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140.6 deep breaths...



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Turbo threshold session
    An hour on the saddle with 2*16 mins around 100% FTP. The reps were enjoyable as every 2 mins I'd jump slightly above or below the line. It passed quickly too watching Munster grinding out another win. It felt good to reawken the legs after a 5 day slumber. It took almost 20 minutes and mid way through the first rep to properly warm up. Overall I was just happy to be training again.

    Long Run
    1.5 hours with 3*10 mins just below half marathon pace. I tried to find a pace bewteen 10k and HM intensity. High 160s HR. The first rep was flat, the second though had 2 short hills that made it hard work. Good run overall. My hammers were very tight for the last 20 mins so I took it very handy. I need to put a few hours into the roller and yoga sequences this week if I am to get through the 10m without tightening into a ball.
    21km in 1:32:30, avg pace 4:25 HR 159. Garmin connect have introduced some training effort since I last logged onto it. This run was rated 4/5 with 5 being over reaching. Good work but close to the edge of comfort.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Between this time last year and today! -10 has been replaced with +10 degrees and it felt very mild out there for a lunchtime run. I had leggings and a heavy top on expecting the worst and found myself breathing heavier than usual and sweating after 20 minutes. It felt more like a wet spring day than Christmas week. I met up with my work colleague and let him set the pace. Once the garmin finished spiking it registered low 140s for the heart rate which was where I wanted it to be. My legs were feeling the long run yesterday though especially my hamstrings. I spent some time rolling them out last night but it did little to relax them. I'll try a hot bath and some down dog stretches this evening to focus on them again. We finally have a revamped staff facility in the building that includes a shower, happy days :) 8.2km in 41 mins, pace 5:00/km

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos


    A self santa pressie. Now to find a hill to get them dirty :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    2 sessions that has left me ready for food and sleep...

    Swim Session
    Part 1 - Test critical swim speed.
    For the same purpose as FTP testing on the bike or a run TT to benchmark pace values. Its been a while since I did a swim TT and the last ones were in a 25m pool and thus a bit generous. I also had a hare for those and a Coach standing over me which helps. Today was a completely different setting. Middle of the day at the Arena so I had a 50m lane all to myself. The plan was a 400m and a 200m TT with 5 minutes recovery between them.

    I swam a steady 400 to warm up but that didn't work. I generally warm up slowly in a swim set and it can often take up to 15 minutes for me to find my stroke. So I did a hard 100 too to wake up properly. My plan was to go for it but hold onto something for the last 200 or I'd end up swimming in quicksand too soon. I also wanted to crack 6 minutes... Result: 5:51 :D Considerable personal best and delighted with it. Average pace 1:28/100m. The first 200 was 2:57 and I was still strong so I kicked harder for the 3rd 100. From there I hung on for dear life. 2:54 for the second 200 was very satisfying indeed. If you had asked me 2 years ago if I could swim under 6 minutes for 400 I'd have just laughed at you. I was wrecked though and still had a 200 TT to do.

    I spent the 5 minutes recovery getting my breath back, stretching my shoulders and contemplating my approach. I knew the lactic was going to kick in a lot earlier this time so I just decided to go hard and hang on. That I did. I sprinted for a start and clocked 1:21 for the first 100. I was deep in the pain cave though. The next 100 was a case of pouring everything I had left into the water while maintaining enough control to not allow the stroke disintegrate. It hurt but the end result was a 2:46 which was a personal best by 10 seconds :D Thats a lot over 200. Average pace 1:23/100m :eek: I dragged myself off the rope to put fins on for 200 easy backstroke and that was the end of part 1.

    Part 2 - Endurance Pyramid
    50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 350, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 50
    It was an easy swim pace for the lot with 20 seconds recovery after every rep. Its a session I'd normally enjoy but after the TTs it was more like survival. I struggled with energy and motivation on the way up the pyramid but once I had the 400 put down I knew I'd get through it and found a second wind to carry me home. I had some company in the lane for the last km which helped to stay focused. I did 200m easy breast stroke as a cool down and was glad to finally hop up on deck.

