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"The Origin of Specious Nonsense"



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,192 ✭✭✭housetypeb

    J C wrote: »
    It's a free country ... and you're quite entitled to your disbelief.
    Then don't claim your made up god king master is 'our' god.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    King Mob wrote: »
    No it (Evolution) has a strict and certain definition ...
    ... and that would be???

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    housetypeb wrote: »
    Then don't claim your made up god king master is 'our' god.
    He is the One True God ... even if some people reject/don't believe in Him.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    J C wrote: »
    ... and that would be???

    You see JC I know it. Most of the people here know it, and that I know it.

    The only person whose knowledge is in question is yours.

    So JC lets see if you can answer yet another simple question on the first go: what is the exact definition of biological evolution?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,192 ✭✭✭housetypeb

    J C wrote: »
    He is everyone's God ... even if some reject/don't believe in Him.:)
    Budwieser is the king of beers-even if some dont believe it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    King Mob wrote: »
    You see JC I know it. Most of the people here know it, and that I know it.

    The only person whose knowledge is in question is yours.

    So JC lets see if you can answer yet another simple question on the first go: what is the exact definition of biological evolution?
    Evolution is a 'weasel word' that can (and has been used to) mean almost anything in relation to the supposed development of life on Earth!!!

    The current most popular definition (courtesy of Wikipedia) is "the change in the inherited traits of a population of organisms through successive generations".
    ... and this defintion could have been written by a Creation Scientist, because it is not disputed by them that allele frequencies change over time as the original genetic diversity infused at Creation is selected and recombined.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    housetypeb wrote: »
    Budwieser is the king of beers-even if some dont believe it.
    ... got it in one!!!:D

    ... cheers mate!!!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,463 ✭✭✭marienbad

    J C wrote: »
    ... got it in one!!!:D

    ... cheers mate!!!:)

    staying with the beer analogy Heineken don't do fantasists but if they did it would have to be JC:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    marienbad wrote: »
    staying with the beer analogy Heineken don't do fantasists but if they did it would have to be JC:)
    I think it was Carlsberg ... and no, I'm not a fantasist ... but yes, I'm probably the best Creation Scientist in the World!!!!:D

    ... but I give all of the credit to Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit!!!:pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,038 ✭✭✭sponsoredwalk

    J C wrote: »
    ... when Chemistry, Thermodynamics, environmental constraints etc spontaneously write the front page of the Irish Times, I'll believe you ... until then I'll continue to reject your idea that non-intelligently directed processes can produce the CFSI found in life and in print!!!:)

    Nobody has claimed that Chemistry, Thermodynamics, environmental
    constraints will ever spontaneously write
    the front page of the Irish Times, what are you talking about??? :confused:

    Lets get what you've just said clear, you've just taken what I've said
    100% completely wrongly, invented a strawman & then said because you
    don't aceept the strawman I never erected you're going to continue to
    deny every point everyone here makes :eek:

    J C wrote: »
    Yes, you are correct that all you would need is a series of functional permutation that satisfies the environmental constraints ... but the spontaneous production of just one functional specific biomolecule is a mathematical impossibility

    Erm, no it isn't. All you need is any permutation that gives an organism
    with that genetic code an advantage over it's neighbours. That's all you
    need, and it is explained by that thing "everybody accepts", NS.
    Also, your "proof" has been invalidated, when I talk about permutations
    I am not talking about the ones your "proof" discusses because you are
    discussing permutations of some imagined protein chain sitting in empty
    space being watched only by a snail and his companion electron, I'm
    just talking about the random permutations that could exist in one of
    the cells in the abiogenesis experiment that offered any beneficial
    advantage over it's neighbours who all also have random internal contents.
    Notice also that you assume a 100 chain protein to exist while I allow
    for anything, that basically means the precursor molecules that were the
    precursor of the precursor of the precursor of the ... of the precursor of
    modern day complex proteins & all the other cellular components.
    Notice also that this applies to any process in which competition
    between molecules is aided by any random but beneficial "genetic"

    J C wrote: »
    ... and we would need millions of such functional specific biomolecules to produce the living organisms that we observe in the biosphere.

