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140.6 deep breaths...



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Easy Runs
    Friday and Saturday sessions consisted of simple short very easy runs to just get the legs turning over again. I felt a bit stiff to begin with but better and looser at the end of each. Yesterday especially was a stunning day to be running. I'd much rather have been racing in Valentia Island though. I wasn't sure about getting out on the bike this weekend so I plotted a long turbo. Thankfully a window opened for Sunday morning so I could scrp the turbo idea and trot around suburbia happily instead. The instep swelling has receded but there was still the trace of a niggle.
    Total 19.5km over 2 runs

    Bike Endurance
    I hooked up with the tri group for 1hr40 of this. It was a large group with some beginners on board so the pace was slow for the first hour. It was a fresh sunny and windy morning. After the hour a quicker group broke off and I joined them. The pace rose and build to a 15k wind up to race effort. I could feel my heart rate climbing as I pushed the pace every time and covered any moves. It was just a bit of fun but I still burst a lung to keep my wheel in front to the line :) I felt what was left of the group after 2 hours and turned back into the headwind for some more work to bring me to my target 3 hour spin. My lower back was very stiff getting off the bike at the end and I felt as though I had burned quite a few matches. I did do the spin in full winter gear and on just 750ml water though so I was bound to feel it! I have a LOT of work to do to get to a point where this is an easy 'short' bike session...
    Total 101.17km in 3:10, avg speed 31.8kmh

    Right thats the recovery week done and dusted. I'm ready to get stuck in

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    'Tis mad weather out there...

    Easy Run
    A girl was waiting by the door for a break in the downpour to sprint to the smoking shed. I rocked up beside her in shorts and a tee and she gave m a look like I had beamed down from outer space. She asked me incredulosly if I was really going out in that. I smiled and pushed the door open against the wind that was trapping other addicts from their fix. My running colleague was already out in it so I ran at sweet spot intensity until I reeled him in. Thankfully it just took a few minutes as my legs felt like planks of wood. The pace dropped to a very comfortable conversation pace as we trotted around our usual loop yapping about everything and nothing. It was pretty windy but the sun actually came out for most of the 45 minutes and it felt a lot more enjoyable than it originally looked. I let my buddy use the shower first and proceeded to do a few stretches outside the building. 2 minutes later however, a dark cloud closed in and opened up. I had to duck in and hang around the lobby then which I don't like to do as its next to the canteen door :(
    Total 8.5km

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    OW Swim
    I was looking forward to this. My first dip into the open water is a bit late this year, but then I've just been busy with LIFE too. I left work on time for a change and pedalled home. Cycling a mountain bike into the wind is good for the heart :) I transitioned from bike to car and headed out to Worlds End to meet a dozen other anxious faces. The banter was good.

    I'm not one to dip a toe and ease in to prolong the dread, so I dove in to embrace the forehead freeze. It was a bit chilly to be hanging around so we set off swimming straight away. There were no fish about so I lost the group after a few minutes to swim alone. The river was a little cloudy due to the heavy rain that day. I hugged the bank in case there were any rowing crews on the water and sighted every 5 or so strokes. My pace was slow for the effort but I copped that was due to a headwnd and a slight flow. The group stopped after 500m to turn back but I pushed on for a km.

    I stopped after 20 minutes, tempted to do more but it was cold and I had to swim back. I turned and flew back in 17 minutes swimming down the middle of the river. I was lacking length in the stroke and my navigation was all over the place. I simply focused on swimming to stay warm. I wouldn't call it enjoyable but it was good to get the first dip done. My hands and feet were blue afterwards...
    Total 2,100m avg pace 1:44/100, avg efficiency 38.11

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Hey Mike
    Is there a group going down every tuesday evening? you might let us know when the group goes out, wanna head down myself but dont want to go down on my own. cheers 0857076493

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Sweetspot Turbo
    66 minutes at 83% FTP broken down as
    20 at 80%
    3*12mins building from 85%-100%
    10 mins at 70%
    I did it all on the one gear so the 36 minutes work in the middle had me spinning at 115 rpm to hit 100%. I found it tough. Tougher than I should at this point. I mentally signed up for the work and got it done but I had to plead with the legs to hang on. Whats worse is that this is the easier of the 2 turbos I have this week :rolleyes:
    Total 40.2km, avg 273w

