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140.6 deep breaths...



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    What has the log descended to?! Funny men :) It seems I have a win win situation. Being tailed by the Scot in the middle lane or chasing the Tecnician in the fast one. It would be enough of a dilemma to get even the runners down to the pool for an early morning dip ;)

    Ahem.. to keep some semblence of relevence

    Lunchtime Run
    Just a wee rrun arewnd me worrk rrute. It was a splendid day for running, crisp and sunny albeit with a stiff cold breeze to contend with. I passed the new house en route as usual and stopped by to cast an eye over things. Most of the men were tucking into builder grub and tea and a few tradesmen working. Most of the bathroom ware is in and just needs some tinkering to get right. The insulation lads were finishing off the render and painting the arch over the front door. The frame of the decking is up and a fresh pile of sawdust upstairs was also a good sign. Happy enough with the progress. I pressed on back to work at a decent clip with the wind behind me. I wore the Garmin for the first time since the marathon and a 155 hr average for 4:20 pace sounded about right. However the RPE for it was more like a 7 than the usual 5. Perhaps my legs still felt the turbo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,900 ✭✭✭Seres

    The current class I do is a mix of styles but I'm leaning toward Bikram.

    Lastly it really depends on the instructor and style too. A good one guages his/her class and challenges accordingly.

    Thanks for the big post outlining the yoga and pilates pros/cons . I live in the sticks and the only yoga class avaiable for me to do cause of location/family commitments is a 7am wed morning class . I wanted to do the bikram but i dont have the benefit of choice . None of the local classes come very well endorsed by a an acquaintance who practices alot . Anyway its Hatha integrated with asana and breath , what would be your opinion on this type ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Seres wrote: »
    . Anyway its Hatha integrated with asana and breath , what would be your opinion on this type ?

    The class I go to ranges from Hatha to start and then a main peice of Asthanga/Bikram. The Hatha is good for limbering up and loosening out or even cooling down. The class I do is fairly athletic (full of triathletes, track athletes, rowers, basketballers etc..) so the instructor challenges accordingly. We do plenty of alignment and strength. For instance my back is feeling the 30 seconds she had us in a crab last night! Bikram is a more consdensed range of sequential movements but its done in a heated room. We do plenty of the alignment postures already but at normal room temp. I'm looking forward to trying it at 110 degrees! Hatha is closer to Pilates in that is focuses more on breathing and core. You will need a bottle of water and a towel for the Asthanga :) I personally like the mix. Hope this helps

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    I don't get it. Back in the middle lane this morning and groans again. The main set was 3 reps of 600m work. 1) 3*200, 2) 6*100, 3)200/2*100/200. The requested RTs were 1:55 for the 1s and 3:50 for the 2s. I swam a very steady 1:42-1:44 ish pace and went off exactly on the RT. After a while I had groans that the set was too fast. Half the lane were still arriving in as I was setting off but I just went with the prescribed RTs. Their choice! No Scot on my feet this morning so it was a solo swim. I just plugged away comfortably. It all relaxed once the main set was done. I thought about tagging onto the tail of the fast lane this morning but they were going off 3:20 for the 200s and decided to lob in a 200 Ind Medley for a laugh :eek: They can have it for a while yet! Enjoyed the swim and feel the stroke coming back to me.

    Session #8 of 12. An hour aerobic tempo last night. Felt good. I think getting through a couple of tough sessions lately is standing to me and this one feels easier than it did the last 2 times I did it. My quads felt horrible to start with as I jumped straight to 85% FTP. Reined it back a bit and built it over the next half hour gradually once warmed up. The last 10 mins took a little concentration but I focused and the legs responded with a steady energy delivery. Overall training is starting to feel good again. Its the first week I've stuck to the plan and all sessions have been good so far. The house is nearly ready too so its all good :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Its not a lot of work really to get through this month but I'm making progress and its enough to feel like I'm working away. I doubt I'll get 5 swims in this week so that one aint going to happen. The turbo was the focus so I'm happy to be putting down the sessions.
    4 of 9 swims done - 44%
    9 of 12 turbos done - 75%
    12 of 17 runs done - 71%

    Weekend training

    Nada - missed my window to get out, family took over and the little lad wasn't well.

    Extended my half hour jog in the rain to an hour. It felt good. I ran easy sweating under a waterproof cycling jacket. I wasn't the only soul under it. Easy to know the Marathon is around the corner with so many out running. Its great to see. My stride is naturally a lazy 84spm. I have some work to do to improve that, especially at lower paces.

