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Pushing my boundaries and making my physio rich...



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    4 miles Thurs night and 4 Friday morning, both around Rosscarbery...

    This morning, 19.5 miles (Inc. Warmup) - the 18 miles in 2.35 odd at Keith white ultra (did "half ultra") , in court Mac sherry. Amazing day, stunningly hot and humid (so a great training session) - full report to follow...

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    5 miles slow recovery run, on Monday afternoon.

    Legs still sore from the run on Saturday [and head not perfect from the beer and wine afterwards!!]. But this morning I do feel much better for it.

    Im off the August weekend for wedding anniversary, so wont be running that weekend, therefore that week will be a step back week, and this week Im going to aim for a first 3 hour run Saturday morning, get a first 20 miler in. Alas Im doing all these weekend LSR's on my own, as I cant do them on Sunday when the club runs are on. But not a huge amount I can do about that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Tuesday : Unplanned rest day, just exhausted after really early start to get back to Dublin etc

    Wed : 8.5 miles home from work in hot and very busy Phoenix Park, did not press too hard to be honest. Left Garmin behind me in west cork, so *gasp* have not managed sync my 3 west cork runs yet [circa 28 miles of running], also means I did this run with Strava on my phone..

    Thurs : 5.5 Mile run into work, pretty hot morning out there. even at 8am

    Next up, a very long run Saturday morning..

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Friday : day off training, and intended to be a good boy, but ended up getting utterly hammered, between post work drinks, a few social ones with a couple of boardsies and another few drinks before heading home.

    Saturday : Was a planned 20 mile run, so when I woke up at 8am I did not feel the mae west for some reason [*whistles*], so ate, drank 9 gallons of water and pottered around the house doing small jobs to get things moving. Eventually went out at around 11.30am or something.

    Ran out to Sutton/Howth, and turned around and went home again. Did not have garmin watch [as I had left in West Cork], so ran with Strava running on my phone. So I had no idea of pace and only a very rough idea of miles covered [until I was done, clearly]. Run went pretty well, felt strong for most of it.

    I did 19 miles in the end, and I was happy with that. I have never been one to run around a car park for 10 mins to hit some random target. So while its a shame I did not hit the 20 miles, and if I had the garmin watch I would have added some mins on to hit the 20 I would think. But I was very happy with my effort. Average pace for the 19 miles was just under 9 min miles, but that does not tell the whole story, as I was using my phone I did not stop or pause at all, so it kept running at traffic lights or crossing roads. I was happy that the "middle" 10 miles out by Clontarf, the average pace was closer to 8.20/30 min/miles which was good, all the more so that I was running on feel and had no idea of the pace at the time.

    Sunday : One of those important, but hard marathon sessions. Doing some hard miles the day after a very long run. Had some beers Saturday night, but nothing to crazy. But had a busy Sunday morning planned with a load of stuff to do. So got out for a run late afternoon.

    So did 7.5 miles, legs were pretty sore indeed, so was hard but a good session. I did 3.5 miles odd in the park at a "high effort level", which translated to 8.10/20 min miles. Was not too bad at the end, but my legs were screaming.

    So that is more than the marathon distance covered over a weekend, always a good point of any training cycle, and with 11 weeks to go as of yesterday I think its fair to say things are not looking too bad at all.

    Today : Much needed day off running. Did a swim this morning, as usual with my swims on a rest day, more "fecking around in the pool" than actual swimming, but its about letting legs recover :)

    My wedding anniversary this weekend, so Im going away and not running. So its a planned step back week. Will do 2 high quality sessions this week, and some kind of medium length run Friday morning, but that is all...

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Last night - very short run, legs felt weird and sore, so a few dead easy miles to shake them out more than anything

    This morning - was going to do speed work, but could not get out of bed and legs still a bit weird. Did 5 miles around Regents Park here in London [over for the night, for work], with each mile being a bit faster than the last, so "sorta" speed work, but not really.

    Training going well, but if I really need to get some hard speed sessions done if Im to really get where I can for Chicago..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Thursday run home from work, via the park. Tired after long day and yet another crappy nights sleep, so when I really raised effort level for a few miles in the park I was only hitting 8.20 miles and felt like I was full on sprinting up mount Blanc!

    Was not planning to run this morning, but had to do a message and had no option, so 8.5 miles at easy pace and effort. Going to collect something and right home again.

    The funny thing is, last night was huge perceived effort and this morn was easy effort and time is nearly identical, which is weird :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Away for a wonderful long weekend for the wedding anniversary [Budapest, if you have not been, put it on the list, even when we were being ripped off as tourists in a tourist area its still half the price of Dublin!]

    Tuesday was going to do an easy run, but had to do something after work at short notice so never got to run.

    Ran home from work Wednesday, and did a longer run home than normal due to having had the long weekend and generally where we are at in training plan. So did 11.5 miles odd, home around north circular, and around the phoenix park. Did not have garmin and ran with strava on phone and alerts/reminders turned off. So glad to see average pace while doing the 6 or 7 miles in the park was in and around 8.20/30 with a couple of slower miles at start and right at end when I had traffic lights to deal with.

