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140.6 deep breaths...



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    Ah now as soon as the pools open at 7am or whatever it is in your neck of the woods that will be sorted. They don't appear that early in the morning :D

    Aye, my pool is on 12-6 all this week... no point going over between 12-3 as all the kids are in for a wash.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Thursday pm: Tempo Run
    Had a bit of a rough day yesterday so opted for an aggressive run to shake it off. No warm up just a tempo 5k from the door in 19:20. I pushed the cadence and worked. I opted for the hillier route too but had to cross too many set of traffic lights to get a proper rhythm. The garmin spiked like mad to start but I stopped and licked the pads which sorted that out. Initially I planned to run at hlaf marathon pace but hit the fisr km in 4:01. Instead of backing off I said to hell with it and pushed out 3:54, 3:48, 3:46, 3:49. It was a shock to the system to say the least. I eased back and ran the last few kms home steady. Overall pace 4:07, hr 161, dist 8.82km, time 0:36

    Thursday pm: Turbo FTP session
    I already did an FTP session this week due to the pool being closed and a rather heavy run before this meant holding back a bit. So I just did 2*10mins at 90% with 5 min recovery. I found this very tough. The first rep felt like I had already done a couple so a found myself psyching up for the next one just to get through it. Session done but it wasn't pretty.
    Time 1:00
    Dist 36.8km

    Did some stretching afterwards and my lower back and quads in particular gave out

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Friday pm: Z1/2 Run
    Steady lunchtime run. There was nothing interesting about it, just rounding off my biggest running month by a distance. Pace 4:31/km, hr 147. Easy swim a while later
    Time 1:00/0:40
    Dist 13.27km/2km

    December numbers
    1-31 Dec|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms
    Conditioning|--|6:04|Stretching & Core

    The biggest month I've ever put down, especially with the running. Ran every day of the month and while a lot of them were just 5km or short runs off the bike they all counted. I was concerned as many would be that a running streak heightens the risk of injury. On the contrary I feel as though my running durability is improving. All base tests showed progress and the tendonitis is not as bad as the start of the month despite all the running. I went through an off patch in swimming but it seems to have rectified itself lately. Cycling was predominantly turbo with all the ice and snow etc.. Importantly I'm balancing the hours with family and life so far. Overall a very solid month, pleased with it :)

    The main objective was the world AG champs in Budapest which was a great experience. I had an up and down year in terms of training. Problems with my calves trying to convert my footstrike but after months of focus I ran the DCM as a pacer on a mid foot strike and at a lower heart rate than last year. Progress on 2 counts. Running in general was poor this year and I'll put it down to a year of transition. My only attempt at a road race was a 40min 10k which I was very disappointed with. Apart from that I wanted to hit sub40 off the bike but never got close, even when I paced the bike well. Run cadence was an issue, along with nutrition and general base fitness. I've been working on 2 of those for the last 2 months and diet will be targetted as of this weekend. I reckon I will need to pencil in a couple of road races in 2011 if I am to have a decent crack off sub3. Initially I'll aim for sub90 at the Waterford half marathon and then do one or 2 10ks this side of the IM. En route to the Marathon in Berlin I'll do another 10k and half marathon to guage progress.

    I was happy with the bike considering I do so much of it alone. Getting out for long wekend rides with the lads was a rarity so the quality of turbo sessions stood to me hitting my target pace at Budapest, 40kmh. Since Budapest was a flat route though I had no focus on hills. I did well on a hilly Brian Boru bike course though which surprised me but I will need to get lots of hillwork done before Roth. I've bought into the improtant of cadence and perceived effort too and feel as though I'm training a lot smarter on the bike.

    Swimming was a big focus. I swam a lot this year and really made an effort to swim 2-3 times a week every week. I also enjoyed OW swimming in the summer and think I'll have a go with an OW race next summer with my swim buddy, who is an OW swimmer. I surpassed my pace target for Budapest and have hita lot of swim personal bests in the pool so the focus was worth it. Some say that putting that amount of focus into swimming only has limited gains versus putting the hours on the bike, however my bike split is usually my best split in triathlons so I worked on my weakness. What actually happened was that my swimming became stronger than my running which naturally turned my attention to the road again.