    I hopped on the bike later for an hour. My legs felt fine warming up for 10 minutes and I was chatting with Caz. 45 minutes later she was hovering around me in case I fell off the saddle. A V02 pyramid and boy did it hurt! I was wasted after it. My Garmin wasn't charged to record the heart rate but it felt like I surpassed the max 180hr from last week. Very hard session. Horrible. It dosn't get any more pleasant either with the HOP on the schedule for this week :(

    Phase: Prep
    17 Oct- 23 Oct|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Cycling|3|03:16|121.1km all turbo
    S&C|1|0:55|Yoga, rowing 2.66km

    Weight weekly check: 77.0kg (-0.2kg last week, -1.0kg total)

    My biscuit forfeit lasted 12 days which is not too shabby. It resulted in another little nudge in the right direction on the scale. I must now practice moderation. It was a good week. I felt I had plenty of energy for most of the sessions. I'm a bit bored of the short easy jogs by now though so I'm looking forward to some spice next month. I'm a bit envious of all the DCM bound runners getting through their tapers. I'll be happy to get through this week with 3 swims done and surviving the HOP.

    Got a few rooms painted in the new house over the weekend and its amazing what a lick of paint does to a place. Its actually looking more like a home than a building site lately :) We have couple of problems to resolve this week with the bathroom and a damp wall so its not going to make the deadline. We are not far off but have plenty of jobs to do. The kitchen has to be fitted. Skirting, architraves and some glass to be done. Some cracked glass to be replaced. Decking finished. External gates put on. Last electrical bits. Driveway surfaced. Tiles to be grouted. Painting. We got power this week and now just waiting on Gas so we can fire up the heating and sort the latter problem. The travel over and back to the house is not far but its becoming a nuiscance now and I'm looking forward to moving in.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Gah... slept in again. Another swim session missed :mad:

    It may have something to do with how I felt after the turbo last night

    4*12 mins at 100% FTP with 3 mins rest. It was a very tough workout but I feel like it was extra tough as I lacked the same juice I had for last week's session. The first 2 reps were ok but I dogged out the 3rd and clung on with my fingernails to the 4th. My heart rate finished 4 beats shy of max. It was like a slightly diluted version of the VO2 hurt, only extended for longer. It was preceded by a head wrecking day at work fuelled with choclate bars.

    I've had a slight niggle in my right hamstring which became more apparent the last 2 runs. Perhaps its running in the colder weather. I got the roller out last night but didn't quite hit the spot. The runs themselves were laboured, especially yesterday's effort. 40 mins at 4:30-4:40 pace and I was wrecked. Its been a while now since I've had a run that felt loose and fresh. I need a rub to flush the legs ot but it is way down the list of proirties at the moment.

    And so it begins..
    If I could work out how to insert files and pics I might some day dress up the log like some of the others but the attachment will have to do for now. The little coloured bits are the start of the work for Austria. I'm still in prep phase so it will be a while before the volume increases but I'd be happy to get the same work done as I did for Roth (the grey stacks), only a bit smarter! Its clear enough to see that I had a decent pattern up to about March this year. Then lost it a bit doing 2 Marathons :rolleyes: and regained the form in the lead up to Roth. This graph is to track the 2nd approach to a sub10 vs last years work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Nice graph Mike and no doubt it will prove very useful over the coming month.

    Just looked at your hours and mileage. Jaysus, when you see it like that it's unreal. Some very big weeks put in there. Gives me an idea of what I need to do to take things to the next level.

    When do you think you'll be movig in to the new gaff? Sounds like a sweet pad and that things are going pretty well.

    Good luck with the T50 this weekend! :eek: Was that your call or the coach? Curious as to why you're doing a T50 over a T20.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Another tough turbo hopefully the legs willbe fired up again for the T50 later in the week, when are you mplanning on doing it the weekend? I think my legs would give out if i had two big sessions like that in the one week.

    On the graphs, upload jpeg file to photobucket copy the image link and post in here and hey presto:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    pgibbo wrote: »
    When do you think you'll be movig in to the new gaff? Sounds like a sweet pad and that things are going pretty well.

    Good luck with the T50 this weekend! :eek: Was that your call or the coach? Curious as to why you're doing a T50 over a T20.
    Hey gibbo, TBH I counted a lot of stretching into my hours last year. Not doing that this time around so that S&C volume is reflective of work that actually contributes to performance.

