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140.6 deep breaths...



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    tunney wrote: »
    A sub five bike requires an average wattage of 210 watts or thereabouts - you're swimming 1:03 for 3.8km pool swims so assume 1:05 - gives you 3:55 for transitions and run at least - more if you hold more watts on the bike. So all you have to do is get to the start line.

    You make it sound almost easy but in truth its anything but. Yep hopefully a 65 swim is doable. However a sub 5 bike on my first IM I don't think so! Yeah I could probably hit that mark on its own but I won't have legs left for a 4:45 let alone a 3:45 off it! I'll be approaching with caution but sub10 is the goal and I'll go for it. I'm tough and can push through pain but if the legs give up there is nothing you can do. I'm sure no matter what I'll learn stacks on the day. The next 12 weeks training is crucial and then the taper must be exact. I'll get out of this what I can put in as long as I, as you say, get to the start line healthy :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Friday lunchtime, a windy Z3 run.
    It was a fresh but breezy day out. I fancied getting 10k in but it meant having to keep up with the little 4:15 pacer dude on the garmin to get back in time for afternoon meetings. That I did but it was a laboured effort, perhaps with the long hill reps still in the legs from paddies day. I had to stop periodically as the chest strap kept sliding down. Got the run done with enough time to scoff my lunch down so mission accomplised.

    Saturday morning silly o clock long run

    I just checked and its been 4 weeks since my last long run so inevitably this was going to be a bit of work. That it was indeed. I had to be back for 8am so it was an early and frosty start. It was below freezing so I had full winter kit on. A glass of juice and a banana in the belly and I took one of Caz's 150ml belt bottles with me for a sip of water now and then. It took almost an hour to warm up and get my heart rate up into the Z1-Z2 range. My legs felt a bit heavy and I also felt rather flat footed. Overall it was 2:37 out on rolling hills and I really felt the last half hour. The tendonitis came back at me on my left ankle and my calves and hams tightened in general by the end. Afterwards I noticed the Mizunos seem to be cut up already and checking the running log I keep per shoe I'm up to 675km in them so perhaps a new pair needed. I only have them 3.5 months, gone are the days of getting a year or more out of a shoe!! Its a much lighter shoe though in comparison to the Kayanos I typically wore. Upon reflection I remember getting the tendonitis on my ankle back when my Addidas were flat and in bad need of upgrade. Hmmm... Anyway my legs were not in great shape for a finish but at least its done and out of the way albeit with a sore ankle boo. 21 hilly miles by 8am isn't bad whatever way you look at it and evenly paced too. Can't complain :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Nice long run there. 7:20/mile for 21.4mls, good going and a avg HR of 142. Fit as a fiddle.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    I don't know how you do it man, 20 miles BEFORE 8am :eek: I hate running first thing in the morning, never mind 5:30am and 20 miles! Hope the ankle is ok dude, I did a long run last week after no long run for a month and really suffered too. Have a good training week!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,991 ✭✭✭metamorphosis

    The most iv done is 8 that early and that was more than enough for me


    I'm jealous.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    3 minute TT with shotgunjunior
    So Sunday ran away from me and no bike done. First weekend since the start of the programme with no bike done :( Alas its probably the best time to take a day off anyway. Base period ends now and I'm into the 12 week specific IM phase tomorrow morning. My ankle is pretty sore also so a rest day won't do any harm. I'll do up a base phase report soon but I did get out for a wee run today. 3 minutes. Shotgunjunior did his first run in the park 2 weeks ago and recorded 430m in the 3 minutes. Today he had another go, gave it socks and set a little pb of 492m but fell and scraped his hands and knees with 5 seconds to go. Aw Bless :). Its also the sum total of my training today too and most satisfying run of the week I may add :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    It is great getting the kids into the sport early. My eldest lad is loving his running at the moment. He ran in Gormanstown last weekend and was about to take the lead in the 200 mtrs race but got tangled and tripped up, still got back up and finished mid pack:)
    It will not be long until you have him out doing 30km runs with you:pac: Good LSR dude, your flying.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    A bit of a long update, bear with me....

