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"The Origin of Specious Nonsense"



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,594 ✭✭✭oldrnwisr

    J C wrote: »
    ... and here is one peer-reviewed list of a few Mammal Kinds ... or Baramin with their sub-Baramin:-

    Proboscid (Elephant) Baramin ... etc. etc.

    Bravo, JC, you have managed to plumb new depths of stupidity. Before I get to the scientific evidence why this list is bollocks, a little bit of a primer is necessary.

    Most of the work that has gone into this list was conducted by the Baraminology Study Group. Its members include YECs and IDers such as Kurt Wise, Todd Wood, Wayne Frair, Richard Sternberg, Johnathan Wells and Marcus Ross.

    Todd, in collaboration with Megan Murray wrote the book "Understanding the Pattern of Life" which kind of acts like the BSG handbook. Among the more interesting passages in the book the authors write:

    "We creationists rest instead on the philosophical and biblical foundation...Since we believe that something like a diverse unit of biological creation must exist, detecting baramins becomes a matter of adjusting our context until the baraminic limits emerge"

    "Clearly when the Bible claims discontinuity, any other evidence is unnecessary. As a result, the quality of the Australopithecine or whale series is overruled by the biblical claims of discontinuity between humans and apes and whales and land creatures."

    Separately to this, Wood has, in other publications (none of which, JC, have been peer-reviewed) that:

    "Though bias in group and character selections prevent firm conclusions, it appears at this time that Price's suggestion that "family" is an approximation of the 'created kind' may be correct."

    Furthermore, the BSG has defined 'baramin' as:

    "A baramin is a group that shares continuity (meaning that each member is continuous with at least one other member) and is borderd by discontinuity."

    Don't you just love the vagueness of it all? I bet these guys really love playing Six Degrees.

    The BSG mission statement states:

    "The mission of the BSG is to develop and nurture a community of dedicated researchers committed to understanding the life sciences from a young-earth creationist perspective through meetings and publications."

    It doesn't get much clearer than that. That, JC, is the very definition of unscientific.

    Furthermore they also produced a doctrinal statement (well they are a religious group) which states:

    "...The Bible is the inspired word of God. It is verbally inerrant in all its original autographs and absolutely authoritative in all areas in which it speaks.
    God created everything in six days and rested on the seventh. According to biblical chronology, Creation occurred less than ten thousand years ago. The original Creation was perfect, lacking predation, disease and biblical death. After Adam and Eve sinned, moral and natural evil entered creation.
    The Flood of Genesis 6-9 was an historical event, at least global in scope, sent to punish the sin of mankind."

    On a side note, what the hell does "at least global in scope" mean? Are they suggesting that there were some sinners on Titan in need of wiping out aswell?

    Now down to the scientific problems associated with their claims and your parroting of them JC. First of all as Wood has stated, the term 'kind' is approximately equivalent to the real term "family." This immediately creates a problem for your flood story. To give you an example of what I mean, consider that there are 806 families in the subphylum vertebrata alone and that even going back just as far as the level of kingdom, there are 35 phyla in the kingdom Animalia. I mean there are 109 families of spider alone ffs.

    Secondly, there is the deeply unscientific and untestable nature of the criteria for establishing membership of a kind. The BSG claim that they use both additive and subtractive evidence in support of their claims. The additive evidence consists of morphological similarity and hybridisation while the subtractive evidence consists of morphological dissimilarity, lack of fossil evidence and scriptural claims of discontinuity.
    First of all, with regard to morphology, the experience gained from the real research conducted over the past 200 years in biology shows that morphology may not always be a reliable guide in determining relationships and genetic or other more concrete evidence is desirable.
    Secondly, with regard to hybridisation, I have previously posted that we have found examples of interfamilal hybrids which undermines the position of the BSG.
    Thirdly, negative evidence doesn't magically transform into positive evidence. Lack of fossils means lack of fossils. It doesn't mean you can start making positive inferences about it.
    Finally, what place does any kind of textual or literary evidence have in hard scientific inquiry?

    Finally, on the subject of scientific problems the body of research in this area is overwhelming but for the moment I'm going to stick with human evolution. Surely, given the biblical claim for the separate creation of humans and apes then any kind of shared ancestry would be impossible and yet, that's what we find, again and again as you can see below (apologies for the repost):


    At least now, JC, you've been specific enough for everyone to see that your claims lack any merit, are wholly unscientific and downright laughable. Thanks JC, you're doing more damage to creationism than we ever could.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    Sarky wrote: »
    A diploma in f*cking aromatherapy does not qualify you to talk about evolution.