    I start moving stuff in this weekend! Its not done yet though. The Kitchen is being fitted Saturday. We still have bits and bobs to do round the place. Painting will finish next week and we have utilities scheduled for delivery next week also. I'll try to use JBs suggestion below to post a couple of before and after pics :)

    Coach's call. I think he is just seeing how much pain I can take on the turbo this month! Its just to try and push the threshold power up a notch before building the base again. The idea is that 75% of a higher threshold will mean a faster bike split or maintain the same Roth split but at 73% will mean fresher legs for the run. T50 because its a session rather than a test.
    Another tough turbo hopefully the legs willbe fired up again for the T50 later in the week, when are you mplanning on doing it the weekend? I think my legs would give out if i had two big sessions like that in the one week.

    On the graphs, upload jpeg file to photobucket copy the image link and post in here and hey presto:)
    I think my legs felt the VO2 pyramid at the weekend actually. I have an easier turbo tomorrow then 2 days to the T50 on Sunday which I will get done somewhere in between moving boxes and stuff. I can only go on my last tested (2010) FTP on the flow which was 312w done on a HOP session. I was training for the OD Worlds back then so I was in peak shape. I'd be well happy to hit that mark again.

    Cheers for the photobucket tip. Can't access that in work so I'll attempt sometime I when I'm at home (whenever I move in that is!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Row n' Yoga
    I'm using the rower (C2 ergo) for warming up for Yoga and enjoying it. I basically have a 10-15 minute window to warm up between finishing work and starting the class and the ergo is probably the single best cardio workout in the gym if used correctly. Anyway, I intend to keep this session in the plan over the winter for variety and conditioning. The row was 10 minutes of 200m hard 200m easy for 2,730m total and a 1:50.1 avg 500m pace. Short warm up but enough to have me sweating and a little pumped for Yoga. The class was excellent. Lots of athletes in it and she pushed it out. The sequence of tree, star, dancer, plane poses on each leg was good to start with. I continued sweating. I know the 14 move salutation sequence by heart now and the praying warrior version too so I pushed both sets to the max in each movement. As a result I have good DOMS in my hips, traps and lower back today. More sweating ensued trying not to drop the legs on the abdominal pose while she chatted with a newbie mid pose towards the end of the class :rolleyes:. Its a popular class and evident why. Unfortunately she may be out of action for some time and this makes me very sad indeed. She is a very very good instructor and it won't be the same without her.

    Reading a few of the other logs I see some talk of Matt Fitzgeralds Diet Quality Score. Its just an honest assessment of your general diet each day. Loosely based on the food pyaramid with a scoring attached. The maximum score is a +29 which would basically be avoiding anything processed, refined, fat or fried. Since its an honest assessement I'll post my DQS for yesterday

    -6 :o

    When you consider my dinner was seasoned chicken breasts with 4 types of fresh veg and some fresh noodles its shows how much muck I graze on during the day. It was a more disciplined day than recently too so even worse! I have an awful lot on my mind lately. I tend to feast on sugar when I'm stressed. Its like an addiction thats bloody hard to kick.. :(


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    -6 :o
    When you consider my dinner was seasoned chicken breasts with 4 types of fresh veg and some fresh noodles its shows how much muck I graze on during the day. It was a more disciplined day than recently too so even worse! I have an awful lot on my mind lately. I tend to feast on sugar when I'm stressed. Its like an addiction thats bloody hard to kick.. :(

    -6:eek: I am trying to work out how many biscuits and chocs you consumed to get that score considering you have around a +11 for your dinner. 3 pieces of fruit to snack on during the day helps avoid the treats and its a handy DQS of +6. In saying that i tend to hit the sugary stuff when i have a lot on and under pressure.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    #11 of 12 for this month. I wasn't feeling well all day so did the bare minimum for this. Its an hour aerobic tempo 80-90% of FTP. Last week I had bags of energy and pushed out 87% for the hour. Last night was just about maintaining 80%. It should have felt easier than it did. A bit of a slog. Physically and mentally tired this week. It was just about getting it done amidst the packing of boxes thats all.

