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140.6 deep breaths...



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Here dude;search_string=; have a look at 'The Mickstar' solution, neat and tidy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Here dude;search_string=; have a look at 'The Mickstar' solution, neat and tidy.

    Sweet. Those pics have answered a couple of questions/ideas I was having. Cheers for that

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Saturday silly am long turbo
    On the turbo at 5am for 5 hours. Put a 5,10,15 and 20 min climb in on the hour marks to keep it interesting. It was otherwise Z1 territory. The last climb of 20 mins on the 4 hour mark was mentally very tough and my legs screamed at me. I kept a steady grind on and got out of the saddle a couple of times to keep going. I kept eating and drinking and my energy was good. I wasn't spent getting off it which is a good sign. Only the on the 2 longer climbs did the heart rate climb out of base but not by much. I got through 2.5 fast and furious movies before shotgun junior put on cartoons, very motivating for the last 20mins :rolleyes: Hopefully its the last of the long turbos now, I don't particularly have a desire to do another one of these! Avg hr 128, output 235w, dist 172.5km

  • Registered Users Posts: 251 ✭✭handangeo

    Impressive numbers Mcos :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    I ended up getting a short brick in Sunday evening but it was a bit of a late junk session. I struggled in the pool this morning and I'm not sure why. I slept well. The main set was 3*(2*100/200/2*100) off 1:45/3:30 and although I made the RTs I was leading the pack and felt as though I was holding them up. One lad came through to do one of the 200s (nice of him :rolleyes:) and he tore off like a lunatic. I let him go but ended up on his feet at the end of it more a result of him fading than me catching. It wasn't an awful session, I just lacked some pace and my stroke felt short. 1:40 pace should feel more like a cruise than work by now! I feel like I need to do some longer slower sets on my own as the group stuff can feel 'forced' sometimes... My upper body was a little stiff which may have been down to the long turbo on Saturday. I'm missing the Yoga... :(

    Weekly numbers - IM Phase week 8 of 13
    9-15 May|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Swimming|3|2:38|6 pool 2.4 OW
    Conditioning|--|0:40|must get some core in!

    Key sesions all done :)
    Long Run: 25.9km
    Long Bike: 172.5km
    OW swim: 2.4km

    No weight check this week, I just know I'm on the heavy side of where I want to be. It was back to the IM sort of volume now, bringing the running sessions on with caution. I need to rein the speed session back in a bit as it was too intense last week. I also need to get some hill reps done on the bike and put some focus on my core. I was happy to get 3 swims in again although my stroke and fitness feels terrible in comparison to where I was at the end of the base phase. The long bike had to be done on the turbo and although mind numbing, it was a solid session. Taking friday off was a good move as the harder runs are done midweek. I'm starting to dream about the course and transitions lately. Instead of TV at nightI'm reading which is helping me to nod off earlier. Half way through the Godfather, good book.
    5 weeks to taper ... Gulp :cool:

    The key session this week
    Lengthen the long run and do some of it at 4:30 pace
    Lengthen the OW swim to 3km
    Get a longish bike in after the Spiddal Tri. I won't have time to recce the bike course so will be doing it blind. With the short spread of the wave starts I can't see it not being messy! Its my only race until the IM so I'm out to enjoy it.

    Programme numbers – 28 weeks down, 8 to go
    1 Nov – 16 May|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Conditioning|21|40|31 Core/Yoga/Rowing

    I'm just keeping the head down and plugging away for the next 2 weeks. The recovery week afterwards will probably be one of the most crucial weeks of the whole programme...

    The final Wiggle order of bits n' pieces is this week too, its all getting close!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    I won't be getting in a long bike so this weekend I am planning on doing 40km or so after the Spiddal tri (doing Olympic) so I might join you for a spin.

    Going to have time this evening to catch up on logs, looking forward to going through yours, you have done a savage volume of work I know!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    ... I am planning on doing 40km or so after the Spiddal tri (doing Olympic) so I might join you for a spin.
    Defo, I'm planning on a few hours but any company for any of it is more than welcome :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Hey man, took me a while but finally through all you have logged. You must be looking forward to taper now, and just a reduction in training volume and also the race day itself.