    Total 4,700m.

    I showered, changed, ate and did a few errands. Once home it was onto the saddle. This was a lot more straightforward although I had to psyche up a little. An hour with 2 blocks of FTP work. I thought it was going to be grim but surprisingly the legs were up to the task. I knocked the 2 reps together without a rest for a half hour of solid work at 100% FTP. The last 10 minutes took some focus but I got through it with the help of Tiesto and a subwoofer :) I was wrecked for a finish though and starving. 2 quality session put down today and the difference a sleep in and no work makes!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wow. Several things...
    First off, congrats on the awesome swim times and the two PBs. Fantastic! And I take it these times smash your previous times done in a short course meter pool? Also, were they diving starts? If so, then your negative split on the 400 is even more impressive.

    Next....speaking of impressive....dag! That was a beast of a pyramid...and to rack up 4700 meters in a long course pool is brutal. How long did it take you? I'll start to worry about you when you start trying to best your new-found OW lady friend by swimming 12k plus at a time.

    And....pardon my ignorance, but what does FTP mean?

    Gosh, after your day today, I wouldn't blame you for licking the screen!! ;)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    You will sleep well after that training day that's for sure, good work put down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Savage swimming Mike. Serious PB's in moving from SC to LC too! :cool:

    Did you find a hill for the nice clean runners yet? :D

    Hard to beat some Tiesto when the going gets tough

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Swim squad
    Back to the pool this morning for the group swim. I woke up late and missed the warm up. I arrived as the main set was kicking off.
    6*200 off 3:20, 6*50 choice, 6*100 off 1:40
    The 200s were fast. After yesterdays swim I felt confident to chase the 4 fish and hung onto the back. The 200s came in on 2:57-2:59 each :eek: I felt good though and although it was almost on the limit it was sustainable swimming on someone's feet. I opted for backstroke with fins for the choice as its the only way I can keep up with them doing their own varied strokes. The 100s was more of the same in on 1:27-1:28. I moved up ahead of 2 pairs of feet too but there was no hanging onto the lead pair. They are a different league. We did 6*50 with 25 hard 25 easy before warming down and I tried butterfly again for the hard bits. I lasted the 25m but again I was shattered after it. Good session and I could do a nice easy swim down without rushing off to work. It felt like a luxury :) Total 2,600m
    Dory Dory wrote:
    ...I take it these times smash your previous times done in a short course meter pool? Also, were they diving starts?

    That was a beast of a pyramid...and to rack up 4700 meters in a long course pool is brutal. How long did it take you? I'll start to worry about you when you start trying to best your new-found OW lady friend by swimming 12k plus at a time.

    And....pardon my ignorance, but what does FTP mean?
    Hey DD my previous bests were 6:15 and 2:56 respectively in a 25m pool.
    No there were not diving starts. I guess diving starts and tumble turns make a difference with pool times.
    I was in the pool for an hour and a half which is my longest session ever. 12k in a pool. Not a hope in hell.

    FTP stands for functional threshold power. It is the best average power output you can sustain for an hour on the bike. Its a benchmark to use to determine threshold, VO2, sweet spot, endurance training intensities etc..
    pgibbo wrote: »
    Savage swimming Mike. Serious PB's in moving from SC to LC too! :cool:

    Did you find a hill for the nice clean runners yet? :D

    Hard to beat some Tiesto when the going gets tough
    Plenty of hills around but I might hook up with a weekly hill running group who know the terrain. The Mudclaws are not suitable for tarmac or harder surfaces. I was pleased with the times in the LC alright. The SC is definitely a few seconds quicker. The Tiesto sets are great for longer intervals. MTV is ok but the adds drive me mad if I'm in need of a beat

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    'Tis the season of indulgence...
    My favourite one too
    Constant bellies of sweetness...
    And more time on the loo :D

