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Back to Fitness - Lose Weight, then Gain Muscle



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    I still haven't got the motivation to kick me up the **** properly yet and today was the first time since last Wednesday in the gym. I was in at lunchtime as opposed to morning so the benches were all in use and I reverted back to Workout A - will do Workout B on Friday.

    Workout A

    Dumbbell Squat (with one dumbbell held to chest)
    1 * 10 - 26kg
    1 * 10 - 28kg
    1 * 10 - 30kg

    I think this is about the right weight for now.

    Dumbbell Deadlift (with a dumbbell in each arm)
    1 * 10 - 16kg * 2 = 32kg
    1 * 10 - 16kg * 2 = 32kg
    1 * 10 - 16kg * 2 = 32kg

    A lot of the other weights were in use but I didn't mind as I'd like to concentrate on form (straight back, push up from hips) for now. Will increase the later sets next time.

    Overhead Dumbbell Swing
    1 * 10 - 10kg
    1 * 10 - 12kg
    1 * 7 - 14kg

    Only done 7 on the third set but that's a reasonable enough amount of reps in my opinion. Going to stick with this weight next time.

    1 * 9 bodyweight (I'm currently a little under 74kg)
    1 * 6 bodyweight
    1 * 5 bodyweight

    Added one rep to the first set and done one less the last set. I'm still happy enough and think I can increase the overall reps next time. Will add weight when I hit 15 for the first set or 12 for the last set.

    Hanging Lateral Leg Raise
    Instead of this, I done some normal hanging leg raises and used a dumbbell at the side to hit the obliques (like in one of Transforms videos). I'll do either workout next time as I believe they're reasonable substitutions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Done a 5k run on the road today. First road run in a couple of years and completed it in 27 minutes.

    Could be tempted in making the Dublin marathon a challenge for this year but it'd have to be it or weightlifting - wouldn't be able to do both.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B

    Dumbbell Bench Press
    10 * 12kg * 2 = 24kg
    10 * 14kg * 2 = 28kg
    10 * 16kg * 2 = 32kg

    A good workout. Will remain at this weight once more before moving up.

    Dumbbell Shoulder Press
    10 * 10kg * 2 = 20kg
    6 * 12kg * 2 = 24kg
    5 * 12kg * 2 = 24kg

    Dissappointed as I done less reps than the last time. Will decrease the weights next time (forgot this time)

    Dumbbell Renegade Row
    10 * 12kg * 2 = 24kg
    10 * 14kg * 2 = 28kg
    10 * 16kg * 2 = 32kg

    A good workout. Again, I’m going to keep the weight the same for another workout and concentrate on form. I think I still need to keep my feet closer together so that I get a good core workout as well.

    5, 3, 2 Bodyweight (74kg)

    An extra rep on the first set but one less on the last. Should improve on this next week..

    Hanging Shrug
    3 * 12 * Bodyweight (74kg)

    I quite like these. Used a wide grip this time which I found better.

    Dumbbell Shrug

    Done a set of 10 with 26kg and a set of 10 with 22kg. I either need to reduce the weight (maybe 22kg/24kg/26kg) or place this excercise somewhere else - perhaps in Workout A. Thoughts?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    My legs are still sore from yesterdays run so I'm not sure what to do tomorrow. Am tempted to do another run but if they're still sore tomorrow, I might do a cycle or some random weights - Sunday will be a rest day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B

    Dumbbell Bench Press
    10 * 16kg * 2 = 32kg
    10 * 16kg * 2 = 32kg
    10 * 16kg * 2 = 32kg

    A good workout. Planning to change to sets of 14/16/18 next time.

    Dumbbell Shoulder Press
    10 * 10kg * 2 = 20kg
    9 * 12kg * 2 = 24kg
    7 * 12kg * 2 = 24kg

    Got more reps than last time. Not sure whether to decrease weight next time or attempt the 3 sets of 10.

    Dumbbell Renegade Row

    The gym was too packed for this so I done 3 sets of 50kg on the seated row machine instead.

    3, 3, 2 Bodyweight (74kg)

    Very dissapointed with this but I'll put it down to a bad day and see how I do on Friday.

    Hanging Shrug
    3 * 12 * Bodyweight (74kg)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    I'm going to be starting this (probably tomorrow post-workout): MP Max Recovery Evo. There's 15 servings in a tub so it should last me 5 weeks.

    It may not be the best product - it's part of a bundle I bought a while back which also includes another product that I'll start after it: MP Max Hurricane Evo.