    Your TT times on the bike are impressive, no doubt if you were on fresh legs you would be hitting elite times. Your swim is still savage. I started doing a swim session on my own lately, an easy hour-some drill work and short speed stuff, but mostly comfortable, getting a feel for the water, maybe this type of session now and again would do you wonders. You have done so much swimming at a very high quality/intensity and maybe you now associate swimming with hard work, just getting it done type of thing. SO an easy session every week and you might just begin to enjoy it again, you are not going to get unfit from doing this.

    Well done on the Joey tri, savage result-a NS race with a very very high quality field. You are really showing your class now, and you are not even training for that distance.

    Re Limerick. Right call, no doubt. No shame in a DNF, if you continued you certainly wouldn't have bounced back as quick. Sometimes we have to make decisions and you will have nobody to consult, so you just weigh the pro's and con's and make the decision you think is best-which you did. There's always Berlin. Well done again and keep well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Monday evening OW swim
    The objective was to extend this to 3km. Thankfully I had a mate along who didn't mind a long steady swim. A couple of other complained that it was too cold but we stayed in for 55mins and covered about what I intended. It was an out and back with a bit of a current and headwind on the way back. The water had a little chop but I felt much better/stronger than the pool. I sighted well and took a reasonably good line and the stroke was pretty relaxed and long. Once again so much more enjoyable than laps off X RTs :) Thats the key swim done for the week.

    Due to a really poor sleep last night, despite hitting the hay early, I missed my run this morning and didn't have the opportunity to get it done at lunch. A brick beckons this evening...

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    5 hours on the turbo at silly o'clock. Fair play for getting that done. The scary thing is I know that's on the horizon for me fairly soon too. :eek:

    Given that you do a lot of your bike and running of HR, I was wondering how often you have re-tested since determining your zones initially?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    I'm a bit slow catching up... but a 5hr turbo :eek:
    Well at least you've your mental training down for the race :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    @El Director, thanks dude see you on Saturday morning
    @pgibbo. I tested on rest week during the base phase. I haven't tested since, whatever base fitness is there is there now..
    @KQ doing it early in the morning is the only way for me, I'm still half asleep by the time I realise what I have to do. Getting out of bed is the hardest part :pac:

    Tuesday evening brick: Hill reps and tempo run
    The bike was a repeat of the last hill rep session. It was windy and there was a heavy misty rain on the hill. As such I took a cautious approach on the descents as the road was greasy and visibility poor. It’s about a 5.5km climb that I think closely matches one of the Roth climbs. I took the first rep easy in 17 mins then pushed harder for the next 2 in 16:20 and 15:42 taking my heart rate into the low 160s. On the last descent some scobes threw a bottle at me out of a car window, luckily it missed but that kind of sh!t drives me mad. I spun home soaked but glad I got some good hill reps done.
    1:49, hr 140, speed 28.2kmh, 51.09km and 730m ascent total.

    A quick transition and out for the run. The Garmin battery was fading so only a clock on this. The session I missed in the morning was 3*2km reps so I decided I’d do some work on this run. I ran on RPE for an out and back 10km on a reasonably flat route and quickly found my stride. I had some marks along the route and the hit the first km in sub 4 mins. I was on pace and plugged away into the first rep. I had a nice rhythm going and it was almost 10 mins before I realised I was facing a slight headwind. I was in the zone! The pace felt solid so I opted to do the 6km straight instead of 3 reps of 2km. I hit the 5k turn at 19 mins and change so I was going well. I felt strong. The breeze was now at my back and I started working. I had run beyond the 6km by the time I realised it so I pushed on to make it an 8k tempo. I had a 5 mile mark which I had intended to stop short of for the 8k but doing some sums I figured I was on 3:45/km pace and that was 6 min per mile pace! I pushed hard for the last bit and squeezed out a 5 mile PB of 29:57 :D Sweet. I ran the last 2km easy and still made it home in about 39 mins! I don't know where the running legs came from but I'm happy they are back...