    What's your qualification in, J C? Come on, tell us. From what you post it seems reasonable to assume you're lying about having so much as seen a university.

    What's stopping you? Chicken?
    I see you have a bloody nose ... and two black eyes ... or is that a 'Hitler mustache' and two black eyes??
    ... either way ... I agree that a diploma in aromatherapy doesn't qualify you for much ... but some women will love the smell of you!!!:):D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31,967 ✭✭✭✭Sarky

    Nice. I <3 your posts on evolution oldrnwisr, you know that?

    Alas, J C will just scream "NO U!" and pretend he won a victory.

    J C wrote: »
    I see you have a bloody nose ... and two black eyes ... or is that a 'Hitler mustache' and two black eyes??
    ... either way ... I agree that a diploma in aromatherapy doesn't qualify you for much ... but some women will love the smell of you!!!:):D

    EDIT: Ah, J C, that's pretty petty, even for you. Surely you can do better than retarded comments about avatars and glib remarks about me practising aromatherapy? Do I have to start suggesting you're a flagrant homosexual again, or do you think you could act with a shred of maturity?

    I've been pretty open about my scientific qualifications. Why are you so scared? Feeling inadequate with a certificate in shoelace tying?

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    oldrnwisr wrote: »
    Bravo, JC, you have managed to plumb new depths of stupidity. Before I get to the scientific evidence why this list is bollocks, a little bit of a primer is necessary.

    Most of the work that has gone into this list was conducted by the Baraminology Study Group. Its members include YECs and IDers such as Kurt Wise, Todd Wood, Wayne Frair, Richard Sternberg, Johnathan Wells and Marcus Ross.

    Todd, in collaboration with Megan Murray wrote the book "Understanding the Pattern of Life" which kind of acts like the BSG handbook. Among the more interesting passages in the book the authors write:

    "We creationists rest instead on the philosophical and biblical foundation...Since we believe that something like a diverse unit of biological creation must exist, detecting baramins becomes a matter of adjusting our context until the baraminic limits emerge"

    "Clearly when the Bible claims discontinuity, any other evidence is unnecessary. As a result, the quality of the Australopithecine or whale series is overruled by the biblical claims of discontinuity between humans and apes and whales and land creatures."

    Separately to this, Wood has, in other publications (none of which, JC, have been peer-reviewed) that:

    "Though bias in group and character selections prevent firm conclusions, it appears at this time that Price's suggestion that "family" is an approximation of the 'created kind' may be correct."

    Furthermore, the BSG has defined 'baramin' as:

    "A baramin is a group that shares continuity (meaning that each member is continuous with at least one other member) and is borderd by discontinuity."

    Don't you just love the vagueness of it all? I bet these guys really love playing Six Degrees.

    The BSG mission statement states:

    "The mission of the BSG is to develop and nurture a community of dedicated researchers committed to understanding the life sciences from a young-earth creationist perspective through meetings and publications."

    It doesn't get much clearer than that. That, JC, is the very definition of unscientific.

    Furthermore they also produced a doctrinal statement (well they are a religious group) which states:

    "...The Bible is the inspired word of God. It is verbally inerrant in all its original autographs and absolutely authoritative in all areas in which it speaks.
    God created everything in six days and rested on the seventh. According to biblical chronology, Creation occurred less than ten thousand years ago. The original Creation was perfect, lacking predation, disease and biblical death. After Adam and Eve sinned, moral and natural evil entered creation.
    The Flood of Genesis 6-9 was an historical event, at least global in scope, sent to punish the sin of mankind."

    On a side note, what the hell does "at least global in scope" mean? Are they suggesting that there were some sinners on Titan in need of wiping out aswell?

    Now down to the scientific problems associated with their claims and your parroting of them JC. First of all as Wood has stated, the term 'kind' is approximately equivalent to the real term "family." This immediately creates a problem for your flood story. To give you an example of what I mean, consider that there are 806 families in the subphylum vertebrata alone and that even going back just as far as the level of kingdom, there are 35 phyla in the kingdom Animalia. I mean there are 109 families of spider alone ffs.

