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Another Press clipping with a twist!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,230 ✭✭✭chem

    Grizzly 45 wrote: »
    They just have this intense paranoia here and apprently always have had about handguns since the foundation of the State.:(

    Its funny you say that. I was told a story by the gran daughter of Frank Aiken. After her gran dad died, they went up to his house in Dublin to clear it out. They opened a press door and found alot of handguns and ammo. They called the army and they were taken away. One of them was a small silver pocket pistol. Family history has it that it was carried by Frank into the Dáil on the first day of the free state government. Its said most if not all had some form of firearm incase things kicked off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 649 ✭✭✭sidneyreilly


    Edit: Apologies to Telegraph!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,108 ✭✭✭pedroeibar1

    Great letter, full marks. Cool, factual, unemotive. Love the bit about F1 and the bicycle. And, in fairness, fair play to the Tribune for publishing it in full.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,489 ✭✭✭No6

    The Connaught Telegraph not tribune!! Only important if you are from Mayo!! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,096 ✭✭✭bunny shooter

    Surprised some of the quasi legal eagles here have missed this :P

    "As the national governing body in Ireland for non Olympic pistol shooting I would like to state some facts for the record."

    Good letter but to the those outside and even the majority within the shooting sports it is outside their knowledge base.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,590 ✭✭✭Tackleberrywho

    Surprised some of the quasi legal eagles here have missed this :P

    "As the national governing body in Ireland for non Olympic pistol shooting I would like to state some facts for the record."

    Good letter but to the those outside and even the majority within the shooting sports it is outside their knowledge base.

    I'm confused by that statement?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,641 ✭✭✭Bananaman

    I'm confused by that statement?


  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Surprised some of the quasi legal eagles here have missed this :P
    Did you read the author's byline? I did and I haven't commented because he's banned from ever posting on this site again. But I think you could probably guess my thoughts on the matter reasonably accurately even without much information...
    Good letter but to the those outside and even the majority within the shooting sports it is outside their knowledge base.
    I think the author was hoping that people would gloss over the "non-" in that sentence (or even that the editor would edit it out). It's using the Olympic name because it's well-recognised by Joe Public.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,641 ✭✭✭Bananaman

    Sparks wrote: »
    Did you read the author's byline? I did and I haven't commented because he's banned from ever posting on this site again. But I think you could probably guess my thoughts on the matter reasonably accurately even without much information...

    I think the author was hoping that people would gloss over the "non-" in that sentence (or even that the editor would edit it out). It's using the Olympic name because it's well-recognised by Joe Public.

    I take umbrage at your insinuations - I cannot respond on behalf of the author of this letter or the organisation he represents - as that is not allowed on boards - so I will respond as myself.

    You are welcome to your opinion but I am sick and tired of people allowing personal opinions to colour their comments as they have in this instance.

    As you are a multi mod I would have thought it would be verbotten to make such comments and allow personal opinions and hearsay to come into it.

    The NASRPC IS the NGB for non olympic pistol shooting in Ireland. They run competitions - throughout the country - every month and the majority of them include pistol shooting. They send teams and individuals to internationals to represent Ireland in pistol shooting.

    What they do not do is the Olympic Pistol Disciplines -as these are already covered by others.

    The reason they make this distinction is so that the organisation who do represent Olympic pistol shooting in Ireland would probably get all squeaky bummed if they did not make the distinction.

    It says it on their website, as far as I know.

    Do you think NTSA would prefer if the article had said NASRPC represent 'pistol shooting in Ireland'? I think not. I think you, sparks, would have been a bit more vociferous in your comments had that been the case.

    It was a very good article. It needed to be said. The Gardai needed to be pulled on their statements and the paper needed to be shown they were hoodwinked.

    The paper, very graciously, printed the letter - without edit - in order to put the story straight.

    All in all a good outcome.

    Yet - as usual - the anonymous whingers have to look for a reason to nitpick and knock holes in it - did you check if all the commas were in the right places.


  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Bananaman wrote: »
    Yet - as usual - the anonymous whingers have to look for a reason to nitpick and knock holes in it - did you check if all the commas were in the right places.
    Anonymous whinger? :rolleyes:

    This isn't anonymous whinging, it's me, identified in full, answering a specific question from Bunny. If you have a problem with that, it's your problem, I suggest you deal with it off-boards, because this isn't the place for it.

    As for the "oh, poor me" crap above, it's not worth an answer. Mentioning the Olympic word in the letter is a PR thing, something I just explained above to Bunny. I know it is because I've said on here before that it should be done like that. Sometimes, I could swear you just don't know who supports you and who doesn't, I really could.

    edit: But just in case you're still guessing wrong, my thoughts (explicitly) on this are as follows:
    • It was good that the letter was written.
    • It was good that the letter was published.
    • The letter could have been better worded, but only by a few percent so it's not worth commenting on.
    • The author ... you know what, your sport, your funeral. He's banned from here for a multitude of good reasons so on reflection, I don't want to talk about him anymore.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,108 ✭✭✭pedroeibar1

    Personally I don't give a rats a$$ about some internecine pi$$ing contest - it is beyond the interest of many on this board. Never even heard of the guy and like many would have to look up what the initials stand for.

    The simple fact - for me- is that a well-composed letter was written, it clearly outlined the facts and was published. The rest is just BS.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,641 ✭✭✭Bananaman

    Sparks wrote: »
    ............I know it is because I've said on here before that it should be done like that .........

    Contrary to popular belief I only occasionally scan boards and don't read half of what is on the shooting forums.


  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Frankly, I was happy to let the whole lot just sit there, and did for a few days. Bunny asked a question, I answered it, and then B'man went nonlinear. That's the whole story pedro. As for the BS, well, yeah, it's mosly BS, but ignore it too long and before you know it, you're filling out a 9-page application form including character references and medical details, your club has to fork over a grand (and another if it's also a range), and you've now got fifty more rules you have to follow every day.

    That's why the BS sometimes riles some of us up more than it looks like it should.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Bananaman wrote: »
    Contrary to popular belief I only occasionally scan boards and don't read half of what is on the shooting forums.
    No rule says you have to; but it'd be nice if you didn't bite the head off of someone when you don't, because you won't have read all the background.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,108 ✭✭✭pedroeibar1

    Sparks wrote: »
    Frankly, I was happy to let the whole lot just sit there, and did for a few days. Bunny asked a question, I answered it, and then B'man went nonlinear. That's the whole story pedro. As for the BS, well, yeah, it's mosly BS, but ignore it too long and before you know it, you're filling out a 9-page application form including character references and medical details, your club has to fork over a grand (and another if it's also a range), and you've now got fifty more rules you have to follow every day.

    That's why the BS sometimes riles some of us up more than it looks like it should.

    Thanks. I'm not getting at anyone, I don't want to comment further as I have no idea of the background. Life is difficult enough already without bringing that stuff into it:)
