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140.6 deep breaths...



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    4-10 October|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    * lots of short easy sessions :)

    Notes: Easing back into things but should be running more frequently. Just 2 weeks to DCM and I'm hoping residual fitness will see me through again.

    Sunday was a recovery day, thankfully as I was feeling the effects of the LSR. Just 30 mins Z1 turbo spinning the legs out at 100rpm. Avg heart rate 125. Did some stretching and core afterwards. Hamstrings are like steel rods.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Hey MCOS,

    Did you get the Roth entry as a regular application or via a travel agent? - seems to be sold out at this point...

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Izoard wrote: »
    Hey MCOS,

    Did you get the Roth entry as a regular application or via a travel agent? - seems to be sold out at this point...

    I got it as a regular application. Speculative at the time but I figured that I could withdraw if it wasn't to be. There are 200 places going up for it in December too, details on the site and I'm sure you can get there with angencies also.

    "...Athletes who have so far missed out have one more chance at an entry in the race—the Nikolaus-Action set for 6 December. At 10am (CEST), race organisers will open online entries for 200 entries for individual starters..."


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Monday AM: Swim session 50m pool
    50m*12 with fins and some single arm to warm up
    Main set 3*(100m*4/200m) with the 100s off 1:40!!
    50m*6 easy choice, 50m*6 fast
    100m very easy cool down

    One of my lofty ambitions for last season was to be in the Fast Lane by year end. Be careful what you wish for! The Coach lobbed a couple of us in again. The last time we did our own thing and were swallowed up. This time we thought we would try to hang on for the first set of 100s anyway. As it turned out I felt good and hung on to the back of the group, which was pretty strung out, for the whole session. It wasn’t easy though, almost constant swimming. My first time not getting lapped Woohoo :D I actually got out of bed 10 mins earlier and had a quick bite to eat before the swim. I wonder if that was the difference…
    Time 1:06
    Dist 3,200m

    Monday PM: Easy run with Caz
    The Plan
    0:40 Z1
    0:46 Z1

    Caz has entered the Waterford Half Marathon also so I headed out with her on a smashing evening. Although the Garmin profile elevation makes it look virtually flat, it’s not!
    Time 0:46 + 0:15 stretch
    Dist 7.77km

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,096 ✭✭✭--amadeus--

    Hey hey!

    So you'll be aiming for a Kona qualifying time in Roth then? ;)

    Sounds like a great year you have lined up and no time like now, as you say life can get in the way fairly quickly so you need to grab opportunities while you can and with your track record & dedication you'll blitz it, no worries.

    I'd def recommend A'Dam as a race to consider for your B goal. It's flat, fast, well organised, not crowded and easy to get to. You only have a week between it and Dublin if you're pacing again but not a major issue I wouldn't have thought. And if you run sub 2:55 you qualify automatically for New York in 2012...

    Anyway, best of luck (not that it's needed!)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    @ --amadeus-- Thanks A, Roth is a Challenge event, Kona only associated with mdot events.

    Tuesday PM: PMP Run
    I met up with a few sub4 hopefuls again for a lovely run across Limerick bridges with the sun setting. It was a perfect evening albeit a little on the chilly side. The girls were full of beans and I had to constantly rein the enthusiasm back. Average pace was 5:36/km, a tad’ sharper than intended but still close enough to PMP. Encouragingly, my average heart rate was 129 which is much lower than running this pace last year.
    Time: 1:21
    Dist: 14.54km

    Wednesday AM: Yoga
    I was half asleep and a little early for the class so I watched the swim group doing their thing below. It’s amazing to watch actually. When you are in the pool you just feel the group are all doing the same thing since we follow each other up and down, however watching them this morning it’s amazing how many different forms the swimmers take. Some look awful, splashy and awkward and yet are zooming up and down the fast lane. Others look smooth and beautiful and are gliding along. It’s easy to pick the swimmers out though. Long powerful strokes are the way to go.

