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Budget 2011 ideas



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 584 ✭✭✭dizzywizlw

    €200 reward for 'ratting out' welfare/insurance cheats

    Cut the dole in half

    Cut the health budget in half

    Get rid of child benefit

    Inheritance related wealth tax of %50 of amounts over 500,000

    Pension tax of %50 on all pensions over 4,000,000 in total

    Property tax by size of house.

    Those measure alone would fix the deficit in one year, Health and Social welfare spending is utterly obscene.

    On a side note:
    Speed cameras on the N32 - I swear you would make at least 1,000,000 in fines.:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,181 ✭✭✭bryaner

    dizzywizlw wrote: »
    €200 reward for 'ratting out' welfare/insurance cheats

    Cut the dole in half

    Cut the health budget in half

    Get rid of child benefit

    Inheritance related wealth tax of %50 of amounts over 500,000

    Pension tax of %50 on all pensions over 4,000,000 in total

    Property tax by size of house.

    Those measure alone would fix the deficit in one year, Health and Social welfare spending is utterly obscene.

    On a side note:
    Speed cameras on the N32 - I swear you would make at least 1,000,000 in fines.:D

    That nearly fits the criteria of stupidity that our alleged leaders in the Dail already have..:rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 584 ✭✭✭dizzywizlw

    You really think I might have a shot?:o

    Spending 34billion euro on health and social welfare is far too much IMO, and for the record what I posted would almost certainly deliver a surplus, just don't get sick or lose your job.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,157 ✭✭✭Johnny Utah

    davoxx wrote: »
    Can't agree here, they have the same right as anyone ... sure if we did this they'd all leave and we'd have not good doctors.

    I never said it would be easy Davo. And what are talking about "not good doctors"? :confused:

    My original suggestion was to cut all social welfare payments (ie. dole, child benefit, etc) to foreigners. The country is being abused by 'welfare tourists' and there must be an end to this. We are in a crisis right now so drastic measures are needed.

    Plus, didn't the government reduce the dole for under-25s last year? Where's the equality there?

    davoxx wrote: »
    Costs money, lawyers are never cheap ... judges are useless and a waste of money. There has to be a better way .. if it was streamlined

    Don't need more lawyers. All you need is ordinary people (not lawyers or judges) to carry out checks on people who may be defrauding the system. No need to have high earners like lawyers carrying out this work in the fraud dept. The current setup is a farce, with lots of people working & signing, getting rent allowance when not entitled to it etc.

    Plus, as I said previously, senior civil servants (ie. judges) would have a salary cap of €80k. If it took a few hundred fraudsters off the social welfare books, then this new fraud dept could actually save money.

    davoxx wrote: »
    Dunno if this is a good idea ... road tax means that you have legally declared the car on the road.

    Taxing by fuel is kind of a good idea, but affect the poor who can not afford efficient cars.

    I think road tax based on engine size is good, with no cap on size. If you want a 6l V8 Mercedes, you can afford to pay more to the government, god knows you are getting taxed for it.

    Also the NCT for 10 year cars is a poor tax that should be removed.

    Not true, you can buy a small 1 litre car which will be very fuel effeicient for small money. The idea of adding motor tax to fuel has been discussed at length in the motors forum and I am convinced that it would be a much better system. In fact, the average cost of motor tax would reduce, as (1) you have more people like tourists and foreign workers contributing and (2) it saves the government the cost of administering the current system (ie. staff in motor tax office, Garda checkpoints).

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,873 ✭✭✭Pete_Cavan

    - Redirect unnecessary administration staff from other areas and departments in the civil service and put them into Department of Social Protection. Means test every form of state payment; child benefit, pensions, medical cards, college fees, rent allowance etc. The extra staff moved from other departments administer the means testing, as well as an anti-fraud squad to catch those falsely claiming benefits. It doesnt reduce the cost of the Public Service but it does deliver value for money for the taxpayer and is done within the terms of the Croke Park Agreement so the unions cant bitch about (killing them with kindness kind of approach). We save hundreds of millions every year because we only pay out benefits to those we need it and we cut down on fraud.

    - Half of the child benefit payment would be paid out in the currently way, with the other half paid as a tax credit. That way lower income families receive more than those who do not work at all and see having a child as a source of income. The tax credit is designed to cover the cost of childcare which is incurred by those who work but not by those who do not work.

