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140.6 deep breaths...



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    ... is that I have no intention of putting pressure on myself. ... Whatever the situation when it comes around. I intend to enjoy it :)

    Welcome back Mike and congrats on the adventure racing. Make sure you and the missus have a great holiday in Spain.


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Wow that was something else! I'm not saying I ever want to put myself through what you went through Mike but it does seem like you would find out a lot about yourself. Mental toughest 101 my friend. Well done. Hope you enjoy Bracelona and if you are going there with a relaxed attitude you may be surprised :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Training this week - The Good
    OW Swim - 4.3km out at Worlds end. I felt good to begin with and was tempted to do the full length to the bridge and back but swans thwarted my ambition. They literally lined across the river in front of a little black signet and dared me approach. I heard about a swimmer being chased by one of them the previous week and decided not to tempt fate. It was just as well, when I approached 3km I faded badly. Attempting the longest swim of my life would have been foolish. It reminded me that just because I feel good at the start of a session doesn't mean I can push more than 10% beyond the tested envelope.

    Squad Swim. The main set was 4*200/4*100 off 3:20/1:40. The Coach basically prescribed those RTs to the the 2 fish in the lane, Waterpolo Boy and the Tecnician. He even suggested 3/1:30 to them and they had a think about it. The rest of us, including my nemesis, were told 3:30/1:45. I opted to chase the fish for as long as I could hold the RTs. Cue 2.4km of threshold effort. I swam in no mans land between them and my nemesis leading the group. It was a bit of suffering but I had chosen. Thankfully I made the RTs, although I couldn't add much to the conversation the fish were having between reps! 3,800m done

    So, swimming is going ok. I slept in this morning so I'll hopefully tick the 3rd swim box this weekend.

    Training this week - The Bad
    Zero biking or running done! I found out while trying to turbo on Tuesday that I strained my right hip flexor when I fell last weekend. Hammering into an FTP rep showed it up and it was sore too. I'll atempt an easy run/bike later to suss it out and do more stretching but its the bones of a week lost. I'm due to meet Mr Duracell for a long bike this weekend and thats looking like complete carnage at the moment.

    Training this week - The Ugly
    I could blame the hip niggle. I could blame the long hours at work. I could blame the incessant rain. The reality is my motivation is just shot. Caz is even worried that I'm turning into a Couch Potato. Its also frustrating for her when my early alarm goes off, wakes her up, and I just roll back over to sleep. I've jumped from 76.5 - 79kg in the last 10 days through sheer gluttony. Caz has reminded me several times that I have an Ironman to do in 6 weeks. I know that. It hasn't sunk in. I don't seem to care. I think the problem is 2 fold

    1. I just haven't done the training to chase a time at Barcelona. Yes I've put down some solid weeks and had some good races. It the consistency that will tell. Far too many missed sessions, write off weeks. I dont want to ruin a holiday for Caz moaning my way up to it, not hitting a specific result and moaning afterwards.
    2. There is more to life than training on your own most of the time on the same roads, chasing numbers...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    1. I just haven't done the training to chase a time at Barcelona. Yes I've put down some solid weeks and had some good races. It the consistency that will tell. Far too many missed sessions, write off weeks. I dont want to ruin a holiday for Caz moaning my way up to it, not hitting a specific result and moaning afterwards.
    2. There is more to life than training on your own most of the time on the same roads, chasing numbers...

    Think your answer is in there... do Barcelona without a time goal, and see where you stand in terms of racing on limited training. No point in half measures, you're not trained for a fast time, may as well enjoy the race, and hopefully that will feed into you enjoying training for something specific next year.

    And deffo mix it up a bit when getting back training, variety is the spice of life. Train without the watch for a while, hit some new routes, (OW and hill running seem to excite you), and you'll rediscover what you love about sport.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Thats the plan. No swim, bike or run goals. What happens happens. I will use it as a catalyst to plot next year. I've done enough events where I've shattered myself, often through basic errors, in search of a specific tight goal. Its a wonder I remember anything of the experiences. There must be joy in what we seek. Not just the euphoria of achievement but the joy of being in the moment, finding flow.

    Indeed, out with the some of the sweaty stationary turbo VO2 reps this winter and in with the crisp air of wintery hills :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    There must be joy in what we seek. Not just the euphoria of achievement but the joy of being in the moment, finding flow.

