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Back to Fitness - Lose Weight, then Gain Muscle



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    The gym had their scales back today. I was 12.28 stone (78kg) on them so my weight is going down.

    If I trust the bf % figure above, my body consists of 2.47 stone of fat and I'd need to lose 1.2 stone of fat to get to 10% - assumming no muscle gain.

    I reckon I could lose a stone of fat and put on 0.2 stone of muscle in 8 weeks, at which point, my abs should be showing.

    However, I don't trust the scales and, to me, it looks like they are over-exagerating the bf % (just by a little). Therefore, I'm hoping to have visible abs by the end of February.

    Regarding training today and yesterday:

    Yesterday: 15 minutes on treadmill and 10k on rower (850 calories)

    Today: 20 minutes on treadmill and normal weights session (325 calories + whatever the weights burned - and are still burning :D )

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Done a 10k on the rower today and broke the 45 minute target - completed in 44 minutes, 57 seconds. It was a tight push but I'm confident I'll continue to reduce the time.

    I'm still considering adding in a spin class or two per week too. When I'm at my target weight, I'll reduce the cardio to one day a week and do 3 days weights.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    10k on the rower in 44 minutes, 26 seconds today followed by 18 minutes in the treadmill.

    Total calories burned: 850.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Just 10k on the rower in 44 minutes, 17 seconds today.

    Total Calories Burned: 600

    Might do a spin class instead of the rower tomorrow depending on what time I get to the gym at.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Didn't bother the spin class.

    Instead, done 33 minutes at 11kph on treadmill at level 10 random (+5 cooldown) and 15 minutes on the rower.

    Total Calories: 620 + 200 = 820

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    It's been a while since I posted. I've still been going to the gym but the diet hasn't been good so I'm nowhere near where I'd planned to be at this point.

    I'm currently 75.5kg. I'm cycling around 8 mile each way to work daily and doing a longer cycle on weekends. I haven't done weights in a long time - have just been doing treadmill and rowing in the gym.

    I've got a duathlon at the start of May so I'm going to continue with my current cycling/running routine until then. At that point, assumming I clean up my diet, I should be closer to 70kg. One month of a clean diet and minimal alcohol should be an easy enough target.

    I'll then cut out all cardio in the gym (will still cycle to work) and will switch to weights. I'll also up my calorie intake at that point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Okay, well it's almost 3 weeks since my last post. I've stopped the rowing for now but am continuing with the cycling. My knee was giving bother again as well so I've also stopped the treadmill.

    I'm now at 74.5kg so only 1kg down since last time but at least it's going in the right direction. My goal is now 70kg which I hope to achieve pretty quickly by 'stepping things up diet-wise'.

    Yesterday, for the first time this year, I done a weights session (again machines). With the cycling, I expected the lower body to still be strong but some deterioration in the upper body. The following is what I done with a brief comment (I tried to stick to the same weight as my last session):

    Leg Extension 65 - Difficult but manageable
    Leg Curl 60 - Difficult but manageable
    Lat Pulldown 55 - Very Difficult
    Shoulder Press 30 - Only managed 6 of the last set of 8
    Triceps Push Down 60 - Very Difficult
    Leg Press 130 - Very Difficult
    Back Extension 70 - Fine
    Chest Press 50 - Extremely Difficult and didn't complete
    Seated Row 40 - Extremely Difficult and didn't complete
    Abs Machine 50 - Cut this out as I'm doing situps at home
    Machine Fly 45 - Extremely difficult but will be replacing with push-ups

    Biceps Curl 21 - Didn't get time

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    You seem to be struggling with a lot of the weights, why not lower everything by 10/20% and work your way up?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    mrpink6789 wrote: »
    You seem to be struggling with a lot of the weights, why not lower everything by 10/20% and work your way up?

    Yeah, that's a good idea. It's 3+ months since my last weights session so I just needed a guideline as to where to start again. The intention was to attempt my previous sessions weights on everything this Monday/Wednesday/Friday. At that point, I'll be DEFINATELY following your advice and lowering the weight on whatever I'm struggling in.

    I'm also going to be replacing the Triceps Pushdown with a french press type excercise using a triceps bar (which I have at home). This will reduce the time I need to spend in the gym at lunchtime and make my muscles that little bit fresher for some of the other gym excercises.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Today was my second weights session.