    Secondly, there is the deeply unscientific and untestable nature of the criteria for establishing membership of a kind. The BSG claim that they use both additive and subtractive evidence in support of their claims. The additive evidence consists of morphological similarity and hybridisation while the subtractive evidence consists of morphological dissimilarity, lack of fossil evidence and scriptural claims of discontinuity.
    First of all, with regard to morphology, the experience gained from the real research conducted over the past 200 years in biology shows that morphology may not always be a reliable guide in determining relationships and genetic or other more concrete evidence is desirable.
    Secondly, with regard to hybridisation, I have previously posted that we have found examples of interfamilal hybrids which undermines the position of the BSG.
    Thirdly, negative evidence doesn't magically transform into positive evidence. Lack of fossils means lack of fossils. It doesn't mean you can start making positive inferences about it.
    Finally, what place does any kind of textual or literary evidence have in hard scientific inquiry?
    You could say all of that ... but then you are an Evolutionist.
    oldrnwisr wrote: »
    Finally, on the subject of scientific problems the body of research in this area is overwhelming but for the moment I'm going to stick with human evolution. Surely, given the biblical claim for the separate creation of humans and apes then any kind of shared ancestry would be impossible and yet, that's what we find, again and again as you can see below (apologies for the repost):

    Common design explains what you say ... and last time I saw a Chimpanzee it was clear to me that it wasn't Human ... and would never be Human.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31,967 ✭✭✭✭Sarky

    J C wrote: »
    You could say all of that ... but then you are an Evolutionist.

    Called it. Christ on a stick, you're so predictably awful at this.

    Common design explains what you say ... and last time I saw a Chimpanzee it was clear to me that it wasn't Human ... and would never be Human.:)

    There is an incredible amount of stupid in what you just said.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    Sarky wrote: »
    EDIT: Ah, J C, that's pretty petty, even for you. Surely you can do better than retarded comments about avatars and glib remarks about me practising aromatherapy? Do I have to start suggesting you're a flagrant homosexual again, or do you think you could act with a shred of maturity?

    I've been pretty open about my scientific qualifications. Why are you so scared? Feeling inadequate with a certificate in shoelace tying?
    You stop callling me chicken ... and I'll stop giving you (metaphorical) black eyes!!!:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31,967 ✭✭✭✭Sarky

    More childish nonsense?

    Have you let your Thai ladyboy at the computer again?

    You see, this is what you're doing, J C. You're running away from arguments, lying about links and claims, misrepresenting information to the point where you may as well be lying, making crass comments about people while swearing blind that you're above that sort of thing, and claiming victory after the world has pointed out the metric f*cktonne of fatal flaws in your terribly thought out, abysmally written posts.

    No doubt your next post will fail to disprove anything I have said.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,594 ✭✭✭oldrnwisr

    Sarky wrote: »
    Nice. I <3 your posts on evolution oldrnwisr, you know that?

    Alas, J C will just scream "NO U!" and pretend he won a victory.

    Thanks Sarky, that is much appreciated. As someone whose knowledge of evolution is autodidactic, its great to be able to engage with others of like mind and who have studied life sciences extensively.

    Naturally, I have stopped expecting any kind of coherent or meaningful response from JC.

    Speaking of which:
    J C wrote: »
    You could say all of that ... but then you are an Evolutionist.


    Is that all you've got to say?

    J C wrote: »
    Common design explains what you say ... and last time I saw a Chimpanzee it was clear to me that it wasn't Human ... and would never be

    Ah, yes common design. So shared ancestry is due to common design and non-shared ancestry is due to same design.


    Also, why would evidence indicating shared ancestry, which you are suggesting is common design, be realised through errors, broken chromosomes and broken genes. I mean, for example, why would God give us a broken copy of the Vitamin C synthesis gene. I thought humans were supposed to be the pinnacle of your God's creation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,241 ✭✭✭Sonics2k

    So wait, can I get this straight.

