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The door-to-door / commission-only jobs thread (super dooper mega merge)



  • Registered Users Posts: 11,128 ✭✭✭✭Oranage2

    That makes no sense rephrase your point.

    And don't be putting words into my mouth basically I was implying that a good sales man makes a connection with whomever he sees at the door. If they're having a bad day make a smile, at that moment in time it's your job to lift their mood up.

    if you think sales is 100% business you're wrong intact it's just 30%.

    I've done this for a work and it's as if i've been doing this for a year.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 56 ✭✭AceHi

    That makes no sense rephrase your point.

    And don't be putting words into my mouth basically I was implying that a good sales man makes a connection with whomever he sees at the door. If they're having a bad day make a smile, at that moment in time it's your job to lift their mood up.

    if you think sales is 100% business you're wrong intact it's just 30%.

    I've done this for a work and it's as if i've been doing this for a year.

    If that makes no sense how did you answer it. Strange again. Maybe rephrase your own point :) Anyway i'm not arguing with you about this I hope you have fun selling maybe the company you're with wasn't misleading but others were.
    Thats all I was trying to say.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15 Keeb

    Oranage2 wrote: »

    Orange 2 and Liamgunner need to get a life. What use is it "lol"ing at people's comments? We're trying to have a discussion on these jobs and you're valuable input of lol is just wonderful. Especially cause you too are the experts on these jobs having experienced them yourselves yeah??? didn't think so. If you don't have something worthwhile to say, don't bother. At least we're making an effort to work and not go on the dole. Do you even have a job??

  • Registered Users Posts: 327 ✭✭userod

    Keeb wrote: »
    Orange 2 and Liamgunner need to get a life. What use is it "lol"ing at people's comments? We're trying to have a discussion on these jobs and you're valuable input of lol is just wonderful. Especially cause you too are the experts on these jobs having experienced them yourselves yeah??? didn't think so. If you don't have something worthwhile to say, don't bother. At least we're making an effort to work and not go on the dole. Do you even have a job??


  • Registered Users Posts: 11,128 ✭✭✭✭Oranage2

    Keeb wrote: »
    Orange 2 and Liamgunner need to get a life. What use is it "lol"ing at people's comments? We're trying to have a discussion on these jobs and you're valuable input of lol is just wonderful. Especially cause you too are the experts on these jobs having experienced them yourselves yeah??? didn't think so. If you don't have something worthwhile to say, don't bother. At least we're making an effort to work and not go on the dole. Do you even have a job??

    I chugged for 6 months - How much experience have you got, you walked around with a guy for 2 days?

    Anyway I respect anyone that does the door to door cause it's a tough number and I agree with you that some people can sale and some cant.

    but these companies are pure scum -They feed you lies about how the avarage people make is €450 and how one guy last week made €1100.

    You also have to work 14hour days and not get paid a cent most days!

    "It was STRESSED that we are NOT to be pushy or to scam anyone into buying the products or service as they will ultimatly be unhappy with it if they did not wish to sign up in the first place and if they are unhappy, they will give the company a bad name. We were simply told to only sell it to the people who are interested."

    Firstly their are techniques so people trust you more so that you make more sales so its not just pure luck you knock at somebodies door that wants it - thats why some people are better sellers than others.

    Also we'll see if you're as nice asking people when you've gone 3 days without a sale and you have some guy going "em i am interested just i was thinking bout getting it next week".

    Anyway, all the best, and its an experience not to be missed the ups and downs of selling!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 21,256 ✭✭✭✭Eoin

    Ok - last warning: if people keep using libellous terms, these threads will just be locked. And please stop with the "LOL" posts; post like a grown up, or not at all.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 56 ✭✭AceHi

    Who would have known TALKING about door to door selling could be so much fun! I might just have to consider the real thing! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,540 ✭✭✭freeze4real

    AceHi wrote: »
    Who would have known TALKING about door to door selling could be so much fun! I might just have to consider the real thing! :)

    Don't bother mate,

    you won't even pass the interview.

    your negativity will be noticed from a mile away.

    There's no room for someone that's always negative in a sales environment.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 56 ✭✭AceHi

    Replace negativity with not so full of bullsh*t and you might be right! I'd say the reason you're so adamant that these places are not full of empty promises is because you're so full of sh*t you probably actually have what it takes to become a manager within a few months. So well done to you! And by the way, do not hassle or attempt to argue with me for having an opinion. Thats what this is about isn't it? I've already said perhaps the company you're working for ain't as bad as the ones I've experienced (which I have got through interviews for by the way) but to hire someone like you they would have to be pretty desperate, so on second thoughts, I take that back :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,540 ✭✭✭freeze4real

    Do you know why I'm so adamant is that I dont listen to every single piece of crap and bullsh1t the Internet has to offer. My brother worked for another marketing company comiisoned based only and he got money out if commissions good money.