    What are you talking about? We only need one that has a beneficial
    permutation that allows it to survive and reproduce thereby multiplying
    itself and, shocker, filling up the biosphere. I think the extreme diversity
    of life on this planet tells you that in fact many different organisms
    exist & arise from lineages extending back extremely far indicating that
    a huge diversity of FI existed & further diversified, as the fossil record
    clearly indicates, as does the existence of archea, prokaryotes etc...
    J C wrote: »
    ... so even though all we would need is a series of functional permutations that satisfies the environmental constraints, this is mathematically impossible due to the vast inequilibrium between specific functional permutations and the non-specific, non-functional ones.

    The vast inequilibrium between specific functional permutations and the
    non-specific, non-functional ones :confused: Just imagine in a lipid bilayer is your
    phantom 100-chain protein is like a sign that flashes HOOTERS and every
    time it flashes a new permutation exists. All we need is one single flash
    where the permutation is in any way more beneficial to the organism than
    the permutations in it's neighbours. Does that make sense? If the
    internal permutation gives the cell an advantage then it sparks competition
    of genetic content which means an added sting in the already existing
    competition fuelled by thermodynamics & the environment, now this is just
    the situation I'm picturing as espoused on the Szostak video, given
    a few hundred million years in the real world I think we know what
    really happened but just using an ideallized situation you can see the
    power of this explanation, and this is just the power of your phantom
    protein chain in a cell in the situation of the Szostak experiment.
    This is how FI could complexify due to competition, does the very fact
    that this could possibly happen as explained by generic chemsitry not
    tell you the obvious? Why go for the outrageous belief that a magic
    finger dirty with the blood of genocide came down & injected "intelligence"
    into a natural system that didn't need the bloody finger there in the first
    place? It's as if this vengeful god raped the FI :eek: (Wouldn't surprise
    me knowing the things that satisfy him :pac:).
    J C wrote: »
    Intelligent behaviour is found in all living creatures ... and not just in Humans.

    No, behaviour is found in all living creatures, we would call some of it
    intelligent because it seems to us to satisfy a specific esoteric criterion,

    J C wrote: »
    It is a virtual phenomenon and is the fourth great phenomenon of existence ... after matter, energy and time.

    Says you & the other ID'ers, I don't agree with your complete & utter
    nonsense because it's a subjective human idealization, a value judgement
    that varies from person to person & especially the way you use intelligence
    seeing as it's so religiously motivated, sorry it's unspecified (;)) but allows
    for anything (hint hint ;)).

    J C wrote: »
    How so?

    Please bear in mind that I said that The Laws Thermodynamics indicate that everything in the universe is moving from a state of order to disorder ... and this can only be locally reversed by the input of intelligently harnessed energy. They are therefore a major supporting proof for the Intelligent Design of life.
    Raw energy from the Sun or any other energy source is at best neutral and at worst highly destructive in hurricanes, sunburn, etc.
    Solar Energy only increases order and decreases entropy when it is intelligently harnessed using intelligently designed systems like photosynthesis, wind turbines, solar panels, combustion engines, etc.:)

    So you don't call the sun intelligent then? I'm even more concerned than
    before then, it's not the sun that's intelligent it's the chemistry that
    manipulates the suns energy! I guess your a carbo-phile, carbon is
    the intelligence you speak of!
    You call photosynthesis an intelligently-designed system, I mean it must
    include the non-biological system too right?
    And even still, it's just a materialistic system involving chemical
    conversions completely explained by materialistic atheistic baby-eating
    marxist-scientists, and wind turbines? I mean, it's obvious the intelligence
    there is not the physics involved no, it's the human initiative isn't it :rolleyes:
    That's a scientific conclusion worthy of a creationist scientific paper
    alright, I mean if I see that a person is manipulating the physics of
    rotational dynamics there is obviously a creator! Bicycle wheels obviously
    refute evolution, it's so simple now!!!

