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140.6 deep breaths...



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Great stuff mcos and your report made for nice reading. Well done to Caz too, she seems the determined type. Great to see all that work on the run paying off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    In the past I've invariably recovered from races very quickly, too quickly perhaps. Rather indicative of not pushing myself hard enough in races than some kind of supremem fitness :rolleyes: Since I managed to run at threshold for over an hour for the first time ever at the weekend, I am feeling the effects.

    Monday pm: Laboured run
    It was only 30 mins Z1 but the sweat was pouring off me and my legs were heavy and sluggish. HR 140, pace 4:32.
    Time: 0:30 + stretch
    Dist: 6.62km

    Tuesday am: Laboured swim (LC)
    The Plan
    4k straight
    4K not so straight
    The power wasn't there and I needed a couple of small rests and water. I was tempted to bin it but just slowed down and finished the session. 3 people jumped on my feet for the last 400m so I made them work for the ride :) (It also kept me going) Happy to just get it done
    Time 1:11
    Dist 4,000m

    I think the foam roller needs to come out this evening...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Fantastic running man. Very impressed with that PB running this time of year in those conditions.
    Don't bother with gels anymore , you don't need them up to that distance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Its so much harder to intentionally skip some sessions, especially when things are going well and you are in the flow so to speak.

    Alas, I bailed on my usual run yesterday. I've had an annoying cough for a couple of weeks but craziness at work and the cold weather seems to have given it a new lease of life. So I did a couple of things reluctantly..
    -Went to the doc and got the inhaler that I was avoiding
    -Ended the run streak at 56 days and 581.98kms :(
    -As I discovered yesterday, coughing doesn't help swimming so I skipped that this morning too.

    It was a cold, yet beautiful evening for a run and all, even Caz went out willingly!

    At least I'm on a recovery week, so a few days on this yoke will settle my lungs down apparently :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Its so much harder to intentionally skip some sessions, especially when things are going well and you are in the flow so to speak.

    Alas, I bailed on my usual run yesterday. I've had an annoying cough for a couple of weeks but craziness at work and the cold weather seems to have given it a new lease of life. So I did a couple of things reluctantly..
    -Went to the doc and got the inhaler that I was avoiding
    -Ended the run streak at 56 days and 581.98kms :(
    -As I discovered yesterday, coughing doesn't help swimming so I skipped that this morning too.

    It was a cold, yet beautiful evening for a run and all, even Caz went out willingly!

    At least I'm on a recovery week, so a few days on this yoke will settle my lungs down apparently :(

    Dude if anyone deserves a break it's you, take it, enjoy it, get a few DVD's in and you'll be right as rain for next week :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,087 ✭✭✭nomadic

    BTW is there anything left of you after all the cycling you have been doing?! You working full time now then?
    I was just making hay while the sun was shining. Just started a full time work placement on Monday and I've to do a bit of part time work in the old job for a couple of weeks so 10 hour days and 7 days a week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    I have 2 main obstacles with this IM journey (well apart from putting a house together). Nutrition and the long bike.
    -Nutrition is just a case of discipline, any change for the better will have a positive knock on effect.
    -The long bike though is an issue. Taking 4-5 hours out of family time at the weekend is just not an option so its silly o clock sessions that I have to HTFU and do. Other ideas of course are sticking the lights on the bike and heading out at silly o clock. I did this in the winter before my rookie season but after getting knocked off my bike that winter I'm a little reluctant to do it again. Plus the roads are just treacherous enough by themselves at night. Hmmm....

    Apart from that, the cough is annoying and the inhaler is annoying but at least I can still train, albeit with caution.