    Weekly numbers, last week of base training
    14-20 March|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Cycling|2|3:25|109.54 :(

    Last weight check: 75.9kg
    This weight check: 76.2kg :(

    I was pretty disappointed with this week. Ok it was a recovery week so missed sessions are not as significant. I was happy to finally get out for a long run although I was wrecked after it. I hit a pb in the pool too. On the cycling it was just shocking. Nothing done at the weekend. I was annoyed with myself. I missed my early window and there was no opportunity after that. In truth I should just HTFU and get it done at silly o clock with lights on midweek if I have to. No excuses. I procrastinated. I just wanted to end the base phase with a decent session!

    Base Phase Summary

    Base Phase numbers (20 weeks)
    01 Nov- 20 March|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Conditioning|15|27:44|28.65 rowing

    Benchmarks: 5.5hr bike, 4km swim, 2.5hr run, 5hr/30min brick
    PBs on route: 1km swim 15:42, 3.8km swim 63:25, half marathon 1:25:58, 10k 38:09 :D

    So that’s the foundation. However what’s the reality behind those numbers :confused: ?

    Swimming: I’m satisfied with swim fitness. I have a couple of 3.8 swims done and on group sets where I am tired I seem to hold strong late in the session. I need to get myself a wetsuit in the next few weeks and I’m looking forward to some OW swimming. I’m going to start doing group swim without taking any water on to get used to spending an hour+ swimming without it. Once I hit the OW I’ll practice staying on feet for lengthy periods if I can find willing volunteers.

    Cycling: According to the lads in the club I’ve come on a bit. However I have nowhere near the mileage done that I would have liked. I’ve focused more on quality than quantity under the circumstances. I’ve had a few proper HTFU moments over the winter which should stand to me. Whilst I have run off a lot of 1-1.5hr bike sessions (mostly turbo) I have seldom run off the few long bikes done. Best brick run was a 30 min run at 4:20 pace off a 3 hour bike and I felt great whereas a 30 min 4:50 pace run off a 5 hour bike was horrid (mainly fuelling issues). One thing I am happy about is my climbing seems to have improved. I haven’t done many climbs but I haven’t been outclimbed by the usual heads that outclimb me which is good. I put it down to generally embracing the turbo pain, hills and wind! The cycling focus for the next 12 week in terms of priority
    -nutrition and race plan
    -long sessions in TT position
    -benchmark bike/run sessions
    -specific TT sessions
    -hill reps, climbing
    -swim/bike transition HIM

    Running: Running a marathon was never going to be an issue but running one off the bike is a whole different ball game. I spent a few months over the winter working on running and putting in more mileage than I have for standalone marathons. A couple of decent race results off base training is a good indicator that my base fitness has improved and given me ‘free speed’ to speak. The most critical focus for running is staying injury free!! Getting to the start line is paramount. If I can get the swim and bike right, I have every chance of doing the run that I will have trained for. I will practice taking some short walking stints in long runs to mimic aid stations but I’d rather run the whole thing. A mate of mine and a similar runner to me did IMUK last year and ran every step. Like me he would find it hard to get going again if he stops. Momentum is everything for the mind.

    Overall: I’m sh!tting it!!! I don’t care what tunney or anyone says sub10 is a big ask. There are so many variables that can affect the outcome. I’ll try to get at least one long OW non wetsuit swim just in case and I’ll also practice changing a tube mid long spin cause you never know. The freezing winter weather hardly prepares you for a long long day in 30+ degrees. The heat on the run will be a very significant factor for me personally from experience so I have to consider my approach carefully. My weight as to come down, simple as. 20 weeks base done, 12 weeks build and 4 week taper to go :eek:

    First few sessions of the IM phase

    Monday morning group swim session with the fish.
    Back to the fast lane and a 2.4k main set almost dusted me. I couldn’t hang on to the 5 lead fish for neither love nor money and lead the pack out. The pace was hot and half the pack hopped out of the lane after set 1 of 3. I fell back onto some feet and struggled for the second set (a set was 200/2*150/2*100/2*50). I was just thrashing the water and losing contact each rep. Strangely enough I found a new gear and some focus on the last set. I clean the stroke up, rotated my hips and focused on the last quarter of the pull and hey presto I was back on feet and cruising (it was still hard though). The easy backstroke felt lovely after all the hard front crawl. Total 3,400m.