    Anyway back to Yoga. The overly energetic for silly AM instructor, my mother, saw the grumpy look on my face and immediately pulled my mat up beside her. Groan. I was wishing I was in the pool waking myself up with a workout. 45 minutes later I was energised and loose. Yoga is great and I’m a fan. I was too asleep to be distracted by anyone else and thus had a single focus on core strength. I know I’m going to feel it tomorrow morning. I know the exercises now so it’s about pushing them and breathing correctly. I think I’m going to have to do a short jog before the class though to warm up the legs. They just would not straighten for me. Granted we were sitting on the mat with the 2 legs above our heads! I tried to push the tendons further but I was shaking so uncontrollably I almost kneed myself in the face. I gotta work on those hamstrings…
    Time: 0:45

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Wednesday PM: Turbo
    The plan
    1:00 Z2
    1:00 Z2

    The plan was to ride steady at no higher the Z2 and keep the cadence fresh. Overall I felt good, kept the cadence at 90; heart rate averaged 136 and output 236 watts. After 40 mins though the heart rate started rising significantly and by 56 mins I had to drop a gear to maintain the cadence and keep below the Z2 ceiling of 150. The central heating did come on half way through it so it turned into a sweat box. That wasn’t the only factor. Long day at work and ill disciplined comfort eating affected the energy levels. Beyond the excuses it’s just poor base fitness! I have lots to improve on… :o
    Time 1:00
    Dist 34.0km

    I'm really looking forward to the Marathon now. I'm also feeling good and ready to start into the IM programme on Nov 1, fresh :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    There is thinking about your stoke and thinking critically about your stroke. What is the difference?

    Well, on Wednesday morning before Yoga I watched the group of swimmers below. The Coach from our Thursday night swim group was in the fast lane, leading it out with clear water behind him and really moving. I thought his stroke was very long and powerful. He just propelled himself forward with fewer strokes than all of the other ‘fast’ swimmers behind him. More impressive, given what I know of those other swimmers too. I also thought he looked very ‘tall’ in the water. I accepted what I saw as good swimming and got on with the Yoga.

    Critical thinking
    One definition puts it as… "Critical thinking is the identification and evaluation of evidence to guide decision making. A critical thinker uses broad in-depth analysis of evidence to make decisions and communicate his/her beliefs clearly and accurately."

    Basically it’s more of an action-orientated thinking. Validating what you believed with evidence to support it. For some reason that stroke remained on my mind but as I never learned how to swim as a child, or have ever had 1-1 lessons, I lacked the tools to unlock a practical understanding of it.

    Last night we started back with the Thursday night technical swim group with the same Coach. Usually he gives the instructions and humorous mid air demos and we head off for reps of the drill. One drill that stuck out last night was a distance per stroke one. Earlier on the set we did a set of 50s focusing on counting the strokes for the first 25m and doing one less for the return 25m. I was getting 17/16. That was about standard swimming for me. Later in the session, after several other drills, he challenged us to do the 25m in 10 strokes (without just kicking our way down there). As he demoed the mechanics of achieving this on the deck my mind drew back to watching him in the pool the other morning. Suddenly I was wide awake! The bit I was missing to understand his stroke was provided and I was mad to seek the evidence. I concentrated and really lengthened my stroke. First 12 strokes, then 11, 11, 11, 11. I couldn’t get there in 10 strokes. I was kind of getting it but not sustaining enough momentum. He told us to over exaggerate it. Then 10 strokes! For extra validation another 10 strokes on the return 25m! I was very pleased. However that was applying it in a controlled environment and swimming at snail pace.

    What was the effect in the real world?

    Today at lunchtime I headed down for the short sharp Masters set in the 25m pool. I hadn’t thought about it since last night but it was back on my mind. At a comfortable pace I’d be doing 16/17 strokes per length but swimming with this lot 20/21spl was more the norm. They don’t hang about!
    The set
    4*(100m/50m) 100s off 1:45, 50 easy
    2*150m off 2:40
    4*(100m/50m) same as above
    200m sub3
    4*50 all out
    2*50 easy cool down

    I missed the warm up due to traffic and got in behind the group as they started the main set. I immediately applied what I had learned and I was coasting at 13/14 spl. As we hit the 150s I moved up to 3rd in the line to try and bridge the gap to the 2 girls who usually roast us. I was working much harder but still at 15/16 spl. I was tiring as the 200 loomed but unbelievably I just focused on swimming as long as I could and managed to stay on the feet of the girls for it! Well chuffed. A sub 3 minute 200m to round off the main set was sweet, even more so that I didn’t have to swing my arms like the Tasmanian devil to keep up :D

    So, I definitely made a little progress this week by just thinking critically about my stroke. The hard part is applying it over and over to embed it. My stroke rate in the 50m pool at cruise pace is 37-38 spl. I’ve given myself an immediate target to get that to 32 by Christmas.

