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"The Origin of Specious Nonsense"



  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    What is this I don't even...

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    koth wrote: »
    I wasn't asking how you are treated on this thread. I can see why people wouldn't be in favour of people spreading a creation myth as part of a science class, it's a religious fable. It has no place in a science class.
    It is an objectively verifiable fact that all life was created ... who did the creating is a matter of faith.

    koth wrote: »
    American schools aren't supposed to teach religious doctrine, thats why the creation myth isn't be taught.
    ... but the point is that they do teach religious doctrine ... they teach Materialistic Evolution ... which is a doctrine of the religion Atheistic Humanism.
    So what about the idea of 'sauce for the goose and sauce for the gander' ... or even respecting the laws against the favouring by the state of any particular religion??
    koth wrote: »
    As for being marginalised in a chosen job due to saying the creation myth is true, well thats a consequence of taking literal meaning from fables/myths.
    No ... it's a consequence of other religious people discriminating against Creationists ... because of their faith ... and it is blatant religious discrimination, no matter how you may try and twist it!!!
    If you are going to discriminate against people who believe in myths ... then prime candidates would be the ones who believe that frogs turned into princes ... with nothing added but millions of years ... and billions of mistakes!!!
    BTW, I don't think that anybody should be discriminated against because of their beliefs ... but since you were advocating it ... I just thought that you should start with yourself ... and possibly end there as well !!!

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    All right, the game is up. You got us. Evolution is a religion.

    How did you figure it out? :mad:

    Obvious troll is (now) obvious.

  • Moderators Posts: 51,779 ✭✭✭✭Delirium

    J C wrote: »
    It is an objectively verifiable fact that all life was created ... who did the creating is a matter of faith.
    thats your religious belief, but there is no evidence for a who creating life. But then thats why you accept it on faith.
    ... but the point is that they do teach religious doctrine ... they teach Materialistic Evolution ... which is a doctrine of the religion Atheistic Humanism.
    So what about the idea od 'sauce for the goose and sauce for the gander' ... or even respecting the laws against the favouring by the state of any particular religion??
    Again you are wrong about this evolution is a religious doctrine, it's science. But I can see how that would be confusing to you, seeing as you can't separate your religious belief from science.

    so the state isn't favouring any religion as it isn't teaching the doctrine of any religion.
    No ... it's a consequence of other religious people discriminating against Creationists ... because of their faith ... and it is blatant religious discrimination, no matter how you may try and twist it!!!
    no, it's not, otherwise you've just admitted that no scientists are religious. Which is totally untrue.
    If you are going to discriminate against people who believe in myths ... then I would suggest that you should start with the one who believe that frogs turned into princes ... with nothing added but millions of years ... and billions of mistkes!!!

    still not able to distinguish science from myth I see.

    BTW, I don't think that anybody should be discriminated against because of their beliefs ... but since you were advocating it ... I just thought that you should start with yourself ... and possibly end there as well !!!
    It's not discrimination to have standards. You just have a problem because your myth doesn't hold up to scrutiny.

    If you can read this, you're too close!

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    All right, the game is up. You got us. Evolution is a religion.

    How did you figure it out? :mad:
    Evolutionism is indeed a religion of sorts replete with its own 'Holy Books', 'dogmas', 'articles of faith', 'high priests', 'acolytes', 'ordinary members' and 'heretics'!!!!:)

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  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 24,416 Mod ✭✭✭✭robindch

    J C wrote: »
    your experience of meeting Creationists has to be very limited indeed
    Meeting? I said "first hand experience", amongst which I count dealing with your excellent self over the last six/seven years, various friends, several creationist outlets + conferences I've visited, various churches, many videos, vast amounts of reading. In fact, I would imagine that I'm significantly better informed about the creationist movement and how it works than you are.
    J C wrote: »
    unfounded attacks and generalisations in relation to the personal integrity of any religious group is just old-fashioned bigotry!!!
    As I said before, the "attacks" are neither unfounded, nor are they generalizations. They are highly specific comments, each one backed up with evidence that a child could understand, and each one directed not at an amorphous group, but specifically at the clowns who run creationism world wide.

