS interview that evolution hasn’t been observed and the only evidence supporting evolution is circumstantial evidence. Prof Dawkins emphasizes that there are huge quantities of circumstantial evidence.

    Here is a complete un-abridged transcript of what professor Dawkins had to say:

    BILL MOYERS: Is evolution a theory, not a fact?

    RICHARD DAWKINS: Evolution has been observed. It’s just that it hasn’t been observed while it’s happening.

    MOYERS: What do you mean It’s been observed?

    DAWKINS: The consequences of. It is rather like a detective coming on a murder after the scene. And you… the detective hasn’t actually seen the murder take place, of course. But what you do see is a massive clue. Now, any detective…

    MOYERS: Circumstantial evidence.

    DAWKINS: Circumstantial evidence, but masses of circumstantial evidence. Huge quantities of circumstantial evidence. It might as well be spelled out in words of English Evolution is true. It's as circumstantial as that but its as true as that …

    So, there you have it – Professor Richard Dawkins, admits that evolution has never been observed and is supported only by circumstantial evidence.

    ... and unfortunately for Evolution, the circumstantial evidence, doesn't even support Evolution ... it supports Creation!!!:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,327 ✭✭✭AhSureTisGrand

    J C wrote: »
    Prof Richard Dawkins, readily admitted in a 2004 PBS interview that evolution hasn’t been observed and the only evidence supporting evolution is circumstantial evidence. Prof Dawkins emphasizes that there are huge quantities of circumstantial evidence.

    Here is a complete un-abridged transcript of what professor Dawkins had to say:

    BILL MOYERS: Is evolution a theory, not a fact?

    RICHARD DAWKINS: Evolution has been observed. It’s just that it hasn’t been observed while it’s happening.

    MOYERS: What do you mean It’s been observed?

    DAWKINS: The consequences of. It is rather like a detective coming on a murder after the scene. And you… the detective hasn’t actually seen the murder take place, of course. But what you do see is a massive clue. Now, any detective…

    MOYERS: Circumstantial evidence.

    DAWKINS: Circumstantial evidence, but masses of circumstantial evidence. Huge quantities of circumstantial evidence…………

    So, there you have it – Professor Richard Dawkins, admits that evolution has never been observed and is supported only by circumstantial evidence.

    ... and even the circumstantial evidence, doesn't actually support Evolution ... it supports creation!!!:D

    Well what direct evidence could there possibly be? Eyewitness reports of evolution? Evolution captured on CCTV? You know it happens much slower in real life than it does in Pokémon. Unless somebody lives for millions of years and has an extraordinary attention span they aren't gonna observe the process

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    Well what direct evidence could there possibly be? Eyewitness reports of evolution? Evolution captured on CCTV? You know it happens much slower in real life than it does in Pokémon. Unless somebody lives for millions of years and has an extraordinary attention span they aren't gonna observe the process
    Evolution between Kinds is never observed ... nor is it observable ... so it is strictly outside of science and is a faith!!!

    Ironically, the evidence for Creation is overwhelming ... and accessible to scientific investigation ... and that is why the Materialsts are so determined that it should not be scientifically investigated ... but despite their best efforts it has been investigated ... and proven to be true!!!

    We have vast quantities of CFSI in all living creatures that is the undoubted fingerprint of intelligent action ... we have the fossil record showing no intermediate forms and a strict separation of Created Kinds and we have the biosphere showing the same lack of intermediates and the strict separation of created Kinds.
    We have the evidence in the Y-Chromosome that all men are descended from one man who lived relatively recently and our Mitochondrial DNA proves that we are all descended from one woman who also lived relativley recently ... and nearly all sedimentary geological formations proclaim their catastrophic origins as does the effectively instantaneous preservation of the fossils contained therin, thereby showing that these rocks were definitely not laid down over millions of years but were, in fact, laid down very rapidly in a worldwide tectonic, water-induced cataclysm !!!
    Many of the fossils of currently alive species are idential to their living descendants ... even though Evolutionist claim that some of the fossils are hundreds of millions of years old.
    So we don't see evolution in the fossils, we dont see evolution between the fossils and currently alive identical specimens ... and we don't observe evolution between Created Kinds today ... we don't see evolution anywhere ... and maths and logic deny that it is even possible!!!