    Also, how can you call the laws of thermodynamics a major proof of
    ID when the laws of thermodynamics predict a heat death for the
    universe, predict that the sun will eventually lose all of it's energy &
    would therefore provide no more light energy for that materialistic yet
    intelligent system known as photosynthesis thereby ending life on this
    planet? :confused:

    Finally, I must applaud the way you choose to reply to only certain parts
    of my post & ignore others, sometimes whole posts, and are able to
    ignore most people questions, I'm not the only one curious to hear why
    you were calling dinosaurs mammals, or why the fact that mammals once
    ate dinosaurs somehow proves anything or is even relevant to our
    conversation, or the macroevolution debacle, or even an explanation of
    why your proof has any relevance to the theory of evolution whatsoever,
    or why you were calling evolution a fairytale when you accept every
    component that forms it's foundation:

    "everybody accepts X"

    "X is a fact"


    How any times have I mentioned these things & gotten no response
    from you? How many times has everyone here requested a real answer
    because you continually ignore the substance and reply with some
    cheap comment, a smiley & 5 exclamation marks?
    You are extremely dishonest when you say you try to answer everything
    because I have to keep mentioning these things in order that you'll finally
    explain what you meant when you first made the outrageously false
    statement that (repeating them again :pac:)
    dinosaurs are mammals, that mammals once ate dinosaurs somehow proves
    anything or is even relevant to our conversation, macroevolution is
    unacceptable but microevolution is just obvious, that your proof has any
    relevance to the theory of evolution whatsoever, that evolution is a
    fairytale even though you accept every component that forms the
    foundation of this fairytale.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    Nobody has claimed that Chemistry, Thermodynamics, environmental
    constraints will ever spontaneously write
    the front page of the Irish Times, what are you talking about??? :confused:

    Lets get what you've just said clear, you've just taken what I've said
    100% completely wrongly, invented a strawman & then said because you
    don't aceept the strawman I never erected you're going to continue to
    deny every point everyone here makes :eek:
    I never claimed that you said anything about written information.
    However, Complex Specified Functional Information is CFSI whether it is written on the front page of the Irish Times ... or within the Human Genome ... and it can only be produced through the appliance of Intelligence!!!

    Erm, no it isn't. All you need is any permutation that gives an organism
    with that genetic code an advantage over it's neighbours. That's all you need, and it is explained by that thing "everybody accepts", NS.
    ... the minimum step is the production of additional functional infomation ... and not its degredation ... which is certain to happen if random changes are made to genetic information.
    ... and that is why everybody (including Evolutionists) avoid sources of mutagenesis, like the plague!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    J C wrote: »
    Evolution is a 'weasel word' that can (and has been used to) mean almost anything in relation to the supposed development of life on Earth!!!

    The current most popular definition (courtesy of Wikipedia) is "the change in the inherited traits of a population of organisms through successive generations".
    ... and this defintion could have been written by a Creation Scientist, because it is not disputed by them that allele frequencies change over time as the original genetic diversity infused at Creation is selected and recombined.

    You see JC that's the only definition of evolution.
    No one else besides ignorant idiots like yourself (creationists) who use any other definition.

    Provide a single evolutionist source that has ever used a different definition or admit to yet another lie.

    And ain't it odd for someone who pretends to know all this has to go to wikipedia everytime you're forced to give a definition?

  • Registered Users Posts: 389 ✭✭keppler

    J C wrote: »

    ... the minimum step is the production of additional functional infomation ... and not its degredation ... which is certain to happen if random changes are made to genetic information.
    ... and that is why everybody (including Evolutionists) avoid sources of mutagenesis, like the plague!!!!

    Do you have the memory of a fish? Or are you deliberately trying to be thick?

