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140.6 deep breaths...



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Monday evening cycling up hills
    I progressed on from the short sharp hill reps to Roth simulation climb reps. I had intended 4 but the sun disappeared below the tree tops and I was consuming more midgets than I cared for to pursue beyond the 3rd rep. The climbs were about 15-16 mins each and the objective was to keep the heart rate at a 150-155 max (top of Z2, bottom of Z3). Hills were done and dusted just before the Garmin died. 10km easy pedal home afterwards. Felt fine during the session but felt really weak afterwards for whatever reason. There is a stark difference between IM fitness versus OD fitness levels. I would have considered this climb reasonably hard work last year but this time around I was actually enjoying the steady grind. Avg hr 134 for the spin.

    Missed yet another swim this morning. It’s becoming too much of a regularity lately but I did wake up with some kind of sinus issues lurking...:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Tuesday evening 90min long run with 60min PMP
    I started off easy to warm up and hit the Limerick Marathon route at about the mile 15 mark. I traced it to the mile 25 mark at a decent clip. It was warm and I was thirsty by the time I got there so reined it back for last few kms home. The overall pace was probably too quick with the Marathon just 10 days away but tracking the mile markers I was visualising it and running at Marathon RPE. You would want to be still feeling good to be going for a time at mile 22. There is a short kicker of a sharp hill after the Treaty at mile 22. The drag up to Thomond Park just before mile 23 is followed by a long enough downhill section. The long drag passed the Gaelic Grounds at circa mile 24 is a true leg sapper though. I was a bit spent actually when I got home but I guess a sub90 HM in training with no water on a humid evening will do that to you. I’ve abandoned tempo running until Limerick is done and it’s more or less all easy running until then. My only concern right now is a very painful middle toe. I stubbed it in Connemara and although the bruising seems to have gone down, it was aching after this session.

    Wednesday morning Yoga
    I was very tempted to hit the pool instead as I slept in yesterday but I stuck to the plan. Just as well too as I found Yoga hard this morning. It seemed to highlight the residue of every little niggle I’ve had in the last 6 months. Energy was low too despite having a banana with peanut butter and honey spread on it when I got out of bed. I’ll head to the pool tomorrow and search for the swim mojo that’s gone awol lately

    I find its rare that you feel like you are in a good place with all 3. Swimming was going well until running took a boost and I put some focus on the bike :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    I find its rare that you feel like you are in a good place with all 3. Swimming was going well until running took a boost and I put some focus on the bike :rolleyes:


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    The only time you’ll need all 3 clicking is race day ;-) I say persevere with the swimming and it will come back. Not that’s its gone, your times are excellent!! I certainly couldnt be worried anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    On the peanut butter: for years I swore by the Kelkin crunchy version but the organic no sugar 95% peanut version is the bomb!

    Is that Kelkin organic or some other brand? I'm eating a fair chunk of the stuff on oat cakes these days.

    How's the toe mending? Hope it's alright for Limerick. Speaking of which, what the plan for it?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Is that Kelkin organic or some other brand? I'm eating a fair chunk of the stuff on oat cakes these days.

    How's the toe mending? Hope it's alright for Limerick. Speaking of which, what the plan for it?
    Hey pgibbo, here is the one I hve changed to. Ingredients are peanuts, palm oil and sea salt. Its delicious

    Toe is still bruised but think the nail just nees to come off. Only hurts really running downhill. Hmm the plan for Limerick? Well the plan for Conn was to run as I felt and enjoy it which I did, although the last 4 miles were really hard work. I could just head out at the same RPE for Limerick and see what happens. I won't bank on a sub3 as I just don't know how tired the legs will be (Big session tomorrow). You back on the saddle yourself?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Thursday lunchtime Z2 run in the sun
    I originally intended to get up early and meet a group of sub3 marathoners for a run but never set my alarm for it. I was furious with myself as I drove into work with a temp of 14 degrees on the dash. I was adamant to get out for a run at lunchtime. It was lovely and warm out with a soft breeze. I ran along happily at Z2 RPE tracking a few miles of the Limerick route. I opted for a slightly longer route that ran the risk of having to up the pace to get back to the office in time but luckily I squeezed it into the hour. I felt a bit heavy footed for this one. It’s becoming a bit regular too the Q&A I get about running, shoes, events etc as I do a quick stretch beside the bemused work colleagues sitting on steps with their taytos and cokes. Dist: 12.62km at 4:22 pace, hr 150