    Wednesday pm: Short turbo + easy run
    I test my base fitness on recovery weeks and once again it showed progress so happy days. I basically warm up for 10 mins easy and then time how long it takes me to get from 5-15km as hard as I can but with a capped heart rate of 150bpm.
    Block 1 5-15km in 15:28 circa 280-290 watts
    Block 2 5-15km in 13:27 circa 300-315 watts
    Block 3 5-15km in 12:47 circa 320-330 watts
    The most recent one was just a shade under my T20 FTP equivalent so I'm pleased with that. It was tough enough yet below threshold.
    Time: 0:40
    Dist: 26.1km

    The run was an easy Z1 loop with a couple of hills. My legs felt a little heavy so the pace was light. It was cold out and the paths were fosty and icy in parts. Perfect conditions to sport my new Waterford AC lumminous yellow beanie :) Avg pace 4:49/km, hr 138
    Time: 0:39
    Dist: 8.2km

    Thursday pm: Z2/3 run + easy turbo
    I decided on running before the turbo for a change as it wasn't an intended brick session and I couldn't be bothered changing my gear before the run. It was a beautiful crisp night out and I took the same loop as teh previous evening. I ran easy enough sussing out the footpaths for teh first km but then pushed the cadence towards 90 and felt sprightly. My heart rate stayed in Z3 but the next 5 kms flew by in 4:07, 4:04, 4:08, 4;03, 4:02 regularly dipping under the 4min mark. I eased off a bit running up the last hill home but I was never breathing hard. It felt good just to open the pace up a little. Avg pace 4:09/km, hr 156
    It was great to see so many people out running. I'd say the GLR is going to be bigger this year and hopefully much improved on its inception last year.
    Time: 0:34
    Dist: 8.22km

    The turbo was easy Z1 stuff just spinning the legs over. I did put in just 1 set of 2 min steps though. 10 mins broken into 2 mins progressive steps at 260w, 280w, 300w, 320w, 240w. For some reason I love those 10 min blocks. Throw 3-4 sets together for a nice workout, hence the reason for the step down on the last 2 mins :) Overall an easy session.
    Time: 0:40
    Dist: 24.3km

    Friday am: Group swim session (LC)
    I kind of just went through the motions this morning but felt good and am happy to be holding my own in the fast lane now. I still can't come close to the fast guys but I'm starting to lead the chase pack more regurlarly. Same pattern as the last 2 lanes I evovled from so all good really :)
    16*50s warm up
    Main set 3*400 steady/ 8*100 neg split off 1:45
    10*50 sprints at the end and I just breathed every 7 to add some spice
    100m backstroke to cool down. Solid enough session
    Time: 1:07
    Dist: 3,400m

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Great to see the progress MCOS. I intend in using the rest week to test base fitness too. It's a tough one re the long cycle, bar doing it during unsociable hours and in the dark I can't come up with a solution. From mid March on you should be getting more daylight especially in the evening on the west coast so that may help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 368 ✭✭dare2be

    The run was an easy Z1 loop with a couple of hills. My legs felt a little heavy so the pace was light. It was cold out and the paths were fosty and icy in parts. Perfect conditions to sport my new Waterford AC lumminous yellow beanie :) Avg pace 4:49/km, hr 138
    Time: 0:39
    Dist: 8.2km

    Ah, the Glowgoat?? Must take it out tonight. Not many of them around my parts i'd say so its bound to catch a few stares!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Great to see the progress MCOS. I intend in using the rest week to test base fitness too. It's a tough one re the long cycle, bar doing it during unsociable hours and in the dark I can't come up with a solution. From mid March on you should be getting more daylight especially in the evening on the west coast so that may help.
    Cheers, rest and test thats what they say :) Yeah I might just have to suffer on with the turbo until then..
    dare2be wrote: »
    Ah, the Glowgoat?? Must take it out tonight. Not many of them around my parts i'd say so its bound to catch a few stares!!
    Aye thats the one! Mine is a beanie but Caz got some mad yolk with grey stripes and two dangly tails :confused:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 368 ✭✭dare2be

    Aye thats the one! Mine is a beanie but Caz got some mad yolk with grey stripes and two dangly tails :confused:

    Yep, i got the beanie too; didn't want that other yoke. Think it was a bit of a lucky dip what you got.