    Remember that thing you left out of your little hypothesis no? remember....natural selection J C:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,038 ✭✭✭sponsoredwalk

    J C wrote: »
    Complex Specified Functional Information is CFSI whether it is written on the front page of the Irish Times ... or within the Human Genome ... and it can only be produced through the appliance of Intelligence!!!

    This is a lie, because there is very little intelligence in the Irish Times
    first off & second because you have no proof whatsoever that the
    human genome had to be produced through intelligence but there is a
    mountain of evidence indicating that blind, materialistic, swamp-to-man,
    baby-eating processes created the particular "CFSI" (:rolleyes:) in the human
    genome. But I'm sure you have an article that discusses the fact
    there was a time when scientists didn't even know about dinosaurs as
    your proof that all the evidence in the human genome of common descent
    is in fact wrong & that CFSI in the human genome is a concept that means
    anything serious :cool:

    J C wrote: »
    ... the minimum step is the production of additional functional infomation ... and not its degredation ... which is certain to happen if random changes are made to genetic information.
    ... and that is why everybody (including Evolutionists) avoids sources of mutagenesis, like the plague!!!!

    No it's not certain because that's what a beneficial genetic mutation is.
    Remember I quoted you pages of studies of fruit flies where this
    nonsensical claim of yours was refuted? That is another lie to your list,
    that random genetic changes are nearly always detrimental to the genome
    and never positive, (thanks for reminding me of more of your plain lies,
    forgot about those ones ;)). I remember you were banging on about that
    point for quite a while until I quoted those studies, should I go back 30
    pages to find them or do you want to check that out?

    Makes for Pretty Funny Reading :) Seeing as you continue to re-hash
    old arguments only weaker than before you may as well top up on some,
    why not bring back your arguments about microevolution as I've been
    begging you to address for some time now, save your explanation of
    dinosaurs as mammals for another month or so until you re-read the
    same article about mammals eating dinosaurs to bring back the same
    feelings & therefore the same arguments.

    • Dinosaurs are mammals
    • Mammals once ate dinosaurs somehow proves anything or is even relevant to our conversation,
    • "macroevolution is indeed a load of unsubstantiated baloney without a shred of evidence or logic supporting it" but you accept microevolution
    • (and, to reiterate, macroevolution is defined as microevolution over time (lol:pac:))
    • Your invalidated "proof" that all of a sudden you don't mention in every single response (for some reason) had any relevance to the theory of evolution whatsoever
    • Evolution is a fairytale even though you accept every component that forms the foundation of this "fairytale" & a recent post of yours indicates that you accept evolution so much you think a creation scientist wrote the definition :D
    • Genetic changes are always detrimental or barely noticeable
      even though you've been given studies of drosophilia explicitly refuting that nonsense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,463 ✭✭✭marienbad

    J C wrote: »
    I think it was Carlsberg ... and no, I'm not a fantasist ... but yes, I'm probably the best Creation Scientist in the World!!!!:D

    ... but I give all of the credit to Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit!!!:pac:

    JC I think you are imbibing a bit too much of that Holy Spirit (Hennessy is it ?) and it is making you delusional !

    Next you will be quoting sources heard from a burning bush:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    J C wrote: »
    Trying to 'Divide and Conquer' ... eh???

    No, just point out that it is pointless to treat you like a believer, a Christian who believes in the literal interpretation of the Bible, since that isn't what you are.
    J C wrote: »
    I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and that I am Saved through His mercy ... with no merit on my part ... so I am a Born Again Saved Bible-believing Christian ... and Christians don't come any more genuine than that.

    No you don't. You pretend you are for some as yet undiscovered reason. But it is quite clear from your posts that you do not actually believe any of this, just as it is quite clear from the posts of Creationists such as Soul Winner and Wolfsbane that they do.

    For a start they regularly engage in other Christian topics, you seem utterly uninterested in any topic other than debating Creationism.