    Tech session
    Time 0:50
    Dist 1,800m

    Time 0:37
    Dist 2,000m

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac


    Really interesting post. I'm totally new to the swimming side of things and paid no interest to it to date, but will have to figure out a plan once DCM is over. The impact of technique seems pretty big, compared to running and cycling. I'll be reading your log with extra interest in 2011, MCOS!
    If you don't mind, I might PM you some time after DCM to pick your brains on a few things. I don't know if you would have much advice for a total tri newbie, with HIM as the A goal for 2011?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Saturday AM: Bike with the club group
    Lovely morning for a cycle and took the opportunity to get out. I aimed to keep heart rate below 150 which wasn’t a problem. Average for the spin 124bpm which is low Z1. I did allow myself into Z4 for about 6 mins on a climb which was around 7% gradient but resisted the urge to big gear the descent. Just spun at a nice high cadence all day and enjoyed the ride. Average speed 29.2kmh.
    Time 2:34
    Dist 75.16km

    Sunday PM: LSR at DCM pacer pace
    Conditions: Cool, windy and heavy drizzle.
    The plan
    2:15 at 5:40/km
    2:23 at 5:39/km

    I had no particular route in mind so just ran more or less aimlessly around the City. The only objective was to stay on my feet for 2 hours at planned pacer pace. I found the pace comfortable and happy with an average of 133 for the run. This time last year I would have been over 150. I took a gel at 17km too, not that it was required but just to practice ahead of the Marathon. It was a decent run apart from really needing the loo in the last 40 mins. The back of my arches and my calves were tight and sore afterwards but felt better after a stretch. I really need to book in for a massage as my body is in knots. I kept the pace in tight check and passed the half marathon point in about 1:59:40, spot on. I just need to do the very same next week, twice :)
    Time 2:23 run
    Time 0:15 stretch
    Dist 25.31km

    @ronanmac, no bother man, drop me a line anytime

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    10-17 October|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    Decent week overall. Plenty of quality work. I really need to book in for a massage though my legs and shoulders are in knots. Should I get one this week or after the Marathon? 2 easy weeks ahead now before I kick off the IM programme. Flexibility is something I simply have to take more seriously too.

    Although not exactly advocated by my bro and mum (both fitness professionals), I'm going off carbs for the next 3 days and then carbo loading for Monday. The Marathon is not an important race so I'm not worried about experimenting the weke before. I got the idea from donothoponpop's log and thought I'd just give it a go. More to kick start some mental diet discipline than anything else! I'm sure after all the eggs, nuts and chicken I'll be dreaming about porridge on thursday morning every night!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    I thought I'd struggle even on day one but actually walked past an open tray of foxes selection at work. I'm actually longing for some fruit more than anything...

    Meal #1 - Sausages, bacon, eggs, coffee
    Meal #2 - A dozen BBQ chicken wings and cottage cheese, diet coke
    Meal #3 - Will be angus beef, cheese, poached eggs, milk
    Snacks - Nuts and more nuts.
    Juice plus supplements, veg one and fruit one
    Suprisingly thirsty so drinking lots of water

    It will be more of the same for the next 2 days although I will have fresh salmon and spinach at some point to make it interesting.

    No cravings but it doesn't feel right either for some reason.

    Thankfully its a taper week so just one session this morning. The group swim in the 50m. It seems I am part of the fast lane family now after I managed to hold onto the group for the main set of 4*(200 steady/3*100 off 1:45). I felt pretty good in the pool. Maybe down to all the super high GI Carbs I ate last night before bed ;)
    Time 1:10
    Dist 3,400m

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    I thought I'd struggle even on day one but actually walked past an open tray of foxes selection at work. I'm actually longing for some fruit more than anything...