    My favourite event was Budapest just for the novelty of a big event a mixing with top AGers from around the world. I was mid pack in the swim, well up on the bike and way off on the run. My best event was 9th at Schull. I got 2 top 10s this year which was progress on my rookie year but getting one in a NS race was satisfying. Valentia Island was my favourite event. I find that my swim is getting more solid and getting me out of the water ahead of the main pack. I usually make up some more places on the bike but then its a question of how many I lose on the run. Valentia Island was the first time I had enough of getting passed and finished strong sprinting past a couple of scalps. Not much of that really matters for Roth in 2011 other than turning my attention to running. I will do a couple of sprints and a HIM before Roth and will look to be more competitive by improving my usual run split.

    As for Roth, its my first Ironman, although not the branded type. Of course finishing is the obvious objective but barring a disaster that should happen. Its still too early to think about splits but I'll admit that a 9:59 is the dream :eek:

    I may do triathlon or 2 after Roth. I will do an OW swim race too but all eyes will be on Berlin and a sub3 effort. I'll have maybe 10 weeks to get in shape for it so smart specific training for that will be paramount.

    So 2010 was fun again. The SCR challenge is a great tool for motivation and for a record of what you have done. I raced less and learned more. 2 big goals for 2011 will make it interesting. Bring it on :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Page 4 on logs :o Here’s the catch up…

    New Year’s Day 2011 pm: LSR Z1/2
    I wasn’t feeling great and coupled with a bowel issue, I decided on shorter loops so that I ran past the house a few times. Typically, the emergency stop had to occur half way around the loop but I felt a bit better afterwards. Overall a comfortable enough run at 4:41 pace. No hr data as I didn’t want to look at a watch.
    Time 2:04 + stretch
    Dist 26.53km

    Sunday am: Long Bike
    An epic enough bike for me. 1.5 hours very easy with a group then broke away up a hill. I didn’t actually intend to, I was maintaining Z2 ceiling and just pulled away. I was joined by another 2 lads about 10 mins later who sucked my wheel for a while. I had intended to head up a climb (Gallows Hills) and was happy that one of the lads kept me company. 4km climb at 7-8% gradient and we pushed up it at threshold RPE. It was shock to the system number 2 this week! It should be good practice for the Solarerberg climb in Roth though, well without the thousands of people lining it and closing in on you that is. It was fun sweeping down the longish winding descent but I did so with my heart in my mouth on occasion as there were a few blind corners. I left my company at 2hr45 and plodded on towards my usual rolling TT course. I had 2 nutri grain elevenses on board at needed a gel at about 3.5hrs. Just as that gel was fading though some f**kers swerved at me (I was in the hard shoulder on a wide road between Croom and Patrickswell) for fun. I lost my balance and fell onto the grass. Thankfully a soft landing with nothing more than some mud on me! I was raging though. I was slow to get up as I was staring to fade. I got going again but bonked about 20 mins from home. I should have eaten a bigger breakfast considering I had done a long run the previous evening and indeed had more food with me. Lesson learned but no accounting for the idiots :mad:.
    Time 4:15
    Dist 125.85km

    Sunday pm: Super easy run and Stretch.
    4km at 5:31/km pace just loosening myself out to stretch out tight quads and calves.

    Weekly numbers
    27 Dec-02 Jan|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    Solid week but I was feeling it by the end. Just 2 non-base bits which attributed to the fatigue, however plenty of sleep balanced it out a bit. The Waterford Half Marathon will be at the tail end of a heavy week too so that adds some doubt to the sub90 attempt. I'm confident enough I can hit it on fresh legs but I won't be breaking my training stride for it. Week 9 down, 27 to go :)