    They also refrain from the sort of blatant falsehoods and misdirection you happy partake in. This is consistent with a true believer, someone who would recognize that lying on purpose weakens the case to themselves, and thus causes difficulty in their own belief. You have never expressed any such issue, and as such on is left with only the conclusion that you have no difficulty because no such belief actually exists in you.
    J C wrote: »
    The dedication of Atheists, in their hundreds, to debating Theological issues on these threads fascinates me.

    I'm sure it does. There must be some reason why you continue to debate under the false pretext of being a Christian believer, a person who seems utterly uninterested in Christianity itself, only debating Creationism with atheists.

    If this is some elaborate performance piece or art project, I tip my hat to you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    marienbad wrote: »
    JC I think you are imbibing a bit too much of that Holy Spirit (Hennessy is it ?) and it is making you delusional !

    Next you will be quoting sources heard from a burning bush:)
    I rarely drink alcohol ... as I do a lot of driving ... and I have a rule that I don't drive within 12 hours of consuming any alcohol.

    ... actually, the only time that Evolution makes any sense to me, is when I have a few drinks while I am on holdays!!!!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    Wicknight wrote: »
    No, just point out that it is pointless to treat you like a believer, a Christian who believes in the literal interpretation of the Bible, since that isn't what you are.
    What can I say except Jesus loves you ... and wants to Save you.

    Wicknight wrote: »
    No you don't. You pretend you are for some as yet undiscovered reason. But it is quite clear from your posts that you do not actually believe any of this, just as it is quite clear from the posts of Creationists such as Soul Winner and Wolfsbane that they do.

    For a start they regularly engage in other Christian topics, you seem utterly uninterested in any topic other than debating Creationism.

    They also refrain from the sort of blatant falsehoods and misdirection you happy partake in. This is consistent with a true believer, someone who would recognize that lying on purpose weakens the case to themselves, and thus causes difficulty in their own belief. You have never expressed any such issue, and as such on is left with only the conclusion that you have no difficulty because no such belief actually exists in you.
    Like I have said, your allegations of lying are lies themselves!!!
    Wicknight wrote: »
    I'm sure it does. There must be some reason why you continue to debate under the false pretext of being a Christian believer, a person who seems utterly uninterested in Christianity itself, only debating Creationism with atheists.
    ... I also debate any topic that comes up with fellow Christians on the mega-thread on the Christianity Forum.

    Wicknight wrote: »
    If this is some elaborate performance piece or art project, I tip my hat to you.
    You are quite a big Conspiracy Theorist ... aren't you????
    ... indeed, come to think about it, the exchanges on the two mega-threads show the Atheists to be just as irrationally wedded to their Atheism as many other 'religious types' have been to their own particular beliefs!!!
    ... and ye have shown yourselves to be reacting in exactly the same way that many other religious persons react to challenges to their faith!!!

    ... is this art imitating life ... or is it life imitating art??

    Luke 6:41-42 (New International Version, ©2010)
    41 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 42 How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    J C wrote: »
    What can I say except Jesus loves you ... and wants to Save you.

    Yes, something if you pop over to the Christianity forum not a lot of Christians spend their time saying ad nausea. If you were actually a Christian you would probably not post comments like this.

    So the question, the real question, is then what are you actually. It is hard to imagine someone dedicating so much of their life to simply trolling. But then here you are.
    J C wrote: »
    Like I have said, your allegations of lying are lies themselves!!!

    ... I also debate it with fellow Christians on the Christianity Forum.
    Not on topics other than Creationism. And saying things like "fellow Christians" is again not something Christians commonly say. It is something people trying to mimic Christians say, like someone doing a bad impression.
    J C wrote: »
    You are quite a big Conspiracy Theorist ... aren't you????

    Well I would be lying if I said I didn't find it all fascinating, the dedication required without any clear motivation is very interesting.
    J C wrote: »
    ... indeed, come to think about it, the exchanges on the two mega-threads show the Atheists to be just as irrationally wedded to their Atheism as many other religious fanatics has been to their particular unfounded beliefs!!!