    -Cut Job Seekers Allowance (for those who treat the dole as a career) but leave, or possibly increase Job Seekers Benefit (for those who have paid adequate social insurance contributions but find themselves out of work).

    - Reform the entire local government setup and get rid of all county councils and set up 8 regional councils (county Dublin begin one and the 7 others with populations of ~500,000). Devolve much of the daily running of the country to these regional councils. TDs would no longer get involved in local issues and would have to focus on national issues seeing as they are elected to the national government. If they want to get potholes filled in they should run for regional council. The number of ministries in the Dail to be reduced only to those which deal with national issues so Community, Rural and Gealtacht Affairs and Environment and Local Government to be abolished with their powers devolved to regional councils or to other ministries when necessary.

    - Benchmark TDs pay against a national disposable income index (with a cap of course). Therefore our politicians get rewarded for improving the economy and the lives of the people who elect them. Their wages would be adjusted quarterly (at least it would make some use of all those statistics the CSO publish) so that any bad decisions they make hit them in the pocket. No more expenses either, they pay for whatever they want from their own income, not state income.

    - TDs only allowed to sit for three terms of office, to eliminate the career politicians and the tradition of nepotism which exists in Irish politics.

    - Caps on pay in each grade in the Public Service and set up a mechanism whereby there is only a certain number of staff in each grade of the Public Service, i.e. 5% managers, 15% admin etc. (figures just as an example). This eliminates token promotions within and we do not have a situation where there are 10 managers (all receiving a managers wage) in one office. There is also more competition for promotions and those who genuinely deserve it get promoted. I also think the number of people working in the PS should be set at a certain percentage of the population, which would prevent it from becoming bloated and over-staffed.

    - Get rid of quangos and amalgamate many of our government agencies and semi-state bodies as FGs NewEra plan suggests.

    - Sell of semi-state companies which produce electricity but retain the national grid (again as FGs NewEra plan suggests). I would sell off the assets of these companies in a number of lots to different companies rather than selling each company as a whole. This way we would have several different energy companies with none dominating the market and the competition between them would guarantee the lowest prices. Commission the National Competitiveness Council to produce a report to determine how many of these companies we need to have competition but also economies of scale.

    - Get rid of council bin collections and open the entire refuse collection market to private companies. The private companies would be licensed and regulated by the EPA.

    - Introduce water charges, a flat rate for two or three years to cover the cost of installing meters etc. (just to speed up the process and get it done) after which time the charge is based on usage, with a certain amount free. This money is ringfenced and spent on improving the quality of our drinking water. Once our tap water is deemed to be of the highest quality some of the money generated from the water charges is kept in order to maintain the quality while the rest goes into general government spending. Introduce a grant system for people to install rainwater harvesting systems (similar to grants for solar panels etc.) so that our fresh clean drinking water is no longer flushed down the toilet.

    - Reduce the minimum wage and look to reduce out VAT rate as well (may not be possible at the minute) and lower costs here. This would reduce the cost of doing business here, helping many small and medium sized businesses which are struggling and attract tourists. I would also eliminate employers PRSI for new employees for one year. As the economy picks up, only employers hiring graduates would be exempt which makes it more attractive to higher some of our educated workforce and graduates would not leave the country after getting their degree, which the state has paid for.

    - Build the Dart Underground (and Metro North if final CBA justifies it) and then allow private companies to operate all rail lines in the country while the state retains ownership of the infrastructure (the lines, the stations, the rolling stock, etc.). Private companies would run things more efficiently and more effectively and most of all cheaper operating costs. Ianrod Eireann, RPA, CIE all amalgamated into one company which is charged with developing an integrated network (and not a series of stand along lines in Dublin), it also oversees the procurement process whereby private companies tender to operate the lines and monitors the private companies performance but the state has nothing to do with the day to day running of the network.

    - Abolish the €10 flight tax. Tourism here is suffering enough and we are already more expensive than most European countries without slapping an extra charge on people who are coming here to stay in our hotels and B&BS, eat in our restaurants, drink in our pubs, buy our tacky merchandise and generally spend money.

    - Increase tax on cigarettes and introduce a fat tax on junk food.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 454 ✭✭KindOfIrish

    - Abolish all social welfare payments/State handouts to foreign nationals.

    What do ye think?

    Nice to hear it from a person whose country, Ireland, has been living on EU handouts for decades and will continue to live on foreign handouts for the foreseeable future.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8 Invis

    I have illustrated some thoughts of myne here:

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,539 ✭✭✭davoxx

    I never said it would be easy Davo.

    if it was easy, then the two brians, no brains, could do it.