    Meal #1 - Sausages, bacon, eggs, coffee
    Meal #2 - A dozen BBQ chicken wings and cottage cheese, diet coke
    Meal #3 - Will be angus beef, cheese, poached eggs, milk
    Snacks - Nuts and more nuts.

    A few tweaks and you'll have the Michael Phelps diet nailed...check out his 4 * 200 times:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Izoard wrote: »
    A few tweaks and you'll have the Michael Phelps diet nailed...check out his 4 * 200 times:D
    LOL he used to train more in a week that most of us do in months! It would be almost impossible to take all that in on a day without burning it all off rapidly!

    Tuesday PM: Short PMP pacer run
    The Plan
    0:40 at 5:40/km
    0:43 at 5:37/km

    I met with the sub4 girls for the last PMP run before Monday. They are in great form and I reckon are ready to rock on to their targets. It was noticeably chilly, windy and wet. The pace felt very comfortable and we did a couple of strides at the end. My right ankle felt a bit stiff again whatever that is about. Day 2 almost down on the no carbs and I have not had any cravings. Evidence enough that the sugar cravings stem from sugar! On the high fat content of the diet my energy is good and constant but I’d imagine I’d burn up very quickly were we to introduce any real intensity. This is not a healthy long term diet. A distinct lack of mineral and vitamins and the source to absorb them, high cholesterol food and little fibre is probably a shorter route to a heart attack that a healthy way of life. Still, it’s only for 3 days and it will be interesting if I feel this ‘boost’ from the carbs on Thursday. It will be also interesting to compare Monday morning’s weigh in with Thursday morning...
    Time 0:43 run
    Time 0:15 stretch
    Dist 7.77km

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Wednesday AM: Group swim session (LC)
    Day 3 of no carbs and it would be interesting to see how the body would respond to a bit of intensity. The warm up was fine, some drills and kicking with fins. The main set was 5*500m off 5:15 and 6*100m off 1:45. As usual the fast lane was pretty strung out but I managed to stay with the group for the 500s. It was solid work but comfortable higher end cruising speed. I made the RTs with time to get a sip of the bottle and was averaging 36/37spl. Not too bad. The 100s though were into the tempo zones properly and they hurt. The group shoved me up the line but I was feeling it after the 3rd rep and dropped back. We cooled down with some choice 50s which I tried in vain to do other strokes. I did do a couple of dps lengths very easy though and was happy to hit 32 on some. I was starving afterward sand the nuts and ‘dry fry’ just didn’t cut it. Felt sick of meat and eggs!
    Time 1:05
    Dist 3,100m

    Wednesday PM: Turbo Z2
    The plan
    0:40 Z2
    0:40 Z2

    I struggled with motivation to even pull the turbo out. It was nearly 10pm by the time I hopped on. A long day at work with training session on either side on a no carb fuelled system was a test. I averaged 236 watts and my heart rate averaged 139 which is pretty high for this workout actually. The perceived effort was higher than last time. I aimed again to maintain a cadence of 90 at least which means holding roughly the same output. The cardiac drift is the factor of significance. He last time I did this for an hour and at 56min I had to drop a gear to keep the heart rate under the Z2 ceiling and also to maintain cadence. I got off after 40 mins this time but no doubt would have had to drop that same gear after less than 45 mins. It basically means I found the session tougher.
    Time 0:40
    Dist 23km

    No Carbs.
    By day 3 off carbs I was relying solely on fat for fuel. It yields great energy at very low intensity but clearly the intensity of the turbo was too much to burn it efficiently. My body went in search of the sugary glycogen store for a more immediate release of energy but it wasn’t there. After just 40 mins of turbo it felt as though I had done 2 hours! Instead of the peanut butter and jam bagel it wanted, I fed it with another ham and cheese omelette :(

    Staying off the carbs was easier than I thought. The protein intake made me feel fuller for longer. I had great energy for meetings in work and the energy itself was pretty constant. No moods, no cravings, I ate loads and I lost weight.
    Monday morning 78.2kg
    Thursday morning 76.2kg (the lightest I’ve been since I was a teen)

    So it’s all good then yes? Wrong. I had to supplement the lack of fruit and veg with Juice Plus capsules. My cholesterol would have hit 6-7 by next summer or sooner (on route to a heart attack!). I became sick of eggs and I really love eggs. If I had tried 10 mins of Z4 effort I’d have been left trembling for the lack of oxygen being transported quickly enough to the cells that demanded it. It’s a diet designed for Polar Bears who need the body fat to get through a long winter sleep ahead.

