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140.6 deep breaths...



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    +1, sure if i can get in.......

    Jaysus they even gave me a spot last year :D (although there might be more competition for 2013 given the location)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Turbo: Aerobic Tempo
    90 minutes at 81% FTP average. It was a bit better than last week but still a way to go. I'd like to get to stage where I could hold a sweet spot effort for the 1.5 hours. It was nearly 10pm by the time I got on too. The first 40 mins felt great and I had a super rhythm going. I thought I could hold the tempo comfortably for the duration. I lost my concentration though soon after and took a breather to refocus. I needed 2 more short breathers before the end as I found the going tough. I could have done with some music or smething to distract me from my quads. I even had to dig in a bit for the last 15 minutes. There was literally a pool of sweat on the tiles under the bike for a finish. Solid enough work.
    Total 53.8km, average 264w

    Short Swim
    A simple short swim while Shotgun Junior played wth his dive sticks (He wants to be a deep sea research diver when he grows up!)
    600 freestyle, 200 breast stroke, 200 backtroke all easy :) I then joined him under water.
    Total 1,000m

    Run/Swim Brick
    It wasn't intended as a brick but I missed the morning swim and since booking Barcelona flights, have vowed to try to make every session count. So, I coupled my swim and evening run together. I realy enjoyed the run. There were people out running all over the city which was great to see. It helped that it was a warm sunny evening to boot. The Great Limerick Run is this weekend and I found it motivating watching the faces of the runners undoubtedly thinking about their race plans. It was a simple steady aerobic run with a route bias towards hills. I kept the heart rate under 150 but still managed to work up a sweat.
    Total 10.59km

    It was nearly 9pm by the time I reached the Arena so I wasted no time changing into swim shorts and showering. I had no plan, just swim. There was a half dozen in the lane but mostly swimmers and triathletes so that suited me. I hopped in and started swimming. My only goal was to cruise at a strong steady state, kind of IM pace. I had 25 minutes for a 1.5k in mind as a benchmark. I had the watch on and thus no need to look at the clock. I was interested to see how it would turn out. The lane traffic was polite which helped an uninterrupted even paced swim. The 1.5k came out at 25:04 which I was very pleased with. 30 secs off my PB and swimming at steady state :) My calves had felt tender kicking off the wall towards the end. I sort of expected that swimming straight after a run. I was gong to hop out but decided to join 2 of the tri girls for 10*100 easy. I had a couple of dodgy moments with my calves so barely kicked off the wall at all. Looking back on my diary from last year I see that I did a few 3.8k swims in the pool with a best of just under 63mins (I actually shuddered a little when I looked at that diary). If I'm going to pencil in an hour for the Barcelona swim I know I need to hit this mark by August :eek:
    Total 2,500m

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    deep sea free diver eh ? quality ;)

    re: barca and swim

    imho its a tricky spot to swim - the year I did it there was alot of traffic (I was in the last swim wave) and alot of additional buoys in the water that made sighting critical and navigation a little more difficult than I usually find it. The morning of the race was very calm, little or no wind so it was pretty flat.

    That said, the beach itself and bay is prone to swells. Its a great location and quality venue for a race but I know in their first year for their HIM there was a descent swell in the water.

    Apart from the cheesy euro music the link below might be entertaining

    Mr JB and a few others Id imagine may have a different view on it - and Im pretty certain about 40 from Limerick Tri avoid a ash cloud to do the race a couple of years ago.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Yeah there can be a swell as there was for the HIM last year. From memory you swim into it for the first 200/300mtrs and take a right along the coast when it starts to settle. This may need to be done twice for the IM course.
    I seen it calm as well so its pot luck really. The wind can pick up on the out part of the bike course and but can be fast on the in part.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    interested wrote: »
    deep sea free diver eh ? quality ;)

    Something like that. I asked him the other day what he would get if he had all the money in the world. The answer: A house made out of chocolate and a pet maco shark :)

    RE: Barcelona swim. I checked out results from past years vs swim times of people I know. If I get back to Roth swim fitness I'd hope to be close to the hour anyway. But hey whatever I get on the day is what I'll get. Part of the Roth plan was 1:10 for swim+transitions. I'll keep that for Barcelona.

