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Budget 2011 ideas



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,473 ✭✭✭robtri

    20Cent wrote: »
    Surely taking loans to boost a balance sheet artificially is illegal.
    Also buying your own stock through others in order to increase share price.
    Hiding losses from shareholders and regulators.

    Don't see why its so hard to prove.

    you say surely.... but by your sentence you dont know...

    what they did is ****, underhand and seems wrong....
    but I am not aware of any law they have specifically all broken??

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,905 ✭✭✭Aard

    Idea for VAT:

    Presently VAT is charged at 0%, 13.5%, and 21%. Respectively, these account for 8%, 48%, and 44% of VAT receipts.

    Keeping the 0% rate, it would be possible to amalgamate the 13.5% and the 21% rates into one standard rate, which would be lower than the current one. If this new lower standard-rate was 17%, there would only be a slight decrease in receipts. (The exact figure would be 17.08...%)

    The reasoning for combining the two current rates is to simplify the system. Less time would be spent in calculating two different rates. In addition, if the tax-payer hears that the standard rate is being reduced by four percentage-points, it will surely restore some faith in the system and encourage spending. Of course, this is not entirely true, as an almost equal number of prices will be going up as will be going down, not to mention retailers potentially profiting from the difference.

    In all though, I believe it would benefit the country.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 374 ✭✭pocketvenus

    Here is what i would do

    No TD or minister should be paid more than €50,000 and reform expenses area - none given unless properly receipted and absolutly necessary.

    OAP's need to take a hit - even if it getting rid of free tv license, or free line rental etc. One or two sections of society cannot get away scott free.

    Huge investigation in SW fraud and anyone found in breach should be cut off. Any person who has never worked a day in their life should be investigated and benefits cuts. At the high of the boom people still were signing on the dole and the country crying out for workers.

    Having lost my job 14 months ago myself I know how hard it is to survive on €196 a week especially when you are not entitled to anything more however it will be cut so €10 max is more than enough personally I think €190 would be the best thing. With jobs being so hard to find calls for it to be reduced even further after 3 yearsand subsequent years in the current climate are not fair

    Anyone earning over €70,000 child welfare should be no given or at least reduced - not sure what way that work but def high earners should not be receiving it.

    Maybe a higher rate of tax for anyone earning €100,000 plus

    Scrap certain tax exceptions such as artists not paying tax.

    I am not agreeing with this but am surprised the Government never got rid of the practice of winners of National Lottery not paying tax on winnings I know alot of countries like US winners have to pay tax. I know you pay on interest, DIRT etc.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 542 ✭✭✭cleremy jarkson

    I am not agreeing with this but am surprised the Government never got rid of the practice of winners of National Lottery not paying tax on winnings I know alot of countries like US winners have to pay tax. I know you pay on interest, DIRT etc.

    I'd definitely never do the lotto if the jackpot was taxed! That's the lure of the lotto...a massive lump sum that's all mine mine mine :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 374 ✭✭pocketvenus

    I'd definitely never do the lotto if the jackpot was taxed! That's the lure of the lotto...a massive lump sum that's all mine mine mine :D

    I totally agree there I would not do Lotto either if the winnings were taxed but with the way the Gov are going now nothing would surprise me.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,476 ✭✭✭ardmacha

    24 - 49,999 would take 10% on that so lets say 45 thousand would get paid 40.5 pay ( I am not going to go that far to work the none 10 % on the first 24 because I would have to do it 3 times lol). If you earned 80k you would lose 10% up to 50K and then 20% on the next 30k.

    Why do you propose this when all of the data showed that the pay gap between the public and private sector was greatest at lower levels? Everyone rants here about data and comparisons and the like and then ignores the data that is collected.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,423 ✭✭✭tinkerbell

    ** Inheritance Tax - DEATH TAX
    Ok farmers get ready to hate this one. I would allow each generation to pass 10% (up to 150,000) of there assets on after death that is it!! I include farms, houses etc. Lets stand on our own 2 feet everyone!!!