    Transition run with strides
    I changed quickly into runners while the sweat dripped off me. I was dreading a run. It was a short one but involved 20 hard 80m strides. I got stuck straight into them and gave them all what I could. I had no watch on so it was a good exercise to 'feel' the difference between easy and hard. I finished up wrecked. It was just a 90 minute brick but it wiped me.
    Total 5km

    Swim Squad
    Large group down this morning and it was a case of jumping in and getting on with it. The group would soon break up...
    500 warm up at 1:38 pace
    10*50 stroke count in on 45,46,45,46,46,45,44,45,45,43 kept stroke count between 17-19
    20*100 off 1:45 in on 1:22/1:26/1:25/1:25/1:27/1:26/1:25/1:27/1:26/1:27/1:25/1:28/1:27/1:27/1:27/1:28/1:28/1:28/1:28/1:27
    1000 easy at 1:48 pace
    Total 4,000m avg pace 1:34, avg efficency 33.52, avg swolf 70

    The 20*100 split the group up and there were bodies all over the place. I started 5th in the line but 2 dropped back after just 2 reps. The pace was hot. I was now chasing the fish and working my butt off just to hold the 3m gap to the feet in front of me. The splits were telling me I was swimming way below my CSS pace so I knew it was going to hurt. I felt the pinch on the 8th rep but set myself a target of getting as many as I could under 90 secs. Another fish dropped back after 12 and I now just had 2 in front of me, one of which was the technician. As expected I noticed that my nemesis seemed to get stronger as the set went on and casualties got lapped. I was hanging over the ropes by the 15th rep and barely catching my breath. I gave the last 5 socks and was pretty damn chuffed to get the whole lot under 90 secs :eek: I was spent though. I did a long warm down again and finished the sesison with a decent stroke, albeit with zero power....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    There were no fish about so I lost the group after a few minutes to swim alone....

    Mike when will you realise that you ARE a fish!:cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Turbo VO2 session
    VO2 reps are never pleasant but I was psyched up for it. I had a kind of a "just get it done" kind of attitude. It was a short 45 minute turbo with 4*4 minutes at 115% FTP. I put the HRM for this one.
    Rep 1, avg HR 158, max HR 167
    Rep 2, avg HR 162, max HR 171
    Rep 3, avg HR 165, max HR 173
    Rep 4, abg HR 167, max HR 177

    I held a steady 370-375w for each of them but the effort to do so rose incrementally. I was grimacing by the end of the 3rd rep and half way through the last rep I was snarling at my legs if they dared to give up. I had 4 minutes easy between reps and needed it. I spun easily for a few minutes after the last rep and hopped off feeling good :)
    Total 28.4km, avg 280w

    Easy Hilly Run
    I took a very relaxed 10 minutes to transition to running gear and to allow myself to cool down. The first 2km feel really heavy. I felt fresh enough but my quads were reeling from the turbo and resisted. I was determined to keep the easy pace easy and I focused on running as steady as I could. I had 2 thoughts floating through my head to stay focused. The pace was 4:55 and I imagined carrying the 3:30 balloon at Dublin and explaining to the gang that this steady pace would get them home. I also visualised running an IM marathon and convincing myself to keep it steady or I'll blow up. The result was I put myself into a sort of trance. The pace was rock steady and I barely noticed the hills. My running legs came around too and I finished the run feeling better than I started :)
    Total 9.72km, avg 4:55 pace,avg 140 HR

    Swim Squad
    Surprise surprise its Friday and the Coach had one thing on is mind... speed! We seemed to spend forever warming up but then it was needed.
    800 easy
    5*100 easy
    4*(100/50/25 all max effort) off 3:00 and 1:30 respectively
    8*50 choice
    1000 easy
    Total 3,500m

    I went for it on the first 100 and bagged a PB of 1:12 :D From then I barely survived in lactic acid. I tried to do the same for a couple of the 50s but the best I could do was a 33. The other 100s were all pants, I had burnt the whole box of matches for the PB....
    Mike when will you realise that you ARE a fish!:cool:
    No chance, one of the key differences is that while they are chatting between reps (they have the time to do that), I arrive at the wall and pant like a dog hiding in the shade on the hottest day of summer...