    Legs a fraction tired this morning still, but did what is fast becoming one of my favorite sessions, the run into work [or home from work..] where each mile is faster than the last one. Im not flogging myself but its a decent hard session I can drop in place of an "easy run". Anyway, did 5.5 miles odd, with the first mile being a fraction over 9 min/miles and the last one being 7.50 or something.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Supposed to be doing the streets of galway 8k with a large gang from the club tonight, but had to pull out with a family thing. So only thing for it was a unplanned LSR!

    First 20 miler of the training cycle this morning [but 3rd run of longer than 18 miles], with 9 or 10 weeks to go I'm really happy with that. Average pace was 8.45, but that includes time lost at traffic lights etc, so average was closer to 8.35/40 while actually running.

    Did an experiment, as I have been doing most training with no water or food, I did this one the same. Not an amazing idea, at about 2 hours 10/15 I hit wall big time and was not feeling great, but thankfully I only had to wait 10 or 15 mins to hit centra on Parkgate St [and typically there, I drank too much and it was washing around my belly for last few miles. But random runs like this is where you can experiment with this, and I now know I need "stuff" when going longer than 2 hours.

    Overall a good experience. Met a long lost boardsie out on his run on the north circular, and it turns we are going for similar times in next big race, so time to resurrect the ART Long Runs :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Saturday evening went and watched Dublin beat seven shades of ****e out of poor old Monaghan. Afterwards I drank far far too much :)

    Thus Sunday was a bit of a write off as a result, and planned easy 6-7 miler was cast aside. But later in the day we went for a walk around headlands between bray/greystones kinda area, between 2 and 3 hours worth I guess. So better than nothing.

    Monday : easy recovery run home from work, 35 mins odd at dead easy pace

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Tues : 8.5 run home from work, via the phoenix park, with the park miles at [or near :P] marathon pace

    Wed was scheduled to be a hard/speed session but was just flat as a pancake and really did not feel it at al, so knocked it on the head instead of pushing too hard or getting annoyed at missing pace goals in such a session, and went for a walk with Mrs Vagga instead.

    Thurs : did a 11.5 odd mile run home from work, again via the park, easy and steady miles rather than anything spectacular...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,957 ✭✭✭digger2d2

    Supposed to be doing the streets of galway 8k with a large gang from the club tonight, but had to pull out with a family thing. So :)

    Dude, you are becoming the male version of RQ

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,957 ✭✭✭digger2d2

    Supposed to be doing the streets of galway 8k with a large gang from the club tonight, but had to pull out with a family thing. So :)

    Dude, you are becoming the male version of RQ

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    So good you had to post it twice :P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,957 ✭✭✭digger2d2

    So good you had to post it twice :P

    Freakin tablet!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    digger2d2 wrote: »
    Freakin tablet!

    Of the many tablets you take, which is the one which makes you repeat yourself all the time?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    20 miler, out to sutton and back...

    Wind at my back on the way out, and was feeling amazing [...for some reason :P], indeed did a few miles far too fast, at or faster than marathon pace [see wind at my back point!!]

    Turned around just before 12 miles, and the wind picked up [at least that's how it felt at time!! So was crazy in my face on the way home. So I went from an average of around 8.30 min miles to 9.20/30 min miles at drop of a hat, and all of a sudden I felt really laboured. But as such it was not a bad thing at all, in terms of making me work hard and feel like crap for the last few miles :)

    All in all good hard work, and having a second 20 miler done with 8 weeks to go things are pretty good [..if you over look the total absence of any meaningful speed work from the sessions Im doing!].

    With large amount of miles done but with next to zero speed work, no idea how 10 miler will go next week :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Sunday morning, 4.5 slow recovery miles, legs and body fine after the long run Saturday. This is clearly helped by not having gone out afterwards and drank far too many pints, and actually relaxed and therefore enabled body to recover. Who knew?

    In afternoon we went for walk around howth head (part of world I don't know at all, amazing, well worth a trip!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    40 minutes odd of a run, around regents park in London [here for a single night for work], no watch or phone, just me out for an easy run of a morning...

    Did 15 mins of core and leg exercises, and I have been neglecting of late. Not that I have any niggles per sae, but only starting then is a bit too late init :)

    Its a step back week, crossed with mini-taper for Saturday, so taking it a bit easy this week.

    Garmin now wont charge, so I think it may be dead, which will make pacing the 10 miler at weekend fun :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Garmin is totally dead, and I need to send it away to be fixed [getting new one, even a new second hand one, is not even a passing thought for plain financial reasons]. So until I say otherwise all times and distances are tracked with phone &/or are plain guesses [I did one of my 20 milers with phone and watch, and when I hit 20 miles on phone I was only at 19.1 or something on the watch, so its accurate, but only sorta!]

    Last night was 6.5 miles home from work, hard to tell pace with no watch. But I took first few easy and phone said around 9 min miles [with some annoying pauses at traffic lights] and last 3 averaged out at around 8 min miles - but again, sorta guess work here, as my run home passes 11 roads, and I cant/wont pause phone at all of them, so that throws recorded mile splits off.