    Monday pm: Z2 run
    I had intended a swim but rocked up to the Arena to find that Swim Ireland had taken over the whole pool again. I had a session in mind but there was no way I could do it in the where’s Wally lane so I bailed and headed home for a run instead. A hilly 14.99km at a decent clip 4:24/km, hr 150 and I calmly pencilled in a swim for the end of the week instead. Santa brought me a pair of skins for my calves but I couldn’t for the life of me find them. Calves are feeling tender with all the running and the quads still had the bike climb in them.
    Time 1:06 + stretch
    Dist 14.99km

    Tuesday am: Easy run
    It was a Z2 run on the plan but I reined it right back. I’m back to early morning training as of today. My legs were asleep and when they awoke felt tired and lifeless. I put on an extra layer expecting it to be colder than it was so I heated up more than I normally would for 141 hr and 4:48/km pace. I need to root for the compression socks later.
    Time 1:00
    Dist 12.5km

    Happy New Year to all the loggers :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,724 ✭✭✭kennyb3

    Great spin MCOS, fair play for getting out this time of year. I've only bonked once but its something i ll never forget so hope you are alright.

    Anyway just wondering what you wore out on the bike and how warm you felt? I need to get back out on the bike but i ll need to buy some winter gear or else i ll be constantly sick.

    Hope you dont mind me bending your ear

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    kennyb3 wrote: »
    Great spin MCOS, fair play for getting out this time of year. I've only bonked once but its something i ll never forget so hope you are alright.

    Anyway just wondering what you wore out on the bike and how warm you felt? I need to get back out on the bike but i ll need to buy some winter gear or else i ll be constantly sick.

    Hope you dont mind me bending your ear

    Not at all kennyb3. Yeah I've bonked twice before but I was close to home this time. The climb took more juice than anticipated.

    Anyway it was cool enough out, about 3 degrees. I had on thermal long sleeve top that I got from Lidle a while back, a thermal HH pair of leggings, a short sleeve cycling top, a long sleeve cycling top that I got in Aldi ages ago (useless for holding anything in the pockets but warm so value for money), shorts, beanie under the helmet and a pair of tinsulate gloves (light enough, I use for running too) and heavy duty shoe covers.

    The legs and body generally warm up quickly but its the fingers that will go numb if you don't have decent gloves and your toes may fall off if you don't have decent shoe covers. Wind Chill is the main factor. If its zero degrees but dry I'll go out on a flatter route, zero degrees and breezey and it feels like minus 5. I keep saying I'll get a light cycling jacket but the onl;y one I have is waterproof and while brilliant for rain, visibility and wind, you tend to roast in it if you have too many layers on

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Tuesday pm: Swim set (LC)
    The plan
    20*200m off 3:45
    20*200m off 3:45 in on 3:18-2:21 for the first 10, 3:20-3:35 the next 10
    I found this very tough and although I held it together for about 15 reps, I faded dramatically afterwards with no power left for the last 2. I was tempted to bail at 3k but got it done. 2 poor session in one day, I think I was just having a day of it. Energy was low. When I looked back on my diray I did the 200s off 3:40 last time but at a steadier pace, I should have checked that before last night :rolleyes:
    Time: 1:15
    Dist: 4,000m

    Wednesday am: Group swism session (LC)
    Feels like an age since I swam with the morning group. The usual suspects were all missing from the fast lane so I was shoved forward to lead out. Reluctant after last nights swim.
    6*50 kicking
    6*50 single arm
    8*50 kick 25 swim 25
    3*(200/2*100/2*50) basically swam at 1:36-1:38 pace to hit RTs.
    300m b/s with fins cool down
    I felt much better and stronger. Hit the 200s in 3:13 each. I had 7 good hours sleep last night and a yoghurt and some OJ before the swim. It made a bit of difference anyway. Plus its nice to train with others :)
    Time 1:00
    Dist 2,800m

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Great 2010 MCOS and well done. You really set the standard here for logging triathletes and are a great man to give well thought, honest advice. I for one am already looking forward to your Roth race report, indeed you are already impressing with some of those sessions put down.

    On the bonking issue-I find a gel every 20min after an hour of a long ride helps me and a banana after 2hrs, works for me anyway.