    Monday evening no messin’ about hill reps
    I had the bike ready so I got out the door straight after work. I picked a handy enough hill for my inaugural hill rep session but it was a little further away than I though. I figured I had to be back to suburbia by 7 or I’d be caught in the dark. The hill was about 400m and 3-5%. For some reason the Garmin makes it look like I was cycling over rolling pins. I attacked each on the big ring for about 60-70secs work each time before heading home with a nice fresh cadence. I really enjoyed the session. It was a lovely evening and I even got some protein onboard in the form of midgets! I must find a tougher hill though for next time. The aim is to be able to attack it 10-12 times for a max of 2-3mins and not have to stick on the granny ring and climb. It was dark by the time I got home but I’m actually looking forward to the next hill session :)

    Tuesday morning long swim set
    800, 4*400, 6*200, 8*100 in descending RTs. I was half asleep to start with. I just got through this and was barely making the 1:45 RT for the 100s for a finish. I must get more sleep!! I’ll hit the sack early this evening as Caz will be glued to Desperate Housewives. Total 4,400m

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,724 ✭✭✭kennyb3

    On the improvement on the hills on the bike, if im not wrong you ve lost a good bit of weight since last year, i'd say thats helping big time.

    And seriously man dont be obsessing about being up 0.3kg on last week, you ll get ebbs and flows. If you are fretting about these things you are giving yourself far too much of a mental bashing - i think mentally you risk crashing and burning. Let it happen naturally. Leave the weighing scales alone for a month, do the training and eat right and it will take care of itself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    kennyb3 wrote: »
    On the improvement on the hills on the bike, if im not wrong you ve lost a good bit of weight since last year, i'd say thats helping big time.

    And seriously man dont be obsessing about being up 0.3kg on last week, you ll get ebbs and flows. If you are fretting about these things you are giving yourself far too much of a mental bashing - i think mentally you risk crashing and burning. Let it happen naturally. Leave the weighing scales alone for a month, do the training and eat right and it will take care of itself.
    Well at peak fitness last year I was 76.9kg and about 77.5 at the start of this year so it is going in the right direction. I was just expecting a drop the last 2 weeks given that I'm off chocolate, biscuits and scones for the last 14 days* :rolleyes:
    *record for me

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Will you realistically see much weight loss by dropping those foods? Will the fat they would have produced not be converted to muscle? As muscle weighs more than fat your % BF is probably down but your weight more stable? Also, hydration or lack of could easily account for 0.3kg couldn't it?

    Congrats on completing a damn solid base period! :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Will you realistically see much weight loss by dropping those foods? Will the fat they would have produced not be converted to muscle? As muscle weighs more than fat your % BF is probably down but your weight more stable? Also, hydration or lack of could easily account for 0.3kg couldn't it?
    Converted to muscle without specific resistance training in that short period: doubtful. 0.3kg could be hydration or otherwise and most likely insignificant: probable. Dropping highly calorific sugary treats that are consumed in volume daily leading to weight loss: definitely

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Tuesday evening post work LSR: take 2
    It was a bit soon after the last LSR but I was adamant to try the midweek long run again. The reason is to not have the key long bike and key long run sessions back to back. After the last failure I ensured I was well fed and hydrated today. The plan was a 2hr hilly run and panned out as 30mins easy, 30 mins at 4:30 pace, 30mins at 4:15 pace and 34mins easy. I caught up with a guy I used to run up hills with at mile 14. He was also on mile 14 of his 17 mile run so we ran about 2km together yapping. It came at a good time too taking my mind off the tightness going on in my hamstrings. I went a little out of my way just for the company which is why the last section was a little long. Overall it was a pretty solid run with a much lower heart rate for a similar run 4 months ago. The sub 4:15 pace was ok but my hams just got tighter and tighter. The first section in the setting sunshine was most enjoyable. Lots of cyclists on the main roads and lots of runners around suburbia.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Nice to get it done midweek i will have to do similiar this week. It is tough to get in the humour doing the long stuff during the week but it feels great after you get it done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Nice running. Did you take anything onboard during the run?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Wednesday morning Yoga with a rowing warm up
    I set the alarm for 15 minutes earlier than usual as I'm always rushing. The difference it made! At the carpark before the Arena opened and time for a 10 minute row before Yoga. I was awfully tempted to drop the Yoga in favour of another swim for the IM phase but I cannot ignore the value of it. Great class as the instructor was in happy clappy mode. Pushed each of the poses an extra centimetre and the sweat proved it was working. She gave me a lecture about my lack of hamstring flexibility afterwards and said I should be stretching them out thoroughly after my run sessions :o