    How are you going yourself Chief? You doing that Eton swim?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    Something like that. I asked him the other day what he would get if he had all the money in the world. The answer: A house made out of chocolate and a pet maco shark :)

    Wow, the little man has taste. Im kinda hoping for similar when I grow up too. A pet shark would rock.
    How are you going yourself Chief? You doing that Eton swim?
    Im doing alright, relatively heathly and enjoying an interesting sojourn into the world of barefoot running with interesting results. Eton ? yeah, thats the plan but with bad weather forecasts all during May for the Uk and here Im going to make a stand and NOT take part if they've to break the ice to let us in ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    Yeah there can be a swell as there was for the HIM last year. From memory you swim into it for the first 200/300mtrs and take a right along the coast when it starts to settle. This may need to be done twice for the IM course.
    I seen it calm as well so its pot luck really. The wind can pick up on the out part of the bike course and but can be fast on the in part.

    The IM course may have changed since the first year - but it was one big long trek down the beach, 50 or 100 metres out the sea, and then back again. Lots of markers that were'nt part of the race course but hey ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    interested wrote: »
    Im doing alright, relatively heathly and enjoying an interesting sojourn into the world of barefoot running with interesting results. Eton ? yeah, thats the plan but with bad weather forecasts all during May for the Uk and here Im going to make a stand and NOT take part if they've to break the ice to let us in ;)

    Was wondering about those strange slippers you wore poolside on Monday. I know you were talking to me about some race or another, but the shoes took all my attention!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Was wondering about those strange slippers you wore poolside on Monday. I know you were talking to me about some race or another, but the shoes took all my attention!

    Oh god, interested, don't tell me you've gone the way of those ridiculous looking "toe shoes"!!??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    Was wondering about those strange slippers you wore poolside on Monday. I know you were talking to me about some race or another, but the shoes took all my attention!

    WTF ? you were'nt listening :eek: ... !!! ;)
    They are distracting / disarming in equal measure. Qualities Im finding very useful here in work. But, if Im honest, Ive know idea what the fuss is about. :confused:


    @ Dory - and in what way are these ridiculous ???

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Maybe it's the foot hair and yellow nails that turns me off. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Maybe it's the foot hair and yellow nails that turns me off. ;)

    She knows you so well!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    @interested - If you can get a wetsuit to match those it would be savage!

    Easy Bike recce of GLR route
    I had an hour steady bike planned for yesterday evening and it was a perfect evening for it too. Unfortunately I got out of work late and ended up doing dinner and heading for a stroll with Caz instead. I haven't missed a session yet this week and wasn't letting this go. I left for work early this morning and cycled a detour over the GLR half route on the mountain bike noting the mile markers. I guess I'll have to go back to working in miles on Sunday :rolleyes: The bones of 25km done including some hopping over curbs and ramping over speed bumps :) Infinately more enjoyable than turbo...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    @interested - If you can get a wetsuit to match those it would be savage!

    If I just swim without a suit ... :D

    Have a great weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Short run with 4*3min reps
    Had a few things to do today so got this done straight after getting out of bed. Simple 30 minutes with 4*3minute reps at sweet spot effort to prepare the legs for a long sweet spot stint tomorrow. 2 mins steady between reps.
    3 mins at 3:54 pace, 0.77km
    3 mins at 3:50 pace, 0.78km
    3 mins at 3:44 pace, 0.80km
    3 mins at 3:40 pace, 0.82km

    The reps got progressively quicker as I warmed up and I finished with loads left in the tank which was good. Minimum expectation is a PB :cool:
    Total 7.25km

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Best of luck tomorrow MCOS

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Great Limerick Run Half Marathon Report

    Aha revenge on the DNF, it feels good :D The DNF from last year was a sore point, particularly as it sat literally on my doorstep. I had no intention of silly marathons again this year so I picked the half marathon for some revenge and claimed it.

    I awoke to a text from Hunnymonster who was outside my place curb crawling in search of her race number. I pedalled beside her down to the start of the marathon shooting the breeze as RedB would say. I found it rather comforting that even Hunnymonster finds the balance of training and parenting a challenge in itself :cool: There were some familiar faces gearing up for the 26.2 so I offered some motivation before pedalling back home to psyche myself up for the half marathon. 2 hours later I was loitering about bouncing my nervous energy off a rather relaxed RedB and Co. As a large crowd meandered over to the start line I joined the slowest portaloo queue in the world and danced about behind a line of walkers in frustration. I ended up scrambling up the footpath beside the park, flanking the mob to get to the front of the line just in time. I ended up in a great position, second row back and beside the corner we were starting on as the final seconds counted down.