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Kilkee run recce
    I drove down to Kilkee after work on Friday, parked at the rescue slip and headed for the run course. It was a pleasant but chilly evening. I had intended to run it at a sweet spot effort but lacked a little juice. I was only running up the Dunlicky road and my legs were feeling tired. I pressed on regardless and savoured the views. The tide was out revealing more of the fabulous coast line. I ran a couple of km beyond the turnaround point and out onto a cliff to take it all in. A fisherman heading back to his car pointed at the sky behind me and muttered something. I looked back to see a big dark cloud back over Kilkee Bay. It looked like the heavens were going to open. I picked the pace up a notch on the return but the now headwind was rather gusty and made it feel somewhat strenuous. I was holding around 4 min/km pace and wondering if the legs could hold up to that after the punishment of the bike course in a few weeks... only time will tell. Tough run.
    Total 15.01km, avg HR 154, avg pace 4:11

    Kilkee bike recce
    There is nothing easy about the route. Hills, wind and bone shaking road surfaces. I got a big bowl of porridge on board and started from Doonbeg. The plan was an hour easy, then 2 half hour reps at HIM pace. I spun at a comfortable pace around the course back to the start familiarising myself with the terrain. I started the first rep from the bandstand (transition) and immediately faced a headwind climbing the steep hill out of Kilkee. It was almost granny gear stuff for a couple of minutes. The road climbs in 2 sections over the next 2km giving your legs a little pummel before you even get going. The descent off the hill is quick but the left hander at the bottom into the wind makes the line easier. The 30 minutes got me to the drag after Doonbeg golf club. I took it easy for 10 minutes spinning up the hill. Rep one was solid but barely 30kmh average down on the bars. Once I hot Cree and was en route back to Kilkee though the pace lifted.

    The second rep was a lot quicker but it was not so comfortable on the bars as the road threw you about for 10 solid minutes. There is about a 150m of atrocious road surface outside doonbeg that would be the worst place possible to attempt taking a gel or a swig from a bottle. Its plain sailing from there back to the finish though although you have to climb that blasted hill again. I finished my second rep as I approached it so I spun up it easily. My legs were really feeling it. I had 70km put down back at the Bandstand and about 2:15 on the clock. I felt worn out. I swallowed 2 cereal bars and headed for the run course to flesh out the planned 3 hours. The next 50 minutes included 300m of climbing on very tired legs. The surface on the run route was not bike friendly either so I didn't even attempt to drop to the bars. The last 17 km from the run turnaround back to Doonbeg was into the wind and sucked the life out of me. I was wrecked for a finish. I was also cold even with winter gear on. It was worth going down though as 3 hours alone over the Kilkee route was infinitely tougher than the 3 hour group spin alternative back home. If anything it gave me a sense of the course and what lies in store. Really one you have to pace well to have legs for the run. How the lead guys could run so fast off a 39kmh avg on this bike course last year is beyond me :eek:
    Total 99.54km, avg HR 131, avg speed 31.1kmh

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Easy Run
    The last session of the week was a laboured easy run after a weekend of socialising. The food discipline was non existant too so I felt like I was carrying a few extra KGs around this uban jaunt. 2 laps of suburbia and a box ticked. Finally I put down a week where all boxes were ticked but my legs were feeling it.
    Total 16.5km, avg pace 4:51

    Weekly numbers
    14th May-20th May|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Running|5|4:17|55.73 inc 1 T run