    Yes the company that i'm working for good but I I'd listened to all this crap about marketing companies i wouldn't have a job in the first place.

    Have I what it takes to be a manager absolutely not. Door to door is not my future job. It's just work experience.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 56 ✭✭AceHi

    Well I'm not criticising the company you are working for I am criticising some of the companies I have experience with. Just because your brother got on okay doesn't mean everyone will. If you had an experience like some others you would appreciate the information. The experience you have had over your short course of employment in one of these companies is not what everyone will have and we're not all criticising these cos. because they're so great, maybe you should take that on board and stop trying to inflict your point of view, because thats all it is at the end of the day, one persons point of view, not fact.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 bods22

    I can see how some posters think that there is great money involved if you want to put in the effort, but I do feel that the general consensus here is to do with why these companies feel the need to trick people into working for them or mislead them in Job adverts. Most of you probably read my very long and detailed post a few pages back and I forgot to mention a few things also that slipped my mind in the heat of the (angry) moment I had while writing it.

    I had a very well paid part-time job as a sales assistant, a job that for someone living at home provided enough money to get me by and left me with a certain amount of disposable income every week. The Job I applied for in one of these companies was advertised as a "Cosmetics Sales Marketer" or something to that effect. I went through the process of the interviews etc and on my observation day I was told we were going to work WITH a client. In reality we drove around a huge town in Offally selling products door-to-door. Because the words Door-to-door had never been used at ALL in any stage of the interviews and because of the position I applied for I assumed this would not be the case for me and that the observation trip was just what was happening that day, and not a repetitive day-to-day event.

    When I was offered the job, I gladly accepted, because as many of the posters above have pointed out, we can't be picky these days about jobs as they are few and far between. When I got home my parents made sure to find out whether or not there would be a contract involved as I would be forced to quit my part-time job for this new position.

    The Next day I rang the Managing Director and asked if I was to sign a contract on Monday. To which she replied " Oh yes of course, that will all be discussed on Monday, and you will have a contract to sign". So I hand in my notice for my part-time job, reassured by my conversation with her, since she was the MD after all.

    Monday comes, and I have the meeting with the girl 2 years older than me. I ask her about said contract and she spews out some jargon about being self employed and not needing a contract. I was becoming increasingly alarmed from this point onwards. Having spent upwards of 200 euro on new office clothes and quiting my part-time job, I felt I had been completely scammed and felt like an idiot.

    I have no problem with direct marketing door to door, but what this manager said was a COMPLETE lie that persuaded me to quit my part-time job. After my first day working there, and arriving back at the office almost 2 hours later than expected I realised that this was not a professional set-up.

    In the interview they stressed time-keeping. I think arriving back 2 hours late with the manager shows that this isn't something they stick by.

    I also wonder why the hours need to be so long. Working ridiculous hours Monday to Saturday seems to be a major de-motivator to me for a company that wants its employees to be excited and full of life at peoples doors.

    Finally, I think that it is a disgrace that these "Managers" stress the BENEFITS of dropping out of college to become involved in sales. The particular manager I worked with door to door told me stories including one of a girl who started to work part-time but loved it so much she dropped out of college and is earning 50,000 a year now. This is somewhat similar to the other manager who told me she dropped out as well. So to put this simpy- on two seperate occassions, an Assistant Manager and an MD told me that basiclaly my 4 years of college had been a waste of time. Luckily for me, I have my degree and can go anywhere, whereas they are stuck. What bothers me is that they are filling young peoples heads with this rubbish that may ruin their future academic prospects.

    I am now Job-less thanks to this particular manager, but I am currently applying for legitmate Marketing jobs with proper opportunities for growth. Fingers crossed!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,451 ✭✭✭Delancey

    Great post bods - your story is all too familiar . I don't accept the story that these companies have a rigorous selection process rather I think that if someone has 2 legs they get the so-called job.
    Some of these outfits actually keep their name out of their recruitment ads - talk of shady !

  • Registered Users Posts: 10 mccauga4

    I have an interview tomorrow with them...! Is it worth my while going to? Can you tell me about your experience with them?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,451 ✭✭✭Delancey

    mccauga4 wrote: »
    I have an interview tomorrow with them...! Is it worth my while going to? Can you tell me about your experience with them?