    However, it does seem to have all the ingredients I want: fast acting carbs, protein, BCAA's, glutamine.

    The Hurricane Evo contains 30 servings. They recommend you take 2 per day - even on non-training days. I think I'll just stick to training days meaning this will last a further 5 weeks.

    After that, I'll be moving on to mixing my own shakes consisting of:

    50g Chocolate Whey
    50g Waxy Maize Starch
    6g Creatine
    6g L Leucine
    7g Glutamine

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A

    Dumbbell Squat (with one dumbbell held to chest)
    1 * 10 - 26kg
    1 * 10 - 28kg
    1 * 10 - 30kg
    1 * 10 - 32kg

    Felt good after third set so added a fourth set. Going to increast to 30/32/34 next.

    Dumbbell Deadlift (with a dumbbell in each arm)
    1 * 10 - 16kg * 2 = 32kg
    1 * 10 - 18kg * 2 = 36kg
    1 * 10 - 20kg * 2 = 40kg

    Will increase by 2kg each set next.

    Overhead Dumbbell Swing
    1 * 10 - 10kg
    1 * 10 - 12kg
    1 * 9 - 14kg

    Going to stick with this weight next time. Almost at the 3 * 10.

    1 * 10 bodyweight (I'm currently about 74kg)
    1 * 7 bodyweight
    1 * 6 bodyweight

    Added one rep to each set. Will add weight when I hit 15 for the first set or 12 for the last set.

    Hanging Lateral Leg Raise
    1 * 10
    1 * 9
    1 * 8

    My grip seems to give way in this. I'm going to continue with them though because I want to improve my grip so that it isn't a limiting factor when I start deadlifting heavy.

    Overall, I'm happy with my progress, now if only I can increase the chinups on Friday :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Have decided to switch the way I approach chinups and dips (based upon a comment in a thread by Hanley).

    Instead of alternating chinups and dips with 3 sets to failure, I’m going to do the following:

    "A good trick I picked up from the old Westside Barbell manuals was the along the lines of the following – if you can do 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 15 or whatever number of reps in one all out set, you half it and do a high number of multiple sets.

    So your progression might be:
    Week 1 – 6 x2 twice per week (6 sets of 2 reps)
    Week 2 – 8 x2 twice per week (8 set of 2 reps)
    Week 3 – 10 x2 twice per week (10 sets of 2 reps)
    Week 4 – Test (aim for 6-8 reps) and then repeat the process with your new max for another 3 weeks, number of sets stays the same, number of reps is half your new max, testing in week 8.

    If you can do it more than 2x per week, you’ll see improvements faster. No single set should ever leave you COMPLETELY wiped. The last sets might start to get tougher, but you should never fail on them."

    Basically, I’m going to do both excercises for every workout (but not to failure). I’ll try to start with 2 chinups per set and 5 dips per set. I’ll continue with this plan until I can do about 3 sets of 12.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Just done the following in the weights at home. I consider these an supplementary excercise to the gym this morning. I wouldn't be doing them if it's a rest day (as I'd fear it'd impact my proper gym sessions) and wouldn't worry if I missed it.

    3 * 10: 25kg french presses with a triceps bar
    3 * 10: 25kg biceps curls with EZ-Curl bar
    2 * 10: 30kg incline bench press

    Do you think the EZ-Curl Bar or dumbells are better for bicep curls?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B

    Dumbbell Bench Press

    10 * 18kg * 2 = 36kg
    7 * 20kg * 2 = 40kg
    10 * 18kg * 2 = 36kg

    Meant to do 14/16/18 but dunno what happened that I thought it was 18/20/22. I started with the 18's and knew there was something wrong :-)
    I should be able to do 16, 18, 20 next time (hopefully).

    Dumbbell Shoulder Press

    10 * 10kg * 2 = 20kg
    6 * 12kg * 2 = 24kg
    7 * 12kg * 2 = 24kg

    Got less reps than last time. Definately decreasing next time.

    Dumbbell Renegade Row

    10 * 12kg * 2 = 24kg
    10 * 14kg * 2 = 28kg
    10 * 16kg * 2 = 32kg

    A good workout. I'm not sure whether to increase next time or not. Will see how I'm feeling.


    5 sets of 2 chinups and 5 dips

    I've decided to stop going to failure (see above post) so that I can get a little more volume in. I'll switch back to going to failure when my max reps hits 12-15.