    Anyway, good training so far. Keep it up. Considering doing Berlin Marathon after Barcelona so might keep an eye on your preparations come the time

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Trial the long bike midweek next week and see how you get on. My first midweek long bike worked out well and I will probably stick with it for now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Saturday pm: Z2 Brick
    The Plan
    3:00 Z2 Bike/0:40 Z2 Run
    2:42 Z2 Bike/0:56 Z2 Run
    I had actually intended to hook up with some lads earlier in the afternoon for a long hilly bike but had some house stuff to attend to. It was just as well though as my quads were just not interested in any form of hill. I decided to stick to main roads and take in a climb but on the road to the climb I encountered very thick fog and turned back. I was generally cruising well at a decent pace and using gears effectively to maintain the cadence but my quads felt heavy, especially the left one. I had some sort of dull pain from my hip to my knee on the front of it. It wasn’t much but came at me on any sort of hill. The route was not too challenging, just some rollers but it was cold out. I worked hard enough to keep my heart in Z2 but no higher. As the sun descended quickly below the tree line so did the temperature, noticeably. I couldn’t shift gears as easily now because my fingers were frozen. Thankfully I was only 20 mins from home. I didn’t quite get the time on the saddle that I wanted but with an avg hr of 142 and avg speed of 32.4kmh I felt like I got more of a workout than if I’d been with a group for 3hrs+. Happy just to get out on the road :)
    Time 2:42
    Dist 87.85km

    I was glad to get off the bike too as I had become quite cold. My back gave out to me and I fumbled with stiff fingers getting the shoe covers off. I had only nibbled a few fog rolls on the bike so there was a slight pang of hunger. I decided to extend the run a little since I had to cut the bike short. Straight away I seemed to find my running legs and my back loosened out. The regular brick runs are definitely having an effect on my transition from bike to run legs. In fact I was hitting sub 4:20/km pace for the first few kms which was good given the work on the bike. The cadence felt good too. However, even the slightest incline was hurting my quads. They just felt dead and heavy on any hill, yet fresh and alive on straights which I found odd. Apart from struggling on hills it was a decent run and a good workout overall. I’m not sure I would have had much more running in me though but probably would have dragged a half marathon out of it which is a good sign. I used the roller on the left quad afterwards and yep there was definitely some little niggles about but nothing that worried me. Avg hr 151, pace 4:20/km. Solid work.
    Time 0:56 +stretch
    Dist 12.91km

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Sunday pm: Hilly Z1/2 LSR
    I took in a hillier route than usual for this shortened long run. I caught up with some Spanish guy at about 4km who is training for the GLR half marathon and targeting sub 90 so we chatted for the next few miles in running jargon. It seems to cross language barriers with ease. I then headed for some hills. I kept having to rein the pace back in and although the run as a whole was comfortable enough, I felt it in the quads again. It was just enough of a long run to get some benefit from the time in base zone. Pace 4:37/km, hr 142.
    Time: 1:35+ stretch
    Dist: 20.58km

    Weekly numbers
    17-23 Jan|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    60 push ups

    I missed 2 sessions this week but those were due to my chest so it had to be done. I also ended my run streak after 56 days on the trot. The net effect of that little streak? I weighed in a 75.7kg, the lowest I have ever been, and running just seems to take less out of me now. All good really. The bike test showed progress and I missed the run test. However with the Waterford result last weekend in mind I already knew my running was going in the right direction. For some reason the brick took a bit out of me, perhaps due to the cold. Most significantly I'm sleeping a little more, going to bed a half hour earlier. Week 12 down, 24 to go :)

    So, 3 blocks down and 6 more to go. I am a third of the way through this Ironman journey. How time is flying by. Here is a look in brief at the work gone in thus far...

    Summary Blocks 1-3
    Nov 1 - Jan 23|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    2,740 push ups

    In general training is pretty consistent, progressing and feeling good :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Monday am: Group swim session (LC)
    After a normal warm up it was into the main set
    400m/300m/200m/100m off god knows what
    a little break
    10*100m off 1:45
    another little break
    10*50m choice
    The plan was to start each of the 4,3,2,1 with 25m hard then settle. Yeah right, they belted off and kept going! I have no idea what pace we were at but I was hanging on for dear life. We lost a couple by the 100s and I lead the small pack on a few reps hitting 1:29-1:30 for them. I put the fins on for some backstroke on the 50s but the legs felt a little crampy. Pretty tough session to kick off the week. With the midweek long turbo (key session) in mind I'll be taking it easy on the long swim set!
    Time: 1:05
    Dist; 3,300m