    Again not really something a Christian would causally say. Something that someone who perhaps doesn't know much about Christianity but for some reason wishes to pretend to be one would say.

    I will grant you that, perhaps due to my own bias against what I think Christians are like, your characture of a Christian was convincing for a while. But if you spend time on the Christian forum in threads other than Creationism you will see that no other Christian, the ones who actually believe, post like you do.

    It is all very fascinating.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,038 ✭✭✭sponsoredwalk

    J C wrote: »
    ... indeed, come to think about it, the exchanges on the two mega-threads show the Atheists to be just as irrationally wedded to their Atheism as many other religious fanatics has been to their particular unfounded beliefs!!!

    You're certainly irrationally wedded to ignoring questions, that's for sure :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    J C wrote: »
    I'll save your blushes by not mentioning the Evolution freak-show ... in the Evolutionary Zoo.

    Plenty of freaks in the world of evolution. Just look at the platypus!

    J C wrote: »
    ... and I can assure that my 'high wire' acts are totally safe ...

    Yes, mental gymnastics are much safer than physical ones.
    J C wrote: »
    I think it was Carlsberg ... and no, I'm not a fantasist ... but yes, I'm probably the best Creation Scientist in the World!!!!:D

    And so modest!
    Since one of the chracteristics of a 'Creation Scientist' seems to be hell bent on ignoring the reality of the world around you, yes you seem to be very good at what you do.
    J C wrote: »
    .. but I give all of the credit to Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit!!!:pac:

    To that end should lesser 'Creation Scientists' blame god for their shortcomings?
    J C wrote: »
    ... actually, the only time that Evolution makes any sense to me, is when I have a few drinks while I am on holdays!!!!:D

    in the Galapagos right?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,780 ✭✭✭liamw

    Wicknight wrote: »
    Well I would be lying if I said I didn't find it all fascinating, the dedication required without any clear motivation is very interesting.

    I've seen it before. There was a guy who went by the alias geniusiq160 on the comments section. He trolled as an overweight, star-trek nerd that corrected grammar on every comment. He really was an expert troller, some very intelligent stuff.

    If you googled his name, he had set up a myspace account and a few other accounts to back up his troll. The myspace was around for about 2/3 years along with the break account.

    I think it was just his online identity, a major troll across many sites but all conveying the same profile. One day he came on the comments section and proved he was trolling (by posting from multiple accounts).

    He gained my respect in a very weird sort of way. J.C I think.... is just crazy.

    Edit: His profile is still there along with the myspace
    MySpace is pretty dead for 2 years but you can see from the comments he had been trolling

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    Wicknight wrote: »
    Yes, something if you pop over to the Christianity forum not a lot of Christians spend their time saying ad nausea. If you were actually a Christian you would probably not post comments like this.

    So the question, the real question, is then what are you actually. It is hard to imagine someone dedicating so much of their life to simply trolling. But then here you are.
    The number one item on a Christians agenda should be to proclaim Salvation to the un-Saved ... the fact that only a handful of Chrisitians do it anymore is indicative that the Great Apostacy may well be upon us!!!!

    Wicknight wrote: »
    Not on topics other than Creationism. And saying things like "fellow Christians" is again not something Christians commonly say. It is something people trying to mimic Christians say, like someone doing a bad impression...

    ...Again not really something a Christian would causally say. Something that someone who perhaps doesn't know much about Christianity but for some reason wishes to pretend to be one would say.
    ... so what do you think that True Christians collectively call themselves?

    Wicknight wrote: »
    Well I would be lying if I said I didn't find it all fascinating, the dedication required without any clear motivation is very interesting.

    I will grant you that, perhaps due to my own bias against what I think Christians are like, your characture of a Christian was convincing for a while. But if you spend time on the Christian forum in threads other than Creationism you will see that no other Christian, the ones who actually believe, post like you do.