    Rough back of the envelope calculation - this is very rough
    Lets say 2 percent of people die every year and we have a combined GNP of 120 billion I am assuming that as these are generally going to be older (more time to accumulate) that it would work out at approx 10% of GNP

    So 12billion straight away - 10% = 10.8 we are sorted.

    So you're saying that the max you should be allowed to pass onto your relatives / children / whoever you so please should be 10%, max 150,000? And the rest goes back to the state? You have already paid tax on assets / income, etc. so why should you just hand back your fortune to the state? That's ridiculous.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13 Donegalguy2

    tinkerbell wrote: »
    So you're saying that the max you should be allowed to pass onto your relatives / children / whoever you so please should be 10%, max 150,000? And the rest goes back to the state? You have already paid tax on assets / income, etc. so why should you just hand back your fortune to the state? That's ridiculous.

    If you have had a good life then you should be more then happy to give it back to the people that gave you it in the first in the first place. Unless as so many you previously inheritated it anyway! why should one person benefit over the many more? a powerful trait of jewish men is that each one has to leave more in there will then they received. could you imagine the greatness of the people we could potentially create if we all started with nothing with the same attitude? we are obviously doing something terribly wrong? when was the last time we even had a competent man never mind great?

  • Registered Users Posts: 13 Donegalguy2

    ardmacha wrote: »
    Why do you propose this when all of the data showed that the pay gap between the public and private sector was greatest at lower levels? Everyone rants here about data and comparisons and the like and then ignores the data that is collected.

    The data is data the politic realities are different. More then 200 public service people earn more then 200,000 now that is more then but I will give them a flat rate - that is 40 million for 200 people do you think that is fair? they are talking about cutting 600 million from the health budget that will effect thousands of people and the most vulnerable in society elderly, mentally handicapped, the dying, children are going to be abused sexually because of this. would you not think that getting rid of 200 people would be better? they have shown that they havent a notion anyway! I know that I am being a little emotional but it is totally and utterly riduculous. If it was me I would bench mark all levels to the uk but I cant see that happening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 137 ✭✭Plus 10

    robtri wrote: »
    if i had a say in the matter...

    1. Remove motor tax, pay an extra 10c at the pumps on diesel and petrol.. re deploy motor tax staff or redunacies

    2. Cut Dole by 30%..

    3. All minister pay cut by 30%.

    4. All ministers pensions only payable at retirement age.

    5. After 1 year as serving Taoiseach, the free car, body gaurd, chauffer gone.

    6. All PS workers pay cut 20%

    7. Raise income levy by 1%

    8. Agree Fixed rate contracts... none of this estimate crap... for all major projects over 500,000euro

    9. Remove all PS pay for sitting on quangos and other supplementry boards, its their job ffs

    10. property tax on second homes of €1000 a year

    11. Lower company tax by 1%

    12. Housing, after two refusals of a coucil house, all rent payments to be stopped.

    13. All PS expenses to be vouched and audited by independat third party auditor, all discrenpancies to be paid back by the employee

    14. Sell RTE....

    Some interesting suggestions - here is a few ideas I haven't seen yet

    1. Tax free lump sums on retirement - makes no sense - all income should be taxed. Similiarly pension contributions should be allowed relief at the marginal rate - getting a lot of press but it is actually fair - tax it on the way out

    2. Mortgage interest relief on investment properties - don't allow relief - phase out over say 3 years

    3. Levy on tracker mortgages - we are bailing out the banks the banks are losing money on trackers - the variable rate mortage holders are being screwed - trackers could afford a levy of say 0.5%

    4. Car tax/VRT - these very favourable rates for the "green" cars should be increased - sounded good in a tiger economy but €150 tax on the 2010 diesel Merc or BMW makes no sense

    5. Tax on foreign properties - similiar to the €200 payable on second properties a tax should be introduced on all properties owned abroad

    6. Scrap the Early Childcare scheme - not a priority - to be far to those just set up it should probably be phased out

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  • Registered Users Posts: 666 ✭✭✭deise blue

    The data is data the politic realities are different. More then 200 public service people earn more then 200,000 now that is more then but I will give them a flat rate - that is 400 million for 200 people do you think that is fair? they are talking about cutting 600 million from the health budget that will effect thousands of people and the most vulnerable in society elderly, mentally handicapped, the dying, children are going to be abused sexually because of this. would you not think that getting rid of 200 people would be better? they have shown that they havent a notion anyway! I know that I am being a little emotional but it is totally and utterly riduculous. If it was me I would bench mark all levels to the uk but I cant see that happening.