    This morning, 5.5 easy enough into work, maybe averaging at 8.40 miles, odd - feeling great. Also went out in new runners to start to break them in [yet another pair of Brooks adrenaline gts 14's] - Crusaders and Chicago Marathon red this time :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,317 ✭✭✭✭seamus

    Garmin is totally dead, and I need to send it away to be fixed [getting new one, even a new second hand one, is not even a passing thought for plain financial reasons].
    Garmin are really good at this. I bought a refurb from handtec with a one-year warranty, which packed up 18 months later. Raised a case with Garmin who took it back and replaced it with a new (well refurbed) unit, gratis.
    No matter how old it is, stick in a repair claim with Garmin. It's the reason I'll only buy Garmin stuff for GPS.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Genius, 76 sterling and it sounds like they send you a new one, or one which is as new...

    Score! A couple of pints in the ball alley [or the Hill] for that man :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Waiting for a meeting to start, so what else would I do, but post on boards in the meantime..

    Went for a swim at lunch, just chillaxing, around 30 mins dead easy, as well as actually starting to get back into swimming a bit, as I have not been in a pool in ages! Post Chicago I think I will be giving Tri a proper go, and will enter a half ironman next summer, a do it once and for all.

    Tomorrow Im racing Frank Duffy, with no garmin - so really looking forward to that, as I have not raced properly *in ages*. The FD 10 miler is also important to me, as when I saw a mate doing it in 2010, and I joined him for 6k, was the first time I had ever ran in public and it was when the light went on for me, that this running lark is great :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Good luck tomorrow :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Ran today with no garmin, so no clue of pace or time at any time until I could see the line..

    Ran on effort, where talking would have been very hard, but not impossible...

    Feel like I went off hard, slower middle 1/3 and picked up in last few miles, but that is a total guess and how I was feeling...

    Chip time of 1.15.17, not a pb, but pretty happy with that, and around where I thought I was...

    Also as I finished very strong indeed. Deffo more in tank..

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Strategic rest day yesterday, in terms of a huge hangover and aches and pains in the legs from the combo or racing in the morning and dancing in the evening :)

    I also have a crazy week this week, with a couple of days in London, where its very unlikely I will get to run and then I have a crazy weekend ahead, with several things on both days, so its a case of getting runs in when I can..

    So started with 8.5 miles pretty easy this morning into work..

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    As predicted, did no running in London, for mixed reasons of being busy with work, and hung over in mornings..

    Did 10 miles home, around the phoenix park last night, average pace around 8.40 min miles or so. Feeling pretty good, was a nice night for it :) Feeling really good and could have gone faster etc - still weird trying to run a bit hard with no Garmin, but listening to tunes and silently tracking with phone, and seeing at the end how I was going. But also feels great :)

    Busy weekend ahead with family in town and a couple of matches to attend and stuff. But my plan is to run for a total of 30 miles over the weekend, in whatever format that comes. I am currently thinking I will do 20/21 tomorrow early [will need to start 7am or so, due to busy day] and the balance up to 30 on Sunday late morning [due to planned drink consumption Saturday night!]

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    18.5 miles done while most folks are rightly still asleep :)

    Crazy busy day ahead so was on the road before 7am, and I'm sure I will suffer for it later. Will be on my feet for hours later, so I have an hour to relax now, and that's it :)

    Was really tired and lazy when started and really would rather do anything else. But after a couple of miles were done I was fine. Enjoyed it in end, did a set of loops around Park and ncr and Scr.

    Will do 12/13 tomorrow, on tired and hungover legs, and also to make 30 for the weekend :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    As planned on Saturday I was indeed the drunkest man in Ireland..

    So I therefore deserve some kind of trophy, no a full statue, for getting out and getting my run done, on very tired legs and with a roaring headache. I did just short of 10 miles at a pretty easy pace, getting a touch faster as I went along and things became easier. A highlight was going a lap of the acres in the park, and being chased by a gang of flies who clearly wanted to taste some of my sweat - Hmmmmmmmmmm, a nice image for anyone who clicks in here by accident and reads this :)

    Went for an easy swim this morning to get some life back into my legs!

    6 weeks to go as of yesterday, so 3 big training weeks ahead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Easy run into work, 5.5 miles odd easy.

    My poor legs still a bit tired from the weekend, and could really feel the weekend miles in the legs - but its also that time of the training plan when you need to man the *beep* up and get the work done.

    But I am far from a slave to a training plan these days, so have no bother pulling plug on a session if I need to. I have been good at that this summer, and thus hardly missed a serious planned session [where I have indeed missed a few random/pointless sessions!]

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,682 ✭✭✭pistol_75

    Easy run into work, 5.5 miles odd easy.

    My poor legs still a bit tired from the weekend, and could really feel the weekend miles in the legs - but its also that time of the training plan when you need to man the *beep* up and get the work done.

    But I am far from a slave to a training plan these days, so have no bother pulling plug on a session if I need to. I have been good at that this summer, and thus hardly missed a serious planned session [where I have indeed missed a few random/pointless sessions!]

    Sounds like you've hardly missed a planned drinking session either ;)

    Keep up the good work :)