    Happy new year and the very best of luck in 2011.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Having a morning off training allows my body to rest a bit and my quads and calves are relieved about that. If I hadn't been so asleep this morning though I'd have compression socks on too. We stayed up watching a movie last night so while 7.5 hours sleep is better than 6.5, it could have been a solid 8.5hrs. I have to make an effort to hit the sack earlier. I'm awfully tempted to chuck a blanket into the back seat of my car for lunchtime snoozes...

    Thursday pm: Z1/2 Brick
    Turbo 0:38 Z1, 0:22 Z2 pushing a higher output on the Z2 section. Avg 257watts, HR 129, cadence 95 (higher than usual). My quads in particular felt like lead for almost 15mins. Once warmed up I was fine but I had to push the RPE to get it up to Z2. A quick change into dry tops but stood on the doorstep for a minute waiting for the garmin to find a signal. I kept the run comfortable and didn't push any inclines. HR 145, pace 4:32. Overall a good session but I did feel tired on the bike. I'll be booking in a rub on the next recovery week.
    Time: 1:37 + stretch
    Dist: 37.2km/8.18km

    I'm still eating the odd chocolate here and there, but one or two and not by the handful, they will be finished soon! Also gradually putting away the box of crunchy nut cornflakes and the christmas cake. 5 days off the biscuits is significant enough to call this week progress so far :) New Year's Day weight in was 77.4kg which I was surprised with. Its only 0.5kg off my lowest weight (peak fitness) in 2010.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Thursday pm: Turbo FTP session
    The plan
    3*12mins at 90% FTP
    3*12mins at 90-93% FTP, 5 min Z1 between reps
    I found this tough. I pushed the reps out at 100rpm and 280-290w. I find the cadence hard to hold, I don't know how Jackyback does 105+ regularly. On the 3rd rep my legs started screaming at me a bit, I dropped the cadence and pushed a bigger gear for a 'rest' holding the same output. Overall an hour at 272w, hr 140, cadence 98, Dist 39.1km. I took a few minutes of a breather and what will distinguish my log from Izoard's, headed out for a comfortable Z1/2 run holding back on hills. Pace 4:36, hr 143, cadence 88, Dist 9.09km.

    So I was basically quite tired after that session. Put away a large helping of couscous and chicken, did a half hearted stretch and headed to bed earlier than usual. I read for a while and slept soundly.

    Friday am: Group swim session (LC)
    Made it down to the pool on time and all the usual suspects were back. I figured I would be tired after the turbo the previous evening so I planned to hang out towards the back of the group. The set was interesting
    16*50m counting strokes, 34-36 per length
    8*50m kicking drills
    10*100m off 1:45
    10*50 kicking and backstroke
    I felt better than I though I would, must be down to the sleep! The 150s were fine. The first 5 100s were comfortable too, then epoepl started dropping back after every rep until I was chasing 3 super swimmers by the last one hitting solid 1:36 pace or better. It was a good main set. I felt good on the kicking drills and I can do a full length of terrible backstroke without feeling like I'm drowning. Actually really enjoyed this session :)
    Time 1:09
    Dist 3,500m

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Thursday pm: Turbo FTP session
    3*12mins at 90-93% FTP, 5 min Z1 between reps
    I found this tough. I pushed the reps out at 100rpm and 280-290w. I find the cadence hard to hold, I don't know how Jackyback does 105+ regularly[/B].

    I will give you a hint Shotgun i am not pushing 280/290 watts in that session that is how i maintain 105+:) I think i normally hit around the 200 mark when maintaining that cadence and upwards to 240 when hitting a cadence of about 97/98. You seem to push a bigger gear than me which obviously creates the higher output/lower cadence were i would be the opposite my output is generally 30/40 off your stats but cadence is normally 4/5 higher. I would love to know what the optimum level is!!

    That session above looks pretty tough going, to hold that output at that high a cadence for that long is pretty darn good. I look forward to doing similiar when i get out of the base phase.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    Is the 100rpm for any reason? I presume you will not be racing at that cadence?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    mloc123 wrote: »
    Is the 100rpm for any reason? I presume you will not be racing at that cadence?