    BTW, lest you forget, Harun Yahya (the turkish creationist) has been jailed at least once, and possible more than that, for corruption and multiple threats of physical violence. Kent Hovind ("Dr Dino") has been jailed for massive tax fraud as well as maintaining an armoury of illegally-held weapons including a semi-automatic rifle. And a few years back, you may remember when (diploma-mill-doctor) Ham was embroiled in a hilarious bust-up with his then-colleagues in Australia, a bust-up that went embarassingly public with accusations of fraud, theft, witchcraft, heresy and -- my favourite allegation -- necrophilia!

    Charming people, I'm sure you agree :)

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    robindch wrote: »
    BTW, lest you forget, Harun Yahya (the turkish creationist) has been jailed at least once, and possible more than that, for corruption and multiple threats of physical violence. Kent Hovind ("Dr Dino") has been jailed for massive tax fraud as well as maintaining an armoury of illegally-held weapons including a semi-automatic rifle. And a few years back, you may remember when (diploma-mill-doctor) Ham was embroiled in a hilarious bust-up with his then-colleagues in Australia, a bust-up that went embarassingly public with accusations of fraud, theft, witchcraft, heresy and -- my favourite allegation -- necrophilia!


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,788 ✭✭✭MrPudding

    J C wrote: »
    That's good to hear ... but, even on your own figures, a very significant majority of Atheists/Evolutionists do support procured abortion ... and therefore the increase in Evolutionism over the past 150 years is indeed directly linked to the increase in procured abortion ... presuming that Evolutionists behave and vote in accordance with their beliefs.
    You are like a walking talking (though not at the same time I suspect) logical fallacy machine.

    How is evolutionary theory related to the rise of abortion? I would suspect that the development of the methods of abortion, in conjunction with developments in carrying them out, leading to greater safety for the mother (this would be your cue to make some idiotic comment about it not being safer for the poor little defenceless baby) during the procedure and greater availability of the procedure have lead to it increase.

    As a creation scient... as a creation scientis... sorry I just can't bring myself to type the two words together... as a person who claims, despite evidence to the contrary, to be a scientist, who also believes in the idiotic proposition that is YEC, you are obviously well versed in logical fallacies, particularly that correlation implies causation. Unfortunately for you, we don't.

    I was going to respond to you response to me, but the way you quote and respond is quite irritating, and I can't be bothered to pick out your responses. Perhaps, considering you have been posting here for years, you might considered quoting other post properly so people can respond to you easier.

    I think I can respond to you post quite easily. Utter and complete rubbish. That is what your post was. Displaying wilful ignorance, ignoring evidence contrary to you position and your bible, ignoring questions you can't answer and arguing against positions you opponents don't hold is not how a debate is won.

    I will leave you with this to mull over:




    an idiosyncratic belief or impression maintained despite being contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.


  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    koth wrote: »
    thats your religious belief, but there is no evidence for a who creating life. But then thats why you accept it on faith.
    it is objectively verifiable that an intelligence/intelligences unknown created life ... faith is required to believe otherwise (in the case of Evolutionism) ... and to believe it was the God of the Bible (in the case of Mono-theists).
    koth wrote: »
    Again you are wrong about this evolution is a religious doctrine, it's science. But I can see how that would be confusing to you, seeing as you can't separate your religious belief from science.
    Ye are the guys with a problem determining where your science ends ... and your faith begins (PS ye move into the realm of unfounded faith at the very start ... when ye start claiming that life spontaneously generated itself ... and it continues right through every 'just so' (and ever-changing) story told by every evolutionist!!
    One you hear 'once upon a time and millions of years ago' ... this is a sure-fire indication that a fairy-tale is about to follow!!!:D
    koth wrote: »
    so the state isn't favouring any religion as it isn't teaching the doctrine of any religion.
    ... it is openly favouring the religion of Atheistic Humanism by mandating that its (and only its) 'origins story' is told in every public school in America.
    koth wrote: »
    no, it's not, otherwise you've just admitted that no scientists are religious. Which is totally untrue.
    Everybody is 'religious' when it comes to the origins question i.e. they either believe that a god or gods did it ... or they believe that it spontaneously generated itself ... either belief is held by faith ... and faith alone ... but the theistic hypothesis is strongly supported by the physical evidence before us which shows inordinate levels of CFSI in all living creatures.
    koth wrote: »
    still not able to distinguish science from myth I see.
    ... so where is the scientific (i.e. repeatably verifiable) evidence that frogs turned into princes ... with nothing added but millions of years ... and billions of mistakes?
    koth wrote: »
    It's not discrimination to have standards. You just have a problem because your myth doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
    It is discrimination when the 'standards' are such that they include one religion ... and exclude others!!!!
    ... and when the so-called 'standards' promote the myth that frogs turned into princes ... with nothing added but millions of years ... and billions of mistakes ... what more need I say!!!:eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    robindch wrote: »
    Meeting? I said "first hand experience", amongst which I count dealing with your excellent self over the last six/seven years, various friends, several creationist outlets + conferences I've visited, various churches, many videos, vast amounts of reading. In fact, I would imagine that I'm significantly better informed about the creationist movement and how it works than you are.As I said before, the "attacks" are neither unfounded, nor are they generalizations. They are highly specific comments, each one backed up with evidence that a child could understand, and each one directed not at an amorphous group, but specifically at the clowns who run creationism world wide.