    QFT, I think we have similar goals for Barca....enjoyment!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    It's the perfect race to enjoy lads. I did it with a smile from start to finish last year and loved every minute of it. There are worse ways to spend a day. It's also a lovely area! :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Faster, higher, longer, stronger, biggger, better....PRESSURE!!!! We all do it to ourselves. Push, push, push....and if the clock or the stats or the podium placement does not scream just how awesome we are, then we're failures. Okay, I'm exaggerating just a pinch here, however, the point is goals are healthy to have, but it's when the success or failure of those goals and the resulting way we feel about ourselves is purely measured in numerical terms that we set ourselves up to eventially hit the end of the good times and happy trails.

    And then there's balance....and more to life....and the reasons we spend so much time training....and motivation behind the degrees we push ourselves. I hate to say it, but we're fodder for the Freuds of this world. In my humble opinion, in order to keep a happy state of homeostasis, we have to allow the variables to be fluid. It's a train wreck of cost-benefit meets all-work-and-no-play-makes-for-a-dull-shotgun. Translation - life is short so don't piss it away.

    Personally, I think you're just a little burned out at the moment. You've got to be totally spent both physically and emotionally from that amazing adventure race, so I'm sure you'll be good as new in a few. I totally agree with Kurt - chuck the watch and run/swim/bike or whatever for the way it makes you feel and for no other reason....and grant yourself permission to do Barca for the non-numerical terms of enjoyment and thrill. You're allowed. In fact, we're all allowed. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    I was gonna write something but i think Dory has said it all... you've had an absolutely amazing season in Tri and adventure racing- with A FEW podium finishes-- most of us normal humans would love just 1 podium finish in our tri careers... go to Barcelona and enjoy it!!!! I guarantee you will still do a fantastic time there!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Sat: Easy Run
    A simple 30 minute easy run to suss out my hip flexor. It felt fine.

    Sat: Long Bike

    Hooked up with Mr Duracell again for the long bike. The plan was 5 hours and once again I fell short. We did 2 hilly loops to cover the first 3 hours. It was supposed to be handy pace but we bolted up the Cratloe climb at the beginning of each lap. My heart rate was in the mid to high 160s on the first climb and low to mid 170s on the second! I had initially tried to keep it under control at 155-160 but couldn't, so we just pushed each other up. No falling off this week I grew in confidence on the first descent and really flew down the second.

    I think it was the sight of 4 mountain bikers flying down passed us as we climbed that enticed me to let loose. I descended in the zone and even lost Mr Duracell! We were both at HIM effort at least for the first 3 hours and decided to push it on a bit for an out and back TT to the airport. He lead out to keep the effort steady with his power meter. We generally stay 15-20m away from each other and I was doing well just to hold his pace. I began to fade on 3.5 hours and told him to let me go at 4, whereupon I died and coasted home with my tail between my legs again.

    It was an improvement from last week no doubt. It was warm though and I dropped 2.5kg during the session which didn't help. My neck and shoulders were very stiff too. I wasn't bothered about being dropped again. I just don't have the work on the bike done that he has. The slight worry though was that both my quads were starting to cramp when the tempo came on. It was undoubtedly down to dehydration and pushing too hard up the climbs. So another 4.5 hour bike done. I'm nowhere near last year's bike shape.
    Total 143km, ascent 1,249m

    Sun: OW Swim

    Met up with Mr Duracell again for an early swim. We both had a long run to do and just wanted to get it out of the way. It definitely made a difference to have company. The buoys were lined out for next week's Worlds End triathlon so we opted to swim a few laps of the course after climbing over reeds by the bank for the first 10 minutes. I clocked the laps at circa 1km. I cruised the first 2 laps then squeezed the pace for the next 2. I veered off line quite a bit and my stroke felt a bit laboured. Mr Duracell was almost on my feet for the first 3km until I focused on my reach and grabbed the water. Within the next km I had pulled a minute clear. Decent swim, passing the IM mark in a shade over 60 minutes.
    Total 4.1km

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    swam the buoys today and thought it was over 750m, from first buoy down to the last buoy and back to the first again your saying is 1km??