    JC is claiming that 'big cats' evolved into Lions, Tigers and so on over the course of 500 years. But he's also saying it's impossible that mankind evolved from Apes, despite the proof that has been shown to him.

    p.s. JC, I'm pretty sure you claimed to be educated a while back, so you can please stop saying Monkeys instead of Apes, it's pretty stupid. I've known the difference between the two since I was at least 8 years old. It's nearly as annoying as calling a Dolphin a fish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 550 ✭✭✭Teg Veece

    Sonics2k wrote: »

    JC is claiming that 'big cats' evolved into Lions, Tigers and so on over the course of 500 years. But he's also saying it's impossible that mankind evolved from Apes, despite the proof that has been shown to him.

    This is the bit that I'm confused about too. On the one hand JC seems to be saying the evolution is impossible but on the other he's saying lions, tigers etc. evolved from a common ancestor in less than 500 years (then stopped evolving apparently for some reason).

    Surely if you think that all big cats share a common ancestor then it's not too hard to see how humans and chimps do.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,636 ✭✭✭Doctor Jimbob

    Teg Veece wrote: »
    This is the bit that I'm confused about too. On the one hand JC seems to be saying the evolution is impossible but on the other he's saying lions, tigers etc. evolved from a common ancestor in less than 500 years (then stopped evolving apparently for some reason).

    Surely if you think that all big cats share a common ancestor than it's not too hard to see how humans and chimps do.

    Basically he believe evolution can happen apart from in any instances where it contradicts the bible.

    Does anyone else get the impression the word 'Baramin' is a way of defining species without using the word 'Species'
    Wonder why that could be.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    Sonics2k wrote: »
    So wait, can I get this straight.

    JC is claiming that 'big cats' evolved into Lions, Tigers and so on over the course of 500 years. But he's also saying it's impossible that mankind evolved from Apes, despite the proof that has been shown to him.
    It's impossible ... and it also didn't happen that Apes became Man.
    The proof that Lions, Tigers, etc. are the same Baramin is that they are inter-fertile to various degrees ... but Apes and Humans aren't inter-fertile ... so they aren't the same Baramin or Kind ... but of course I don't expect you to believe this because you are 'wedded' to the writings of a Victorian former Divinity student who went through a personal faith crisis ... and came out the far side believing he was an Ape.:)
    Sonics2k wrote: »
    p.s. JC, I'm pretty sure you claimed to be educated a while back, so you can please stop saying Monkeys instead of Apes, it's pretty stupid. I've known the difference between the two since I was at least 8 years old. It's nearly as annoying as calling a Dolphin a fish.
    Where did I say Monkey instead of Ape?
    Please stop calling me stupid ... when it is you that is the one that is confused between Monkeys and Apes ... and people.:(

  • Moderators Posts: 51,765 ✭✭✭✭Delirium

    J C wrote: »
    It's impossible ... and it also didn't happen that Apes became Man.
    The proof that Lions, Tigers, etc. are the same Baramin is that they are inter-fertile to various degrees ... but Apes and Humans aren't inter-fertile ... so they aren't the same Baramin or Kind ... but of course I don't expect you to believe this because you are 'wedded' to the writings of a Victorian former Divinity student who went through a faith crisis ... and came out the far side believing he was an Ape.:)

    I see you still don't understand that apes and humans had a shared ancestor, not that humans and apes were inter-breeding.

    If you can read this, you're too close!

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    Sarky wrote: »
    You're running away from arguments, lying about links and claims, misrepresenting information to the point where you may as well be lying, making crass comments about people while swearing blind that you're above that sort of thing,
    Any crass comments ... are your own crass comments turned back against ye ... and I am not running away with anything execept victory in the Lord.
    You see I'm in a bit of a dilemma ... if I say nothing about your crass comments ... people may start to believe that my silence is assent ... and it also could indicate that I support such bullying ... but when I do say something ye start whinging ... and running to your mammies.:eek:

    Take the Aromatherapy thing ... it was you who insulted me first with the following:-
    Originally Posted by Sarky
    A diploma in f*cking aromatherapy does not qualify you to talk about evolution.
    Ye strike the first blow ... and wonder why ye then get a (metaphorical) black eye for yourselves!!!

  • Moderators Posts: 51,765 ✭✭✭✭Delirium

    Some learning material for JC.


    If you can read this, you're too close!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31,967 ✭✭✭✭Sarky

    I say, don't you think that's a bit advanced for him?

    I'm not sure English is J C's first language. I mean never mind the reckless abuse of punctuation, he seems to have genuine problems with extracting the meaning from a post.