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    A bit zombieish this morning so brief entry

    Monday pm: Easy run Z1, keep hills in base too
    Headed in around the city and day dreamed about what the vibe must be like on the GLR. My dress sense grabbed a few whistles and comments. Luminous yellow glowgoat benie, HOTW tech tee (bright red), blue running shorts and compression socks :D I had to rein the pace in constantly. Avg pace 4:49/km, hr 137. I also had to resist the temptation to add a few more kms it felt so comfortable.
    Time: 1:10 + long stretch
    Dist: 14.67km

    Tuesday am: Long swim set (LC)
    The Plan
    20*200m off 3:40
    21*200m off 3:40 in on 3:30 ish
    Struggled to get out of the bed due to coughing during the night. I have a max window of 75-80 mins for this swim before work so the idea is to try and get at least an IM distance set done in the time. Pretty lazy swim and I just want to sleep now.
    Time 1:18
    Dist: 4,200m

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    4.2km in 1hr 18...nice work - any session that starts with a "4" doesn't qualify as lazy:-)

    You figured out your Roth logistics yet?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Izoard wrote: »
    4.2km in 1hr 18...nice work - any session that starts with a "4" doesn't qualify as lazy:-)

    You figured out your Roth logistics yet?


    Flights: will be heading out on the Wednesday and back on the Monday with Ryanair. Aer lingus do the same flight for roughly the same bucks but Ryanair's 30kg bike allowance vs Aer Lingus 15kg was the clincher. I shall be booking when I get paid this week.

    Accom: hmmm I'm thinking of renting a camper from in Munich and just staying close to the race sight. A lad know did it this year and it worked out well. The Race is hosted by a couple of little towns and the registration, transition etc is quite spread out. He said the lads who stayed outside the towns and rented cars spent lots of time in traffic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Tuesday pm: Medium high Z2 hilly run
    Conditions were wet and breezy but about 10 degrees so I took my hat off after 10 mins. The idea was to keep the pace sharp but still within base zone for most of it. It was a 2 lap run. The first lap felt very comfortable but the little hills the second time around pulled me up to Z3. I know the route well by now and can rein it back just enough to keep it within a few beats of base for all but the last drag of increasing gradient home and the short but steep flyover at the crescent shopping center. The garmin was spiking at random points too which bothers me. I plan to do the IM off heart rate and this spiking business will not be welcome on the day. The good news though is I’m starting to get a feel for the different levels of RPE so that will be the backup plan if the stupid thing can’t read the strap. A decent run overall, pushed out 10 miles in 70mins dead and then eased off. My lungs were bothered afterwards though and Caz gave out to me. I plan to hide out in an easier lane in tomorrow’s swim and runs will be easy for the rest of the week. The key session this week is a long turbo straight after work on Thursday so I want energy for it!
    Time: 1:20 + stretching, abs and 45 push ups
    Dist: 18.08km

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    I am thinking of doing my IM race also off HR but the bloody thing is just so unreliable at times. I am getting to the stage that feel/pace will be the way to go.
    I am sure you cannot wait for that thursday long bike, if it's any consolation i will be putting in a 2.5/3hr jaunt for supportive suffering;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    The garmin soft strap is a piece of crap, gave up on mine months ago. I bought an old hard strap. Last week I got a polar strap, about €15 on wiggle, and am using the garmin soft strap sender with it. Much nicer than the garmin ss and works perfectly, no spikes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    mloc123 wrote: »
    The garmin soft strap is a piece of crap, gave up on mine months ago. I bought an old hard strap. Last week I got a polar strap, about €15 on wiggle, and am using the garmin soft strap sender with it. Much nicer than the garmin ss and works perfectly, no spikes.

    Is it the 310 you have mloc - my soft strap was giving me the spikes last year - now it is just gone altogether, never goes below 200bpm even if I am walking. Any specific Polar strap, can you email me the link?