    I gulped back a recovery shake immediately and did a half hour of core and stretching. My hamstrings and gluts especially were very tight. I sretch the hip flexors now as part of the routine. I felt really motivated after the session. It was one of the most solid bricks I’ve done.

    Wednesday morning swim group.
    I was tempted to hop into the slow lane but I guess now I’m a regular in the fast one I may as well stay there, even if I have to hang onto the back. The set was
    14*50 kick 25, swim 25 warm up
    2 sets of 400/300/200/100
    6*50 various easy
    I felt good to start on the main set hanging onto the technician’s feet but the pace was too fast to hold for a 2k set and I swam my own pace, leading a few others. I swapped the lead with another girl which helped as this set this morning was hard endurance and needed a show of swim fitness. I’m glad mine held up. I worked hard but I began to get a feel for the water again instead of just horsing up and down the pool. I think the long steady OW swim is helping to get my mind back on the stroke. I have no idea what the RTs were this morning but we were almost constantly swimming for the second set! Total 3,000m

    Training in general has some vitality back in it this week. It could be down to getting to bed an hour earlier too and ‘switching off’ when I am reading my book. Having a good week so far...

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Well done on a great session yesterday man, especially a sub 30 min 8k-:o
    I really don't understand A-holes like that throwing stuff at cyclists. I guess the world is just full of them-thick idiots!

    Just wondering what protein shake you use??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Quality midweek brick MCOS, you probably feel like your working for it now with the intensity levels increased in the peak phase!! That is a great pace you are hitting off the bike.
    i may have asked you this already but what is the target pace off the bike in Roth, under 4.30 per km or will you go with RPE on the day?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Wednesday evening mid RPE run
    The original plan was a long run but as it was late I changed it to a medium length run at about 4:30 pace. I wanted to run entirely on feel and see if I could judge the pace. I did not look at the data until afterwards. It was a nice sunny evening but quite windy. The route was 2 laps of local suburbia with a couple of hills included. Overall it was 70 minutes at 4:25 pace so close enough. I felt good and enjoyed it.

    Thursday afternoon low RPE long run
    As with yesterday’s run the plan was to run entirely on feel and see if I could judge the pace. The plan was 2 hours at about 4:45 pace or Z1 intensity. It was cool and breezy and I ran as steadily as I could. I felt ok for the first hour but my quads showed a little strain after that and my stride and rhythm became quite lazy. I didn’t feel like I was working too hard but an average heart rate of 143, albeit Z1 is still a little higher than previous long runs at this intensity. Overall it was 2:08 at 4:47 pace so again pretty close to the target pace but not as comfortable as I’d like. The legs were a little heavy, DOMS I suspect from the hard brick session on Tuesday.

    Thursday evening recovery turbo
    I abandoned the intention to cycle out to the Club TT as my quads were feeling the long run earlier. Instead I hopped on the turbo for 1.5 hours spinning easily at 160w or so. It was easy enough to be able to read my book on it!

    Friday: Day off, rest day.
    It looks like it’s going to be gnarly conditions for the Triathlon in the morning and a gnarly bike course to boot. I’m not so bothered about that as much as the windy long bike I have to do afterwards. Ah Rest day, eat what I like... hmm...

    @El Director: I use the HIGH 5 Chocolate Recovery Shake
    @ Jackyback: Good question. Based on transition runs off long bikes, somewhere between 4:45 and 4:55 pace

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Here dude, as you prob know by now I DNS. I know we were meant to do a bit of peddling after but I had to make the call last night/this morn. Thought I had your number but I don't. Did you go out in THAT after?? P Gibbo text me and kindly offered you his turbo if you didn't fancied it! Hope you went well dude and the rest of the boards members.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Keep your friends close and your enemies closer Shotgun ;)

    I assumed you knew the clubmate would be the main competition, well done today - your first of many podiums I would guess. I would wager a win won't be far away either

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    catweazle wrote: »
    Keep your friends close and your enemies closer Shotgun ;)

    I assumed you knew the clubmate would be the main competition, well done today - your first of many podiums I would guess. I would wager a win won't be far away either


    Well done MCOS nice result! Must be very satisfying to be still able to do the shorter faster stuff so well! Congrats. Did you celebrate?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Super result and the fastest bike split to boot, you are flying dude congrats.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Congrats on the podium MCOS.