    No swimming post today, it was just too hectic to trek across town. We were entertaining folk and I was the cook so I had to make do with squeezing an hour on the bike. The plan called for an hour tempo. I like hour sessions. Neat ones. I'm a monica by nature. For some reason I always struggle most mentally from 25-35 minutes. It used to happen me also year ago when I did hour tempos on the rowing machine in the mornings during the winter. Perhaps its because the legs start to bite back and you are not yet half way :confused: I focused for this section and found a good rhythm to get me through to 50 mins at an average of 88% FTP which was approx 280 watts. With 10 minutes to go I pushed on to 292w and then upped it every 2 minutes to 300, 306, 312 and FTP 318w. It was a solid session. Instead of hanging on for the last 10 minutes I attacked it and felt wrecked but great afterwards. I had no time to ponder it either as I had to shower and get prepping. Overall 60 mins at 287w and kept the heart rate under 155 up to 50 minutes. Pleased I am :)

    A few years ago after doing the entire Christmas dinner myself for 10, I suggested that we all take a section each the next year. A new tradition was set. This year I'm on Veg and desserts and the menu is

    Veg: Gazed carrots, parsnip mash baked with breadcrumbs and parmesan and brussel sprouts fried with pancetta, garlic and chestnuts

    Dessert: A Bombe with swissroll walls and ice cream, pear, cherry and pistachio nut filling. Then a combination of Nigella's and Jamie's Eton Mess... dressed strawberries on a bed of cream and meringue, crushed roasted hazlenuts sprinkled over it and melted dark chocolate drizzled over the lot :D day.10.miler.this year!

    Happy Christmas to all the loggers and lurkers :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    I could almost lick the screen. Merry Christmas shotgun. :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    HHmmmmm, sound delish Mike. :D

    Many happy returns to you and yours. Enjoy! :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,741 ✭✭✭brownian

    I'm a monica by nature.

    Lewinsky or that skinny one off Friends?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Woohoo finally uploaded a chart! I'm a geek aka JB and Eld D :D (edit: goddam it, it wouldn't frickin' paste for me :mad:) The weight was climbing the last few weeks and I expected to be at the top of the chart when I stepped on this morning only to see I'm actually back on track with the IM ideal projected trend :confused: Must have been the week of running around doing stuff rather than sitting at a desk.
    Target: 76.6kg
    Actual: 76.8kg

    Now to see what damage the next week does!

    Swim Squad
    Training today was over and done with ear;y and it was a busy day of family stuff. I hit the pool for the squad set which was fast and furious. There were about 10 in the fast lane which is indicative of everyone getting the last swim in prior to the festivities. The main set included 6 fast 200s, 6 fast 100s and 5 100s at max effort. The max effort got me a bit. I was typically hitting the turn on 38secs but faded in the last 25m to register a set of 1:22-1:23 reps. I did a long easy swim down set alone of 400, 300, 200, 100 for a total of 3,800m. Good session. The swimming is going well but I really have to get out and do some running. A measly 12km put down this week :(
    brownian wrote: »
    Lewinsky or that skinny one off Friends?
    The skinny one off friends... BTW Happy Christmas man :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    You need to use the image link on photobucket to upload..... pffft newbie:)

    Hope you and Caz have a good Xmas.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Hey MCOS, finally got time to catch up! That is some serious swim progress and serious serious PB's! Excellent, and still pre-christmas! Sweet.

    Well I hope ye have a nice peaceful first christmas in your new home dude. Like all of us around here I'm sure it's damage limitation re the weight :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 157 ✭✭Notwitch

    The paragraph title and last sentance caught my eye and i was about to give you a verbal 2 fingers.
    Swim Squad
    ... A measly 12km put down this week :(

    Glad you clarified!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Notwitch wrote: »
    The paragraph title and last sentance caught my eye and i was about to give you a verbal 2 fingers.
    Glad you clarified!:)

    LOL :)

    Nope the measly 12km is actually the sum total of my running for the last 10 days :( My bike tyres haven't felt tarmac in months... I'm starting to sound like Tunney with all the moaning these days :D

    Hows the training going yoursefl?