    The Net effect?
    Well we shall see as I reintroduce carbs to the system and use those primarily for the marathon on Monday. Although, since I’m pacing at a lower intensity, my lower heart rate may hold off on the carbs for longer, meaning I will have sufficient glycogen stores for the duration (no gels etc... needed). That would be one of the overall aims of the IM programme. 20 weeks of base training at lower intensity to get the body used to metabolising fats for energy. Ideally, you will develop both your endurance and your ability to burn fat for energy further up the zone. It’s critical for Ironman Distance really. The longer you can stay effectively fuelled, the better you will perform. I can say one thing, the bowl of porridge with soaked and fatten sultanas and cinnamon this morning was absolutely delicious!! I just have to introduce similar discipline to a more balanced and lower GI diet from now on :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,087 ✭✭✭nomadic

    interesting stuff. Do you plan on restricting carbs again for some of your IM training sessions?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Thursday PM: Z1-Z2 run with Caz
    The plan
    0:40 at Caz’s pace
    0:53 mostly at Caz’s pace

    It was a perfect evening for a run. Still, chilly and crisp. Caz is running a bit more consistently now and when our schedules coincide we head out together. My original plan was Z2 pace but I stayed at Z1 for 6km to enjoy some company. Average heart rate for that bit was 128 and we were trotting along at 5:50km pace, the upper end of Caz’s Z2. We just took different routes home for the last couple of kms and I upped the pace to Z2. About 4:40 – 4:50kms and 150bpm and with carbs back on board I had plenty of energy for it. Lots of people out, I suspect, keeping loose ahead of Monday. I felt good but the only minor concern is that my right ankle is a little sore/stiff again. Time was pressed so it was straight in the door, glass of water and over to the pool…
    Time 0:53
    Dist 9.93km

    Thursday PM: Technical swim session (SC)
    I found this session tough.
    It’s pretty much all coached drills. It was very busy too with 7 per lane and in a 25m pool that’s a bit claustrophobic for me (I’m not good in elevators and shops like Pennys!). First we did a set of 100s with the last 25m kicking, hand by your side. I hate kicking drills and these suck the most, contorting ourselves trying to find air. I’m useless at them but I guess all the reason for more practice. I’m one of the fastest in the group in TTs but when it comes to kicking I literally got swam over last night (the norm) :o. After those it was another set of 50s kicking on your side, hands by your side and rotating with your torso. More gulps of pool water and panic breaths. More hell!

    Next up; catch up drills. I used to hate these almost as much as the kicking drills but something has clicked with these lately. I used to sink after every stroke and found it impossible to sustain any momentum. The sets were 150/100/50. Swim the first 100 of the 150 and then catch up for the rest. The idea was to count your strokes for the last 50 of the 150 and maintain that for the rest of the set. Sounds a bit complex, well it was! It meant that while doing catch up we had to have a stroke target in mind also. By the second and third set it was getting increasingly tiring and difficult to do so. You had to really concentrate on maintaining a long accelerated stroke. After 600m of the 900m doing catch up my shoulders were burning! I was also cramping in my calves (due to the run beforehand). The lack of kick off the wall as a result of cramps meant I had to really concentrate on long strong strokes to maintain my target for each 50. I think it was the focus on dps that sustained the momentum for the catch up drill where I’d normally sink with each stroke. Progress :) We did some more drills afterward and I was only fit for my bed by the end of the session.
    Time 0:50
    Dist 1,750m

    Friday: REST DAY... :D

    In other news, I signed up for the Berlin Marathon next year so thats the 2 main goals firmly in the firing liine now :D

    nomadic wrote: »
    interesting stuff. Do you plan on restricting carbs again for some of your IM training sessions?