    Did you do the 120km bike after? PIG of a day for it.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Congrats MCOS - great going.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,340 ✭✭✭TFBubendorfer

    Storming result, MCOS.
    When are you turning pro?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Weekly numbers - IM Phase week 9 of 13
    16-22 May|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Swimming|4|3:09|6.1 pool 3.8 OW :)
    Running|5|5:37|75.9 :)

    Key sessions last week
    Long Run: 2.7km
    Long Bike: not done
    OW swim: 3.0km

    I managed to get 2 hoursbike and an hour run in yesterday but no long bike done this week is not good. I didn't have the chance to get more dne yesterday and opted out of 4hours in the wind and rain on Saturday. I have a key long brick this weekend which is now of paramount importance. On the positive side, swimming is starting to feel better and running is going well. I am imposing a strict bedtime and junk food allowance from here on in. Despite the conditions I enjoyed the traithlon at the weekend and posted a report below.
    4 weeks to taper ...

    The key session this week
    A 2.5hr long run
    A 3.5k OW swim
    A 5hr/1.5hr brick with the run at IM pace and race nutrition practice for the bike

    Spiddal Sprint Report
    I woke up to the sound of howling wind and rain lashing against the window pane. I hit the snooze button once and debated with myself if it was worth it or not. I thought about a lad from Mayo who was staying at the B&B also who was doing this as his first Triathlon. It took me back to Valentia Island 2 years ago and my first OW swim. It was an equally miserable day but I sort of revelled in the gnarly conditions then. So I got up and got my gear together and had breakfast with the petrified rookie. I was a bit lazy about getting to transition but thankfully the racks were numbered. I had all but finished before I realised I had forgotten to put the number stickers on my seat post and helmet. Cue a frantic dash back to the car to rectify only to see some other sauntering in with all their gear in a box. It was 2 minutes until transition closed!

    The swim: I watched the previous wave to suss out any speedsters and there were about 4 breakaway from the pack, not including the person who took a blatant shortcut in heading for the beach after the first buoy! The swim was shortened due to big swells beyond the harbour. It was to be 2 laps and a km of a run back to T1. We started on the beach beside the pier and started frantically as appropriate. The water was actually warmer than the air! I started hard and found clear water straight away despite getting an early lungful of Atlantic sea water (an early lesson to sight and breath on top of the waves!). A couple of pairs of feet disappeared in front of me like frightened fish and the first buoy was upon us in what seemed like an instant. The waves were 4-5ft and you could only sight the buoy if you were cresting on and the buoy was also on top of one. The distance to the second buoy was covered effortlessly, almost surfing the wave to it. Then you just had to pick the best line back to the beach. With about 20m left to the sand I saw that I was 3rd with the lead swimmer already back in the water for lap 2. The 40m run across the beach and then dive in for lap 2 was a novelty that I enjoyed. I had found a nice rhythm and pushed on to the second guy’s feet. I drafted him to the first buoy and we swam side by side then up to 50m from the beach. He stood up before I did and so I was 3rd out of the water in my wave. I was happy with that. I got my shoes on and ran to transition. The lead guy was long gone and the other lad I had drafted opted to take his wetsuit off at the beach and carry it. I have to say that the suit felt great again. I only noticed I was wearing it when it came to taking it off! The soles of my shoes curled up when I took my wet feet out of them and I decided not to fix them. IT didn’t dawn on me that it was still lashing with rain. Less than a minute later I was running across the road with my bike and hopping on again without incident. According to Caz I was about a minute and a half down on the first guy in my wave. Swim+run 15:59 rank 6/240