  • Registered Users Posts: 157 ✭✭Notwitch

    Hows the training going yoursefl?

    Was trying to get a running focus over the last 12 weeks. Got though it but turbo and swim time dropped off and fell away completely in the last two weeks. Rest week this week and will try and get going to a more balanced repeatable week from start of Jan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Ok I've intended to run at least 6 10 milers over the last 3 years now and have yet to do one.

    2008 Stephens Day Limerck, I was still drunk :o
    2009 Dungarvan, Flooded roads, stuck on a mountain in Waterford :mad:
    2009 Ballycotton, I posted my entry too late
    2009 Stephens Day Limerick, too hungover
    2010 Stephens Day Limerick, Snowed in, stuck on a mountain in Tipp
    2011 Stephens Day, Limerick, Life intervened

    I was all set for it and looking forward to it this year. I wasn't drinking the night before. I wasn't on a Mountain! However a phonecall occured and I had to be somewhere an hour before the race. :rolleyes:

    3 months since my last event now. Touching the post Christmas scales at 80kg and my motivation is rock bottom.

    I have a local 5 mile event at the country club on New Years day in my sights now to kick start some flow. Its not a flat course as its basically up and over a hill. I did it a couple of years ago in 32:31 losing a sprint to the line to a guy twice my age so I have a target too...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Notwitch wrote: »
    Was trying to get a running focus over the last 12 weeks. Got though it but turbo and swim time dropped off and fell away completely in the last two weeks. Rest week this week and will try and get going to a more balanced repeatable week from start of Jan.

    Cool, whats on the agenda for 2012? Did you make satisfactory progress on the running in those 12 weeks?

  • Registered Users Posts: 157 ✭✭Notwitch

    Did you make satisfactory progress on the running in those 12 weeks?

    Progress, yes. How satisfactory really depends on whether I can get my bike and swim to where I'd like them to be in the next 16 weeks or did I put the focus in the wrong place! Heading to Frankfurt in July.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Run: 8k at MP
    Ideally for a bit of tempo you would sandwich it bewteen an easy warm up and warm down. It was cold and wet though and the strong wind made it feel twice as cold. I thus pushed straight into the 8k at marathon intensity. It felt suitably ropey after 10 days of no running and very little running in general over the last few months. My heart rate was higher that usual, my hammers felt tight, the RPE was up, drags felt like hills, hills felt like mountains, I hated the wind etc... Overall not the most enjoyable run I have done but its done and thats all that counted really. I clocked 33:40 for the first 5 miles and it nearly felt like 10k tempo rather than marathon tempo. The 5 mile on New Years days is not going to feel any more pleasant either. I could also feel the effects of the 100,000 calories I've gorged on the last week :o

    I took in the last 10km of the Limerick Marathon route although I ran over the wrong bridge at the end. I almost had a lump in my throat running passed the point where I dropped out in May. The next 4 miles were fairly hilly though and I felt my decision back then was vindicated. Fair play to anyone who did a negative split on this course. Once the 8k push was done I settled the pace and heart rate. I imagined the 'other guy' still pushing and moving away from me though so it took some discipline to keep it steady :)

    Overall 13.34km in 58:10, average HR 160 (with the spiking removed)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Hi Mike. This time last year I was in a lot worse off position running wise, tipping 88/89kg and every step hurt, I felt so unfit and fat! Only one thing for it I thought-find a race, humiliate myself and that might kick me into action. I found two, a two miler that nearly took me 13 min and a club race that I finished last in. That was it. Haven't looked back since and running is now my fav discipline. Anyway, you'll be fine, perhaps find a race and it'll motivate you like it did me-you are in abetted position than I was and I had no excuse! You were building a house ffs!