    Doubtful nomadic. Its certainly not going to be a regular thing. I'll limit the high GI sugars as much as my discipline will let me but I wouldn't head out for a long bike with a few days of merely meat and fat on board.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    18-24 October|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    Plan for this week is very very little (except for yesterday). Lots of downtime before the IM programme kicks off on Monday.

    Monday AM: Dublin City Marathon (Pacer)
    The Plan
    Pace the 4 hour group and hit approx 3:59:30

    Pretty pleased with the pacing result but it was more work than I anticipated. The crowds following us this year were vast as the pacer stand created more awareness. I did a short stint on the stand on Sunday evening and it was hard to exchange a word with the other guys due to the constant stream of questions. The day itself was perfect for running. Having a team of 4 pacers was better this year as we could manage the group better and also in the last 4 miles when it got hairy and the legs hurt we would take turns leading the charge. I got into the spirit of things as usual with lots of shouting and general banter. I felt a bit more ‘experienced’ this year so I coached the group a little on how to tackle the hills and take gels. Unfortunately my balloon took off skyward at about mile 12 much to the dismay of the MOB behind me! The initial mile markers were suspect and with Garmins going all over the shop 20-30 seconds ahead of the mile markers people were speeding up unnecessarily. Part of the pacing job was to rein it back and encourage everyone to trust us. Up to 16m it was fun and had settled. After the long drag through miles 19 and 20 my legs were starting to hurt and I was beginning to regret the promises I made about a guaranteed sub 4 earlier. 2 miles later my quads were torn up and I slipped on a water bottle, going over on my right ankle. As much as I felt it though, the hurt in the faces around us and the sheer numbers following us was the motivation I used to keep it steady. Greg, Ray and Brian all did a marvellous job for their first time pacing Dublin. Having the team of 4 meant we could flank the group towards the end of Merrion Road where the rapturous support had closed in. With such large numbers it was very difficult to remain as a unit and to keep any sort of line. I clocked 42.77 km altogether which meant I needed to run 5:36/km pace on average to get the job done. Some poor guy called Ugo fell face first onto the ground at mile 19 or so and I felt so sorry for him. Unbelievably he tore past me in front of Trinity and got his sub4. I met him afterwards and his face needed stitches. Courageous man! Like last year the gratitude at the finish was most humbling. For example one teary eyed gentleman had finally achieved his dream time after 9 attempts. I didn’t hang around though, my quads were torn up. I’m not sure why they tied up on me like that; perhaps I was just tired after a long season and haven’t had any physio (note to self). Pushing through it for over an hour yesterday has them in completed knots this morning and I am definitely not looking forward to the massage this week. I feel delighted and privileged to have helped so many achieve their goal yesterday :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Just 4 more days until I begin the focus on Roth. I still have trouble walking down steps so doubtful there will be any form of running this week. I'll make do with some swimming and if the legs are up to it a cycle at the weekend. A few new books arrived too which was like an early xmas present. Racing Weight , The Paleo Diet for Athletes , Once a Runner and The Man who swam the Amazon. I've started with the latter. The guy swam 63 miles on day 1 :eek: Ok he had guys directing him to the fastest possible current but still, thats insane!

    Wednesday AM: Swim group (LC)
    Got into the slow lane initially for a warm up thinking I'd be wrecked after Monday. Despite the legs being sore however I felt fine so back into the fast lane. I avoided fins for the warm up and just swam easy. The main session then was 3 sets of
    2*200m off 3:30
    We had a minute between sets and I made the RTS comfortably. I tucked into a draft at the back of the group. I felt suprisingly good. Just avoided pushing hard off the wall. I'm the odd one out in the lane in that I seem to be the only one who doesn't tumble turn :rolleyes:
    6*50 choice cool down.
    I didn't hang around for any sprinty stuff. I didn't have time even if I wanted to anyway.
    Time 1:05
    Dist 3,200m

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    thats seriously messed up

    Racing Weight and The Paleo Diet for Athletes
    both arrived in the post from me yesterday - hmm ... need to run anti-spyware software immediately.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Fair play on the pacing, you guys are really useful! I found the 3:15 guys to be fantastic help. Going back to your nutrition strategy, how would you rate the carb depletion/loading strategy?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    interested wrote: »
    thats seriously messed up

    Racing Weight and The Paleo Diet for Athletes
    both arrived in the post from me yesterday - hmm ... need to run anti-spyware software immediately.

