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Pushing my boundaries and making my physio rich...



  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Good luck and enjoy it :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,851 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Best of luck with the marathon, enjoy it loads!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Thanks all..

    Spent far too long in expo yesterday. Never understood how obsessed Americans were with Boston, *every single person* I have spoken too has moved onto it as a subject in about 2 mins...

    Breakfast run this morning, not a patch on other ones I have done, but a great morning. So The fact that the 4 miles was my longest run in 3 to 4 weeks is clearly not great, but did a 9 min mile with no issues, at 8.30 mile had tiny issues with ribs, but I discomfort not anything else.

    Need to figure my pace for tomorrow, but no point in worrying about that until morning. Will pick the most fun pace group in corral c :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,682 ✭✭✭pistol_75

    Best of luck tomorrow Joe.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,682 ✭✭✭pistol_75

    Best of luck tomorrow Joe.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    Good luck tomorrow.
    It's a great race. Enjoy!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,682 ✭✭✭pistol_75

    Best of luck tomorrow Joe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Report to follow as I have a long flight tomorrow..

    Question really was how much fitness you loose after 3.5 weeks doing nothing due to stupid rib injury..

    Answer is lots :)

    Jogged around most of course, taking city and experience in, but legs still in ribbons (weirdly, rest of me is perfect, pace felt great, but legs ****ed after 8-9 miles.

    In a way, the fact I knew to do that meant I enjoyed it more :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    I have always wanted to do one if the big American marathons. I entered the ballot for several this year, and got a place in Chicago. I convinced Mrs Vagga to work it into a holiday to see our families in the USA, and there I was. $210 to enter later I was on the team.

    I looked the time I would have for training between like and work, and then looked back at previous training cycles and took a calculated gamble right from the off. I decided to ditch all non-marathon speed work. This was based on the theory that I dont give a flying **** about non-marathon PB’s [where some people really want to get those times down, and rightly so incorporate speed regurally into their training]. The other important thing is that EVERY SINGLE TIME I have started to do speed work I have gotten injured. In the 3 or 4 years I have had this log I think I worked out I have spent 2500-3000 on physio and related sessions, which is MENTAL.

    I also reflected on the Crusaders folks from last years DCM training, and those who did well had more long runs done, and not less. So went long pretty early in the plan, and had factored to have done 8-10 runs of longer than 18 miles come race day, with at least two of 21-22 miles.

    I had done nothing at all over the winter, and had gained a few kilo’s and indeed became a bit of a grumpy bollix. So when the wife is urging you to enter another race and get back running [and not to do this job or that] you know you must be a right pain. So I had a 21-22 week schedule.

    For first few months all went really well. Due to a long standing commitment I had to do long runs on Saturdays, where I know of 3 different groups I could join in with who do their runs on a Sunday. That was a bit of a pain, missing that social side. Work meant I missed the odd session, but I generally made most of them.

    The first race I did was 19.something mile race in Court Mac Sherry over the summer. I did that in a good time on a scorching hot day and felt strong. The time I did put me on track to break 3.30 according to MacMillian. The first race race I did was the 10 miler in the Park, and I did that ni 1.15 odd [having run on feel due to no Garmin]. It was a minute off a PB, but still looking good for a lash at 3.30.

    So 16 weeks odd of training, with no injuries and a few good races. I had 7 runs longer than 18 miles in the bank by this stage I think, with three 20’s or something. Then I had a silly injury, which caused me to only miss a weeks training, but meant I lost a long run over a weekend, no drama at all, these things happen.

    I then had “the” accident. I was running down the North Circular [as I did at last once a week], to do a medium/long run home from work. A child ran out of a house, in the direction of the road. I was just starting the second mile of 5 by 8 min miles, so was going pretty hard. I swerved to avoid child, tripped over a tree [on that stretch the tree’s are all seriously old, and as such the roots have made ****e of path] and my chest hit a lampost. Cue bruised ribs. Stupid me finished the run, which prolly added a week to recovery, in hindsight.

    That meant I did nothing from then until marathon day, save a few long cycles and one single 5k run. To be clear, if this was a marathon in Ireland I would not have run it, and found something a month out and done that instead. But I had paid a grand between flights, hotels etc - so I was doing it. Even if I was walking.

    So I got to Chicago really not knowing what kind of shape I was in. A month ago I was in 3.30 shape [indeed I was wondering if I should go out with 3.20/25 pacers] and now what was I in?

    The expo and marathon itself is easily the best organised I had done. Packet pickup was smooth, and given we had 45k people running that is no mean feat in itself. I had zero issues on race day at all, everything was super clear.