    The front row tore off up the initial hill and I followed suit. Way too fast. Everyone in front of me was whippet like and we were at 3:30/km so I backed off a bit. The 2 lead ladies came past with some lads on their shoulders for company. It felt more like the start of a 10k than a half marathon. My support was at the top of the hill yelling too which didn't help to rein the pace back. By the time we hit the first mile marker (which was late) I sort of settled to run with a guy in a red tee. The pace was still 3:45/km though and too hot for me. I thought about the fact that I had another 12 miles to go. I glanced behind however to see that there was a gap back to the next group. I didn’t fancy running alone so I stuck with the red tee for company. As the markers were in miles I had established a 6:20 target pace with a worst case scenario of 6:30 pace (that would sneak a pb).

    Most of the first few miles are dragging and my heart rate was spending too much time in the low to mid 170s. I couldn’t sustain this. We hit mile 5 in a shade under 31 minutes and I decided to let the red tee go. I only had to back off a fraction to get my heart rate back under 170. We were running downhill after Raheen Church when I was first passed. I was still with the guy running up the short steep hill by the crescent but again I let him go as he was dragging me into the red zone. I had taken a gel at the water station at mile 5 but maybe didn’t drink enough water with it. I felt a bit gooey and was glad for the water at the school at mile 7. I was grateful for the water being provided in bottles too.

    The first doubt crept in at mile 8. I was still holding 6:20/mile pace but working pretty hard for it at this stage. I passed some friends with Caz and my Mum with her dog which gave me a lift. I had to shout at walkers at times as they blocked the narrow route and I got rather annoyed with people with earphones, oblivious to what was going on. The noise level increased when we hit town and It was great to have your name on your bib as your name gets called out at every corner. I was passed by another runner on Sarsfield Bridge and he offered some encouragement. I ran with him down to the treaty stone but let him go up the hill alone. I had to focus on my own thing. Miles 9-10 were a bit of a struggled with motivation. I hit 10 miles (marker again late) in 63 and change and asked myself whether I was going to succumb to the pain or embrace it. I figured I just had to run a 20 minute 5k, how hard could it be? I chose to embrace it and chased the runners who had passed me.

    I was moving nicely again until I hit the long drag passed the Gaelic Grounds. I had run this route several times in training and this helped a lot here. I felt as though I was struggling badly but I wasn’t losing ground to the 2 guys who passed me. They must have been hurting as much! The watch beeped with my slowest split so far and I had illusions of me battling to get home in with my 1:25:58 pb ebbing away. I even mistook the green stability treaty posters for the 11 mile marker. Another runner from Eagle AC passed me here. It was hard to tell if I was making up any places though as there were marathoners’ zig zagging about the road. By the time we rounded Nessans School and claimed the 12 mile mark I had my breath back and knew I would get home with a pb. I just had to hold it together for another 8 minutes. I worked hard. My old Rowing Coach passed me on a bike and gave me a high five that nearly knocked me to the ground but I had some determination going now. With a half mile to go I knew I was on for a decent pb. My left quad and right calf were starting to cramp but I didn’t care. When I hit the bridge again I mentally discarded my DNF into the river and opened my legs to the finish. It wasn’t the best run as I had gone out too hard and was cramping up for a finish but I crossed the line in 1:23:40 with a 2 minute PB and I was chuffed with that. Last year I walked away sulking with my head down. This time I treated myself to a rub down, a foil blanket, some grub and savoured the atmosphere rather proudly :D Turned out I bagged top 20 too whch was a bonus. Job Done!


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Well done Mike! Good job, 2 min PB is a massive chunk off it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Ah thats the style Mike. As I always say....."the bitter makes the sweet taste all the sweeter" :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Nice one Mike. Congrats :cool:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Great running Mike,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Massive pb for you, getting it done nicely so far this year Mike.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Recovery for the legs that is...