    Definitely the most consistent week put down in a while although life stacked a few heavy sessions next to each other and left me tired. I decided to skip ths morning's pool session in favour of some sleep and a colder dip after work. Now, if I can just apply some discipline and consistency I might get my groove on for the sub10 :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    OW Swim
    I arrived at Worlds End to see trig1 floating on his back like a happy seal. He proclaimed it was 'lovely'. I doubted that. No crowd this week, perhaps the frozen foreheads last monday put them off a while. I felt I had no choice. I have a race next week that involves a 3k swim and I was not going to leave it until the day to see if I can get that far and still have enough blood flowing to transition to the bike. I hopped in with 3 others and got my face into the water straight away. It was pretty damn cold for a couple of minutes but I adapted and found a rhythm. I lost my company and hugged the bank as my goggles fogged up and I didn't fancy meeting an oncoming rowing crew. Again there was just a slight flow to resist you on the way out but I was moving well. I checked the watch around about the point I turned last week to see a shade over 1km done. I was still feeling good and pressed toward the regatta straight. I set my goal as a set of wires across the river and didn't stop until I passed them. Just over 1.5km at 1:43 pace. Progress on last week. I took no break and turned to head back into a breeze and a slight chop. I still had a good long stroke going and felt a lot more comfortable in the suit than last week. I squeezed the pace to a steady work effort and was moving well. I veered offline at times reminding me to sight more often and get new goggles but overall I stiuck to the curves of the bank. With 500m to go I pushed on again staying as relaxed as I good with fatigue setting in. My hands and feet were stiff with the cold for a finish but I was happy to put down 3k and at a better pace than last week :)
    Total 3.19km in 52:28, avg pace 1:38/100, avg efficency 35.88

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    So its confirmed then you will have a good 10/15mins out of the water on me in Athy:o
    Need to get a long dip in cold OW in the next week. Like you don't want the "oh fck this is cold" feeling on race morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    2 more sessions ticked off... consistency, consistency, consistency... my new mantra. Also borrowed "every session counts" from both ElD and JB :D As per Abhainns log 18 weeks to go to Barcelona. That’s roughly 180 sessions. It seems like a lot but it could be a lot of junk too. One of the things I was guilty of last year was doing a lot of junk and also taking my eye off the ball and doing races that were counterproductive.

    The thing I want this year the most is the sub10. I have one shot at it and I need to make it count. To do that the training has to count. Every session has to count. Realistically we have our off days or weeks, or months as Tunney's case. It would be to strict to expect the most from every single session with the twists and turns of a busy life to contend with. Its too much pressure and you might get bogged down on one poor session. So as a bargain I borrowed a figure from the log title. 140.6. The length of an ironman distance race. I rounded to 146 and this represents approx 80% of 180, thus 8 out of 10 sessions must 'count' if I'm going to hit this goal. A meaningless focus for everyone but myself but if it can keep me focused it will be worth it. I started this week and the OW swim felt good enough to cross the first one off the list. 145 quality sessions to go... :)

    Turbo sweet spot session
    Last week's sweet spot session was more arduous than I'd like at this stage so I zoned into my "every session counts" mantra and got stuck in.
    15 mins 75%
    24 mins 85-100%
    24 mins 85-100%
    10 mins 70%
    It was a straight forward enough session with 48 minutes in the sweet spot. I kept it steady and the 100% was solid. A sweat fest again but rock steady and the legs had the juice for it.
    Total 44.6km, avg 272w

    Transition Run

    A simple 5km once I had cooled down a bit from the turbo. A pleasant evening but no sign of this sun ME are forecasting. It started easy and built to a solid half marathon effort for the last 10 minutes. The lungs were fine and legs generally ok but my right hamstring felt tight. Overall a quality brick session that I'll count. 144 to go :)

    Swim Squad
    I fought with the snooze button this morning but just won out and got my ass down to the pool. It was a set I'd usually enjoy but my mind wasn't in it. I forgot to bring the watch and didn't bother checking splits. I just swam and chased the fish
    600 warm up easy
    8*50 max
    1000 easy

    Total 4,000m.
    I swam the whole main set at or better than CSS pace and didn't lose much water to the technician. I lead out the 50s as the water polo fish was doing them in medley order. I just went as hard as I could to not be caught . I almost coughed up a lung in the process. I should be happy with that but honestly I just focused more on chasing or being chased than anything technical. I felt my stroke was short and I just muscled my way through the main set. The 1k easy after the set was a real chore and a mental challenge to complete. Some good work but little gained so it doesn't count. Still 144 to go