    Thursday Z2 bike including 15km TT
    I was again a bit late getting out of work thus had to more or less TT my way out to the TT. It was a lovely warm evening again with a slight SE breeze. Good conditions for a crack off it. Most of the faster heads in my category were out so it was going to be competitive. I gave it a good shot with a slightly higher hr than last time (169-172 vs 167-170) but my time was just 2 secs slower (22:35 vs 22:33). 39.9kmh avg and again just shy of the Elite cut off time. I didn’t have the legs for attacking the hills this time and it was taking marginally more effort to cruise the 40kmh otherwise. I was happy with my time considering. Ultimately I won’t be TTing like this in Roth but as my weight gradually comes down it’s a good indication if I’m losing power. So far I’m faster than last year so all good. The headwind picked up a little on the way back home and my legs felt tired when stretching them out. Dist 63.31 at 35.8kmh, hr 142

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Hey pgibbo, here is the one I hve changed to. Ingredients are peanuts, palm oil and sea salt. Its delicious

    Toe is still bruised but think the nail just nees to come off. Only hurts really running downhill. Hmm the plan for Limerick? Well the plan for Conn was to run as I felt and enjoy it which I did, although the last 4 miles were really hard work. I could just head out at the same RPE for Limerick and see what happens. I won't bank on a sub3 as I just don't know how tired the legs will be (Big session tomorrow). You back on the saddle yourself?

    I'll give it a try so. Cheers. Mind you I just checked my Kelkin Crunchy there and it's 97.7% peanut plus palm oil and sea salt.

    Touch wood and all that, but I got a bit done in Lanza. I didn't do too much but managed to get 200km on the bike and over 50km of running in the 7 days so I was happy with that. Nice and steady but happy to get some miles in again! :cool:

    Big bike or brick planned for the weekend? Looking like it's going to be a smashing weekend. Enjoy!

    I'll be dusting off the BBQ this evening or tomorrow once I cut the lawn. Catweazle reckons it's a disgrace! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Saturday morning long brick, benchmark session #2 of 4
    I set the objective out as a 6/1 brick easy. However the lad I was going to do the bulk of the bike with bailed on me leaving me to my own devices. It was a cracking day, warm and a little breezy. Perfect conditions for a key session :)

    I did a half hour warm up before hooking up with the Tri Club. We were waiting around for a while for a large group to gather then rolled along easy chatting away. I spent 90 mins with them up to Ennis before they turned back for Limerick. I headed in the opposite direction towards Galway. I basically brought my heart rate up to low Z2 and spent the vast majority of the next 4 hours on the bars. I decided that I’d do 6hrs total or 180km whichever came first. I was tipping away nicely eating and drinking regularly and my average speed was slowly rising from the 30kmh average I had left the group at. I stuck to main roads and took in the M18 to Gort. I was shy of 3hrs at that point so pushed on to Ardrahan and back on a dreadful road. I stopped at a garage to get water to refill my bottles as it was warm. Overall I took on about 2.5l of fluid and about 1400cals. It was a bit shy of the desired intake but I had a good breakfast and it lasted me the first 2 hours on fluid alone. The cross headwind turned into a cross tail on the way home which was perfect. Heading back to Gort, I was coming down a hill and hit a series of canyon deep potholes hidden in the shade. The bike jolted violently and I barely stayed on. Thankfully the wheels came away unscathed too. Bloody Irish roads! I had to stop a couple of times to pee and once to stretch my aching neck and shoulders but otherwise I was maintaining a solid steady effort. At 4.5hrs I was starting to feel it when a bee got stuck behind my sunglasses :eek:. I freaked out and had a close call with a truck trying to get him out. That took the edge off my legs though and by 5hrs I had my average up to 34kmh. The last 10k home was into a headwind though so that dropped to 33.9kmh for the ride. Overall 180km in 5:18 which was pretty much bang on IM target pace. I hadn’t intended it but it was a perfect day ad I felt good. Now the question was whether I could run off it or not...?
    Bike Summary

    Transition was about 3 mins. I changed into running gear and washed down a gel with plenty of water. I filled one of Caz’s 150ml belt bottle and took a caffeinated gel with me on the way out the door. I haven’t used caffeinated gels before so it was something new. Straight away, surprisingly my legs hit running form and I had to rein the pace back to 4:40-4:50kms. I basically ran steady and comfortable making sure to keep the heart rate well inside base zones. It was to be an hour, my longest run off a long bike yet. At 30mins I washed down the gel to keep the energy flowing. Overall I almost enjoyed the run. The pace was a little sharper than intended but It felt fine and most importantly I found a good rhythm. Towards the end of it I had to stop and wait at traffic lights and suddenly realised my quads were not as happy as me. I finished the run with some juice left in the tank which is a good sign. My heart rate stayed in the low to mid 140s too which is also good.
    Run Summary