    No I won't be racing at that cadence. But for T20 I'd be somewhere between it and my race target of 90 so doing reps at that cadence so that when I test my FTP it won't be a shock to the system to push the cadence a bit. That said next time I will vary it and do one or 2 of the reps at lower cadence and higher gear and judge the comfort levels. Perhaps somewhere between the 2 will be the optimum test cadence.

    Secondly just like doing higher output work than race pace makes race pace feel easier, higher cadence work than race cadence will make race cadence feel more comfortable

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Just had a wee read there of the last few weeks. My oh my, you are going great guns Mr.COS. Absolutely savage training - and still in base period. I don't know about you, but I'm scared of what you will be doing in the serious training phases! There's me thinking I'm great doing a LSR and taking the next day as a rest nd you're here doing a LSR and following the next day with a 4:15 long bike!!

    I think Izoard has summed the log up well here::D
    Izoard wrote: »
    Well, you are certainly scaring the bejaysus out of anyone else thinking of signing up for an IM:)

    That feckin' d***head swerving for you on that cycle too. He'll get his come uppins some day!

    As a matter of interest what %HR do you call Z1, Z2, Z3 etc.? Also, is your 100% zone Z4 or do you use a Z5?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Hey Macrani, cheers buddy training is going well. The IM Build phase won't be a whole lot different in structure to be honest just more specific hill work and race pace bits. My base fitness was my major limiter so that is just something I had to work on early.

    My HR zones are based off LTHR + J Friel taken from
    T20 on the bike
    track 3k for the run
    However based on MAXHR for the bike they work out approx as
    Z1 less than 74% (76% for run) easy
    Z2 76-82% (77-81% for run) extensive endurance
    Z3 83-85% (82-86% for run) intensive endurance
    Z4 86-91% (87-90% for run) tempo
    Z5 92%+ (90%+ for run) speed

    Heres a quick link

    I also work off RPE too (basic 10 scale) and if the RPE for Z2 is higher than usual its decision time for that session

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Friday pm: Z2 run
    I like running in the snow and even enjoyed the conditions in December. Granted we didn't get the depths that most of the country did. Headed out in a snow shower last night and there was already an inch on the ground. It was a 2 lap run. Lap one felt great and I skipped along merrily crunching the fresh snow at sub 4:30 pace. There were a few other runners out in the elements too all with equally scrunched faces. I understood why when the occasional sleet like snowflake landed on my eyeball. The snow shower stopped on lap 2 and the snow started turning to slush immediately giving less traction and generally increasing the RPE, especially on hills. I was also feeling hungry and began running out of steam before the hour. I generally detest McDonalds but always pass it 2km from home and the waft of burgers from the drive by window challenges that hatred. At this point I was still feeling ok but 10 mins later I was panting and sweating heavily at my doorstep despite easing the pace a little. Running on snow is nice but the dry compacted stuff, not the wet slushy muck. Overall 4:29 pace, hr 152. I finally found the compression skins and my calves were grateful for them.
    Time 1:09
    Dist 15.4km

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    My base fitness was my major limiter so that is just something I had to work on early.

    However based on MAXHR for the bike they work out approx as
    Z1 >74% (>76% for run) easy
    Z2 >82% (>81% for run) extensive endurance
    Z3 >85% (>86% for run) intensive endurance
    Z4 >91% (>90% for run) tempo
    Z5 92%+ (90%+ for run) speed

    Thanks for the link man.

    You are certainly adressing your base fitness.

    Should those '>' symbols be less than '<' symbols? ie the Z1 run is less than 76% HRmax? Do you mind me asking you what your maxHr is?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    How I established my zones without going to the lab
    3km track test all out. Avg heart rate was the benchmark, its also where I have hit my max heart rate outright (191)

    Here ya go I remember asking him that a while back myself

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Saturday pm: LSR
    Longest run since the DCM. I felt good to start but knew the weeks running would catch up on me. It was late enough after work when I got out too. Not ideal. The first 10km were too pacey so I reined it back a bit. I was just trying to hit a cadence of 90. I managed it for an hour then it slipped to 86-88. By 20km I was feeling it. I had tread carefully over a number of black ice spots and lost my footing twice on 180 turns. It was just about getting it done. Stopped at Xtra vision to collect a DVD at 26km and downed a can of coke. Once I belched up the gas loudly passing surprised bystanders at a bus stop, I felt better for the last hill home. Legs were shot for a finish though, hip flexors and hams especially.
    Time 2:11
    Dist 28.6km

    Sunday: Double turbo :confused:
    The plan
    Long hilly bike with the lads
    The roads were too icy for that. So instead...