    Read the thread - everything you need to know is there.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,038 ✭✭✭jackiebaron

    scooby2791 wrote: »
    The only reason they do tend to slightly sugar coat things is to try and make it a little bit more respectable, there isn't really anything malicious about working for any of these companies. For alot of people its a very easy way to make money and enjoy the job. Jobs are tough enough to come by now and these companies are offering a chance to be able to work and earn your own money.

    Fair enough if its not for you because of a previous experience or from what you have heard, but I don't think its fair that most people here will actively dissuade people for going for interviews or working with these companies.

    Bollocks! If I put out an ad for "attractive females for top modelling work. Must be comfortable in front of camera." And then harvested a bunch of girls and didn't tell them that the job was for porn movie performing that would be the same damn thing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,038 ✭✭✭jackiebaron

    scooby2791 wrote: »
    As a previous 'independent contractor' for two different marketing companies I can assure you all it is not a scam. It is commission based door to door marketing, they never tell you otherwise thus negating the 'scam' that the majority of people on here believe is going on.

    As sales/marketing companies however, they do use alot of different techniques to keep you motivated, mainly because if you heard it was a 'door2door commission only job' you wouldn't even think twice of applying. Truth is, if you go into it with an open mind as opposed to thinking its a scam you will actually realise there is alot more to it. It just seems most people are stuck in their ways and refuse to listen to what these people have to say. I can honestly say I have seen people have success and I have seen and experienced the rewards within the structure. As I previously said I used to work for them, no longer do, but because of what I learned from my time there I am now on the cusp of starting my own company, which in my eyes does go to show that what they preach can actually be very valuable to you if you keep an open mind.

    Still sounds like a load of sh!t.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,038 ✭✭✭jackiebaron

    So what kind of gear do you have to sell from your black holdall bag? Crap like gazoos and spinning-tops and rubber dog-sh!t?

  • Registered Users Posts: 32 Barnsleyfc

    I worked for one of these companies for about a week called Sales Channel Ltd, selling broadband for Vodafone. I made 5 sales for the company and of course burnt petrol, had to sort my own accommodation for "training"..However I quit when I found I wasn't cut out for bothering people in their houses.Also I never got paid, contrary to what my P60 said which was a rigmarole to obtain might I add.I was told that it was in the contract that if somebody left prior to making 35 sales then wages were used to cover "training" costs. I was also feed the usual stories about "Jason" or "Ivor" bringing in over a grand a week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15 Keeb

    Oranage2 wrote: »
    I chugged for 6 months - How much experience have you got, you walked around with a guy for 2 days?

    Anyway I respect anyone that does the door to door cause it's a tough number and I agree with you that some people can sale and some cant.

    but these companies are pure scum -They feed you lies about how the avarage people make is €450 and how one guy last week made €1100.

    You also have to work 14hour days and not get paid a cent most days!

    "It was STRESSED that we are NOT to be pushy or to scam anyone into buying the products or service as they will ultimatly be unhappy with it if they did not wish to sign up in the first place and if they are unhappy, they will give the company a bad name. We were simply told to only sell it to the people who are interested."

    Firstly their are techniques so people trust you more so that you make more sales so its not just pure luck you knock at somebodies door that wants it - thats why some people are better sellers than others.

    Also we'll see if you're as nice asking people when you've gone 3 days without a sale and you have some guy going "em i am interested just i was thinking bout getting it next week".

    Anyway, all the best, and its an experience not to be missed the ups and downs of selling!
    Well surprise surprise, here I am, 1 week of doing door to door sales and I've decided I'm gonna end it here. I will say for anyone thinking of trying it to defo give it a shot if you think you'd like it. I started with eight others, two have dropped out, four are struggling having made none or one sale, and the other two are high rolling with at least one sale per day from the day they started. We all got the same training but I guess it just wasn't for all of us. That is why I would say to give it a go because you'll never know until you try it. The two who are doing well are raking in the money as it's €150 per sale with the company I was with. You could be one of them! So try it out. I was doing better than the other four with two sales but still not good enough to make the money I wanted for the hours and effort I was putting in. It is a very tough job and requires huge amounts of motivation, determination, ambition etc but it is a great job if it turns out to be something you like and you're good at it. If I stuck at it I probably would have got better eventually but when I woke up this morning, body aching and dreading going in, I decided to ring my leader and tell him I was a gonner :/ others will have a different opinion as I found that some people in the company had been there for quite a while and were only starting to get good now but for me it was just too much time and effort to be investing in something that wasn't something I enjoyed. You definetly have to be a positive thinker also. You will listen to 90 people saying no to you everyday and although this didn't bother me as much as it would other people, at the end of the day you don't want to be annoying people so I just can't do it anymore. So...Orange2 you were right in some senses and so were a lot of people in this forum but it is definetly worth trying