    And what are talking about "not good doctors"?

    My original suggestion was to cut all social welfare payments (ie. dole, child benefit, etc) to foreigners. The country is being abused by 'welfare tourists' and there must be an end to this. We are in a crisis right now so drastic measures are needed.

    I meant no good doctors :) a lot of foreign workers are highly skilled workers, that Ireland needs. Ireland needs skilled people, we need to draw them in and train them up ... but i digress ...

    Just because they are foreigners, does not means that they should have no social welfare payments. If a person was working and paying tax (and other payments .. prsi ...) then they should have the full benefit of dole if they are made unemployed regardless.

    'welfare tourists' is a different matter, and that was cut done dramatically with having to sign on once a week. in fact the whole signing on of once a month was for the Irish (it hurts to say this) sponges who signed on and went to England to work, or worked as nickers in Ireland, thus avoid paying their dues, and sponging of hard workers ...

    We have to get it out of our heads that the "foreigners" are the problem .. we are the problem. Can you imagine what kind of uproar we would have if America or Australia said no to Irish people claiming benefits?

    Plus, didn't the government reduce the dole for under-25s last year? Where's the equality there?

    We know that the old cronies in government like picking on the young, since they can never be young again.
    high insurance, harder penalties for the same driving as older people ... young people are the government cash cows!!

    but i agree with the reducing of dole for everyone, not just for young people ... the problem was that the dole was way easier, more money (benefits) and had more free time (to do nickers) than actually working.

    it was a fact that the younger people exploited this more often.

    Don't need more lawyers. All you need is ordinary people (not lawyers or judges) to carry out checks on people who may be defrauding the system. No need to have high earners like lawyers carrying out this work in the fraud dept. The current setup is a farce, with lots of people working & signing, getting rent allowance when not entitled to it etc.

    Sure you do, so that people can have a fair hearing, innocent until found guilty and all that. problem is that a lot of the "ordinary people" who do the checks, allow the fraud in the first place, they help their friends claim benefits they are not entitled to, give warnings to those that are about to be checked for fraud.

    how many 'single' mothers do you know living with their boyfriends who are on the birth cert, working and not paying ANYTHING? .. then these single mothers have another kid??? get them castrated if they have the second without 'knowing' the father. these people who scam the system, majority of whom are Irish, are the main drain.

    Plus, as I said previously, senior civil servants (ie. judges) would have a salary cap of €80k.

    I agree 100% percent with this.

    If it took a few hundred fraudsters off the social welfare books, then this new fraud dept could actually save money.

    Not true, since when has the government actually had a department that worked well saving money? it is possible but unlikely that this would save money, but it would force people out to work, which would generate money, which is a good idea.

    Not true, you can buy a small 1 litre car which will be very fuel effeicient for small money. The idea of adding motor tax to fuel has been discussed at length in the motors forum and I am convinced that it would be a much better system. In fact, the average cost of motor tax would reduce, as (1) you have more people like tourists and foreign workers contributing and (2) it saves the government the cost of administering the current system (ie. staff in motor tax office, Garda checkpoints).

    How can the poor buy a small car that is very efficient? what if they need a medium car and not a a small one? is a 09 1 litre car more efficient than a 99? or than a 89? this seems like a "then let them eat cake" issue. The big diesels are the most efficient, but also cost the most. why should those who have money, pay less than those who do not?

    I can't see how the average cost of running a car would be reduced?

    'tourists' don't drive everywhere in Ireland, in fact I'd say they make up a very small amount of the drivers here. unless you mean the NI/UK reg cars of people pretending that they are living in NI/UK.

    "foreign workers" do contribute ... why would you say they don't? they buy cars, insure it and tax it. actually due to the high amount of racism in Ireland, they are the most likely to have tax/insurance as the gardai will always pull them over. you are thinking about the people using vans as personal vehicles and paying commercial tax, or not paying tax at all.


    That's my rant this morning after yesterdays brainless brian announcement :)

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,539 ✭✭✭davoxx

    davoxx wrote: »

    I think road tax based on engine size is good, with no cap on size. If you want a 6l V8 Mercedes, you can afford to pay more to the government, god knows you are getting taxed for it.

    meant to say 'If you want a 6l V8 Mercedes, you can afford to pay more to the government, god knows you NOT are getting taxed for it.'