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    I am thinking of doing my IM race also off HR but the bloody thing is just so unreliable at times. I am getting to the stage that feel/pace will be the way to go.
    I am sure you cannot wait for that thursday long bike, if it's any consolation i will be putting in a 2.5/3hr jaunt for supportive suffering;)
    RPE is a must for IM pacing. Sure on the day if you have all the bells and whistles in terms of power and hrms, technology may decide to let you down
    mloc123 wrote: »
    Last week I got a polar strap, about €15 on wiggle, and am using the garmin soft strap sender with it. Much nicer than the garmin ss and works perfectly, no spikes.
    So do you just unclip the middle transmitter bit from the Garmin soft strap and button onto the Polar strap the same way?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Wednesday am: Group swim session (LC)
    I was thinking as fun and sometimes brutal and all as life is in the fast lane all of my group swims are hard work lately. So I decided to go back a lane this morning and drop into the middle of the group (and hide from the coach). The warm up was same ole same ole but the main set of 19*100m off 1:55 with feet in front of me felt effortless. My stroke count was low and it was all good. This was followed by a 400m max effort which I lead out. I opted for a strong steady pace and came in on 6:10.
    It was a minute ahead of the group and since the coach was timing it I got a stern look. Still, I plan to swap lanes for one swim a week to swim easy. Save a bit of energy for key sessions, like a long mid week turbo! At the end of the session one lad was hanging onto the wall wrecked, he shuffled into the shower too tired to talk. That was me 12 months ago :o
    Time 1:05
    Dist 3,200m

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    So do you just unclip the middle transmitter bit from the Garmin soft strap and button onto the Polar strap the same way?

    Yup, works a treat (think Tunney has been using this now for a good while, months maybe). The polar strap is also much more comfortable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 368 ✭✭dare2be

    Its great to see progress isn't it mcos, no matter how small it is. Whilst i was out on my LSR on Sunday i passed a guy at about the 6 mile mark. That same guy was me about 6months ago, shuffling feet, looking knackered and all that goes with it. Gives you a bit of a lift :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    I can also vouch for the polar strap as linked by mloc. I have also just cought one. That said im currently using the old garmin hard-strap. Ive also got the "Static Guard" anti static aerosol and some electrode gel. Havent had a spike on it in about 2 weeks and got through a LTHR test last night no issues. I would have gone mad if the LTHR got ruined!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard


    Flights: will be heading out on the Wednesday and back on the Monday with Ryanair. Aer lingus do the same flight for roughly the same bucks but Ryanair's 30kg bike allowance vs Aer Lingus 15kg was the clincher. I shall be booking when I get paid this week.

    Accom: hmmm I'm thinking of renting a camper from in Munich and just staying close to the race sight. A lad know did it this year and it worked out well. The Race is hosted by a couple of little towns and the registration, transition etc is quite spread out. He said the lads who stayed outside the towns and rented cars spent lots of time in traffic.

    I'll probably do the Nirvana thing - was about to book Lufthansa to Nuremburg..just checked the bike charge - €300 round trip..more expensive than the fare!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Izoard wrote: »
    I'll probably do the Nirvana thing - was about to book Lufthansa to Nuremburg..just checked the bike charge - €300 round trip..more expensive than the fare!!!

    Feicin hell do you get a bike service with that too or what!
    dare2be wrote: »
    Its great to see progress isn't it mcos, no matter how small it is. Whilst i was out on my LSR on Sunday i passed a guy at about the 6 mile mark. That same guy was me about 6months ago, shuffling feet, looking knackered and all that goes with it. Gives you a bit of a lift :)

    It sure does D2B. I'm guiding a few people in work through their first Marathon or Triathlon this year and its remembering how tough you once found it and how daunting this was back then that helps me communicate effectively with them. Its gas I'm starting to get training and progress updates from them on my breakfast break or in the corridors now :rolleyes:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Nice to reflect on the progress shotgun and important too, important to remember where you were and how you've come on. It is also a lesson to everybody else that hard work and consistent training reaps the rewards.

    PS good luck on the turbo tomorrow, looking forward to the log entry ;)