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,038 ✭✭✭jackiebaron

    Keeb wrote: »
    Well surprise surprise, here I am, 1 week of doing door to door sales and I've decided I'm gonna end it here. I will say for anyone thinking of trying it to defo give it a shot if you think you'd like it. I started with eight others, two have dropped out, four are struggling having made none or one sale, and the other two are high rolling with at least one sale per day from the day they started. We all got the same training but I guess it just wasn't for all of us. That is why I would say to give it a go because you'll never know until you try it. The two who are doing well are raking in the money as it's €150 per sale with the company I was with. You could be one of them! So try it out. I was doing better than the other four with two sales but still not good enough to make the money I wanted for the hours and effort I was putting in. It is a very tough job and requires huge amounts of motivation, determination, ambition etc but it is a great job if it turns out to be something you like and you're good at it. If I stuck at it I probably would have got better eventually but when I woke up this morning, body aching and dreading going in, I decided to ring my leader and tell him I was a gonner :/ others will have a different opinion as I found that some people in the company had been there for quite a while and were only starting to get good now but for me it was just too much time and effort to be investing in something that wasn't something I enjoyed. You definetly have to be a positive thinker also. You will listen to 90 people saying no to you everyday and although this didn't bother me as much as it would other people, at the end of the day you don't want to be annoying people so I just can't do it anymore. So...Orange2 you were right in some senses and so were a lot of people in this forum but it is definetly worth trying

    Fair fcuks to you for trying but remember there is NOTHING good about this job. People will sputter on about its positives like "each day is different", "it's a challenge", "you're out in the fresh air", "you're meeting people all the time" BOLLOCKS! I can't think of anything more appalling. You never know what you'll be earning week to week so you can never plan sh!t! You take a day off and can't enjoy it because you spend that entire day wondering "was today the day I would've made 20 sales?"

    Get an IT qualification. I do IT and sit on my bollocks all day flirting with Chinese and Indian girls in the office and get paid handsomely for that.

    "It's a challenge" !! FCUK your "challenge"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 511 ✭✭✭flash harry

    Hi All

    Just curious, had a guy call last night who was trying to flog cheap calls/broadband etc.

    I know these people are typically commission only (right?) so how much do they get per sale on average?


  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭Balasubbie

    I know the going rate for similar services is about twenty five quid per customer, but usually dependent on them staying subscribed for a certain period, generally 6 weeks. Until which, you're not paid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Someone told me once [and this could be total rubbish] that many of these kind of jobs get a further payment if you are still a customer after a year or whatever [it was in the context of those folks standing around getting you to sign up, to give monthly to charity's]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 511 ✭✭✭flash harry

    €25 mmm I'd say they earn their money so....I mean how many could you possibly hope to sell in an 8 hr shift?

    Anyone done it? Experiences?

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,309 CMod ✭✭✭✭Nody

    €25 mmm I'd say they earn their money so....I mean how many could you possibly hope to sell in an 8 hr shift?

    Anyone done it? Experiences?
    There is the combined door sales thread but if I remember correctly people were talking about 1 in 200 doors if you were a good salesperson; i.e. most people don't make ends meet on it for sure.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 laslow123

    The Vision Organisation beware of this company.

    Anything with the words 'DIRECT SALES' usually means door to door, standing in tesco's waiting to ambush exiting customers, and all other stuff like that, these places seem to prey on young inexperienced people, I went along for an interview thinking ''this could be the job of my dreams'', sadly far from it, I was called for a second interview being told that I would spend the day with the crew seeing how thinks work and the like, I was never for 1 second told I would be going out door to door, it was never mentioned, and when I quized about wages the MD changed the subject, there is no basic wage, commision only, these guys often call door to door and they don't seem to understand the word NO, do your self a favour folks, things are bad out there at the min, but any of those hard sell direct sales marketing companies are not worth it, when I was sitting in the reception area waiting to be interviewed there was a group of the staff in another room, ringing a bell(top sales person gets to do it???), then there was alot of shouting like as if it was a tv gameshow with Bruce Forsyth shouting to the crowd, and the crowd shouting back, don't let them tell you bout the different levels and the opportunity etc,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,451 ✭✭✭Delancey

    It is alleged that some people make thousands selling door to door but judging from the comments on this forum by those who have worked at this nobody has ever met these big earners - I doubt they exist.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,329 ✭✭✭Bandana boy

    Just curious for the folks who have done this job.
    Have you ever gotten a polite but firm No Thanks and attempt to close the door in the first 30 secs and still managed to turn this around to get the sale ?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 21,256 ✭✭✭✭Eoin

    Threads merged