  • Registered Users Posts: 319 ✭✭Ritchi

    dizzywizlw wrote: »
    €200 reward for 'ratting out' welfare/insurance cheats

    Cut the dole in half

    Cut the health budget in half

    Get rid of child benefit

    Inheritance related wealth tax of %50 of amounts over 500,000

    Pension tax of %50 on all pensions over 4,000,000 in total

    Property tax by size of house.

    Those measure alone would fix the deficit in one year, Health and Social welfare spending is utterly obscene.

    On a side note:
    Speed cameras on the N32 - I swear you would make at least 1,000,000 in fines.:D

    I'm assuming, you and all the other suggesting such drastic Dole cuts, are not, or never have been, living off the dole.

    And I don't mean while living off friends and family too...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 96 ✭✭Kiki10

    SC024 wrote: »
    1. Close down TG4 immediatly- 33.6million state subsidy for a language thats dead in the water and no use to anyone?

    2. Stop teaching irish in schools teach french or german instead.

    3. Tds Salary down to 60K & 70K for minister. Expenses, State cars/garda driver & mileage allowance gone. Drive your own car like everybody else. Don't like it?Tough **** theres 450000 people on the dole that'd be glad of it

    4. Close the senate, cut the number of tds to 60

    5. Cut corparation tax in half & abolish employers PRSI

    6. make it much cheaper to get products out of the country. Force ESB board Gas to cut their rates. Cut excise duty on bunker fuel for ships

    6. Get rid of mary Mcaleese, What does she do anyway? Id love to see her airmiles account

    7. Mileage allowance across the public sector goes.

    8. Give everyone in the country a once payment of €500.00 on condition they provide reciepts proving they spent in irish shops. If not take it back

    9 cut public sector numbers by 100000

    10. Dole cut in half - It can not be a career choice

    11. Child benifit by 30% It can not be a career choice

    12. Disband the army, close them down sell off whatever assets they have. Keep the navy for drug searches etc. The airforce? ok the fly the garda choppers but if it came to it would they be able to shoot down a weather baloon?

    That should get us off to a good start
    We could just cut the cost of implimenting that and offer the state as a present to the UK or Germany? Let them do the paper work

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 96 ✭✭Kiki10

    Denzil2222 wrote: »
    This is what i think minister lenihan should do in budget 2011, abolish dole for under 21s, half dole from 21st till 25th birthday, cut child benifit to €100 per child per month and stop it on childs 17th birthday, cut state pension by 6 percent, abolish free tv licence and phone line rental for oaps and others, change medical card limits for over 70s to €450 per week for a single person and €900 for married couple, €10 levy on all new mobile phones, €2 on sim cards, plastic bag tax up to 50 cent per bag, extra €2 on 20 cigs, 51 percent tax rate for people earning over 300k, income levys up to 3, 6, and 9 percent.
    Thats a nice budget. I could see lots of new employmnet out of it, Im becoming a smuggler and all the single mothers can be whores! Since you didn't cut the 200k TDs income the can still afford to buy my smuggled drugs fags phones etc, and have change left over to ride all the new whores!! its all win win:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,272 ✭✭✭flas

    dizzywizlw wrote: »
    €200 reward for 'ratting out' welfare/insurance cheats

    Cut the dole in half

    Cut the health budget in half

    Get rid of child benefit

    Inheritance related wealth tax of %50 of amounts over 500,000

    Pension tax of %50 on all pensions over 4,000,000 in total

    Property tax by size of house.

    Those measure alone would fix the deficit in one year, Health and Social welfare spending is utterly obscene.

    On a side note:
    Speed cameras on the N32 - I swear you would make at least 1,000,000 in fines.:D

    they had these, still do, during the 80's when unemployment was widespread they got paid for telling on people, and everyone in nearlly every town in the country knew who they were. more than enough of them ended up in the bog buried up to their necks, or were tarred and feathered. with such a gun and knife culture we have now, this move would go swimmingly dont you think!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 PissedOffIrish Peoples Party

    Hey guys I propose we sell these videos to the rest of the world? Maybe sky news or MTV?

  • Registered Users Posts: 948 ✭✭✭DJ Hafez

    Abolish the government and get in a rich Arab consortium in to fix our wrong do-ings!