    Short Hypoxic Set
    An tiny ode to Dory Dory's fascinating log. I thought I'd sample some of this hypoxic anaerobic stuff while shotgun junior practiced diving.
    10*20 hard hypoxic, no breath, 20 easy breast stroke
    3*40 hard hypoxic, no breath, 40 recovery
    The 20s without breath were not too bad and I recovered enough for each one to keep them breathless. The 40s were a different matter. I hit the wall to turn and had to strongly resist the habit to take a breath in that motion. The 2nd rep was tough but I felt like I was almost choking for the last few strokes of the 3rd. I was gasping for oxygen for a finish. Not easy!
    Total 600m :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    So its confirmed then you will have a good 10/15mins out of the water on me in Athy:o
    Need to get a long dip in cold OW in the next week. Like you don't want the "oh fck this is cold" feeling on race morning.

    Doubtful JB, you are going better than you give yourself credit for. The interesting thing will be to see if I can hold you off on the bike and if so last the run without you chasing me down :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    I knew I was going to have to work on that return lap being hypoxic!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Threshold run
    I should have had this run out of the way already but felt very tired after work yesterday and slept in this morning. I was still dopey cycling into work too. When I arrived, happy to be early, I realised I had forgotten the key for the lock. Cue an impromptu VO2 sprint home and back again :rolleyes: I slalomed the distractions en route to the door at lunch to embrace the glorious sunshine we have waited for. The session called for 3*3km at threshold pace with a km jog between. I knew it entailed suffering but some schoolboy errors transformed it to a struggle. The first rep was into a breeze and mostly uphill so a tough one to begin with. I finished it heaving. I felt parched. My mouth was dry and my legs ached.

    I got through the next 2 reps with my tongue hanging out but at a significantly slower pace than planned. The easy bits even hurt. I had to stop a couple of times during the reps as I felt I was going to explode. My hammers ached. It was generally rough and pants in terms of quality. Does it count? Yes it does. Simply as a reminder on what silly errors can do to me on a warm sunny day. I was under hydrated, dehydrated even. I knew I was going out running at lunchtime. I knew it was warm out. The empty bottle on my desk remained empty all morning. Stupid. Secondly I finished a solid session the other night with tight hamstrings. I didn’t stretch or roll them out and lo behold they ached today. Stupid. I got the session done but it was a good reminder that in 18 weeks or so I will have a full marathon to run off the bike and in 10 degrees warmer weather too! 143 to go...
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    I knew I was going to have to work on that return lap being hypoxic!!
    Next goal for me is a second turn.. aim for 60m ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Bike VO2 reps
    There was no way in hell I was getting on the turbo in this weather. I opted instead for some fresh air. I spun steady for a half hour then plonked it into a hefty gear and laid into it for 5 minutes. I was a tad' overzealous on the first rep as I felt toasted to a crumbly carbon state after it. I took it really easy on the recovery and proceeded to dish out 3 more reps. I doubt I was at 115% output and probably backed off a bit at times but they were strong all the same. I was suitably red faced to confirm so. The reps were done on back roads so I had some shade for them too which helped. Once the work was done I spun steadily into a slight headwind home on the main road. I was happy with the session. It’s basically the route that the Wednesday club group take that I cannot make anymore. Doing it on my own anyway derives more IM specific benefit so it counts :)
    Total 60km in 1:55, avg 31.5kmh

    Swim Squad
    I felt very sleepy on deck so I don’t know where this session came out of.
    600m warm up inc drills
    4*200 off 3:30 in on 2:59/2:58/2:56/2:56
    4*50 hard in on 39-41
    4*200 off 3:30 in on 2:55/2:53/2:53/2:54
    4*50 hard in on 39-41
    1000 steady at 1:45 pace
    Total 3,600m
    Easily one of the best swim sets I’ve done. I still felt lazy during the warm up but once the main set kicked off I switched the focus on and got stuck in. It was a big group down and I went off 3rd behind the water polo fish and the technician. On a regular day this would mean me swimming on my own with a few of the group hanging off me. I held the technicians feet for the first set of 200s and she seemed surprised. She responded by squeezing the pace. She did this a couple of weeks ago too and dropped me so I was on a mission to hang on.