    ... I'd say it never happened, if I were Prof Dawkin's hypothetical detective!!:D:eek:

    ... faced with this reality, the Materialists hide behind the law ... and a self-serving materialistic definition of science ...
    ... they attack the personal credibilty of the creation scientist ... calling them liars ... when most are Theistic persons of the highest integrity..
    ... they attack their scientific credibilty .. calling them 'morons' and 'idiots' ... when Creation Science numbers amongst its ranks some of the most eminent conventional scientists in their various fields ...
    ... they call for peer review of creation science while rejecting all Creation Science papers out of hand, as 'outside of science' ...
    ... they openly call for discrimination against Creation Science ... and they make it a criminal offence to teach it in public schools in America.
    ... but critically, they present no incontrovertable evidence for the idea that mankind (or any other Kind) evolved from any pre-existing Kind!!!!

    ... and finally, while proclaiming themselves to be 'skeptics' ... they adhere to their belief in Evolution, with a faith that would put most theists to shame .. and they confine me to this one thread on their discussion board ... for fear that I might show up their ideas on other issues to be just as 'evidentially challenged' ... as their ideas on the 'origins issue'!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,718 ✭✭✭The Mad Hatter

    J C wrote: »
    Evolution between Kinds is never observed ... nor is it observable ... so it is strictly outside of science and is a faith!!!

    It's also not evolution.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,038 ✭✭✭sponsoredwalk

    Conscious of the fact that you're just ignoring my posts now (in exactly
    the way a charlatan would do were he to be called out for what he is)
    we'll just take a look at one of your latest factual claims:
    J C wrote: »
    We have the evidence in the Y-Chromosome that all men are descended from one man who lived relatively recently and our Mitochondrial DNA proves that we are all descended from one woman who also lived relativley recently ...

    Are you claiming that chromosomal Adam & mitochondrial Steve Eve
    were together? We'll also grant you the hypothetical that if they were
    together they got kicked out of this miraculous garden but if any of
    this is going to be used by you as evidence then they had to have lived
    at the same time in order for your bull**** to be even remotely credible...

    One also wonders why you are making claims about Y-chromosomal &
    mitochondrial people since if you concede that these existed you also
    concede that the earth is older than 6000 years, but what has consistency
    got to do with what you're talking about? :rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,042 ✭✭✭himnextdoor

    Would not Eve have had the same DNA as Adam since she was made from his rib? They would have had the same DNA wouldn't they?

    How could you tell which bits belong to whom?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,327 ✭✭✭AhSureTisGrand

    I still think you're confusing real evolution with Polémon evolution

  • Registered Users Posts: 966 ✭✭✭GO_Bear

    I still think you're confusing real evolution with Polémon evolution


  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    Would not Eve have had the same DNA as Adam since she was made from his rib? They would have had the same DNA wouldn't they?

    How could you tell which bits belong to whom?
    Adam had an exceedingly diverse (nuclear) genetic compliment, just like all of the other foundation stock of each kind.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 10,518 Mod ✭✭✭✭5uspect

    Adam was radioactive?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,780 ✭✭✭liamw

    Would not Eve have had the same DNA as Adam since she was made from his rib? They would have had the same DNA wouldn't they?

    How could you tell which bits belong to whom?
    Sometimes mitochondrial Eve is assumed to have lived at the same time as Y-chromosomal Adam, perhaps even meeting and mating with him. However there is no such parallel with the Biblical myth. Like mitochondrial "Eve", Y-chromosomal "Adam" probably lived in Africa; however, this "Eve" lived much earlier than this "Adam" – perhaps some 50,000 to 80,000 years earlier.[12]

    Now that would be mature porn

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,042 ✭✭✭himnextdoor

    J C wrote: »
    Adam had an exceedingly diverse (nuclear) genetic compliment, just like all of the other foundational stock of each kind.

    Maybe, but doesn't the x-chromosome have more DNA material in it than the y-chromosome? And Eve would have possessed the y-chromosome wouldn't she?

    If that is true then Eve was Adam plus a bit. Where did the extra DNA come from?

    And doesn't 'foundational stock' cause a problem for puctuationists?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    liamw wrote: »
    Now that would be mature porn
    ... Are you saying that Evolutionist Adam liked older women???:D:p

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