    Oh how I wished I could have hidden in the pack in the middle lane this morning. However I'm destined to muck it out in the fish lane for the winter it seems. I practiced some more back stroke in the warm up. Its ok with fins on but take them off and I'm a flailing mess. The main set was 1,600m of 100s and 200s. It was aparently off 1:45 RT pace but felt way harder. The fish flaked off building the tempo for the 100s and I barely hung on. Once the 200s kicked in though I was on my own. The longer the rep the more it finds out any technical inefficiency and lack of fitness. Half way through the set I was swimming in cement and try as I may to hold some semblence of a stroke it was really just a half hour in slog city. I was miles off the back and in no mans land. Only for a mate another 20m behind me in a simlar world of hurt I might have jumped out. Towards the end of the main set one of the fish grabbed a board and fins and proceeded to kick her way through 4*100 in front of me. The same girl though is just as likely to lead out a 400 doing butterfly so I wasn't mortified when I couldn't keep up with her warm down! The difference between a swimmer and a triathlete eh

    The Coach called up 7*50 choice next. The fish love choice. They dive off into all kinds of Butterfly, kicks and backstroke with glee. Us non fish take an age to get up the length of the pool with these alien strokes. Such is the level of technical inadequacy, the fish usually get a good few minutes of a break to have a laugh and rest while waiting for our red faces to emerge.

    The last bit was 6*50m max effort off 1:30. Off the walls in pairs so I raced one of the fish. By the 3rd one I had left slog city and caught the express shuttle to lactic city. Came in on 38-39secs for them though so not too shabby. It was a case of burying myself for the last 2 to touch the wall first, whereapon I draped my body onto the deck heaving like an animal on its last breath. A short slow 150m easy cool down and I was done. 3,200m and most of it was hard work. 2 swims a week is not cutting it. I need a third session at least either with the squad or aerobic/technical on my own in order to get the fitnes back and maintain. Another session on top perhaps to develop more stamina/speed

    DQS for thursday +2 :o still pants but at least its a postive score!
    -6:eek: I am trying to work out how many biscuits and chocs you consumed to get that score considering you have around a +11 for your dinner. 3 pieces of fruit to snack on during the day helps avoid the treats and its a handy DQS of +6. In saying that i tend to hit the sugary stuff when i have a lot on and under pressure.
    Hey JB, whats even worse about the -6 score is that I generally get 2-3 servings of fruit per day anyway! I think it was 2 chocolate bars and about 8 digestives that did the damage. Plus negative scores for white bread ham sambos for my lunch. I generally don't eat white bread, maybe a krusty white loaf as a treat sometimes. It was just a case of the white being the only fresh bread at the local shop. Its crap that ham is a negative score though. I eat ham one week and turkey the next. Turkey gets boring after a while. I have so much going on with work, house and family right now that I'm all over the shop. Once I settle back to a routine in the next few weeks hopefully I will get more organised about my diet. Its as much about the convenience as it is the sugar cravings lately.

  • Registered Users Posts: 251 ✭✭handangeo

    You pacing DCM on Monday Mr MCOS?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    handangeo wrote: »
    You pacing DCM on Monday Mr MCOS?
    Unfortunately no :( Running about 25km per week since Berlin. Too busy and body just needed a break. A marathon even at easy pace would require recovery that will eat into the winter programme. Also, I lost the Marathon Mojo at Berlin for awhile...

  • Registered Users Posts: 251 ✭✭handangeo

    Unfortunately no :( Running about 25km per week since Berlin. Too busy and body just needed a break. A marathon even at easy pace would require recovery that will eat into the winter programme. Also, I lost the Marathon Mojo at Berlin for awhile...

    Will you do me a favour and slow down on that winter programme :D
    Mine doesn't start till 14th November!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    #11 of 12 for this month. I wasn't feeling well all day so did the bare minimum for this. Its an hour aerobic tempo 80-90% of FTP. Last week I had bags of energy and pushed out 87% for the hour. Last night was just about maintaining 80%. It should have felt easier than it did. A bit of a slog. Physically and mentally tired this week. It was just about getting it done amidst the packing of boxes thats all.

    Hey Mike, from reading that id have thought this session could possibly have been skipped or lightened to help the mind as much as the body. Dont want you getting proper sick if you are feeling off! 1 day off could save a week or two! And afterall you're in prep right? I missed one last night myself from spending hours trying to setup the power meter and felt disgusted going to bed late having not done the session but it is prep and there's loads of time to put the miles in the bank!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    End of October - I got through the majority of the work set out before me.
    7 of 9 swims done - 78%
    12 of 12 turbos done - 100%
    15 of 17 runs done - 88%
    The run volume was very low, the turbo sets very hard and swimming was just about surviving. A few missed sessions, but it was an extremely busy month overall so I had to let them go. A similar load in store for November with a slight increase in volume. Its looking like a lower volume, higher quality approach to the IM so far. No more junk miles!