    Leg Extension 65 - Done 10 reps per set instead of my usual 8.
    Leg Curl 60 - Done 10 reps per set instead of my usual 8.
    Lat Pulldown 55 - Quite Difficult but completed
    Shoulder Press 30 - Only managed 7 of the last set of 8
    Triceps Push Down 60 - Replaced with Triceps bar excercise at home
    Leg Press 130 - Extremely Difficult but completed
    Back Extension 70 - Fine
    Chest Press 50 - Extremely Difficult. Only done 5 of last set of 8.
    Seated Row 40 - Extremely Difficult. Last rep had bad form.
    Abs Machine 50 - Replaced with situps at home
    Machine Fly 45 - Replaced with push-ups at home
    Biceps Curl 21 - Didn't complete but it's only a complementary excercise.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    I was thinking about continuing on a calorie deficit until I reached 70kg (11 stone).

    I'm currently 74.5kg (11st 10). Instead of aiming for that weight (it's just a round figure and has no other value), I think I'll up my calories as soon as I'm finished my current batch of MyProtein Promilk (

    I'm currently taking normal whey protein powder at home after cycling (1-2 times daily) and the promilk at work after the gym (3 times per week is the plan). This is in addition to my normal diet which I try to make high in protein.

    There's 7 cartons of promilk left which, if all goes according to plan, takes me up to 6th May. By the time I hit the gym on Monday 9th, I should be around 72kg.

    After that, I'll be starting the Recovery Evo on workout days (post workout) and will be adding oats to my breakfast each morning. This should help performance and recovery during my gym sessions. The Recovery Evo should last 5 - 6 weeks and I'll reevaluate my situation then.

    Whilst bulking, I think I'll have fortnightly weigh-ins and increase calories if I don't gain by at least 2lbs (likewise, I'll reduce if I gain more than 3lbs). Would this be a reasonable plan?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Back to the weights today again.

    Leg Extension 65 - Done 10 reps per set instead of my usual 8
    Leg Curl 60 - Done 10 reps per set instead of my usual 8
    Lat Pulldown 55 - Quite Difficult but completed
    Shoulder Press 30 - Only managed 7 of the last set of 8
    Leg Press 130 - Extremely Difficult but completed
    Back Extension 70 - Fine
    Chest Press 50 - Quite Difficult but completed
    Seated Row 40 - Quite Difficult but completed
    Biceps Curl 21 - Didn't complete but it's only a complementary excercise

    On the 6th May (when my cut ends), I'm going to get a body fat measurement done. I'm assumming this will be below 15% but above 10%. We'll see when the time comes. With only 2 weeks to go, I'll loss a maximum of a further 2kg I'd say.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Just back from a 60 mile cycle. Legs are wrecked but I'll get over it - and tomorrow is a rest day. According to some of the online calculators, a 60-mile cycle burns about 3,000 calories (although I'm not sure whether to believe that or not).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Back to the weights today again for the first time in a week. I really need to keep up the frequency more often if I want to see much improvement by Summer.

    Chinups - 6/4/3
    Leg Extension 65 - Done 10 reps per set instead of my usual 8
    Leg Curl 60 - Done 10 reps per set instead of my usual 8
    Lat Pulldown 55 - Replaced with chinups
    Shoulder Press 30 - Didn't complete third set
    Leg Press 130 - Extremely Difficult but completed
    Back Extension 70 - Fine
    Chest Press 50 - Fine
    Seated Row 40 - Fine
    Biceps curls with 12kg dumbells - One set of 8 with each arm. Need a slightly smaller weight to start off with (so I can do 3 sets).

    I'm quite happy with the chinups and am looking forward to increasing the reps. I'm going to drop the shoulder press back to 25kg if I don't complete the 3 sets on Monday. I don't think I'll increase any of the weights until after next weeks sessions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Just back from a cycle...

    Distance: 105 km
    Average: 23 km/h
    Fastest Speed: 59 km/h
    Ascent: 729 meters
    Calories: 2114

    Comments: I must have looked like a mental patient to passing cars cursing and blinding to the wind the whole way :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Another cycle.... this time 60km.

    I should have had a rest day as it's gym day tomorrow but thought feck it, that weathers too good to lie about the house :D if it impacts my performance at the gym tomorrow, it's no big loss - especially considering I'm still trying to cut.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    I got my body-fat analysis done today but am finding it difficult to believe the results. The instructor used an electronic machine where they attach two wires to your foot and two to your hand.

    The results came in at 9.6% fat which I’m having difficulty believing as I should be able to see my abs at this point – I can see a slight outline but thought there should be little to no fat over them at 9.6%.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Okay, so the electric machine gave me a 9.6% measurment and I got my calipers today.