    At this point I’d again like to distinguish the difference between the fish and the rest of us. While I was eyeballs out and sucking in the air like it was my last gasp, the fish were swimming ‘steady’! They also tumble turn gracefully and shoot off the wall. I lose a second or 2 here every time. Anyway the second set of 200s began even faster and I just worked on maintaining my cadence and squeezing out the finish. My shoulders and triceps burned like hell but I hung on. Despite the pace constantly creeping up. I faded on the last rep but I was chuffed with the set. The 1k steady after the main sets must be making a difference, there was clear water back to my nemesis this morning! This one definitely counts :D 141 quality sessions to go...

  • Registered Users Posts: 251 ✭✭handangeo

    Swim Squad
    I felt very sleepy on deck so I don’t know where this session came out of.
    600m warm up inc drills
    4*200 off 3:30 in on 2:59/2:58/2:56/2:56
    4*50 hard in on 39-41
    4*200 off 3:30 in on 2:55/2:53/2:53/2:54
    4*50 hard in on 39-41
    1000 steady at 1:45 pace
    Total 3,600m

    ..........numbers I dream of :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    handangeo wrote: »
    Swim Squad
    I felt very sleepy on deck so I don’t know where this session came out of.
    600m warm up inc drills
    4*200 off 3:30 in on 2:59/2:58/2:56/2:56
    4*50 hard in on 39-41
    4*200 off 3:30 in on 2:55/2:53/2:53/2:54
    4*50 hard in on 39-41
    1000 steady at 1:45 pace
    Total 3,600m

    ..........numbers I dream of :eek:

    .........................numbers I can't even dream of :D

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    .....those numbers give me nightmares.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    141 quality sessions to go...

    I was just thinking myself last night when I finished in the pool that its 30swim sessions left or circ 170 in total till the day. Those stats left me with somewhat mixed feelings

    Have you booked hotel yet?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    @RedB, Handangeo & Oryx... Its only a matter of time, focus and hard work. I once dreamed of being able to swim 3k in an hour.. it seemed like a lifetime swimming goal at the time.
    Abhainn wrote: »
    I was just thinking myself last night when I finished in the pool that its 30swim sessions left or circ 170 in total till the day. Those stats left me with somewhat mixed feelings

    Have you booked hotel yet?

    Yes I'm book into the Aparthotel Miami Park. Self Catering with a hob and fridge and pleanty of space. Thats right circa 170 sessions to go. I'm aiming for 80% quality to get the very most out of limited time this year. What were the mixed emotions?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Silly O Clock bike with sweet spot reps
    My only window to get a bike done this weekend was this morning and I had to be done by 8. There was no way I was missing it as turbo in this weather is just evil. Alarm went off at 0445 and I hopped straight out. I find it difficult to eat first thing in the morning as my systems are slow to wake up. I never miss a breakfast though, its like religion to me. I swallowed a bowl of crushed cornflakes (no time for porridge) and a glass of apple juice and hit the road. I wondered if I was being brave in just shorts and short sleeves but it was positively balmy even as dawn was breaking. The plan was simple out and back to Nenagh in the TT position and get 4*15 minute reps at 90-95% FTP effort done.