    The weekend was all about the HOP, which I was dreading

    Day off
    Saturday was a day off and I needed it. I wasn't feeling great and had a lot of stuff to do. We started moving some bits to the new house and in the process I managed to stand up and drive my shoulder into the bottom corner of a wooden post. Hurt like hell and its nicely bruised today :rolleyes: I loosened it out a little mucking about in the pool with shotgunjunior. He challenged himself to swim across 4 of the black lines at the bottom of the pool. About 12m in total. When I say swim, I mean he puts his hands by his side, head in the water and kicks with all his might. I was the standing target at the end. He listened to me and kept his kick small and fast and he made it. His face emerged, eyes wide open and gasping for a breath. He was dead proud of himself and I was gushing too. It was a big deal him just putting his face in the water this summer! Kids eh, once the fear is gone they take off :)

    Turbo HOP
    The next day I set the turbo up in the pain cave and calibrated to zero. I set the slope to +1 as usual and did an easy 10 mins warm up with a few stabs of effort. Then 50 minutes all out. It was hell on earth. I wasn't feeling great to start so began conservatively under my current FTP (312w). I was patient for 20 mins until, my heart rate had settled into the low 160s. I pushed on to about 320-330w by half way and slogged it out to 40 mins. My legs were on fire at this stage and I was well inside Z5 effort. I thought I would be able to build for the last 5 mins but I had nothing left and actually faded to an average 318w. My heart rate hit 179 and I just didn't have the juice to push any more. I nearly fell off the thing. I pedalled the granny gear for 5 mins to 'cool down'. The resulting average 162 HR was high. I was indifferent about the result as it was lower than expected. At least it gave me a benchmark to work with for the winter. The crazy thing though is that is was just a session, not a test. I have a T20*2 test next week that is bound to be unpleasant!

    Phase: Prep
    24 Oct- 30 Oct|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Cycling|3|03:30|136.5km all turbo
    S&C|1|01:00|Yoga, rowing 2.73km

    Weight weekly check: 76.9kg (-0.1kg last week, -1.1kg total) surprised at a loss this week :confused:

    My DQS for the weekend was not worth calculating :o but I'm adamant now that is the end of the negative scores on the diet. Overall it was a much lower week 1 volume (66%) than this time last year

    November focus: I really have to try and get to the pool 3 times a week. Running will start to return back to the usual variety of training thank god. I was getting way too bored of the short easy jogs. I have another list of tasty turbos to do too but no long bike yet :confused: Just got to trust the plan I guess. Yesterday was a positive start to the month.

    No squad session as it was a bank holiday so I did a simple one on my own.
    1,500m steady in 26:10
    15*100m off 1:45 in on 1:37-1:39
    300m various strokes coold down.
    It was a good session actually. I had forgotten my swim shorts and was cursing myself beforehand. Instead of missing the session though I swam in my jocks. They look a lot like togs anyway so no one noticed I think :D The 1500 was very steady at about 1:45 pace. I felt if I pushed it any harder it would have hopped on the bus to slog city. I thought about my stroke most of the way through. The 100s were a higher gear. I just focused on a quicker turnover for them. I must have looked like I meant business as people were getting out of my way at the wall. Very polite for an evening pool I thought. I found a good groove for the set and got a very steady 7-8 secs rest per rep. I was a bit spent doing the cool down and my quads were close to cramping doing breastroke. I was happy with this set though for where my swim fitness is currently.

    Running on Halloween night is always risky business. I managed to duck a flying melon at one point :eek: I did get hit in the shoulder by something. I thought it was an egg at first but I was dry and it was too dark to find either the missile or the culprit. I felt awful for the first 20 mins, like I was running on borrowed legs. Once warmed up though I trotted along reminding mysefl to keep easy running easy.

    DQS for yeterday was a much improved +12 :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    My DQS was impossible to calculate this weekend too-it would have been single/negative digits.

    Well done on the 50TT, sounds like a savage effort altogether. I just wonder about my own effort yesterday, I really built into it nicely and my legs were fecked after but at the same time I wasn't falling off at the end like yourself and JB were. I was in control but maybe too much control??