    Far too emotional , 200 x 200,000 = 40 million not 400 million.

    Back to the drawing board I think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 323 ✭✭mistermouse

    Reform Taxation for small Business and Self Employed.

    You are not entitled to anything, nothing in terms of future Dole etc if you take the chance setting up yourself. Nor are you entitled to tax credits, so you are Taxed on all profit/wages in your start up years even if it comes in below the tax net.

    There is no incentive for people to set up as a sole trader / self employed and your are screwed if it goes wrong as you cannot go onto the dole. Best going on the dole in the first place.

  • Registered Users Posts: 113 ✭✭delonglad

    I think the tax on txt messages is a good idea, not only would it create revenue but it might discourage the hoards of mainly young people who sit on their phones all day and have no communications skills whatsoever bar the txt spk..

    Sell Aer Lingus to Mr. O'Leary would not only make it a better airline but would open up a whole new market for young Americans wanting to come to Ireland and spend all their money on Guinness and Shannanigans. Tourist Ireland would never come up with something this simple.

    Sell the public transport system which would create revenue and sort the bloody thing out. Going from a world class transport system over here to the shabby expensive one at home is heart breaking.

    Increase the tax on fuel and reduce car tax(The fuel tax would be greatly subsidized for the truck companies who provide our deliveries and keep costs of food etc down)

    Sort out the VRT to encourage buying of new cars

    Bring in water charges, I pay it over here in Holland and have no problems

    Income tax all amalgamated into one like said above

    Property tax on second homes

    Seriously cut the middle management and top level public sector(leave the hard working lower paid one alone)

    Hit the pensioners but not hard(Although they've worked all their life and deserve a nice retirement we are indeed screwed and everyone has to pay.

    Cut dole to young people living with their parents(most have a better social life than the average worker)

    Abolish the airport tax (Stupid Tax)

    Get those on long term dole with skills work for it, I know this is a controversial one but my god they would be better off building a classroom for their kids than sitting at home giving out about the government not providing a classroom for the children.

    Cut single parent allowance starting from 9 months time, this would surely stop the hoards of young ones getting pregnant for the few bob. I don't care what anyone says a recession is always a baby boom and for the one reason, money. Some people are unlucky but alot are just plain stupid and why should a working parent have to pay for someone elses mistake.

    Cut the Dail to reflect their performance, so pay them nothing. Seriously though cut it to 75k and abolish expenses.

    And finally don't jail the bankers that would only cost more money, bring them out to the Atlantic and make them walk the plank of their fancy yachts!!

    Thats my 2 cents probably angers lots of people but I don't care because everyone is going to have to take a cut because we let this mess happen although fueled by the bankers and spinsters in the Dail.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13 Donegalguy2

    delonglad wrote: »

    Cut the Dail to reflect their performance, so pay them nothing. Seriously though cut it to 75k and abolish expenses.

    Our ministers/TD's and the rest of the so called elite cannot afford to take a big hit as they were so greedy that they also maxed out there cash buying share and fields in leitrim!! Why else do you think they will not let us know who in actual fact is getting bailed out? its them

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,819 ✭✭✭dan_d

    delonglad wrote: »
    Sell Aer Lingus to Mr. O'Leary would not only make it a better airline but would open up a whole new market for young Americans wanting to come to Ireland and spend all their money on Guinness and Shannanigans. Tourist Ireland would never come up with something this simple. For a hundred different reasons.