    Wednesday lunchtime and a hungry run in the sunshine.
    I had a big bowl of porridge in my belly but it was taken on earlier in the morning than usual due to meeting schedules. I was peckish beforeI headed out but eating anything before a run doesn't sit with me. I had planned a couple of tempo bits and had the Garmin set up but I immediately felt a pain in my left ankle. I said to myself that if it didn't subside quickly I'd turn back. It was a glorious sunny day and actually felt warm! The ankle calmed down but I was not going to risk tempo. I was too hungry anyway, by 3 miles I was entertaining thoughts on a grab and run at every deli or carvery I sniffed!! An easy run but laboured effort. A few quick stretches on the hams on steps where work colleagues were sat smoking. We both looked at each other as bewildered as the other :rolleyes: 8.4km, hr 144, pace 4:38/km.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Nice running. Did you take anything onboard during the run?
    Nope. Pretty hungry and thirsty for a finish though

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Wednesday evening Z1/2 bike
    Twas a kind of HTFU session. I had underestimated what 2 long runs in 4 days would take out of me. I was all but goosed after the lunchtime run. Some stabbing migraine intensity shots of forehead pain throughout the day and tired limbs. One of those days at work to boot. I knew I wouldn't have light for much more than an hour so half on the road and half turbo? Yeah right. I lay on my bed for a few minutes flirting with sleep but then decided it was too nice out to waste what was left of window for the road. I said ok, a solid hour spinning on the roadie but not pushing and that will do. Heart rate 130-140 max range. In the end got 80 mins in at 32kmh without over exerting the legs and was happy enough with that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,991 ✭✭✭metamorphosis

    She gave me a lecture about my lack of hamstring flexibility afterwards and said I should be stretching them out thoroughly after my run sessions :o

    She gave me an aul lecture mid morning today on how i have to get out of here and see the world while i'm young and have no mortgage/car/family etc.

    I really must get back to her yoga, i would have went tonight only i was teaching after her. She's some one for the stretches. She's a bloody elastic band!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 251 ✭✭handangeo

    A bit of a long update, bear with me....

    Like me he would find it hard to get going again if he stops. Momentum is everything for the mind.

    .............Your doing fine mate, for me last year IM is 90% in the mind. Once you start putting the distances together, its all then about nutrition and telling the pain monsters to get stuffed :eek:. Some big weeks on the horizon for us all.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    She gave me an aul lecture mid morning today on how i have to get out of here and see the world while i'm young and have no mortgage/car/family etc.

    I really must get back to her yoga, i would have went tonight only i was teaching after her. She's some one for the stretches. She's a bloody elastic band!!
    LOL, she was obviously on a mission that day then :) Hey if you see me around the Arena say hello, I don't know what you look like and I'm just giving every personal trainer/instructor a wink in case its you. Don't want to be giving people the wrong idea!
    handangeo wrote: »
    .............Your doing fine mate, for me last year IM is 90% in the mind. Once you start putting the distances together, its all then about nutrition and telling the pain monsters to get stuffed :eek:. Some big weeks on the horizon for us all.

    Cheers George, how are things shaping up yourself? Nutrition is a biggie alright and needs real attention in the run in

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Thursday morning fartlek run, dear god it was tough
    I was out early with a bit of intensity in mind. 1,2,3,4,3,2,1 mins hard with 2 mins easy in between. It was a cracking morning with a beautiful red sunrise, chilly to start but I was sweating in my hat ‘n gloves by the end. My legs were asleep for the warm up but my ankle didn’t feel too bad. I had the compression socks on too but my quads and hams were heavy. This session was a lot harder than I envisaged although enjoyable in a sadistic painful kind of way. I pushed the reps hard into Z5 really trying not to fade into a comfort zone. I felt surprisingly light footed on the cool down until I hit the hill home and my quads gave out to me. At least I have all the tougher run session out of the way for the week. The legs have a day off tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 251 ✭✭handangeo

    LOL, she was obviously on a mission that day then :) Hey if you see me around the Arena say hello, I don't know what you look like and I'm just giving every personal trainer/instructor a wink in case its you. Don't want to be giving people the wrong idea!
    handangeo wrote: »
    Cheers George, how are things shaping up yourself? Nutrition is a biggie alright and needs real attention in the run in

    Bike going well, power is ahead of last year, but lacking 3hr plus sessions. Running very good, way ahead of last year. Getting up at 6am too train is far better for me than leaving it till pm.