    Overall I was very pleased with the session. 6.5hrs at IM pace and I felt like I could have run longer, happy days :D Ok, there were no decent climbs on the bike but with fresh legs I reckon I can still hit that time with some climbs and good roads on the day (assuming similar conditions etc...). My neck and shoulders need still need to get used to extended periods in the position. I also questioned myself if I could have hit a 3:30 marathon during the run. Certainly the pace was there and it felt likely. My quads were working hard though and I had visions of cramps after 2hrs. I guess all you can do is pace right and execute the nutrition plan as best you can. An hour of stretching and rolling in store now, which is badly needed!

    Time: 6:18
    Dist: 180km/12.8km
    HR: 127/143

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    That has to be your best session yet Mcos, i have a similiar session planned in two weeks or so.
    I remember the roads in Gort when i was in the area earlier in the year and the potholes are unreal.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Another quality session there MCOS. But that didn't mean you had to go and eat all your Easter eggs in one go! ;-). Happy Easter - enjoy the choclate.

    I was cycling today and the amount of flies (I hope they were flies) that were flying into the holes in the lid was unreal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Don't knock it Mac, I've just sat down after house painting under threat of divorce since early morning. If I see one of the kids even look sideways at a wall with a crayon in their hands there will be trouble. What a waste of a great day!!!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Easter Sunday Run before the chocolate feast
    An easy early morning 5 miles just to ease the guilt of the pending gluttony. Still though, it’s the first time ever I’ve successfully gone through Lent sans chocolat. The Easter eggs were ok but the choc hobnobs dipped in hot chocolate were da bomb...:D

    Easter Monday tapered long run
    15mins easy, 15 <4:30 pace, 10<4:15 pace, 5<4:00 pace and 15 easy
    It was a very laboured effort and my legs felt like lead.

    Weekly numbers - IM Phase week 4 of 12
    18-24 April|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Swimming|1|0:53|2.5 :(

    weight check week 21: 167.6lbs/76.2kg
    weight check week 22: 166.4lbs/75.6kg
    weight check week 24: 166.6lbs/75.7kg
    weight check week 25: 168.0lbs/76.4kg
    weight check week 26: 166.2lbs/75.6kg

    3 decent bike sessions done and the running is a bit better than the previous week. However another week goes by and I have hardly swam a stroke. I hit the pool this morning with 20*200 in mind. I struggled to get 18 reps done and they were all 5 secs per 100m off the last time I did this session. I also struggled more and more as the set went on. I have to get back to 3 swims a week to get a feel for the water again and save all the work done over the winter :rolleyes: Hopefully the wetsuit will arrive this week and I can plan an OW dip soon. Right now my estimated Joey swim time looks like a joke!

    The Limerick Marathon is in 6 days but I really don’t know how I’ll be fixed for it. My legs are tired. The next few days consists of swimming and easy cycling and together with some rolling they may come around. The plan will be basic; run as I feel and what happens happens :confused:

    Programme numbers – 25 weeks down, 11 to go
    1 Nov – 24 April|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    When I originally sat down last October to create a hybrid programme from Joe Friel’s and Don Fink’s methodology I estimated I would need 450hrs of work to get me to the IM start. I seem to be on track for this at least and despite abandoning DF’s format long ago it’s been mainly quality over quantity. I’ve hit the individual distances for all 3 so the next few weeks will be about race specific workouts and slowly stitching the seams of the race plan together. 2 more benchmark sessions left before I taper in just 6 weeks :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Not surprised your legs are tired after a weekend like that! :D That's some going on the bike dude, and at such a low average HR.

    A guy I know in Galway once mentioned to me that he struggles to get his HR up on the bike when in the main phase of IM training. Do you have any issues in this respect? How was your RPE on that cycle?

    Hard to believe it's only 11 weeks to go for you.....Where is the time going? :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    pgibbo wrote: »
    A guy I know in Galway once mentioned to me that he struggles to get his HR up on the bike when in the main phase of IM training. Do you have any issues in this respect? How was your RPE on that cycle?