    I like some of your other ideas, but that O' Leary's prices are going one way - up. He cannot go any lower. His base prices may be one cent, but by the time you add on all his charges from baggage to breathing on board, he is often as expensive or moreso than AL. He has outlived his usefulness. He is useful for business trips to London and not much further, because he expects people to go to another country with little or no luggage. He is not family friendly - rather than allowing 2 heavier bags, between a family of four, he expects you to bring - and pay for - 4 lighter bags. He will never be able to run a transatlantic service because he'd actually have to allow a bigger baggage allowance, and something to eat for free- you can't sit people on a plane for 6 hrs min., and not give them a thing to eat. He wouldn't be able to stomach the slower turnarounds in the USA - can't have pilots fly for 6 hours, then turn around 40 mins later and fly back, he'd have to put his staff up in a hotel for the night, which he'd hate.

    I could keep going, but I won't as it has nothing to do with this thread.

    However fair play on some of your other ideas.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11 bigchief

    robtri wrote: »
    if i had a say in the matter...

    2. Cut Dole by 30%..

    I must admit I do feel quite shocked by this one!
    Have you ever tried living on 196 euro a week, pay rent with that, your food, your esb, your heating and any other necessity? Because let me tell you, 196 doesn't even cover it! And I am not a big spender, live in a small cheap flat and nearly have to starve myself every week to pay for the esb...

    So before you go coming up with ideas like this one, try and put yourself in other people's shoes.

    You still have a job, some of us dont!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,202 ✭✭✭Jeboa Safari

    bigchief wrote: »
    I must admit I do feel quite shocked by this one!
    Have you ever tried living on 196 euro a week, pay rent with that, your food, your esb, your heating and any other necessity? Because let me tell you, 196 doesn't even cover it! And I am not a big spender, live in a small cheap flat and nearly have to starve myself every week to pay for the esb...

    So before you go coming up with ideas like this one, try and put yourself in other people's shoes.

    You still have a job, some of us dont!

    Are there not rent and fuel allowances and medical cards and the like aswell?

    Agree it shouldn't just be cut by that much in one go, but it should be cut down after you've spent a certain ammount of time on it. There are plenty of long term unemployed who seem to have no intention of ever getting a proper job

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 719 ✭✭✭neilster

    1 Cant put taxes on VAT or Fuel as we will go north
    2 Cant hammer income tax as there is too many that can relocate there tax affairs north (Just try it!!) - If even 3% of higher tax payers do this you are killing yourself.

    * Park Agreement is dead - I would cut the following way.

    24 - 49,999 would take 10% on that so lets say 45 thousand would get paid 40.5 pay ( I am not going to go that far to work the none 10 % on the first 24 because I would have to do it 3 times lol). If you earned 80k you would lose 10% up to 50K and then 20% on the next 30k.

    So lets say you earn 250,000 (Ministers I mean you!!!!!)
    10% -> 50 = 45 Additional take (5)
    20% -> 100 = 85 addional take (10)
    50% -> >100 = 75,000 additional take (75)

    So from 250,000 it goes down too 160,000 this is still a good wage (to good for some)

    Now in alot of ways the high earners one is just for show but at least someone has to show something!

    ** Inheritance Tax - DEATH TAX
    Ok farmers get ready to hate this one. I would allow each generation to pass 10% (up to 150,000) of there assets on after death that is it!! I include farms, houses etc. Lets stand on our own 2 feet everyone!!!

    Rough back of the envelope calculation - this is very rough
    Lets say 2 percent of people die every year and we have a combined GNP of 120 billion I am assuming that as these are generally going to be older (more time to accumulate) that it would work out at approx 10% of GNP

    So 12billion straight away - 10% = 10.8 we are sorted.

    Every year we could use that money to help all society and not an elite people from D4 that feel entitled and do not even have to work. This is the elephant in the room and we will always have this problem until this is sorted.

    Come the revolution this is going to be the greatest upheavel in the history of humanity.

    This one is a long shot but the question has to be why? It is always the big questions after the case you say why the hell didnt they do that years ago!!!!!

    *** No more tax incentives for anything - Why should i be taxed to incentive you? No one should be taxed one penny then is absolutely required to make sure everyone is cool. Shelter, Schooling, healthy and warm. Then the rest is up to you.