    Its that damn swimming that bores me, only 1 session a week. I know its going to be a 1hr 20ish swim no matter what I do, so made an effort this year to concentrate on bike and run big time.

    Did a 42min 10k this morning without killing it, so happy with that, I was doing a brick until i discovered a puncture at 6.15am , so a run it was!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    agree with you there George, I much prefer morning training and having the evening free (er). 42 min 10k first thing in the morning is no hanghing about!

    Thursday lunchtime run and a double take on this morning's fartlek!
    Its an optional run during the week which I do just to keep a work colleague company if the weather suits. Smashing day out there again, so nice to be running in shorts and tee. Basically the same run as this morning 1,2,3,4,3,2,1 mins hard and 2 mins easy in between. The difference was doing it at his intensities and a shorter run overall. The 'hard' bits had him bursting a gut while I ran easy and the easy bits were him gulping air in before we went again and me jogging along doing my usual motivating pacing duty stuff :D He works in miles so I'll diss metric for once...
    This morning: hard fartlek, 8 mile run, overall 7min/mile and hr avg 150
    Lunchtime: easy fartlek, 5 mile run, overall 8min/mile and hr avg 137

    If only I had someone to pull me around my own hard runs....

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Bike going well, power is ahead of last year, but lacking 3hr plus sessions. Running very good, way ahead of last year. Getting up at 6am too train is far better for me than leaving it till pm.

    Its that damn swimming that bores me, only 1 session a week. I know its going to be a 1hr 20ish swim no matter what I do, so made an effort this year to concentrate on bike and run big time.

    Did a 42min 10k this morning without killing it, so happy with that, I was doing a brick until i discovered a puncture at 6.15am , so a run it was![/QUOTE]

    Hey George, any tempo puncture repair sessions?:)

    Sounds like the running is coming along strong..won't be seeing much of you this time around!

  • Registered Users Posts: 251 ✭✭handangeo

    Yes running's good thanks - hows progress with you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Ha googled you both and you were within 3 mins of each other in Switzerland. Rematch in Roth eh?

    Thursday evening and reluctantly back on the turbo
    The plan was 3*15 mins RPE 9 so that transpired as 3*15 mins at 91-93% of FTP which is probably out of date but I aint got the energy for a T20 these days. The last value will just have to do. It was the 10 mins spinning in between them that got to me. Just wanted the session to be over with.

    Friday morning swim group trying to hide from the Coach
    He found me out in the warm up though and lobbed me into the fast lane. I tucked in behind a girl for 10*100 but she faded dramatically after 6 reps so I had to lead the rest out. Next up was 2*200m max effort. A 2:52 and a 3:10 shows how much I faded on the second one. I just had no more to give! The aim for us mere mortals out of our depth in this lane is not to get lapped by the fish. Someone let that cat out of the bag this morning and the fish looked at us and hammered it! We escaped with our skins intact and for once they were unable to chatter after the set :D

    As the lotto adds go, I'd have let my 6 year old and 6 of his mates wash my TT bike, ....with sandpaper, ....and all the sweets they could eat as a reward, if I could have gone back to bed this morning...... tired isn't the word!

    At least I have the rest of the day off...

  • Registered Users Posts: 251 ✭✭handangeo

    Ha googled you both and you were within 3 mins of each other in Switzerland. Rematch in Roth eh?

    You bet, although Fergal will def have me on the swim.

    BTW shotgunmcos - how old are you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    handangeo wrote: »
    You bet, although Fergal will def have me on the swim.

    BTW shotgunmcos - how old are you?
    Well he has upped the ante a little by dispensing with his 'training brick run' phobia :D You could add some spice too by swimming more than once a week! Seriously though even injecting a bit of speed work into your swim will give you an extra gear to jump onto peoples feet (or side as tunney eludes to) for a tow around the canal to a faster swim time with less effort! I'm 33 by the way. Relevence?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 251 ✭✭handangeo

    Well he has upped the ante a little by dispensing with his 'training brick run' phobia :D You could add some spice too by swimming more than once a week! Seriously though even injecting a bit of speed work into your swim will give you an extra gear to jump onto peoples feet (or side as tunney eludes to) for a tow around the canal to a faster swim time with less effort! I'm 33 by the way. Relevence?

    Thats good as I'm 40, at least I wont have to worry about racing you in my A/G :). I'm also a light ass 62kg.