    Have you any more tests this week?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Short brick
    It was the first brick session I've done since Roth in July. 70 minutes on the turbo including 3*10 minutes sweet spot and 4*2 minutes V02. Minimal rests. I found it very tough actually. I had to concentrate hard to get the SS reps done and was working much much harder than usual for it. I didn't have the legs for the V02 reps though. Blew up 40-50 seconds into each. I finished the set and got my runners and a dry top on for a 20 minute run. It started straight into a chilly breeze and I was glad to have the L/S top on. I was running at a decent clip too however I'd imagine the RPE was an 8. Midway through the short snappy run I approached a group of lads who initially looked like they were set to taunt. On the contrary they all clapped and shouted as if I was leading a race :) It acually spurred me on! I finished the session with legs verging on cramps. I think the weekend turbo was still evident. My mother was around for dinner too and gave out to me for the feable attempt at stretching. Everytime we meet now she gives out to me about the poor state of my 'down dog' yoga pose and gets me to do hamstring stretches there and then :rolleyes: My flexibility is shocking though and she has a point.

    DQS for yesterday was a much improved +17 and that incuded a magnum ice cream after me dinner :D

    I had a later start to work today so slept in a bit. I missed the squad session in the process. I opted for an easy long swim instead which was quite boring. I felt physically and menatally tired. A lot going on these days.
    I was in control but maybe too much control??
    Have you any more tests this week?
    It sounds odd Eld D. 327w on the flow is a big big effort for a T30 especially with the last 5 mins at 355w!! 355 is around my V02 level on the flow and I'm in Z5 for it! If there was nothing up with your HRM or turbo I suspect you are going to dish out some very nice bike splits next summer :eek: I have a T20 x2 this weekend, with just 2 mins rest! Aint looking forward to it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    I hope you don’t mind me asking, just curious as planning on an IM next year and very new to the sport.
    You and a few others seem to be doing a lot of high intensity work so early in the year, is this needed, or are you just identify you training levels?


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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Everytime we meet now she gives out to me about the poor state of my 'down dog' yoga pose and gets me to do hamstring stretches there and then

    It's probably not a patch on mine. Terrible!! I can barely keep the legs straight for a start. Very tight all the way down the back of my legs.

    An awful lot more intensity going on here and El Directors log than what I'm doing at the moment. Its shocking early lads!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    BennyMul wrote: »
    You and a few others seem to be doing a lot of high intensity work so early in the year, is this needed, or are you just identify you training levels?
    Hey Bennymul, best of luck with your IM journey. No the intensity is not required, especially for your first IM. I'm training dfferently to how I did last year. Last year I identified my running base as a weakness and thus focused on base running and easy short bikes at this time of year. This year I want to work on the bike so the intensity right now is just to push the threshold power up a notch so that I can hit X split at less effort. The key to me hitting my target time is the unning off the bike. I can hit the swim and bike targets but need to do so more efficiently and with less output to give me a better chance of hitting the run target.

    Apart from that though it would usually be just to benchmark your levels as you said. For ex: doing a T20 and taking your average HR as a mark to work out your zones
    It's probably not a patch on mine. Terrible!! I can barely keep the legs straight for a start. Very tight all the way down the back of my legs.

    An awful lot more intensity going on here and El Directors log than what I'm doing at the moment. Its shocking early lads!
    El D is a man on a mission. I think he is going to be one to watch next year. 'Tis early alright. I just have 2 hard turbos a week as I don't have the opportunity to get out on the road for a few hours. Making the most of my time...

    My mother recommended sitting 'up' on your seat bone as much as you can. Even if you are watching TV, spend a while sitting on the floor with both legs straight in front of you sitting 'up' straight. I did this last night and could feel the pull on the back of my knees even doing that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    An awful lot more intensity going on here and El Directors log than what I'm doing at the moment. Its shocking early lads!

    This week is a testing week for me so 3/4 intense sessions but in between very easy stuff and low volume. The start of Base phase next week so there won't be too much intensity but there will be some I suspect. Of course myself and MCOS are on very different courses, me short and he long.