  • Moderators Posts: 51,765 ✭✭✭✭Delirium

    Sarky wrote: »
    I say, don't you think that's a bit advanced for him?

    I'm not sure English is J C's first language. I mean never mind the reckless abuse of punctuation, he seems to have genuine problems with extracting the meaning from a post.


    Well if a non-scientist like myself can get to grips with that diagram, I would presume a self-professed scientist like JC wouldn't have too many problems with it.

    If you can read this, you're too close!

  • Registered Users Posts: 677 ✭✭✭Doc_Savage

    Sarky wrote: »
    I say, don't you think that's a bit advanced for him?

    I'm not sure English is J C's first language. I mean never mind the reckless abuse of punctuation, he seems to have genuine problems with extracting the meaning from a post.

    it's quite clear that JC's first language is bullsh*t!;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,636 ✭✭✭Doctor Jimbob

    koth wrote: »
    Sarky wrote: »
    I say, don't you think that's a bit advanced for him?

    I'm not sure English is J C's first language. I mean never mind the reckless abuse of punctuation, he seems to have genuine problems with extracting the meaning from a post.


    Well if a non-scientist like myself can get to grips with that diagram, I would presume a self-professed scientist like JC wouldn't have too many problems with it.
    Don't hold your breath. I'm guessing he'll make some awful 'joke' about it that shows he doesn't understand it in the slightest, and refuse to address the topic further.

    Oh and J C, your demented comparison of this thread to one guy beating up hundreds of people isn't quite accurate. Its more like one man getting so severely beaten that he knows the end is near so he goes to his happy place and pretends everything is ok.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    koth wrote: »
    Some learning material for JC.

    I do know what a family tree looks like ... and your illustration isn't a family tree ... it has a line of descent and a family bush!!!:eek:
    In any event, the definitive test of animals with common ancestry is their ability to inter-breed (to some degree) ... and Apes and Men cannot interbreed to any degree ... while the Big Cats can all inter-breed.

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  • Moderators Posts: 51,765 ✭✭✭✭Delirium

    you called it, Doctor Jim :pac:

    If you can read this, you're too close!

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    Sarky wrote: »
    There is an incredible amount of stupid in what you just said.
    As an Abiogenesis-Evolutionist ... you must be quite an expert in stupid ... so I bow to your expertise!!!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    koth wrote: »
    I see you still don't understand that apes and humans had a shared ancestor, not that humans and apes were inter-breeding.
    The two tend to go together.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    Oh and J C, your demented comparison of this thread to one guy beating up hundreds of people isn't quite accurate. Its more like one man getting so severely beaten that he knows the end is near so he goes to his happy place and pretends everything is ok.
    Ah poor old Sarky ... and where is his 'happy place'?:D:)

    Tell him that I'll ask somebody to visit him ... the Holy Spirit.:)

  • Moderators Posts: 51,765 ✭✭✭✭Delirium

    J C wrote: »
    The two tend to go together.:)

    just like blue whales and dolphins:rolleyes:

    If you can read this, you're too close!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,636 ✭✭✭Doctor Jimbob

    J C wrote: »
    I do know what a family tree looks like ... and your illustration isn't a family tree ... it has a line of descent and a family bush!!!:eek:
    In any event, the definitive test of animals with common ancestry is their ability to inter-breed (to some degree) ... and Apes and Men cannot interbreed to any degree ... while the Big Cats can all inter-breed.

    It shows how flawed the whole creationist argument is when to back it up, they use a bastardised version of normal evolutionary theory. Leaving out the bits that don't suit them without any solid reason of course.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,636 ✭✭✭Doctor Jimbob

    J C wrote: »
    Ah poor old Sarky ... and where is his 'happy place'?:D:)

    Tell him that I'll ask somebody to visit him ... the Holy Spirit.:)


  • Registered Users Posts: 390 ✭✭sephir0th

    J C wrote: »
    The two tend to go together.:)

    Hang on, you believe that the 'Big Cat Kind' common ancestor can diverge into multiple type of Cat in 500 years, but for some bizarre reason think descendant lineages can never change enough to stop them being able to interbreed?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,759 ✭✭✭✭dlofnep

    HAY J C.

    Y u no make sense?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    koth wrote: »
    just like blue whales and dolphins:rolleyes:
    I see ... you're learning ... fast.:)

This discussion has been closed.