    BTW, lest you forget, Harun Yahya (the turkish creationist) has been jailed at least once, and possible more than that, for corruption and multiple threats of physical violence. Kent Hovind ("Dr Dino") has been jailed for massive tax fraud as well as maintaining an armoury of illegally-held weapons including a semi-automatic rifle. And a few years back, you may remember when (diploma-mill-doctor) Ham was embroiled in a hilarious bust-up with his then-colleagues in Australia, a bust-up that went embarassingly public with accusations of fraud, theft, witchcraft, heresy and -- my favourite allegation -- necrophilia!

    Charming people, I'm sure you agree :)
    ... so just because a few Evolutionists refuse to pay tax or have a dispute with another Evolutionist means that we should ban the teaching of Evolution in schools and sack any Evolutionist that we can identify???

    ... pull the other one, Robin ... and stop behaving like a bigot ... and extend the hand of friendship and respect to people of all faiths and none ... just like I do!!!!

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  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 24,416 Mod ✭✭✭✭robindch

    J C wrote: »
    ... so just because a few Evolutionists refuse to pay tax or have a dispute with another Evolutionist means that we should ban the teaching of Evolution in schools
    You have claimed that the leaders of the creationist movement are not the intellectual and ethical thugs that I've claimed and are instead, people of the highest intellectual and moral standard.

    I've pointed out that some of these very same leaders have been imprisoned for fraud, threats of violence and weapons offences. And the most high-profile one who hasn't yet been jailed, has caused his former colleagues to issue a raft of accusations including fraud, theft, immorality, heresy and necrophilia, all of which ended up in the Australian High Court (or was it Supreme Court?)

    You couldn't make this stuff up. Only of course, somebody has!

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    robindch wrote: »
    You have claimed that the leaders of the creationist movement are not the intellectual and ethical thugs that I've claimed and are instead, people of the highest intellectual and moral standard.

    I've pointed out that some of these very same leaders have been imprisoned for fraud, threats of violence and weapons offences. And the most high-profile one who hasn't yet been jailed, has caused his former colleagues to issue a raft of accusations including fraud, theft, immorality, heresy and necrophilia, all of which ended up in the Australian High Court (or was it Supreme Court?)

    You couldn't make this stuff up. Only of course, somebody has!
    I have said that the Creation Scientists that I personally know are people of the highest probity.
    I don't know the details of the dispute between AIG and CMI ... but people can differ on many issues in a free society ... and I wouldn't have it any other way!!!
    The point that I am making is that labelling all members of any faith community with the sins of the few is clearly wrong ... and the 'stock in trade' of every bigot down the years!!!!

    ... so Robin please get with the programme ... and extend the hand of friendship and respect to people of all faiths and none ... just like I do!!!

    By all means question the details of their ideas ... but please leave the ad hominem remarks and the advocacy of discrimination and threats to their careers at home!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,135 ✭✭✭POINTBREAK

    J C wrote: »
    Whatever about the definition of a true Scotsman ... we can certainly conclude that the mass murder of millions of innocent Human Beings isn't the actions of a True Christian ... and therefore Hitler wasn't a Christian ... irrespective of whatever lies he told about his faith status.
    God himself is credited with over 2 million deaths in the Bible. He makes Hitler look like a woos.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,042 ✭✭✭himnextdoor

    J C wrote: »
    By all means question the details of their ideas ... but please leave the ad hominem remarks and the advocacy of discrimination and threats to their careers at home!!!