    Hope ye'd a good crimbo and happy new year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Easy Run
    Whoa thats some gnarly wind out there! Headed out around people's park, the quays and d'Island for an easy lunchtime run. My legs felt really stiff. Its gone too bad now and I've booked in with the tecnician for a rub as soon as she is back in town. Some gusts by the river were pretty strong and it took some concentration to keep a reasonably straight line. I got plenty of looks from people questioning my sanity. As for the run, it was a pure chore and nothing short of it. I managed to keep the heart rate under control despite hitting high 150s leaning into the wind. I picked a hilly route and my hammers frowned upon me. I had a stitch too for some unknown reason. Perhaps its withdrawal symptoms from the sugar. Back at work and the grazing has stopped. I'm hoping the rub will loosen these legs out because right now I have no gra for the running :(
    9.11km in 44mins, averge HR 144, pace 4:46

    Only one thing for it I thought-find a race, humiliate myself and that might kick me into action. .

    Thats the plan for me on NY's day. Back to the one and only 5 miler I've done. It was 3 years ago and the auld lad who beat me back then is probably lining up again. Surley I've made progress since then.. you would think! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year yourself Mr Motivator :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    +1 on the gnarly wind out there, I was headfirst into it for my last two interval sets, tough holding a pace when you have a gale trying to blow you the other way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Man its depressing weather out there. I'd love to be at home on the couch with a hot chocolate watching movies. Or, building lego! During the Christmas week visiting I chatted with my 12 year old cousin who was all excited about getting lego under the tree on Christmas morning. It brought me way back to when I was a kid growing up with lego and nostalgia set in. On another visit to Caz's home we were rummaging for bits in an old farm house when I spotted her brother's old box of lego. On top he had some ragged and dusty looking instructions, amongst them the 1988 Technic Test Car I can't recall ever being so excited about the prospect of anything under the tree as much or wishing so hard for it to be there on Christmas morning. When it appeared I was one delerious 10 year old. It had 900 peices to it and I hardly moved or said a word to anyone until I had it built by dinner time. It was an epic piece of lego!

    I wondered if I still had the pieces in the huge box of old lego in shotgunjunior's room. I borrowed the instructions and the excitement returned (How sad am I :confused:). SG junior hasn't taken to lego yet so the box was opened for the first time in 20 years to find it all just as I had left it, thousands upon thousands of little plastic bits without a single instruction to match. So I spilled the lot out in the new room onto the tiles and spent the guts of 5 hours on my knees digging out 99% of the inventory for the set again. My heart sank a little as some of the missing bits that had probably been sacrificed to the great hoover monster or the dog back in the day, were crucial to rebuild it. Alas, a phone call later to Caz's good brother and I was back on track with the spare parts needed :) So the pieces and the instructions are sitting in a box under the tree again waiting to be assembled and today is the kind of day I'd love to kill doing just that!

    Instead I came to work and went out for a run in the rain... :(

    Short Easy run
    It was windy and very wet. My objective was to focus on cadence and striving for an ideal 90. After 5 mintes I was soaked through and did my first of 5 checks, 88, not bad. The subsequent checks all came in at 88 too which I was pleased with. It took some concentration to keep the pace and heart rate down while pushing the cadence. My usual cadence is 84-54 so even 88 felt alien. I felt like I was taking baby steps at times. It was less taxing on the hamstring too which was good. My hips didn't sink as much also which is another plus. I still wanted to be at home watching movies or building lego though...
    Overall 6.5km in 30 minutes, average heart rate 151, pace 4:39

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    I wanted that car so much as a kid, didn't get it :(

    Edit: now you have be browsing ebay for one

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    It's been a legotastic Christmas in my house this year. The two older ones got some big Lego sets and the Wii and the DS haven't been looked at since Christmas day as Lego world is created on the playroom floor. Brings back the memories alright..…...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    mloc123 wrote: »
    I wanted that car so much as a kid, didn't get it :(

    I remember wanting that machine too.

    Just had a look through this site, and have spotted my old airport, police station and fire station.

    But this... This is the one I'll be sneaking out of my parents house next time I'm home. Epic piece of kit.

    1985.. that bits worrying. Still, smiling the rest of the day.

    Oh, and good work on the training!