    Points 2 and 3 would be all that is required to make the whole world fairer but point 1 would do for now just to make me feel happier!!

    Also just in general terms I think we need 5 elections were you can only stand in one election (5 year terms maximum) at a time like the greeks to freshen it up. These political dynasties are making our politicians talk and look like inbred cretins.

    god we get some naiive crap on this forum .....are u honestly expecting a labour-formed government to introduce this stuff, remember that FG or FF cant form a government without labour ....i see you didnt calculate the 24,000euro minus 10% figure lest you would have to type it, its small and if dole recipients are recieving around 13-14k ... this makes being on the dole plus black economy far too attractive

    What is an admin person doing a mixture of clerical/wages tasks with a couple of years experience earning in IBM or a solicitors office or wherever , you will find its around what lower grade clerical people are on 25-30k . The average industrial wage is 37k so what are you trying to achieve undercut the private sector?????

    Look at the big figures and the higher than average salaries otherwise you are going after the PS out of surgical ...the HSE, the gardai, the Teachers , Prison Sector. any of the areas where there is 7 day workings and outside hours allowances

    Of €52bn spending Health takes up €20bn......Health and HSE wages accounts for €14bn .... people laugh at Croke Park but think of what you can do with €14bn spending when maybe 35% is premium spending and you make people work 39hours a week at anytime and avoid premium payments on a whole chunk of it ....ditto the prisons .....i know a class teaching head in a large dublin school .... graduated late 90s so close to top of scale in increments ....not a principal and not a national school teacher who should be paid more and are ...she is on €62k ...why take the percentage off the guy who is 14k under the average industrial wage when surely being surgical is getting the big number in line ...or is spite

    take an ambulance driver ...he has high speed driving in his job ...unsocial hours ...a danger of sorts ...he is trained paramedic ....keeping his head calm whilst meeting the dead at an auto say his 50k salary might be somewhat arguable but the 25-35% premium payment on top of this just for doing his job ...and remember when you enter a hospital the only people who resemble the wage scale of your clerical is the porter unless they are clerical

    i know people argue about essential services but health wage bill is little under 30% of all spending with big figures

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,905 ✭✭✭Aard

    I previously wrote this:
    Aard wrote: »
    Idea for VAT:
    Keeping the 0% rate, it would be possible to amalgamate the 13.5% and the 21% rates into one standard rate, which would be lower than the current one. If this new lower standard-rate was 17%, there would only be a slight decrease in receipts. (The exact figure would be 17.08...%)

    After having read a report from the Government of Jersey from when they recently introduced VAT (Goods and Services tax), I have come up with a new proposal: introduce a flat VAT rate of 15%. That means no 0% rate, and no 13.5% rate, however it does mean keeping the exempt rate (the likes of health, childcare, and education). The article (here: suggests that, with their system, a 0% rate for essential items would save lower-income families "only £12 a year, whilst the administrative cost for businesses and the [Government] would increase significantly". My system above of 17% with a 0% rate would save each family roughly 80 EUR per year, compared to a flat 15% rate.

    Furthermore, they have this to say about the actual effect on low-income families: "... increasing the number of exclusions simply increases the [standard] rate of the tax and the cost of administration but does not make the tax any more progressive."

    The exact rate would be 15.72%, but, again going by that article, that could be reduced to 13.47% as a result of savings from reduced administrative costs. The EU, however, demands a minimum of 15%, so that's as low as it could go. This would give us one of the lowest VAT rates in Europe; excluding microstates, the only country lower would be Switzerland.

    The only problem with all this of course is that people went nuts last time a government tried to tax children's shoes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 122 ✭✭nordisk celt83

    • Sell/Lease Terminal 1 and the adjoining car park of Dublin Airport to Ryanair, and let them operate it independently of the DAA. At a guess, this could raise a billion for the state. (maybe more)
    • Introuduce a 48% tax rate on all earnings over 100k euro, this will bring in over €400million.
    • Tax/eliminate child benefit for those earning over 80k. Atm Child Benefit costs circa €2.2billion, so huge reductions could be made by cutting/taxing the better off in relation to this benefit.
    • Currently child benefit is given at a rate of €150 for the first two children and €180 for the third child. People shouldn't be encouraged to have so many children, and this child benefit should be reduced for additional children...
    • Cap/tax pensions over 100k...
    • Cut wages for those in the public sector earning over 75k.
    • Reduce overseas development aid by 20%. This may seem cruel, but in the long-term it will result in Ireland being better able afford its overseas development fund.
    • Gambling taxes introuced/increased!
    • Cut social welfare for all persons living with parents and all single/married persons with no children by 10%.
    • Get rid of all tax breaks, this should bring in up to €2billion.