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Hey Trig1. Yep I clocked the loop at approx 1km. There are 2 'dirty' buoys at either end. However taking those away would still leave 900m or so. Not sure if thats the full course or what but I guess you will find out next weekend. Best of luck with it. Half tempted to drop down and do it myself but I've a longer race to do in 6 weeks and nowhere near ready for it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Weekly summary


    Not much to say. Didn't get my lazy ass out of bed for pool swims. Had to bail on an OW meet up due to working late :(

    5 hour good long bike with climbs and 2 hours steady state, 20 min easy run off
    1 hour 45 not good easy bike that hurt
    Total 219.8km

    Missed the midweek turbos for the 3rd week running. Valid excuses this time but simple fact remains that they didn't get done. The long bike with Mr Duracell was good though. I finally finished a session with him and hung in for the 5 hours. The first 2 hours included 2 climbs. The second 2 hours HIM effort. At 4:15 when I thought we were cooling down, he suggested an easy 15 minute loop to make sure we hit 5 hours. I agreed and was subsequently dragged up another short but steep climb. I felt like putting my pump through his back wheel spokes. To rub salt in we took in another long hill. Some cool down! Anyway 165km put down at 32+kmh with 1,350m of ascent was easily the best bike session since the IM last year. It was a lot more climbing than Barcelona too so it augers well. I ran a short 4km loop off the bike which felt dreadful but at least it got done and I felt a bit positive about getting through an IM.

    The shorter bike was an out and back to the Inlaws. 10 minutes into it the outside of my right knee started to hurt. It gave me a little trouble toward the end of the long bike yesterday but this was a stabbing pain. It felt ok standing on the pedals but otherwise impossible to put any pressure on the right pedal without the knee hurting. 55km of pedalling mainly with my left foot was unpleasant. Caz suspects ITB. Iced it. Hopefully it will tease itself out.

    1 hour 30 IM pace
    1 hour 10 easy pace

    I did a longer run on Monday as I missed the long run last week. Apart from that I missed a planned interval run and another long run. Poor.

    40 mins Yoga. It was half hearted at best. Sun salutations.

    Overall its tough to put down weeks like this and then read the like of Abhainns log. Or even go back over some of this log. One of the reasons why I'll be closing it down in a few weeks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    ^^^Thats not the Mike we all know^^^ Try and find that mojo of yours. The only enjoyment i have read in this log in the last 6 months has been your AR experiences in particular BOB.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Kilkee was good too though :)

    You are right. Caz would agree with you also. Its the primary reason for taking the pressure off for Barcelona. I feel as though I'm in transition. Going through the motions, yet noticing every detail of the chaos going on around me. Chasing the goal is not my issue, its taking in the journey. All my best results have not had a specific time goal attached and what I remember about them is how I felt, what I saw etc...

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kilkee was good too though :)

    You are right. Caz would agree with you also. Its the primary reason for taking the pressure off for Barcelona. I feel as though I'm in transition. Going through the motions, yet noticing every detail of the chaos going on around me. Chasing the goal is not my issue, its taking in the journey. All my best results have not had a specific time goal attached and what I remember about them is how I felt, what I saw etc...

    The journey should be like foreplay. I'll let you fill in the rest. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    The journey should be like foreplay. I'll let you fill in the rest. ;)

    If my admittedly limited experience is anything to go by I think she's telling you to go on the beer for the next couple of weeks. Oh, and you're on for a PB too...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    Great race report. Only getting around to read it now. Sounds like a great experience. Read it with jealous eyes. I was offered a team spot but alas couldn't get the time off.

    Liking the new outlook!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Im always one to say to people who doubt they could do xyz that if they break it down and build slowly it will be no problem for them but i can honestly say id really really struggle with something like that!! Im just far too fond of the sleep! Bloody madness you AR lot!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    @Dory ... the rest? :)
    @BTH... PB?
    @Nerraw... Next Year?
    @Bambatta... 3 Tris 3 ARs this year, Barcelona will tip it to Tri... I aint gone yet!