    I warmed up for a half hour cycling straight into a headwind and towards a big red ball rising above the horizon. They have sectioned off a cycle lane the whole way from Limerick to Nenagh now which is great. The route is good for TTing with no real hills. Its not flat either and has some testing drags, particularly if the wind is in your face too. The HRM took a good 15 minutes to quit spiking but I intended to do the intervals on RPE anyway. The first rep was a bit of a drag, literally too. My quads felt heavy and I thought the session was going to be a struggle. I found a groove on the next rep though and the session burst to life. Overall a very solid session. I struggled a bit on inclines but kept the work rate up. The sun came out but I had 2 water bottles on board and kept sipping. I felt pretty good getting off the saddle but it remains to be seen next week just what kind of running my legs can do after that effort. First 5am session and quality to. Back in time to have breakfast #2 with shotgun junior, one to count :) 140 to go...
    Total 82.87km in 2:20, avg 35.5kmh, HR 140 (inc the spiking)

    Edit: according to garmin I decended a hill to 200ft under the sea for a finish:rolleyes: aha fixed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 428 ✭✭big mce

    Yes I'm book into the Aparthotel Miami Park. Self Catering with a hob and fridge and pleanty of space. Thats right circa 170 sessions to go. I'm aiming for 80% quality to get the very most out of limited time this year. What were the mixed emotions?

    I'm booked in there also. It got good reviews on trip advisor. Hope it's nice but the other half will kill me (again)!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Easy Run
    The last session of the week was a again laboured easy run, this time after a few hours of landscaping. I was basically wrecked but did the run anyway to tick the box. Not counting as it was pure junk, dragging my feet around after me. My lower back was stiff and shoulders and arms felt like lead. I'm looking forward to cool swim this evening.

    Weekly numbers
    21st May-27th May|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    It was a good week for swimming and cycling but sheer pants for running. If I don't get to grips with running in heat, Barcelona is going to chew me up and spit me out... :( Race week this week so I can look forward to a lighter load. I'm looking forward to Athy, if only to find out where I stand with my current fitness and how wide and deep the gulf is to sub10 shape.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    OW swim endurance
    A big happy gang had gathered yesterday evening at World's End for a dip. One of the lads suggested we huddle together for a race start practice. This was fun, blasting off and climbing over each other in a mad spashy dash :D The water felt a couple of degrees warmer than last week and I had 2 takers for a longer swim. My company was 2 of the faster IMAT bound lads. We set off at a steady but strong pace and just kept going. I followed the contour of the bank but the lads cut the first bend. I was wary of the fact that there was an elite heavyweight quad sculling crew practicing on the water and didn't fancy playing 'chicken' with it.

    The 2 lads were really pushing the pace about 20m to my left. I felt I was swimming well but maybe I was slower than I thought :confused: I had set the same goal as last week whcih was a set of wires crossing over the river approx 1.6km from Worlds End. We pulled up there to get our bearings. I glanced at the watch to see that we were on 60 minutes IM swim pace :eek: No wonder I was feeling it. It dawned on me that my company were both likely sub60 swimmers and 5 weeks from the IM hence damn near peak shape. They asked how far we had gone and I knew by their reaction that they wanted to do the IM distance. I know the river and suggested we pick the second set of wires which fly over the regatta slipway as a goal. I got 2 nods and we pressed on. We swam together for this bit and I caught draft here and there. The effect was profound. Even spending 10-20 strokes on someones feet gives you a breather and helps you find your reach again!

    We pulled up at the regatta slip under the second set of wires. It was the furthest I had swum on this course and a shade under 2.5km. It was very tempting to do another 500m to O'Brien's Bridge and tick off something I always wanted to do. However we had to swim back and a good bit of work lay ahead in that alone. We turned and set off at the same steady clip. I lead the way this time into a slight breeze and chop on the water. I thought I'd swim to the first set of wires again , approx 1km and grab a breather but by the time I got there I was in too good a rhythm to break it with rest. The 2 lads fell off my feet on the choppy stretch but were still plugging away when the water calmed again. With 1km to go I was feeling it in my shoulders and my lower back was still feeling the hard labour at the weekend. I was happy to round the last bend and catch sight of the pier. I kept the stroke as long as I could to the end. We were in consensus stripping the wetsuit off that it was a quality swim and one that definitely counts :) One of the lads did 61 mins in his first IM and will be sickened if he doesn't crack it this time as he is a fast masters swimmer. The other lad is going to blitz IMAT and I'm looking forward to tracking them both. 139 to go...