    So will you address the speed of light problem?

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,788 ✭✭✭MrPudding

    So will you address the speed of light problem?

    No. He won't. At least not in any that would satisfy anyone with an IQ approaching average or better.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,135 ✭✭✭POINTBREAK

    So will you address the speed of light problem?
    Light speed is a huge problem for people who believe God created everything 6000 years ago. The Andromeda Galaxy is over 2 million light years away and we can see it with the naked eye. Or more accurately we can see the light that left that galaxy over 2 million years ago. That means it existed over 2 million years ago.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    POINTBREAK wrote: »
    Light speed is a huge problem for people who believe God created everything 6000 years ago. The Andromeda Galaxy is over 2 million light years away and we can see it with the naked eye. Or more accurately we can see the light that left that galaxy over 2 million years ago. That means it existed over 2 million years ago.

    Isn't it obvious? God evidently created the universe with the light of distant objects already in motion. Similar to how He placed fossils in rock that's millions of years old. It's simply a way for Him to test our faith.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 24,416 Mod ✭✭✭✭robindch

    J C wrote: »
    The point that I am making is that labelling all members of any faith community with the sins of the few is clearly wrong ...
    ...and that's why I haven't done it. Haven't you read or remembered any of the many posts above in which I explicitly distinguished between the dishonest thugs at the top of the creationist food chain, and the gullible and uninformed at the bottom?
    J C wrote: »
    [...] and the 'stock in trade' of every bigot down the years!!!! and extend the hand of friendship and respect to people of all faiths and none ... just like I do!!!
    It's a weird "hand of friendship and respect" that refers to another poster as a bigot :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,042 ✭✭✭himnextdoor

    Isn't it obvious? God evidently created the universe with the light of distant objects already in motion. Similar to how He placed fossils in rock that's millions of years old. It's simply a way for Him to test our faith.

    And judging by my internet connection, light-speed is even slower today.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,780 ✭✭✭liamw

    robindch wrote: »
    ...and that's why I haven't done it. Haven't you read or remembered any of the many posts above in which I explicitly distinguished between the dishonest thugs at the top of the creationist food chain, and the gullible and uninformed at the bottom?

    I don't think it matters how many time you say it... la la la la la la I can't hear you

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,042 ✭✭✭himnextdoor

    liamw wrote: »
    I don't think it matters how many time you say it... la la la la la la I can't hear you

    ...Yes, it doesn't matter how many time you say it.... CSFI is a mathematical impossibility... :D

    Seriously though, why would an 'Intelligent Designer' choose such fragile materials with which to construct life?

    He could have made it so that humans could be super-human. Why didn't He?

    No, an intelligent designer would have given us titanium skin and a metabolism that works on fission power; one glass of water provides ten thousand years of power. Now, that would be cool. Why wasn't God a little more ambitious with His design.

    If I was God, I would have made flying humans - that would have been cool too. Maybe heat-ray vision as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    robindch wrote: »
    ...and that's why I haven't done it. Haven't you read or remembered any of the many posts above in which I explicitly distinguished between the dishonest thugs at the top of the creationist food chain, and the gullible and uninformed at the bottom?
    So you accept that, just like Evolutionists, practically all Creation Scientists are people of integrity and ability and you don't advocate job discrimination against them because of their beliefs.

    Glad we have got that settled!!!
    robindch wrote: »
    ...It's a weird "hand of friendship and respect" that refers to another poster as a bigot :)
    ... I extend the hand of friendship to everyone ... including bigots!!!:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,042 ✭✭✭himnextdoor

    J C wrote: »
    ... I extend the hand of friendship to everyone ... including bigots!!!:)

    Nice to meet you but I think you're a prick?


  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    So will you address the speed of light problem?
    Yes, I know ... the (lack of) constancy of the speed of light is starting to be a problem for both Evolutionist and Creationist Cosmologists and Physicists !!!:)

    I feel another paradigm shift coming on!!!:D:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    Nice to meet you but I think you're a prick?

    I love my enemies ... and I wish good upon those who hate me!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    So will you address the speed of light problem?
    The speed of light does seem to have slowed down as measured in classic experiments over the past few hundred years!!!