    Monday: 10km run in 45 minutes. Started easy, lifted the pace for the last 2.5km. Sweated buckets.
    Tuesday: 11km including 5*3mins chasing a mate around a field. Figured training with someone faster than me will bring me along. I struggled and was left behind. I will persevere

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Swim Squad: Yay a morning session done. I used to be pretty disciplined for these. Recently, late work, late eating, late sleep, sleep in, not bothered. I rightly assumed that it would be grim. It has been 2 weeks since I showed up at the pool, other than to muck about with shotgunjunior. I retreated to the bubbles of my nemesis for the first 8*100 set. I thought I could hang in there for the rest of the session but 6*50 hard moved me up to chase the fish. I was happy holding onto the tecnician for a steady 300 with decent stroke form until I realised she was switching to backstroke every odd 50! I was dropped on each of the subsequent 8*150 despite hitting the repeat times. 3,500m put down with plenty of suffering included.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Caz: "Pull yourself together or leave the bike behind..."

    This weekend was Caz's birthday. I honestly burned more calories organising a surprise party than I did training this week!

    I had great intentions for this race earlier this year. Planned race weight of 73kg, comfortable PB. My monthly training volume last month would have looked like a typical week's volume (the adventure race aside) last year. On the bright side I got 3 long bikes done but honestly its too little too late. I swam 4 times last month. I ran 5 times. I have an Ironman Distance race in 4 weeks!!! None of those 5 runs were long enough to call a long run either. I stepped on the scale today at a shade under 81kg.

    Basically the 'relaxed' attitude has been taken too far. Taken the piss more like it. The Coach has even been handed notice. Caz has basically now said to either put down the cake and do a bit of training or forget about the race and watch it from the beachfront with a beer! She feels that if I am doing something about the race I may not end up crumpled up in a heap on lap 1 of the run. 50/50 now whether I'm even going to do it

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Happy birthday to Caz.

    I think Caz is correct that it's time to make your decision..and once you commit to either proceeding with the race or not, a weight will be lifted for you. 4 weeks is not much time, especially since 2 or 3 of those weeks should be taper....but you've got an amazing base so there is no doubt you can complete the entire distance in one piece. IMHO, if you do this IM, you will have to pace smart. Period. No heroics to push your limits. It's already been established that you are not where you want to be leading up to this race both physically and training-wise, and that's totally okay. No biggie. So if you do participate in this event, have zero expectations and pressure on yourself other than to have a good time and finish with a smile in your face. It's not about the clock this time. And if you decide to scratch this event, that's also totally okay...and go and enjoy it from the beachfront with your beer as Caz suggested.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Happy birthday to Caz.

    I think Caz is correct that it's time to make your decision..and once you commit to either proceeding with the race or not, a weight will be lifted for you. 4 weeks is not much time, especially since 2 or 3 of those weeks should be taper....but you've got an amazing base so there is no doubt you can complete the entire distance in one piece. IMHO, if you do this IM, you will have to pace smart. Period. No heroics to push your limits. It's already been established that you are not where you want to be leading up to this race both physically and training-wise, and that's totally okay. No biggie. So if you do participate in this event, have zero expectations and pressure on yourself other than to have a good time and finish with a smile in your face. It's not about the clock this time. And if you decide to scratch this event, that's also totally okay...and go and enjoy it from the beachfront with your beer as Caz suggested.

    I was going to say stuff but after Dory Dory's well put statement - no point;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,900 ✭✭✭Seres

    whats happening , you still in ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Got a few sessions done this week. Still way short of what I'd ideally be doing but in the context of form, not too bad...
    @Seres, yes still in. Going to do it. No expectation. Finish and Chill out.

    Monday: Squad swim. The fish were absent so I had the honour of leading out the fast lane for the first time ever, reluctantly. My pleads of no swim in the previous 10 days fell on deafy ears.
    The main set was: 3x(2*200/2*100/2*50) off 3:30/1:45/0:55
    I felt ok and came in on 2:57-3:05 for the 200s and 1:32-1:34 for the 100s. I was surprised at this. I thought my fitness would wane so I just tried to swim as efficiently as possible. I did a 1k steady cool down at 1:46 pace for 3,600m total.

    Tuesday: Medium brick session. My usual 60km rolling loop at IM TT intensity. My heart rate was a bit high and I only managed 34.7kmh average. I had intended to do some 5 minute FTP intervals but I struggled with power. My knee really started to hurt after 50 minutes and felt worse the harder I pushed. I was very dubious about running off the bike but actually felt great on my feet. 10.4km at 4:46 pace and I had a bit of bounce to my step. The heart rate was 149 for the bike which was too high for the effort and 149 for the run which was ok. A good session but my knee was really sore afterwards. I tried some squats and rotating it in circles but it was not in a good way.