    Total 4.92km in 1:20, avg pace 1:36/100m, avg efficiency 35.4

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    savage swim, im pee'd I missed this session again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    The plan was simple out and back to Nenagh in the TT position and get 4*15 minute reps at 90-95% FTP effort done.

    I warmed up for a half hour cycling straight into a headwind and towards a big red ball rising above the horizon. They have sectioned off a cycle lane the whole way from Limerick to Nenagh now which is great. The route is good for TTing with no real hills. Its not flat either and has some testing drags, particularly if the wind is in your face too. The HRM took a good 15 minutes to quit spiking but I intended to do the intervals on RPE anyway. The first rep was a bit of a drag, literally too. My quads felt heavy and I thought the session was going to be a struggle. I found a groove on the next rep though and the session burst to life. Overall a very solid session. I struggled a bit on inclines but kept the work rate up. The sun came out but I had 2 water bottles on board and kept sipping. I felt pretty good getting off the saddle but it remains to be seen next week just what kind of running my legs can do after that effort. First 5am session and quality to. Back in time to have breakfast #2 with shotgun junior, one to count :) 140 to go...
    Total 82.87km in 2:20, avg 35.5kmh, HR 140 (inc the spiking)

    Edit: according to garmin I decended a hill to 200ft under the sea for a finish:rolleyes: aha fixed.

    I must get out with you for one of those spins- i do that route regularly and i'm sick of cycling on my own- might be close to your speed too

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Short bike with HIM efforts
    Lovely evening out again to be out and about. My lower back is still stiff so I was curious to see how the TT position and transition run would feel. To my shame I've never gone and booked in a bike set up and keep putting it on the long finger. I really have to do this soon as the crrent position feels odd. Anyway it was a simple out and back on a TT route with 3*10 minute pushes thrown in. The first half of the first rep was uphill and through a town with terrible roads but once I hit the main road I got motoring. There was very slight headwind on the way out and I did 1.5 reps into it. I really settled into a comfort zone on the way back and felt I got stronger as the session went on. I should be able to hold the effort for 80km but then how will I run off it? No idea.
    Total 34.15km, avg hr 140 (not inc spiking), avg seed 36.4kmh

    Transition run tempo
    I wasted no time getting the helmet off and shoes on so as to get the proper transition feel for the legs. Sure enough I was sluggish to start. I built the pace once I had transitioned to running legs and ran at a tempo pace for 3km. Afterwards I realised I should have ran at HIM pace and not half marathon pace which explains why I found this an effort. Still it was a decent run off the bike to get the legs ready for a race. My lower back and hamstrings were tight for a finish. Good session and one to count. 138 to go..
    Total 5.18km, avg pace 4:03. HR 155

    Swim Squad
    Swimming regularly helps! I lost the feel for the water a while back after a few weeks of too many missed sessions but lately with some consistency I'm getting a feel for the water again. Nice set this morning
    800 warm up
    4*150 steady
    6*100 off 1:45 in on 1:28-1:30
    3*400 off 6:40 in on 5:58/5:57/5:52
    4*50 max effort
    300 cool down

    Total 3,500m
    I spotted the 400s on the plan and decided to coast the 150s and keep a lid on the 100s. I then set a target of hanging onto the tecnician for the 400s. It was hard work but I was chuffed to post 3 sub 6 400s and drop my nemesis off my feet in the process :D 137 to go...

    Trig1 wrote: »
    I must get out with you for one of those spins- i do that route regularly and i'm sick of cycling on my own- might be close to your speed too
    Cool I'll let you know if I'm out that direction again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    couldn't resist the Beast!!! eh!!;) i'll have to do it next year, looks savage

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Frustrating as hell. No training for the last 2 days cause of this stupid back strain. Hurts to walk. Short session tomorrow to judge the likelihood of a 20km shuffle struggle Saturday...
    Trig1 wrote: »
    couldn't resist the Beast!!! eh!!;) i'll have to do it next year, looks savage
    Savage indeed. 36hours non stop. It will be some experience! It will tick a couple of things off the bucket list. The logistics for it make triathlon prep seem so simple!