    The cycle: We were straight onto a hill and the rain was bucketing down. It was a pretty straight forward 10km out and back over a rolling course. The road surface was poor to awful in parts and one particular section on a bend 2km from the town was just plain dangerous in my opinion. My gluts and quads ached as I tried to push them cold to start. I only began to feel them about 6-7km in and at that stage I was passing a lot from the previous wave. I had no idea what the lead guy in my wave looked like so I just plugged away. It was tough after the turnaround back to Spiddal into the headwind. At one point we had hailstones in our faces too and visibility wasn’t great. I cycled with caution and took no risks. I slowed down coming back down the hills into the dangerous left hander. The road sloped badly on either side and there were potholes in the centre! I misjudged the distance back to T2 and had my feet out about 2 mins too early, doh! I coasted down the last hill to dismount without any drama. Overall the bike was tough in the conditions but I rode safely and kept the cadence fresh. Cycle 35:12 rank 1/240

    The run: T2 was an efficient enough 43 seconds despite fighting to get the sole fixed on my runners. I failed to get the right one sorted and the whole thing curled up under my toes. The run was a 3 lap 5.7km affair and I found my stride straight away. We had to run through a few puddles which soaked the runners and made the right one particularly feel like a club but I was enjoying it and passing loads. I had no concept of where I was in the race so just ran steady. I don’t wear a watch for races so I was running on feel. One of my only goals for this race was to run sub 4min/km pace off the bike. I felt like it was going well until a stitch hit me half way through lap 2, more than likely due to the sea water I drank and hour earlier. I cursed it together with the wet ball under my right toes but pushed on regardless. The out and back pier section of the run was a good place to see what was coming up behind me and I could see that a couple of guys had put a few seconds into me on the lap 2. I pushed on again for the last lap passing people all the time including the lead women in the Olympic race. I crossed the line and immediately found Caz who handed me a hot chocolate (legend!) and dry gear. I also met my club mate who had a good race, won his wave and I was sure he had it in the bag unless perhaps I failed to catch the lead swimmer in my wave. Run 21:56 rank 3/240.

    It was easily my best run in a triathlon averaging 3:50/km pace off the bike. I was stoked with that, let alone the icing on the cake with 2nd overall. My clubmate took it home and since he has been a regular on podiums I was delighted for him and his first win. I was closer to him than expected too! I have to take my hat off to any Marshall that was out in those conditions for the race. It was a positively horrible day. Everyone got a good soaking and I decided against the long bike in it as it continued to pour down for the afternoon. It was organised well but I feel the cycle route is not up to scratch for a triathlon. There were water bottles all over the course just from the vibrations and hopping out of their cages!

    @El Director - no worries dude, good call. Health is #1. No celebration, it wasn't an important race. Just hit Galway with Caz for a feast.
    @Catweazle - true true - although he is training for shorter stuff so is a speed merchant. If only I found Triathlon in my Uni days...
    @pgibbo - no man, it was well hairy out there. Kudos to anyone braving those elements for hours on end. I felt sorry enough for the OD guys having to do 2 laps of the bike course!
    @TFB - If my lotto ticket is the one then its all go :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Great run pace dude and it must be sweet typing 1/240 for the bike. I think we will be seeing more and more podiums from you in the future ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Cracking result, well done man!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,087 ✭✭✭nomadic

    Nice work!

    Dare I ask what the plan for next year is? Back to the shorter stuff?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    A couple of swims...
    The pool one in the morning was grand. The Coach called for a L1 endurance set of 150s and 100s with 20 secs rest off the second swimmer in. I lead out so got plenty of rest and cruised the main set. We then did 6*50 kick25/swim25. I dread kicking but got through this ok. Finally a flat out 100 and a cool down 100. I set a new PB of 1:16 on the fast 100 and had about 90m of the cool down 100 done before my breathing returned to normal! 3,000m and good set.