    AM: Turbo + run
    2 hours steady in Z1 spinning at 90rpm and a lower output that usual. I was not getting up at silly o clock since I had done a long run the previous evening. The legs felt ok though, 221w, hr 122, cadence 90. The run was very easy but I felt like a bag of bones. Again not shocking since it was my biggest run week by a distance. Pace 4:53/km, hr 136.
    Time 2:29
    Dist 65km/5.92km

    PM: Turbo + core
    2 more hours steady in Z1 for most of it and recovery pace for the last half hour. I didn't have the time for a longer turbo this morning so decided to split it. This was mental torture. I had 5 fig rolls on the mantlepiece beside me and rewarded myself with one avery 20 mins. Output was lower again at 205w but heart rate a bit higher at 124. The last 30 mins was at 160w. I wanted to get off so many times but didn't. 2*2hr turbos in one day, It wouldn't have even entered my mind before! The stretches afterwards were needed and I barely managed 50 sit ups.
    Time 2:00 + stretch
    Dist 61.3km

    Weekly numbers
    27 Dec-02 Jan|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    Another solid week, building slightly overall but really surpassing my best weekly running mileage. The legs are feeling it but no niggles to report which is good. I'll back off a little and do a lot more stretching and less running this week ahead of Waterford. I won't be tapering for it and although I'm confident I can get sub90, the question is can I do it on tired legs? We shall see. Week 10 down, 26 to go :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    17:23 :eek:

    Nice work.. im finding it hard to avoid reading your log these days :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    That is a fast paced LSR Shotgun well done. I would find it hard to do a split 2x2hr session on the turbo, i caould imagine the second session was hellish.

    Great numbers for the week, i think we are going to have to handicap you in the SCR 2011 challenge....maybe -50km a week sound fair?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    That is a fast paced LSR Shotgun well done. I would find it hard to do a split 2x2hr session on the turbo, i caould imagine the second session was hellish.

    Great numbers for the week, i think we are going to have to handicap you in the SCR 2011 challenge....maybe -50km a week sound fair?

    The 2nd session was torture, I kid you not. Alicia Keys wasn't even doing it for me! As for the handicap. ye can feic off with that. Once this IM is over I'll be resting on some warm sand somewhere yet to be decided :D Anyway, it seems to be more competitive already this year :)

    This morning: 'Group' session (LC)
    I say 'group' because I basically swam the whole evil set alone. There were 3 super swimmers that belted off in front of me. I wasn't even close enough after 50m to see them tumble turn in front of me. As the sets went on it was a case of trying not to get lapped. One other lad who was behind me with an even redder face than mine. I have no idea what time the 3 in front were going off. I'd swear they were all beating their chests like gorillas by the time I got to the wall, or perhaps I was hallucinating. To make matters worse the other lad, a mate, cracked off a witty comment towards the end which had me laughing hysterically and trying to swim hard simulateously. You can't imagine what that feel like, but it does resemble drowning!
    The evil session was as follows
    12*50m catch up warm up
    200m, 4*100m - 1 min rest
    300m, 4*150m - 1 min rest
    400m, 2*200m
    100m backstroke cool down
    Like I mentioned I have no idea what the RTs were but we were on about 1:35 pace for those 150s. The 400 toasted me and I faded after that. The gorillas were doing sprints and still beating their chest while I hung my head in the shower. A good session but hard. I'll be easing right off my long swim set this week.
    Time 1:02
    Dist 3,200m

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    As for the handicap. ye can feic off with that.