    Recovery Bike
    It was a lovely evening and I was tempted to take the TT bike out for a spin but orders are orders and the only way to ensure that I kept this easy was to roll out on the fat mountain bike tyres. I simply pedalled a high cadence for an hour taking in last weekends run route and anchoring the feeling of suffering. I can suffer in the pool or on the bike but suffering on my feet is something I need to embrace to go faster. I passed a guy on a road bike and I don't think he was pleased. He bombed off ahead after taking a break on my wheel for a while :rolleyes: It was an enjoyable enough spin but I could feel the race in my legs still.
    Total 25km.

    Squad Swim
    Back to suffering
    I've lost my fins so I just did an easy warm up while the rest of the lane played with swim toys. We bolted into the work with me sandwiched between the technician and my nemesis, not the worst place to be :D
    400 easy
    8*200 off 3:30 in on 3:02/3:01/3:01/2:58/2:56/2:57/3:03/3:03
    8*100 off 1:40 in on 1:29/1:30/1:32/1:33/1:33/1:34/1:34/1:32
    1000 easy
    Total 3,800m

    I hung onto the tehnician for the first 3 200s and actually felt like I might be able to hang on for the 8 of them. But the screw was turned for the next 3 and it toasted me. Amazing, I was comfortable enough at just under my CSS (threshold) pace but a couple of seconds faster and I was in the redzone and suffering. I was wrecked after the 200s and it felt like we had zero rest before we got into the 100s. I swam these in no mans land as I had dropped my nemesis on the 200s and I couldn't hold onto the fish. After the second rep I copped that the group behind me were going off 1:45 and the group in front were going off 1:40. I went with the 1:40 RT for the rest of the set and continued suffering on my own. The reps were dog rough as I fought with the water and gasped for air but I got them done. I was spent after the main set so to rub that feeling in I swam 1k straight easy :)

    Flights and accomodation booked for Barcelona. I suddenly have focus!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Think you made the front page of the Chronicle :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Nice work on the PB mcos - all that feckin' about with AR is paying off:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Turbo - Aerobic Tempo
    Simple, an hour at 85% FTP done as 5 minutes warm up, 50 mins at about 90%, 5 minutes warm down. Very sweaty. My left quad wasn't thrilled about this output an felt the strain of the race cramps still. It wasn't good session as I felt like I had to grind it out. I think I just wasn't in the mood for the turbo and my legs rebelled.
    Total 37.5km, avg 276w

    Swim Squad
    More suffering....
    500 warm up at 1:48 pace
    6*150 off 2:40 in on 2:16/2:17/2:18/2:17/2:16/2:16
    3*100 hard/2*50 hard done in 1:17/35/37, 1:22/38/38, 1:22/37/37
    1000 easy at 1:46 pace
    Total 3,000m avg swolf 70, avg efficiency 34.3

    It wasn't a long main set but the 150s were all too reminiscent of hanging on for dear life in Wednesday's session. The fast bits were done in lactic city and left me hanging over the ropes for a finish. Again, just to rub it in and because I'm not swimming as regularly a I'd like to be, I did a longer 1k swim down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Your 200 and 100 times are so impressive dude :o You are going to kill it on the tri scene this year imo. I mean with times like those you will be right at the front of proceedings after the swim and there ain't many that will catch you on a bike and your recent half mara time really stacks up too! Savage stuff Mike.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Flights and accomodation booked for Barcelona. I suddenly have focus!

    Catching up Mike. 2 mins improvement on your half time is a great PB. Thats 10 sec /mile .

    Did you choose Calella or Barca for the accomodation?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Your 200 and 100 times are so impressive dude :o You are going to kill it on the tri scene this year imo. I mean with times like those you will be right at the front of proceedings after the swim and there ain't many that will catch you on a bike and your recent half mara time really stacks up too! Savage stuff Mike.

    Won't be on the scene much El D. Have Athy next, then Kilkee, then on the low down to get into IM shape. Maybe a race in August. Have had to scrap a lot of the summer races for a variety of reasons.
    Abhainn wrote: »
    Catching up Mike. 2 mins improvement on your half time is a great PB. Thats 10 sec /mile .

    Did you choose Calella or Barca for the accomodation?
    Hey Abhainn, cheers I'm getting there slowly but surely. Im staying in Calella in self catering hotel Miami Park. I fancy cooking my own breakfast etc..

    Barcelona is 50km from the start so it would be a bit of a trek on race morning! Easy to get trains to and from Barca/Calella though

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,274 ✭✭✭Munster_Gal

    Well done! :)
    Yours was the first head I saw when I stopped by to support everyone!