    Ha ha. I balanced it out though. 2 text and 2 novels
    ronanmac wrote: »
    Fair play on the pacing, you guys are really useful! I found the 3:15 guys to be fantastic help. Going back to your nutrition strategy, how would you rate the carb depletion/loading strategy?

    To be honest I don't know. Very little difference to be honest. I thought I'd feel this 'boost' from absorbing the carbs with a carb starved system. I went straight on high GI food after the carb depletion. Bagels, cornflakes, biscuits etc... No cramps on the day and although I took 3 gels, it was merely placebo effect because my legs hurt. I'm still on board the high GI train too and when I take that ride I go all the way. Put back on the 2kg I lost plus 2 more! IM programme starts on monday so I will be back on low carbs. Well low HI-GI carbs anyway. The carb depletion was too dramatic in terms of weight loss. Caz also says I was grumpy during it :) So nothing conclusive unfortunately from the experiment other than discovering its a quick way to shed weight in a jiffy and sugar cravings stem from sugar!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,087 ✭✭✭nomadic

    Speaking of racing weight and carb depletion, it mentions that an occasional session where you totally deplete glycogen and are running on your fat is recommended to improve your fat burning. I'll not ruin the ending on you but it doesn't say a lot more than that so its something worth looking further into I reckon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Thankfully the legs are starting to loosen up but not ready for a run yet. I’m just splashing about to keep me moving in the meantime. Free to get a cycle in this weekend but the roads are flooding fast… boo!

    Consistent training begins again on Monday. Not a whole lot more in terms of volume initially but I need to introduce the regularity of the sessions and adapt slowly to life in general. Getting long bikes done is still the main worry. By January it could come down to a choice of doing a 4hour turbo or putting lights on and cycling at stupid o’clock Hmmm… No doubt snow and ice will make the decision for me :rolleyes:

    Thursday PM: Technical swim session (SC)
    I’m starting to cop that I can’t eat my dinner before this swim as it repeats on me. So, with just a snack on board after work I felt much better for the drills. While warming up I tried a couple of tumble turns. I can sort of get them right at the shallow end but by no means good or quick. However in deeper water I get it wrong every time. A least I’m attempting them I guess. Only in the safety of a clear lane mind you! The drills all went fairly well, superman kicks, extended doggy crawl, catch up, single arm etc..
    Time 0:50
    Dist 1,850m

    Friday PM: Lunchtime Masters set (SC)
    I was on time for a warm up for once and got 4 50s done to get the heart rate up for the main set. The set wasn’t up for once so the lead swimmer (proper swimmer that we all just try to avoid getting lapped by) suggested 15*100m off 1:40! No way! We negotiated her down to 1:45 for the RTs and off she went. I went second which was a new thing for me. There was no staying with her though. I wasn’t doing badly but her perfect tumbles were leaving me behind at the wall. We were hitting the 100s in under 1:30 and by the 11th one I was almost toasted. My heart was beating through my chest. I decided to plonk into the back of the group and the last 4 reps were comfortable enough to let the heart rate drop. Checked it after the set and it was 140ish. We did a couple of fast 25s and an easy warm down with me attempting clumsier tumbles. I gave up after the second attempt. It was a short session but always good work.
    Time 0:36
    Dist 2,000m

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Well MCOS, only noticed now that you have already started a new log! Best of luck!

    Roth is the one IM that really intrigues me too, but I'll be leaving it for another 2/3 years.

    The sub 3 attempt will be tough but you know that already so fair play to you for putting it out there and I've no doubt you will get it too.