    Yeah I'm often surprised at the avg hr after a long ride. If you look at the Garmin data though you can see I spent a half hour warming up at my own pace then 90 mins with the group dropped my hr by 15bpm unless I was leading it. It was a large group too so I probably spent no more than 10 mins at the front. I usually stay there until someone tells me to move. Once I parted ways with them though I brought my hr back up to 130-140 range and my RPE was around 60% to 75% by the end. I also noticed this on long turbo during the winter. It happens when I get into a good rhythm and keep a consistent RPE. The only thing that gets my hr above Z3 these days is TTs, Climbs, leading out a fast group or hanging onto uber bikers
    As for time flying by, tell me about it. Although with a few races lined up its going to be taper time before I know it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    pgibbo wrote: »
    A guy I know in Galway once mentioned to me that he struggles to get his HR up on the bike when in the main phase of IM training.

    Not exactly a good sign.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    mloc123 wrote: »
    Not exactly a good sign.

    I would have thought the same. However, he did a sub 10:30 IM with a 3:14 marathon to finish. Not too shabby at all if you ask me. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,724 ✭✭✭kennyb3

    Hi Mcos, prob a strange question but how are you finding the ironman journey? are you enjoying it?

    Just thought id ask now rather than if ,and no doubt when, you hit your target and you're on a high.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    pgibbo wrote: »
    I would have thought the same. However, he did a sub 10:30 IM with a 3:14 marathon to finish. Not too shabby at all if you ask me. :D

    I wonder what he could have done tho' ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    mloc123 wrote: »
    I wonder what he could have done tho' ;)

    LMAO - I knew when answering what your response would be! :D

    How's your training coming along? Happy with the PM investment?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    kennyb3 wrote: »
    Hi Mcos, prob a strange question but how are you finding the ironman journey? are you enjoying it?Just thought id ask now rather than if ,and no doubt when, you hit your target and you're on a high.

    Good question kennyb3. Overall yes I'm enjoying it. I'm kind of at the point now where I'm looking forward to it coming around already but at the sametime don't feel ready yet. First of all its amazing how your perspectives change. The ironman seems like this gigantic mountain at the start of the journey but like a long road zig zagging its way up it, you negotiate it one turn at a time and the summit gets closer. There is also less air and you are getting increasingly tired as you climb and maybe dizzy from the heights. However there is that adrenalin, exhileration of getting to that summit! I did a proper winter with lots of HTFU sessions, paid attention to base and addressed my main weaknesses early and that really feels like gold in the bank. Lately I've had some sessions that didn't go so well or I stressed about missing some swims, then I glanced back at the work I've put in and it gives me faith again. The level of fitness is ridiculous. I've been hitting PBs all over the place with no specific focus and I recover so much faster after sessions that would have toasted me 18 months ago. All that stuff feels pretty good for the confidence. The journey is no joke either. I get dressed in the bathroom and go about my 6am morning routine like a ninja. Sometimes all I want to do is sleep but Caz wants to chat or shotgun junior wants to kick ball. The HTFU moments are not all about training! You learn a lot about yourself, how to balance life, how much stress your body can take, your breaking points etc... You also learn how to prioritise races and keep your eye on the goal to peak at the right time. I was swimming with another IM guy this morning who is on his last big week before he tapers for IM Lanzarote. He is tired of the taining now and just wants the race to come. He had a big smile on his face though when we talked about feeling fresh and having a bundle of energy on race week, like letting a wild animal out of a cage..... I'm looking foward to that a lot now :)

    mloc123 wrote: »
    I wonder what he could have done tho' ;)
    I thought that too, a 3:14 marathon for a 10:30 finish suggests some improvement could be made on the bike!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Tuesday spin around the city including my first commuter race experience
    The plan was to spin around the city and do a recce of the GLR course. I tracked it as much as possible but took one or two wrong turns. Anyway it’s hillier than I thought but still no Connemara! It’s an interesting course taking in Limerick from so many different angles. It was actually a technical bike spin and I got a feel for being a cycling commuter. I kept in on the small ring to spin the legs out but still worked up a sweat negotiating the randomness of rush hour and the zillion speed bumps I hopped over. I made my way to the start of the Marathon route and followed the lines on the road. The first half isn’t fully marked out yet so it involved some guesswork. At the bottom of one of the early hills I was about 50m behind a commuter on a hybrid. He glanced behind him, saw me and put the boot down. It was funny at first but he had some serious gas! I played the game and passed him after 400m just before the top of the hill. I didn’t look back and kind of prayed he wouldn’t come zooming past for another go :cool: A random sprint on my merry way. I quite enjoyed meandering around the route, handing off angry taxis, slaloming bystanders and bunny hopping over curbs. I mean seriously, who put curbs at the ends of cycle paths :rolleyes: I had planned to do this on Saturday but it was more of a workout that I anticipated so glad it’s done now.