    I did the breakfast run the day before, to test the ribs. Honestly it was a bit of a mess. Deena Kastor and Barty Yasso were there and that was cool, and area we ran in was good. But it was not a patch on the breakfast runs I have done in Berlin or Paris.

    I decided to line up with 3.45 pacers, and aim for a “second fastest” marathon time. We started and I kept with them for a mile and a half odd [circa 8.30 min/miles I think]. The crowds were truly epic here, and it was one of the best running experiences I have had.

    At this point I was feeling great, so picked up the pace a fraction, so 8.10/15 min/miles, and that felt really good and pretty easy. I think I had one crazy 7.30 min/mile when things got ahead of me, but I saw that and took foot off the gas. I went thru 10k on for a PB and not feeling too bad at all.

    A mile or two later it was as if someone hit a switch and my legs were utterly spent. I saw that and I slowed down to 8.30 min/miles right away and did 3 or 4 of them, but I knew my legs were knackered. It was almost like hitting the wall on a bike, when your body is perfect, mind in perfect, but legs wont move. I had not felt like that before to in a race to be honest, when I had hit walls and barriers before its generally the whole body seeming knackered.

    After a few more miles I knew the game for any kind of time was up. So I took foot right off the gas. I started walking water stations and starting giving out high fives and taking in the city and enjoying it all. But all the while my legs were utterly screaming at me.

    Around half way I started to think if I could or should drop out, at 16 miles I actually stopped at an aid station and [lied] that my ribs were sore and i had chest pains, and he basically told me to man up and keep going [er..chest up?].

    So I went on. I dont know what pace I was going here, as I have not bothered to download garmin data yet, but would think it wont be too far from 10 minute miles. I finished in 4.02 by my watch, but I think I stopped it at a toilet break, and in the weekly crusaders mail James has me at 4.05 and I trust him more than my watch :)

    I did that to the finish, with a high five count around the 22 mark I think, by the end my legs were in complete tatters, and that TINY hill at the end almost killed me [and when I say hill, its a bridge over a motorway, so think the “hill” on the way into Phoenix Park, at park gate street].

    I could have gone in under 4 hours, and maybe if I had started with 3.50 pacers and stuck with them it would have been fine, but Im really not all that bothered. I loved the experience and I got the wrong injury at the wrong time, no more and no less. I took a high risk training strategy and if did not work out. So I will need to look at what I do for next training cycle. Indeed, what that next training cycle will be for, and when. [I have been in Pulse Tri for two years now and have not done a damn triathlon yet, so that comes first I think, and I have entered Donedea 50k, and maybe could be talked into Conn, but only if I knew a gang doing it..]

    This is a great race, and it is a PB course. We had great weather for first 2 hours and then it got pretty hot. THis only made things harder for me personally, but would not really have affected eltes or faster folks. But those who were finishing around 5 hour mark looked utterly melted [and they had to start giving ice out at end etc].

    Im now sitting here in San Francisco, with a hangover from too many Margaritas last night, so life is not too bad :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Back in Dublin this evening, mare getting home with that damn marathon :)

    Have been eating and drinking pretty solidly since marathon, so need to get back into things.

    Did a run last Tuesday in Washington [state, not DC] and only 5 easy miles and legs were not right at all. Did the miles but legs were really achy. But will do some short runs this week to get back into things.

    Apart from Donadea, no idea what next goals are yet tbh

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Dead easy run into work, around 4 miles I would think...legs still a bit heavy, but Im a bit all over the place with jetlag, so could be a large factor there, that my body is tired. But I do enjoy these easy runs between training plans, done cos I want to, not cos some plan tells me :)

    What I need to stop doing is launching into excuses when anyone asks me what time I ran. Just bloody tell them the time I did and that I enjoyed it :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Really busy in work and loads of deadlines in college and at busy with some DIY stuff home put off while marathon training...

    So done a few runs of a couple of miles and no more, no watch, no log. Easy jogs for leg turn over and burning off food and pints. But mojo not what it was, in typical post marathon stuff :-)

    Going to refocus a bit on swimming over winter, while getting easy miles in now in the build up to a short training plan for Donadea.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Back running after sitting on my arse and putting on *a lot* of weight over Nov/Dev/Jan and then getting an annoying calf injury which took nearly a month to heal just when I was getting back into things..

    Just rejoined crusaders for the year and going to try and make a real effort to get to one session a week at least...

    Entered the race series & DCM - tbh not sure I bother with anything else, sorta happy as a social jogger and not a runner these days, want to try and make an effort to go to park runs as a social exercise rather than the random excuse 10k :)

    Not a huge amount of interest in keep this log active, but you never know.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    I ran for 40 mins on a treadmill today and enjoyed it..