    Hanging Shrug

    3 * 12 * Bodyweight (74kg)

    Dumbbell Shrugs

    3 * 26kg * 12

    I've added in the dumbbell shrugs. I'd considered just replacing the hanging shrugs with them but, based on advice on this post, decided to do both.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Bud you need to get much more body-active than just the fixed machines. Thats wat we do and results are staggering. Have a read of the stuff myself and tmc have been chatting about in the latest threads..


    Two things I don't usually include in my log (it's really just a base) is my five minute warm-up/cooldown (which I suppose is negligible) and my 8-mile each way daily cycle to and from work.

    The cycle is mostly slow-steady so I must add in some form of HIIT at some point (although, at the moment, I've started trying to bulk as opposed to cut so I'm not sure how beneficial this would be).

    The HIIT I'd add would either be the treadmill (as you stated in your thread) or just incorporate HIIT into my cycle home on Fridays.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Just finished my decline situps and my pushups.

    I'm starting to see my abs - but only when I lie back and lift my head up do they become really noticeable - this was after the situps so they were probably a bit more pumped up than they'll be, for exampe, tomorrow when I wake up.

    At the moment, the routine (week 3, day 3) was sets of 16, 21, 15, 15, 21.

    I do a set of situps and pullups followed by a 2 minute rest before moving onto the next set.

    When I get to week 6, I'll probably replace the situps with weighted crunches and move back to week 3 of the program before working my way back up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Just done a little bit of a home workout there:

    3 * 10 Triceps Press @ 23kg
    3 * 10 Biceps Curl @ 25kg
    4 * 8 Incline Bench Press @ 35kg

    I'm going to add 2.5kg per week to the Incline Bench Press and, assumming I don't stall (a big assumption), I should be able to reach bodyweight in 4 months.

    I'm considering getting a pullup bar or some gym rings for home. Any advice on this?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    My weights set at home has 80kg in weights. At the moment, I use the normal gym for my regular workouts and do around two workouts per week in the home gym.

    The dumbbell bench press forms part of my routine at the local gym and at home I do the incline bench press. I've decided that when I max out the weights at home (an 80kg incline press), I'm going to buy a proper setup... Maybe this

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    I missed my Monday workout and my Wednesday workout due to stupidity, a.k.a. hangover :mad:

    I seriously need to cut out the drinking as it's hampering my progress bigtime - both in the form of missed workouts and poor diet.

    I did do my Monday workout today and will do my Wednesday workout on Saturday to salvage it somewhat - will end up missing only the one workout this week.

    Workout A

    Dumbbell Squat (with one dumbbell held to chest)
    1 * 10 - 30kg
    1 * 10 - 32kg
    1 * 10 - 34kg

    Found this pretty tough but will add 2kg next time.

    Dumbbell Deadlift (with a dumbbell in each arm)
    1 * 10 - 16kg * 2 = 32kg
    1 * 10 - 18kg * 2 = 36kg
    1 * 10 - 20kg * 2 = 40kg

    Very tough and am not going to increase next time - for fear of losing form.

    Overhead Dumbbell Swing
    1 * 10 - 10kg
    1 * 10 - 12kg
    1 * 10 - 14kg

    Finally at the 3 * 10. Going to stick with this weight next time before increasing.

    6 * 3 Chinups alternated with 6 * 5 dips.

    As I've said before, I've switched my Dips/Chins around so I do both at every workout but only do half max reps for more sets - as opposed to 3 to failure.

    Hanging Lateral Leg Raise
    3 * 10

    My grip seems to have improved. I'll start increasing the reps by 1 per workout till I hit 15, then add weight (Edit: on reading other posts, maybe ankle weights on this excercise is a bad idea. Maybe, in a few weeks, I'll try them without bending the knees to see how that feels)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Just done the following in the weights at home. I consider these an supplementary excercise to the gym this morning. I wouldn't be doing them if it was a rest day (as I'd fear it'd impact my proper gym sessions) and wouldn't worry if I missed it.

    1 * 8: 9kg dumbbell lateral raises (stopped halfway through the 2nd set as I've a sore shoulder at the back - possibly from this mornings gym)
    3 * 8: 25kg french presses with a triceps bar
    3 * 8: 25kg biceps curls with EZ-Curl bar
    3 * 8: 30kg incline bench press

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Yeehaw, I'm a happy man today. Yesterday, I was paranoid that I had a rotator cuff injury but, as it turns out, it must have just been plain old DOMS.

    My intention was that, if it hadn't improved by today, I'd cancel todays gym session and book a physio session. It actually improved by about 60% - and wasn't that bad anyway, so I decided to go ahead with the session and to quit if in difficulty.