    Wednesday morning swim group
    I made a better fist of it than yesterday on my own anyway. I wanted to hide in the slower lane but there were a lot in it and I knew the Coach would just throw me back in with the fish. A 2k main set of 400/8*50/300/6*50/200/4*50/100/2*50 and they didn’t hold back! I hung on and got through it though I had to work hard. He called for 2 max effort 200s next but I cruised them. They still came in on sub 3:10 so all is not lost just yet :) Total 3,000m

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    pgibbo wrote: »
    LMAO - I knew when answering what your response would be! :D

    How's your training coming along? Happy with the PM investment?

    Sorry for dragging this off topic MCOS, but the only discussion on here these days does seem to be on the logs.

    Training is good, 3 weeks to Austria now. PM, good investment.. it did have to send it off for repairs 3 weeks ago but have it back within 14 days under warranty. I was lost for those two weeks of biking.. HR is too easy to cheat on the bike :)
    I thought that too, a 3:14 marathon for a 10:30 finish suggests some improvement could be made on the bike!

    Must have been a 6hour+ bike alright.. although he may have under paced it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    mloc123 wrote: »
    Sorry for dragging this off topic MCOS, but the only discussion on here these days does seem to be on the logs.

    Training is good, 3 weeks to Austria now. PM, good investment.. it did have to send it off for repairs 3 weeks ago but have it back within 14 days under warranty. I was lost for those two weeks of biking.. HR is too easy to cheat on the bike :)

    Must have been a 6hour+ bike alright.. although he may have under paced it.

    We are all hijacking Mcos thread:). What PM did you go for MLoc? Best of luck for Austria, what time have you targeted?

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    Picked up a Powertap Comp back in September, bought from the US so it worked out quite cheap in the end (by PM standards anyway) at about €500 I think. If I was buying again I would look at a power2max.

    Target time, I will keep it vague... I would now be happy with anything under 5.30 now, HIM in Austrian heat may have been tougher than I had expected 7/8 months ago :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    LOL work away lads, maybe its 'cause only the cool cats keep logs?
    Anyway for relevance...

    Lunchtime flat, heavy, lethergic run
    The plan was 10 mins eas, 10 <4:30, 10 <4:15, 10 easy. That I did but it was a woeful effort. Yes its warm and muggy out with no breeze to cool you but I'm not blaming the weather. I don't know if the swim this morning or bike last night took more out of me than I thought but my body just wasn't responding. I felt flat footed and heavy. Like I had to drag my unwilling carcass around. Tiny hills felt like long drags and PMP pace felt like tempo. The legs have 2 days off running now so hopefully they will bounce back, otherwise Sunday could turn into a long day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    The legs have 2 days off running now so hopefully they will bounce back, otherwise Sunday could turn into a long day.

    if its as sunny as Leinster Id suggest a long slow swim in open water to tick you over ... forget pacing, forget that youre training ... and just enjoy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Forgot to ask the last day - did you do the long ride last weekend on the TT or road bike?

    Also, you going with tri shoes or road shoes for the IM and which model of shoe?

    I see you are awaiting the new wetsuit. What did you decide on in the end? Be nice if it arrives to follow up on interested's good suggestion. :cool:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    At the bottom of one of the early hills I was about 50m behind a commuter on a hybrid. He glanced behind him, saw me and put the boot down. It was funny at first but he had some serious gas! I played the game and passed him after 400m just before the top of the hill. I didn’t look back and kind of prayed he wouldn’t come zooming past for another go :cool:

    Ha i done the same myself tonight on my hills session, glad i am not alone:).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    pgibbo wrote: »
    I would have thought the same. However, he did a sub 10:30 IM with a 3:14 marathon to finish. Not too shabby at all if you ask me. :D

    A 3:14 marathon and all he got was a 10:30??????? That is not something I would be proud of. A 3:14 marathon should really have you looking at a sub 9:30

    Supressed heart rates are a classical sign of overtraining. If you can't get it up you have a problem. Actually the other major sign of overtraining also relates to getting it up.