    The Superailiac Test gave me 8.4% - 10.6%.

    The Jackson/Pollock 3 Point test gave me 8.5%.

    I'm dissappointed that I don't see my abs with the above scores but I guess I just need to start bulking and build them more.

    I done a 70 mile cycle today and will be doing similar on Sunday. However, after this week, I'm cutting out the long Thursday cycle as I don't want it to interfere with my bulk. The Sunday cycle should be fine as long as I eat LOADS of calories.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Okay, well today was my first attempt at my new routine. It'll be a couple of weeks before I get the proper weight for each excercise but the following was today:

    Workout A

    Dumbbell Squat (with one dumbbell held to chest)

    1 * 10 - 18kg
    1 * 10 - 20kg
    1 * 10 - 26kg

    I may switch to using two dumbbells held to the side - any thoughts on this?

    Dumbbell Deadlift (with a dumbbell in each arm)

    1 * 10 - 12kg * 2 = 24kg
    1 * 10 - 18kg * 2 = 36kg
    1 * 10 - 20kg * 2 = 40kg

    I found this tough but it was a good excercise. Seems to have hit my quads pretty good.

    Overhead Dumbbell Swing

    3 * 10 - 12kg

    I couldn't raise the weight any higher this time round. I'm not sure if I've the form fully right but am going to concentrate on keeping my back straight during the excercise before thinking about increasing the weight.


    3 * 5 bodyweight (I'm currently a little under 74kg)

    Hanging Lateral Leg Raise

    Done 5 to each side once. Then someone stole the machine whilst I was getting water so I just done a few standard leg raises on the dipping station. I was swinging like crazy but think I'll be able to stop this by tightening up my core a little more and slowing down the movements.

    In all, it seems a good workout. Being my first time doing it, I wasn't expecting to have an amazing workout but once I'm at it a few weeks and start raising the weights, it should win over my previous, isolation-machine-based workout hands-down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    marathonic wrote: »

    In all, it seems a good workout. Being my first time doing it, I wasn't expecting to have an amazing workout but once I'm at it a few weeks and start raising the weights, it should win over my previous, isolation-machine-based workout hands-down.

    its only because you are out of your comfort zone so once you get used to it you'll be fine.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    mrpink6789 wrote: »
    its only because you are out of your comfort zone so once you get used to it you'll be fine.

    Yeah, that's true. It feels like everyone's looking when doing the dumbbells thinking what you're at but I suppose, when I look back, I felt the same when I first stepped on a treadmill and the same when I first tried the isolation machines.... tis all in the head :D

    I like the fact that the workout made me sweat a lot more than the isolation machines did. Makes ya more proud when ya complete it :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    wait until tomorrow morning and you wont be liking anything about the workout!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    mrpink6789 wrote: »
    wait until tomorrow morning and you wont be liking anything about the workout!

    lol... I'd say that - even now, I've got a slight pain in my right quad that I've never had with my previous workout.

    I did get plenty of protein after the workout so hopefully that'll help in the repair process (110g Turkey pieces, a packet of beef jerky and a MyProtein Promilk).

    The Promilk came with a bundle I bought a couple of months ago. It goes out of date next week but I've only 2 cartons left. Although it's good stuff, I'll not be buying more as, in my opinion, it's not worth the additional expense over standard whey - unless you really need the convenience.

    I'd bought this bundle 100% Core Bundle with a 10% discount voucher I had that was expiring. As I already had whey, the only things I've taken so far is the Alpha Men and Pro-Milk. I'll be starting the Recovery Evo once I've got the new routine down with the correct weights. That'll last 5 weeks and then I'll start the Hurricane Evo for the next 5 weeks. Rather than these products, I'll use standard whey if necessary on non-workout days and will use the BCAA+ when I'm cutting at the end.

    When the bundle is finished, I'll be buying ingredients separately and mixing my own shakes - but that's a whole different thread :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    mrpink6789 wrote: »
    wait until tomorrow morning and you wont be liking anything about the workout!

    You were right... :D

    The legs were pretty sore today. I've a cycle tomorrow so took a rest day today (well, apart from 10 - 15 minutes of situps on an incline bench). The legs should be fine by tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Just back from a cycle...