    Workout B

    Dumbbell Bench Press
    10 * 16kg * 2 = 32kg
    10 * 18kg * 2 = 36kg
    10 * 20kg * 2 = 40kg

    Tough workout for last set but very happy with it.

    Dumbbell Shoulder Press
    10 * 8kg * 2 = 20kg
    10 * 10kg * 2 = 24kg
    6 * 12kg * 2 = 24kg

    Found a slight niggle in my shoulder with these but am happy enough. Didn't push TOO hard for the last set.

    Dumbbell Renegade Row
    10 * 12kg
    10 * 14kg
    10 * 16kg
    10 * 18kg

    Replaced these with one arm rows as I thought they'd be easier on the shoulder. 10 reps with each arm for each set. Added the 18kg set as they felt fine. When I start back Renegade Rows, I'll be adding these rows to the end of Workout A.

    4 sets of 3 chinups and 5 dips

    Hanging Shrug
    3 * 12 * Bodyweight (74kg)

    Dumbbell Shrugs
    10 * 26kg * 2 = 52kg
    10 * 28kg * 2 = 56kg
    10 * 30kg * 2 = 60kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    I've just weighed myself and am 163lbs (74kg).

    I'm quite happy with that considering the lightest I've been was 162lbs (2-3 weeks ago) and I upped my calories a couple of weeks ago to put on some mass.

    I've also decided to quit the drinking - or try anyway. It's hammpering my progress too much. I've had a sober weekend and know that I should now be able to hit the gym on all intended days this week.

    Unfortunately, moderating the drinking doesn't seem to work and it always ends up being multiple nights out and the mother of all hangovers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B

    Dumbbell Bench Press
    10 * 16kg * 2 = 32kg
    10 * 18kg * 2 = 36kg
    10 * 20kg * 2 = 40kg

    Again, tough workout for last set but very happy with it. Won't increase until next Monday - as I'm using dumbbells that rise in 2kg increments, increasing means a 4kg increase which I won't be able to do every workout.

    Dumbbell Shoulder Press
    10 * 8kg * 2 = 20kg
    10 * 10kg * 2 = 24kg
    10 * 12kg * 2 = 24kg

    Managed the full 10 reps of the last set. Again, I'll not be increasing this next time.

    Dumbbell Renegade Row
    10 * 12kg
    10 * 14kg
    10 * 16kg

    I find these pretty tiring but am growing to like them. I'll probably increase by 2kg next time.

    6 sets of 3 chinups and 5 dips

    Loved these :-)

    Hanging Shrug
    3 * 12 * Bodyweight (74kg)

    Dumbbell Shrugs
    10 * 28kg * 2 = 56kg
    10 * 30kg * 2 = 60kg
    10 * 32kg * 2 = 64kg

    Pretty tough but I'll increase the next time. The worrying thing about these is that the dumbbells only go up to 40kg so I'm not sure how I'll progress from there. Will decide when I'm doing 3 * 10 * 40kg.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A

    Dumbbell Squat (with one dumbbell held to chest)
    1 * 10 - 32kg
    1 * 10 - 34kg
    1 * 10 - 36kg

    Found this pretty tough but will add 2kg next time.

    Dumbbell Deadlift (with a dumbbell in each arm)
    1 * 10 - 18kg * 2 = 36kg
    1 * 10 - 20kg * 2 = 40kg
    1 * 10 - 22kg * 2 = 44kg

    Tough but raise next time.

    Overhead Dumbbell Swing
    1 * 10 - 10kg
    1 * 10 - 12kg
    1 * 9 - 14kg

    Didn't manage the 3 * 10. Going to stick with this weight next time.

    6 * 3 Chinups alternated with 6 * 5 dips.

    Hanging Lateral Leg Raise
    3 * 12

    Replaced this with leg raises on the dipping station as my shoulder was a little sore.

    One Arm Row
    1 * 10 - 18kg
    1 * 10 - 20kg
    1 * 10 - 22kg

    A new excercise and I think I picked the right weight. The last rep of the third set was tough.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B

    Dumbbell Bench Press
    10 * 18kg * 2 = 36kg
    10 * 20kg * 2 = 40kg
    8 * 22kg * 2 = 44kg

    Raised by 2kg per dumbbell (4kg total) but only managed 8 reps on the last set. I think I'll raise every time I hit 10 on the last set going forward.