    My transition to back of the pack plodder is almost complete. Now to reapply for membership of the runners support page and get some photos of my watch in there :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    I ran for 40 mins on a treadmill today and enjoyed it..
    No such thing :pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,742 ✭✭✭ultraman1

    I ran for 40 mins on a treadmill today and enjoyed it. Now to reapply for membership of the runners support page
    Dont allow treadmill warriors in...or is it keyboard warriors,...ur better off joining mci

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,634 ✭✭✭Trampas

    I ran for 40 mins on a treadmill today and enjoyed it..

    My transition to back of the pack plodder is almost complete. Now to reapply for membership of the runners support page and get some photos of my watch in there :D

    tell me how you get on with the joining runners support page as I've tried and still nothing.

    Maybe you could have a word with them about getting in.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Joking aside, I was a member for ages, and made several normal posts and know some of them in real life [outside of running] - but I was kicked from the group a while back, no reason, apart from I had not read it for a couple of weeks I assume.

    Im busy with many things outside of running these days, so Im just running 3 or 4 days a week to stop getting [too...more..!] fat, so not bothered in slightest. It's just funny that they are all about the social side and its run like some elite clique.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,677 ✭✭✭kit3

    Hi Vagga, good to see you back again - that marriage really seems to have taken time from your running ;). Since you mention the runners support page, I applied to join a few weeks ago - was curious having seen it mentioned by a number of people around here but they never got back to me - have no idea why. When I was googling them I did come across a twitter page though

    Best of luck with your training.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    I'm clearly insane.

    After changing jobs a couple of times and being a lazy fecker since Chicago I'm 7 or 8 kg heavier than I was training for Chicago. A *HUGE* reason is my letting my diet go to utter ****, and to a lesser extent doing to little exercise, but its all diet tbh.

    So I have sorted diet, but I was looking around for a goal a few months away to have meaning to training and not just "operation don't be a fat fecker"..

    So I'm in San Francisco for a work trip at the end of July, the same weekend of the marathon - so low and behold I'm now doing the SF Marathon - clearly with 8 weeks training I'm doing it to get around the course in one piece and for no kinda time goal

    [race starts at 5am :eek:, and does a lap of the city of San Fran, so is a bit hilly, but skips most of the serious hills, and goes over and back the golden gate bridge etc]

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    So my season is basically over..

    Crashed on ring of kerry cycle - in doing so badly broke right wrist and have broken bone in left shoulder [and interestingly, I "nearly" dislocated it in the past - has rotator cuff is basically in wrong position, so doctors are surprised that it was not very sore - no clue when that could have happened right now - but which sorta explains many things, why I think swimming is utter misery for example]

    So I'm in a cast for 2 months on wrist arm, and as we stand they are 50/50 operate on left shoulder or not. But its going nowhere for a while.

    So no SF Marathon, and no running for a couple of months at least, which puts DCM in huge doubt, even jogging around for a laugh unless things go well..

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Operation at weekend on shoulder, basically Im a full-time Netflix watcher for quite some time indeed.

    Impressed that I still lost a small amount of weight overall in July, even with zero exercise of any type [think I went over 10k steps once all month - basically no booze and can't eat unhealthy as Im..unable!

    Remaining race series and DCM entry for sale [yes I know that's bold, but shame to waste them]

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,677 ✭✭✭kit3

    Operation at weekend on shoulder, basically Im a full-time Netflix watcher for quite some time indeed.

    Impressed that I still lost a small amount of weight overall in July, even with zero exercise of any type [think I went over 10k steps once all month - basically no booze and can't eat unhealthy as Im..unable!

    Remaining race series and DCM entry for sale [yes I know that's bold, but shame to waste them]

    Sorry to hear about your woes Vagga -you should check out Myles Splitz's log - he has a shoulder injury too but is still managing to train.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    So had shoulder surgery 7 weeks ago last Friday..

    Had clearance for 'light running' 10 days ago or so..

    Ran 4 times or so in those 10 days, starting off with 20 mins and ending doing a 10k or so..

    Did Dublin Half in 2 Hours 10 Mins on Saturday morning as Im mental :)

    Was going to run with Chinquetti and 2.20 pacers, and started just in front of them, but found it a fraction too slow. I had been running 10 min/miles all week and feeling ok, so went off at 10 min/miles and basically kept that pace. Often I found myself speeding up and pulled back. In the 3rd quarter of the race I did speed up, but that was a conscious decision that this was a training run, and I would push it for a few miles..

    Utter wrecked at the end, passed the ambulance in the finishing straight, and to be honest, I was thinking of myself getting taken off the Ring of Kerry course, and was genuinely sad to hear the poor fella had died.