    Distance: 100 km
    Average: 29 km/h
    Fastest Speed: 77 km/h
    Ascent: 1057 meters

    Obviously, this was sore on the legs but tomorrows gym session is focused on the upper body. It includes:

    Dumbbell Bench Press
    Dumbbell Shoulder Press
    Dumbbell Renegade Row
    Close Grip Chin Up
    Hanging Shrug

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Today was my first attempt at Workout B of my new routine. I found it okay but do get the feeling that it’ll be a tough one in a few weeks when I’ve the correct starting weights for each exercise and start increasing.

    Workout B

    Dumbbell Bench Press
    10 * 10kg * 2 = 20kg
    10 * 12kg * 2 = 24kg
    10 * 14kg * 2 = 28kg

    I’ll probably stick to the same weight on Friday and then increase early next week.

    Dumbbell Shoulder Press
    10 * 10kg * 2 = 20kg
    7 * 12kg * 2 = 24kg
    7 * 12kg * 2 = 24kg

    I’ll decrease the weights to 8, 10 and 12kg dumbbells on Friday

    Dumbbell Renegade Row
    10 * 12kg * 2 = 24kg
    10 * 14kg * 2 = 28kg
    10 * 16kg * 2 = 32kg

    Found this very tough – expecially as they’re round dumbbells as opposed to hexagonal. I’m going to keep the weight the same on Friday and concentrate on form. I think I need to keep my feet closer together so that I get a good core workout as well.

    4, 3, 3 Bodyweight (74kg)

    I didn’t get as many done as I did the last time – although, the last time, they were done at the very start of the workout.

    Hanging Shrug
    3 * 10 * Bodyweight (74kg)

    I am considering replacing these with normal dumbbell shrugs but will give it two weeks before I decide. Thoughts?

    I will be doing some French Presses with a triceps bar and some pushups when I get home from work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 738 ✭✭✭gymsoldier

    marathonic wrote: »
    Found this very tough – expecially as they’re round dumbbells as opposed to hexagonal. I’m going to keep the weight the same on Friday and concentrate on form. I think I need to keep my feet closer together so that I get a good core workout as well.

    The round DBs will at further core stability then what youre use to.
    marathonic wrote: »
    I am considering replacing these with normal dumbbell shrugs but will give it two weeks before I decide. Thoughts?

    Hanging shrugs will hit the lower fibres of the traps, so not to replace them with DB shrugs. Do both.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    gymsoldier wrote: »
    The round DBs will at further core stability then what youre use to.

    Hanging shrugs will hit the lower fibres of the traps, so not to replace them with DB shrugs. Do both.

    Thanks. I'd say the round dumbbells will be good. Today was the first attempt so I just need to concentrate on getting good form at them and then start raising weight :D

    Would you suggest both shrug formats in the same workout or alternating them?

  • Registered Users Posts: 738 ✭✭✭gymsoldier

    marathonic wrote: »
    Thanks. I'd say the round dumbbells will be good. Today was the first attempt so I just need to concentrate on getting good form at them and then start raising weight :D

    Would you suggest both shrug formats in the same workout or alternating them?

    I havnt a clue how youre programme is layed out. But personaly, I train the lower fibres on back day, and upper fibres on shoulders day.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A

    Dumbbell Squat (with one dumbbell held to chest)
    1 * 10 - 24kg
    1 * 10 - 26kg
    1 * 10 - 28kg

    I found this tough enough but should be able to raise by 2kg for each set next time.

    Dumbbell Deadlift (with a dumbbell in each arm)
    1 * 10 - 20kg * 2 = 40kg
    1 * 10 - 22kg * 2 = 44kg
    1 * 10 - 24kg * 2 = 48kg

    I'm going to keep this weight the same for the next session and concentrate on form (straight back, push up from hips).

    Overhead Dumbbell Swing
    1 * 10 - 10kg
    1 * 10 - 12kg
    1 * 10 - 12kg

    I couldn't raise the weight for the third set (and hadn't really intended to anyway as I want to get the form down first).

    1 * 8 bodyweight (I'm currently a little under 74kg)
    1 * 6 bodyweight (was still 74kg :-)
    1 * 6 bodyweight

    Hanging Lateral Leg Raise
    1 * 5 to each side
    1 * 7 to each side
    1 * 8 to each side

    I was still swinging around but not as much as the last time. Going to slow down the movements further to see if that helps.

    I've got this workout next Monday and Friday (Workout B is this Friday and next Wednesday). By that point, I should have my starting levels for each excercise sorted and start concentrating on increasing - the bodyweight excercises are done until failure and I'll be adding weight to those when I hit 15 reps.