    Dumbbell Shoulder Press
    10 * 8kg * 2 = 20kg
    10 * 10kg * 2 = 24kg
    10 * 12kg * 2 = 24kg

    Found a slight niggle in my shoulder with these but am happy enough. If my shoulder is fully healed by next Wednesday, I'll raise the weight. Otherwise, I'll stick with the above.

    Dumbbell Renegade Row
    10 * 14kg
    10 * 16kg
    10 * 18kg

    Tiring but will increase next time.

    6 sets of 3 chinups and 5 dips

    Hanging Shrug
    1 * 12 * Bodyweight (74kg)

    Shoulder got a little sore on these so I didn't push past the first set.

    Dumbbell Shrugs
    10 * 28kg * 2 = 56kg
    10 * 30kg * 2 = 60kg
    10 * 32kg * 2 = 64kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A

    Dumbbell Squat (with one dumbbell held to chest)
    1 * 10 - 34kg
    1 * 10 - 36kg
    1 * 10 - 38kg

    Found this pretty tough but will add 2kg next time. That'll be me using the biggest dumbbell for the last set. I think I'll then work towards a 24kg warm up set and 3 sets of 40kg and take it from there.

    Dumbbell Deadlift (with a dumbbell in each arm)
    1 * 10 - 20kg * 2 = 40kg
    1 * 10 - 22kg * 2 = 44kg
    1 * 10 - 24kg * 2 = 48kg

    Tough but raise next time.

    Overhead Dumbbell Swing
    1 * 10 - 10kg
    1 * 10 - 12kg
    1 * 10 - 14kg

    Think I'll stick with this weight for one more session. It is getting easier though.

    4 * 3 Chinups alternated with 4 * 5 dips. Someone else took the dip station whilst I was resting but I'll get the extra sets done on Wednesday :D

    Hanging Lateral Leg Raise
    Replaced this with 3 * 10 on the abs machine as the pullup bars were all in use.

    One Arm Row
    1 * 10 - 18kg
    1 * 10 - 20kg
    1 * 10 - 22kg

    Will raise next time - but very tough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B

    Dumbbell Bench Press
    10 * 18kg * 2 = 36kg
    10 * 20kg * 2 = 40kg
    10 * 22kg * 2 = 44kg

    Managed the 10 reps of the last set but was very tough. Am going to increase the weight by 2kg next time and build back up to 10 reps on the third set.

    Dumbbell Shoulder Press
    10 * 10kg * 2 = 20kg
    10 * 12kg * 2 = 24kg
    4 * 14kg * 2 = 28kg

    Will build up to 10 reps on third set before increasing.

    Dumbbell Renegade Row
    10 * 18kg
    10 * 20kg
    10 * 22kg

    Tiring but will increase next time.

    8 sets of 3 chinups and 5 dips

    Hanging Shrug
    3 * 12 * Bodyweight (74kg)

    Dumbbell Shrugs
    10 * 30kg * 2 = 60kg
    10 * 32kg * 2 = 64kg
    10 * 34kg * 2 = 68kg

    Grip giving way on these. Also, don't have much more to go before I reach the largest, 40kg, dumbbells. Will increase reps to 12 and use same weight next time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Usually, I just mess about with random excercises at random times at home. It's time to add a little structure. I did a home workout today (Friday) this week but, from next week, I'll leave that for Saturdays.

    I'll be doing my gym routine Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays and the home routine on Saturdays.

    Home Routine

    Three Rounds of the Following:

    Incline Barbell Bench Press - 40kg
    Ring Body Row (no added weight yet)
    Ring Bent Leg Raise (move to straight legs eventually, then add weight)
    Dumbbell Lateral Raise - 5kg each
    French Press - 28.5kg
    Standing Ez-bar biceps curl - 30kg

    The dumbbell lateral raise was added in because I recently had a scare where I thought I'd damaged my rotator cuff. It turned out I didn't but I want to strengthen the rotator cuff so that I minimise the chances of it occuring in the future - when I was reading up on the potential injury, I saw that people had been out for 6 months + with it.

    I wanted to do ring dips but only got my rings recently. On trying them for the first time today, I've realised that it'lll be a while before I can do them - the stability is very difficult for now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    marathonic wrote: »
    I've just weighed myself and am 163lbs (74kg).

    Pretty much two weeks later and I now weight 166lbs. When coming up with a plan, I'd intended to put on 1lb per week when bulking (of which, half could reasonably be assumed to be muscle).