  • Registered Users Posts: 593 ✭✭✭DERICKOO

    The more public money Slovak lawmakers spend, the less they will earn as of next year, under draft legislation adopted by the government today binding MPs' salaries to the public deficit.
    1 of 1 00036502-314.jpg Slovakia - Adopted the euro last year

    The more public money Slovak lawmakers spend, the less they will earn as of next year, under draft legislation adopted by the government today binding MPs' salaries to the public deficit.
    If the law is passed by parliament, they will earn 15.6% less in 2011; double the 2010 public deficit projected to reach 7.8% of gross domestic product.
    Similarly, if next year's deficit equals the 4.9% of GDP projected, MPs' pay will be cut by 9.8% in 2012.
    Should it come into force, the move is likely to motivate lawmakers to be fiscally responsible, Ondrej Dostal, a lawmaker from the ruling coalition's Most-Hid party, told AFP.
    'Lawmakers are responsible for passing the state budget in parliament, therefore responsible for the deficit level,' Dostal said.
    Slovakia, which adopted the euro last year, aims to bring the public finance shortfall back under 3% of GDP by 2013 to meet the EU's deficit ceiling for eurozone members.
    The 2011 austerity package of the centre-right government of Prime Minister Iveta Radicova - including 10% cuts in ministers' salaries, a VAT hike and higher taxes on alcohol and cigarettes - aims to raise €1.7bn to get public finances back in shape.
    'It's a symbolic gesture to show that lawmakers - who earn about €3,500 per month - will join the rest of the public sector in belt-tightening measures,' added Dostal.:eek:

    From here, nice one kick e'm where it really hurt's
    there are enough gom-beens in the Dail.:mad:

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 837 ✭✭✭denballs

    Denzil2222 wrote: »
    This is what i think minister lenihan should do in budget 2011, abolish dole for under 21s, half dole from 21st till 25th birthday, cut child benifit to €100 per child per month and stop it on childs 17th birthday, cut state pension by 6 percent, abolish free tv licence and phone line rental for oaps and others, change medical card limits for over 70s to €450 per week for a single person and €900 for married couple, €10 levy on all new mobile phones, €2 on sim cards, plastic bag tax up to 50 cent per bag, extra €2 on 20 cigs, 51 percent tax rate for people earning over 300k, income levys up to 3, 6, and 9 percent.

    I know thats you lucifer.............farg off tryin to ruin ireland or we,ll get our leprachauns after ya........ya dirty big willy chasin slave monkey ya........:pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭chieftan65

    A lot of talk here about cutting the dole and reporting dole cheats. Waste of time, when a cheat is caught they are usually cut by a small weekly amount, but they are usually allowed keep their rent allowance, fuel allowance and medical cards. This in my view is not a deterant just a wake up call to be more careful in future. As for cutting childrens allowance? this i believe should be means tested, it doesn't make sense to cut this payment to genuine people who actually need it and budget it in to their annual income to provide for their kids, when others use it to pay for foregin holidays and their social life.
    The whole aspect of back to education allowance should also be looked at. People use this as a hiding place to get a weekly hand out and top up payments. I know there are some genuine people who try to improve themselves and increase their chances of getting work this way but i personally know of others who go just for the easy income.

    Instead of hitting old people who get free tv licences why not hit those who are paid obscene amounts of money every year to appear on dated chat shows i.e kenny, finnucane and tubbridy to name just 3.

    medical cards.. instead of looking at the people who have them and the majority in my opinion need them, why not look at what GP's are paid to service these cards and also look at the amount of pen pushers there are in the health service compared to the amount of front line staff.

    Finally for now. The government. We need a maximum 100 td's in the dail, earning 90 thousand per annum with certified expenses that are scrutinised by a public accounts comittee that is not made up of hand picked muppets......... your views so far??

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,539 ✭✭✭davoxx

    I think this sums up the EU situation ... and explains the situation ...


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,905 ✭✭✭Aard

    Selling off RTÉ would save the exchequer about €280m per year. The average household would save about €210 per year.