    It is all very fascinating.
    I have found that True Christians are very rare indeed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    Galvasean wrote: »
    To that end should lesser 'Creation Scientists' blame god for their shortcomings?
    ... I have found all Creation scientists to be scientists of the highest calibre!!!

    ... and probably amongst the best scientists in the World!!!:)

    Galvasean wrote: »
    in the Galapagos right?
    ... haven't got there yet!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,038 ✭✭✭sponsoredwalk

    Wicknight wrote: »
    It is hard to imagine someone dedicating so much of their life to simply trolling. But then here you are.

    But hasn't he been on this site for like 5 years spreading this fluff? There
    is no way any human being would spend 5 years trolling, I mean 5 years is
    just too much, over 5000 posts too. If it wasn't for these two factors I
    never would have stayed here for so long, I remember thinking that when
    someone first mentioned it, it just has to be totally serious :o

    I think we're just undoing over 5 years of "high-wire" mental gymnastics in
    this thread & it's tough on him, I mean he's beaten into such a corner
    now that he has no frankenproof to rely on, no mamallian dinosaurs fresh
    off Noah's ark to ride into the sunset on the back of, no dying drosophilia,
    no reliance on "information" or "CFSI" seeing as he's told us that atheistic
    materialistic processes like photosynthesis & wind turbines are CFSI &
    these are explained not by a magic finger but by soulless Marxist
    materialism, can't stop being called for his lies, but finally he has no
    argument against evolution seeing as we got him to explicitly admit in his
    own words that he accepts every part of the theory :D In fact, it'd be
    pretty convenient for him to admit he was trolling all this time seeing as
    every single argument he once arrogantly bragged about has been put
    down & we know that he'd rather save face & restart than admit he is
    lying to himself. The thing is that all creationists are like this, I mean
    look at Dembski, Behe et al. They do on a global scale what JC does
    in this thread!

    If it is a big troll at least he's pushed me to check my facts as more than
    once I wasn't really sure why I knew X, it's not a loss if this is just a
    means to satisfy a lonely persons desire for attention or whatever it really
    is, but this thread is definitely an anthropologists dream! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,615 ✭✭✭✭J C

    But hasn't he been on this site for like 5 years spreading this fluff? There
    is no way any human being would spend 5 years trolling, I mean 5 years is
    just too much, over 5000 posts too. If it wasn't for these two factors I
    never would have stayed here for so long, I remember thinking that when
    someone first mentioned it, it just has to be totally serious
    Both my Christianity and my scientific prowess should be clear for all to see.

    I am not a troll ... just a scientist disatisfied with the 'sloppy' thinking amongst those who call themselves Evolutionists!!!

    ... the thing is a nonesense ... and the only reason it is still around at all within science, is because nobody can think up anything better to bolster their Materialism with!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,463 ✭✭✭marienbad

    J C wrote: »
    I rarely drink alcohol ... as I do a lot of driving ... and I have a rule that I don't drive within 12 hours of consuming any alcohol.

    ... actually, the only time that Evolution makes any sense to me, is when I have a few drinks while I am on holdays!!!!:D

    Well I can only recommend you get back on the sauce as the withdrawal symtoms are making you delusional ! next you will be trying to feed the multitude with a loaf, a fish(mammalian) and a can of heineken

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    J C wrote: »
    ... I have found all Creation scientists to be scientists of the highest calibre!!!

    But if, as you claim, you are the best then the others must not be as good as you. Therefore they cannot all possibly be of the highest calibre.

    J C in contradicting himself scandal.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 24,416 Mod ✭✭✭✭robindch

    J C wrote: »
    Intelligent behaviour is found in all living creatures
    I've been reading your posts since around the time you started on boards and I beg to disagree.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    J C wrote: »
    ... haven't got there yet!!!

    If you're fond of travel you should check out the Galapagos/ 'Twas a favoured destination of a well known naturalist whose ideas you disagree with.

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