    Was happy to have done it, legs and body were in bits, but having done literally nothing for 3 months and only about 10 miles of combined total running since coming back, that was always going to be the case. No pain and no gain and all that!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Ran 320 total miles all 2015, how **** is that. In 2012 & 2013 I had that done by April Marathon I think :)

    Anyway, doing easy low mileage these days and rediscovering music I have not listened to in ages as I need music to keep my brain distracted again for first time in years :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Logged onto boards for first time since around the above post I would think, so took the chance to read back on some of my posts there :)

    Zero chance Im going to keep this log up to date, my runs go to Strava and I look from there. But Im nowhere close to actual training bar a 2 or 3 runs of slow miles a week.

    Have my eye on a PB or two in second half of the summer maybe, in road to DCM. My 5k [21 something] and 10k [43 something I think] PB's are utter ****e [nearly broke both when I did my half PB ffs]. So maybe have a decent training effort to get under sub-20] etc

    Its all about trying to be less fat & that Im an anti-christ to live with when I dont exercise these days :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    But Im nowhere close to actual training bar a 2 or 3 runs of slow miles a week.

    Its all about trying to be less fat & that Im an anti-christ to live with when I dont exercise these days :)

    Sounds like me :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Hi there, a few things on boards for the first time in a while..

    I have been tipping away for most of this year, doing in or around 30-35 miles a week for a good while. Over last 7/8/9 weeks I have added in some "sessions" - but doing them all by myself. Running for my own mental health & not to get too fat these days. No other mad interest tbh

    Due to [nice] real life stuff I can't do DCM [thus, an entry going if anyone knew anyone who wants to be me!]. So treated myself to 30 odd hours in Amsterdam! I will do the Amsterdam marathon the week before DCM.

    Just cos I have done a fair bit of running I am targetting sub-4, but know in my heart of hearts that I am reaching. I am like a marathon newbie doing a marathon off LSR's and only 2 other runs a week! Have done a few marathons paced sessions, but marathon pace seems pretty "hard" - but we will see how things go in the half on Sunday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Wow reading back some of the old posts around my first DCM makes me wish for the olden days to come back & the craic and banter - wow that makes we feel so old!!!

    Anyway, this is my time in several years reading boards two days in a row. I also found myself reading several logs, and I really loved doing a log back in the day. So here I am, back in the logging business :)

    TL:DR - The plan all year was to do Dublin & I wanted to do it sub-4, as I have done 3.38, 3.46 and 3.55 in marathons outside of Ireland - but never done sub-4 in Ireland! But real life means that I am now away that DCM long weekend and since running is for fun now I just switched race.
    So I am now doing Amsterdam. Fly in Saturday morning, race Sunday morning, fly out early evening Sunday[mad I know - but well...]

    Typing this realised that I think it was great when I did Paris that all my training was in KM - as the course was all KM. I think I need to switch to that & I can't do that kinda calculating in my head.

    Running ...

    Monday did 25 easy min's Monday night to check out Achilles on right foot which was sore right at end of a hard session last Thursday. Rested in-between and its fine now. [Lost 7 or 8 days to it right at the start of serious training]

    Last night went out really late and ran a new route around Griffith avenue - 6 miles in around an hour. All good and a great new route that will be seeing a lot of me in next few weeks...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Thurs night late, ran 4 and a bit miles @ 10 min mile in freezing cold & really really wet - few strides at the end.

    Saturday - Stuck with my change mind of last week and turned Saturday into a 20-mile run [ish!] and not "race" the half.

    So the first thing I ran a slow 4 miles to the start [where slow for me is LSR kinda pace, 10 min to 10.30 min miles]. After the race, got back & changed the top and ran a very slow trundle home [circa 11 min miles] - to make it 20 miles for the day.

    During the half, itself followed MartaStew and the 2-hour gang. I was super comfortable for the first 7 miles, really had to hold back [body and legs wanted to run on and see what happened!!]. My legs were a bit sore for the rest and had to dig a bit deep for a few miles. I pushed on for a bit for last 2 or 3 miles.

    The sore legs in middle were clearly due to the fact that I have not been doing huge miles & done very few really hard speed sessions and very few marathon pace miles. That being said, was able to keep with 2-hour folk & let them go at times and catch up on open road or downhill. Also, pushing on was grand - going hard, but not sprint.

    I guess I could have done around 1.55 or so if I went for it, but really don't think I could have stuck with 1.50 folk. I am thinking since I am running for fun & physical/mental health -I will see if the 4.10 or 4.20 group looks more fun at Amsterdam and go with them :D