    Regarding being on a mission, you could say that. I am hoping the turbo numbers are at least within 10% of accuracy, if so then hopefully the bike splits will follow next summer, we'll have to wait and see. I'll pencil in 1/2 duathlons in the Spring so that should give some indication.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    I dont bother calibrate my flow but last nights was funny. New power meter had me around 180 - 200 on a spin out recovery session while the flow told me i was at 330 :P I think Jackyback did a decent test on his turbo calibrated and found it still way out. I think the only important thing with the flow is that it is consistently the same amount out, irrespective of how far its out, so it can still be used as a decent training aid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    C2 Ergometer 30 minutes at 1:57.5/500m pace. Dist. 7,650m spm 21
    I had a nice crosstraining session planned but I was wrecked after the rower. I got under the leg press machine for a few minutes but my quads felt very unstable. Especially the left one and after the 3rd set it started to cramp just above the knee. I made a feeble attempt at wide grip chin ups before bailing on the session. My legs felt shot and I just felt mentally and physically exhausted. I slept 9 hours last night and could easily sleep 9 more. A lot on the plate at the moment and training is way down the list. I enjoyed the first 20 minutes of the rower though. I had a rock steady rhythm. It became a bit of a slog after that and I had blisters forming.

    DQS for yesterday was +9. I was actually going really well until I made lazy dinner choice of waffles, beans and eggs. I then found a stray box of roses while packing stuff up and did some more damge on that :o Today will be better. I will be stronger this evening! I've had a +10 breakfast and have a further +12 packed into the lunchbox.

    The house is so very nearly almost done. Half the kitchen is fitted and the rest will be done by tomorrow. The driveway and decking are done. The stairs is in. A bit of paint and some bits and bobs left to do. We are still waiting on the flippin council to connect the friggin water though :mad: Otherwise I'm chasing the delivery of appliances and various other bits. While its just bits and bobs, its taking up some amount of time and head space!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Apologies for butting in shotgunmcos, I was following the conversation on turbos and what you lads are up to with next year's goals in mind.

    I just ordered a turbo, so should I start off the first week of a base phrase or put down some markers to measure myself against over the coming weeks? And what sessions should I do to put down a market? Twenty minute all out time trial?


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Ok I'm sick of packing.
    Not just the packing up for the new house but the packing the gear bag only to return home without opening it. 3 times this week I've brought my gear into work to get out for a lunchtime run and haven't managed to get out due to either work or the house or Life getting in the way. I've packed the bag and left it outside the bedroom door with my suit (for stealth dressing) for morning swims but have slept in each time. I seem to be carting the gearbag from the hall to the car to work, back to the car and back to the hall again without use. Its a beautiful day for a run too :mad: Today was an essential missed run tough. We have builders, a plumber, a tiler, a cleaner, painters, kitchen lads, granite lads and appliance delivery lads on site simultaneously. Busiest lunch break I've had all year and all I really wanted to do was lace up the shoes and get some fresh country air. The positive of all the mayhem is that all of these good people plan to be done with their various jobs by Monday, yay :D If the council could just connect our water sometime soon we can move in. Its back to the house again after work and while I won't see daylight again today, I hope I'll get out for a run with some strides in some clean air. I've had the sesson plugged into the garmin since Tuesday :rolleyes:

    In other news my 2 running nemesis had rather good marathons last week

    Nemisis A cantered to a 2:51 for his first marathon at Dublin which included a 3 minute negative split and a 5:50 last mile :eek: Now thats how to run a marathon! He had done a hard bike test just days beforehand too.
    Nemesis B tore up the Frankfurt course but suffered in the last 10k with a bad stitch. She still posted a 2:49 though which was sickeningly good :rolleyes: :eek:

    nerraw1111 wrote: »
    I just ordered a turbo, so should I start off the first week of a base phrase or put down some markers to measure myself against over the coming weeks? And what sessions should I do to put down a market? Twenty minute all out time trial?
    Hey nerraw111 - spend a week or two just getting used to it lad. Pedalling easy and calibrating etc. Build some reps of intensity in such as 3*5 mins, 2*10 mins etc. Give it a couple of weeks and then fire away with a T20 (all out for 20 minutes effort). You can use either your avg HR or avg power (if you have it) as benchmarks for planning sessions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,049 ✭✭✭Brianderunner

    Nemesis B tore up the Frankfurt course but suffered in the last 10k with a bad stitch. She still posted a 2:49 though which was sickeningly good :rolleyes: :eek:

    Liz Hussey by any chance?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Liz Hussey by any chance?
    Yep. A natural and a very modest and cool attitude to running to boot.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,049 ✭✭✭Brianderunner

    Yep. A natural and a very modest and cool attitude to running to boot.

    Don't think i've beaten her. Tracy Roche would be my nemesis back home. Hope to beat both of them in the 10 miler on Stephens Day :D