    Reduce dole payments to every two weeks, and reduce signing on dates to every two months. As well as reducing public sector pay dates to once monthly. This should bring some reductions in administrative/postal costs.

    Reduce politicians wages, and pool ministerial cars.

    Introduce higher parking charges for persons working in Dublin City centre.

    Increase rate on D.I.R.T marginally!

    Increase Capital Gains Tax

    Cut all major capital projects from current expenditure, and replace it with a stimulus from the national pension reserve fund.

    Lots of other things could be done, but that's just a few ideas...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 719 ✭✭✭neilster

    • Sell/Lease Terminal 1 and the adjoining car park of Dublin Airport to Ryanair, and let them operate it independently of the DAA. At a guess, this could raise a billion for the state. (maybe more)
    • Introuduce a 48% tax rate on all earnings over 100k euro, this will bring in over €400million.
    • Tax/eliminate child benefit for those earning over 80k. Atm Child Benefit costs circa €2.2billion, so huge reductions could be made by cutting/taxing the better off in relation to this benefit.
    • Currently child benefit is given at a rate of €150 for the first two children and €180 for the third child. People shouldn't be encouraged to have so many children, and this child benefit should be reduced for additional children...
    • Cap/tax pensions over 100k...
    • Cut wages for those in the public sector earning over 75k.
    • Reduce overseas development aid by 20%. This may seem cruel, but in the long-term it will result in Ireland being better able afford its overseas development fund.
    • Gambling taxes introuced/increased!
    • Cut social welfare for all persons living with parents and all single/married persons with no children by 10%.
    • Get rid of all tax breaks, this should bring in up to €2billion.

    Reduce dole payments to every two weeks, and reduce signing on dates to every two months. As well as reducing public sector pay dates to once monthly. This should bring some reductions in administrative/postal costs.

    Reduce politicians wages, and pool ministerial cars.

    Introduce higher parking charges for persons working in Dublin City centre.

    Increase rate on D.I.R.T marginally!

    Increase Capital Gains Tax

    Cut all major capital projects from current expenditure, and replace it with a stimulus from the national pension reserve fund.

    Lots of other things could be done, but that's just a few ideas...

    like a lot of that Nordisk ...not sure about the Terminal One but a lot of sense in there

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 191 ✭✭nosco

    I have it. Lets just all just agree to behave ourselves for a few years and get rid of the police force! Simple.

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭Alan Smithee

    Renegotiate Croke park: keep baic pay but freeze increments abolish concession days cut premium pay and subsistence and target admin with voluntary redundency scheme make redeployment easier

    Cut social welfare by 5% across the board

    Make primary and secondary education free and cut child benefit significantly

    Reduce tax credits taking more into tax net but leave rates as is

    Keep the minimum wage

    Reduce vat by 1%

    Tackle semi state costs and pay

    Reverse pso on energy

    End artist exemption and horse stud tax breaks

    End travel tax into Ireland

    Introduce water charges with metering to follow

    No property tax on principal primary residence

    Reduce stamp duty to stimulate housing Market

    Reintroduce car scrappage scheme

    Tackle social welfare fraud

    Introduce tax on banks similar to uk

    Introduce third level fees

    Reduce pension relief for those on higher rate

    Increase DIRT

    Decrease rates for business

  • Registered Users Posts: 121 ✭✭paddylast

    Cut TD's pay to max 75,000.

    Cut taoiseach's pay. taoiseach presides over a government to a population of 4 million here and US president earns approx the same for population of 250 million.