    Nov 1st - my start back date also :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,411 ✭✭✭SUNGOD

    hi MCOS a belated congrats on breaking the 1000 miles and a great job in pacing dublin.
    im only catching up on some of the race reports many logs so little time.
    look forward to following your training for Roth, best of luck with it

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Saturday AM: Spin with the cycling club
    I was a little anxious about the spin as I have only ever been out with these guys twice and was dropped last time out. I was about 2 months earlier than last time though so they are still at the start of their winter and taking it ‘handy’. I brought enough food this time just in case. It was a lovely morning and although the wind picked a little later in the spin it was largely missing. Rolling along at a decent clip I was regretting wearing the waterproof jacket. We took in a climb and I said to myself I’d push it to try to hang onto the lead bunch. In doing so I allowed myself 20 mins up in Z4-Z5 hitting 178 on the HRM at the top! I managed to hang on but it was good hard work. After the descent we had a break waiting for the rest and I convinced myself to stay in Z2 for the last hour no matter what. I ended up hitting Z3 for a bit when I hit the front but stubbornly reined it back. Avg hr 133, avg speed 30.6kmh. Drank 2 bottles and ate a half dozen fig rolls. Good spin.
    Time 3:24
    Dist 104.19km

    Sunday PM: Hangover run
    The Plan
    Collect the car without hurling!
    Made it, just about :D
    I had to run back to the scene of the Halloween Party to get the car. After a mile my stomach was letting me know about the tequila (why oh why did I...) so I figured I’d press on so as not to prolong the misery. A half hour jog and I lost about a litre of sweat. Twas a great night though! I’ll post up a shot of the Zombie makeup later if I can
    Time 0:29
    Dist 6.18km

    25-31 October|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    So the journey to Roth began this morning with a dip. 20 weeks of base training ahead...

    Monday AM: Swim session (LC)
    The main set was 4 sets of 200/3*100 with 2 minute break in between. I hung onto the back of the strung out group comfotably and was suprised by this considering the hangover yesterday and the sharp RTs this morning.
    Time 1:02
    Dist 3,200m

    The main focus of the training this week is to get back into a routine of frequent training. I also have to introduce some core and flexibility.

    I have set a mini challenge for the base period since I am not incorporating strength training. 100 straight push ups! Each day I'll do a single set to fail. Managed a paltry 30 yesterday and my ribs hurt today!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Ha, hangover run == amusing :D

    Well good luck dude, you are off and running!

    PS nice group cycle there too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    So the mini challenge I set myself to give me a feeling of strength amongst all this cardio (and just plain vanity) was to be able to do 100 push ups in one go by the end of the base period. This just makes me feel better about not hitting the gym over the winter :)

    My first attempt on Sunday was 30. I was disgusted how poor an effort that was. I got down again for a set before bed last night and did it to fail* this time. 52. Thats better :D Since I'm over half way there already I've decided to up the ante to 150 straight push ups by the time I finish base training. Basically I have to add 5 to my best effort each week. So to keep on track I have to do 55 on Sunday. Oh and we are talking proper push ups folks, chest to the floor, full range of motion!

    *to fail =!
    Ha, hangover run == amusing :D
    PS nice group cycle there too.

    The hangover runs may feature a bit this side of xmas as there are a few friends I owe a few nights out with :o I'd love to get out on the bike every weekend but alas I can't. Hence the part of the OP that referred to trying to become an Ironman in a busy life.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    140.6 seems like a long IM - why don't you do the shorter Ironman in Galway? its only 70.30 km?

    Why a low carb diet? I read your bit about " That would be one of the overall aims of the IM programme. 20 weeks of base training at lower intensity to get the body used to metabolising fats for energy. Ideally, you will develop both your endurance and your ability to burn fat for energy further up the zone. It’s critical for Ironman Distance really. The longer you can stay effectively fuelled, the better you will perform. I can say one thing, the bowl of porridge with soaked and fatten sultanas and cinnamon this morning was absolutely delicious!! I just have to introduce similar discipline to a more balanced and lower GI diet from now on "

    IMHO Low GI is right, low carb is wrong. Also high GI foods are a requirement depending on timing. It sounds a little like you've skimmed alot of papers/books on diet and IM and taken bits of each but not combined them in a fantastically coherent fashion?