    (Based on 0.453 tv sets per capita and €141 of the tv licence fee going to RTÉ/TG4

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,370 ✭✭✭Colmo52

    Does the 250k pay cap apply to RTÉ staff?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,905 ✭✭✭Aard

    Allegedly not.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 229 ✭✭0O7

    the dole and other social welfare benifits are the big problems. Why would somebody want to work for say €360 euro per week when they can stay at home in bed and get €200, free medical card....etc
    dole is designed so people who CANNOT work can survive.
    I know people who are 23, never worked a day and get €200 and laugh at me for working. disgusts me.

    can all the people on the dole be rounded up and grit the roads or something.... earn the €200 per week (i know griting the roads is a bad example).

    fact of the matter is, if my wages go down AGAIN and social welfare gets off very lightly, i will seriously considder quiting work and signing on.

    now that i got that off my chest :o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 229 ✭✭0O7

    davoxx wrote: »
    how many 'single' mothers do you know living with their boyfriends who are on the birth cert, working and not paying ANYTHING? .. then these single mothers have another kid??? get them castrated if they have the second without 'knowing' the father. these people who scam the system, majority of whom are Irish, are the main drain.

    very good point

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 anonwondering

    will people please stop lumping single mothers in the one negative bracket - I am a 30 year old single mother who went back to college to get a degree and because i went back to college I am entitled to nothing...

    so on a weekly basis i get my one parent allowance and fuel allowance and out of that I have to pay 205 for full time creche and 200 a week for an apartment.

    I am not entitled to BTEA as i went to college before back in 94 (and did not get a grant at that time either )
    Because i dont get BTEA I dont qualify for Rent supplement...and i have to pay 7k a year in college fees...

    my CB goes towards bills such as VHI, broadband which i need to do assignments at night time as I cant afford to pay for a sitter in the evening.

    I am struggling and it is hard but i want to and have to do it so that I and my child can have a better future.

    So please stop lumping us all together !!! I am doing the best I can!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8 musedcitizen

    Denzil2222 wrote: »
    This is what i think minister lenihan should do in budget 2011, abolish dole for under 21s, half dole from 21st till 25th birthday, cut child benifit to €100 per child per month and stop it on childs 17th birthday, cut state pension by 6 percent, abolish free tv licence and phone line rental for oaps and others, change medical card limits for over 70s to €450 per week for a single person and €900 for married couple, €10 levy on all new mobile phones, €2 on sim cards, plastic bag tax up to 50 cent per bag, extra €2 on 20 cigs, 51 percent tax rate for people earning over 300k, income levys up to 3, 6, and 9 percent.

    If you were the finance minister I'd have to assassinate you.
    No social welfare for under 21's, what about all the unemployed people living away from home? You think everyone should live off their parents until 21? What about 18 yr olds who no longer talk to their parent, do you recommend they live on the street? Think before you type!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7 pippa87

    does anyone know if the back to education allowance has been cut or changed at all in the 2011 budget?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,157 ✭✭✭Johnny Utah

    I think someone from the Department of Finance is prowling these boards......:eek::eek::eek:

    One of my previous posts on this thread:

    - No more luxury State cars. Ministers get a bog standard 2 litre diesel Passat, and other government agencies get a bog standard diesel Kia (with a 7 year warranty btw). The current government spending on fancy BMWs, Audis, Mercs is absolutely crazy.

    Hi Brian, if you need some more suggestions, pm me! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭Owldshtok

    It would save alot if we abolished free legal aid to criminals (specialy the more nasty ones)with a proven track record of more than say,two convictions.Introduce a Diplock style court that was used in the north against paramilitaries to prevent intimidation of witnesses and jurys.Just the DPP and a Judge.

    Of course,there will be some human rights issue because this is a liberal democracy.But these are not normal times,and as drastic action has been taken that affects every honest taxpayer,then 'services' for criminals should be cutback too.

    This was hammered home when watching the programme on monday night on RTE when some scumbag from the hardcore in Limerick gloated at the camera while reminding us how we pay to keep him in prison: on the night before the budget.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 356 ✭✭bmarley

    Get rid of all double payments - such as B.T.E.A. plus grant
    Bring child allowance payments for third and subsequent children in line with fist and second child
    Means test child benefit
    Drastically reduce ministers salaries
    Review Community Childcare Subvention scheme - people on big salaries are entitled to next to free childcare places because they can sign on for unemployment benefits (couple days a week)
    Review rent supplement and ensure that families take up social housing that they are offered instead of paying huge sums for people who prefer to choose where to live
    Make everyone work in some way for their benefits at least a 19 hour week
    Review the work of partnership committees, much money being wasted on soup and sandwiches etc and inventing jobs for friends
    Have a centralised computer system in place where different agencies can communicate with each
    Reduce misuse of lone parent benefit by chasing up fathers and making them cough up