    Therefore, I'm 1lb ahead of where I wanted to be now. I know it's probably a higher percentage of fat than muscle I've put on but I'm not worried about an extra pound over a period of 2 weeks.

    I'm going to go on a mini-cut in about 5 weeks time - when my current MP Max Recovery EVO and MP Max Hurricane EVO runs out. I'll then cut for 3 weeks whilst taking my BCAA+ tablets in place of these supplements.

    That'll be the end of the Core Bundle of supplements that I bought from myProtein back in March.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    marathonic wrote: »
    Home Routine

    Three Rounds of the Following:

    Incline Barbell Bench Press - 40kg
    Ring Body Row (no added weight yet)
    Ring Bent Leg Raise (move to straight legs eventually, then add weight)
    Dumbbell Lateral Raise - 5kg each
    French Press - 28.5kg
    Standing Ez-bar biceps curl - 30kg

    Done the same routine again. Probably shouldn't have considering I done it yesterday but I wasn't sore or anything and it's a one off - I changed my excercise days about this week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B

    Dumbbell Bench Press
    10 * 20kg * 2 = 40kg
    10 * 22kg * 2 = 44kg
    6 * 24kg * 2 = 48kg

    Added 2kg. Need to build back up to 10 reps on the third set.

    Dumbbell Shoulder Press
    10 * 10kg * 2 = 20kg
    8 * 12kg * 2 = 24kg
    8 * 14kg * 2 = 28kg

    That was weird. 2 reps less on 2nd set but 4 reps more on 3rd. Need to build up to 3 * 10.

    Dumbbell Renegade Row
    10 * 18kg
    10 * 20kg
    10 * 22kg

    Tiring but will increase next time.

    9 sets of 3 chinups and 5 dips

    Hanging Shrug
    3 * 12 * Bodyweight (76kg)

    Dumbbell Shrugs
    9 * 30kg * 2 = 60kg
    9 * 30kg * 2 = 60kg
    9 * 30kg * 2 = 60kg

    Grip giving way on these bigtime today. Reduced reps and weights on 2nd and 3rd sets. Will start using the liquid chalk I got from myProtein to see if that makes a difference.

  • Registered Users Posts: 308 ✭✭veritable

    Finally dude you are starting to do more free weights. Weights should be your priority and cardio comes after a heavy session for 10-15 mins - or less or more depending on what you can manage.

    Avoid the machines. Free weights force you to train the tiny stabiliser muscles around your joints. This increases the intensity of your workout.

    Forget about counting calories. just eat 5-6 small meals/snacks per day.

    Train hard with the weights and stop worrying about getting your body-weight down. By constantly monitoring something that takes months to properly change, you are chipping away at your motivation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    veritable wrote: »
    Finally dude you are starting to do more free weights. Weights should be your priority and cardio comes after a heavy session for 10-15 mins - or less or more depending on what you can manage.

    Avoid the machines. Free weights force you to train the tiny stabiliser muscles around your joints. This increases the intensity of your workout.

    Forget about counting calories. just eat 5-6 small meals/snacks per day.

    Train hard with the weights and stop worrying about getting your body-weight down. By constantly monitoring something that takes months to properly change, you are chipping away at your motivation.

    Thanks for the tips. I'm not really worrying about bodyweight now and am concentrating on eating plenty and increasing the weights. I had 'getting big' as my goal but 'lifting heavier' is much easier to monitor and progress with.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A

    Dumbbell Squat (with one dumbbell held to chest)
    1 * 10 - 36kg (+2kg)
    1 * 10 - 38kg (+2kg)
    1 * 10 - 40kg (+2kg)

    That's me using the biggest dumbbell for the last set. I'll add a 24kg warm-up next and then work on increasing the worksets to all 40kg.

    Dumbbell Deadlift (with a dumbbell in each arm)
    1 * 10 - 22kg * 2 = 44kg (+4kg)
    1 * 10 - 24kg * 2 = 48kg (+4kg)
    1 * 10 - 26kg * 2 = 52kg (+4kg)

    Tough but raise next time.

    Overhead Dumbbell Swing
    1 * 10 - 10kg
    1 * 10 - 12kg
    1 * 10 - 14kg

    Will increase next time by 2kg per set.

    10 * 3 Chinups alternated with 10 * 5 dips.

    Going to do 3 sets to failure of each on Monday.

    Hanging Lateral Leg Raise
    3 * 12.

    One Arm Row
    1 * 10 - 18kg
    1 * 10 - 20kg
    1 * 10 - 22kg

    Forgot to raise. Raise next time.