    Wednesday: Squad swim. The fish were back. We kicked off the main set with 400-300-200-100 progression. I worked these with DaveR1 who was clearly on a wind down after a busy season. The reps came in on 6:04-4:28-2:54-1:24. I was again surprised by this. It was harder than CSS work but not lactate. The second part of the set was 10*150 off 2:40 done at 100 hard 50 easy. These all came in steady at 2:20. I started to feel it after 6 reps but just thought about the work done vs the work left to do and it shrank the task. Again I did 1k steady cool down at 1:42 pace for 3,900m total.

    Short swim while shotgunjunior did his thing. A simple 10*100 as 50 breast 50 free. I did them off 2 minutes which meant I had to really work on the breast stroke and couldn't ease off on the. It was just 1km in 20 minutes but I was breathing very heavy afterwards.

    Thursday: Nothing - skipped the planned sessions

    Friday: 12km easy run. I passed on the intreval run and hard turbo during the week since my knee was so sore after tuesday. It felt fine running though.

    Saturday: Long progression run. I nearly didn't get up for this but Caz basically rescued the session kicking me until I got up. I had to be done by 8am for work so no time for procrastinating. Straight out the door for 28.2km done in 3 loops of suburbia. The first few kms were slow and sleepy until I settled into circa 4:46 pace. I felt good and even enjoyed the peace and darkness. I love running down the middle of roads. I pushed lap 2 to sub 4:30 pace and it felt steady. Lap 3 was pressed again to 4:15 pace and took some work. I stopped briefly at my gate before lap 3 to wash down a gel. The sun had since come out and it was a positively balmy morning. Overall 2:06 at 4:28 pace and HR 1:46 for my longest run since Roth last year. I'll take that. Better than I expected :)

    Saturday: Bike 30 minutes. A short session either side of a bike fit with some max effort reps. The fit was the first time I'm been fitted since getting the bike in 2010 :o Saddle up 15mm and back 10mm. Apparently the frame really suits me and I could put the saddle even higher, although the set up is pretty aggressive as it is. I only did the max reps to see if Icould bring out the right knee niggle. It didn't happen.

    Sunday: Long brick. I really wasn't in the mood for this. I rolled over when the alarm went off for 6am again. Once again Caz provided the push I needed. I was sleepy and thinking of every excuse not to go out. In the end I just did 4.5 hours of a planned 6 hour session.

    Bike 134km at 36.2kmh, HR 138. I basically TT'd from Limerick to Mallow and back. The headwind was killing me on the way out and I was struggling to hold 31-32kmh. The new position felt good, more room and maybe more power. I could tell for sure as the wind was breaking me heart. My right knee began to act up after 1:15 and hurt to a concerning degree by 1:45. I decided to cut the planned long bike short and turn after 2 hours. I was glad too to put the wind behind me. If it had been one of those days where you turned to find another headwind I think I'd have sat on the side of the side of the road in defeat.

    Instead I had a lovely tailwind and stormed back home in 1:40 easily holding 40+kmh. I relaxed into a good strong rhythm and kept the cadence fresh. I passed the tri club back at Limerick heading out for their sunday group spin. I was tempted to join in but as I got out of the saddle to punch up a short hill my knee kind of popped painfully and made the decision for me. So just 3:40 put down on the saddle. It was good but again too little too late.

    Run 8km. I headed out straight away and the sweat poured off me. It was warm by now and I had a long sleeve base layer on under the cycling top. I held 4:46 pace average but it was very laboured. I felt under fuelled and the legs were a little tight. More to do with the long run I think than the bike. It would be a dream to hold this pace for the IM marathon but thats it, just a dream...

    At this stage it feel like cramming for an exam just to avoid getting a D! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    That's some great cramming going on there MCOS. Have to laugh at you being kicked out of bed twice!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Overall Mike that is positive stuff and good to see you are still in. Those bike and run numbers are still fecking good. Hope that knee trouble clears up.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Good stuff Mike, Coach Caz has your measure thankful now i would say that she got you up and out. Some good numbers still there even with the lack of recent training.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    +1 on the great stuff,