    The OW one was a lonely straight 3.6k after work. It was windy and the river was choppy so I didn't venture too far out alone. I felt good for half an hour but gradually got more tired and cold over the next half hour. My stroke became a little shoddy but the fitness held up. There was a group doing a turbo brick and I figured I'd join them for the run section if I could get changed in time. I just about had my shoes on when they came flying past. I joined them and started chatting but they were doing a big gear set and tempo run reps so it was all focus and heavy breathing. I did the 2.5k or so with them before they hopped back on their bikes. The legs felt good for that short stint. Thats the key swim out of the way for the week.

    @nomadic - I haven't given next year a thought yet mate. Nothing but Roth on my mind for now

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Tuesday evening brick session...Since I failed to get my lazy ss out of bed I decided to merger the bike and run sessions together after work. The bike was a repeat of last week's hill reps only I pushed them harder. The climb is about 6km at an average of 4.3% gradient, starting easy and getting steeper as you go. Its a decent practice for the longer Roth Climb. I didn't get a chance to upload it but its the same as this day last week when I posted the link. I'll have to find much steeper 2km type hill to simulate the famous Solarerberg. Up until last week my best for the climb was around 17 and change
    Last week:
    Climb 1: 17:00
    Climb 2: 16:20
    Climb 3: 15:42 All out

    This week:
    Climb 1: 16:13
    Climb 2: 16:01
    Climb 3: 15:25 PB

    Last week showed that I have improved my hill climbing in general since last year. I pushed the last rep hard in wet conditions. Last night was a more pleasant evening. Bright, cool and breezy. I decided to push these as I wasn't going to do a tempo run afterwards. The first one was good, then I pushed for the second one. I was surprised not to be below 16 and figured I must have really pushed last week's last rep. So I gave the last one socks. I put on a stiffer cog and by 8 minutes my legs were screaming at me. I hopped out of the saddle for a few bursts to keep the drive on. My heart rate climbed above 170 for a finish but I clocked a satisfying 15:25 :D I was spent after it. Since it was dryer than last week I could give the descents a bit more. Blind bends can raise the hair on the back of your neck! I learned actually that following the bend of a curve 20m in advance with focused eyes tends to lean your body naturally towards the apex. You thus turn sharper and have a better line to accelerate from. I tacked on a few easy kms at the end of the spin to get 2 hours on the saddle. 58.37km at avg 28.8kmh and approx 750m of ascent.

    The transition run was an easy 15km at 4:40 pace, just a little quicker than IM pace. My quads felt a bit shot still from the hills but I felt good enough to cruise along. After half an hour though I got hungry and started to struggle a bit running with a growling tummy. It turned into a mental battle to get home. I spnt 5 mins strertching my calves but was too hungry to faff about stretching...

    Overall a solid enough brick although energy lacked a bit at the end.

    Thursday morning swim group
    It was just fish in the fast lane this morning and when the coach called for 2*500m for the start of the main set I knew I'd be swimming alone. I plugged away focusing on trying to get sme sort of hip drive going on. I struggle with this! I was also trying to get a 2 beat kick going but I have no rhythm to my feet while swimming! I was happy to just not be lapped and to come in 30-40m behind them.
    Next, the Coach called for 8*150 off 2:30. I thought to myself ater the first rep that I have a long run to do later so no chance I was bursting a gut chasing the fish for the other 7. Instead I hopped into the slower lane pack and coasted on peoples feet for the rest of the set at a low heart rate.
    The last few bits were 4*50m swim25/drill 25 followed by a flat out 100m and a cool down 100m. I posted 1:20 for the 100. I hit lactic at 40m so I was swimming through cement by 70m. Overall itwas a god session though and I'm feeling better about swimming with recent consistency. Session total 3,400m

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    45 days to go!
    Looks like you are in top form off the back of a serious wedge of training -sounds like you are made for this IM craic...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Izoard wrote: »
    45 days to go!
    Looks like you are in top form off the back of a serious wedge of training -sounds like you are made for this IM craic...

    Flippin' hell I hadn't realised that! So taking out race day and a 20 days taper, I have 24 days of training left. Talk about realising that every session counts now... Gulp! Taking out the taper and recovery week I have
    3 long runs left
    3 long bikes left