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 24,416 Mod ✭✭✭✭robindch

    J C wrote: »
    So you accept that, just like Evolutionists, practically all Creation Scientists are people of integrity and ability
    The phrase "creation scientist" is a contradiction in terms -- "creation scientists" do not exist, as you can see from the complete lack of any published research!
    J C wrote: »
    and you don't advocate job discrimination against them because of their beliefs.
    If I were on the board of a university, I certainly would not hire a creationist, any more than I would hire geologist who thought the earth was flat, an astronomer who thought the moon was made of green cheese, a mathematician who couldn't add, or a Holocaust-denying historian -- these kinds of individuals would discredit the institution for their lack of ethical or intellectual standards. Though I do appreciate that concerns like those don't apply to places which sermonize on creationism!
    J C wrote: »
    ... I extend the hand of friendship to everyone ... including bigots!!!
    You also mentioned "respect", though I see you've removed that from your requote. Anyhow, I was much tempted to card you for continuing your "bigot" tirade, but it would probably play into your belief that you and your ridiculous views are being "persecuted". And that's your church's job, not mine.

    So, no, please continue -- you're doing wonders for our side of the debate! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    robindch wrote: »
    The phrase "creation scientist" is a contradiction in terms -- "creation scientists" do not exist, as you can see from the complete lack of any published research!
    ... here we go again with the Catch 22 in which Evolutionists won't publish Creation Science papers in their Journals ... and they then criticise Creation Scientists for not having published Creation Science papers in Evolutionist Journals ... the image of a cat 'playing' with a mouse comes to mind!!!
    Anyway, Creation Scientists (who are, after all, conventionally qualified scientists themselves) have overcome this particular little Evolutionist 'Catch 22' by peer reviewing their own science papers.

    robindch wrote: »
    If I were on the board of a university, I certainly would not hire a creationist, any more than I would hire geologist who thought the earth was flat, an astronomer who thought the moon was made of green cheese, a mathematician who couldn't add, or a Holocaust-denying historian -- these kinds of individuals would discredit the institution for their lack of ethical or intellectual standards.
    .. a more blatant example of job discrimination on the basis of religion you are unlikely to meet!!!
    ... Could I point out that honurable eminent Creation Scientists (many of whom are operating at the highest levels within Evolutionist Science ... but keeping their heads down for very obvious reasons) are being 'lumped in' by you with Holocaust Deniers.
    It is outrageous to compare any group to Holocaust Deniers ... but it is even more outrageous to compare Creationists to Holocaust Deniers ... when many Creationists are Jews and Born Again Christians ... whose immediate ancestors were vicims of the Holocaust!!!!!!:(:(
    robindch wrote: »
    You also mentioned "respect", though I see you've removed that from your requote. Anyhow, I was much tempted to card you for continuing your "bigot" tirade, but it would probably play into your belief that you and your ridiculous views are being "persecuted". And that's your church's job, not mine.

    So, no, please continue -- you're doing wonders for our side of the debate! :)
    You are correct, that I don't respect bigotry in any of it's forms!!!

    I almost forgot that when the going gets tough ... that because you are a Mod, you can 'card' me when you have no answer to the points I raise!!!
    You have honourably refrained from doing so up to now (although you have already censored me by 'confining' me to this thread on your forum).

    Because of the normal social pressure that usually descends on bigots, they tend to privately discriminate and privately express their bigotry against the objects of their displeasure.
    You, on the other hand, don't fit this pattern ... you are quite prepared to publicly proclaim your prejudicial views on Creationists ... and the fact that if it was up to you, they would never be employed within their chosen professions.
    The fact that nobody, except myself, has 'pulled you up' on this means that the last (and only) object of socially-acceptable unfettered discrimination seems to Creationists ... and they now occupy a position in society similar to the Jews after the passing of the Nuremberg Laws in Germany ... with apparently no social pressure against job discrimination being directed against them.
    The fact that some Creationists are Jews makes this all the more poignant!!!:(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31,967 ✭✭✭✭Sarky

    J C wrote: »
    , Creation Scientists (who are, after all, conventionally qualified scientists themselves) have overcome this particular little Evolutionist 'Catch 22' by peer reviewing their own science papers.

    And I once ended world poverty by redefining the meaning of the term.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,327 ✭✭✭AhSureTisGrand

    On the job discrimination note, I think employers should be fully entitled not to employ someone whom they consider a ****wit, or indeed a douchebag, or indeed a combination of both

This discussion has been closed.