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Anyone else get Round 2/3 Offers?

  • 14-09-2010 4:13pm
    Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,275 ✭✭✭

    Anyone know what the craic is, seeing as college has already kinda started? I accepted my place last Friday and haven't heard anything from NUI except for a couple of replies to emails. I was told to log into the registration page using my CAO number and password 'galwayDDMM' where DDMM is my date of birth, but it won't work, and I haven't received anything in the post yet.

    Bit worried as I'm going to miss the introductory lectures, might affect my choosing of subjects etc.

    Bit of a farce that I had to wait til last Friday for an offer when I already had my CAO points from 2008 but there you go!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16,930 ✭✭✭✭challengemaster

    What course are you doing?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,533 ✭✭✭the keen edge

    I cant tell you anything about offers etc, but I can tell you that the introductory lectures start tomorrow, so I'd advise you to get your self down to the campus in the morning.

    I don't think admittance to the introductory lectures will require you to have registered.

    What course are you taking?
    If it is in the School of Science I would be happy to meet you in the morning to give you a look at the lecture timetable associated with this school.

    I am racing at the moment, so I check back later this evening to see if you require this help.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,275 ✭✭✭Fionn MacCool

    What course are you doing?

    I'm still not even sure if I'm going ahead with college, as I'm not sure how much I will have to pay. Fees office told me 5.8k as I dropped out of first year on a different course a couple of years ago but that's an obnoxious amount. I'm trying to find out what this 50% fees is.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,109 ✭✭✭QueenOfLeon


    I'm still not even sure if I'm going ahead with college, as I'm not sure how much I will have to pay. Fees office told me 5.8k as I dropped out of first year on a different course a couple of years ago but that's an obnoxious amount. I'm trying to find out what this 50% fees is.

    Did you drop out during the year or did you do the whole of first year and then leave? I think if you did the whole year you'd have to pay fees, something like 5 or 6 grand alright...:(

    No harm going to introductory lectures if you have somewhere to stay. If you have to sign up for anything just say you got a late offer and didn't register yet. You don't even have to pay when you register (you can leave it and go back).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 68 ✭✭shellib

    Hi guys jus wanted to ask do u only have to pay the 5/6 grand thing if you were doin the same level eg. honours degree level 8... I dropped out of 2nd yr of level 7 course now doin level 8! :(
    OP Im doin arts too went to the intro lectures yesterday an today they are repeated during the week exact same talks...
    this is the link for the timetable
    so you still have time to go to them :) hope that helps!

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