    Cut no of TD's.

    get rid of ministerial merc's. give them train/bus tickets or if cars necessary replace mercs with Toyata Prius. they need to lead by example.

    TD's should drive themselves to work, no need to pay someone else.

    Abolish the seanad.

    tax on banks

    Get rid of the travel tax, we should be promoting tourism to bring money into the economy.

    get rid of tax breaks

    a tax for those earning over 100k

    reduce corp tax by 1% as an incentive for overseas companies to set up or relocate. this in turn will help getting more people off the dole.

    end exemptions and tax breaks

    cut semi state bosses pay.

    help people reduce their heating bills this winter. make it cheaper for all households to have solar panels installed. this will create jobs.

    Reduce vat by 1%.

    Reduce public service staff numbers by way of voluntary redundancy.

    Remove red tape and help encourage entrepreneurship. its not all about cuts, we need to get growth going.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,699 ✭✭✭bamboozle

    paddylast wrote: »
    Cut TD's pay to max 75,000.

    Cut taoiseach's pay. taoiseach presides over a government to a population of 4 million here and US president earns approx the same for population of 250 million.

    Cut no of TD's.

    get rid of ministerial merc's. give them train/bus tickets or if cars necessary replace mercs with Toyata Prius. they need to lead by example.

    TD's should drive themselves to work, no need to pay someone else.

    Abolish the seanad.

    tax on banks

    Get rid of the travel tax, we should be promoting tourism to bring money into the economy.

    get rid of tax breaks

    a tax for those earning over 100k

    reduce corp tax by 1% as an incentive for overseas companies to set up or relocate. this in turn will help getting more people off the dole.

    end exemptions and tax breaks

    cut semi state bosses pay.

    help people reduce their heating bills this winter. make it cheaper for all households to have solar panels installed. this will create jobs.

    Reduce vat by 1%.

    Reduce public service staff numbers by way of voluntary redundancy.

    Remove red tape and help encourage entrepreneurship. its not all about cuts, we need to get growth going.

    lots os smart suggestions, whatever about the need for cuts we also need to see money allocated towards creating growth.

    just to add a few extra (on the premise that if you look after the pennies the pounds will take care of themselves)

    sell govt helicopters & jets
    close dail bar
    close dail restaurant
    any politicians found to have received bribes, shall lose entitelements to political pensions.
    fully vouched expenses for all politicians to a max of 20k per year.
    referendum to abolish the Seanad (last time it rejected a dail bill was in the 1960's)
    Reduce VRT on electric/smart cars to 1%
    Politicians cannot earn pensions until they reach age of 68
    Ex teachers, soldiers, gardai, public sector workers who take early retirement cannot take up part time/substitute/consultancy work after retirement in the public sector - it sickens me at the moment with so many recently qualified teachers unable to get work to see so many retired teachers getting substitute work in schools.
    freeze on pay increments in the public service.

    and finally increase Motor tax for bmw drivers by 100%

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 719 ✭✭✭neilster

    Renegotiate Croke park: keep baic pay but freeze increments abolish concession days cut premium pay and subsistence and target admin with voluntary redundency scheme make redeployment easier

    Cut social welfare by 5% across the board

    Make primary and secondary education free and cut child benefit significantly

    Reduce tax credits taking more into tax net but leave rates as is

    Keep the minimum wage

    Reduce vat by 1%

    Tackle semi state costs and pay

    Reverse pso on energy

    End artist exemption and horse stud tax breaks

    End travel tax into Ireland

    Introduce water charges with metering to follow

    No property tax on principal primary residence

    Reduce stamp duty to stimulate housing Market

    Reintroduce car scrappage scheme

    Tackle social welfare fraud

    Introduce tax on banks similar to uk

    Introduce third level fees

    Reduce pension relief for those on higher rate

    Increase DIRT

    Decrease rates for business

    I had to laugh when someone mentioned that the CPark agreement isnt getting implemented ...i work for a medium sized local are being discontinued ...units closed ....drivers being redeployed ..i myself are being moved ...we are in a 6 week consultation period which consists of asking for details and not getting any but being reminded of the implementation date 1/1/11 several times in the course of an hour