    I dont think MCOS should be handicapped on this one. However ... :) I propose a handicap IS imposed on those in the teaching profession that tend to have ample training / rest time around the holidays and throughout the summer.

    Lets say ... -50k on bike and -20k for run ... per week ....

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    interested wrote: »
    I dont think MCOS should be handicapped on this one. However ... :) I propose a handicap IS imposed on those in the teaching profession that tend to have ample training / rest time around the holidays and throughout the summer.

    Lets say ... -50k on bike and -20k for run ... per week ....

    LOL :D Yep that profession have the opportunity to train like PROs for teh summer *looks for envious smiley..*

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Here Here I remember El Director logging his mid-morning power naps last Summer. * They should be out sweeping the roads!

    * (Furtively looks around while typing as MrsC is a primary teacher)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Ha ha...funny men indeed! However check out the 2010 SCR Challenge and you will see that I'm not much of a threat when it comes to clocking up the miles!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Ha ha...funny men indeed! However check out the 2010 SCR Challenge and you will see that I'm not much of a threat when it comes to clocking up the miles!
    Wishing you a clean bill of health this summer ;)

    Tuesday pm: Easy run
    I wanted to run at lunch but got no lunch so that plan went out the window. Such was the nature of work, that I arrived home with a headache, nose running like a tap and zero motivation. Caz was going for a run so I thought I'd join her. It was wet and windy out and she was quiet, thinking about how whe will last a half marathon this weekend after a few weeks off running. She claims to have zero HTFU qualities when it comes to running, but this is a girl who ran the DCM in 4:14 with shin splints. Hence I wasn't too surprised when she pushed her fastest km of the run over a hill she dreads. Her focus perked my mood up no end and I was her happy shadow before long :) Pace 5:28/km hr 122
    Time 0:32
    Dist 5.94km

    Tuesday am: Long swim set (LC)
    The plan
    10*400m easy
    10*400m off 7:30 in on rock solid 6:55-7:00
    I chose to do this in the morning instead of the usual run as the evening pool was wrecking my head. Plus I get home too late and because I wired after work I'm too concerned about hitting rep times. I'm typically toasted on the last quarter of the swim and if I swim on wednesday mornings I'm wrecked. The only reason for doing it in the evenings was that I had more time to get the set done. The pool opens at 7 so I have a max window of 75-80 mins for the session. I actually enjoyed this swim. The pool was quiet and with no distractions I just got on with it. A glass of OJ and a yoghurt seems to work for me in the mornings too and I feel my energy goes that little bit further than on nothing. The reps were all solid. I swam as even a pace as I could and purposely reined it back. I had no expectancy other than to get in before the RT. I noticed that I was typically just under 7 mins per rep. This is slower than the last time I did this set but ultimately more comfortable. I wasn't spent after it and delighted to get the whole lot done before work. I would have settled for 8 or 9 reps if I had to. I can now run at lunch and keep the evening free :) A simple decision and less life stress :)
    Time 1:15
    Dist 4,000m

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Great swim session MCOS, I remember when interested first suggested 10x400m you were all :eek::eek:! Well done savage swimming.

    Do you find that the swimming helps you in the other two disciplines and if so how? (Only if you have time dude ;))

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    10x400 off 7:30 - nice! :cool:

    Just wondering if you've given any thought to you bike setup, etc for the IM? I assume you'll use the PX? Will you be changing your setup for the big one?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Do you find that the swimming helps you in the other two disciplines and if so how? (Only if you have time dude ;))
    Hmmm, I'm not sure ElD. I don't really kick other than to balance myself but maybe its just being in the water that breaks up the load on the legs and as such gives them a 'break' of sorts. Maybe I'm not kicking enough though too :o
    pgibbo wrote: »
    Just wondering if you've given any thought to you bike setup, etc for the IM? I assume you'll use the PX? Will you be changing your setup for the big one?
    Not yet pgibbo. I did it myself for last year but I will definitely get a fitting done before the HIM to test out before the biggie. Looking forward to the long evenings so I can take it out for a spin. I refuse to put it on the turbo as I'm not investing in more wheels