    so contracts have been torn up effectively ...i feel myself that in March they will keep what has been agreed in the agreement and look at the pay rates as there is a clause on the deteriogovt finances

    rest of your suggestions quite good

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭WalterMitty

    neilster wrote: »
    I had to laugh when someone mentioned that the CPark agreement isnt getting implemented ...i work for a medium sized local are being discontinued ...units closed ....drivers being redeployed ..i myself are being moved ...we are in a 6 week consultation period which consists of asking for details and not getting any but being reminded of the implementation date 1/1/11 several times in the course of an hour

    so contracts have been torn up effectively ...i feel myself that in March they will keep what has been agreed in the agreement and look at the pay rates as there is a clause on the deteriogovt finances

    rest of your suggestions quite good
    but no one actually got fired? All this is nonsenses anyway, like rearranging deckchairs on the titanic. The good ship Ireland has been holed beneath the waterline and is quickly sinking. Another ship is nearby and should rescue all the passengers but passengers cants cring their valuables with them in the liferafts.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,007 ✭✭✭sollar

    Tackle the Semi States like ESB and force wage cuts and price reductions. They should not be allowed to strike by shutting down supply either as electricity supply is as essential to the country as the guards.

    Reduce the tax breaks for private pensions

    Vol redundancy package for PS

    Change the Public Service pension levy to a permanent pay cut and increase it by 25%.

    Property tax of 200 per house (guaranteed not to be increased for 5 years)

    3rd rate of tax on all income over 75K

    Find a way to reduce professional fees in ireland (it must be possible)

    Find away to reduce comercial rents (it must be possible too)

    Any legal aid recipient subsequently found guilty should have to pay some money towards the cost of their legal fees regardless of employment status.

    Do away with government cars and drivers and implement a massive overhall of expenses with prosecutions for fradulant claims.

    Cut social welfare and OAP by 5%

    No childens allowance for families with income over 150K

    Entice some of the tax exiles back (it shouldn't be beyond the wit of revenue to find away)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,905 ✭✭✭Aard

    You advocate a higher income tax on those earning above €75,000, while in the same breath look down on Revenue for creating "tax exiles". Does not compute.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 719 ✭✭✭neilster

    but no one actually got fired? All this is nonsenses anyway, like rearranging deckchairs on the titanic. The good ship Ireland has been holed beneath the waterline and is quickly sinking. Another ship is nearby and should rescue all the passengers but passengers cants cring their valuables with them in the liferafts.

    We are talking about this morning , what would happen with the Croke Park agreement ?

    Why are you talking about firing people ? if there is too many fair enough but anyone honestly suggesting that there is too many nurses, gardai or teachers

    Its the cost of them not the numbers...i am not speculating about this ...i am in a local authority , we are getting the CP agreemnt getting implemented over November we lost 30 staff last year and 40 are going before end of 2011 with retirement, thats 11% drop in payroll costs , premium payments are being taken out , lower grades are being put in to do the work of grades higher ... thats more costs

    but better example is a hospital as there is much more fat there

    take a General Hospital , roughly 70% of cost is payroll and roughly 35% of that 70% is premium allowances like overtime, oncall etc, thats 25% of the total cost of the hospital and by the end of the year , the hospital will call all the time they work as a 39 hr week no matter (so no premium)when it is worked and extra time will be worked at the normal rate

    if you dont think it is true , we are getting told what will happen by 1/11/2011 in meetings around the CP agreement

    so it doesnt take a genius to see how much cost you can take out , €20bn that is spent on health and €14bn is payroll , €4.9bn is premium allowances and not to mention how redeployment (lower grades doing work) and retirement can lower costs

    Walter Mitty , we effectively tore up our contracts under this deal and if a garda loses 14% in wage cuts and then agrees to wholesale changes , a deal is a deal

    if you then make an agreement and then enforce changes and then go back for more cuts , the guards, teachers nurses will just walk off the job ...simple as that ...and the government knows it ....with a bank bailout in the background they will walk away
